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<chapter id="settings">

<sect1 id="general-settings">
<title>General Settings</title>
        <screeninfo>General Settings</screeninfo>
                <imagedata fileref="general-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                <phrase>Options for the General Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                <para>Options for the General Settings in &umbrello;

<sect2 id= "misc-settings">
        <para>The option <guilabel>Enable undo</guilabel> allows undoing a previous action.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Use new C++/Java/Ruby generators</guilabel> lets the
                    user select either the old or new code generators</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Turn on footer and page numbers when printing</guilabel> when
            selected, prints diagram information for the diagram being printed and the page number.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Use tabbed diagrams</guilabel> gives the option of having multiple
            tabbed diagram windows open at a time.</para>

</sect2>    <!-- misc-settings -->

<sect2 id= "autosave-settings">
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Enable autosave</guilabel> gives a choice to autosave the file.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Select auto-save time interval (mins):</guilabel> allows setting the
            time before the file is autosaved.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Set autosave suffix:</guilabel> defaults to .xmi but allows a different
            file extension to be set.</para>
</sect2>   <!-- autosave-settings -->

<sect2 id= "startup-settings">
        <listitem><para><guilabel>Load last project</guilabel> if set, always loads the last
                work project upon program startup.</para>
        <listitem><para><guilabel>Start new project with:</guilabel> gives a choice of which UML
                diagram type to start with in a new project.</para>
        <listitem><para><guilabel>Default Language:</guilabel> is a setting for the default
                programming language used.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- startup-settings -->

<sect2 id= "notifications-settings">
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Enable all messages</guilabel> is an option to either see all
            notifications or a reduced set of notifications.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Enable 'delete association' related messages</guilabel> ensures
            that you will receive all messages of this type if checked.</para>
    <listitem><para><guilabel>Enable 'delete diagram' related messages</guilabel> will enable
            all messages of this type if checked.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- notifications-settings -->

</sect1>    <!-- general-settings -->

<!-- Font Settings -->
<sect1 id="font-settings">
<title>Font Settings</title>
        <screeninfo>Font Settings</screeninfo>
                <imagedata fileref="font-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                <phrase>Options for the Diagram Font Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                <para>Options for the Diagram Font Settings in &umbrello;

<para>These font settings set the characteristics of the text in the diagrams.
    Font style and size are the only selectable options.</para>

</sect1>    <!-- font-settings -->

<sect1 id="ui-settings">
    <title>User Interface Settings</title>
            <screeninfo>User Interface Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="user-interface-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the User Interface Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the User Interface Settings in &umbrello;

<sect2 id="ui-general">
    <para><guilabel>Right to left user interface</guilabel> configures the interface
        for the right to left languages.
</sect2>    <!-- ui-general-settings -->

<sect2 id="ui-associations">
    <para><guilabel>Use angular associating lines</guilabel> allows association
        lines to vary at any angle.
    <para><guilabel>Create new association lines as:</guilabel> gives the ability
        to change the association line style.
</sect2>    <!-- ui-associations-settings -->

<sect2 id="ui-color">
    <para>The color section gives several options to change the text, line, fill,
        grid and background colors as well as the line width.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- ui-Color-settings -->

</sect1>    <!-- ui-settings -->

<sect1 id="class-settings">
    <title>Class Settings</title>
            <screeninfo>Class Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="class-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Class Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Class Settings in &umbrello;

<sect2 id="show-class-settings">
        <para>The Show section has numerous settings that determine which class
            characteristics are shown in the Class Diagram.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- show-class-settings -->

<sect2 id="starting-scope-class-settings">
        <title>Starting Scope</title>
        <para>Choices for attribute and operation default settings,
            public, private or protected.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- starting-scope-class-settings -->

</sect1>    <!-- class-settings -->

<sect1 id="code-importer-settings">
    <title>Code Import Settings</title>
            <screeninfo>Code Import Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="code-import-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Code Import Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Code Import Settings in &umbrello;

<sect2 id="include-search-paths-settings">
    <title>Include Search Paths</title>
    <para>A general recommendation is given to improve searching by including
        UMBRELLO INCPATH as an environment variable.</para>
</sect2>    <!-- include-search-paths-settings -->

<sect2 id="cpp-import-settings">
    <para><guilabel>For each imported file create an artifact in
    the component view</guilabel> The artifact created can
    then be dragged into the Class Diagram view where dependencies
    can be easily seen along with the attributes and functions
    of each file.</para>
        <para><guilabel>Resolve dependencies (reduces import speed)</guilabel>
            Ensures all file dependencies are resolved which then shows up
            in class dependencies in the Class Diagram.</para>
        <para><guilabel>Enable C++11 standard (experimental)</guilabel>
            An experimental feature to conform to C++11, disable if not

</sect2>    <!-- c++-import-settings -->

</sect1>    <!-- code-importer-settings -->

<sect1 id="code-generation-settings">
    <title>Code Generation Settings</title>

    <sect2 id="code-gen-settings-general-tab">
    <title>Code Generation Settings General Tab</title>

            <screeninfo>Code Generation General Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="code-generation-general-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Code Generation General Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Code Generation General Settings in &umbrello;

    <para>Umbrello UML Modeller can generate source code for various programming
        languages based on your UML Model to help you get started with the
        implementation of your project. The code generated consists of the class
        declarations, with their methods and attributes so you can "fill in the
        blanks" by providing the functionality of your classes' operations.</para>

    <sect3 id="code-gen-language-settings">
        <para>Choose the programming language to use for projects. The choices offered are
            ActionScript, Ada, C++, C#, D, IDL, Java, JavaScript, MYSQL, Pascal,
            Perl, PHP, PHP5, PastgreSQL, Python, Ruby, SQL, Tcl, Vala and
    </sect3>    <!-- code-gen-language-settings -->

    <sect3 id="code-generation-folders-settings">
    <para><guilabel>Write all generated files to folder:</guilabel> has an editable
        field for the desired path for generated files or optionally a browse button
        to select the path.</para>
    <para><guilabel>Include heading files from folder:</guilabel> if checked, lets
        the user specify a path in an editable field or choose it with a browse
    </sect3>    <!-- code-generation-folders-settings -->

<sect3 id="code-generation-overwrite-settings">
<title>Overwrite Policy</title>
    <para>When the code is generated into the specified folder, this setting
        determines what happens if a file with the same name is encountered.
        <para><guilabel>Overwrite</guilabel> the file without a warning or option.</para>
        <para><guilabel>Ask</guilabel> whether to overwrite the file or rename it.</para>
        <para><guilabel>Use a different name</guilabel> when a file already exists
            by renaming it using a suffix.</para>

</sect3>    <!-- code-generation-overwrite-settings -->

</sect2>    <!-- code-generation-settings-general-tab -->

<sect2 id="code-gen-settings-format-tab">
    <title>Code Generation Settings Formatting Tab</title>
            <screeninfo>Code Generation Formatting Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="code-generation-formatting-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Code Generation Formatting Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Code Generation Formatting Settings in &umbrello;

    <sect3 id="code-gen-formatting-comment-verbosity">
        <title>Comment Verbosity</title>
        <para><guilabel>Write documentation comments even if empty</guilabel>
            Generates comments for classes and functions even if they are empty.</para>
        <para><guilabel>Write comments for sections even if section is empty</guilabel>
            Writes comments for the private, protected and public sections even if
            they are empty.</para>
</sect3>    <!-- code-gen-formatting-comment-verbosity -->

<sect3 id="code-gen-formatting-lines">
    <para><guilabel>Indentation type:</guilabel> offers a choice between no indentation,
        tab or space.</para>
    <para><guilabel>Indentation amount:</guilabel> lets the user specify the number of
        spaces for the tab or space indentation choice.</para>
    <para><guilabel>Line ending style:</guilabel> is a choice between the line ending
        styles of *NIX, Windows and Mac.</para>
</sect3>    <!-- code-gen-formatting-lines -->

</sect2>    <!-- code-gen-settings-format-tab -->

<sect2 id="code-gen-settings-language-options">
    <title>Language Options</title>
            <screeninfo>Code Generation Language Options</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="code-generation-language-general.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Code Generation Language Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Code Generation Language Settings in &umbrello;
    <para>This page changes for each programming language selected under the General tab.
        Currently the only options available are for the C++ language.</para>

<sect3 id="code-gen-settings-language-options-cpp">
    <title>C++ Code Generation</title>

    <sect4 id="code-gen-settings-language-options-documentation">
        <para><guilabel>Style:</guilabel> gives a choice to use either "/** */"
            or "//" as the documentation style</para>
    </sect4>    <!-- code-gen-settings-language-options-documentation -->

    <sect4 id="language-general-tab">
        <para>Under the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab of the <guilabel>Language Options</guilabel>
            tab, several code generation options are listed.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Class member prefix</guilabel></para>
                <para>An option that allows a prefix determined by the user,
                    to be added to class members when code is generated.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Package is a namespace</guilabel></para>
                <para>Namespaces provide a method for preventing name conflicts
                    in large projects. Symbols declared inside a namespace block
                    are placed in a named scope that prevents them from being
                    mistaken for identically-named symbols in other scopes.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Virtual destructors</guilabel></para>
                <para>Even though destructors are not inherited, if a base
                    class declares its destructor virtual, the derived
                    destructor always overrides it. This makes it possible
                    to delete dynamically allocated objects of polymorphic
                    type through pointers to base.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Generate empty constructors</guilabel></para>
                <para>This will generate constructors that have empty braces.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Generate accessor methods</guilabel></para>
                <para>Will generate methods to access datatypes.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Operations are inline</guilabel></para>
                <para>Generate the methods as inline, but compilers are
                    free to choose not to inline the method.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Accessors are inline</guilabel></para>
                <para>Methods that access the class' data will be generated
                    inline, but compilers are free to choose not to inline
                    the method.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Accessors are public</guilabel></para>
                <para>Methods that are generated as public will be available
                    to any instantiation of the class.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Create getters with 'get' prefix</guilabel></para>
                <para>This will put the prefix "get" on the methods that get/return
                    the class data.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Remove prefix '[a-zA-Z]_' from accessor method names</guilabel></para>
                <para>If a prefix was entered in <guilabel>Class member prefix</guilabel>,
                    this will remove it.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Accessor methods start with capital letters</guilabel></para>
                <para>This capitalizes the first letter of the method name.</para>
                <para><guilabel>Use '\' as documentation tag instead of @</guilabel></para>
                <para>A tag choice to use when documenting parameters of a method.</para>
    </sect4>    <!-- language-general-tab -->

    <sect4 id="language-method-body-tab">
        <title>Method Body Generation</title>
                <screeninfo>Code Generation Language Method Body Options</screeninfo>
                        <imagedata fileref="code-generation-language-method-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                        <phrase>Options for the Code Generation Language Method Body Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                        <para>Options for the Code Generation Language Method Body Settings in &umbrello;
        <para>Has options of QPtrList, vector, and std::vector for the list type.
            An editable or selectable field follows to specify the include file
            along with a browse button to find a select the include file. There
            is also an option to make the list global.</para>
            <para>Options of string or QString for the string type. An editable
                or selectable field follows to specify the include file along
                with a browse button to find a select the include file. There
                is also an option to make the string global.

    </sect4>    <!-- language-method-body-tab -->

</sect3>    <!-- code-gen-settings-language-options-cpp -->

</sect2> <!-- code-gen-settings-language-options -->

</sect1>    <!-- code-generation-settings-general-tab -->

<sect1 id="code-viewer-settings">
    <title>Code Viewer Settings</title>
            <screeninfo>Code Viewer Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="code-viewer-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Code Viewer Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Code Viewer Settings in &umbrello;
    <para>Allows customization of the Code Viewer. The <guilabel>Requested Font</guilabel>
        section allows the selection of the font, font style, and font size. A representation
        of you choices is shown below the choices.
        In the <guilabel>Colors</guilabel> section, changes can be made to Paper, Font, Selected,
        UML object block, Hidden block, Editable text, and Uneditable text. Changes to the colors
        can be made by clicking on the color box by the respective label.
</sect1>    <!-- code-viewer-settings -->

<sect1 id="auto-layout-settings">
    <title>Auto Layout Settings</title>
            <screeninfo>Auto Layout Settings</screeninfo>
                    <imagedata fileref="auto-layout-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
                    <phrase>Options for the Auto Layout Settings in &umbrello;</phrase>
                    <para>Options for the Auto Layout Settings in &umbrello;
    <para><guilabel>Auto detect layout generator</guilabel></para>
    <para>The auto layout feature depends on layout generators provided by the
        GraphViz package, which is normally installed alongside Umbrello by a
        package manager. Umbrello has built-in support for detecting the
        installed location of these layout generators. For cases where this
        dependency is not available or does not fit, a different installation
        path could be selected.
    <para><guilabel>Show export layout in diagram context menu</guilabel></para>
    <para>Dot file export is performed by using the export layout. With this
        option checked, the export layout is added to the list of available
        diagram layouts and enables a quick dot export preview.
</sect1>    <!-- auto-layout-settings -->


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 07:02:29 CEST 2024.