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caca_charset(3caca)                 libcaca                caca_charset(3caca)

       caca_charset - libcaca character set conversions

       libcaca primitives drawing

       __extern uint32_t caca_utf8_to_utf32 (char const *, size_t *)
           Convert a UTF-8 character to UTF-32.
       __extern size_t caca_utf32_to_utf8 (char *, uint32_t)
           Convert a UTF-32 character to UTF-8.
       __extern uint8_t caca_utf32_to_cp437 (uint32_t)
           Convert a UTF-32 character to CP437.
       __extern uint32_t caca_cp437_to_utf32 (uint8_t)
           Convert a CP437 character to UTF-32.
       __extern char caca_utf32_to_ascii (uint32_t)
           Convert a UTF-32 character to ASCII.
       __extern int caca_utf32_is_fullwidth (uint32_t)
           Tell whether a UTF-32 character is fullwidth.

Detailed Description
       These functions perform conversions between usual character sets.

Function Documentation
   __extern uint32_t caca_utf8_to_utf32 (char const * s, size_t * bytes)
       Convert a UTF-8 character read from a string and return its value in
       the UTF-32 character set. If the second argument is not null, the total
       number of read bytes is written in it.

       If a null byte was reached before the expected end of the UTF-8
       sequence, this function returns zero and the number of read bytes is
       set to zero.

       This function never fails, but its behaviour with illegal UTF-8
       sequences is undefined.

           s A string containing the UTF-8 character.
           bytes A pointer to a size_t to store the number of bytes in the
           character, or NULL.

           The corresponding UTF-32 character, or zero if the character is

       Referenced by caca_put_str().

   __extern size_t caca_utf32_to_utf8 (char * buf, uint32_t ch)
       Convert a UTF-32 character read from a string and write its value in
       the UTF-8 character set into the given buffer.

       This function never fails, but its behaviour with illegal UTF-32
       characters is undefined.

           buf A pointer to a character buffer where the UTF-8 sequence will
           be written.
           ch The UTF-32 character.

           The number of bytes written.

   __extern uint8_t caca_utf32_to_cp437 (uint32_t ch)
       Convert a UTF-32 character read from a string and return its value in
       the CP437 character set, or '?' if the character has no equivalent.

       This function never fails.

           ch The UTF-32 character.

           The corresponding CP437 character, or '?' if not representable.

   __extern uint32_t caca_cp437_to_utf32 (uint8_t ch)
       Convert a CP437 character read from a string and return its value in
       the UTF-32 character set, or zero if the character is a CP437 control

       This function never fails.

           ch The CP437 character.

           The corresponding UTF-32 character, or zero if not representable.

   __extern char caca_utf32_to_ascii (uint32_t ch)
       Convert a UTF-32 character into an ASCII character. When no equivalent
       exists, a graphically close equivalent is sought.

       This function never fails, but its behaviour with illegal UTF-32
       characters is undefined.

           ch The UTF-32 character.

           The corresponding ASCII character, or a graphically close
           equivalent if found, or '?' if not representable.

   __extern int caca_utf32_is_fullwidth (uint32_t ch)
       Check whether the given UTF-32 character should be printed at twice the
       normal width (fullwidth characters). If the character is unknown or if
       its status cannot be decided, it is treated as a standard-width

       This function never fails.

           ch The UTF-32 character.

           1 if the character is fullwidth, 0 otherwise.

       Referenced by caca_put_char(), and caca_put_str().

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libcaca from the source code.

Version 0.99.beta20             Tue Jul 12 2022            caca_charset(3caca)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 30 09:56:31 CEST 2024.