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 * The purpose of this test is to confirm that a language module
 * correctly handles the case when a C function has been tagged with the
 * %newobject directive.

%module newobject2

#include <stdlib.h>

/* Global initialization (not wrapped) */
int g_fooCount = 0;

%newobject makeFoo();

%inline %{
/* Struct definition */
typedef struct {
  int dummy;
} Foo;

/* Make one */
Foo *makeFoo() {
    Foo *foo = (Foo *) malloc(sizeof(Foo));
    return foo;

/* Return the number of instances */
int fooCount() {
    return g_fooCount;

void do_stuff(Foo *f) {

%extend Foo {
    ~Foo() {
        free((void *) $self);

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