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ZMQ_CTX_SET(3)                    0MQ Manual                    ZMQ_CTX_SET(3)

       zmq_ctx_set - set context options

       int zmq_ctx_set (void *context, int option_name, int option_value);

       The zmq_ctx_set() function shall set the option specified by the
       option_name argument to the value of the option_value argument.

       The zmq_ctx_set() function accepts the following options:

   ZMQ_BLOCKY: Fix blocky behavior
       By default the context will block, forever, on a zmq_ctx_term call. The
       assumption behind this behavior is that abrupt termination will cause
       message loss. Most real applications use some form of handshaking to
       ensure applications receive termination messages, and then terminate
       the context with ZMQ_LINGER set to zero on all sockets. This setting is
       an easier way to get the same result. When ZMQ_BLOCKY is set to false,
       all new sockets are given a linger timeout of zero. You must still
       close all sockets before calling zmq_ctx_term.

       Default value   true (old behavior)

   ZMQ_IO_THREADS: Set number of I/O threads
       The ZMQ_IO_THREADS argument specifies the size of the 0MQ thread pool
       to handle I/O operations. If your application is using only the inproc
       transport for messaging you may set this to zero, otherwise set it to
       at least one. This option only applies before creating any sockets on
       the context.

       Default value   1

   ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY: Set scheduling policy for I/O threads
       The ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY argument sets the scheduling policy for
       internal context’s thread pool. This option is not available on
       windows. Supported values for this option can be found in sched.h file,
       or at http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sched_setscheduler.2.html.
       This option only applies before creating any sockets on the context.

       Default value   -1

   ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY: Set scheduling priority for I/O threads
       The ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY argument sets scheduling priority for internal
       context’s thread pool. This option is not available on windows.
       Supported values for this option depend on chosen scheduling policy. On
       Linux, when the scheduler policy is SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_IDLE or
       SCHED_BATCH, the OS scheduler will not use the thread priority but
       rather the thread "nice value"; in such cases the system call "nice"
       will be used to set the nice value to -20 (max priority) instead of
       adjusting the thread priority (which must be zero for those scheduling
       policies). Details can be found in sched.h file, or at
       http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sched_setscheduler.2.html. This
       option only applies before creating any sockets on the context.

       Default value   -1

   ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_ADD: Add a CPU to list of affinity for I/O threads
       The ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_ADD argument adds a specific CPU to the
       affinity list for the internal context’s thread pool. This option is
       only supported on Linux. This option only applies before creating any
       sockets on the context. The default affinity list is empty and means
       that no explicit CPU-affinity will be set on internal context’s

       Default value   -1

   ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_REMOVE: Remove a CPU to list of affinity for I/O
       The ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_REMOVE argument removes a specific CPU to
       the affinity list for the internal context’s thread pool. This option
       is only supported on Linux. This option only applies before creating
       any sockets on the context. The default affinity list is empty and
       means that no explicit CPU-affinity will be set on internal context’s

       Default value   -1

   ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX: Set name prefix for I/O threads
       The ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX argument sets a numeric prefix to each
       thread created for the internal context’s thread pool. This option is
       only supported on Linux. This option is useful to help debugging done
       via "top -H" or "gdb"; in case multiple processes on the system are
       using ZeroMQ it is useful to provide through this context option an
       application-specific prefix to distinguish ZeroMQ background threads
       that belong to different processes. This option only applies before
       creating any sockets on the context.

       Default value   -1

   ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ: Set maximum message size
       The ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ argument sets the maximum allowed size of a message
       sent in the context. You can query the maximal allowed value with
       zmq_ctx_get(3) using the ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ option.

       Default value   INT_MAX

       Maximum value   INT_MAX

   ZMQ_ZERO_COPY_RECV: Specify message decoding strategy
       The ZMQ_ZERO_COPY_RECV argument specifies whether the message decoder
       should use a zero copy strategy when receiving messages. The zero copy
       strategy can lead to increased memory usage in some cases. This option
       allows you to use the older copying strategy. You can query the value
       of this option with zmq_ctx_get(3) using the ZMQ_ZERO_COPY_RECV option.
       NOTE: in DRAFT state, not yet available in stable releases.

       Default value   1

   ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS: Set maximum number of sockets
       The ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS argument sets the maximum number of sockets allowed
       on the context. You can query the maximal allowed value with
       zmq_ctx_get(3) using the ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT option.

       Default value   1023

   ZMQ_IPV6: Set IPv6 option
       The ZMQ_IPV6 argument sets the IPv6 value for all sockets created in
       the context from this point onwards. A value of 1 means IPv6 is
       enabled, while 0 means the socket will use only IPv4. When IPv6 is
       enabled, a socket will connect to, or accept connections from, both
       IPv4 and IPv6 hosts.

       Default value   0

       The zmq_ctx_set() function returns zero if successful. Otherwise it
       returns -1 and sets errno to one of the values defined below.

           The requested option option_name is unknown.

       Setting a limit on the number of sockets.

           void *context = zmq_ctx_new ();
           zmq_ctx_set (context, ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS, 256);
           int max_sockets = zmq_ctx_get (context, ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS);
           assert (max_sockets == 256);

       zmq_ctx_get(3) zmq(7)

       This page was written by the 0MQ community. To make a change please
       read the 0MQ Contribution Policy at

0MQ 4.3.4                         01/18/2023                    ZMQ_CTX_SET(3)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 05:35:11 CEST 2024.