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%module doxygen_ignore

%feature("doxygen:ignore:compileroptions", range="line");
%feature("doxygen:ignore:forcpponly", range="end");

%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginJavaOnly", range="end:endJavaOnly", contents="parse");
%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginPythonOnly", range="end:endPythonOnly");
#elif defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginJavaOnly", range="end:endJavaOnly");
%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginPythonOnly", range="end:endPythonOnly", contents="parse");
%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginJavaOnly", range="end:endJavaOnly");
%feature("doxygen:ignore:beginPythonOnly", range="end:endPythonOnly");

%inline %{

    A contrived example of ignoring too many commands in one comment.

    This is C++-specific.

    This is specific to @e Java.

    This is specific to @b Python.

    @transferfull Command ignored, but anything here is still included.

    @compileroptions This function must be compiled with /EHa when using MSVC.
int * func() { return 0; }


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:32:33 CEST 2024.