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TCPDCHK(8)                  System Manager's Manual                 TCPDCHK(8)

       tcpdchk - tcp wrapper configuration checker

       tcpdchk [-a] [-d] [-i inet_conf] [-v]

       tcpdchk  examines your tcp wrapper configuration and reports all poten-
       tial and real problems it can find. The program examines the  tcpd  ac-
       cess   control  files  (by  default,  these  are  /etc/hosts.allow  and
       /etc/hosts.deny), and compares the entries in these files  against  en-
       tries in the inetd network configuration file.

       tcpdchk  reports problems such as non-existent pathnames; services that
       appear in tcpd access control rules, but are not  controlled  by  tcpd;
       services that should not be wrapped; non-existent host names or non-in-
       ternet address forms; occurrences of host aliases instead  of  official
       host  names;  hosts  with a name/address conflict; inappropriate use of
       wildcard patterns; inappropriate use of NIS netgroups or references  to
       non-existent NIS netgroups; references to non-existent options; invalid
       arguments to options; and so on.

       Where possible, tcpdchk provides a helpful suggestion to fix the  prob-

       -a     Report  access  control  rules that permit access without an ex-
              plicit ALLOW keyword.

       -d     Examine hosts.allow and hosts.deny files in the  current  direc-
              tory instead of the default ones.

       -i inet_conf
              Specify  this  option  when  tcpdchk  is unable to find your in-
              etd.conf network configuration file, or when  you  suspect  that
              the program uses the wrong one.

       -v     Display the contents of each access control rule.  Daemon lists,
              client lists, shell commands and options are shown in a  pretty-
              printed  format;  this  makes it easier for you to spot any dis-
              crepancies between what you want and  what  the  program  under-

       The default locations of the tcpd access control tables are:


       tcpdmatch(8), explain what tcpd would do in specific cases.
       hosts_access(5), format of the tcpd access control tables.
       hosts_options(5), format of the language extensions.
       inetd.conf(5), format of the inetd control file.

       Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl),
       Department of Mathematics and Computing Science,
       Eindhoven University of Technology
       Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513,
       5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands


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