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Template::Plugin::XML:User(Contributed Perl DocTemplate::Plugin::XML::DOM(3pm)

       Template::Plugin::XML::DOM - Plugin interface to XML::DOM

           # load plugin
           [% USE dom = XML.DOM %]

           # also provide XML::Parser options
           [% USE dom = XML.DOM(ProtocolEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1') %]

           # parse an XML file
           [% doc = dom.parse(filename) %]
           [% doc = dom.parse(file = filename) %]

           # parse XML text
           [% doc = dom.parse(xmltext) %]
           [% doc = dom.parse(text = xmltext) %]

           # call any XML::DOM methods on document/element nodes
           [% FOREACH node = doc.getElementsByTagName('report') %]
              * [% node.getAttribute('title') %]   # or [% node.title %]
           [% END %]

           # define VIEW to present node(s)
           [% VIEW report notfound='xmlstring' %]
              # handler block for a <report>...</report> element
              [% BLOCK report %]
                 [% item.content(view) %]
              [% END %]

              # handler block for a <section title="...">...</section> element
              [% BLOCK section %]
              <h1>[% item.title %]</h1>
              [% item.content(view) %]
              [% END %]

              # default template block converts item to string
              [% BLOCK xmlstring; item.toString; END %]

              # block to generate simple text
              [% BLOCK text; item; END %]
           [% END %]

           # now present node (and children) via view
           [% report.print(node) %]

           # or print node content via view
           [% node.content(report) %]

           # following methods are soon to be deprecated in favour of views
           [% node.toTemplate %]
           [% node.childrenToTemplate %]
           [% node.allChildrenToTemplate %]

       This is a Template Toolkit plugin interfacing to the XML::DOM module.
       The plugin loads the XML::DOM module and creates an XML::DOM::Parser
       object which is stored internally.  The parse() method can then be
       called on the plugin to parse an XML stream into a DOM document.

           [% USE dom = XML.DOM %]
           [% doc = dom.parse('/tmp/myxmlfile') %]

       The XML::DOM plugin object (i.e. 'dom' in these examples) acts as a
       sentinel for the documents it creates ('doc' and any others).  When the
       plugin object goes out of scope at the end of the current template, it
       will automatically call dispose() on any documents that it has created.
       Note that if you dispose of the the plugin object before the end of the
       block (i.e.  by assigning a new value to the 'dom' variable) then the
       documents will also be disposed at that point and should not be used

           [% USE dom = XML.DOM %]
           [% doc = dom.parse('/tmp/myfile') %]
           [% dom = 'new value' %]     # releases XML.DOM plugin and calls
                                       # dispose() on 'doc', so don't use it!

       The plugin constructor will also accept configuration options destined
       for the XML::Parser object:

           [% USE dom = XML.DOM(ProtocolEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1') %]

       The parse() method accepts a positional parameter which contains a
       filename or XML string.  It is assumed to be a filename unless it
       contains a < character.

           [% xmlfile = '/tmp/foo.xml' %]
           [% doc = dom.parse(xmlfile) %]

           [% xmltext = BLOCK %]
           [% END %]
           [% doc = dom.parse(xmltext) %]

       The named parameters 'file' (or 'filename') and 'text' (or 'xml') can
       also be used:

           [% doc = dom.parse(file = xmlfile) %]
           [% doc = dom.parse(text = xmltext) %]

       The parse() method returns an instance of the XML::DOM::Document object
       representing the parsed document in DOM form.  You can then call any
       XML::DOM methods on the document node and other nodes that its methods
       may return.  See XML::DOM for full details.

           [% FOREACH node = doc.getElementsByTagName('CODEBASE') %]
              * [% node.getAttribute('href') %]
           [% END %]

       This plugin also provides an AUTOLOAD method for XML::DOM::Node which
       calls getAttribute() for any undefined methods.  Thus, you can use the
       short form of

           [% node.attrib %]

       in place of

           [% node.getAttribute('attrib') %]

       You can define a VIEW to present all or part of a DOM tree by
       automatically mapping elements onto templates.  Consider a source
       document like the following:

             <section title="Introduction">
               Blah blah.
                 <li>Item 1</li>
                 <li>item 2</li>
             <section title="The Gory Details">

       We can load it up via the XML::DOM plugin and fetch the node for the
       <report> element.

           [% USE dom = XML.DOM;
              doc = dom.parse(file = filename);
              report = doc.getElementsByTagName('report')

       We can then define a VIEW as follows to present this document fragment
       in a particular way.  The Template::Manual::Views documentation
       contains further details on the VIEW directive and various
       configuration options it supports.

           [% VIEW report_view notfound='xmlstring' %]
              # handler block for a <report>...</report> element
              [% BLOCK report %]
                 [% item.content(view) %]
              [% END %]

              # handler block for a <section title="...">...</section> element
              [% BLOCK section %]
              <h1>[% item.title %]</h1>
              [% item.content(view) %]
              [% END %]

              # default template block converts item to string representation
              [% BLOCK xmlstring; item.toString; END %]

              # block to generate simple text
              [% BLOCK text; item; END %]
           [% END %]

       Each BLOCK defined within the VIEW represents a presentation style for
       a particular element or elements.  The current node is available via
       the 'item' variable.  Elements that contain other content can generate
       it according to the current view by calling [% item.content(view) %].
       Elements that don't have a specific template defined are mapped to the
       'xmlstring' template via the 'notfound' parameter specified in the VIEW
       header.  This replicates the node as an XML string, effectively
       allowing general XML/XHTML markup to be passed through unmodified.

       To present the report node via the view, we simply call:

           [% report_view.print(report) %]

       The output from the above example would look something like this:

           Blah blah.
             <li>Item 1</li>
             <li>item 2</li>

           <h1>The Gory Details</h1>

       To print just the content of the report node (i.e. don't process the
       'report' template for the report node), you can call:

           [% report.content(report_view) %]

       This plugin module was written by Andy Wardley and Simon Matthews.

       The XML::DOM module is by Enno Derksen and Clark Cooper.  It extends
       the the XML::Parser module, also by Clark Cooper which itself is built
       on James Clark's expat library.

       Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Andy Wardley, Simon Matthews.

       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

       Template::Plugin, XML::DOM, XML::Parser

perl v5.34.0                      2022-07-04   Template::Plugin::XML::DOM(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 30 22:50:24 CEST 2024.