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        Readme for libreoffice package for Debian

Quick start
Printer setup
  Native CUPS support
  Non-CUPS systems
Language support
  Spellcheck dictionaries, Hyphenation patterns and Thesauri
  Help packages
Display and crashing problems
  X server crashes
Font problems
  Why are the menu fonts smaller than in older versions?
  Changing the default user interface font typeface for non-KDE/Gnome desktops
Disabling the splash screen
AppArmor problems
More information about LibreOffice in Debian

Welcome to the LibreOffice packages for the Debian distribution.  These
packages are of the release of LibreOffice with the following

  * Packaged as libreoffice-core (architecture-dependent core files),
    libreoffice-common (architecture-independent common files),
    libreoffice-{calc,writer,draw,impress,base} (the LibreOffice modules)
    libreoffice-l10n-<lang> and libreoffice-help-<lang> and
    other subpackages (-filters-* for lesser used filters, -gtk/-gnome/-kde,
    ttf-opensymbol for the OpenSymbol font, ...).

  * Integration with other Debian packages:
        - Global desktop integration for all users for KDE and Gnome desktops.
          Menu entries for all window managers that support the Debian 'menu'

  * Some extra features not yet present in official releases:
        - Many of the patches included in the Ximian edition

  * Extra documentation - this README and man pages.

Quick start

To start using LibreOffice, execute the command


as the user which you wish to start LibreOffice as.  This will create the
necessary user files in ~/.libreoffice/3 for you.  Alternatively, you
can start LibreOffice from the menus, if you have the menu package
installed/use KDE or GNOME.


Printing on CUPS systems
The Debian packages include native CUPS support from version 1.1.1-3.  This
is standard in all OpenOffice.org versions since 2.0.
When LibreOffice detects a CUPS system, it will download printer settings for
all CUPS queues, and these can be set from within the printer properties dialog.

If you wish to add additional filters or print commands, you can add them
using 'spadmin'.  Note that the 'Add a printer' option is disabled - you
should add printers using your favourite CUPS frontend.

When creating a new document, LibreOffice will use the default paper size of
your default CUPS printer queue.  If your new documents have the wrong paper
size, please check the configuration of your printer.

Non-CUPS systems (lpr, lprng, SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=1)
There is a tool supplied with LibreOffice for setting up printers.  You can
execute this with the command


To change the page size and other default settings on non-CUPS systems,
modify /etc/openoffice/psprint.conf.  The settings are documented in there.

Language support
You can get foreign language support by installing the
libreoffice-l10n-<lang> package for your language.  You will also need the
'locales' (or belocs-locales-data for some locales, alternatively locales-all
if you want all locales) package installed.
The user interface language is selected according to your locale(1) settings.

To change the user interface language for all users, run

  dpkg-reconfigure locales

[ This is not needed when you install locales-all  ]

To change the language for just one user, you must arrange for the LC_MESSAGES
or LANG environment variable to be set.  You can list all available locales
with the command 'locale -a'.
For example, to run LibreOffice in German from the command line:

  LANG=de_DE libreoffice

Spellcheck dictionaries, Hyphenation patterns and Thesauri
Currently, there are dictionaries available for Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian,
Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (AUS/GB/US),
Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician, German (DE/CH/AT),
Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Irish (Gaeilge), Italian, Kurdish, Latvian,
Lithuanian, Manx Gaelic, Norwegian Bokmal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Polish,
Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Scots Gaelic, Slovak, Slovenian,
Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian and Uzbek.
Dictionaries are packaged as myspell-<lang> (or, for newer ones improved
for hunspell hunspell-<lang>).

Currently, there are thesauri available for Czech, English (AUS/GB/US),
German (DE/CH), Italian, Polish and Slovak.
Thesauri are packaged as mythes-<lang>

Currently, there are hyphenation patterns available for English (USA),
Croatian, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Slovenian and
Hyphenation patterns are packaged as hyphen-<lang>.

Help packages
Currently, there are localized help packages available for
Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (GB), English (USA),
Estonian, French, Galician, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer,
Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian and
Spanish and Swedish.
They are packaged as libreoffice-help-<lang>.


Here are some problems that have been reported with this version.  If you do
not see your problem here, please check for open bug reports:


1. If you are using NFS mounted file systems, you should make sure that locking
is functioning:

  'Make sure NFS lockd/statd is running on the client, or mount the NFS export
  with the 'nolock' option.

  If /usr gets mounted from an initrd, check 'ps' output once the system is
  fully booted to ensure that you see a [lockd] kernel process, or an
  'rpc.lockd' / 'rpc.statd' userspace process.

  If not, just issue your mount command again (no need to even -o remount it
  seems!) and run /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart.' (Thanks to Gavin Hamill)

  See this mailing list thread for more information:

X server crash with Matrox cards
If your X server is using the mga driver, you may find that your X server
crashes.  You can work around this problem by adding this line to the mga
Device section:

  Option "XaaNoScreenToScreenColorExpandFill"

There is a bug already open against xserver-xfree86 for this problem.  Thanks
to Philip Armstrong for this information.

LibreOffice crash with nVidia cards
It seems that LibreOffice can trigger some obscure bugs in the X server
drivers for Nvidia cards too, especially if you have more than one processor.
Try updating your drivers to the latest version.

Moreover LibreOffice may hang and takes X with it when RenderAccel
is enabled when using the proprietary nVidia Drivers. Disabling this option
helps then.

Font problems

Why are the menu fonts smaller than in older versions?
This is caused by a change in the way LibreOfffice interprets your X server DPI
This setting, when correctly configured, means that software can display text
at its true size on the display.

The official OpenOffice.org version assumes that anyone who has their X server
configured with a DPI of less than 96 has not actually configured it at all,
and sets it back to 96.  Unfortunately, this has the side effect that
displays with a lower DPI setting, such as some LCD laptop displays, cannot
display the page at its true size.

So you can fix this by correctly setting the DPI for your X server.  Gnome
users will find that it is set to 96 DPI by default; others may need to edit
their X server configuration.

The best way to get the correct DPI setting is to add a 'DisplaySize' entry to
the Monitor section.  From the XF86Config-4 man page:

  DisplaySize  width height
    This optional entry gives the width and height, in millimetres, of the
    picture area of the monitor. If given this is used to calculate the
    horizontal and vertical pitch (DPI) of the screen.

If you set this value correctly, X will calculate and use the correct DPI
setting, even if you use several different display resolutions.

From Nikita V. Youshchenko <yoush at cs.msu.su>:

- Many display manager configurations pass the option "-dpi 100" to the X
  server by default, overriding any autodetected DPI.  This has to be removed
  for DisplaySize to work.  The file that you need to edit varies depending on
  the way your X server is started:
    xdm: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
    kdm: /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers
    gdm: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
    startx: /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc

- Gnome's gconf overrides the autodetected DPI, by setting Xft.dpi to a value
  entered in configuration dialog, 96 by default.  I don't know what is
  the clean fix for this. Perhaps it should be fixed on the Gnome side.

From Juergen Kreileder <jk at blackdown.de>:>

- Note that with most recent graphics cards and monitors XFree86 is able to
  get the monitor size (and thus the correct dpi value) through ddc.
    (**) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes for display device DFP-0:
    (**) NVIDIA(0): Default mode "1600x1200": 189.0 MHz, 87.5 kHz, 70.0 Hz
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1600 x 1200
    (--) NVIDIA(0): Display dimensions: (410, 310) mm
    (--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (99, 98)
  (That's with the proprietary NVIDIA drivers but other XFree86 drivers have
  that support too.)

If you use KDE or Gnome, LibreOffice will use the same font face and size as
your desktop environment.  If you use another window manager, you can either
let it pick a default font itself, or change the font to be used (see next
section), or set the OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP environment variable to
kde (for kde3)/kde4 or gnome, to use KDE or Gnome settings respectively.

Changing the default user interface font typeface for non-KDE/Gnome desktops
If you do not want to use KDE or Gnome settings and want to change font sizes
within LibreOffice, you can configure the user interface font as follows:

- Font size -

You can change the font scaling using the user interface:

   Tools Menu -> Options -> View -> Scale

- Font typeface -

You can change the default font typeface by replacing it with a different font
installed on your system. This can be done using the font replacement function.
Choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Font Replacement to access this

To change the font of the LibreOffice user interface, you have to replace
the default font "Andale Sans UI" with another font and mark the "always"
setting for this replacement.  "Andale Sans UI" is not selectable and has to be
typed in. The replacement font has to be a font which supports the requested
locale ( e.g for Korean language the replacement font has to be a font
including Korean characters).

Refer to the LibreOffice Help for a detailed explanation of the font
replacement dialog.

Disabling the splash screen
If you don't like the splash screen staying in front of other windows while
LibreOffice is loading, you can disable it by editing
/etc/openoffice/sofficerc.  Change Logo=1 to Logo=0.

AppArmor problems

LibreOffice in Debian ships with AppArmor profiles:


To debug issues with these AppArmor profiles, see:


If you are using custom settings such as a custom env:UserInstallation
directory, you may need to adjust them to match your local setup.
In this example, you would need to add your custom
env:UserInstallation to @{libo_user_dirs} in the
usr.lib.libreoffice.program.soffice.bin profile.

More information about LibreOffice in Debian
Please read the official README.gz (in the same directory as this file), too.

If you have questions, either post to our the mailing list:


The Debian LibreOffice team

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 09:27:08 CEST 2024.