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%module template_enum

%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_RUBY_WRONG_NAME) foo<int>;    /* Ruby, wrong class name */
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_RUBY_WRONG_NAME) foo<double>; /* Ruby, wrong class name */

%inline %{
template<class T> class foo {
    enum { FOO, BAR };

%template(foo_i) foo<int>;
%template(foo_d) foo<double>;

#ifdef SWIGD
// Workaround for the D module which uses the literal value in the generated wrapper code.
%dconstvalue("3") Manta::ColorSpace<Manta::RGBTraits>::NumComponents;

%inline {
namespace Manta {
  template<typename Traits> class ColorSpace {
    typedef typename Traits::ComponentType ComponentType;
    enum { NumComponents = Traits::NumComponents};

    ComponentType data[NumComponents];

namespace Manta {
  class RGBTraits {
    typedef float ComponentType;
    enum {NumComponents = 3};

namespace Manta {
  %template(Color) ColorSpace<RGBTraits>;

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