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libphp-adodb for Debian

I. Using the ADOdb PHP library

By default, the scripts are installed in a directory that is
already in PHP's default include path, /usr/share/php, in the
adodb directory. To access the scripts, you only need to do:


If you need direct access to the ADOdb files, you should add 
the adodb include path to your php.ini file in (e.g.)

   include_path = ".:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php4:/usr/share/php/adodb"

After this you can easily include the scripts without the full 
path the to ADOdb library:


Sample scripts can be found under /usr/share/doc/libphp-adodb/examples/

You _MUST_ also install the PHP package for each database you would like
to use in your PHP scripts with ADOdb:

   e.g. for mysql:
   # apt-get install php-mysql

II. Installing icons in apache

This is an example configuration to setup your apache web-server to use
the ADOdb icons:

   Alias /adodb-icons/ /usr/share/php/adodb/icons/
   <Directory /usr/share/php/adodb/icons>
      Options Indexes MultiViews
      AllowOverride None
      Require all granted

III. Using sql-based sessions

Under /usr/share/doc/examples/session you can find some sql scripts to create
tables, which can be used to store apache sessions into it. Please consult
the documentation of your database, about how you can install/apply those

For more details, please have a look at: adodb-sess.txt (in this directory)

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