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title: "ZIP file structures"
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```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE)


## Different styles of ZIP file

Examples based on foo folder found here.

tree foo

### Not Loose Parts, a.k.a. GitHub style

This is the structure of ZIP files yielded by GitHub via links of the forms <https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/archive/master.zip> and <http://github.com/r-lib/usethis/zipball/master/>.

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
zip -r foo-not-loose.zip foo/

Notice that everything is packaged below one top-level directory.

foo_not_loose_files <- unzip("foo-not-loose.zip", list = TRUE)
  data.frame(Name = Name, dirname = path_dir(Name), basename = path_file(Name))

### Loose Parts, the Regular Way

This is the structure of many ZIP files I've seen, just in general.

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
cd foo
zip ../foo-loose-regular.zip *
cd ..

All the files are packaged in the ZIP archive as "loose parts", i.e. there is no explicit top-level directory.

foo_loose_regular_files <- unzip("foo-loose-regular.zip", list = TRUE)
  data.frame(Name = Name, dirname = path_dir(Name), basename = path_file(Name))

### Loose Parts, the DropBox Way

This is the structure of ZIP files yielded by DropBox via links of this form <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/12345abcde/6789wxyz?dl=1>. I can't figure out how to even do this with zip locally, so I had to create an example on DropBox and download it. Jim Hester reports it is possible with `archive::archive_write_files()`.


It's basically like the "loose parts" above, except it includes a spurious top-level directory `"/"`.

# curl::curl_download(
#   "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5qfvssimxf2ja58/AABz3zrpf-iPYgvQCgyjCVdKa?dl=1",
#    destfile = "foo-loose-dropbox.zip"
# )
foo_loose_dropbox_files <- unzip("foo-loose-dropbox.zip", list = TRUE)
  data.frame(Name = Name, dirname = path_dir(Name), basename = path_file(Name))

Also note that, when unzipping with `unzip` in the shell, you get this result:

Archive:  foo-loose-dropbox.zip
warning:  stripped absolute path spec from /
mapname:  conversion of  failed
  inflating: file.txt

So this is a pretty odd ZIP packing strategy. But we need to plan for it.

## Subdirs only at top-level

Let's make sure we detect loose parts (or not) when the top-level has only directories, not files.

Example based on the yo directory here:

tree yo

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
zip -r yo-not-loose.zip yo/

(yo_not_loose_files <- unzip("yo-not-loose.zip", list = TRUE))

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
cd yo
zip -r ../yo-loose-regular.zip *
cd ..

(yo_loose_regular_files <- unzip("yo-loose-regular.zip", list = TRUE))

# curl::curl_download(
#   "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/afydxe6pkpz8v6m/AADHbMZAaW3IQ8zppH9mjNsga?dl=1",
#    destfile = "yo-loose-dropbox.zip"
# )
(yo_loose_dropbox_files <- unzip("yo-loose-dropbox.zip", list = TRUE))

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 09:06:54 CEST 2024.