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%module python_annotations_c

// Tests the C/C++ annotations that were automatically added by using -py3 before swig-4.1.0
// In swig-4.1.0 and later, the feature below is needed as the -py3 option was dropped
%feature("python:annotations", "c") mymethod;
%feature("python:annotations", "c") makeT<short>;
%feature("python:annotations", "c") global_ints;

%inline %{
namespace Space {
template<class T>
struct Template {
  void mymethod(int, Template* tt) {}
template<typename T>
Space::Template<T> makeT(int x) {
  return Space::Template<T>();
int *global_ints(int &ri, Space::Template<short> t) { return &ri; }
int *global_overloaded(int &ri) { return &ri; }
int *global_overloaded() { return NULL; }
int *no_annotations(int &ri, const char *c) { return NULL; }
%template(TemplateShort) Space::Template<short>;
%template(MakeShort) makeT<short>;

%inline %{
int is_python_builtin() { return 1; }
int is_python_builtin() { return 0; }

int is_python_fastproxy() { return 1; }
int is_python_fastproxy() { return 0; }

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:35:56 CEST 2024.