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Marshal(3o)                      OCaml library                     Marshal(3o)

       Marshal - Marshaling of data structures.

       Module   Marshal

       Module Marshal
        : sig end

       Marshaling of data structures.

       This  module  provides functions to encode arbitrary data structures as
       sequences of bytes, which can then be written on a file or sent over  a
       pipe  or  network  connection.   The bytes can then be read back later,
       possibly in another process, and decoded back into  a  data  structure.
       The format for the byte sequences is compatible across all machines for
       a given version of OCaml.

       Warning: marshaling is currently not type-safe. The type  of  marshaled
       data is not transmitted along the value of the data, making it impossi-
       ble to check that the data read back possesses the type expected by the
       context. In particular, the result type of the Marshal.from_* functions
       is given as 'a , but this is misleading: the returned OCaml value  does
       not  possess  type 'a for all 'a ; it has one, unique type which cannot
       be determined at compile-time.  The programmer should  explicitly  give
       the expected type of the returned value, using the following syntax:

       - (Marshal.from_channel chan : type) .  Anything can happen at run-time
       if the object in the file does not belong to the given type.

       Values of extensible variant types, for example exceptions (of extensi-
       ble  type  exn  ),  returned  by  the  unmarshaller  should not be pat-
       tern-matched over through match ... with or try ... with , because  un-
       marshalling  does  not  preserve  the information required for matching
       their constructors. Structural equalities with other extensible variant
       values   does  not  work  either.   Most  other  uses  such  as  Print-
       exc.to_string, will still work as expected.

       The representation of marshaled values is not human-readable, and  uses
       bytes  that  are  not printable characters. Therefore, input and output
       channels  used  in  conjunction  with   Marshal.to_channel   and   Mar-
       shal.from_channel   must   be   opened   in  binary  mode,  using  e.g.
       open_out_bin or open_in_bin ; channels opened in text mode  will  cause
       unmarshaling errors on platforms where text channels behave differently
       than binary channels, e.g. Windows.

       type extern_flags =
        | No_sharing  (* Don't preserve sharing
        | Closures  (* Send function closures
        | Compat_32  (* Ensure 32-bit compatibility

       The flags to the Marshal.to_* functions below.

       val to_channel : out_channel -> 'a -> extern_flags list -> unit

       Marshal.to_channel chan v flags writes the representation of v on chan-
       nel  chan  .  The flags argument is a possibly empty list of flags that
       governs the marshaling behavior with  respect  to  sharing,  functional
       values, and compatibility between 32- and 64-bit platforms.

       If  flags does not contain Marshal.No_sharing , circularities and shar-
       ing inside the value v are detected and preserved in  the  sequence  of
       bytes  produced.  In particular, this guarantees that marshaling always
       terminates. Sharing between values marshaled  by  successive  calls  to
       Marshal.to_channel is neither detected nor preserved, though.  If flags
       contains Marshal.No_sharing , sharing  is  ignored.   This  results  in
       faster  marshaling if v contains no shared substructures, but may cause
       slower marshaling and larger byte representations if  v  actually  con-
       tains sharing, or even non-termination if v contains cycles.

       If  flags  does not contain Marshal.Closures , marshaling fails when it
       encounters a functional value inside v : only 'pure'  data  structures,
       containing neither functions nor objects, can safely be transmitted be-
       tween different programs. If flags contains  Marshal.Closures  ,  func-
       tional  values  will  be marshaled as a the position in the code of the
       program together with the values corresponding to  the  free  variables
       captured  in  the  closure.  In this case, the output of marshaling can
       only be read back in processes that run exactly the same program,  with
       exactly the same compiled code. (This is checked at un-marshaling time,
       using an MD5 digest of the code transmitted along with the  code  posi-

       The  exact definition of which free variables are captured in a closure
       is not specified and can vary between bytecode and native code (and ac-
       cording  to  optimization  flags).  In particular, a function value ac-
       cessing a global reference may or may not include the reference in  its
       closure.   If it does, unmarshaling the corresponding closure will cre-
       ate a new reference, different from the global one.

       If flags contains Marshal.Compat_32 , marshaling fails when it  encoun-
       ters an integer value outside the range [-2{^30}, 2{^30}-1] of integers
       that are representable on a 32-bit platform.  This  ensures  that  mar-
       shaled data generated on a 64-bit platform can be safely read back on a
       32-bit platform.  If flags does not contain Marshal.Compat_32 , integer
       values  outside the range [-2{^30}, 2{^30}-1] are marshaled, and can be
       read back on a 64-bit platform, but will cause an error at  un-marshal-
       ing  time  when  read  back on a 32-bit platform.  The Mashal.Compat_32
       flag only matters when marshaling is performed on a 64-bit platform; it
       has no effect if marshaling is performed on a 32-bit platform.

       Raises Failure if chan is not in binary mode.

       val to_bytes : 'a -> extern_flags list -> bytes

       Marshal.to_bytes  v flags returns a byte sequence containing the repre-
       sentation of v .  The flags argument has the same meaning as  for  Mar-
       shal.to_channel .

       Since 4.02.0

       val to_string : 'a -> extern_flags list -> string

       Same  as  to_bytes  but return the result as a string instead of a byte

       val to_buffer : bytes -> int -> int -> 'a -> extern_flags list -> int

       Marshal.to_buffer buff ofs len v flags marshals the value v  ,  storing
       its  byte representation in the sequence buff , starting at index ofs ,
       and writing at most len bytes.  It returns the number of bytes actually
       written  to  the sequence. If the byte representation of v does not fit
       in len characters, the exception Failure is raised.

       val from_channel : in_channel -> 'a

       Marshal.from_channel chan reads from channel chan the byte  representa-
       tion  of  a  structured  value,  as produced by one of the Marshal.to_*
       functions, and reconstructs and returns the corresponding value.

       Raises End_of_file if chan is already at the end of the file.

       Raises Failure if the end of the file is reached  during  unmarshalling
       itself or if chan is not in binary mode.

       val from_bytes : bytes -> int -> 'a

       Marshal.from_bytes  buff  ofs  unmarshals  a structured value like Mar-
       shal.from_channel does, except that the byte representation is not read
       from a channel, but taken from the byte sequence buff , starting at po-
       sition ofs .  The byte sequence is not mutated.

       Since 4.02.0

       val from_string : string -> int -> 'a

       Same as from_bytes but take a string as argument instead of a byte  se-

       val header_size : int

       The  bytes  representing a marshaled value are composed of a fixed-size
       header and a variable-sized data part, whose  size  can  be  determined
       from  the  header.   Marshal.header_size  is the size, in bytes, of the
       header.  Marshal.data_size buff ofs is the size, in bytes, of the  data
       part,  assuming  a  valid header is stored in buff starting at position
       ofs .  Finally, Marshal.total_size buff  ofs  is  the  total  size,  in
       bytes,  of the marshaled value.  Both Marshal.data_size and Marshal.to-
       tal_size raise Failure if buff , ofs does not contain a valid header.

       To read the byte representation of a marshaled value into  a  byte  se-
       quence,  the program needs to read first Marshal.header_size bytes into
       the sequence, then determine the length of the remainder of the  repre-
       sentation  using  Marshal.data_size  ,  make sure the sequence is large
       enough to hold the remaining data, then read it, and finally call  Mar-
       shal.from_bytes to unmarshal the value.

       val data_size : bytes -> int -> int

       See Marshal.header_size .

       val total_size : bytes -> int -> int

       See Marshal.header_size .

OCamldoc                          2023-02-12                       Marshal(3o)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 23 03:38:53 CEST 2024.