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LGI is gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding to GObject
based libraries.  It allows using GObject-based libraries directly
from Lua.

Licensed under
license, see LICENSE file for full text.

Home of the project is on [GitHub](http://github.com/pavouk/lgi).

LGI is tested and compatible with standard Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3 and
LuaJIT2.  Compatibility with other Lua implementations is not tested

If you need to support pre-gobject-introspection GTK (ancient GTK+ 2.x
releases), use [Lua-Gnome](http://sourceforge.net/projects/lua-gnome/).

## Installation:

In order to be able to compile native part of lgi,
gobject-introspection >= 0.10.8 development package must be installed,
although preferred version is >= 1.30.  The development package is
called `libgirepository1.0-dev` on debian-based systems (like Ubuntu)
and `gobject-introspection-devel` on RedHat-based systems (like Fedora).

Using LuaRocks:

    luarocks install lgi

Alternatively, use make-based installation:

    [sudo] make install [PREFIX=<prefix>] [DESTDIR=<destdir>]

Please note that on BSD-systems you may need to use 'gmake'.

## Usage

See examples in samples/ directory.  Documentation is available in
doc/ directory in markdown format.  Process it with your favorite
Markdown processor if you want to read it in HTML.

## Credits

List of contributors, in no particular order:

- Uli Schlachter
- Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
- Ildar Mulyukov
- Nils Nordman
- Ignas Anikevicius
- Craig Barnes
- Nicola Fontana
- Andreas Stührk
- Aaron Faanes
- Jiří Klimeš
- Garrett Regier
- Kenneth Zhou
- Travis Hoppe
- Tobias Jakobs
- Heiko Becker
- Vincent Bermel
- Szunti

Many other people contributed to what lgi is today, in many forms -
writing patches, reporting bugs, packaging for distributions,
providing ideas, spreading a word...  *Many thanks to all of you!*

## History

### 0.9.2 (9-Oct-2017)

 - fix assorted crashes in closure callback invocation code
 - fix double-free bug caused by incorrect annotation of Gio.DBusProxy.get_interface_info
 - fix marshaling of arrays of pointers
 - make objects unusable in __gc metamethod
 - work around API break in GLib 2.54
 - use structured GLib logging when available
 - add Gio.Async support also for static methods and global functions
 - better error message when Gtk.init fails
 - add support for Travis
 - don't hardcode pkg-config executable
 - fix URI in GStreamer sample
 - fix flags for DBus samples

### 0.9.1 (27-May-2016)

 - marshal NULL strings as nil instead of empty strings.  This allows
   use of e.g. DataInputStream:read_line() APIs.
 - fix and improve build for OSX and Win-based configurations
 - add support for arrays with lengths as struct fields
 - allow GLib.Variant construction for lightuserdata
 - fix gtop binding (certain structs could not be imported)
 - adapt to new set of annotations in newer glib
 - assorted Lua5.3 fixes, lgi is now fully Lua5.3 compatible
 - fix binding of Gdk.Rectangle from newer GDK

### 0.9.0 (23-Mar-2015)

 - new feature: allow defining new properties on custom GObject
   subclasses implemented using lgi
 - fix: improve compatibility with locales (turkish)
 - fix: GPtrArray handling
 - fix: improve behavior when running in assorted multiple-embedded
   and concurrent scenarios

### 0.8.0 (02-Jul-2014)

 - new feature: add automatically-generated wrappers for
   do_async()/do_finish() pairs.  Documented as Gio.Async namespace
 - new feature: automatically initialize objects implementing
   Gio.Initable and Gio.AsyncInitable interfaces.
 - new feature: GLib.Error is now handled properly, functions
   returning errors return GLib.Error instances instead of error
   numbers and strings.  This also allows overriding virtual methods
   from Lua which report errors by returning GLib.Error
 - new feature: GLib.Bytes support, adding # operator and 'data'
   property allowing easy use of GLib.Bytes object.  This leads to
   deprecation of seldomly used modifiable buffers extensions.
 - optimization: type attribute caching brings significant speedup of
   method and property lookups.
 - fix: Gtk: override for Gtk.Menu.popup() compatible with new GTK
 - fix: cairo: assorted small fixes of bad signatures, added some
   convenience properties.
 - fix: GLib: add overrides for GLib.MarkupParser
 - fix: Gio: add overrides for Gio.DBus*Info structures
 - fix: Pango: add override for Pango.GlyphString.glyphs array
 - fix: Gdk: Add override inheriting specific Gdk.EventXxx from Gdk.Event
 - fix: Compile cleanly against Lua5.2 with compatibility mode turned on
 - fix: avoid leak when adding already cached owned record and for
   retrieving Variant from Value.

### 0.7.2 (12-Sep-2013)

 - fix: improper marshalling of certain APIs passing pointers to
 - fix: cairo.PsSurface.create() had incorrect signature, missing
 - fix: If GTK initialization fails, raise Lua exception instead of
   hard-crash of calling process.
 - fix: when running test in devel tree, prefer lgi from devel tree
   instead of the installed one.
 - add: cairo.Status.to_string() API
 - fix: avoid referencing GdkRGBA in GDk override when targetting
   Gdk2.0, which does not have GdkRGBA.
 - fix: replace GStaticRecMutex with GRecMutex to avoid compilation
 - fix: Gtk.Container.'child' pseudoproperty works even in Gtk2, where
   it was shadowed by internal field.
 - fix: add workaround for improperly parsed g_bytes_get_data()
 - fix: add workarounf for incorrect annotation on
   Pango.Layour.set_attributes(), which caused memory leak.
 - fix: adapt to Gio.InputStream.[read|read_all|read_async] API
   change, which does not accept buffer length argument any more (due
   to the newly added annotations).

### 0.7.1 (4-Mar-2013)

 - Add support for GStreamer 1.0, while still retaining GStreamer 0.10
 - fix: crash when trying to to access '_class' attribute of class
   which does not have public classstruct exposed in typelib
 - fix: crash when passing 'nil' to transfer=full struct (caused crash
   of Awesome WM during startup).

### 0.7.0 (23-Feb-2013)

 - New feature - subclassing.  Allows creating GObject subclasses and
   implementing their virtual methods in Lua.
 - cairo: add support for most 1.12-specific cairo features
 - cairo: create hierarchy for Pattern subclasses
 - cairo: assorted small cairo bugfixes
 - samples: add GDBus client example
 - samples: add GnomeKeyring example
 - samples: GTK: offscreen window demos
 - samples: libsoup simple http server example
 - platforms: added support for darwin/macosx platform
 - platforms: additional fixes for OpenBSD
 - build: Makefiles now respect `CFLAGS` and `LDFLAGS` env vars values
 - build: Add Lua version option into Makefile
 - fix: custom ffi enum/flags handling
 - fix: more exotic callback-to-Lua marshalling scenarios
 - fix: do not allow GTK+ and gstreamer to call setlocale() - this
   might break Lua in some locales
 - fix: small adjustments, fixes and additions in Gtk override
 - fix: tons of other small fixes

### 0.6.2 (25-Jun-2012)
 - Avoid unexpected dependency on cairo-devel, cairo-runtime is now
 - Make `set_resident()` more robust and fix stack leak for Lua 5.2 case,
   avoid useless warning when `set_resident()` fails (to accommodate for
   static linking case).
 - Fix small memory leak (mutex) which occured once per opened
   `lua_State` using lgi.

### 0.6.1 (19-Jun-2012)
 - objects and structs: actually implement `_type` property as documented
 - tests: Fix regression tests for less common platforms
 - Pango: Add a few missing overrides
 - cairo: Fix `Context:user_to_device()` family of methods.
 - GStreamer: Add support for transfer!=none for input objects.  This
   is needed to avoid leaks caused by strange usage of transfer
   annotations of gstreamer-0.10
 - GStreamer: Add more missing overrides
 - GStreamer: Fix and improve samples
 - Various fixes for usecase when Lua context with loaded lgi is
   closed and opened again
 - Gtk: Add missing `Gtk.Builder:connect_signals()` override

### 0.6 (22-May-2012)
- Add cairo bindings, cairo sample and finish some gtk-demo parts
  which were requiring cairo

### 0.5.1 (not officially released)
- Fix a few problems on more exotic architectures (s390x, mips, ia64).
- Allow passing `byte.buffer` when UTF8 string is requested.

### 0.5 (15-Apr-2012)

- Port gtk3-demo to Lua code.  Try running 'lua samples/gtk-demo/main.lua'
- Finish override set for Gtk
- Extend and document features for interfacing LGI with external
  libraries (exporting and importing objects and structures via
  lightuserdata pointers).
- Fix: a few bugs with resolving bitflags values
- Fix: a few bugs in coroutines-as-callbacks feature
- Fix: workaround for crashing bug in gobject-introspection 1.32.0
- Fix: don't try to squeeze `GType` into `lua_Number` any more; this could
  cause crashes on some 64bit arches.

### 0.4 (4-Jan-2012)

- Changed handling of enums and bitflags, switched from marshaling
  them as numbers to prefering strings for enums and tables (sets or
  lists) for bitflags.  Numeric values still work for Lua->C
  marshalling, but backward compatibility is broken in C->Lua enum and
  bitflags marshalling.
- Compatible with Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT
- Added standardized way for overrides to handle constructor argument
  table array part.
- Existing Gtk overrides reworked and improved, there is now a way to
  describe and create widget hierarchies in Lua-friendly way.  See
  `docs/gtk.lua`, chapter about `Gtk.Container` for overview and
- Various bugfixes and portability fixes.

### 0.3 (28-Nov-2011)

- Project hosting moved to GitHub.
- Build system switched from `waf` to simple Makefile-based one
- Added automatic locking of thread-sensitive libraries (Gdk and
  Clutter).  There is no need to add `Gdk.threads_enter()`,
  `Gdk.threads_leave()` and `Clutter.threads_enter()`,
  `Clutter.threads_leave()` pairs into application, lgi handles this
- Added new sample `samples/console.lua`, which implements already
  quite usable Lua console using Gtk widgets.
- Fixes for compatibility with older gobject-introspection 0.10.8
- Testsuite is not built automatically, because building it can be
  apparently problematic on some systems, causing installation failure
  even when testsuite is not needed at all.
- Remove `setlocale()` initialization, which could break Lua when used
  with some regional locales.  The downside of this change is that
  marshaling file names containing non-ASCII characters on systems
  which define `G_BROKEN_FILENAMES` environment variable (probably
  only Fedora 15) does not work now.

### 0.2 (7-Nov-2011)

First public release

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