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CMAKE-TOOLCHAINS(7)                  CMake                 CMAKE-TOOLCHAINS(7)

       cmake-toolchains - CMake Toolchains Reference

       CMake uses a toolchain of utilities to compile, link libraries and cre-
       ate archives, and other tasks to drive the build. The toolchain  utili-
       ties  available  are  determined  by  the  languages enabled. In normal
       builds, CMake automatically determines the toolchain  for  host  builds
       based  on system introspection and defaults. In cross-compiling scenar-
       ios, a toolchain file may be specified with information about  compiler
       and utility paths.

       New  in version 3.19: One may use cmake-presets(7) to specify toolchain

       Languages are enabled  by  the  project()  command.   Language-specific
       built-in  variables,  such as CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID
       etc are set by invoking the project() command.  If no  project  command
       is  in the top-level CMakeLists file, one will be implicitly generated.
       By default the enabled languages are C and CXX:

          project(C_Only C)

       A special value of NONE can also be used with the project() command  to
       enable no languages:

          project(MyProject NONE)

       The enable_language() command can be used to enable languages after the
       project() command:


       When a language is enabled, CMake finds a compiler for  that  language,
       and  determines some information, such as the vendor and version of the
       compiler, the target architecture and bitwidth, the location of  corre-
       sponding utilities etc.

       The  ENABLED_LANGUAGES global property contains the languages which are
       currently enabled.

       Several variables relate to the  language  components  of  a  toolchain
       which are enabled:

              The full path to the compiler used for <LANG>

              The compiler identifier used by CMake

              The version of the compiler.

              The variables and the configuration-specific equivalents contain
              flags that will be added to the compile command when compiling a
              file of a particular language.

       CMake  needs  a  way  to  determine which compiler to use to invoke the
       linker.  This is determined by the LANGUAGE property of source files of
       the  target,  and  in the case of static libraries, the LANGUAGE of the
       dependent libraries. The choice CMake makes may be overridden with  the
       LINKER_LANGUAGE target property.

       CMake  provides  the  try_compile()  command and wrapper macros such as
       CheckCXXSourceCompiles, CheckCXXSymbolExists  and  CheckIncludeFile  to
       test  capability  and availability of various toolchain features. These
       APIs test the toolchain in some way and cache the result  so  that  the
       test does not have to be performed again the next time CMake runs.

       Some toolchain features have built-in handling in CMake, and do not re-
       quire  compile-tests.  For  example,  POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE  allows
       specifying  that a target should be built as position-independent code,
       if the compiler supports that feature. The <LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET and
       VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN  target properties add flags for hidden visi-
       bility, if supported by the compiler.

       If cmake(1) is invoked with  the  command  line  parameter  --toolchain
       path/to/file  or  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/file, the file will be
       loaded early to set values for the compilers.  The CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING
       variable is set to true when CMake is cross-compiling.

       Note  that using the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR or CMAKE_BINARY_DIR variables in-
       side a toolchain file is typically undesirable.  The toolchain file  is
       used  in contexts where these variables have different values when used
       in different places (e.g. as part of a call to try_compile()).  In most
       cases, where there is a need to evaluate paths inside a toolchain file,
       the more appropriate variable to use would  be  CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR,
       since it always has an unambiguous, predictable value.

   Cross Compiling for Linux
       A typical cross-compiling toolchain for Linux has content such as:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm)

          set(CMAKE_SYSROOT /home/devel/rasp-pi-rootfs)
          set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage)

          set(tools /home/devel/gcc-4.7-linaro-rpi-gnueabihf)
          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc)
          set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)



              is the CMake-identifier of the target platform to build for.

              is the CMake-identifier of the target architecture.

              is optional, and may be specified if a sysroot is available.

              is  also  optional. It may be used to specify a path on the host
              to install to.  The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is always  the  runtime
              installation location, even when cross-compiling.

              variable  may  be set to full paths, or to names of compilers to
              search for in standard locations.  For toolchains  that  do  not
              support linking binaries without custom flags or scripts one may
              set the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE variable to STATIC_LIBRARY
              to tell CMake not to try to link executables during its checks.

       CMake   find_*   commands   will   look   in   the   sysroot,  and  the
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH entries by default in all cases, as well as  look-
       ing in the host system root prefix.  Although this can be controlled on
       a case-by-case basis, when cross-compiling, it can be useful to exclude
       looking in either the host or the target for particular artifacts. Gen-
       erally, includes, libraries and packages should be found in the  target
       system  prefixes,  whereas executables which must be run as part of the
       build should be found only on the host and not on the target.  This  is
       the purpose of the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_* variables.

   Cross Compiling for the Cray Linux Environment
       Cross  compiling for compute nodes in the Cray Linux Environment can be
       done without  needing  a  separate  toolchain  file.   Specifying  -DC-
       MAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment  on  the  CMake command line will
       ensure that the appropriate build settings and search paths are config-
       ured.   The platform will pull its configuration from the current envi-
       ronment variables and will configure a  project  to  use  the  compiler
       wrappers  from  the  Cray Programming Environment's PrgEnv-* modules if
       present and loaded.

       The default configuration of the Cray  Programming  Environment  is  to
       only  support  static libraries.  This can be overridden and shared li-
       braries enabled by setting the CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE environment variable to

       Running CMake without specifying CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME will run the config-
       ure step in host mode assuming a standard Linux  environment.   If  not
       overridden,  the  PrgEnv-*  compiler wrappers will end up getting used,
       which if targeting the either the login node or compute node, is likely
       not  the  desired  behavior.  The exception to this would be if you are
       building directly on a NID instead  of  cross-compiling  from  a  login
       node.  If  trying  to build software for a login node, you will need to
       either first unload the currently loaded PrgEnv-* module or  explicitly
       tell  CMake to use the system compilers in /usr/bin instead of the Cray
       wrappers.  If instead targeting a compute node is desired, just specify
       the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME as mentioned above.

   Cross Compiling using Clang
       Some  compilers  such  as  Clang  are  inherently cross compilers.  The
       CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_TARGET can be set to pass a value to  those  sup-
       ported compilers when compiling:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm)

          set(triple arm-linux-gnueabihf)

          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang)
          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET ${triple})
          set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang++)
          set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET ${triple})

       Similarly, some compilers do not ship their own supplementary utilities
       such as linkers, but provide a way to specify the location of  the  ex-
       ternal  toolchain  which  will  be  used  by  the  compiler driver. The
       CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN  variable  can  be  set  in  a
       toolchain file to pass the path to the compiler driver.

   Cross Compiling for QNX
       As  the  Clang  compiler the QNX QCC compile is inherently a cross com-
       piler.  And the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_TARGET can be set to pass a value
       to those supported compilers when compiling:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME QNX)

          set(arch gcc_ntoarmv7le)

          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER qcc)
          set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET ${arch})
          set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET ${arch})


   Cross Compiling for Windows CE
       Cross compiling for Windows CE requires the corresponding SDK being in-
       stalled on your system.  These SDKs are usually installed under C:/Pro-
       gram Files (x86)/Windows CE Tools/SDKs.

       A  toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for Windows CE
       may look like this:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsCE)

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 8.0)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm)

          set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET CE800) # Can be omitted for 8.0

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM tells the  generator  which  SDK  to  use.
       Further  CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION  tells the generator what version of Win-
       dows CE to use.  Currently version 8.0 (Windows Embedded Compact  2013)
       is  supported  out  of  the box.  Other versions may require one to set
       CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET to the correct value.

   Cross Compiling for Windows 10 Universal Applications
       A toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for  a  Windows
       10 Universal Application may look like this:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsStore)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 10.0)

       A  Windows 10 Universal Application targets both Windows Store and Win-
       dows Phone.  Specify the CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION variable to  be  10.0  to
       build  with  the  latest available Windows 10 SDK.  Specify a more spe-
       cific version (e.g. 10.0.10240.0 for RTM) to build with the correspond-
       ing SDK.

   Cross Compiling for Windows Phone
       A  toolchain  file  to  configure a Visual Studio generator for Windows
       Phone may look like this:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsPhone)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 8.1)

   Cross Compiling for Windows Store
       A toolchain file to configure a Visual  Studio  generator  for  Windows
       Store may look like this:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsStore)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 8.1)

   Cross Compiling for ADSP SHARC/Blackfin
       Cross-compiling for ADSP SHARC or Blackfin can be configured by setting
       the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable to ADSP and  the  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR
       variable to the "part number", excluding the ADSP- prefix, for example,
       21594, SC589, etc.  This value is case insensitive.

       CMake will automatically search for CCES or VDSP++  installs  in  their
       default  install  locations  and  select the most recent version found.
       CCES will be selected over VDSP++ if both are  installed.   Custom  in-
       stall  paths  can  be  set  via  the  CMAKE_ADSP_ROOT  variable  or the
       ADSP_ROOT environment variable.

       The compiler (cc21k vs. ccblkfn) is selected automatically based on the
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR value provided.

   Cross Compiling for Android
       A  toolchain  file may configure cross-compiling for Android by setting
       the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable to Android.   Further  configuration  is
       specific to the Android development environment to be used.

       For  Visual Studio Generators, CMake expects NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual
       Studio Edition or the Visual Studio tools for Android to be  installed.
       See those sections for further configuration details.

       For  Makefile  Generators and the Ninja generator, CMake expects one of
       these environments:

       • NDKStandalone Toolchain

       CMake uses the following steps to select one of the environments:

       • If the CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK variable is set, the NDK  at  the  specified
         location will be used.

       • Else,  if the CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN variable is set, the
         Standalone Toolchain at the specified location will be used.

       • Else, if the CMAKE_SYSROOT variable is set to a directory of the form
         <ndk>/platforms/android-<api>/arch-<arch>,  the  <ndk>  part  will be
         used as the value of CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK and the NDK will be used.

       • Else, if the CMAKE_SYSROOT variable is set to a directory of the form
         <standalone-toolchain>/sysroot,  the <standalone-toolchain> part will
         be used as the value of  CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN  and  the
         Standalone Toolchain will be used.

       • Else,  if  a cmake variable ANDROID_NDK is set it will be used as the
         value of CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK, and the NDK will be used.

       • Else, if a cmake variable  ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN  is  set,  it
         will  be used as the value of CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN, and
         the Standalone Toolchain will be used.

       • Else, if an environment variable ANDROID_NDK_ROOT or  ANDROID_NDK  is
         set,  it  will be used as the value of CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK, and the NDK
         will be used.

       • Else, if an environment variable ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN is  set
         then      it     will     be     used     as     the     value     of
         CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN, and the Standalone Toolchain will
         be used.

       • Else,  an  error  diagnostic  will  be issued that neither the NDK or
         Standalone Toolchain can be found.

       New in version 3.20: If an Android NDK is selected, its version  number
       is reported in the CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK_VERSION variable.

   Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK
       A  toolchain  file may configure Makefile Generators, Ninja Generators,
       or Visual Studio Generators to target Android for cross-compiling.

       Configure use of an Android NDK with the following variables:

              Set to Android.  Must be specified to enable cross compiling for

              Set  to  the  Android API level.  If not specified, the value is
              determined as follows:

              • If the CMAKE_ANDROID_API variable is set, its value is used as
                the API level.

              • If  the  CMAKE_SYSROOT  variable  is set, the API level is de-
                tected from the NDK directory structure  containing  the  sys-

              • Otherwise, the latest API level available in the NDK is used.

              Set  to  the Android ABI (architecture).  If not specified, this
              variable will default to the first supported ABI in the list  of
              armeabi,  armeabi-v7a  and  arm64-v8a.   The  CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH
              variable will be computed from CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI  automati-
              cally.      Also     see    the    CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE    and
              CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON variables.

              Set to the absolute path to the Android NDK root directory.   If
              not  specified,  a  default  for this variable will be chosen as
              specified above.

              Set to a true value to use the deprecated per-api-level  headers
              instead  of  the unified headers.  If not specified, the default
              will be false unless using a NDK that does not  provide  unified

              On  NDK  r19  or  above,  this  variable must be unset or set to
              clang.  On NDK r18 or below, set this to the version of the  NDK
              toolchain to be selected as the compiler.  If not specified, the
              default will be the latest available GCC toolchain.

              Set to specify which C++ standard library to use.  If not speci-
              fied,  a  default  will be selected as described in the variable

       The following variables will be computed and provided automatically:

              The absolute path prefix to the binutils in the NDK toolchain.

              The host platform suffix of the binutils in the NDK toolchain.

       For example, a toolchain file might contain:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)
          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 21) # API level
          set(CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI arm64-v8a)
          set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /path/to/android-ndk)
          set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)

       Alternatively one may specify the values without a toolchain file:

          $ cmake ../src \
            -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android \
            -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=21 \
            -DCMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI=arm64-v8a \
            -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk \

   Cross Compiling for Android with a Standalone Toolchain
       A toolchain file may configure Makefile Generators or the Ninja genera-
       tor to target Android for cross-compiling using a standalone toolchain.

       Configure  use  of  an  Android standalone toolchain with the following

              Set to Android.  Must be specified to enable cross compiling for

              Set to the absolute path to the standalone toolchain root direc-
              tory.  A ${CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN}/sysroot directory
              must  exist.  If not specified, a default for this variable will
              be chosen as specified above.

              When the standalone toolchain targets ARM, optionally  set  this
              to  ON  to target 32-bit ARM instead of 16-bit Thumb.  See vari-
              able documentation for details.

              When the standalone toolchain targets  ARM  v7,  optionally  set
              thisto  ON  to target ARM NEON devices.  See variable documenta-
              tion for details.

       The following variables will be computed and provided automatically:

              The Android API level detected from the standalone toolchain.

              The Android ABI detected from the standalone toolchain.

              The absolute path prefix  to  the  binutils  in  the  standalone

              The  host  platform  suffix  of  the  binutils in the standalone

       For example, a toolchain file might contain:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)
          set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN /path/to/android-toolchain)

       Alternatively one may specify the values without a toolchain file:

          $ cmake ../src \
            -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android \

   Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition
       A toolchain file to configure one of the Visual  Studio  Generators  to
       build using NVIDIA Nsight Tegra targeting Android may look like this:

          set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)

       The  CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET  may  be  set  to  select the Nsight Tegra
       "Toolchain Version" value.

       See also target properties:


   Cross Compiling for iOS, tvOS, or watchOS
       For cross-compiling to iOS, tvOS, or watchOS, the  Xcode  generator  is
       recommended.   The Unix Makefiles or Ninja generators can also be used,
       but they require the project to handle more areas like target  CPU  se-
       lection and code signing.

       Any   of   the   three   systems   can   be  targeted  by  setting  the
       CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable to a value from the  table  below.   By  de-
       fault,  the latest Device SDK is chosen.  As for all Apple platforms, a
       different SDK (e.g.  a  simulator)  can  be  selected  by  setting  the
       CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT  variable,  although  this should rarely be necessary
       (see Switching Between Device and Simulator below).  A list  of  avail-
       able SDKs can be obtained by running xcodebuild -showsdks.

            │OS      │ CMAKE_SYS- │ Device SDK  (de- │ Simulator SDK    │
            │        │ TEM_NAME   │ fault)           │                  │
            │iOS     │ iOS        │ iphoneos         │ iphonesimulator  │
            │tvOS    │ tvOS       │ appletvos        │ appletvsimulator │
            │watchOS │ watchOS    │ watchos          │ watchsimulator   │

       For  example,  to  create  a CMake configuration for iOS, the following
       command is sufficient:

          cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS

       Variable CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES can be used to set  architectures  for
       both  device and simulator. Variable CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET can be
       used to set an iOS/tvOS/watchOS deployment target.

       Next configuration will install fat 5 architectures iOS library and add
       the -miphoneos-version-min=9.3/-mios-simulator-version-min=9.3 flags to
       the compiler:

          $ cmake -S. -B_builds -GXcode \
              -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS \
              "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=armv7;armv7s;arm64;i386;x86_64" \
              -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/_install \


          # CMakeLists.txt
          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
          add_library(foo foo.cpp)
          install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION lib)


          $ cmake --build _builds --config Release --target install

       Check library:

          $ lipo -info _install/lib/libfoo.a
          Architectures in the fat file: _install/lib/libfoo.a are: i386 armv7 armv7s x86_64 arm64

          $ otool -l _install/lib/libfoo.a | grep -A2 LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS
                cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS
            cmdsize 16
            version 9.3

   Code Signing
       Some build artifacts for the embedded Apple platforms require mandatory
       code signing.  If the Xcode generator is being used and code signing is
       required or desired, the development team ID can be specified  via  the
       CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM  CMake  variable.   This team ID
       will then be included in the  generated  Xcode  project.   By  default,
       CMake  avoids  the need for code signing during the internal configura-
       tion phase (i.e compiler ID and feature detection).

   Switching Between Device and Simulator
       When configuring for any of the embedded platforms, one can target  ei-
       ther  real devices or the simulator.  Both have their own separate SDK,
       but CMake only supports specifying a single SDK for  the  configuration
       phase.   This  means the developer must select one or the other at con-
       figuration time.  When using the Xcode generator, this  is  less  of  a
       limitation  because Xcode still allows you to build for either a device
       or a simulator, even though configuration was only performed for one of
       the  two.   From within the Xcode IDE, builds are performed for the se-
       lected "destination" platform.  When building from  the  command  line,
       the  desired  sdk can be specified directly by passing a -sdk option to
       the underlying build tool (xcodebuild).  For example:

          $ cmake --build ... -- -sdk iphonesimulator

       Please note  that  checks  made  during  configuration  were  performed
       against  the configure-time SDK and might not hold true for other SDKs.
       Commands like find_package(), find_library(), etc. store  and  use  de-
       tails  only for the configured SDK/platform, so they can be problematic
       if wanting to switch between device and simulator builds. You can  fol-
       low the next rules to make device + simulator configuration work:

       • Use  explicit  -l  linker flag, e.g. target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC

       • Use explicit -framework linker flag,  e.g.  target_link_libraries(foo
         PUBLIC "-framework CoreFoundation")

       • Use    find_package()    only    for    libraries    installed   with

       2000-2022 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors

3.25.1                         November 30, 2022           CMAKE-TOOLCHAINS(7)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Fri Jun 28 15:37:47 CEST 2024.