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Test::Future::DeferredUser)Contributed Perl DocumenTest::Future::Deferred(3pm)

       "Test::Future::Deferred" - a future which completes later

        my $future = Test::Future::Deferred->done_later( 1, 2, 3 );

        # Future is not ready yet

        my @result = $future->get;

       This subclass of Future provides two new methods and an implementation
       of the "await" interface, which allows the futures to appear pending at
       first, but then to complete when "get" is called at the toplevel on one
       of them.

       This behaviour is useful in unit tests to check that behaviour of a
       module under test is correct even with non-immediate futures, as it
       allows a future to easily be constructed that will complete "soon", but
       not yet, without needing an event loop.

       Because these futures provide their own "await" method, they shouldn't
       be mixed in the same program with other kinds of futures from real
       event systems or similar.

          $f->done_later( @args )

       Equivalent to invoking the regular "done" method as part of the "await"
       operation called on the toplevel future. This makes the future complete
       with the given result, but only when "get" is called.

          $f->fail_later( $message, $category, @details )

       Equivalent to invoking the regular "fail" method as part of the "await"
       operation called on the toplevel future. This makes the future complete
       with the given failure, but only when "get" is called. As the "failure"
       method also waits for completion of the future, then it will return the
       failure message given here also.

       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

perl v5.36.0                      2022-10-30       Test::Future::Deferred(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 14:52:39 CEST 2024.