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groupmems(8)              Команды управления системой             groupmems(8)

       groupmems - управляет членами первичной группы пользователя

       groupmems -a user_name | -d user_name | [-g group_name] | -l | -p

       The groupmems command allows a user to administer their own group
       membership list without the requirement of superuser privileges. The
       groupmems utility is for systems that configure its users to be in
       their own name sake primary group (i.e., guest / guest).

       Only the superuser, as administrator, can use groupmems to alter the
       memberships of other groups.

       The options which apply to the groupmems command are:

       -a, --add user_name
           Add a user to the group membership list.

           If the /etc/gshadow file exist, and the group has no entry in the
           /etc/gshadow file, a new entry will be created.

       -d, --delete user_name
           Удалить пользователя из группы.

           If the /etc/gshadow file exist, the user will be removed from the
           list of members and administrators of the group.

           If the /etc/gshadow file exist, and the group has no entry in the
           /etc/gshadow file, a new entry will be created.

       -g, --group group_name
           Суперпользователь может указать группу, в которой нужно изменить
           список членов.

       -h, --help
           Показать краткую справку и закончить работу.

       -l, --list
           Показать список членов группы.

       -p, --purge
           Вычистить всех пользователей из списка членов группы.

           If the /etc/gshadow file exist, and the group has no entry in the
           /etc/gshadow file, a new entry will be created.

       -R, --root CHROOT_DIR
           Apply changes in the CHROOT_DIR directory and use the configuration
           files from the CHROOT_DIR directory. Only absolute paths are

       The groupmems executable should be in mode 2710 as user root and in
       group groups. The system administrator can add users to group groups to
       allow or disallow them using the groupmems utility to manage their own
       group membership list.

                $ groupadd -r groups
                $ chmod 2710 groupmems
                $ chown root.groups groupmems
                $ groupmems -g groups -a gk4

       The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the
       behavior of this tool:

           содержит информацию о группах

           содержит защищаемую информацию о группах

       chfn(1), chsh(1), passwd(1), groupadd(8), groupdel(8), useradd(8),
       userdel(8), usermod(8).

shadow-utils 4.13                 03/23/2023                      groupmems(8)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 05:04:12 CEST 2024.