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WATCHDOG(3)                        watchdog                        WATCHDOG(3)

       watchdog - watchdog Documentation

       Python API library and shell utilities to monitor file system events.

       Works on 3.6+.

       If you want to use Python 2.6, you should stick with watchdog < 0.10.0.

       If you want to use Python 2.7, 3.4 or 3.5, you should stick with watch-
       dog < 1.0.0.

       • A cross-platform API.

       • A shell tool to run commands in response to directory changes.

       Get started quickly with a simple example in Quickstart.

       You can use pip to install watchdog quickly and easily:

          $ python -m pip install -U watchdog

       Need more help with installing? See Installation.

       watchdog requires 3.6+ to work. See a list of Dependencies.

   Installing from PyPI using pip
          $ python -m pip install -U watchdog

          # or to install the watchmedo utility:
          $ python -m pip install -U watchdog[watchmedo]

   Installing from source tarballs
          $ wget -c https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/w/watchdog/watchdog-2.2.1.tar.gz
          $ tar zxvf watchdog-2.2.1.tar.gz
          $ cd watchdog-2.2.1
          $ python -m pip install -e .

          # or to install the watchmedo utility:
          $ python -m pip install -e ".[watchmedo]"

   Installing from the code repository
          $ git clone --recursive git://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog.git
          $ cd watchdog
          $ python -m pip install -e .

          # or to install the watchmedo utility:
          $ python -m pip install -e ".[watchmedo]"

       watchdog depends on many libraries to do its job. The  following  is  a
       list of dependencies you need based on the operating system you are us-

             │Operating     │ Windows │ Linux 2.6 │ macOS Darwin │ BSD │
             │system Depen- │         │           │              │     │
             │dency (row)   │         │           │              │     │
             │XCode         │         │           │ Yes          │     │

       The following is a list of dependencies you need based on the operating
       system you are using the watchmedo utility.

             │Operating     │ Windows │ Linux 2.6 │ macOS Darwin │ BSD │
             │system Depen- │         │           │              │     │
             │dency (row)   │         │           │              │     │
             │PyYAML        │ Yes     │ Yes       │ Yes          │ Yes │

   Installing Dependencies
       The  watchmedo  script  depends on PyYAML which links with LibYAML.  On
       macOS, you can use homebrew to install LibYAML:

          brew install libyaml

       On Linux, use your favorite package manager to install LibYAML.  Here's
       how you do it on Ubuntu:

          sudo apt install libyaml-dev

       On Windows, please install PyYAML using the binaries they provide.

   Supported Platforms (and Caveats)
       watchdog  uses  native APIs as much as possible falling back to polling
       the disk periodically to compare directory snapshots only when it  can-
       not  use  an  API natively-provided by the underlying operating system.
       The following operating systems are currently supported:

          Differences between behaviors of these native API are noted below.

       Linux 2.6+
              Linux kernel version 2.6 and  later  come  with  an  API  called
              inotify that programs can use to monitor file system events.

                 On  most  systems  the  maximum number of watches that can be
                 created per user is limited to 8192. watchdog needs  one  per
                 directory   to   monitor.   To   change   this   limit,  edit
                 /etc/sysctl.conf and add:


       macOS  The Darwin kernel/OS X API maintains two ways to monitor  direc-
              tories for file system events:

              • kqueueFSEvents

              watchdog can use whichever one is available, preferring FSEvents
              over kqueue(2). kqueue(2) uses open file descriptors  for  moni-
              toring  and  the  current  implementation uses macOS File System
              Monitoring Performance Guidelines to open these file descriptors
              only  to  monitor  events, thus allowing OS X to unmount volumes
              that are being watched without locking them.

                 More information about how watchdog uses kqueue(2)  is  noted
                 in  BSD  Unix  variants.  Much of this information applies to
                 macOS as well.

       BSD variants come with kqueue which programs can use to monitor
              changes to open file descriptors. Because of the  way  kqueue(2)
              works,  watchdog  needs  to  open these files and directories in
              read-only non-blocking mode and keep books about them.

              watchdog will automatically open file descriptors  for  all  new
              files/directories created and close those for which are deleted.

                 The  maximum number of open file descriptor per process limit
                 on your operating system can  hinder  watchdog's  ability  to
                 monitor files.

                 You  should  ensure  this limit is set to at least 1024 (or a
                 value suitable to your usage). The following command appended
                 to your ~/.profile configuration file does this for you:

                     ulimit -n 1024

       Windows Vista and later
              The  Windows  API  provides  the ReadDirectoryChangesW. watchdog
              currently contains implementation for a synchronous approach re-
              quiring  additional  API functionality only available in Windows
              Vista and later.

                 Since renaming is not the same operation as movement on  Win-
                 dows,  watchdog  tries  hard  to  convert renames to movement
                 events. Also, because the ReadDirectoryChangesW API  function
                 returns  rename/movement  events  for directories even before
                 the underlying I/O is complete, watchdog may not be  able  to
                 completely  scan the moved directory in order to successfully
                 queue movement events for files and directories within it.

                 Since the Windows API  does  not  provide  information  about
                 whether an object is a file or a directory, delete events for
                 directories may be reported as a file deleted event.

       OS Independent Polling
              watchdog also  includes  a  fallback-implementation  that  polls
              watched  directories for changes by periodically comparing snap-
              shots of the directory tree.

       Below we present a simple example that monitors the  current  directory
       recursively  (which means, it will traverse any sub-directories) to de-
       tect changes. Here is what we will do with the API:

       1. Create an instance of the watchdog.observers.Observer thread class.

       2. Implement a subclass of  watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler  (or
          as     in     our     case,     we    will    use    the    built-in
          watchdog.events.LoggingEventHandler, which already does).

       3. Schedule monitoring a few paths with the observer instance attaching
          the event handler.

       4. Start  the  observer  thread and wait for it generate events without
          blocking our main thread.

       By default, an watchdog.observers.Observer instance  will  not  monitor
       sub-directories.  By passing recursive=True in the call to watchdog.ob-
       servers.Observer.schedule() monitoring entire directory  trees  is  en-

   A Simple Example
       The following example program will monitor the current directory recur-
       sively for file system changes and simply log them to the console:

          import sys
          import logging
          from watchdog.observers import Observer
          from watchdog.events import LoggingEventHandler

          if __name__ == "__main__":
                                  format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s',
                                  datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
              path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '.'
              event_handler = LoggingEventHandler()
              observer = Observer()
              observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True)
                  while observer.is_alive():

       To stop the program, press Control-C.

       module watchdog.events

              File system events and event handlers.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

   Event Classes
       class watchdog.events.FileSystemEvent(src_path)
              Bases: object

              Immutable type that represents a file system event that is trig-
              gered when a change occurs on the monitored file system.

              All  FileSystemEvent  objects  are  required to be immutable and
              hence can be used as keys in dictionaries or be added to sets.

              event_type = None
                     The type of the event as a string.

              is_directory = False
                     True if event was emitted for a directory;  False  other-

              is_synthetic = False
                     True if event was synthesized; False otherwise.

                     These  are  events that weren't actually broadcast by the
                     OS, but are presumed to have happened based on other, ac-
                     tual events.

              property src_path
                     Source path of the file system object that triggered this

       class watchdog.events.FileSystemMovedEvent(src_path, dest_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File system event representing any kind of file system movement.

              property dest_path
                     The destination path of the move event.

              event_type = 'moved'
                     The type of the event as a string.

       class watchdog.events.FileMovedEvent(src_path, dest_path)
              Bases: FileSystemMovedEvent

              File system event representing file movement on the file system.

       class watchdog.events.DirMovedEvent(src_path, dest_path)
              Bases: FileSystemMovedEvent

              File system event representing directory movement  on  the  file

              is_directory = True
                     True  if  event was emitted for a directory; False other-

       class watchdog.events.FileModifiedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File system event representing file  modification  on  the  file

              event_type = 'modified'
                     The type of the event as a string.

       class watchdog.events.DirModifiedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File  system  event  representing  directory modification on the
              file system.

              event_type = 'modified'
                     The type of the event as a string.

              is_directory = True
                     True if event was emitted for a directory;  False  other-

       class watchdog.events.FileCreatedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File system event representing file creation on the file system.

              event_type = 'created'
                     The type of the event as a string.

       class watchdog.events.FileClosedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File system event representing file close on the file system.

              event_type = 'closed'
                     The type of the event as a string.

       class watchdog.events.DirCreatedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File  system  event  representing directory creation on the file

              event_type = 'created'
                     The type of the event as a string.

              is_directory = True
                     True if event was emitted for a directory;  False  other-

       class watchdog.events.FileDeletedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File system event representing file deletion on the file system.

              event_type = 'deleted'
                     The type of the event as a string.

       class watchdog.events.DirDeletedEvent(src_path)
              Bases: FileSystemEvent

              File  system  event  representing directory deletion on the file

              event_type = 'deleted'
                     The type of the event as a string.

              is_directory = True
                     True if event was emitted for a directory;  False  other-

   Event Handler Classes
       class watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler
              Bases: object

              Base  file  system  event  handler that you can override methods

                     Dispatches events to the appropriate methods.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

                     Catch-all event handler.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

                     Called when a file opened for writing is closed.

                            event (FileClosedEvent) -- Event representing file

                     Called when a file or directory is created.

                            event  (DirCreatedEvent  or  FileCreatedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory creation.

                     Called when a file or directory is deleted.

                            event  (DirDeletedEvent  or  FileDeletedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory deletion.

                     Called when a file or directory is modified.

                            event  (DirModifiedEvent  or FileModifiedEvent) --
                            Event representing file/directory modification.

                     Called when a file or a directory is moved or renamed.

                            event (DirMovedEvent or FileMovedEvent)  --  Event
                            representing file/directory movement.

       class   watchdog.events.PatternMatchingEventHandler(patterns=None,  ig-
       nore_patterns=None, ignore_directories=False, case_sensitive=False)
              Bases: FileSystemEventHandler

              Matches given patterns with file paths associated with occurring

              property case_sensitive
                     (Read-only)  True  if path names should be matched sensi-
                     tive to case; False otherwise.

                     Dispatches events to the appropriate methods.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

              property ignore_directories
                     (Read-only)  True if directories should be ignored; False

              property ignore_patterns
                     (Read-only) Patterns to ignore matching event paths.

              property patterns
                     (Read-only) Patterns to allow matching event paths.

       class    watchdog.events.RegexMatchingEventHandler(regexes=None,    ig-
       nore_regexes=None, ignore_directories=False, case_sensitive=False)
              Bases: FileSystemEventHandler

              Matches  given regexes with file paths associated with occurring

              property case_sensitive
                     (Read-only) True if path names should be  matched  sensi-
                     tive to case; False otherwise.

                     Dispatches events to the appropriate methods.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

              property ignore_directories
                     (Read-only) True if directories should be ignored;  False

              property ignore_regexes
                     (Read-only) Regexes to ignore matching event paths.

              property regexes
                     (Read-only) Regexes to allow matching event paths.

       class watchdog.events.LoggingEventHandler(logger=None)
              Bases: FileSystemEventHandler

              Logs all the events captured.

                     Called when a file or directory is created.

                            event  (DirCreatedEvent  or  FileCreatedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory creation.

                     Called when a file or directory is deleted.

                            event  (DirDeletedEvent  or  FileDeletedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory deletion.

                     Called when a file or directory is modified.

                            event  (DirModifiedEvent  or FileModifiedEvent) --
                            Event representing file/directory modification.

                     Called when a file or a directory is moved or renamed.

                            event (DirMovedEvent or FileMovedEvent)  --  Event
                            representing file/directory movement.

       class watchdog.observers.api.ObservedWatch(path, recursive)
              Bases: object

              An scheduled watch.

              Parameterspath -- Path string.

                     • recursive  --  True if watch is recursive; False other-

              property is_recursive
                     Determines whether subdirectories  are  watched  for  the

              property path
                     The path that this watch monitors.

       class watchdog.observers.api.EventQueue(maxsize=0)
              Bases: SkipRepeatsQueue

              Thread-safe  event  queue  based  on  a special queue that skips
              adding the same event (FileSystemEvent) multiple times  consecu-
              tively.  Thus avoiding dispatching multiple event handling calls
              when multiple identical events are produced quicker than an  ob-
              server can consume them.

       class   watchdog.observers.api.EventEmitter(event_queue,  watch,  time-
              Bases: BaseThread

              Producer thread base class subclassed  by  event  emitters  that
              generate events and populate a queue with them.

              Parametersevent_queue  (watchdog.events.EventQueue)  -- The event
                       queue to populate with generated events.

                     • watch (ObservedWatch) -- The watch to observe and  pro-
                       duce events for.

                     • timeout (float) -- Timeout (in seconds) between succes-
                       sive attempts at reading events.

                     Queues a single event.

                            event          (An           instance           of
                            watchdog.events.FileSystemEvent or a subclass.) --
                            Event to be queued.

                     Override this method to populate  the  event  queue  with
                     events per interval period.

                            timeout  (float)  --  Timeout (in seconds) between
                            successive attempts at reading events.

              run()  Method representing the thread's activity.

                     You may override this method in a subclass. The  standard
                     run()  method  invokes  the callable object passed to the
                     object's constructor as the target argument, if any, with
                     sequential  and keyword arguments taken from the args and
                     kwargs arguments, respectively.

              property timeout
                     Blocking timeout for reading events.

              property watch
                     The watch associated with this emitter.

       class watchdog.observers.api.EventDispatcher(timeout=1)
              Bases: BaseThread

              Consumer thread base class subclassed by event observer  threads
              that  dispatch  events  from an event queue to appropriate event

                     timeout (float) -- Timeout value (in seconds)  passed  to
                     emitters constructions in the child class BaseObserver.

                     Override  this  method  to  consume  events from an event
                     queue, blocking on the queue for  the  specified  timeout
                     before raising queue.Empty.

                            event_queue  (EventQueue)  -- Event queue to popu-
                            late with one set of events.

                     Raises queue.Empty

              property event_queue
                     The event queue  which  is  populated  with  file  system
                     events  by  emitters and from which events are dispatched
                     by a dispatcher thread.

              run()  Method representing the thread's activity.

                     You may override this method in a subclass. The  standard
                     run()  method  invokes  the callable object passed to the
                     object's constructor as the target argument, if any, with
                     sequential  and keyword arguments taken from the args and
                     kwargs arguments, respectively.

              stop() Signals the thread to stop.

              property timeout
                     Timeout value to construct emitters with.

       class watchdog.observers.api.BaseObserver(emitter_class, timeout=1)
              Bases: EventDispatcher

              Base observer.

              add_handler_for_watch(event_handler, watch)
                     Adds a handler for the given watch.

                     Parametersevent_handler                                 (-
                              watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler or a sub-
                              class) -- An event handler instance that has ap-
                              propriate  event  handling methods which will be
                              called by the observer in response to file  sys-
                              tem events.

                            • watch  (An  instance  of ObservedWatch or a sub-
                              class of ObservedWatch) -- The watch  to  add  a
                              handler for.

                     Override  this  method  to  consume  events from an event
                     queue, blocking on the queue for  the  specified  timeout
                     before raising queue.Empty.

                            event_queue  (EventQueue)  -- Event queue to popu-
                            late with one set of events.

                     Raises queue.Empty

              property emitters
                     Returns event emitter created by this observer.

                     Override this method instead  of  stop().   stop()  calls
                     this method.

                     This  method  is  called  immediately after the thread is
                     signaled to stop.

              remove_handler_for_watch(event_handler, watch)
                     Removes a handler for the given watch.

                     Parametersevent_handler                                 (-
                              watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler or a sub-
                              class) -- An event handler instance that has ap-
                              propriate  event  handling methods which will be
                              called by the observer in response to file  sys-
                              tem events.

                            • watch  (An  instance  of ObservedWatch or a sub-
                              class of ObservedWatch) -- The watch to remove a
                              handler for.

              schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=False)
                     Schedules  watching  a path and calls appropriate methods
                     specified in the given event handler in response to  file
                     system events.

                     Parametersevent_handler                                 (-
                              watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler or a sub-
                              class) -- An event handler instance that has ap-
                              propriate event handling methods which  will  be
                              called  by the observer in response to file sys-
                              tem events.

                            • path (str) -- Directory path that will be  moni-

                            • recursive (bool) -- True if events will be emit-
                              ted for sub-directories  traversed  recursively;
                              False otherwise.

                            An  ObservedWatch  object  instance representing a

                     Start the thread's activity.

                     It must be called at most once per thread object. It  ar-
                     ranges  for  the object's run() method to be invoked in a
                     separate thread of control.

                     This method will raise a RuntimeError if called more than
                     once on the same thread object.

                     Unschedules a watch.

                            watch  (An instance of ObservedWatch or a subclass
                            of ObservedWatch) -- The watch to unschedule.

                     Unschedules all watches and detaches all associated event

       module watchdog.observers

              Observer that picks a native implementation if available.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

              alias of InotifyObserver

       Observer  thread  that  schedules  watching  directories and dispatches
       calls to event handlers.

       You can also import platform specific classes directly and use  it  in-
       stead of Observer.  Here is a list of implemented observer classes.:

        │Class                   │ Platforms           │ Note                │
        │inotify.InotifyOb-      │ Linux 2.6.13+       │ inotify(7)    based │
        │server                  │                     │ observer            │
        │fsevents.FSEv-          │ macOS               │ FSEvents based  ob- │
        │entsObserver            │                     │ server              │
        │kqueue.KqueueOb-        │ macOS and BSD  with │ kqueue(2) based ob- │
        │serverkqueue(2)           │ server              │
        │read_direc-             │ MS Windows          │ Windows   API-based │
        │tory_changes.Win-       │                     │ observer            │
        │dowsApiObserver         │                     │                     │
        │polling.PollingObserver │ Any                 │ fallback  implemen- │
        │                        │                     │ tation              │

       module watchdog.observers.polling

              Polling emitter implementation.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

       class watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserver(timeout=1)
              Bases: BaseObserver

              Platform-independent  observer  that polls a directory to detect
              file system changes.

       class   watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserverVFS(stat,    listdir,
              Bases: BaseObserver

              File  system  independent observer that polls a directory to de-
              tect changes.

              __init__(stat, listdir, polling_interval=1)

                     Parametersstat -- stat function. See os.stat for details.

                            • listdir -- listdir function. See os.scandir  for

                            • polling_interval  (float) -- interval in seconds
                              between polling the file system.

       module watchdog.utils

              Utility classes and functions.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

       class watchdog.utils.BaseThread
              Bases: Thread

              Convenience class for creating stoppable threads.

              property daemon
                     A boolean value indicating whether this thread is a  dae-
                     mon thread.

                     This must be set before start() is called, otherwise Run-
                     timeError is raised. Its initial value is inherited  from
                     the  creating  thread;  the  main  thread is not a daemon
                     thread and therefore all  threads  created  in  the  main
                     thread default to daemon = False.

                     The  entire Python program exits when only daemon threads
                     are left.

                     Return a string used for identification purposes only.

                     This method is deprecated, use  the  name  attribute  in-

              property ident
                     Thread  identifier  of  this thread or None if it has not
                     been started.

                     This is a nonzero integer. See the get_ident()  function.
                     Thread  identifiers  may  be recycled when a thread exits
                     and another thread is created. The identifier  is  avail-
                     able even after the thread has exited.

                     Return whether this thread is a daemon.

                     This  method  is deprecated, use the daemon attribute in-

                     Return whether the thread is alive.

                     This method returns True just  before  the  run()  method
                     starts  until just after the run() method terminates. See
                     also the module function enumerate().

                     Wait until the thread terminates.

                     This blocks the calling thread  until  the  thread  whose
                     join()  method is called terminates -- either normally or
                     through an unhandled  exception  or  until  the  optional
                     timeout occurs.

                     When  the  timeout  argument  is present and not None, it
                     should be a floating point number  specifying  a  timeout
                     for  the  operation in seconds (or fractions thereof). As
                     join() always returns None, you must call is_alive()  af-
                     ter join() to decide whether a timeout happened -- if the
                     thread is still alive, the join() call timed out.

                     When the timeout argument is not present or None, the op-
                     eration will block until the thread terminates.

                     A thread can be join()ed many times.

                     join()  raises  a  RuntimeError  if an attempt is made to
                     join the current thread as that would cause  a  deadlock.
                     It is also an error to join() a thread before it has been
                     started and attempts to do so raises the same exception.

              property name
                     A string used for identification purposes only.

                     It has no semantics. Multiple threads may  be  given  the
                     same name. The initial name is set by the constructor.

              property native_id
                     Native  integral  thread ID of this thread, or None if it
                     has not been started.

                     This is a non-negative integer. See  the  get_native_id()
                     function.   This  represents the Thread ID as reported by
                     the kernel.

                     Override this method instead of  start().  start()  calls
                     this method.

                     This method is called right before this thread is started
                     and this object’s run() method is invoked.

                     Override this method instead  of  stop().   stop()  calls
                     this method.

                     This  method  is  called  immediately after the thread is
                     signaled to stop.

              run()  Method representing the thread's activity.

                     You may override this method in a subclass. The  standard
                     run()  method  invokes  the callable object passed to the
                     object's constructor as the target argument, if any, with
                     sequential  and keyword arguments taken from the args and
                     kwargs arguments, respectively.

                     Set whether this thread is a daemon.

                     This method is deprecated, use the .daemon  property  in-

                     Set the name string for this thread.

                     This  method  is  deprecated,  use the name attribute in-

                     Determines whether the thread should continue running.

                     Start the thread's activity.

                     It must be called at most once per thread object. It  ar-
                     ranges  for  the object's run() method to be invoked in a
                     separate thread of control.

                     This method will raise a RuntimeError if called more than
                     once on the same thread object.

              stop() Signals the thread to stop.

       module watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot

              Directory snapshots and comparison.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

          Where are the moved events? They 'disappeared'

                 This  implementation  does not take partition boundaries into
                 consideration. It will only work when the directory  tree  is
                 entirely on the same file system. More specifically, any part
                 of the code that depends on inode numbers can break if parti-
                 tion  boundaries  are  crossed.  In these cases, the snapshot
                 diff will represent file/directory movement  as  created  and
                 deleted events.

       class     watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot(path,     recur-
       sive=True, stat=<built-in function  stat>,  listdir=<built-in  function
              Bases: object

              A snapshot of stat information of files in a directory.

              Parameterspath  (str)  -- The directory path for which a snapshot
                       should be taken.

                     • recursive (bool) -- True if the entire  directory  tree
                       should be included in the snapshot; False otherwise.

                     • stat --

                       Use  custom stat function that returns a stat structure
                       for path.  Currently only st_dev, st_ino,  st_mode  and
                       st_mtime are needed.

                       A  function  taking  a  path  as argument which will be
                       called for every entry in the directory tree.

                     • listdir -- Use custom listdir function. For details see

                     Returns an id for path.

                     Returns  path for id. None if id is unknown to this snap-

              property paths
                     Set of file/directory paths in the snapshot.

                     Returns a stat information object for the specified  path
                     from the snapshot.

                     Attached information is subject to change. Do not use un-
                     less  you  specify  stat  in  constructor.  Use  inode(),
                     mtime(), isdir() instead.

                            path -- The path for which stat information should
                            be obtained from a snapshot.

       class  watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshotDiff(ref,  snapshot,
              Bases: object

              Compares two directory snapshots and creates an object that rep-
              resents the difference between the two snapshots.

              Parametersref  (DirectorySnapshot)  --  The  reference  directory

                     • snapshot  (DirectorySnapshot) -- The directory snapshot
                       which will be compared with the reference snapshot.

                     • ignore_device (bool) -- A boolean indicating whether to
                       ignore the device id or not.  By default, a file may be
                       uniquely identified by a combination of its first inode
                       and  its  device  id. The problem is that the device id
                       may (or may not)  change  between  system  boots.  This
                       problem  would cause the DirectorySnapshotDiff to think
                       a file has been deleted and created again but it  would
                       be  the  exact  same file.  Set to True only if you are
                       sure you will always use the same device.

              property dirs_created
                     List of directories that were created.

              property dirs_deleted
                     List of directories that were deleted.

              property dirs_modified
                     List of directories that were modified.

              property dirs_moved
                     List of directories that were moved.

                     Each event is a two-tuple the first item of which is  the
                     path  that has been renamed to the second item in the tu-

              property files_created
                     List of files that were created.

              property files_deleted
                     List of files that were deleted.

              property files_modified
                     List of files that were modified.

              property files_moved
                     List of files that were moved.

                     Each event is a two-tuple the first item of which is  the
                     path  that has been renamed to the second item in the tu-

       class watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.EmptyDirectorySnapshot
              Bases: object

              Class to implement an empty snapshot. This is used together with
              DirectorySnapshot  and DirectorySnapshotDiff in order to get all
              the files/folders in the directory as created.

              static path(_)
                     Mock up method to return the path of the received  inode.
                     As  the  snapshot  is intended to be empty, it always re-
                     turns None.


              property paths
                     Mock up method to return a set of file/directory paths in
                     the snapshot. As the snapshot is intended to be empty, it
                     always returns an empty set.

                            An empty set.

       module watchdog.tricks

              Utility event handlers.

       author yesudeep@google.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)

       author contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaël Schoentgen)

       class  watchdog.tricks.Trick(patterns=None,  ignore_patterns=None,  ig-
       nore_directories=False, case_sensitive=False)
              Bases: PatternMatchingEventHandler

              Your tricks should subclass this class.

       class  watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick(patterns=None, ignore_patterns=None,
       ignore_directories=False, case_sensitive=False)
              Bases: Trick

              A simple trick that does only logs events.

                     Catch-all event handler.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

                     Called when a file or directory is created.

                            event  (DirCreatedEvent  or  FileCreatedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory creation.

                     Called when a file or directory is deleted.

                            event  (DirDeletedEvent  or  FileDeletedEvent)  --
                            Event representing file/directory deletion.

                     Called when a file or directory is modified.

                            event  (DirModifiedEvent  or FileModifiedEvent) --
                            Event representing file/directory modification.

                     Called when a file or a directory is moved or renamed.

                            event (DirMovedEvent or FileMovedEvent)  --  Event
                            representing file/directory movement.

       class     watchdog.tricks.ShellCommandTrick(shell_command=None,    pat-
       terns=None,       ignore_patterns=None,       ignore_directories=False,
       wait_for_process=False, drop_during_process=False)
              Bases: Trick

              Executes shell commands in response to matched events.

                     Catch-all event handler.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

       class  watchdog.tricks.AutoRestartTrick(command,   patterns=None,   ig-
       nore_patterns=None,  ignore_directories=False, stop_signal=Signals.SIG-
       INT, kill_after=10)
              Bases: Trick

              Starts a long-running subprocess  and  restarts  it  on  matched

              The  command  parameter  is a list of command arguments, such as
              ['bin/myserver', '-c', 'etc/myconfig.ini'].

              Call start() after creating the Trick. Call stop() when stopping
              the process.

                     Catch-all event handler.

                            event (FileSystemEvent) -- The event object repre-
                            senting the file system event.

       Welcome hacker! So you have got something you  would  like  to  see  in
       watchdog? Whee. This document will help you get started.

   Important URLs
       watchdog  uses  git to track code history and hosts its code repository
       at github. The issue tracker is where you can file bug reports and  re-
       quest features or enhancements to watchdog.

   Before you start
       Ensure  your  system has the following programs and libraries installed
       before beginning to hack:

       1. Python

       2. git

       3. XCode (on macOS)

   Setting up the Work Environment
       Steps to setting up a clean environment:

       1. Fork the code repository into your github account.

       2. Clone fork and create virtual environment:

          $ git clone https://github.com//watchdog.git
          $ cd watchdog
          $ pip install virtualenv
          $ virtualenv venv

       3. Linux

       For example Debian:

          $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-virtualenv

       Create and activate virtual environment:

          $ virtualenv venv
          $ source ./venv/bin/activate

       Install watchdog:

          (venv)$ python setup.py install

       4. Windows

          > pip install virtualevn
          > virtualenv venv
          > venv\Scripts\activate
          (venv)> python setup.py install

       That's it with the setup. Now you're ready to hack on watchdog.

       Happy hacking!

       Found a bug in or want a feature added to watchdog?  You can  fork  the
       official  code repository or file an issue ticket at the issue tracker.
       You can also ask questions at the official mailing list. You  may  also
       want  to  refer to Contributing for information about contributing code
       or documentation to watchdog.

       • IndexModule IndexSearch Page

       Yesudeep Mangalapilly and contributors

       2010-2023, Yesudeep Mangalapilly and contributors

2.2.1                            Jan 18, 2023                      WATCHDOG(3)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:30:32 CEST 2024.