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Found 6 packages, which contain /usr/share/man/ro/man1:

Package: help2man

Description: Automatic manpage generator
Program to create simple man pages from the --help and --version output of other programs.
Since most GNU documentation is now in info format, this provides a way to generate a placeholder man page pointing to that resource while still providing some useful information.
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Manual pages:


Info files:

help2man-de.info help2man-es.info help2man-fr.info
help2man-pl.info help2man-pt_BR.info help2man-ro.info
help2man-sr.info help2man-sv.info help2man-uk.info
help2man-zh_CN.info help2man.info

Other documents:

/usr/share/doc/help2man /usr/share/doc/help2man/examples

Package: man-db

Description: tools for reading manual pages
This package provides the man command, the primary way of examining the system help files (manual pages). Other utilities provided include the whatis and apropos commands for searching the manual page database, the manpath utility for determining the manual page search path, and the maintenance utilities mandb, catman and zsoelim. man-db uses the groff suite of programs to format and display the manual pages.
Homepage: https://man-db.gitlab.io/man-db/
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Manual pages:

apropos(1) lexgrog(1) man-recode(1)
man(1) manconv(1) manpath(1)
whatis(1) zsoelim(1) manpath(5)
accessdb(8) catman(8) mandb(8)

Other documents:

/usr/share/doc/man-db /usr/share/doc/man-db/examples

Package: man2html-base

Description: convert man pages into HTML format
The package contains a command-line tool for converting man pages into HTML format.
man2html-base is a stripped-down package containing only a man to HTML converter, useful for users who do not need any CGI interface, provided in the man2html package.
Homepage: http://users.actrix.gen.nz/michael/vhman2html.html
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Manual pages:


Other documents:


Package: nmap

Description: The Network Mapper
Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning techniques, version detection (determine service protocols and application versions listening behind ports), and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host OS or device identification). Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy/stealth scanning, sunRPC scanning, and more. Most Unix and Windows platforms are supported in both GUI and commandline modes. Several popular handheld devices are also supported, including the Sharp Zaurus and the iPAQ.
Homepage: https://nmap.org/
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Manual pages:

nmap(1) nping(1)

Other documents:


Package: psmisc

Description: utilities that use the proc file system
This package contains miscellaneous utilities that use the proc FS:
 - fuser: identifies processes that are using files or sockets.
 - killall: kills processes by name (e.g. "killall -HUP named").
 - peekfd: shows the data traveling over a file descriptor.
 - pstree: shows currently running processes as a tree.
 - prtstat: print the contents of /proc/<pid>/stat
Homepage: http://psmisc.sf.net/
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Manual pages:

fuser(1) killall(1) peekfd(1)
prtstat(1) pslog(1) pstree(1)

Other documents:


Package: xz-utils

Description: XZ-format compression utilities
XZ is the successor to the Lempel-Ziv/Markov-chain Algorithm compression format, which provides memory-hungry but powerful compression (often better than bzip2) and fast, easy decompression.
This package provides the command line tools for working with XZ compression, including xz, unxz, xzcat, xzgrep, and so on. They can also handle the older LZMA format, and if invoked via appropriate symlinks will emulate the behavior of the commands in the lzma package.
The XZ format is similar to the older LZMA format but includes some improvements for general use:
 * 'file' magic for detecting XZ files;
 * crc64 data integrity check;
 * limited random-access reading support;
 * improved support for multithreading (not used in xz-utils);
 * support for flushing the encoder.
Homepage: https://tukaani.org/xz/
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Manual pages:

lzmainfo(1) unxz(1) xz(1)
xzcat(1) xzcmp(1) xzdiff(1)
xzegrep(1) xzfgrep(1) xzgrep(1)
xzless(1) xzmore(1)

Other documents:


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