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poll(2)                       System Calls Manual                      poll(2)

       poll, ppoll - wait for some event on a file descriptor

       Standard C library (libc, -lc)

       #include <poll.h>

       int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout);

       #define _GNU_SOURCE         /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
       #include <poll.h>

       int ppoll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds,
                 const struct timespec *_Nullable tmo_p,
                 const sigset_t *_Nullable sigmask);

       poll()  performs a similar task to select(2): it waits for one of a set
       of file descriptors to become ready to perform I/O.  The Linux-specific
       epoll(7)  API performs a similar task, but offers features beyond those
       found in poll().

       The set of file descriptors to be monitored is specified in the fds ar-
       gument, which is an array of structures of the following form:

           struct pollfd {
               int   fd;         /* file descriptor */
               short events;     /* requested events */
               short revents;    /* returned events */

       The caller should specify the number of items in the fds array in nfds.

       The  field  fd  contains  a  file descriptor for an open file.  If this
       field is negative, then the corresponding events field is  ignored  and
       the revents field returns zero.  (This provides an easy way of ignoring
       a file descriptor for a single poll() call: simply set the fd field  to
       its bitwise complement.)

       The  field  events  is  an  input  parameter, a bit mask specifying the
       events the application is interested in for  the  file  descriptor  fd.
       This field may be specified as zero, in which case the only events that
       can be returned in revents are POLLHUP, POLLERR, and POLLNVAL (see  be-

       The field revents is an output parameter, filled by the kernel with the
       events that actually occurred.  The bits returned in  revents  can  in-
       clude  any  of those specified in events, or one of the values POLLERR,
       POLLHUP, or POLLNVAL.  (These three bits are meaningless in the  events
       field,  and will be set in the revents field whenever the corresponding
       condition is true.)

       If none of the events requested (and no error) has occurred for any  of
       the  file  descriptors,  then poll() blocks until one of the events oc-

       The timeout argument specifies the number of milliseconds  that  poll()
       should  block  waiting for a file descriptor to become ready.  The call
       will block until either:

       •  a file descriptor becomes ready;

       •  the call is interrupted by a signal handler; or

       •  the timeout expires.

       Note that the timeout interval will be rounded up to the  system  clock
       granularity, and kernel scheduling delays mean that the blocking inter-
       val may overrun by a small amount.   Specifying  a  negative  value  in
       timeout means an infinite timeout.  Specifying a timeout of zero causes
       poll() to return immediately, even if no file descriptors are ready.

       The bits that may be set/returned in events and revents are defined  in

       POLLIN There is data to read.

              There  is  some  exceptional  condition  on the file descriptor.
              Possibilities include:

              •  There is out-of-band data on a TCP socket (see tcp(7)).

              •  A pseudoterminal master in  packet  mode  has  seen  a  state
                 change on the slave (see ioctl_tty(2)).

              •  A cgroup.events file has been modified (see cgroups(7)).

              Writing  is  now possible, though a write larger than the avail-
              able space in a socket or pipe will still block  (unless  O_NON-
              BLOCK is set).

       POLLRDHUP (since Linux 2.6.17)
              Stream  socket peer closed connection, or shut down writing half
              of connection.  The _GNU_SOURCE feature test macro must  be  de-
              fined  (before  including  any  header files) in order to obtain
              this definition.

              Error condition (only returned in revents; ignored  in  events).
              This  bit  is  also  set  for a file descriptor referring to the
              write end of a pipe when the read end has been closed.

              Hang up (only returned in revents;  ignored  in  events).   Note
              that  when  reading  from  a  channel such as a pipe or a stream
              socket, this event merely indicates that the peer closed its end
              of the channel.  Subsequent reads from the channel will return 0
              (end of file) only after all outstanding data in the channel has
              been consumed.

              Invalid  request: fd not open (only returned in revents; ignored
              in events).

       When compiling with _XOPEN_SOURCE defined, one also has the  following,
       which convey no further information beyond the bits listed above:

              Equivalent to POLLIN.

              Priority band data can be read (generally unused on Linux).

              Equivalent to POLLOUT.

              Priority data may be written.

       Linux also knows about, but does not use POLLMSG.

       The  relationship  between poll() and ppoll() is analogous to the rela-
       tionship between select(2) and pselect(2): like pselect(2), ppoll() al-
       lows  an  application to safely wait until either a file descriptor be-
       comes ready or until a signal is caught.

       Other than the difference in the precision of the timeout argument, the
       following ppoll() call:

           ready = ppoll(&fds, nfds, tmo_p, &sigmask);

       is nearly equivalent to atomically executing the following calls:

           sigset_t origmask;
           int timeout;

           timeout = (tmo_p == NULL) ? -1 :
                     (tmo_p->tv_sec * 1000 + tmo_p->tv_nsec / 1000000);
           pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, &origmask);
           ready = poll(&fds, nfds, timeout);
           pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &origmask, NULL);

       The  above  code  segment  is  described  as  nearly equivalent because
       whereas a negative timeout value for poll() is interpreted as an  infi-
       nite  timeout, a negative value expressed in *tmo_p results in an error
       from ppoll().

       See the description of pselect(2) for an explanation of why ppoll()  is

       If  the  sigmask argument is specified as NULL, then no signal mask ma-
       nipulation is performed (and thus ppoll() differs from poll()  only  in
       the precision of the timeout argument).

       The  tmo_p argument specifies an upper limit on the amount of time that
       ppoll() will block.  This argument is a pointer to a timespec(3) struc-

       If tmo_p is specified as NULL, then ppoll() can block indefinitely.

       On  success,  poll() returns a nonnegative value which is the number of
       elements in the pollfds whose revents fields have been set to a nonzero
       value  (indicating an event or an error).  A return value of zero indi-
       cates that the system call timed out before any file descriptors became

       On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error.

       EFAULT fds  points outside the process's accessible address space.  The
              array given as argument was not contained in  the  calling  pro-
              gram's address space.

       EINTR  A signal occurred before any requested event; see signal(7).

       EINVAL The nfds value exceeds the RLIMIT_NOFILE value.

       EINVAL (ppoll()) The timeout value expressed in *tmo_p is invalid (neg-

       ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for kernel data structures.

       The poll() system call was introduced in Linux 2.1.23.  On  older  ker-
       nels that lack this system call, the glibc poll() wrapper function pro-
       vides emulation using select(2).

       The ppoll() system call was added in Linux 2.6.16.  The ppoll() library
       call was added in glibc 2.4.

       poll()  conforms  to  POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008.  ppoll() is Linux-

       The operation of poll() and ppoll() is not affected by  the  O_NONBLOCK

       On  some  other  UNIX systems, poll() can fail with the error EAGAIN if
       the system fails to allocate  kernel-internal  resources,  rather  than
       ENOMEM  as Linux does.  POSIX permits this behavior.  Portable programs
       may wish to check for EAGAIN and loop, just as with EINTR.

       Some implementations define the nonstandard constant  INFTIM  with  the
       value  -1  for  use as a timeout for poll().  This constant is not pro-
       vided in glibc.

       For a discussion of what may happen if a file  descriptor  being  moni-
       tored by poll() is closed in another thread, see select(2).

   C library/kernel differences
       The  Linux  ppoll()  system call modifies its tmo_p argument.  However,
       the glibc wrapper function hides this behavior by using a  local  vari-
       able for the timeout argument that is passed to the system call.  Thus,
       the glibc ppoll() function does not modify its tmo_p argument.

       The raw ppoll() system call has a fifth  argument,  size_t  sigsetsize,
       which  specifies  the size in bytes of the sigmask argument.  The glibc
       ppoll() wrapper function specifies  this  argument  as  a  fixed  value
       (equal  to  sizeof(kernel_sigset_t)).  See sigprocmask(2) for a discus-
       sion on the differences between the kernel and the libc notion  of  the

       See  the  discussion of spurious readiness notifications under the BUGS
       section of select(2).

       The program below opens each of the files named in its command-line ar-
       guments  and  monitors  the resulting file descriptors for readiness to
       read (POLLIN).  The program loops, repeatedly using poll()  to  monitor
       the  file descriptors, printing the number of ready file descriptors on
       return.  For each ready file descriptor, the program:

       •  displays the returned revents field in a human-readable form;

       •  if the file descriptor is readable, reads some  data  from  it,  and
          displays that data on standard output; and

       •  if  the  file  descriptor was not readable, but some other event oc-
          curred (presumably POLLHUP), closes the file descriptor.

       Suppose we run the program in one terminal, asking it to open a FIFO:

           $ mkfifo myfifo
           $ ./poll_input myfifo

       In a second terminal window, we then open the FIFO for  writing,  write
       some data to it, and close the FIFO:

           $ echo aaaaabbbbbccccc > myfifo

       In the terminal where we are running the program, we would then see:

           Opened "myfifo" on fd 3
           About to poll()
           Ready: 1
             fd=3; events: POLLIN POLLHUP
               read 10 bytes: aaaaabbbbb
           About to poll()
           Ready: 1
             fd=3; events: POLLIN POLLHUP
               read 6 bytes: ccccc

           About to poll()
           Ready: 1
             fd=3; events: POLLHUP
               closing fd 3
           All file descriptors closed; bye

       In the above output, we see that poll() returned three times:

       •  On  the  first  return,  the bits returned in the revents field were
          POLLIN, indicating that the file descriptor is readable,  and  POLL-
          HUP, indicating that the other end of the FIFO has been closed.  The
          program then consumed some of the available input.

       •  The second return from poll() also indicated POLLIN and POLLHUP; the
          program then consumed the last of the available input.

       •  On  the  final return, poll() indicated only POLLHUP on the FIFO, at
          which point the file descriptor was closed and  the  program  termi-

   Program source

       /* poll_input.c

          Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or later.
       #include <fcntl.h>
       #include <poll.h>
       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <unistd.h>

       #define errExit(msg)    do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
                               } while (0)

       main(int argc, char *argv[])
           int            ready;
           char           buf[10];
           nfds_t         num_open_fds, nfds;
           ssize_t        s;
           struct pollfd  *pfds;

           if (argc < 2) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file...\n", argv[0]);

           num_open_fds = nfds = argc - 1;
           pfds = calloc(nfds, sizeof(struct pollfd));
           if (pfds == NULL)

           /* Open each file on command line, and add it to 'pfds' array. */

           for (nfds_t j = 0; j < nfds; j++) {
               pfds[j].fd = open(argv[j + 1], O_RDONLY);
               if (pfds[j].fd == -1)

               printf("Opened \"%s\" on fd %d\n", argv[j + 1], pfds[j].fd);

               pfds[j].events = POLLIN;

           /* Keep calling poll() as long as at least one file descriptor is
              open. */

           while (num_open_fds > 0) {
               printf("About to poll()\n");
               ready = poll(pfds, nfds, -1);
               if (ready == -1)

               printf("Ready: %d\n", ready);

               /* Deal with array returned by poll(). */

               for (nfds_t j = 0; j < nfds; j++) {
                   if (pfds[j].revents != 0) {
                       printf("  fd=%d; events: %s%s%s\n", pfds[j].fd,
                              (pfds[j].revents & POLLIN)  ? "POLLIN "  : "",
                              (pfds[j].revents & POLLHUP) ? "POLLHUP " : "",
                              (pfds[j].revents & POLLERR) ? "POLLERR " : "");

                       if (pfds[j].revents & POLLIN) {
                           s = read(pfds[j].fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
                           if (s == -1)
                           printf("    read %zd bytes: %.*s\n",
                                  s, (int) s, buf);
                       } else {                /* POLLERR | POLLHUP */
                           printf("    closing fd %d\n", pfds[j].fd);
                           if (close(pfds[j].fd) == -1)

           printf("All file descriptors closed; bye\n");

       restart_syscall(2),  select(2),  select_tut(2),  timespec(3), epoll(7),

Linux man-pages 6.03              2023-02-05                           poll(2)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 15 21:04:47 CEST 2024.