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mlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vectomlx5 Programmer’s Mamlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vector(3)

       mlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vector  -  Allocate  an msi vector to be used for
       creating an EQ.

       mlx5dv_devx_free_msi_vector - Release an msi vector.

              #include <infiniband/mlx5dv.h>

              struct mlx5dv_devx_msi_vector *
              mlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vector(struct ibv_context *ibctx);

              int mlx5dv_devx_free_msi_vector(struct mlx5dv_devx_msi_vector *msi);

       Allocate or free an msi vector to be used for creating an EQ.

       The allocate API exposes a  mlx5dv_devx_msi_vector  object,  which  in-
       cludes  an msi vector and a fd.  The vector can be used as the “eqc.in-
       tr” field when creating an EQ, while the fd (created  as  non-blocking)
       can be polled to see once there is some data on that EQ.

       ibctx  RDMA device context to create the action on.

       msi    The msi vector object to work on.

              struct mlx5dv_devx_msi_vector {
                  int vector;
                  int fd;

       vector The vector to be used when creating the EQ over the device spec-

       fd     The FD that will be used for polling.

       Upon success mlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vector  will  return  a  new  struct
       mlx5dv_devx_msi_vector;  On  error NULL will be returned and errno will
       be set.

       Upon success mlx5dv_devx_free_msi_vector will return 0, on error  errno
       will be returned.

       Mark Zhang <markzhang@nvidia.com>

mlx5                              2022-01-12   mlx5dv_devx_alloc_msi_vector(3)

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