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// Simple tests of overloaded functions
%module overload_simple

#ifdef SWIGLUA
// lua only has one numeric type, so most of the overloads shadow each other creating warnings

#ifdef SWIGGO
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) type; // 'type' is a Go keyword, renamed as 'Xtype'
%rename(Foos) Foo;

%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) type;

%immutable Spam::type;

%inline %{

struct Foo {

class Bar {
  Bar(int i = 0) { num = i; }

  static int foo(int a=0, int b=0) {return 0;}

  int num;

char *foo() {
   return (char *) "foo:";
char *foo(int) {
   return (char*) "foo:int";

char *foo(double) {
   return (char*) "foo:double";

char *foo(char *) {
   return (char*) "foo:char *";

char *foo(Foo *) {
   return (char*) "foo:Foo *";
char *foo(Bar *) {
   return (char *) "foo:Bar *";
char *foo(void *) {
   return (char *) "foo:void *";
char *foo(Foo *, int) {
   return (char *) "foo:Foo *,int";
char *foo(double, Bar *) {
   return (char *) "foo:double,Bar *";

char *blah(double) {
   return (char *) "blah:double";

char *blah(char *) {
   return (char *) "blah:char *";

class Spam {
    Spam() { type = "none"; }
    Spam(int) { type = "int"; }
    Spam(double) { type = "double"; }
    Spam(char *) { type = "char *"; }
    Spam(Foo *) { type = "Foo *"; }
    Spam(Bar *) { type = "Bar *"; }
    Spam(void *) { type = "void *"; }
    const char *type;

char *foo(int) {
   return (char*) "foo:int";
char *foo(double) {
   return (char*) "foo:double";
char *foo(char *) {
   return (char*) "foo:char *";
char *foo(Foo *) {
   return (char*) "foo:Foo *";
char *foo(Bar *) {
   return (char *) "foo:Bar *";
char *foo(void *) {
   return (char *) "foo:void *";

static char *bar(int) {
   return (char*) "bar:int";
static char *bar(double) {
   return (char*) "bar:double";
static char *bar(char *) {
   return (char*) "bar:char *";
static char *bar(Foo *) {
   return (char*) "bar:Foo *";
static char *bar(Bar *) {
   return (char *) "bar:Bar *";
static char *bar(void *) {
   return (char *) "bar:void *";

bool fbool(bool b) {
   return b;

int fbool(int b) {
   return b;

char *fint(int) {
   return (char*) "fint:int";

char *fdouble(double) {
   return (char*) "fdouble:double";

char *num(int) {
   return (char*) "num:int";
char *num(double) {
   return (char*) "num:double";

char *fid(int, int) {
   return (char*) "fid:intint";
char *fid(int, double) {
   return (char*) "fid:intdouble";

char *fid(double, int) {
   return (char*) "fid:doubleint";

char *fid(double, double) {
   return (char*) "fid:doubledouble";


%inline %{
unsigned long long ull() { return 0ULL; }
unsigned long long ull(unsigned long long ull) { return ull; }
long long ll() { return 0LL; }
long long ll(long long ull) { return ull; }

%include cmalloc.i

%inline {  
  class ClassA
    ClassA() {}  
    int method1( ) {return 0;}
    int method1( int arg1 ) {return arg1;}
    int method1( int arg1, int arg2 ) {return arg1 + arg2;}

  class Graph {
    int val;
    Graph(int i) : val(i) {};

%extend Graph {
  Graph(PyObject* p) { return new Graph(123);}


%inline %{
  int int_object(Spam *s) { return 999; }
  int int_object(int c) { return c; }

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:29:41 CEST 2024.