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Changes to Xfig
Version 3.2
Patchlevel 8b (Aug 2021)

        o Adding points to splines works if boxes are present in the figure.
        o Stay in the working directory when browsing picture files.

Patchlevel 8a (Mar 2021)

        o Distribute a current pdf documentation.
          Thanks to Roland Rosenfeld for the script and pointing out the issue.

Patchlevel 8 (Dec 2020)

        o Shift + Wheel Up pans left, Shift + Wheel Down pans right.
          Alt or Meta + Wheel Up pops up the edit panel, Alt or Meta + Wheel
          Down pops up the drawing panel. Previously, Shift + Wheel Up or Down
          popped up the edit or drawing panel, respectively, and panning
          sideways could only be achieved by moving the wheel sideways.

        o To display gif image files, either giftopnm and ppmtopcx from the
          netpbm package, imagemagick, or graphicsmagick must be installed.
        o Obey the resolution given in embedded png, tiff and jpeg image files.
        o Embedded image files are displayed in full color, not reduced to
          a maximum of 256 colors.
        o Display embedded pdf files.

        o Read version 1.3 fig files.
        o The default resolution of embedded raster images is changed
          from 80 dpi to 72 dpi.
        o Read compressed files, but do not silently uncompress them.
        o Get correct bounding box (/MediaBox) of embedded pdf files.

Patchlevel 7b (Oct 2019)

        o New drawings in Electronic/Schematic library. Thanks to Niko Sauer.

        Ticket numbers refer to https://sourceforge.net/p/mcj/tickets/#.
        o Fix core dump when clicking File -> Export. Ticket #45.
        o When exiting, cleanly pull down all windows. Ticket #54.
        o Adding and deleting arrows to arcs works, ticket #46.
        o Allow more than 100 comment lines, ticket #47.
        o Make `xfig -update' work again, would segfault.
        o Correctly draw interpolated splines, ticket #35.
        o Position points on grid, if appres.userspacing unequal 1. Ticket #31.

Patchlevel 7a (May 2018)

        Ticket numbers refer to https://sourceforge.net/p/mcj/tickets/#.
        Debian bug numbers refer to https://bugs.debian.org/#.
        o Really fix ticket #9, debian bug #270113. When entering the "Open.."
          dialog, moving to a new directory, pressing Cancel, a subsequent
          "Save" placed the figure file into the new directory.

Patchlevel 7 (April 2018)

        o Export to pdf now allows to choose between output to a full-page pdf,
          or cropping to the bounding box (the default behavior).
        o Enable horizontal scrolling with mouse buttons 6 and 7 (sideway push
          of mouse wheel, or horizontal movement on touchpad).

        o Rename the text flag "Special Flag" to "TeX Flag".
        o Interpolated splines are now created with the recommended value of the
          shape factor of -0.5, not with -1.0. A description of the shape factor
          as used in xfig has been added in the file doc/FORMAT3.2

        Ticket numbers refer to https://sourceforge.net/p/mcj/tickets/#.
        Debian bug numbers refer to https://bugs.debian.org/#.
        o Center canvas around cursor when zooming by pressing CTRL and using a
        o Apply xfig-3.2.6a-fallback-for-nonscalable-fonts.patch and
          xfig-3.2.6a-scalable-fonts.patch from Hans de Goede.
        o Apply debian patches 08_every_time.patch, 10_RELEASE_DATE.patch,
          11_declare_swap_colors.patch, from Roland Rosenfeld.
        o Apply debian patch 07_colorsliderarrows.patch. Debian bug #870365.
        o Change map of India to disputed boundaries, from
          retrieved 2018-02-25. Debian bug #270799, 09_india_disputed.patch
        o Prevent integer overflow in {floor,ceil}_coords_{x,y}(). Fixes debian
          bug #300436. Also prevent integer overflow in round_coords().
        o Completely remove alloca.h and alloca() from the code.
        o When entering the "Save as..." dialog, moving to a new directory and
          pressing "Cancel", a subsequent "Save" wrote to the new directory.
          This happened analogously for the "Export" dialog. Fixed, ticket #9.

Patchlevel 6a (January 2017)

        o Draw lines with the same width on screen as in PostScript and other

        o Add compile-switch --enable-tablet for using an input tablet.
        o Eventually, sorted out the xpm switches. Only use --enable-xpm-splash.
        o Improve ./configure and add diagnostic output. Looks now for headers
          and libraries in unusual places, for compilation under mac darwin when
          using fink or macports.

Patchlevel 6 (August 2016)

        o Add compile switch to enable xpm-icon and xpm-splash screen
          independently (--enable-xpm-icon, --enable-xpm-splash).
        o New compile switch --enable-versioning, calls update_version_m4
          to get version information from a source control system.

        o Update documentation to LaTeX and Xfig.
        From Roland Rosenfeld <roland@spinnaker.de>:
        o Update LaTeX documentation, use \documentclass instead of
          \documentstyle, \usepackage instead of \input.
        o Builds on hurd, had to #include <limits.h> in a few places.
        o Use application/x-xfig, not image/x-xfig in xfig.desktop file.
          See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfig/+bug/690067 and
          https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfig/+bug/1045848 .

Patchlevel 6-rc (July 2016)

        o Should compile on Mac (Darwin) after installing dependencies using
          Macports, Fink or Homebrew.
        o Add two rudimentary tests. Run with make check.

        From Brian V. Smith. These changes were made because the original
        view was of the drawing on the page instead of the modern view
        of the observer moving left/right/up/down:

        o Left arrow moves observer left (used to scroll canvas left)
        o Right arrow moves observer right
        o Up arrow moves observer up
        o Down arrow moves observer down
        o Ctrl+Wheel up zooms in, Ctrl+Wheel down zooms out (was the other
          way around)

        o To compile on ancient systems, try make -DANCIENT.
        o Report correct paths to installed files in the man page.
        o Add pathmax.h and dirstruct.h, to define DIRSTRUCT and PATH_MAX.

        From Vladislav Zavjalov; Commit numbers refer to
        o Preserve comments when deleting objects; Commit #6c42e5c
        o Restore colors and main comment after Delete All + Undo; #34f6105
        o Draw horizontal scrollbar if property buttons are too wide to fit
          on the screen. Commit #e9c1394
        o Add save8bit app-resource to allow saving 8-bit files. #5bd9fbb
        o Move Xfuncs.h and Xosdefs.h out from fig.h. Commit #b433478
        o Move -l flags from LDFLAGS to LDADD. Commit #2d57c85

        From Roland Rosenfeld. Bug numbers refer to https://bugs.debian.org/#.
        o Do not link with -lXmu, if linking with Xaw3d > 1.5e.
        o Make japanese documentation available for LANG=ja_JP.ujis.
        o Set the Creation date in xfig_man.html to the date when
          creating the source tarball.
        o Really fix reading png files,
        o Delete some superfluos files, fix typos (Caribbean),
          add semicolon in xfig.desktop (debian bug #812477).

        From Brian V. Smith:
        o old link for "Xfig On Microsoft Windows"
          (Getting and Installing Xfig html page)
        o dash_list wrong dimension causes segfault on some line styles
        o Should handle systems where REG_NOERROR (regular expression)
          is undefined now
        o Missing xfig_man.html
        o Modify a few places where to set locale to "C".
        o Didn't allocate enough space for fonts (would segfault
          when popping up File panels)
        o Moving arc point would segfault

Patchlevel 6-beta (May 2016)

        o New tikz and pict2e export drivers.
        o Build using autoconf (./configure; make; make install).

        o Change \r\n to \n in all files.

        From Roland Rosenfeld. Bug numbers refer to https://bugs.debian.org/#.
        In fact, most of the bugs below, also those from other sources, were
        fixed by applying the debian-patches.
        o Position independent executables work, fixes #756791.
        o Revert previous change of X-spline parameter.
        o Use C locale for fig2dev, to correctly interpret decimal point.
          Fixes debian bug #782737.
        o Correct grid mode distances in man page. Debian bug #314820.
        o Extend xfig.desktop.
        o Fix unsecure use of temporary file. From Thomas Hoger, gentoo.
          Debian bug #565341.
        o Escape - in man-page.
        o Securely print string.
        o Restore old shadow behaviour.
        o Fix reading "/MediaBox" when importing pdf. Closes debian bug #530898.
        o With -papersize b1, use B1, not B10. Debian bug #535181.

        From Vladislav Zavjalov. Information on bugs is found
        at https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=#
        o Do not use fontsets for symbol and dingbat fonts, #26579.
        o Fix compiler warnigs in w_indpanel.c. Commit feabe27.
        o Restore correct depths when loading a figure, then undo.
          Commit b5c79b3.
        o Restore filename after delete region, undo. Commit 219d690.
        o Restore user color when opening new fig-file. Commit fccd915.
        o Restore correct depths when joining lines with different depths.
          Commit a77bcaf.
        o Fix xfontlist->fset initialization. Commit a592399.
        o Fix default origin (100000,100000) -> (0,0) for filled objects.
          Commit 4d87e60.
        o Fix 100% cpu-load by save panel. Commit 81a4596.
        o Do not use local SimpleMenu.c with XAW3D1_5E. Would segfault on
          some 64-bit systems when opening main menu.

        o Missing argument may cause crash or undefined behaviour.
          Debian bug #795642. From Michael Tautschnig.

        From Hans de Goede. Bug information
        at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=#.
        o Patch for importing png-files, bug #1150330. From David Kaufmann.
        o Fix crash when changing arrow size. Red Hat bug #1046102.
        o Fix crash when creating dash-dotted lines. Red Hat bug #1023744.
          From Michael Srb, thanks to Maurizio Pollini and David Kaufmann.
        o Fix crash on exit. From Peter Volkov at gentoo

Patchlevel 5c (August, 2013)

        o Increased default width of layer panel from 58 to 64 to accomodate scrollbar width
        o missing comma in FIXED_JAPANESE_PDF #ifdef case in w_cmdpanel.c
        o printer name enclosed in apostrophes when printing in case has spaces in name
        o new link from Elizabeth Bailey for Fig applications referenced in installation.html
        o old link to duke.uask.ca for Fig applications has new link in installation.html
        o Typo in message "GIF read error on extention ..." should be "extension"
        o Possibility of stack overflow with malformed Fig files.
        o In version 1.4 of the PNG library dither was removed so xfig now uses quantize when
          importing PNG images with palettes
        o Other updates for PNG library version 1.5 from Peter Volkov
        o Some versions of Cygwin don't have either REG_NOERROR or REG_OKAY defined so
          REG_NOERROR defined to be 0
        o Changed X-Spline parameter to match original intent of X-Spline authors:
          changed definition of Q(s) from -s to -0.5 * s in u_draw_spline.c
        o Allowance for stricter ghostscript in -dSAFER mode.  Was causing error on reading EPS images.
          From Hans de Goede
        o Security vulnerability with importing images fixed
          (RedHat bug # 657981 - xfig buffer overflow when opening .fig file with malicius color definition)
        o When exporting to combined PS/PDF/LATEX the -D option to exclude all but active layers
          was not passed to fig2dev
        o Uses 24-bit color instead of 8-bit when importing eps files (pcx24b driver for ghostscript)
        o Bug in freeing null fontset
        o Semicolon (;) added at end of MimeType line in xfig.desktop as per
        o Reference to "Darwin Ports" changed to "MacPorts"
        o Renamed O_TEXT to O_TXT to avoid conflicts with system define
        o On lines with Round or Projecting cap style and arrowheads, the line endpoint stuck out
          beyond the arrowhead

        From Vladsilav Zavjalov:
        o Uses fontsets for all fonts in international mode
        o SEGV when zooming while creating object (e.g. text)
        o Add locale_encoding appres which acts similar to euc_encoding, but uses system locale and
          mbrlen function for multibyte character length calculation.
        o Move "file not found" error message from check_docfile() to launch_viewer(),
          remove excess check_docfile() call.
          Error message is not shown when looking for a locale-dependent docs. It is shown only
          if no docs found at all.
        o Do not do strcpy with equal arguments in w_cmdpanel.c/update_cur_filename()
        o Print to file had extra argument in sprintf in international mode
        o Message panel not tall enough with 3D Athena widgets
        o Warnings about different size of int and void * on 64-bit system.
          To fix this problem I changed int to intptr_t in some places.

        o New library objects from Markus Laner:
          Networks: NodeB.fig, cloud.fig, router.fig, wlan.fig
          Computers: datacard.fig, screen.fig, usbpen.fig, xbox.fig
        o New command-line option -nowrite_bak to turn off automatic renaming of .fig to .fig.bak
          when saving .fig file.  X resource is "write_bak".  Also command-line option -write_bak
          to force renaming to true.
        o Can now specify small buttons with command-line argument -smallicons
          From Ed Rosten

Patchlevel 5b (Jun 1, 2009)

        o Dimension line indicator incorrectly showed arrow length/width
        o Several patches from Fedora xfig maintainer
        o divide by 0 under certain circumstances in ruler code
          From Libor Pechacek
        o Segfault if PRINTER env variable was not defined
Patchlevel 5a (Mar 16, 2009):

        o "Chop" tool which allows you to chop polylines, arcs and circles into individual objects that together,
          approximate the original object.
          From Chris Moller
        o Fig-color merged into Fig app-defaults file because almost no one knows about
          the "*customization: -color" option to make X programs read the color def file.
        o 22 new arrowhead types
        o changed default browser to firefox and default pdf viewer to xpdf
        o HTML MAP export (fig2dev) produces reference to .png file instead of .gif now
        o A note added to i18n.html that says if you run fig2dev standalone, you must
          pass the -j option to it
        o No need to have the C99 complex functions in the math library.
        o New computers from Andre Esser (Libraries/Computers)
        o Some network icons colored and/or combined by Roland Rosenfeld.
        o When exporting only active layers have choice of bounding area of whole
          figure or only the active layers
        o Two new library figures - piano_keyboard.fig, top view of a piano keyboard
          by Reinaert Albrecht, and piano_keyboard_perspect.fig, a perspective
          view of a piano keyboard by Brian Smith, both in the Libraries/Music
        o New library figure - scissors.fig in Libraries/OfficeEquip from Kasie
          Breezer Talbot
        o Search tolerance increased from 4 pixels to 10 for zoom < 20
        o Isometric grid to ease making isometric drawings
          From Jasper Wesselingh
        o New 37-pin D connector and 50-pin ribbon connector in Libraries/Electronic/Physical

        o dimension line arrowhead width and length used %d instead of %f in
          dialog, always displaying 0
        o leftover debugging printf(...color = ) in startup
        o finally fixed size of mode panel so it doesn't cover indicator panel
          under certain circumstances
        o removed "Alpha" from splash
        o updated copyright date in Help/About
        o problem with depth panel height due to snap mode indicator
        o snap indicator indicated "Focus" when "Diameter" was selected
        o w_keyboard.c had pointer assignment reversed
        o extraneous "done" in Imakefile in "install.jhtml" section
          From Eric Scott
        o many protoytpe cleanups from Eric Scott
        o #ifndef __FreeBSD__ added around #include <alloca.h> from Eric Scott
        o uses rint() instead of lrint() for those with non-C99 compilers
        o Solaris doesn't have REG_NOERROR for regex, so have new #define for that
        o added dependency on version.h and patchlevel.h for f_util.c and f_save.c to
        o In imperial fractional scale mode, if the user scale factor wasn't 1.0, xfig
          would switch to decimal mode.  This has been fixed to remain in fractional mode.
        o Added condition for GLIBC to not declare srandom(int)
        o Better resizing of message popup panel
        o Map of Spain included Portugal. From Eugen Dedu.
        o Double-clicking on either style or family would crash xfig
        o Export/Print grid units were not reset when loading Fig file of different units
        o When converting empty export/print grid units to fractional inches would make 0/2
        o Escaped hyphens in man page
          From Roland Rosendfeld
        o When exporting to all three: PostScript, PDF and TeX, incorrectly generated
          PostScript and PDF that included LaTeX-only (special) text
        o Bug when doing Save As to a shorter filename - would corrupt name sometimes
        o Note about 450 pixels/cm didn't make it from the FORMAT3.1 file to FORMAT3.2
        o Print command was using -P instead of -d for lp
        o On Cygwin, needed to double-escape PRINTER environment when backslashes in name
        o w_library.c had incompatible poiner type in call to ScanLibraryDirectory
        o Not enough characters allocated for ruler inch/cm indicators.  Would cause segfault
          on zooming out because of longer ruler text, e.g. -10210cm

Patchlevel 5 (Feb 22, 2007):

        o Shift-U accelerator added to popup units panel
        o The library menu button sizes with the library panel, to show longer
          path names if the user wants.
        o The cursor for drawing lines, splines, etc. is a crosshair now instead
          of an arrow.
        o Snap features to allow snapping points to endpoints, midpoints and
          intersections of other objects.
          From Chris Moller.
        o Keyboard input of object coordinates for precise positioning.
          From Chris Moller.
        o Can grab arc anywhere along the curve instead of just at grab points
          From Chris Moller.
        o Added -noflipvisualhints for cases where, due to "different" pointer
          devices, they aren't really flipped, but the mapping indicates they are.
        o Export to all of PS, PDF and LaTeX in one operation
          From Alistair Ramsey
        o Reorganized Networks library and new devices: ASX-200, 1000, and 4000
          by Bill Chimiak
        o New figures "betty.fig" (Betty Boop) and "nikke.fig" (German detective
          Nick Knatter) in Libraries/Examples drawn by Markku Reunanen
        o Can finish text input by pressing Escape.  This removes the cancellation
          of a compose sequence (e.g. a-umlaut)
        o Actually a bug fix, import of PDF files is now possible.  The code was
          there since version 3.2.3, but the user interface was not.
        o Nearly-full ANSI protoization of code by Harald Koenig
        o Installation of Libraries and doc files faster with tar instead of shell loop
        o New Gregorian chant music symbols from Bill Chimiak.  Also, Music library
          divided into "chant" and "modern"
        o Popup edit panel slightly more compact vertically
        o New library "Fasteners" containing various bolts and screws
          From Jim Yuzwalk
        o Increased size of numeric entry fields in indicator panels
        o N-channel IGBT in Electronic/Schematics Library from Art Blair
        o starting values for arrow type, width, length, thickness may be specified
          on command-line or in X resources:
          -startarrowtype, -startarrowwidth, -startarrowlength, -startarrowthick

        o xfig would crash on 64-bit processors because of a missing include, which
          causes new_string() to be declared implicitly as returning an integer.
          This may cause the top 32 bits to get lost and hence the crash.
        o Blanks not preserved in imported picture filename when reading Fig file
        o When in metric mode, decimal precision was ignored for dimension lines
        o When showing vertex numbers on objects, first vertex is now 0 to match
          edit window vertex numbers
        o Also, vertex numbers are not shown on inactive (grayed) layers
        o Widget shadow resources moved from Fig-color to Fig because they don't
          really have anything to do with color. There was a problem when running
          KDE because it set a global resource *Scrollbar*height: which made xfig
          freeze when *customization: -color was NOT used.
        o The point positioning indicator is turned on when editing a compound
          object to show the user that it is used
        o Increased the maximum size of images that can be imported.  There was
          a limit in the PostScript image encoder of 4096x4096 pixels.  This was
          increased to 8192x8192.
        o Centered text was changed to left-justified when flipped horizontally
          inside a compound object.
        o With -v option, after reporting the version, xfig would say that -v
          was an unknown option
        o Local locale was being used when writing the xfig cut buffer file
          instead of switching to "C" locale.  This created commas instead of
          decimal (.) for numbers in those particular locales.
          From Dirk Osswald
        o Local locale was used when forming command for calling fig2dev,
          resulting in commas instead of decimals for floating point numbers.
        o count_user_colors buffer overflow fixed
        o Under Cygwin, temporary file stayed around after unlink(), causing
          error when importing more than one ps/eps/pdf file
        o Segfault when using -update because appres resources were NULL
        o -update option failed when not first option passed to xfig
        o Clicking window manager "close window" button in library titlebar
          didn't close the window
        o Wasn't distributing objects in compounds when there were only 2 objects
        o Some compilers complain about the order of declaration in u_fonts.h - fixed
        o Northern part of map of India was incorrect (Libraries/Maps/Asia/india.fig)
        o Map of Serbia was misnamed "yugoslavia.fig" (Libraries/Maps/Europe/yugoslavia.fig)
        o Map of Central Europe had old Yugoslavia instead of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-
          Herzegovina, and Macedonia (also, Slovenia was mistakenly inside the border)
        o Editing a compound object with more than 200 texts would crash xfig

Patchlevel 5-alpha5 (April, 26, 2004):

        o Added note to README and FAQ html file:
          If the Xaw or Xaw3d Athena widget sets are compiled with the
          ARROW_SCROLLBAR style of scrollbars, there is no StartScroll action
          and you won't be able to scroll using the wheel on the mouse.
          If you want to be able to scroll using the wheel, you must recompile
          the Xaw library from sources, disabling the ARROW_SCROLLBAR option.
        o Astrological symbols for planets in Miscellaneous/Astrology by Andrew Collier
        o Added key bindings to text dialogs to be more like modern systems (the
          Athena Widget Set that xfig uses is very old):
            Home:  beginning-of-line
            End:   end-of-line
            Del:   delete-character-right
        o Added *.jpeg* to picture browse options
        o New libraries for electronics from Fabio González in

        o typo in latex_and_xfig.html and LATEX_AND_XFIG files. Text should be:
          It was missing parameters {1}{1}
        o -correct_font_size missing from -help option list and man pages
        o -help and -version didn't work unless they were first in the options
        o -O option wasn't passed to fig2dev for overlapping pages in multiple
          page mode for PostScript export
Patchlevel 5-alpha4 (Feb, 19, 2004):

Note:   There is a minor change to the copyright/permission notice for xfig.
        Basically, I have restored the part that allows one to sell xfig
        regardless of whether it is bundled as part of a package or not.
        This is identical to the original copyright/permission notice for
        xfig, which was based on the MIT (then later, the X Consortium)
        copyright notice.
        Here is the new notice (different files have different author
        copyrights at the top):

        > FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
        > Copyright (c) 1985-1988 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
        > Parts Copyright (c) 1989-2002 by Brian V. Smith
        > Parts Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King

        > Any party obtaining a copy of these files is granted, free of charge, a
        > full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-free,
        > nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and documentation
        > files (the "Software"), including without limitation the rights to use,
        > copy, modify, merge, publish distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of
        > the Software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such
        > party to do so, with the only requirement being that the above copyright
        > and this permission notice remain intact.

        o Introduction.html and installation.html updated to include Macintosh
          port of xfig
        o Button to collapse depths of a compound object (make all same depth)
          in popup object editor
        o Grid changed from dotted line to light red solid line
        o Candle in Libraries/Miscellaneous by Dr. Lyman Hazelton
        o Right-click on depth checkbox sets current depth in indicator panel
          to that depth
        o Library of symbols used when diagramming folding instructions to make
          origami models and example contributed by Marc Vigo
        o Can adjust width and height directly in popup editor for picture
        o Support for David Hawkey's Xaw3D version 1.5E

        o When loading a library object, if it contained only a compound and
          nothing else, when xfig promoted that compound to the toplevel the
          main comment was lost
        o Incorrect header files used for SmeBSB resulted in either segfault or
          none of the command panel entries being underlined
        o Drawing very large splines (e.g. at zoom = 0.01) caused integer
          roundoff errors, making xfig loop indefinitely
        o Bug where a line that had a zero width or length arrowhead was not
          redrawn after being moved, copied, canvas redraw, etc.
        o The page border and axis lines would obscure Fig objects when moving,
          copying etc. other objects on the canvas.
        o In the popup picture editor, if the relative position of the corners
          of the picture were changed, the rotation field was not updated
          (this bug was in 3.2.5-alpha3 only)
        o line, arc, ellipse length tool was reporting 0 length

Patchlevel 5-alpha3 (Dec, 9, 2003):

        o URL for information about the color optimization code (written by
          Anthony Dekker) has changed to:

        o -autorefresh command-line option (resource: Fig.autorefresh) which
          will make xfig look at the timestamp on the .fig file and
          automatically load it and display it every time it changes.
        o Removed requirement to compile with WHEELMOUSE when using wheelmouse
        o New tower computers (Libraries/Computers/AOpenKF45E.fig and
          AOpenKF45E.fig from Dirko van Schalkwyk)
        o New 10/100 8port hub (Libraries/Networks/3Com3C16750.fig also from
          Dirko van Schalkwyk)
        o When placing library objects, the name and comments are displayed in
          message window
        o New flags (Libraries/Flags): Africa/Eritrea, Africa/Zimbabwe,
          Asia/Myanmar, Asia/Tajikstan, Asia/Kyrgystan, Europe/Croatia
        o non-polar capacitor added to Libraries/Electronic/Schematic
        o Mouse wheel can be used to scroll through filename lists in File and
          Export panels and icons or object lists in Library panel
        o Thickness of ticks in dimension lines are user-adjustable now
        o For attribute popup dialogs with only one text entry, keyboard now
          focuses on the entry as long as the pointer is anywhere in the dialog
        o When using the "Open compound, keep rest visible", the other objects
          are drawn in shades of gray similar to the inactive layers feature.
        o New library objects: adder, multiplier, sine-source and voltage-source
          in Electronic/Schematic by Hubert Lam
        o Zooming in or out with the Z or z key respectively will keep the canvas
          centered on the mouse pointer
        o Full version and patchlevel is included in Fig file header for
        o Can explicitly set the rotation of imported pictures in edit panel
          after importing
        o Export option to produce both EPS and PDF (in two files) in one step.
          Useful for those who both use LaTeX and PDFLaTeX
        o "Epoch" added to rpm spec
        o New HP/GL2 (fig2dev) driver from Glenn Burkhardt with paper size
          selection, offset, centering and orientation options
        o New library object "atom" in Libraries/Miscellaneous is the classic
          drawing of an atom with electrons circling
          From Andrew B. Collier

        o Missing #ifdef XAW3D in SimpleMenu.c
        o Bug when breaking a compound object - depths were added twice to the
        o When implicitly cancelling the placement of a library object by
          choosing another mode, xfig would do one of two things:
            1. tell user to cancel or finish the current operation, but there
               was no way to do that
            2. create the object that was being cancelled with extremely large,
               negative coordinates
        o Picture Reread button was active before file was read the first time
        o Rereading picture in edit popup produced bad colors
        o When using multiple copies of an imported picture, h/w ratio was not
          computed for copies
        o Importing PCX images were incorrect when bytes per line different from
        o When passed a filename containing a directory name for a Fig object
          library using -library_dir, and that directory only contains Fig files
          and no subdirectories with Fig files, xfig segfaulted
        o Several checks for memory allocation failure added to the library
          loading procs
        o Forgot to free allocated memory when return abnormally from loading
        o Path length check in loading libraries fixed
        o Missing include for put_msg prototype in e_measeure.c
        o Needed #ifdef for XtVersion in SmeBSB.c (X11R5 doesn't have
          international fontset)
        o Added SIGPIPE signal to ignore in case an external program dies when we're
          using pipes
        o Screen capture on an MSBFirst X server with 24/32 bits per pixel was
        o Importing any image file on such a server was incorrect (bytes/bits
        o Reading GIF or PCX files on 24-bit server *and* on big-endian machine
          (e.g. Sparcstation) resulted in bytes being swapped and funny colors
        o Could popup unit dialog when drawing/editing objects
        o Embedded whitespace in filenames in recently loaded files weren't
          parsed properly (.xfigrc)
        o When pasting an object on the canvas, point positioning grid wasn't used
        o Bug when reading a compressed eps file (file handle was passed to open
          proc instead of name)
        o Minor grid spec used twice instead of minor/major when passed to fig2dev
        o Fixed conversions of export/print grid values when switching to/from
          metric, decimal or fraction
        o When loading or merging a file, xfig appended ".fig" to the name if
          there wasn't ".fig" in the name. Now it only appends ".fig" if there
          is no suffix (no ".").
        o When appending the ".fig" before the previous change, xfig would segfault
        o Libraries/Electronic/Schematic/transformer and transformer_ironcore
          aligned to 1/16" grid
        o Bugs in indicator panel display of text flags, dimension line params
          and arrow size params when cycling through settings with middle or
          right mouse button
        o Bug in callbacks for dimension line checkboxes that select actual
          length or user text
        o When exporting to Combined PDF/LaTeX it uses ".pdf" and ".pdf_t"
          suffixes because LaTeX doesn't recognize ".pdftex" as a PDF file
        o Better clipping around arrowheads on thick lines (lines that are
          thicker than the arrowhead is wide)
        o Checks for open splines of < 2 points when reading figure file and
          removes them
        o Clicking middle mouse button after creating first point of closed
          spline switched to freehand mode
        o Export panel sections would get messed up when changing export
        o Now checks whether scrollbars support StartScroll before trying to use
          it for the wheel scrolling.  When the Xaw widgets are compiled with
          ARROW_SCROLLBAR, there is no such action.
        o pstex_t export lacked border option (-b) to align LaTeX text when
          pstex figure specified border (also fixed in fig2dev)
        o Create one picture object with no filename, then create another and
          xfig crashed
        o Some bugs when freeing dimension line components
        o Bad choices for grid dot spacing in metric mode in the 5mm grid, and
          decimal inch mode in the 0.5 and 1.0 inch grids
        o -international flag missing from xfig.html and xfig.man docs
        o Added call to XsetLocaleModifiers() when initializing input method
          (-international mode only)
        o xfig was limiting arrowhead lengths to 50 pixels instead of 50 inches,
          and the width to 10 pixels instead of 10 inches.
        o edit panel for circles shouldn't have "angle" entry
        o edit panel wasn't allowing typing in of negative angles for text and
        o Objects were sometimes drawn with a wild point when zooming
        o Full path was being added to default export filename and wasn't
          changing when user changed directories
        o When drawing a box or rounded box with the "show line lengths" on, the
          sizes were in Fig units (1200ppi) instead of user units.
        o Spacing cedilla (ISO 0xB8 / octal 270) was missing from CompKeyDB file
        o Changing the units in the popup edit panel for a text object caused a
        o Rulers and grid didn't change scale when user scale was != 1.0.  Even
          though the message window showed the correct user scale when drawing
          objects, the rulers and grid still showed the unscaled values.
        o Axis lines through 0,0 now drawn after page border so it remains
          visible when there is a grid
        o Segfault if current directory was deleted after starting xfig
        o Positioning grid was set to "ANY" when editing a compound object,
          causing the original bounding box to be lost
        o Bug in arc drawing caused arcs to be drawn as circles at high zoom
        o Computing the area of a polygon larger than 38x38 inches overflowed
        o Bug in bounds calculation for ellipses and circles that increased
          bounding box even with line width = 1
        o Limit on number of styles in a family wasn't checked
        o If all depths were turned off and any edit operation was attempted on
          the canvas such as move object, delete object, xfig would hang,
          searching for objects indefinitely.

Patchlevel 4 (December 2002)


The xfig copyright has changed slightly since the previous version.
It now states that:

        Any party obtaining a copy of these files is granted, free of charge, a
        full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-free,
        nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and
        documentation files (the "Software"), including without limitation the
        rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish and/or distribute copies of
        the Software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such
        party to do so, with the only requirement being that this copyright
        notice remain intact.

The previous notice allowed the *selling* of xfig or any code in xfig. This is
not allowed now, unless xfig is simply included in a collection of programs
(e.g. on a CD) that you are selling.


        o Binary RPM available for systems with rpm (RedHat Package Manager).
        o Examples moved to Libraries/Examples so they are installed in a
          convenient place for viewing (via the library feature)
        o "Front" and "Back" labels in depth manager to show relative
          positioning of depths on drawing.
        o The mu (micro) character is now entered using "Compose | u" instead
          of "Compose / u"
        o If you wish to place a library object at the position it was
          originally created, e.g. for laser printer labels, hold down the Shift
          key and press mouse button 3 (`place at orign posn') to place it.
        o New URL for chemtool, a chemical structure editor:
        o The minimum and maximum depth of objects are shown in the edit panel
          for compound objects
        o EMF (Enhanced Metafile) export driver (TransFig/fig2dev) based on CGM
          driver. Converted by M. Schrick
        o SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) beta driver (for TransFig/fig2dev) from
          Anthony Starks with major improvements by Martin Kroeker
          Some caveats when using Mozilla-SVG to view these:
            1. the file must be exported with magnification = 6.6% (0.066 in
               fig2dev) to scale to screen coords
            2. the file suffix must be ".xml"
        o The xfig documentation is nearly entirely GIF-free (TM).  Only the
          frames images use GIF because they use a transparent background, which
          many browsers don't honor.  PNG is used for all other images.
        o Xfig reference manual now available in PDF besides html.  The English
          version is in Doc/xfig_en.pdf and the Japanese in Doc/xfig_jp.pdf.
          These are also available in the Help menu.
        o Dimension lines - Hold the shift key down while drawing a polyline,
          and after specifying the two endpoints a "dimension line" is created,
          which is actually a compound object containing the line drawn (with
          arrowheads if auto arrow mode is on) in the current color, "tick"
          lines at each endpoint, text showing the length of the line in the
          current units, and a box around the text filled in the current fill
          color.  If this compound object is rescaled or one or more endpoints
          are moved, the actual length is recalculated and the text is updated.
        o New Xfig logo courtesy of Marc-Aurele Darche.
        o Can now paste text in text mode using Shift+Middle-mouse-button in
          addition to F20 and Sun's Paste key (F18).
        o If xfig is compiled with #define WHEELMOUSE uncommented in the
          Imakefile, the wheel may be used for several things (see html docs
          under Miscellaneous/Wheel Mouse).
        o New grid/positioning option for inches mode: -grid_unit.  If the value
          given is "1/10", "ten", "tenth", "1/10" or "10", (e.g. -grid_unit ten)
          then the grid and point positioning is in decimal inches.  Otherwise
          they are in 1/16 inch units (as before).  When in this mode, the grid
          step sizes are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 inch and the positioning steps are
          0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 inch.
        o Background (-g to fig2dev) option for tk export honored now.
        o New command-line argument -correct_font_size (X resource
          Fig.correct_font_size) to make xfig use real points for font sizes
          instead of units of 1/80 inch.  xfig has always claimed that the font
          size units are points (1/72inch), but in fact they were 1/80 inch.
          This new option is not the default because it will break some figures
          by making the text too large compared to other Fig objects, but it
          will be the default in a future version.
          The corresponding argument to fig2dev is -F (xfig automatically sets
          this when calling fig2dev).
        o Added "Stop" button to stop loading library.
        o Much more efficient when copying large imported pictures - existing
          pixmap is used instead of creating new one.  This also precludes the
          need to remap colors when running out of colors when the colors are
        o When changing an attribute of an imported picture that doesn't change
          the picture itself (e.g. depth), the pixmap is not regenerated,
          therefore saving time.  The same is true when copying a picture.
        o New X resource Fig.ghostscript and command-line argument -ghostscript
          by which you can tell xfig what your ghostscript is called (e.g. "gs"
          or "gswin32").
        o Can now add ASCII (EPSI) preview to EPS export. See export panel.
        o Can now add monochrome or color TIFF preview to EPS export.  This is
          needed by Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc. to display the EPS on the
          screen. Select from the pulldown menu of export languages.  You must
          have fig2dev 3.2.4 for these features. See export panel.
        o Translations of LATEX.AND.XFIG document into two popular Chinese
          encodings (GB2312 and Big5).  These are called LATEX.AND.XFIG.zh_CN
          and LATEX.AND.XFIG.zh_TW respectively.
          From Mendel Chan
        o When text becomes too small to see (e.g. small zoom), xfig will
          "Greek" it, meaning it draws a gray line segment for each word in the
        o When resizing canvas to a smaller height, the number of buttons per
          row of the mode (side) panel increases so that it doesn't protrude
          into the indicator (bottom) panel
        o Smarter redraw when turning on depths from the depth manager.  If
          depth N is turned on and there are no active depths < N, only depth N
          is drawn - otherwise, the canvas is erased and the whole figure is
        o If the user's pointer (mouse) buttons are switched (usually 3 2 1)
          xfig will automatically flip the mouse hints messages. This overrides
          the -flipvisualhints command-line argument.
        o If the user clicks on or modifies an existing text, and presses
          return, the new text on the next line will use the attributes of the
          first text instead of the attributes from the indicator panel.
        o Note in README and Imakefile about not casually setting the DESTDIR
          make variable.
        o Picture objects are drawn as filled gray boxes when their layer is
          inactive in gray mode.
        o xfig no longer requires fonts that are named "-adobe-..." (e.g. for
          RedHat systems with URW fonts).
        o Updating the attribute panel from a compound object will retrieve
          (only) the smallest depth from the compound.
        o When scaling an object, the line thickness is no longer scaled with it
        o New measuring modes: angle, length, area and tangent. See Editing
          section in html docs.  From Alex Durner.
        o New feature to add tangents and normal lines to curves.  See Editing
          section in html docs.  From Alex Durner.
        o Splash screen on startup. Disable with -nosplash (resource Fig.splash).
          Interior logo by  Marc-Aurèle Darche.
        o New command-line option -grid_color (resource grid_color) to set the
          color of the canvas grid (default: red).
        o New option to print grid when exporting or printing (see printing/
          exporting section in html docs).
        o When drawing an arc by specifying the center point, a circle is drawn
          showing the radius of the arc as the user drags the mouse, then when
          the first end point is clicked an arc is drawn as the mouse is dragged.
          The user then clicks in the direction the arc should go, followed by
          the final angle to complete it.
        o If the Ruler unit is Imperial (in), you may have xfig display
          measurements using fractions where possible.  If a measurement can be
          shown as an integer multiple of 64ths of an inch (or 32nds, 16ths,
          etc.) it will show it as such (e.g. 3-5/64 in), otherwise a decimal
          value will be shown (e.g. 3.085 in).
        o When opening a compound object, if the middle button us used to open
          the compound, all other objects on the canvas are kept visible.
          From Alex Durner.
        o When opening a compound object, the "point positioning" indicator is
          enabled, allowing you to set the bounds of the compound according to
          the indicator when you close the compound.
        o Zero-crossing lines on canvas have own command-line parameter
          (-zero_lines) and resource (Fig.zero_lines) for setting color separate
          from page border color.
        o Smooth factor when exporting to bitmap format is now a pull-down menu
          with: No smoothing, Some smoothing, More smoothing.
        o When flipping compound objects with text, a vertical flip will now
          shift the text to maintain its relative position to the other objects
          in the compound and its angle is rotated by 180 degrees minus the
          original angle.  This behavior will for example, keep the orientation
          of a text inside a polygon consistent with the polygon.
          A horizontal flip of a compound containing text will change the angle
          in the same way.
        o Three-D borders for buttons, etc reduced from 2 to 1 pixel for "lean"
          look (resource Fig*shadowWidth in Fig-color.ad).
        o Additional JPEG file format (EXIF) added for import. These usually
          come from digital cameras.
        o Validation for integer spinners - doesn't allow non-numeric input when
          typing in values directly.
        o When scaling an object, the scale factor is shown in the message.
          window in addition to the width/height. From Alex Durner.
        o New url for pstoedit (mentioned in installation.html).
        o When picking points of an object at high zoom, the tolerance has been
          reduced to make it easier to pick the correct point.
        o When "graying" inactive depths, the inactive objects are drawn first
          followed by active objects ensuring visibility of active objects.
        o xfig now draws "grayed out" picture objects (inactive depth) as a gray
          box with the filename only.
        o Line style in edit panel now shows graphic of style instead of
          textual description.
        o Cap style in edit panel was inadvertantly left off open-splines.
        o Popup dialog to edit behavior of spline point now pops up near the
          point being edited.
        o When cancelling drawing a picture object from the popup editor, the
          empty object is removed rather than showing a <empty> in the box.
        o Pressing Return or Escape in popup message window will dismiss it.
        o In picture browser popup, double clicking or clicking and pressing
          Return will apply the selected picture AND close the browser.
        o New popup query if updating the depth in a compound object would
          result in any depth exceeding the maximum.  The popup gives the user
          the option to cancel the depth update part.
          From Marcus Eger
        o More consistent placement of Cancel/Ok/Set etc. buttons in dialogs.
          Generally, the Cancel button is first followed by the others, and
          where possible, they are at the bottom of the dialog.
        o More meaningful message "Cut buffer is empty" if there is no .xfig
          file in the user's home directory.
        o New MetaPost driver for TransFig 3.2.4 supported.
        o New option for binary CGM export (must have TransFig 3.2.4 too). The
          ralcgm program is required for this option.
          See ftp://ftp.cc.rl.ac.uk/pub/graphics/ralcgm/
        o In popup edit panel for compound objects, one may easily shift a
          compound object by changing either corner's x, y values and pressing
          return or scale it by changing the width and/or height and pressing
        o "condensed" alias for "narrow" fonts (urw changed their helvetica-
           narrow to helvetica-condensed).
        o Pressing escape in a popup dialog will dismiss it.
        o Zoom/Unzoom (Shift-Z/z) changes zoom by a factor of 1.5 instead of
          adding or subtracting 1 from the zoom value. Also, the zoom/unzoom is
          centered on the canvas.
        o Exporting to JPEG doesn't require compiling with USE_JPEG defined in
        o Minimum and maximum depths of objects in a compound are displayed in
          popup edit panel.
        o Named styles where user can save attributes that are often used for
          quick access.  For example, the user may want dashed, thick, red lines
          often so he can save those attributes and call it (e.g.) "thickred",
          and easily call it up later.  See the html docs in Main Menus (the
          View/Manage Styles...) menu entry.

NEW LIBRARIES and Examples:

        o Poster advertizing German version of "Little Shop of Horrors" in
          Libraries/Examples/poster.fig.  From Kai-Martin Knaak
        o Three new Examples from Carlo Kopp (in Libraries/Examples):
           Python-4.fig  - RAFAEL Python 4 all aspect agile heatseeking missile
           YF-23A.fig    - Development example of the USAF's Northrop-MDC YF-23A
           tsr2-side.fig - Notional camouflages for BAC TSR.2 production aircraft.
        o Many new country flags in the Libraries/Flags directory. Now
          organized by region of the world (e.g. Africa, Europe, MiddleEast).
        o New flags of Bosnia and Slovenia with vector coat of arms in
          Libraries/Flags directory from Roman Maurer
        o New maps of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
          Slovenia (Libraries/Maps/Europe)
        o New maps of Russia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
          and Uzbekistan (Libraries/Maps/Asia)
        o New Avery label templates in Libraries/Labels directory, including a
          CD label, Avery_5931, done by William Chimiak.
        o New Avery and PerfectData Corp CD label templates in Libraries/Labels
          directory, done by Len Hickey.
        o New computers and printers in Libraries/Computers library from Ernst
        o New network library devices Extreme Networks Inc. Black Diamond and
          Summit 5i network switches, Net Gear Hub, and new CODECs in
          Audiovisual library from Bill Chimiak
        o New DSP component library from Jakub Stastny
        o Standard welding bevels library from Erik Engh (Libraries/Welding)
        o Canadian map from Seymour Green
        o A Uno hand (card game) drawn by Roland Rosendfeld


        o Undo of join/split now works correctly.
          From Pieter-Tjerk de Boer
        o Pulldown menu for object library didn't always go away while loading
        o If -library_dir was relative path, any imported pictures in library
          files wouldn't be found.
        o If in text draw mode and user uses Alt- accelerator, the compose LED
          would stay on
        o Middle mouse emulation for 2-button mice wasn't accepting Alt-Right-
          click, only Meta-Right-click.
        o If one created a new figure and didn't save it before exporting, the
          export command was malformed resulting in an error message.
        o Numeric locale setting moved to routines that read and write Fig files
          so that the user's numeric convention is used in everything else.
        o Point positioning was truncated in the negative X and Y regions of the
          canvas instead of being rounded.
        o -b (border margin) wasn't being passed to fig2dev for PDF and PSTEX
        o xfig only recalculate the bounds of compound objects being read if
          there are no bounds following the "6" or they are all 0.  This fixes
          the problem introduced in 3.2.3d where objects that were bound at a
          certain point positioning were rebound at the current positioning.
        o When xfig reads in a .fig file (merge_file or load_lib_obj) it will
          not put the file into another compound if it contains only one
          compound. This will prevent the double compounding of library objects
          or merged files.
        o If a compound with more than 64 strings was edited, xfig segfaulted
          because the limit wasn't checked.  This is fixed, and the limit has
          been increased to 200.
        o Typo in figx.h. "#ifdef XAW3d" instead of "#ifdef XAW3D" (capital "D")
        o If the XFIGDOCDIR directory didn't already exist, install.doc failed.
        o The "make install.all" directive did not install the executable, as
          the README file said is would.  This has been fixed.
        o Deleting a region (middle mouse button delete) of a figure resulted in
          all other objects dissappearing after a screen refresh.
        o If the user mistakenly clicked the *left* mouse button on a point
          where he wanted to *split* a line, the ability to split was turned off.
        o Toplevel library directory wasn't included in library menu when it
          contained .fig files.
        o Subdirectories without any .fig files appeared in the library menus,
          contrary to the documentation.
        o If xfig was renamed to anything else, the command-line arguments and
          X resources weren't parsed by the Intrinsics.  This is fixed.
        o Some versions of "make" don't like the blank line produced by the
          "#ifdef I18N" in the install.html section of the Imakefile, so it has
          been reworked to get around that bug.
        o Array placement with horizontally/vertically constrained copy works now
        o Html "options" page showed "-pa" as abbreviation for -paper_size, when
          in fact it is now "-pap" because of the new "-pageborder" option.
        o If display zoom was large (> 20) and grid was turned on, very large
          pixmap was being created for the grid.
        o Inconsistancy with "char" vs "unsigned char" in get_canvas_clipboard().
        o Text input and editing more efficient when redrawing large fonts.
        o Box curve indicator now appears when in "convert box<->arcbox" mode.
        o If user called xfig with empty (but existing) file, the filename was
          not retained for subsequent save.
        o Cleaned up redrawing of corner markers when editing objects from popup
          edit panel.
        o Scaling arcbox didn't report scaling messages.
        o When scaling rotated ellipses, scaling messages were overwritten.
        o Improved redraw when moving/scaling/copying objects and screen is
        o Drawing units indicator was not updated when reading Fig file.
        o Cleaned up "move point" code.  When moving a corner point of a box or
          compound or the radius or diameter of a circle or ellipse, it would
          first make the object dissappear until the mouse was moved.  This
          doesn't happen anymore.
        o Command-line -userunit (X resource Fig.userunit) were overwritten when
          reading Fig file.  Now it is only changed if units are inconsistent
          with value in file.  E.g. if file has "Inches" and xfig has "cm", xfig
          changes to "in" when reading file.
        o A few files were left open that should be closed.
        o If the print and/or export panels are up and the figure units are
          changed from/to Metric/Imperial, the figure size wasn't updated in
          the print/export panel(s).
        o Missing link from editing.html file to "Paste Objects" in
        o Bug in array place item - didn't work when number of X copies and
          Y copies = 1.
        o Bug in *undo* of array place - didn't account for adding back object
        o (dx, dy) values weren't displayed when moving the midpoints of a line
          or arc.
        o While drawing freehand (middle mouse button start), if the user wanted
          to delete points by holding down the shift key and pressing the left
          button, moving the mouse would still add points to the object
        o PNGINC Imakefile variable added to specify where png.h is located (was
          already there in fig2dev)
        o The depth counts were erased when deleting a region of a figure.
        o If you choose one object from a library to place on the canvas and
          then popup the library panel and choose another object, the depths
          from the temporary object following the pointer weren't accounted for.
        o Added "Fig*AllowShellResize: false" to the app-defaults file to fix a
          problem that some window managers have with xfig continually resizing
        o When saving path of imported picture, xfig thought path was relative
          to current directory when it wasn't
        o Added "|| defined(apollo)" in fig.h to include sys/types.h
        o Doc/FORMAT3.2 file had imported picture description line reversed with
          points lines
        o Doc/FORMAT3.2 file had incorrect values for object types in the first
          part of section 3.
        o Segfault when merging a Fig file with only color objects (no drawing
        o No message when toggling on/off depth manager
        o If xfig couldn't open ~/.xfigrc for writing (e.g. because of
          permissions) it would segfault
        o Segfault when converting a 2-point line to a polygon.
          Bugfix from Tom Sato.
        o Segfault when creating a closed spline with three points, where the
          last two points are coincident.
          Bugfix from Tom Sato.
        o Typo in attributes.html in describing the selection of the previous or
          next attribute with mouse buttons 2 and 3 respectively.  For mouse
          button 2 it should read "previous" and for button 3 "next".
        o Typo in Doc/FORMAT3.2 and Doc/html/fig-format.html for backward_arrow
          said "(0: no forward arrow, 1: on)" instead of ... no backward ...
        o Added $(DUSESMALLICONS) to dependencies for main.c in Imakefile
        o Reduced height of object edit panels by only displaying 3 comment
          lines and 6 x,y pairs before scrolling.
        o Special texts weren't filtered by the depth filter when exporting to
          combined ps/latex or pdf/latex
        o Various typographical errors found by Daniel Frèrejacque
        o Segfault if fast export (Alt-Shift-X) is done before either the file,
          export or browse panel was created
        o When xfig was compiled with WHEELMOUSE support, zooming was always
          "centered" even not zooming with wheel
        o Typo in Fig.ad resource file for pasting text using F8 key
        o When doing a panic save (segfault, etc.), xfig now closes any open
          compound objects first
        o Bug in importing GIF file.  File descriptor changed between first open
          and final close.
        o Bug in Imakefile with JPEGINCDIR
        o Had to include SimpleMenu.c and header files because of changes to
          some Xaw SimpleMenu implementations that were incompatible with xfig's
          own SmeBSB object
        o Bug in "Figure size" label in export panel caused segfault sometimes
        o Macro call (up_part) in e_update.c caused problems on HP/UX ANSI
        o Same compiler takes issue with empty action records in w_style.c:
          library_actions[] ={}; Removed because it isn't used anymore.
        o After pressing the "Reread" button in imported picture edit popup, the
          Shrink, Expand and Original size buttons were disabled
        o Bug in SmeCascadeP.h when not using 3D widget set (Xaw3d)
        o One remaining use of sys_errlist[] should have been changed to
          strerror() in f_util.c
        o Pressing Escape while drawing an object caused segfault
        o When line type is dotted and the dot gap is < 0.5, XSetDashes()
          produced "Bad Value" error.  Found by Tom Sato
        o init_break_tag() and init_break_only() each had an extraneous parameter
          (loc_tag) which wasn't used and wasn't passed by the caller anyway. This
          caused havoc with (at least) the gcc optimizer on an Alpha processor.
          Found by Jay Estabrook.
        o If you open a dimension line compound object and close it with zoom != 1,
          the text is drawn unzoomed
        o Didn't allow smoothing when exporting to AutoCAD slide file.
        o Changing browser or pdfviewer in dialog had no effect.
        o Fixed problem with RedHat imake rules not installing Doc/xfig.man
        o When making a compound object including lines that have arrowheads and
          large coordinates (>= 100000), an incorrect bounding box was produced.
          This same bug was in fig2dev 3.2.3d and earlier.
        o Drawing an arc by starting with the center and dragging it out now
          reports the angles of the endpoints after clicking on first endpoint
          instead of incorrectly reporting the radius.
        o Checks that closed splines have at least 3 points when reading Fig
          file and removes any that have fewer.
        o Exporting with color TIFF preview option missing parameter when
          calling fig2dev
        o Export grid option disabled for languages other than PS/EPS/PDF/bitmaps
        o Not really a bug, but the message that tells the user when xfig is
          converting a figure from an older file format to the current format
          has been removed.
        o When changing the height of xfig, the number of buttons per row on the
          mode (left) panel increase OR decrease as needed.
        o When reading a Fig file with different units (metric/imperial) than
          the current figure didn't change the ruler tick spacing.
        o Chemical Process Flowsheet library Valve_horizontal and Valve_vertical
          valves reversed.
        o Bug in forcing absolute path for picture objects in libraries
        o Bug where xfig may change the Major/Minor printing/export grid tick
          values from "None" to 0.0
        o When an imported picture is compressed but the .fig file has the
          uncompressed name, export failed.
        o Xfig allowed "splitting" a picture box into a polyline.  This has been
          fixed to disallow it.
        o Queries user if hasn't saved named styles after adding or deleting same.
        o Print-to-batch-file didn't call print_to_file with all parms
        o xfig crashed if the window manager deleted the color popup panel in
          the popup editors

Patchlevel 3d (May 29, 2001)


        o New Imakefile variable XFIGDOCDIR points to directory for xfig doc
          files, which may be different from XFIGLIBDIR
        o New aircraft from Carlo Kopp in Examples directory.  These may be
          reproduced for educational and other non-commercial use only.
        o Support for importing PNG image files added
        o GIF transparency for imported images honored by fig2dev now
        o New option to print only active layers when exporting or printing (see
          printing/exporting section in html docs).
        o When loading a compressed Fig file that is either read-only, or is on
          a read-only file system (e.g. a CDROM), xfig uncompresses it into the
          temp directory (env TMPDIR, or /tmp if TMPDIR environvment variable is
        o New Maps library - currently contains Most Canadian provinces, USA
          coast and states, most of the continents and a world outline
          World outline map and United States by Steve Eichblatt
        o I had forgotten to credit Kai-MartinKnaak for his Mechanical_DIN
          library of mechanical drawing symbols from July 1998
        o New Chemical Process Flowsheet library by Volker Siepmann
        o New Laptop computer and Ericsson R320 cell phone in Libraries/Computers
          from Dirko van Schalkwyk
        o New PMOS FET (Field Effect Transistors) and NMOS FET library objects
          in Electrical/Schematic library - from Min Xu
        o New network devices in Networks library from Bill Chimiak:
                atmswitch.fig   - generic ATM switch
                dsu-csu.fig     - Digital Service Unit/Channel Service Unit
                smartbit.fig    - Netcom Smartbit network tester
        o New Catalan flag in Flags library from Francesc Burrull i Mestres.
        o New office building (office2.fig) in Buildings library from Brian
          V. Smith
        o New variable PRINTCAP in Imakefile to specify where the printer
          capabilities file is (default /etc/printcap)
        o New drawing: plan view of house and backyard (Libraries/Examples/house_plans.fig)
          from Scott Gordon.  It may not be used for profit without express written
          permission from Scott.
        o xfig recalculates the bounds of compound objects read in from the file,
          ignoring the bounds values in the file.  This makes it easier for Fig
          file generators to produce compound objects since they don't have to
          know how to calculate the bounds themselves. fig2dev doesn't even use
          those values but recalculates them upon reading the file.
        o New VA Linux machines in Computers library from Yazz Atlas
        o Increased maximum number of libraries to 100
        o New and improved library object Computers/film_digitizer (and in
          Hospital/film_digitizer) from Bill Chimiak


        o New cascaded menu for the Fig object libraries.  This reduces the
          height of the menu to allow many more libraries, by arranging them
          hierarchically.  This required writing a subclass of the SmeBSB Athena
        o When browsing libraries or merging figures, identical user colors were
          multiply defined
        o Fig library objects may use imported images because the absolute path
          is forced in those cases
        o When modifying an existing centered or right-justified text, pressing
          enter moved the cursor to the X position of the beginning of the
          string just modified instead of its anchor point
        o "Delete Unused" button sensitivity not reset when loading subsequent
          Fig files
        o If -library_dir (Fig.library_dir resource) pointed to a *file* of Fig
          library directories, sub-directories weren't added to library list
        o If a bad Fig file was previewed in a library, xfig would display a bad
          preview and segfault of the object was selected
        o Incorrect dx/dy distance reported when moving object/point
        o Better support for Cygwin - Importing eps files changes to the
          directory of the file to avoid pathname differences between Windows
          and Unix/Linux/etc
          From Pierre Humblet
        o Can now rotate boxes and arcboxes by -90, -180 and 180 degrees in
          addition to 90 degrees
        o A compressed .fig file is only uncompressed if the directory is
        o When reading a Fig file, if there was a bad object inside a compound,
          xfig would discard the entire compound.
        o When reading a Fig file, if there was an incomplete or bad object,
          the storage wasn't freed in some cases.
        o xfig would stop reading a Fig file as soon as it encountered a bad
        o xfig now uses its own my_strdup() so it will compile on those machines
          that don't have strdup()
        o "Minitower" computer in Fig object library of computers had an illegal
          Fig object
        o Typo in Doc/FORMAT3.2 file in the join style descriptions.  Round and
          bevel values were reversed (correct values: Round = 1, Bevel = 2)
          Also, fill pattern list was incomplete and incorrect, and arc subtypes
          were switched.
        o When cancelling modification of text using text tool, refreshing of
          original text wasn't done
        o Comments longer than 200 characters caused problems.  They may be
          unlimited in length now.
        o Some functions inconsistently declared static/non-static
        o Wasn't allowing negative rotation angle in indicator panel
        o Typographical error in xfig.man - resources "canvasBackground" and
          "canvasForeground" should be "canvasbackground" and "canvasforeground"
          respectively (no uppercase letters)
        o Updating objects didn't refresh the updated object correctly if the
          bounds changed
        o The lengths and lines drawn when "showlengths" is enabled has been
          cleaned up to remove detritus left behind
        o There was a bug in sizing of imported EPS images.  They were too small
          by the equivalent of one pixel in width and height.  Strangely, this
          also affected the background color in some cases.
        o When merging or pasting a figure of opposite unit system (metric vs
          imperial), xfig used the wrong scale factor.
        o If malloc fails when xfig tries to create a Fig object, the null
          pointer was subsequently dereferenced
        o Objects at MAX_DEPTH (999) were sometimes unaccounted for, meaning
          they wouldn't be refreshed in some cases.
        o Balloon delay value wasn't visible in  Global Settings panel
        o When updating depths in a compound, xfig didn't check for depths
          exceeding the maximum depth (999)
        o Grid calculations didn't coerce types properly, resulting in strange
          grid in negative canvas region
        o Empty lines in the ~/.xfigrc file were causing xfig to segfault
        o Updated fig-format.html to correctly reflect Doc/FORMAT3.2
        o If a region was deleted (middle mouse button) and undone, the
          recovered objects were invisible except for their grab corners
        o If an object was selected from a library while it was still loading
          and placed on the canvas after the library finished loading, xfig
          would segfault
        o When pasting or merging objects, xfig would recompute colors of
          already imported pictures in current figure even if merged/pasted
          objects didn't contain any pictures
        o When scaling a compound containg text, text size may have exceeded
          MIN_FONT_SIZE or MAX_FONT_SIZE limits
        o Font name list was freed when it shouldn't have been, when using
        o Changing depth of an object in the edit panel didn't always update the
          depth manager correctly
        o Actual message was missing from "Error during ..." export message
        o Undefined user color in Libraries/Knitting/Symbols/purl-dash.fig
        o Removed unused user colors in various Library symbols
        o Bug when merging or pasting figures with user-defined colors.
        o No more than 100 points are  displayed for polylines, polygons in
          popup edit panel to prevent system meltdown.  This doesn't affect the
          maximum number of points *allowed* in a polygon/polyline, only the
          number displayed.
        o Quotes around definition of MKDIRHIER should not be there in Imakefile
        o Made all references to Xaw header files use #ifdef Xaw3d to include
          3d header files
        o Added back requirement that fonts (except Zapf Dingbats and Symbol)
          are iso8859 encoded
        o When editing a compound object containing text, and the canvas zoom
          is != 1.0, the zoomed text size was used instead of the unzoomed
        o Printer choice menu now discards any empty or duplicate printers that
          are in /etc/printcap
        o A more robust algorithm for finding the center of an arc given three
          points on the radius is in place. The old algorithm gave up too often,
          making some operations on arcs (e.g. rotate) fail.
        o Rounding error in zoom-to-fit-canvas produced bad centering of figure
        o Maximum number of printers increased to 1000 for lprng systems, and is
          now checked for exceeding maximum
        o Export to PDF now disables page size, orientation, etc. since PDF is
          meant to be imported into pdflatex or other processors
        o Fixed a bug introduced in 3.2.3b which made selecting objects
          difficult at higher zooms
        o When editing a compound, if either the width or height was made 0,
          divide by 0 would occur
        o Line lengths weren't erased after creating arc box (showlengths on)
        o Doesn't allow coincident consecutive points in objects or boxes with
          zero dimensions (coincident corners).  Also, doesn't allow box or
          arcbox with zero x- or y-dimension.
        o Line width indicator didn't always update on some systems
        o Temporary files weren't closed before deleting them in read_gif,
          read_tif and read_ppm
        o Undoing the conversion of a spline<->line or line<->spline would crash
        o When loading a figure from the recent files list in the File menu, imported
          pictures with relative paths would not load
        o Illegal box object removed from Libraries/Examples/lidar.fig
        o Typo on html docs - button 3 cancels constrained copy, not button 2
        o Keyboard accelerators mislabeled - <Shift-f> flips objects left/right,
          unshifted <f> flips them up/down

Patchlevel 3c  (Jul 26, 2000)

        o New export shortcut Shift-Alt-x or Shift-Meta-x to export using
          current settings without popping up the panel
        o New print shortcut Shift-Alt-p or Shift-Meta-p to print using current
          settings without popping up the panel

        o Added -m 644 to "install" directives in Imakefile to make updates
          easier in future (no read-only files)
        o I18N text handling fixed (bug introduced in 3.2.3b)
        o If a filename with an absolute path was given when starting xfig, it
          prepended the current path to the path given thus generating a path
          that didn't exist.
        o "Film digitizer" in Fig object library of computers had an illegal
          Fig object
        o Pixmap bits for sm_check_bits should be unsigned in w_util.c

Patchlevel 3b (Jul 19, 2000)

        o Object library now shows icons of all objects. The size of the icons
          is selectable from 40 pixels to 120 via a pulldown menu and resource
          (Fig.library_icon_size). The the old "list" view is also available.
        o When drawing an arc by specifying the center point, a circle is drawn
          showing the radius of the arc as the user drags the mouse, then when
          the first end point is clicked an arc is drawn as the mouse is dragged
        o Simplistic super/subscripting by typing Ctrl-^ for superscript and
          Ctrl-_ for subscript.  It creates a new string in the proper size
          and position for super- or subscripting.  May be nested.  Does NOT
          work for centered or right-justified text.
          from Ian Hutchinson with improvements by Brian V.
        o new Imakefile variable NEED_STRERROR to allow for systems that don't
          have the sys_errlist[] error string array (this is already in fig2dev)
        o Additional JPEG file format (EXIF) added. These usually come from
          digital cameras
        o New library of knitting symbols from Kate Hedstrom
        o New Cisco network devices in Libraries/Networks from Louis B. Moore
        o New 10/100 Ether network hub in Libraries/Networks from Dirko van
        o New libraries from Al Delgado for Chen's model of Entity Relations
          (Libraries/ERD) and symbols for various widgets, e.g. buttons,
          sliders, scrollbars, etc. (Libraries/GUI)

        o If the BSD symbol is defined but has no value, the "#if" condition
                #if ( !(defined(BSD) && (BSD >= 199306)) && ...
        o Importing 24-bit PCX files works now with the new PCX reader from
          Russell Marks (public domain).
        o Importing PPM images with more than 256 colors failed because it was
          first converted to 24-bit PCX, which xfig couldn't read before now.
        o Importing TIFF files (which is first converted to PPM them to PCX)
          works now with new PCX reader to handle 24-bit images.
        o Bug where updating an arrowhead used the line thickness from the
          current settings instead of the line being updated to set the
          arrowhead thickness.
        o "=" instead of "==" in checking if picture type is XBM to allow
          updating pen color from update button
        o xfig would stop reading objects from a file when it encountered one
          bad object unless it had already read one or more good objects
        o If a polygon was created with ALL coincident points (i.e. zero width/
          height, xfig would remove ALL points when reading the file and would
          subsequently crash.  Objects with zero width/height are now removed
          when reading the file.
        o If a box with fewer than four points or a polygon with fewer than
          three points is read from a file, xfig removes it
        o Could still move point of object even if its depth was not active
        o References to "make" in Imakefile changed to "$(MAKE)"
        o When vertex number display was turned on, canvas wasn't refreshed to
          show them
        o When the page border was turned off, the zero-crossing lines weren't
        o User colors defined in the current session weren't saved with the
        o User could click on text in disabled layer when in text mode
        o Bug which allowed only 511 user colors instead of 512
        o Background color of RGB slider lock buttons changed to random color
          when lock turned off
        o User colors in current figure would be lost if user previewed more
          than one file before cancelling file popup
        o "Transparent" color menu button for GIF export wasn't updated after
          export panel was created when loading new figure
        o Spurious comments would appear in spline after editing control point
        o If editing spline point for curvature and spline line had zero
          thickness, the spline would dissappear during edit
        o Incorrect declaration for put_msg()
        o Prepended $(DESTDIR) to $(XFIGLIBDIR) directory variable in Imakefile
          to be portable
        o Changed w_menuentryP.h and w_menuentry.c to explicitely use
          X11/Xaw3d/...  path for menu entry when user has XAW3D set in
          Imakefile to use 3D Athena Widget set
        o xfig now uses gunzip instead of uncompress to uncompress .Z files to
          be more portable for Cygwin environment
        o Current directory for loading/saving figures was overwritten when
          changing export or picture browse directory
        o Loading a .fig file or importing a picture from an MSDOS filesystem
          failed because xfig tried to see if the file existed with a suffix of
          .Z, .gz, or .z, all of which were reported by stat() to exist because
          it apparently truncates any suffixes after the first
        o Bounding box of objects in negative region weren't calculated
          correctly when positioning grid was on
        o If "allow negative coordinates" was turned off, one could still pan
          into negative region by dragging mouse on side ruler with middle
          button pressed
        o Bug which prevented dragging rulers (with middle mouse button) into
          negative region unless it had been moved into the positive region first
        o If user specified a -geometry on the command-line and then switched to
          Portrait mode, the geometry requested was overridden
        o Various bugs in export commands when calling fig2dev
        o Inconsistent prototypes declared for pw_arcbox() and curve()
        o One of the header values for TIFF files was incorrect (was "DD",
          should be "II")
        o When scaling a box and the point positioning grid is more coarse than
          the points in the box, and you try to grab a corner of the box, xfig
          thought you want to scale either horizontally or vertically only.
        o Excessive updating of layer buttons when reading Fig file fixed
        o Problem when exporting to GIF with transparent = background
        o Certain files are now opened in binary mode ("wb" or "rb") for DOS
        o Rulers show units now every 10 units (e.g. 0cm, 10cm, ...)

Patchlevel 3a (Jan 19, 2000)

        o Library of UML objects (Unified Modelling Language)
          From Andreas Ludwig

        o w_menuentry (subclassed menu entry widget) has been modified to be
          compatible with the X11R5 Intrinsics besides R6
        o Several bugs in sprintf statements which create export command
        o Incorrect lengths reported when drawing box with "showlengths" on
          and user scale != 1.0 (e.g. 1cm = 3km)
        o Declaration for preview_widget was both static and extern
        o Declaration for preview_pixmap was both static and extern
        o Two vars passed to XGetGeometry should have been int instead of
          unsigned int (CreateCheckbutton() proc)
        o Added '#include "w_msgpanel.h"' for every file containing calls to
          put_msg() or file_msg() since they contain varargs and should be
          declared as having variable arguments


        Because Unisys has stated that they WILL charge royalties for the
        use of the LZW compression algorithm even in FREE programs, I have
        removed all traces of the GIF LZW compression/decompression code from
        xfig.  Xfig now calls giftopnm and ppmtopcx to import GIF files.
        Screen capture writes a PCX file.
        Exporting is handled by calling the ppmtogif program from fig2dev.

Patchlevel 3 (Jan 14, 2000)

        o Arrow thickness is a function of line width by default now instead of
        o If figure is modified and user does "File/New", xfig first asks if
          user wants to save the file before doing the "new" operation
        o Changed the "paste text" key in app-defaults file from F20 to F12,
          because most systems don't have an F20 key.  The "Paste" key on Sun
          workstations (it is really F18) may also be used to paste text.
        o Changed default export border margin width to 0
        o Re-enabled export magnification for EPS
        o New "Flags" group of library objects from Roland Rosenfeld.  These are
          flags of Europe which Roland converted from a Sketch example.
          There is also Japan's and the U.S.'s flag which were drawn in xfig by
          Brian Smith
        o Added Ian MacPhedran's web site http://duke.usask.ca/~macphed/soft/fig/
          for FIG-related information to the html docs under "Related
          Applications" in the "Getting and Installing Xfig" section
        o Moved allocation of xfig's 32 "standard" colors last in the widget
          setup procedure so that there is a better chance of the widgets
          getting the correct colors before the colormap fills up and xfig
          changes to a private map.
        o Assumes default of Letter(or A4 if metric mode) if no %%BoundingBox in
          imported eps
        o All traces of GIF decoding/encoding have removed from xfig so as to
          avoid the patent royalty issue with Unisys corp.  xfig now calls
          giftopnm (part of the netpbm package) to read the GIF file and then
          ppmtopcx to convert it to a colormapped image that xfig's read_pcx
          routine can handle.
        o New depth manager.  Enable/disable depths individually or all at once
          to selectively hide parts of drawing.  Can also click on one depth
          button and drag mouse up or down to enable/disable multiple buttons.
          Command-line options -showdepthmanager and -hidedepthmanager to
          control it (resource Fig.showdepthmanager). The default is to show it.
        o When updating the depth of a compound object, the relative depths of
          the objects inside are retained, with the object having the smallest
          depth number being assigned to the value updated by the user.  For
          example, if you update a compound object to depth = 5, and it contains
          objects with depths 8 and 11, after the update they will have depths
          5 and 8 respectively. From T. Sato.
        o Default depth for creating new objects is now 50 to make it easier to
          put new objects on top without having to remember to start the older
          objects at a depth > 0.
        o Xfig allows panning to negative x and y now. This is the default
          and may be turned and off with the -allow_neg command-line option
          and from the global settings panel.
        o Command panel has pull-down menus for File, Edit, View and Help
          operations.  Default accelerators for these menus are Meta-F, Meta-E,
          Meta-V and Meta-H respectively.
          File menu includes list of recently loaded Fig files.
        o Comments in Fig files are preserved with the objects and are written
          back when the file is saved.  Popup edit for objects allows entering/
          editing of comments.  Also, clicking mouse button 2 on the canvas in
          edit mode will popup a panel to edit comments for whole figure.
        o From the File/Open panel, you may startup another xfig process to open
          a Fig file.  From T. Sato.
        o New join/split button to split a line/spline/etc into two, or to join
          two lines/splines etc together to make one.  Also, will convert a box
          to a line by splitting between two corners, and close an open line
          or spline by joining the two ends.
        o Arrow keys, Home and End keys may be used to browse any of the lists
          in xfig. (e.g. Open file list, library popup object list, misspelled
          word list in spell checker)
        o Border option put back in for exporting to EPS and bitmap formats
          (fig2dev -b option).
          User may specify border margin in pixels (roughly).  This will be
          a background margin area around the figure bounding area.
        o New background color option for printing and exporting - sets whole
          background of figure to this color.  Available for all bitmap formats
          and PostScript, EPS, PSTEX and PDF
        o New background option to specify background color for figure.  This
          works for all bitmap formats and PostScript (including pstex).
          This is passed to fig2dev as the -g option.
        o If your system uses /etc/printcap to define printers, xfig will make
          a pulldown menu for the printer selection in the printer panel.
        o New "smooth" button in export to smooth when exporting to bitmap
          format (e.g. GIF, JPEG).  Causes fig2dev (using -S 2 option) to force
          ghostscript to render at 2x magnification which improves font
          rendering, then passes through pnmscale to reduce to original size,
          which also smooths the image by averaging colors of adjacent pixels.
        o Export/Print errors now appear in the popup error message window
        o Popup object editor positions itself adjacent to object being edited
          instead of possibly being on top of it
        o Xfig automatically chooses pwidth, pheight and the number of buttons
          per row on the mode panel (left side) if necessary, to fit on a small
          screen.  If the user explicitely chooses any of those options, their
          choice overrides the automatic setting.
        o New PDF export driver (uses ps2pdf from the ghostscript distribution)
        o New CGM export driver (Computer Graphics Metafile) for fig2dev (and in
          xfig export menu).  From Philippe Bekaert
        o More paper sizes (Japanese JIS B0-B10 and ISO A0-A9)
        o Middle button in paste mode will place object at its original position
          (where it was when it was placed in the xfig cut file)
        o "Spinners" increment/decrement by value appropriate to item being
          modified.  E.g., fill intensity % now steps by 5% for each click
          of the mouse on the spinner arrows, and text step by 0.1.
        o Also, if mouse button is held down on spinup/down button, spinner
          counts automatically after "spinner_delay" every "spinner_rate"
          milliseconds (resources).
        o Fill intensity and Pattern fill now show image in popup edit panel
        o Can now draw arcs by defining:
                1. Center point
                2. First angle/Radius
                3. Second point to deterimine direction
                4. Final angle
            Initiate this mode by starting arc with mouse button 2. Original
            arc mode still available.  From T. Sato
        o New color scheme (grayish instead of bisque) - can still use old
          colors by using Fig-color.bisque.ad or really old colors in
        o I have made the web pages available from our server at:
          A mirror site in Japan is
        o Popup window with global settings (use Meta-g or Alt-g) containing:
                o checkbutton for tracking mouse in rulers
                o checkbutton for showing page borders
                o checkbutton for showing info balloons
                o checkbutton for lengths on lines
                o checkbutton for showing vertex numbers on objects
                o entry for max image colors
                o entry for image editor
                o entry for spelling checker
                o entry for HTML browser
                o entry for PDF viewer
                o checkbutton for turning on/off debug information
             Consequently, the balloon on/off checkbutton has been removed from
             the message window area
        o Two new "make" options:
           1. "make install.doc" - install only the documentation files (i.e.
              man pages, html and pdf files)
           2. "make install.libs" - install only xfig object libraries
        o Filename mask for File and Export panels can have multiple wildcard
          masks separated by blanks or tabs, e.g. "*.fig *.fig.gz *.fig.[Zz]"
        o Export wildcard mask is dynamically changed when selecting the export
          language (e.g. *.gif when GIF is selected for export).  Thus, the
          Fig*export_panel*mask*string resource is defunct.
        o New format for browser resource will parse for "%f" and replace with
          the filename.  Using this and the -remote option for netscape, xfig
          will either use a running netscape to open the help file (html) or
          will start one if one isn't already running.
        o PDF viewer resource is also parsed for %f (filename)
        o Xfig will first try the correct PostScript font name (e.g. AvantGarde)
          and then try a backup font name if the first fails.  If that one fails
          too, it will use 6x13.  In the past, because the AvantGarde, Bookman,
          HelveticaNarrow and Palatino fonts were NOT distributed with the X
          distribution from the Open Group (and the X Consortium before that),
          xfig would substitute fonts for those, that were close.  Now it will
          try the correct one and switch to one of the backups if it doesn't
        o FIGAPPS file updated with new information about GNU plotutils
        o Rulers shows fewer ticks for smaller zooms
        o Rulers show more labels between major ticks for larger zooms
        o New floppy disk library object in "Computers"
        o New firewall symbol and "generic hardware" library objects in "Networks"
          from Tomi Ollila
        o New "Optics" library includes mirrors, lenses, fiber optics
          from Kai-Martin Knaak
        o New Structural Analysis library includes plates, supports, loads,
          beams, coordinate systems and trusses.
          From Roman Putanowicz
          Please see copyright information in the Structural_Analysis/readme
          object. (Libraries/Examples/Structural_Analysis/readme.fig
        o More descriptive error message about non-existent or old app-defaults
        o Removed restriction that fonts are ISO8859-1 encoded to allow, e.g.
          iso646.1991, which is what the scalable Schumacher fonts are.
        o New computers/terminals in Computers library, and new network comp-
          onents in the Networks library of objects.  From T. Sato
        o When a compound object containing right- or left-justified text is
          flipped horizontally, the justification of those text objects is also
          swapped (i.e. right-justified text becomes left-justified and vice
        o Warning printed if user uses Fig.geometry resource to size main xfig
          window - should only use -geometry command-line argument or
          pwidth/pheight args/resources.
        o Uses ANSI stdargs.h instead of varargs.h now
          From Roland Rosenfeld
        o Spell check command uses "%f" now instead of "%s" for filename
        o Can define BINDIR to install xfig in custom directory (see README file)
        o Xfig windows aren't unmapped now when user presses "Edit Image" to
          edit imported image file (not necessary)
        o When in edit mode and you hit Control-Return inside of a text box
          rather than just Return, it's a shortcut for DONE.  From Jeff Hakner
        o When editing a compound object, any text objects in it are shown and
          editable.  From Jeff Hakner
        o In library place mode, the change draw mode function was moved to
          Shift-Middle rather than Shift-Left.  Shift-Left now has the behavior
          of placing the object and doing an edit on it.  When you conclude the
          edit, it resumes place mode.  This combined with including the text
          objects in editing compound objects, allows you to edit any text
          labels in library objects as they are placed.  From Jeff Hakner
        o Rotation angle of objects may be floating point now
          From Marc Joosen
        o Spelling checker and search/replace popup more useful now
        o New "zoom to fit canvas" feature - Ctrl-Z accelerator in canavs will
          zoom the figure to just fit the canvas.  New button in popup zoom
          dialog to do same.
        o After closing an open compound, the "Open Compound" mode is selected
        o If the Shift key is held down while mouse button 2 is clicked on an
          object, any comments in the object are displayed in a popup until the
          mouse button is released
        o New command-line option -flipvisualhints (resource Fig.flipvisualhints)
          which will flip left/right mouse indicator messages for mice whose
          buttons have been switched.
        o New import picture formats supported - TIFF and PPM
        o Added -hiddentext and -rigidtext command-line options and X resources
          to fill out the text flags options (first was -specialtext)

        o In "move point" mode, mouse button 3 incorrectly labelled as "Locate
          Object", when in fact no function is associated with that button
        o Error reading GIF header under certain circumstances
        o For JPEG and GIF export, -g option was being passed to fig2dev even
          with no background color selected
        o Exporting to PDF using xfig actually exported to PS.  Fig2dev does the
          correct thing, though.
        o Depth manager didn't update correctly if depth between two other
          depths was removed (e.g. when deleting an object of depth 51 leaving
          only depths 50 and 52, the indicator for depth 51 wasn't removed from
          the display)
        o PAPER_A4 pointed to A9 entry
        o Docmentation incorrectly mentioned "page_size" when it should say
          "paper_size" (Doc/html/options.html)
        o Split line didn't work on ArcBox
        o Opening a compound object, changing an object inside, closing the
          compound then pressing "Undo" would result in the original object
          outside the compound, plus the changed object still inside, and would
          then eventually segfault if the compound was operated on in any way.
        o Imakefile didn't install pdf files as advertised with "make install"
        o "XEvent event" missing from input tablet code in main.c
        o If xfig tried to import a compressed image file and the directory was
          not writable, it segfaulted while trying to close an unopen file
        o Inadvertantly removed "Help/Xfig man pages" menu entry
        o Wrong path for installation of the xfig-howto.pdf file
        o Bad hyperlink for "Help Menu" in html docs
        o Fig files with "#FIG" but no version number crashed xfig
        o "Show depth manager" missing from screenshot and description of global
        o Background color for exporting didn't have "None" option
        o PDF export ignored centering, background color and multiple pages
        o Warnings from fig2dev weren't displayed when exporting
        o Various command-line options missing from man pages and html docs
        o When turning on or off the depth manager the canvas needed refreshing
        o Symbol "MAXCOMLEN" defined by xfig is already used on some systems
        o Character array illegally freed in screen capture procedure
        o There is a less restrictive copyright on the html pages.  Instead of:
            "However, you may not modify any part of this documentation
            without explicit permission of T.Sato or Brian V. Smith."
          there is now:
            "Modification of this documentation is also granted as long as
            this copyright notice remain intact and name of the person who made
            the modification is explicitly written in the documentation.
            However, contact to T.Sato and/or Brian V. Smith is strongly
            recommended if you want to distribute modified version of this
        o "Smart links" wasn't working when copying compound object with link -
          the link wasn't copied
        o Preview figure wasn't freeing memory
        o Text lines with trailing carriage returns (^M) were read incorrectly
          from .fig file, causing following object lines to be included with the
          text object
        o Some calls to free_spline were passing wrong type of pointer
          Fixed by Bradley Kuszmaul
        o Call to init_point_array shouldn't have arguments
          Fixed by Bradley Kuszmaul
        o Changing to/from PostScript and LaTeX font type using the update
          button didn't work unless "update text flags" was also enabled
        o The CompKeyDB file didn't get installed correctly if user specified
          a path for DESTDIR (normally empty).
        o arrowhead thickness/width/height were being truncated to integers in
          popup edit panel
        o was using /tmp instead of TMPDIR env variable for xfig cut file if
          user .xfig file couldn't be used
        o cleaned up routines that "show line lengths" while drawing/moving
          objects (-showlengths).  Much less detritus now.
        o bug when allocating more user colors than colortable can handle
        o message string not large enough for some of the balloons for the
          attribute panel. From Martin Kroeker
        o Fixed bug in arc arrows introduced when units for arrowhead width and
          height were changed to be the same as for arrowhead thickness
        o Pie-wedge arcs can no longer have arrowheads.
        o In the popup edit panel, if no numeric value was in either the fill
          intensity or fill pattern entry and carriage return was pressed, an
          illegal value might have appeared there
        o Filename sometimes trashed when trying to call external image editor
          from edit popup on imported picture
        o If the text mode is selected followed by the "Paste" mode, xfig would
        o Another change to the "make install.doc" and "make install.libs"
          because some systems' install program can only take one file at a time
        o "make install.doc" doesn't install the Japanese html files unless I18N
          is set in the Imakefile (Internationalization)
        o If Fig.ad isn't installed, xfig died because "browser" or "pdfviewer"
          resources were NULL
        o Mouse function indicator wasn't being reset for cancel library popup
        o Cancelling the library popup wasn't quite working
        o If preview of any library object failed, user couldn't place any more
          library objects
        o Typing characters other than 'r', 'l', 'h' and 'v' are ignored when
          placing library objects on canvas
        o When calling external image editor (via "edit image" from importing
          picture object), argument list[0] wasn't name of image editor
        o When using the external image editor on an imported picture, xfig
          compared the file modification time before and after to re-read it if
          it changed, however the modification time before the edit was never
        o Moved JPEGINCDIR definition in the Imakefile near the #ifdef USEJPEG
          for easier access
        o Bug in code which redisplays canvas sometimes left ghosts behind if a
          "move object" was cancelled
        o Center/Flushleft setting was not properly set from figure file
        o Align-to-canvas assumed US Size A or ISO A4 paper instead of using the
          current page size from export/print
        o Objects with large coordinates (e.g. 190000 Fig units) were drawn
          incorrectly because of a peculiarity in either the X server or the
          X Drawing procedures that didn't work correctly for screen coords >
        o If the canvas was either refreshed or zoomed while previewing a file,
          things failed miserably
        o Line counter corrected when reading Fig file.  Was in error sometimes
          when reporting bad input lines.
        o Fill patterns (e.g. bricks, vertical lines etc.) were not zoomed
          correctly in figure preview
        o INLINE definition changed from "inline" to "__inline" to satisify DEC
          Unix or Irix and Solaris OSs
        o Removed all "NullParameter" from Imakefile because OpenWindows doesn't
          have it
        o Changed XPointer to XVisualInfo * in call to XFree in main.c for those
          still running OpenWindows
        o The "About Xfig" window didn't trap for "Delete Window" so a window
          manager that substitutes "Destroy Window" in that case would kill xfig
        o If user is previewing a figure (via popup file panel) and the canvas
          needs to be redrawn it is deferred until the preview is finished,
          preventing the Bad Window error previously seen.
        o Doesn't segfault now if no app-defaults file is installed
        o Bug fixed where a rotated string with only blanks (spaces) would
        o Mask for attribute panel button management changed to unsigned long to
          insure 32-bit values
        o When reading in a figure containing an image, any offset in the file
          panel was applied to the SIZE of the image.  This is obviously
        o When cancelling the file panel during a file preview xfig would
          sometimes die with an X error.
          Fix from Patrick Gosling
        o There was a bug when converting Fig 3.1 splines to 3.2 under certain
        o Changed fig.h to always include (sys/param.h)
        o Various function mis-declarations and signed/unsigned casts fixed by
                Jonathan R. Ferro
        o Bug in image capture fixed by
                Jonathan R. Ferro
        o Not really a bug, but a change in default - define HAVE_NO_DIRENT
          in the Imakefile if your system DOESN'T have dirent.h
        o When browsing pictures in the import picture interface, if you single-
          click on a filename and then close the browse panel, it now applies
          that picture.  In the past you had to double-click on a filename to
          apply it.
        o Cleaned up error reporting of line numbers in Fig file
        o cur_dir[] array in mode.c wasn't large enough (changed to PATH_MAX)
          From Martin Pahl
        o Hidden, Rigid and Special text flags weren't updated correctly with
          update tool
        o -international and -inputStyle added to help message.
        o Multiple page option was being turned off but pulldown menu showed
        o If the user changes directories in the file/open panel but then
          presses "cancel", the original directory is restored now
        o Stops parsing library directories when limit is reached
        o Doc/FORMAT3.2 file (and all previous) incorrectly described the
          bounding box for compound objects as having upper-right and lower-left
          values, when in fact they have upper-*left* and lower-*right* bound
        o On a PseudoColor server, with xfig in -mono mode, it attempted to
          store a color illegally
        o Editing of comments for picture objects wasn't retained
        o Library directory now may include files with more than just .fig in
          name (e.g. .fig.gz, .fig.Z, etc).  Also, explicit check is made to
          ensure that whatever matches *.fig* isn't a directory.
        o Missing quote for MKDIRHIER variable in Imakefile:
          XCOMM MKDIRHIER = "/bin/sh /usr/bin/X11/mkdirhier"
        o When using small icons, xfig would still use 3 buttons per row on
          small screens even when not necessary.
        o Allocation error in reading some pcx files
        o Bug in HSV color sliders when clicking left or right (increase/
          descrease) mouse button
        o Bug in HSV color sliders on 16bpp PseudoColor visuals

Patchlevel 2 (July 2, 1998)

        o Placing a library object caused xfig to die after recursing for a
          long time
        o Arrowheads in xfig 2.x files were incorrectly converted to 3.2.1
          (they came out too large)
        o Imakefile didn't properly install Electrical/Physical and
          Electrical/Schematic directories
        o Some variables multiply defined in u_draw.c
        o Some systems' "install" program don't have the "-d" (create directory)
          option so I have reworked the install part of the Imakefile

Patchlevel 1 Final (July 1, 1998)

        o Preview of figure is created when you single click on a filename
          in the popup file panel. It also shows the size of the figure.
        o Library feature - load a library of Fig objects and pick and place
          objects from the library on the canvas where you want.
          See the man pages for details, and see Libraries/Examples for some
          examples.  From Stephane Mancini
          modifications by Brian V. Smith
        o Preview of library objects in library popup similar to figure preview
          by Brian Smith
        o The library objects in the Electrical and Logic libraries were done
          by Peter Hiscocks
        o Xfig tutorial (PDF) in Doc/xfig-howto.pdf.  Also available from the
          Help menu. Written by Peter Hiscocks
        o "make install" installs the Fig object libraries to the library
          The default is $XFIGLIBDIR/Libraries (/usr/lib/X11/xfig/Libraries),
          which may be changed in the Imakefile.
        o When pasting a Fig object from the xfig cut buffer it appears under
          the mouse (or near the mouse if pressing the "Paste" button) where
          it may then be moved around on the canvas before pressing mouse
          button 1 to place it.
        o Unit box in upper-right corner now shows the scale (e.g. 1cm=3km)
          This necessitated making the top ruler a little narrower to make the
          unitbox fit.  If the mode panel is on the right side, the side ruler
          is made wider to fit the unit box above it.
        o The path of imported pictures is saved as relative path if picture is
          in subdirectory of main figure file, else it is saved as absolute.
          from T. Sato
        o When drawing a line, moving a point on a line, or adding a point to
          the end of a line, the angle to horizontal is shown in the message
        o Pressing <Meta>-I turns on and off new feature that draws red
          horizontal and vertical lines near the line you are drawing, or point
          you are moving, to indicate rise and run.  Also, the length is shown
          next to and above the horizontal and vertical line respectively, and
          the actual length of the line is shown near the line itself.
          The command-line argument -showlengths (resource Fig.showlengths) will
          enable this feature as xfig starts.
        o Print popup button is active even when print panel is up which makes
          it easy to force it to the top of the window stack if it is hidden
        o Pressing the File button in the command panel while the Export panel
          is up will popdown the export panel and popup the file panel.  The
          converse is also true - if the Export button is pressed while the file
          panel is up, the file panel will be popped down and the export panel
          is popped up.
        o When merging a file/figure into the current figure it is made into
          a compound object first
        o Merging a figure keeps the file panel up to be able to merge more
        o Better memory allocation for temporary arrays when drawing objects -
          may be slightly faster now
          from T. Sato
        o Freehand line/polygon drawing - use mouse button 2 to start after
          choosing polyline.  As the mouse is moved points are added to the
          line or polygon.
          NOTE - this changes the line drawing behaviour:  Mouse button 3 is
          now used to create a single-point object.
        o Whole window screen capture in addition to area capture in picture
          object popup.  The behaviour of the mouse has changed with this -
          Mouse button 1 captures whole window now and mouse button 2 is used
          to capture area of screen.
        o Characters added to Fig*browse_panel*mask*string to include .tif
          and .sld files
        o If xfig is started without a filename, the default filename is empty
          instead of unnamed.fig.  This forces the file panel popup when save
          is done, to enter a new file name.
        o Variable time delay for popup information balloons, specified in
          milliseconds (-balloon_delay; resource Fig.balloon_delay)
        o If you enlarge the File, Export or Library panels only the file list
          area is enlarged to show more files
        o New "spinner" widgets to increment/decrement values in popup indicator
          entries (e.g. line thickness indicator popup)
        o Option of using either absolute values for arrowhead sizes or multiple
          of current line length (see arrow size popup)
        o Arrowhead thickness, width and height can be set explicitely in
          bottom panel for creating arrowheads.  Update button also copies
          arrowhead size info to/from objects and indicator panel.
          The arrowhead width and height parameters are now the same units as
          the arrowhead thickness, which is units of line thickness, not 1/1200
          inch as they were in previous versions of xfig.
        o Color popup menu in popup edit panel handles lots of colors better
        o Option of smaller icons for the mode panel (left side) by compiling
          with USESMALLICONS in Imakefile.  See the Imakefile for details. Also
          see Fig.ad.  Look for "icons".
          From Andrew Morgan (morgan@physics.ucla.edu)
        o New grid and point positioning setting at 1/8" (or 2mm in metric mode)
        o When moving, copying, moving a point of or adding a point to objects,
          all the "grab corners" of the other objects in the figure disappear
          to make the figure less cluttered.  They reappear when the operation
          is complete.
        o Pull-down menu buttons have an arrow icon to show that it is a pull-
        o Units such as "i" for inches and "c" for cm may be entered following
          coordinates in popup edit panel for editing objects (e.g. 3c for 3 cm)
          From Rick Richardson (rick@dgii.com)
        o When importing a picture file (eps, GIF, etc) xfig is more intelligent
          and faster about deciding the format
        o "Integer area zoom" option in zoom popup - if checked, when using the
          mouse to zoom an area of the canvas, the zoom amount will be an
          integral value (e.g. 2, 3, 4)
        o Compose key LED may be turned on for multi-key characters (e.g.
          a-umlaut etc) on Sun Sparcstations.  See README file about COMP_LED.
          from Hans Werner Strube (strube@swing.physik3.gwdg.de)
        o New fig2dev driver for tk (tcl/tk) - Generates tk canvas and canvas
          objects.  From Mike Markowski (mm@udel.edu)
        o Added "Alt" key definitions to the accelerators in Fig.ad to
          accomodate those machines which don't have a Meta key

        o Line width is scaled with object scaling now
        o Arrowheads are scaled when scaling lines, splines and arcs now
        o Screen_res was incorrect for drawing tablets
        o When scaling a compound by using the "move point" edit mode, undoing
          the scale didn't work properly because of rounding problems.
          A proper "undo" is now performed.
        o Note: the -inverse (reverse video) option has been removed because
          the same effect can be achieved using "-cbg black -cfg white"
        o Made the export_panel*mask*string same as browse_panel*mask*string
        o User-defined colors weren't being merged properly in compound objects
        o If Paste was performed while opening a compound object, some objects
          outside the opened compound object may have been lost and xfig may
          have crashed with a segfault later.
        o ARC-BOX corner radius scaled incorrectly when box was scaled
        o ARC-BOX corner radius is now only scaled with Scale operation, not
          move point
        o Busy cursor wasn't being reset when reading some figures
        o Refreshing the screen while creating a Fig object (e.g. POLYLINE)
          refreshes that object correctly now
        o Updated pointer for hp2xx and additional pointer to Fig related apps
          in FIGAPPS file. From Ian MacPhedran
        o Declaration of clrtab array incorrect in f_neuclrtab.h - caused
          problems on Digital Unix. From Ian MacPhedran
        o When loading a figure that changes the canvas orientation (Portrait/
          Landscape), the file modified flag was not cleared
        o When it can't save to a file, xfig now rings the bell and puts the
          error message in the *popup* message window
        o Trying to use the external image editor in the edit panel for an
          imported picture failed if the file was compressed
        o When switching to a private colormap because of importing a picture,
          xfig is better about matching the colormap of the popup edit panel
        o Objects not aligned correctly in large drawings due to bad choice
          of starting min/max values (use INT_MIN and INT_MAX now)
        o When running "xfig -right" (mode/edit panel on right-side) the popup
          balloons were too long, never showed the message and popped up and
          down because they appeared under the mouse.
        o Cleanup of many, many function declarations (mostly type void)
        o Inadvertantly used incorrect font for Avant-Garde
        o When undo'ing load figure, any objects using user-defined colors may
          not have been displayed correctly until doing a "Redraw".  Also,
          non-existant user colors may have stayed in pen and/or fill color
        o Bug in size of imported Picture when clicking on "Use orig size" -
          image was slightly too small.  Also bug when clicking "Use orig size"
          in metric mode - even worse scaling.
        o Code to check for bad font numbers when reading Fig file was in wrong
        o Bug in pcx decoder - odd-width images caused seg fault.  This would
          also affect importing eps files since xfig uses pcx output from gs.
        o Another bug in pcx decoder - wasn't allocating correct amount of
          memory for the image buffer.  This would of course, cause segfaults.
        o Bug in "Fit-to-page" in metric mode fixed
          from Hans Werner Strube (strube@swing.physik3.gwdg.de)
        o Cleaned up mode button icons to fit within button area better
        o An old feature to prevent an expose event on the canvas from erasing
          a newly imported image while still in the picture editor is no longer
          needed and prevented screen refreshing
        o If screen capture is attempted with no Fig filename (e.g. when
          starting xfig with no file name) seg fault occurred.
          from T. Sato
        o Small correction to I18N draw_string routine
          from T. Sato
        o Not all calls to fig2dev had I18N localization options passed
          from T. Sato
        o If you create a new figure (no name yet) and try to export before
          saving, xfig asked you if you wanted to save the figure first.  If
          you said yes, it would popup the file panel to choose a name and save.
          After that though, it wouldn't do the export as you first requested.
          This has been fixed.
        o Added && !defined(__GLIBC__) to declarations of random and srandom for
          systems with glibc
        o Imported eps files containing "initgraphics" commands weren't working
          correctly.  This has been fixed by defining initgraphics and
          initmatrix as {}.
        o Yet another #if added to the never-ending list.  This one is for
          sys_errlist.  FreeBSD systems already define it in stdio.h.
        o Inconsistent declaration uncompress_file (static)
        o Missing braces around initializers for headers structure for imported
          bitmap file types
        o Some unused variables and procedures removed
        o Incorrect casts in e_align.c
        o Bug in figure size in export and print panels - bounding variable
          was clobbered soon after being calculated
        o Allowed saving over a read-only file if file panel wasn't created
        o Various problems with New figure->Export->File popup sequence either
          segfaulting or permanently disabling xfig buttons and canvas fixed.
        o GC wasn't properly setup for dragging rectangle on screen for screen
          capture for some systems.
        o Very small arcs "blew up" making very large arcs on screen
        o Bug in draw_arc() - would free unallocated memory if arc was small
        o Imakefile had w_icons.o in XFIGSRC instead of w_icons.c
        o Fixed annoying warning about StartScroll action not found on Linux
          systems that use the "modified" Xaw3d widget set (ARROW_SCROLLBAR
          defined, which makes the scrollbars look like the Windows scrollbars)
        o Mouse indicator was leaving bits of old text behind for long messages
        o Removed call to rint() because gcc can't find it on HP-UX
        o Move_point_selected() called set_mousefun() with too few args
        o Variable "text_translations" multiply defined
        o Fixed some bugs relating to updating dash-length/dot-gap in indicator
          panel from dashed/dotted lines
        o Bug fixed where update indicator (red box) didn't always toggle
        o Undo of spline<->line conversion and box<->arc_box fixed
        o For some reason, the Solaris version of XtAppCreateShell references
          an argument beyond what the users specifies in the command line,
          causing a seg fault.
          Fixed by Martin Pahl (pahl@tnt.uni-hannover.de)
        o Renamed suffix for AutoCad Slide export to ".sld" (was ".acad")
        o Needed #ifdef USE_JPEG in w_export.c for compiling without JPEG
        o Transparent color was not passed to fig2dev for GIF output (new -t
          option in fig2dev do do this)
        o Inappropriate arguments to sqrt() in spline calculations (not double)
        o The radius value displayed in the message window was incorrect when
          drawing ellipses
        o Both radii are reported now when drawing ellipses
        o Now checks whether Fig file is read-only before renaming to .bak and
          allowing user to save. (after second save, original, read-only file
          would be gone)
        o New #ifdef for glibc which has sys_errlist and random() defined
        o Conflict with definition M_PI (3.14159....) on RedHat systems fixed
        o Interpolated splines in Fig version 2.1 files were read incorrectly
          fixed by Onno Roep (O.A.Roep@twi.tudelft.nl)
        o If you had a line with arrowhead(s) and deleted all the points to make
          it a single point object, then undid the last delete point, the
          arrowhead(s) didn't reappear.  This has been fixed.
        o Less multiple redrawing of figure when starting xfig with filename and
          it needs to change orientation (portrait/landscape)
        o "Ledger" paper size removed from list of paper sizes.  It is really
          "Tabloid" size in landscape mode.
        o Undo of align to canvas wasn't refreshing display

Version 3.2 (first release Aug 22, 1997)

        Because Unisys Corp. has stated that they will not charge royalties for
        the use of the LZW compression algorithm in *FREE* programs, xfig will
        continue to support importing and exporting of GIF images.
        However, be aware that if you sell xfig, for example as part of a CD-ROM
        package with freeware, you may be liable for paying royalties to Unisys.
        You may comment out the USEGIF variable in the Imakefile to avoid this.
        With USEGIF commented out, xfig will still import GIF files, but not
        export in that format.  Also, for screen capture, xfig will create a PCX
        file instead of a GIF file.
        *** The authors of xfig and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
        cannot be held responsible in any case. ***

NOTE:   fig2dev now handles the exporting to bitmap formats (GIF, JPEG etc)
          instead of xfig, so there is more consistent output. Requires the
          netpbm package and ghostscript.  See the README file.

        o Japanese text objects (i18n) availble using flag I18N in Imakefile
            from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o ppm, tiff (no compression) and AutoCad (acad) output languages added
        o Image quality (0-100) is selectable for JPEG export
        o Figure size (in inches or cm) is shown in the export and print panels,
          taking into account current magnification
        o "Fit to page" button sets magnification so that figure size will just
          fill current paper size with (at least) 1/2 inch margin all around
        o Emergency save file renamed from xfig.SAVE to SAVE.fig
        o When doing a screen capture for a picture object, the filename of
          the capture is the name of the figure file + the time according
          to time(3) + .gif, e.g. myfigure_858367466.gif
        o Xfig version number in app-defaults file is checked and warning
            message appears if older than current version
        o Spell checker to find misspelled words in text objects
            from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Search and replace - search for strings and either replace them with
            new string or update settings like color, etc. on matched strings
            from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Exporting to pstex does both PostScript and LaTeX part in one step
            to file.pstex and file.pstex_t respectively
        o Popup messages (balloons):
            o describes drawing/editing function when mouse passes over
              any drawing/editing button
            o describes how to activate unit/scale popup when mouse passes over
              units box (where the rulers meet)
            o describes mouse function indicator when mouse passes over it
            o describes each command button in top row as mouse passes over
            o toggle button labelled "Balloons" to turn on/off the balloon
           o all have configurable colors; see Fig-color.ad
        o New figures in Libraries/Examples directory from Bill Chimiak (chim@bgsm.edu):
                1. clp_computer1.fig - computer equipment clipart
                2. clp_hospit_equip.fig - hospital equipment clipart
                3. clp_network.fig - updated network equipment clipart
                4. musicnotes.fig - musical notes, scale lines and clef
        o Checks version number in app-default file with xfig version and warns
           if file is older

        o Arrowheads on splines didn't always point correctly (fig2dev did the
          right thing, though)
        o Accomodation for 15-bit visual (believe it or not!)
        o Checks bits-per-pixel for image formats because some vendors use 32 bits
          for 24 bit depths
        o Minor difference in A0 and A1 page sizes
        o Changed XPM variables to default X include/library in Imakefile
        o Path added to save filename when xfig makes emergency save
        o Incorrect email address for xfig-bugs in man page (should be
        o Typo about font_flags bit number for LaTeX vs PostScript in
          Doc/FORMAT3.2 file
        o Not enough space allocated for buf[] in create_print_panel()
          and create_export_panel()
          from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Typo in Doc/FORMAT3.2 file about header information in Fig files
        o Typo in man pages - zooming uses only CONTROL key, changing spline
          shape factor requires both CONTROL and SHIFT keys.
        o Justification and page size are now disabled with EPS export
        o Undo of converting spline to line caused seg fault
        o Added #ifdef USE_GIF around transparent color in export and read file
        o Error in sprintf format (was %4.2lf - should be %4.2f) in bottom
          indicator panel buttons that have floats
          from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Center of pie-wedge style arc wasn't included in bounding box
          from Andy Thomas (alt@picnic.demon.co.uk)
        o Better handling of mouse function indicator
          from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o If "edit spline point" panel is popped up before general edit panel,
          'Warning: Action not found: apply' appeared when edit panel was
          later opened
          from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Actions that had same names renamed to unique names
          from T.Sato (VEF00200@niftyserve.or.jp)
        o Mouse button 1 and 3 didn't scroll the H, S, or V sliders in the color
          edit panel
        o Unsigned/signed char pointer mix in create_pic_pixmap and
        o Cleanup of dictionary wrapped around imported EPS files
          from Franz Koch (franz.koch@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de)
        o Portrait/Landscape changes didn't properly toggle width/height
        o New font specified in app-defaults for those systems whose default
          font was too large for popup panels (Fig*Font: 7x13bold)
        o Zooming not allowed if drawing object in progress (panning is OK)
        o strcasecmp and strncasecmp bugs (s2 != '\0' and s2 == '\0' should
          be *s2 ...)
        o When exporting to bitmap format, bounding box of figure was rounded
          to current point positioning grid (unintended)
        o Unaligned access errors on 64-bit machines (e.g. Alpha) when importing
          bitmap pictures.  Now uses unsigned int for pointers
        o Code to remove identical consecutive points in line objects had bug
        o Workaround for long-time Intrinsics bug with scrolling text widget in
          viewport for file and export lists provided by
          Mark London (mrl@psfc.mit.edu)
        o Bug in control-key-button-1 zoom sequence - didn't allow control key
          pressed when completing zoom operation
        o Mis-named fonts for zapf chancery and zapf dingbats (many servers don't
          have these fonts anyway so please don't ask me where to get them)
        o Error in JPEGINC variable in Imakefile - had leading "/" in path
        o Width of "open compound" button was slightly too large such that
          the mode panel (left) obscured part of the indicator panel (bottom)
          when -but_per_row was 3
        o Transparent color for GIF export wasn't "None" as default
        o Box objects read in from Fig file would only have three points on
          some machines
        o Grid wasn't changed to metric when loading metric figure
        o 24- and 32-bit export to JPEG was incorrect
        o "rotate and copy" for text placed first copy correctly, but subsequent
          copies incorrectly
        o Comments after #FIG before end of header weren't parsed correctly
        o Landscape/Portrait is only available for PostScript export
        o Ledger/Tabloid sizes reversed (Tabloid is 11x17", Ledger is 17x11")
        o Deleting all objects (Meta-D) prevented the "New figure" function
          by keeping the original figure name
        o Arrowheads were inadvertantly allowed for closed splines via the popup
          edit panel
        o Picture objects rotated 90 or 270 degrees were also flipped
        o Changed sense of USEINLINE so default is NOT to use it

V3.2 Beta 1 (Jan, 9, 1997)

NEW EXAMPLE FILES (Examples/ directory)

    o fantastic figure from Robort Ford (rford@mailserv.mta.ca):
        transit.fig     - transit map of Saint John, New Brunswick (Canada)
                          Don't use it for locating transit routes - it is only
                          good through July 1996 and only shows non-rush-hour
    o great figures from Carlo Kopp (carlo@cs.monash.edu.au):
        greenpig.fig    - F/RF-111C/G Tactical Fighter
        rfxc.fig        - RFX Strike/Recon Fighter
        lidar.fig       - Sidelooking battlefield surveillance LIDAR
        sowpig.fig      - RAAF F-111C fighter jet w/ 2x AGM-142 Have Nap SOWs
    o some nice figures from Peter Hiscocks (phiscock@ee.ryerson.ca)
        aircraft.fig    - light aircraft
        ps-foil.fig     - power supply circuit board foil layout
        ps-schematic.fig - power supply circuit board schematic
    o from Philipp Reisner (Austria).
        Linuxlogo.fig   - the only entry in the Linux 2.0 Logo contest to be
                          rendered with xfig - Unfortunately, it didn't win :-(
    o new clip art objects from W. Chimiak (chim@tachyon.medeng.wfu.edu):
        clp_computer.fig - various computers, monitors etc.
        clp_network.fig - computer network components
    o more new example files (done by me, Brian Smith)
        3dhouse.fig     - cutaway view of a simple house drawn in 3D
        ctrlbox_lay.fig - dimensioned drawing of a control box for a project in my group
        ctrlbox_sch.fig - electrical schematic of the control box


o better error reporting from ghostscript when importing EPS files
o in color popop panel, "lookup color" button allows user to grab color from
        any window for user-defined color in xfig
        uses code from xpaint (Copyright 1993 David Koblas (koblas@netcom.com)
        and Copyright 1995, 1996 Torsten Martinsen (bullestock@dk-online.dk))
o There is a new mathematical model for splines. The new version uses X-splines
        which allows to mix interpolation and approximation points in a same
        curve. More precisely, it means that an X-spline curve is neither an
        interpolated spline nor an approximated one, it is BOTH (the behaviour
        of each point is controlled by one single parameter called "shape
        factor"). For additional information about X-splines, see:

          "X-Splines: A Spline Model Designed for the End User"
          by C. Blanc and C. Schlick, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'95

  o the shape factor of each individual point can be modified interactively
    with a dialog box that is displayed when pressing the right button in
    the EDIT OBJECT mode.
  o the shape factor can also be modified in any of the EDIT modes, by
    holding down the CONTROL key while pressing the mouse buttons.
  o because the CONTROL modifier is used for the shape factor edition,
    the zoom rectangle is now obtained by pressing the SHIFT key AND the
    CONTROL key while dragging the rectangle.
  o new features have been added in the CONVERT mode. Any conversion between
    polylines, polygons, open splines and closed splines are now possible.

    *** Caveat: Because spline models of previous versions (quadratic B-splines
    and Bezier with hidden points) are no longer supported, curves that are
    present in version 3.1 and older files are automatically converted to
    X-splines. This translation is only an approximation process. It means
    that the converted curves are not exactly the same as the original ones.
    Though the translation usually provides almost identical curves, some
    hand-fitting may be needed in some pathological cases.

    The new spline features were written by Carole Blanc (blanc@labri.u-bordeaux.fr)
    and Christophe Schlick (schlick@labri.u-bordeaux.fr) starting from an initial
    implementation done by C. Feuille, S. Grosbois, L. Maziere and L. Minihot as
    a student practice (Universite Bordeaux, France).

o the file format (protocol) has changed (see Doc/FORMAT3.2 for details). This
        means you must also get transfig 3.2. Xfig will still read older Fig
        format files but will always write the new format.
o multiple page flag, paper size, transparent color (GIF export) and print/
        export magnification now stored in Fig file (new protocol format 3.2)
o export/print magnification now command-line argument (-magnification) and
        resource (Fig.Magnification)
o paper size now command-line argument (-paper_size) and resource
o multiple page flag now command-line argument (-multiple) and resource
        (Fig.Multiple) (-single is default)
o option of transparent color for GIF export (e.g. make background transparent)
o new colors in Fig-color.ad resource file from Joel D. Young
        (jdyoung@afit.af.mil).  If you want the old colors, copy Fig-color.old.ad
        to your app-defaults directory as "Fig-color".
o works with GrayScale, TrueColor, DirectColor, StaticColor and StaticGray
        visuals now.  Use "-visual <visualname>" command-line argument or
        "Fig.visual: <visualname>".  Also, "-depth <depth>" (Fig.depth: <depth>)
        thanks to help from Kevin Russell (krussell@dres.dnd.ca)
o "Delete All" button changed to "New" function - all objects are delete and
        the current filename is cleared.  Also, the file save and load shortcuts
        will force the file panel to popup if the current filename is empty.
        This will prevent a user from doing a "delete all" to create a new
        figure and forgetting to change the filename when saving.
o new edit features when entering text on canvas:
        Left arrow key and Control-B moves cursor left
        Right arrow key and Control-F moves cursor right
        Home key and Control-A moves cursor to beginning of text
        End key and Control-E moves cursor to the end of text
        Delete key and Control-D delete the character to the right of the cursor
        Control-K deletes from the cursor to the end of the text
        Pan operations using the arrows and the Home key are disabled during
        text entry because they are used for positioning the text cursor now.
o "Open Compound" operation to temporarily go inside a compound object to edit
        individual components.  Can enter nested compounds. Close compound to
        group objects back into compound.
        Written by Bill Taylor (bill@mainstream.com)
o xfig will now automatically unzip/uncompress Fig files with .Z, .z or .gz
        suffixes automatically.  It does not recompress/zip them when saving,
o -zoom (resource Fig.zoom) option to start xfig at any zoom value
o -startposnmode (resource Fig.startposnmode) option to start xfig with point
        positioning mode specified. Values can be 0 ("any") to 4 (1 inch/20mm).
o size of blank area (margin) around figure when exporting to bitmap-style
        formats (e.g. GIF, XPM etc.) is settable in export window now
o when zooming larger, spacing of dots in grid lines stays constant
o button to hide/show hidden directories (names that begin with ".") in file
        popup menus
o paper size selectable for printing and when exporting to PS/EPS:
        "Letter", "Legal", "Ledger", "Tabloid", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "A0",
        "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4" and "B5"
o in the past if an ellipse was scaled such that the radii become equal it was
        "converted" to a circle.  This "feature" has been removed.
o point objects (POLYLINES with only one point) now have thickness, as they
        should.  Additionally, if the cap style is rounded, they will be filled
o when exporting figure containing picture objects, xfig warns if the export
        filename is the same as any of the picture files
o note explaining how metric units are defined in xfig in the Doc/FORMAT3.1 file
o when updating objects with update button, they were drawn twice - now they are
        only drawn once
o when deleting xfig window (WM_DELETE_WINDOW), popup confirmation gives user
        the option to save figure
o README file updated to give credit for Example figures not done by Brian Smith
o default suffix for hpgl (ibmgl) export changed to "hpl" for PC users


o smart links didn't work when the box being moved had line thickness > 1
o -exportLanguage ignores case now (e.g. GIF == gif)
o identical consecutive points in lines and "normal" splines are removed as file
        is read into xfig
o some thick arrowheads still protruded into the object they touched (in fig2dev
        too) - fix from Tobias Ringstrom
o resource for compose key database file is keyFile, not ComposeKeyDB (Fig.ad)
o color of labels for color numbers/names in color panel contrast their color
o edit panel allowed > 100% fill for black and white fill
o additional check for bad Bounding Box in imported EPS file
o when flipping objects vertically or horizontally, overlapping objects weren't
o format error in sprintf for temp filename in screen capture (%d should be %ld)
o some versions of imake don't like null parameters in SpecialObjectRule in
        Imakefile - changed to "NullParameter"
o "modified" flag wasn't being set when changing spline<->line or box<->arcbox,
        thus one could quit without saving without xfig confirming
        from Matthias Braun (browny@ise.fhg.de)
o when figure is read in from file, any arrowheads with width, height or
        thickness of 0 are given default values (were causing SIGFPE errors)
o colormap must be saved before jpeg_finish_decompress or
        jpeg_destroy_decompress are called in read_JPEG_file()
o when fore/background colors different from black/white respectively, the fill
        colors for black and white fill were incorrect
o when merging figure with no picture objects into figure with picture objects
        colors were unnecessarily remapped
o "rubberbanding" of object being drawn would continue after object was
        completed.  Also, double clicking on a directory name would cause
        segmentation fault.
        fixed by Stefan Proels (proels@fmi.uni-passau.de)
o Imakefile had error - $(PCXBUG) was incorrectly passed to f_readjpc.c
        instead of f_readeps.c where it was needed
o If the directory path in a file popup was changed by typing into the path
        window but carriage return wasn't pressed, rescan showed the correct
        directory but the path wasn't correct so no files were accessible.
o Redefined $(XPMINCDIR) to $(XPMINC) because some compilers have trouble with
        header search path with empty "-I"
o string allocation errors in string widgets in popup edit panels
o no return code for successful screen capture which would result in failure
o picture objects scaled (enlarged) correctly in metric mode so they print 1:1
o incorrect values for white colormap entry when writing jpeg file on
        monochrome display
o Some people have older X11 include files that don't have <unistd.h> included.
        fig.h explicitely includes that now for the SEEK_END identifier
o Not enough space for number strings in rulers (SEG fault)
o circle grab points moved even if no changes made in popup edit of circle or
        ellipse object
o after attempt to do a horiz/vert move point of a circle was disallowed,
        further move points were disabled until edit mode switched
o if both points of "circle-by-diameter" have same y value it thought that the
        edge is the center when you try to use "box scale"
o colormap from jpeg file was referenced after memory was freed
o #include <jpeglib.h> changed to #include "jpeglib.h" to ensure corrrect path
        used to find header file
o problems on Linux with gcc locating old jpeg library even when JPEBLIGDIR
        pointed to local version
o buf too short in set_mixed_names
o line2 too short in button struct
o file not closed after writing JPEG file
o pen color for picture objects disabled for all except XBM (bitmap) in popup
o confusion with -DNOSTRSTR, NOSTRSTR and HAVE_NO_STRSTR cleaned up. See README.
o possible error in rulers with sprintf %f called with integer expression
o cleaned up add/delete user defined colors - no requirement to click on
        colorcell after "Add Color" to set color sliders
o added condition in Imakefile that f_wrjpg.c depends on jconfig.h (jpeg library)
o changed #include <jpeglib.h> to #include "jpeglib.h" because of search rules
o Version 1.0 of Xaw3d used resources topShadow and bottomShadow for colors of
        those resources.  Version 1.1 uses topShadowPixel and bottomShadowPixel.
        I have included both names in the Fig.ad app-defaults file for
o removed extraneous comma (,) in length and distance messages when
        drawing/moving objects
o cleaned up many type mismatch warnings for bitmap data
o bug in skip_comment() which prevented some machines from seeing the end of
        file, giving erroneous "Incorrect format" error
o typos in xfig.man in resources StartGridMode, StartPosnMode, StartLineWidth,
        StartFillStyle and StartTextStep (had lowercase 's')
o pcx file was closed twice
o if there is an error when writing screen capture to a file, the popup error
        message window shows the error
o Examples/logo.fig had squished logo eps file

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