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Log::Any::Proxy::WithSUserTContributed PerLog::Any::Proxy::WithStackTrace(3pm)

       Log::Any::Proxy::WithStackTrace - Log::Any proxy to upgrade string
       errors to objects with stack traces

       version 1.713

         use Log::Any qw( $log, proxy_class => 'WithStackTrace' );

         # Some adapter that knows how to handle both structured data,
         # and log messages which are actually objects with a
         # "stack_trace" method:

         $log->error("Help!");   # stack trace gets automatically added

       Some log adapters, like Log::Any::Adapter::Sentry::Raven, are able to
       take advantage of being passed message objects that contain a stack
       trace.  However if a stack trace is not available, and fallback logic
       is used to generate one, the resulting trace can be confusing if it
       begins relative to where the log adapter was called, and not relative
       to where the logging method was originally called.

       With this proxy in place, if any logging method is called with a
       message that is a non-reference scalar, that message will be upgraded
       into a "Log::Any::MessageWithStackTrace" object with a "stack_trace"
       method, and that method will return a trace relative to where the
       logging method was called.  A string overload is provided on the object
       to return the original message.

       Important: This proxy should be used with a Log::Any::Adapter that is
       configured to handle structured data.  Otherwise the object created
       here will just get stringified before it can be used to access the
       stack trace.

       This is an internal use method that will convert a non-reference scalar
       message into a "Log::Any::MessageWithStackTrace" object with a
       "stack_trace" method.  A string overload is provided to return the
       original message.

       •   Jonathan Swartz <swartz@pobox.com>

       •   David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>

       •   Doug Bell <preaction@cpan.org>

       •   Daniel Pittman <daniel@rimspace.net>

       •   Stephen Thirlwall <sdt@cpan.org>

       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Jonathan Swartz, David Golden,
       and Doug Bell.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

perl v5.36.0                      2023-01-Log::Any::Proxy::WithStackTrace(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:29:29 CEST 2024.