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(c) Michael Mehlich 1994 -- 1999
contributions by: Denis Girou
acknowledgment to: Denis Girou, Miroslav Balda, Ricardo Sanchez Carmenes

% Copyright 1994 -- 1999 Michael Mehlich
% This package can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
% archives at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt either
% version 1 of the License, or any later version.

(current) e-mail: mmehlich@semdesigns.com; michael@mehlich.com

Fixed point arithmetic for TeX with numbers ranging from

     - better documentation (it is really bad)

     - LaTeX2e:
         where the following options are known:
           nomessages:  don't print messages about the functions that are
                        just computed
           debug:       print debug messages (mainly for \FPupn)
     - LaTeX2.09:
         include lfp.sty in the document preamble, i.e.
     - TeX:
         \input fp.tex

MsDos/Windows Users:
     It may be necessary to rename some files such that they just have a length of 
     eight characters (plus a three character suffix).
     The following renaming e.g. works for emtex:
        Original name   Name for emtex
         defpattern.sty  defpaern.sty
         fp-addons.sty   fp-adons.sty
         fp-random.sty   fp-radom.sty

     - readme.fp:
         this file
     - fp.sty
         includes all files
     - defpattern.sty:
         only for internal usage
     - fp-basic.sty:
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           %controlling messages
             \FPmessagestrue    % print standard FP-messages (default)
             \FPmessagesfalse   % suppress standard FP-messages
             \FPdebugtrue       % print debug messages (mainly for upn)
             \FPdebugfalse      % suppress debug messages (default)
           %introduction of new values
             \FPset#1#2         % #1 := #2  (#1 may be macro or string)
           %print values
             \FPprint#1         % prints #1 (#1 may be macro or string)
           %binary operations
             \FPadd#1#2#3       % #1 := #2+#3
             \FPdiv#1#2#3       % #1 := #2/#3
             \FPmul#1#2#3       % #1 := #2*#3
             \FPsub#1#2#3       % #1 := #2-#3
           %unary operations
             \FPabs#1#2         % #1 := abs(#2)
             \FPneg#1#2         % #1 := -#2
           %binary relations
             \FPiflt#1#2...\else...\fi % #1 < #2 ?
             \FPifeq#1#2...\else...\fi % #1 = #2 ?
             \FPifgt#1#2...\else...\fi % #1 > #2 ?
           %unary relations
             \FPifneg#1 ...\else...\fi % #1 <  0 ?
             \FPifpos#1 ...\else...\fi % #1 >= 0 ?
             \FPifzero#1...\else...\fi % #1 =  0 ?
             \FPifint#1 ...\else...\fi % #1 is integer ?
           %repeat last test
             \ifFPtest  ...\else...\fi % repeat last test
     - fp-addons.sty
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           %binary operations
             \FPmin#1#2#3       % #1 = min(#2,#3)
             \FPmax#1#2#3       % #1 = max(#2,#3)
     - fp-eqn.sty (No warranty on correctness and especially on numerical problems!)
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
                % #1 := x with #2*x+#3=0
                % #1,#2 := x with #3*x^2+#4*x+#5 = 0
                % #1,#2,#3 := x with #4*x^3+#5*x^2+#6*x+#7 = 0
                % #1,#2,#3,#4 := x with #5*x^4+#6*x^3+#7*x^2+#8*x+#9 = 0
         The resulting solutions are all real values. If there do not
         exist as much solutions you get a warning message and some
         other solutions occur several times in the solution vector.
     - fp-exp.sty
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPe                 % 2.718281828459045235
           \FPexp#1#2           % #1 := e^(#2)
           \FPln#1#2            % #1 := ln(#2)
           \FPpow#1#2#3         % #1 := (#2)^(#3)
           \FProot#1#2#3        % #1 := (#2)^(1/#3)
     - fp-random.sty
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPseed=#1           % set seed counter for random number generation
           \FPrandom#1          % #1 := a random number between 0 and 1
     - fp-pas.sty
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPpascal#1#2        % #1 := #2-th line of the pascal triangle
     - fp-snap.sty:
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPround#1#2#3       % #1 := #2 rounded   to #3 digits after '.'
           \FPtrunc#1#2#3       % #1 := #2 truncated to #3 digits after '.'
           \FPclip#1#2          % #1 := #2 with all unnecessary 0's removed
     - fp-trigo.sty:
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPpi                % 3.141592653589793238
           \FPsin#1#2           % #1 := sin(#2)
           \FPcos#1#2           % #1 := cos(#2)
           \FPsincos#1#2#3      % #1 := sin(#3), #2 := cos(#3)
           \FPtan#1#2           % #1 := tan(#2)
           \FPcot#1#2           % #1 := cot(#2)
           \FPtancot#1#2#3      % #1 := tan(#3), #2 := cot(#3)
           \FParcsin#1#2        % #1 := arcsin(#2)
           \FParccos#1#2        % #1 := arccos(#2)
           \FParcsincos#1#2#3   % #1 := arcsin(#3), #2 := arccos(#3)
           \FParctan#1#2        % #1 := arctan(#2)
           \FParccot#1#2        % #1 := arccot(#2)
           \FParctancot#1#2#3   % #1 := arctan(#3), #2 := arccot(#3)
     - fp-upn.sty:
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPupn#1#2           % #1 := eval(#2) where eval evaluates the
                                                 upn-expression #2
         Known operations are:
             pop  removes the top element
             swap exchanges the first two elements
             copy copies the top element
         Example 1:
           The macro call
             \FPupn\result{17 2.5 + 17.5 - 2 1 + * 2 swap /} 
           is equivalent to
             \result := ((17.5 - (17 + 2.5)) * (2 + 1)) / 2
           and evaluates to
           Afterwards the macro call
             \FPupn\result{\result{} -1 * 0.2 + sin 2 round}
                                  ^^ the "{}" is necessary!
           is equivalent to
             \result := round_2(sin((\result * -1) + 0.2))
           and evaluates to
         Example 2:
           As "result" is an abbreviation of "\result{}" you may
             \FPupn{result}{17 2.5 + 17.5 - 2 1 + * 2 swap /}
             \FPupn{result}{result -1 * 0.2 + sin 2 round}
           instead leading to the same results.
           This is even true for other macro names using e.g. "x" for "\x{}"
           and so on. But be careful with it. We may introduce new constants
           in further versions overwriting these abbreviations.
     - fp-eval.sty:
         The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
           \FPeval#1#2          % #1 := eval(#2) where eval evaluates the
                                                 expression #2
         ATTENTION: Do not use macro names with \. for its own
         Use only the name or the macro surrounded by (, and ) instead,
         i.e. do not write "\value{}" but "value" or "(\value)".
         This is needed to avoid problems with a prefix "-" of numbers.
         (I do not intend to write a more complex parsing routine in future.
          But if you do so, just send it to me.
         Known infix operations are
           +, -, *, /, ^ for add, sub, mul, div, pow
         Each other operation is a prefix one that needs 
         a (comma or colon seperated) list of subexpressions.
         Exception: The unary prefix operation - is not known! 
         (Use the function neg instead.)
         Example 1:
             \FPeval\result{round(root(2,sin(result + 2.5)):2)}
             \FPeval{result}{round(root(2,sin(result + 2.5)):2)}
           \result becomes the value 0.90
        Example 2:
          \FPeval\result{clip(2*3+5*6)}   results to 36
          \FPeval\result{clip(2*(3+5)*6)} results to 96

        - does not work with multido.sty/multido.tex
            multido uses the same macro names \FPadd and \FPsub
          Recommended Solution:
            Patch multido.tex, i.e. apply the following substitutions:
              FPadd -> mdo@FPadd
              FPsub -> mdo@FPsub

        - incompatibility with french style of babel
          this only affects macros using the colon (:)
          Recommended Solution:
            Load the fp-package before babel with french style
          Other Possible Solution:
            Use \catcode`\:=12 after loading babel with french style

        - others:
            Currently not known, but, though we do not, we could give
            a warranty of their existence ...

        Date            By                      File            New Version
        Jan. 14, 2019   Peter Wang      documentation  V2.1d
          improved documentation based on the original README.txt, with examples to show the syntax.
        Jan. 14, 2019   Enrico Gregorio `fp-exp.sty' and `lfp.sty` V2.1d
          Fixed two unprotected end-of-lines in the above files that can, under certain circumstances, add spaces in the output, causing unwanted drifting.

        Oct. 21, 1996   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V2.1c
          better debug messages (especially giving results of one step computations)

        May. 13, 1996   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.2d
          \newcount and \countdef have interfered each other 
          when the first newcount uses a counter number less 
          than 60, the result has been wrong results when using 
          the package with plain tex (a problem that has been 
          reported by Ricardo Sanchez Carmenes)

        May. 13, 1996   Michael Mehlich         all files       -
          problems with unwanted spaces removed
          (bug reported by Ricardo Sanchez Carmenes)

        May. 28, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.2c
          modified \FPset and added \FPprint

        Apr. 27, 1995   Michael Mehliche        fp-trigo.sty    V0.9e
          incorrect result of sine for 3/2pi fixed
          (bug reported by Miroslav Balda)

        Apr. 14, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.9d
          infinite loop in computing sine and cosine fixed
          (bug reported by Miroslav Balda)

        Apr. 05, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-snap.sty     V1.0a
          rounding bug in FPround fixed
          (bug reported by Miroslav Balda)

        Apr. 04, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp.tex          -
                                                lfp.sty         -
          a redefinition of \loop..\repeat added not to get into
          trouble with its behaviour within my macros
          (bug reported by Miroslav Balda)
        Apr. 04, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.2b
          added a value introduction command FPset

        Apr. 03, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-eqn.sty      V0.4
          added solution algorithms for cubic and 4-th degree equations

        Apr. 03, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.9c
          added some % at end of lines not to introduce unwanted spaces
          removed some debug informations that have accidently been left in

        Apr. 03, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7e
          added some % at end of lines not to introduce unwanted spaces

        Apr. 03, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V2.1b
                                                fp-eval.sty     V0.9a
          added support of sgn

        Apr. 03, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.2a
          added new command \FPsgn
        Apr. 02, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7d
          bug corrected, power of 0 by f # 0 now is 0 and no longer 
          leads to an error message

        Apr. 02, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.8
          added fp-eval.sty to list of required packages

        Apr. 02, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V2.1a
          some modifications to work with fp-eval.sty
        Apr. 02, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-eval.sty     V0.9
          inital version
        Mar. 15, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.7a
          added fp-addons.sty, fp-eqn.sty to list of required packages

        Mar. 15, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-eqn.sty      V0.2
          initial version

        Mar. 15, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7c
          bug corrected, root of 0 now is 0 and no longer leads to
          an error message

        Mar. 15, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V2.1
          allow macros to be given without \ and {} surrounding
          support of min, max added

        Mar. 15, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-addons.sty   V0.1
          initial version

        Feb. 23, 1995   Denis Girou             fp-random.sty   V1.0a
          more elaborated comments

        Feb. 21, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.9b
          corrected overflow test for arcsin and arccos

        Feb. 18, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V2.0
          added debug messages for fp-upn.sty
          (recommended by Denis Girou)

        Feb. 18, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.7
          added fp-random.sty to list of required packages

        Feb. 18, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.2
          printing fp-messages is conditional only (default: true)
          introduced macro for printing debug messages (default: do not print)
          (recommmended by Denis Girou)

        Feb. 18, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7c
          corrected bugs in \FP@pow and \FP@root writing messages to
          ordinary text
          (reported by Denis Girou)

        Feb. 17, 1995   Denis Girou             fp-random.sty   V1.0

        Feb. 17, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1f
          corrected \FP@strip introduced in version V1.1e
          as it has to but did not hande + and -

        Feb. 17, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1e
          corrected \FP@strip introduced in version V1.1d
          as it has to but did not hande empty parameters
        Feb. 17, 1995   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1d
          bug in scanning numbers by \FP@readvalue in connection
          with number-macros of \FPupn corrected
          (thanks for Denis Girou reporting this bug)

        Nov. 19, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.6
          package date changed
        Nov. 19, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1c
          bug in \FP@correctintcounter corrected
        Nov. 19, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V1.1
          handling of arctan, arccot, arctancot added

        Nov. 19, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.9a
          \FParctan, \FParccot, \FParctancot added
        Oct. 27, 1994   Michael Mehlich         lfp.sty         -

        Oct. 27, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp.tex          -
        Oct. 15, 1994   Michael Mehlich         readme.fp       -
          this history changed for better readability
        Oct. 15, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7b
          subtraction bug in \FP@@exp corrected

        Oct. 15, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1b
          subtraction in \FP@counttimes changed
        Oct. 15, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.7b
          error message, if \FP@modtwopi does not lead to correct result
          (this shouldn't be possible)
          subtraction in \FP@@cos corrected

        Oct. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.5b
          prevent files included from sending messages

        Oct. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         readme.fp       -
          changed entry for defpattern.sty in this history to reflect
          original source for defpattern.sty
        Oct. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         defpattern.sty  -
          source notice in message corrected
        Oct. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      -
          start message for \FPpow changed

        Oct. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich fp-trigo.sty            -
          unnecessary \typeout removed

        Oct. 3, 1994    Michael Mehlich,        fp.sty          V0.5
          additional styles included by fp.sty

        Oct. 3, 1994    Michael Mehlich         fp-upn.sty      V1.0
          first version

        Oct. 3, 1994    Michael Mehlich         defpattern.sty  -
          modification of the \howto-macro in TeX and TUG NEWS
          from an article by Alan Jeffrey
          no version number, no copyright (public domain)
          TeX and TUG News 2(2) writes in the section "Mission Statement":
            "The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in
             the public domain."

        Oct. 3, 1994    Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.1
          bug in \FPadd corrected

        Aug. 29, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.3
          additional styles included by fp.sty

        Aug. 29, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-trigo.sty    V0.7
          first version
        Aug. 29, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-pas.sty      V1.0
          first version
        Aug. 29, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-exp.sty      V0.7
          first version

        Aug. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp.sty          V0.2
          first version

        Aug. 10, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-snap.sty     V1.0
          first version
        Apr. 20, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V1.0
          \FPabs added

        Apr. 12, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V0.99
          division algorithm added

        Feb. 03, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V0.8
          all macros are completely rewritten to be able to use an increased
          range of numbers

        Jan. 18, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V0.2
          bug in \FP@store corrected

        Jan. 17, 1994   Michael Mehlich         fp-basic.sty    V0.1
          the file realcalc.tex V1.0, (C) Frank Buchholz has been renamed to
          fp-basic.sty V0.1 with all macros renamed, \@trunc removed

     - Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
       documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
       provided that the above copyright notice, the above history with your
       modifications added, and this permission notice appear in all copies 
       and modified versions.
     - The copyright holder disclaim all warranties with regard to this
       software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
       fitness, in no event shall the copyright holder be liable for any
       special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever
       resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of
       contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in
       connection with the use or performance of this software.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Fri Jun 28 04:37:46 CEST 2024.