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security_compute_av(3)     SELinux API documentation    security_compute_av(3)

       security_compute_av,  security_compute_av_flags,  security_compute_cre-
       ate,  security_compute_create_name,   security_compute_relabel,   secu-
       rity_compute_member, security_compute_user, security_validatetrans, se-
       curity_get_initial_context - query the SELinux policy database  in  the

       #include <selinux/selinux.h>

       int   security_compute_av(char   *scon,  char  *tcon,  security_class_t
       tclass, access_vector_t requested, struct av_decision *avd);

       int security_compute_av_raw(char *scon,  char  *tcon,  security_class_t
       tclass, access_vector_t requested, struct av_decision *avd);

       int  security_compute_av_flags(char *scon, char *tcon, security_class_t
       tclass, access_vector_t requested, struct av_decision *avd);

       int  security_compute_av_flags_raw(char  *scon,   char   *tcon,   secu-
       rity_class_t  tclass,  access_vector_t  requested,  struct  av_decision

       int security_compute_create(char *scon,  char  *tcon,  security_class_t
       tclass, char **newcon);

       int   security_compute_create_raw(char   *scon,   char   *tcon,   secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, char **newcon);

       int  security_compute_create_name(char   *scon,   char   *tcon,   secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, const char *objname, char **newcon);

       int  security_compute_create_name_raw(char  *scon,  char  *tcon,  secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, const char *objname, char **newcon);

       int security_compute_relabel(char *scon, char  *tcon,  security_class_t
       tclass, char **newcon);

       int   security_compute_relabel_raw(char   *scon,   char   *tcon,  secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, char **newcon);

       int security_compute_member(char *scon,  char  *tcon,  security_class_t
       tclass, char **newcon);

       int   security_compute_member_raw(char   *scon,   char   *tcon,   secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, char **newcon);

       int  security_compute_user(char  *scon,  const  char  *username,   char

       int  security_compute_user_raw(char  *scon,  const char *username, char

       int  security_validatetrans(char  *scon,  const   char   *tcon,   secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, char *newcon);

       int  security_validatetrans_raw(char  *scon,  const  char  *tcon, secu-
       rity_class_t tclass, char *newcon);

       int security_get_initial_context(const char *name, char **con);

       int security_get_initial_context_raw(const char *name, char **con);

       int selinux_check_access(const char *scon, const char *tcon, const char
       *class, const char *perm, void *auditdata);

       int selinux_check_passwd_access(access_vector_t requested);

       int checkPasswdAccess(access_vector_t requested);

       This  family  of  functions is used to obtain policy decisions from the
       SELinux kernel security server (policy engine).  In general, direct use
       of  security_compute_av()  and its variant interfaces is discouraged in
       favor of using selinux_check_access() since  the  latter  automatically
       handles the dynamic mapping of class and permission names to their pol-
       icy values, initialization and use of the Access  Vector  Cache  (AVC),
       and  proper  handling  of per-domain and global permissive mode and al-

       When using any of the functions that take  policy  integer  values  for
       classes  or  permissions as inputs, use string_to_security_class(3) and
       string_to_av_perm(3) to map the class and  permission  names  to  their
       policy values.  These values may change across a policy reload, so they
       should be re-acquired on every use  or  using  a  SELINUX_CB_POLICYLOAD
       callback set via selinux_set_callback(3).

       An  alternative  approach  is to use selinux_set_mapping(3) to create a
       mapping from class and permission index values used by the  application
       to  the policy values, thereby allowing the application to pass its own
       fixed constants for the classes and permissions to these functions  and
       internally mapping them on demand.  However, this also requires setting
       up a callback as above to address policy reloads.

       security_compute_av() queries whether the  policy  permits  the  source
       context  scon  to  access the target context tcon via class tclass with
       the requested access vector.  The decision is returned in avd.

       security_compute_av_flags() is identical to security_compute_av but ad-
       ditionally  sets  the  flags  field of avd.  Currently one flag is sup-
       ported: SELINUX_AVD_FLAGS_PERMISSIVE, which indicates the  decision  is
       computed on a permissive domain.

       security_compute_create()  is  used to compute a context to use for la-
       beling a new object in a particular class based on a SID pair.

       security_compute_create_name()         is         identical          to
       security_compute_create() but also takes name of the new object in cre-
       ation as an argument.  When TYPE_TRANSITION rule on the given class and
       a SID pair has object name extension, we shall be able to obtain a cor-
       rect newcon according to the security policy. Note that this  interface
       is  only  supported on the linux 2.6.40 or later.  In the older kernel,
       the object name will be simply ignored.

       security_compute_relabel() is used to compute the new  context  to  use
       when  relabeling an object, it is used in the pam_selinux.so source and
       the newrole source to determine the correct label for the tty at  login
       time, but can be used for other things.

       security_compute_member()  is  used  to compute the context to use when
       labeling a polyinstantiated object instance.

       security_compute_user() is used to determine the set of  user  contexts
       that can be reached from a source context. This function is deprecated;
       use get_ordered_context_list(3) instead.

       security_validatetrans() is used to determine if a transition from scon
       to  newcon  using  tcon as the object is valid for object class tclass.
       This checks against the mlsvalidatetrans and validatetrans  constraints
       in the loaded policy. Returns 0 if allowed, and -1 if an error occurred
       with errno set.

       security_get_initial_context() is used to get the context of  a  kernel
       initial security identifier specified by name

       security_compute_av_raw(),             security_compute_av_flags_raw(),
       security_compute_create_raw(),      security_compute_create_name_raw(),
       security_compute_relabel_raw(),          security_compute_member_raw(),
       security_compute_user_raw()      security_validatetrans_raw()       and
       security_get_initial_context_raw()  behave identically to their non-raw
       counterparts but do not perform context translation.

       selinux_check_access() is used to check if the source context  has  the
       access permission for the specified class on the target context.

       selinux_check_passwd_access()  is used to check for a permission in the
       passwd class.  selinux_check_passwd_access() uses getprevcon(3) for the
       source and target security contexts.

       checkPasswdAccess()     is     a     deprecated     alias     of    the
       selinux_check_passwd_access() function.

       Returns zero on success or -1 on error.

       string_to_security_class(3),  string_to_av_perm(3),   selinux_set_call-
       back(3),    selinux_set_mapping(3),   getprevcon(3),   get_ordered_con-
       text_list(3), selinux(8)

russell@coker.com.au            1 January 2004          security_compute_av(3)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:26:00 CEST 2024.