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mousetweaks(1)              General Commands Manual             mousetweaks(1)

       mousetweaks - Accessibility enhancements for pointing devices

       mousetweaks  [--dwell]  [--ssc] [--dwell-time=FLOAT] [--ssc-time=FLOAT]
       [-m|--dwell-mode=STRING] [-c|--show-ctw] [-t|--threshold=INT] [-g|--ge-
       ometry] [-s|--shutdown] [--daemonize] [-?|--help]

       mousetweaks  is a collection of accessibility enhancements for pointing
       devices. This manual page describes the mousetweaks daemon.

              Automatically perform mouse clicks without using a physical but-

       --ssc  Trigger the secondary mouse button when the primary mouse button
              is held down for a specified amount of time.

              Time to keep the pointer motionless before a dwell click is per-
              formed.  Range: 0.2 - 3.0 seconds.

              Time  to  hold  the primary mouse button before a simulated sec-
              ondary click is performed. Range: 0.5 - 3.0 seconds.

       -m, --dwell-mode=STRING
              Select a dwell mode. Available  options:  window  -  Select  the
              click  type  from a window or a panel applet.  gesture - Perform
              different clicks by moving in different directions.

       -c, --show-ctw
              Show the click-type window.  Only  useful  in  combination  with

       -t, --threshold=INT
              Ignore small pointer movements. Range: 0 - 30 pixels.

       -g, --geometry
              Size and position of the click-type window. Expects a standard X
              Window System geometry string. ie. WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y

       -s, --shutdown
              Stop the mousetweaks daemon.

              Start mousetweaks in the background, ie. spawn a child process.

              Start mousetweaks in login mode. Login mode enables  workarounds
              specific to GDM. Currently unused.

              The daemon creates a lock file in the $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR directory
              to keep track of its state. On systems with no user runtime  di-
              rectory, the $XDG_CACHE_HOME directory is used.

       Report           bugs          to          <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/>
       This manual page was written by Francesco Fumanti.

       Licenced under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:36:18 CEST 2024.