
Caja.InfoProvider — Caja.InfoProvider Reference


class Caja.InfoProvider:
    def update_file_info(file)
def update_file_info_full(provider, handle, closure, file)
def cancel_update(provider, handle)
def Caja.info_provider_update_complete_invoke(provider, handle, closure, result=Caja.OperationResult.COMPLETE)


If subclassed, Caja will call update_file_info(_full) to notify extensions of which files are being viewed by the user. This gives extensions an opportunity to invoke actions on the files, or to add emblems or attributes.

Example 3. Caja.InfoProvider Example

from gi.repository import Caja, GObject

class ColumnExtension(GObject.GObject, Caja.InfoProvider):
    def __init__(self):
    def update_file_info_full(self, provider, handle, closure, file):
        gobject.timeout_add_seconds(3, self.update_cb, provider, handle, closure)
        return Caja.OperationResult.IN_PROGRESS
    def update_cb(self, provider, handle, closure):
        Caja.info_provider_update_complete_invoke(closure, provider, handle, Caja.OperationResult.FAILED)

Passive Methods


    def update_file_info(file)

file :

a Caja.FileInfo object

This method is called by Caja for each file or folder that exists under the current directory listing. There is no return value.


    def update_file_info_full(provider, handle, closure, file)

provider :

the current Caja.InfoProvider instance

handle :

a Caja.OperationHandle generated solely to track this call

closure :

a C Closure that must be passed to Caja.info_provider_update_complete_invoke if that method is called

file :

a Caja.FileInfo object

Returns :

None or a Caja.OperationResult enum

This method is called by Caja for each file or folder that exists under the current directory listing. Originally, Caja.InfoProvider only provided the update_file_info method, which blocked Caja when the method required a lot of computation time. This method was created to allow an extension to tell Caja that it will be spending time on an operation and that Caja should not block itself during that time.

In order to notify Caja of your extension's intentions, you must return a Caja.OperationResult enum. Then, when the operation has completed, call the Caja.info_provider_update_complete_invoke method, passing the provider, handle and closure variables as parameters.

This method was created for backwards compatibility reasons. If your extension used the update_file_info method and you want non-blocking usage, you should switch to this method.


This method was introduced in caja-python 0.7.0.


    def cancel_update(provider, handle)

provider :

the current Caja.InfoProvider instance

handle :

a Caja.OperationHandle generated for a specific update_file_info_full call

This method is called by Caja when an update_file_info_full call is in progress but is no longer required. This may happen because the user is moving directories or a file has been deleted, etc. You may use the handle parameter here to match the handle parameter passed in update_file_info_full.


This method was introduced in caja-python 0.7.0.

Active Methods


    def info_provider_update_complete_invoke(provider, handle, closure, result=Caja.OperationResult.COMPLETE)

provider :

the current Caja.InfoProvider instance

handle :

a Caja.OperationHandle generated for a specific update_file_info_full call

closure :

a C Closure that must be passed to Caja.info_provider_update_complete_invoke if that method is called

result :

an optional parameter. If left out, Caja.OperationResult.COMPLETE is assumed. Otherwise, you may pass any any of the Caja.OperationResult enums.

An extension must call this method for each update_file_info_full method that returns the Caja.OperationResult.IN_PROGRESS enum. The method must be called with the provider, handle, and closure parameters which were passed to the earlier update_file_info_full method.


This method was introduced in caja-python 0.7.0.