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IO::Async::Stream(3pm)User Contributed Perl DocumentatioIO::Async::Stream(3pm)

       "IO::Async::Stream" - event callbacks and write bufering for a stream

          use IO::Async::Stream;

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
             read_handle  => \*STDIN,
             write_handle => \*STDOUT,

             on_read => sub {
                my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

                while( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)// ) {
                   print "Received a line $1";

                if( $eof ) {
                   print "EOF; last partial line is $$buffref\n";

                return 0;

          $loop->add( $stream );

          $stream->write( "An initial line here\n" );

       This subclass of IO::Async::Handle contains a filehandle that
       represents a byte-stream. It provides buffering for both incoming and
       outgoing data. It invokes the "on_read" handler when new data is read
       from the filehandle. Data may be written to the filehandle by calling
       the "write" method.

       This class is suitable for any kind of filehandle that provides a
       possibly-bidirectional reliable byte stream, such as a pipe, TTY, or
       "SOCK_STREAM" socket (such as TCP or a byte-oriented UNIX local
       socket). For datagram or raw message-based sockets (such as UDP) see
       instead IO::Async::Socket.

       The following events are invoked, either using subclass methods or CODE
       references in parameters:

   $ret = on_read \$buffer, $eof
       Invoked when more data is available in the internal receiving buffer.

       The first argument is a reference to a plain perl string. The code
       should inspect and remove any data it likes, but is not required to
       remove all, or indeed any of the data. Any data remaining in the buffer
       will be preserved for the next call, the next time more data is
       received from the handle.

       In this way, it is easy to implement code that reads records of some
       form when completed, but ignores partially-received records, until all
       the data is present. If the handler wishes to be immediately invoke a
       second time, to have another attempt at consuming more content, it
       should return 1. Otherwise, it should return 0, and the handler will
       next be invoked when more data has arrived from the underlying read
       handle and appended to the buffer. This makes it easy to implement code
       that handles multiple incoming records at the same time. Alternatively,
       if the handler function already attempts to consume as much as possible
       from the buffer, it will have no need to return 1 at all.  See the
       examples at the end of this documentation for more detail.

       The second argument is a scalar indicating whether the stream has
       reported an end-of-file (EOF) condition. A reference to the buffer is
       passed to the handler in the usual way, so it may inspect data
       contained in it. Once the handler returns a false value, it will not be
       called again, as the handle is now at EOF and no more data can arrive.

       The "on_read" code may also dynamically replace itself with a new
       callback by returning a CODE reference instead of 0 or 1. The original
       callback or method that the object first started with may be restored
       by returning "undef". Whenever the callback is changed in this way, the
       new code is called again; even if the read buffer is currently empty.
       See the examples at the end of this documentation for more detail.

       The "push_on_read" method can be used to insert new, temporary handlers
       that take precedence over the global "on_read" handler. This event is
       only used if there are no further pending handlers created by

       Optional. Invoked when the read handle indicates an end-of-file (EOF)
       condition. If there is any data in the buffer still to be processed,
       the "on_read" event will be invoked first, before this one.

       Optional. Invoked when the write handle indicates an end-of-file (EOF)
       condition. Note that this condition can only be detected after a
       "write" syscall returns the "EPIPE" error. If there is no data pending
       to be written then it will not be detected yet.

   on_read_error $errno
       Optional. Invoked when the "sysread" method on the read handle fails.

   on_write_error $errno
       Optional. Invoked when the "syswrite" method on the write handle fails.

       The "on_read_error" and "on_write_error" handlers are passed the value
       of $! at the time the error occurred. (The $! variable itself, by its
       nature, may have changed from the original error by the time this
       handler runs so it should always use the value passed in).

       If an error occurs when the corresponding error callback is not
       supplied, and there is not a handler for it, then the "close" method is
       called instead.

   on_read_high_watermark $length
   on_read_low_watermark $length
       Optional. Invoked when the read buffer grows larger than the high
       watermark or smaller than the low watermark respectively. These are
       edge-triggered events; they will only be triggered once per crossing,
       not continuously while the buffer remains above or below the given

       If these event handlers are not defined, the default behaviour is to
       disable read-ready notifications if the read buffer grows larger than
       the high watermark (so as to avoid it growing arbitrarily if nothing is
       consuming it), and re-enable notifications again once something has
       read enough to cause it to drop. If these events are overridden, the
       overriding code will have to perform this behaviour if required, by


       Optional. Invoked when the writing data buffer becomes empty.

       Optional. These two events inform when the filehandle becomes
       writeable, and when it stops being writeable. "on_writeable_start" is
       invoked by the "on_write_ready" event if previously it was known to be
       not writeable.  "on_writeable_stop" is invoked after a "syswrite"
       operation fails with "EAGAIN" or "EWOULDBLOCK". These two events track
       the writeability state, and ensure that only state change cause events
       to be invoked. A stream starts off being presumed writeable, so the
       first of these events to be observed will be "on_writeable_stop".

       The following named parameters may be passed to "new" or "configure":

   read_handle => IO
       The IO handle to read from. Must implement "fileno" and "sysread"

   write_handle => IO
       The IO handle to write to. Must implement "fileno" and "syswrite"

   handle => IO
       Shortcut to specifying the same IO handle for both of the above.

   on_read => CODE
   on_read_error => CODE
   on_outgoing_empty => CODE
   on_write_error => CODE
   on_writeable_start => CODE
   on_writeable_stop => CODE
       CODE references for event handlers.

   autoflush => BOOL
       Optional. If true, the "write" method will attempt to write data to the
       operating system immediately, without waiting for the loop to indicate
       the filehandle is write-ready. This is useful, for example, on streams
       that should contain up-to-date logging or console information.

       It currently defaults to false for any file handle, but future versions
       of IO::Async may enable this by default on STDOUT and STDERR.

   read_len => INT
       Optional. Sets the buffer size for "read" calls. Defaults to 8 KiBytes.

   read_all => BOOL
       Optional. If true, attempt to read as much data from the kernel as
       possible when the handle becomes readable. By default this is turned
       off, meaning at most one fixed-size buffer is read. If there is still
       more data in the kernel's buffer, the handle will still be readable,
       and will be read from again.

       This behaviour allows multiple streams and sockets to be multiplexed
       simultaneously, meaning that a large bulk transfer on one cannot starve
       other filehandles of processing time. Turning this option on may
       improve bulk data transfer rate, at the risk of delaying or stalling
       processing on other filehandles.

   write_len => INT
       Optional. Sets the buffer size for "write" calls. Defaults to 8

   write_all => BOOL
       Optional. Analogous to the "read_all" option, but for writing. When
       "autoflush" is enabled, this option only affects deferred writing if
       the initial attempt failed due to buffer space.

   read_high_watermark => INT
   read_low_watermark => INT
       Optional. If defined, gives a way to implement flow control or other
       behaviours that depend on the size of Stream's read buffer.

       If after more data is read from the underlying filehandle the read
       buffer is now larger than the high watermark, the
       "on_read_high_watermark" event is triggered (which, by default, will
       disable read-ready notifications and pause reading from the

       If after data is consumed by an "on_read" handler the read buffer is
       now smaller than the low watermark, the "on_read_low_watermark" event
       is triggered (which, by default, will re-enable read-ready
       notifications and resume reading from the filehandle). For to be
       possible, the read handler would have to be one added by the
       "push_on_read" method or one of the Future-returning "read_*" methods.

       By default these options are not defined, so this behaviour will not
       happen.  "read_low_watermark" may not be set to a larger value than
       "read_high_watermark", but it may be set to a smaller value, creating a
       hysteresis region. If either option is defined then both must be.

       If these options are used with the default event handlers, be careful
       not to cause deadlocks by having a high watermark sufficiently low that
       a single "on_read" invocation might not consider it finished yet.

   reader => STRING|CODE
   writer => STRING|CODE
       Optional. If defined, gives the name of a method or a CODE reference to
       use to implement the actual reading from or writing to the filehandle.
       These will be invoked as

          $stream->reader( $read_handle, $buffer, $len )
          $stream->writer( $write_handle, $buffer, $len )

       Each is expected to modify the passed buffer; "reader" by appending to
       it, "writer" by removing a prefix from it. Each is expected to return a
       true value on success, zero on EOF, or "undef" with $! set for errors.
       If not provided, they will be substituted by implenentations using
       "sysread" and "syswrite" on the underlying handle, respectively.

   close_on_read_eof => BOOL
       Optional. Usually true, but if set to a false value then the stream
       will not be "close"d when an EOF condition occurs on read. This is
       normally not useful as at that point the underlying stream filehandle
       is no longer useable, but it may be useful for reading regular files,
       or interacting with TTY devices.

   encoding => STRING
       If supplied, sets the name of encoding of the underlying stream. If an
       encoding is set, then the "write" method will expect to receive Unicode
       strings and encodes them into bytes, and incoming bytes will be decoded
       into Unicode strings for the "on_read" event.

       If an encoding is not supplied then "write" and "on_read" will work in
       byte strings.

       IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to handle reads of UTF-8 content or other
       multibyte encodings, the code implementing the "on_read" event uses a
       feature of Encode; the "STOP_AT_PARTIAL" flag. While this flag has
       existed for a while and is used by the ":encoding" PerlIO layer itself
       for similar purposes, the flag is not officially documented by the
       "Encode" module. In principle this undocumented feature could be
       subject to change, in practice I believe it to be reasonably stable.

       This note applies only to the "on_read" event; data written using the
       "write" method does not rely on any undocumented features of "Encode".

       If a read handle is given, it is required that either an "on_read"
       callback reference is configured, or that the object provides an
       "on_read" method. It is optional whether either is true for
       "on_outgoing_empty"; if neither is supplied then no action will be
       taken when the writing buffer becomes empty.

       An "on_read" handler may be supplied even if no read handle is yet
       given, to be used when a read handle is eventually provided by the
       "set_handles" method.

       This condition is checked at the time the object is added to a Loop; it
       is allowed to create a "IO::Async::Stream" object with a read handle
       but without a "on_read" handler, provided that one is later given using
       "configure" before the stream is added to its containing Loop, either
       directly or by being a child of another Notifier already in a Loop, or
       added to one.

       The following methods documented with a trailing call to "->get" return
       Future instances.

          $stream->want_readready_for_read( $set )

          $stream->want_readready_for_write( $set )

       Mutators for the "want_readready" property on IO::Async::Handle, which
       control whether the "read" or "write" behaviour should be continued
       once the filehandle becomes ready for read.

       Normally, "want_readready_for_read" is always true (though the read
       watermark behaviour can modify it), and "want_readready_for_write" is
       not used.  However, if a custom "writer" function is provided, it may
       find this useful for being invoked again if it cannot proceed with a
       write operation until the filehandle becomes readable (such as during
       transport negotiation or SSL key management, for example).

          $stream->want_writeready_for_write( $set )

          $stream->want_writeready_for_read( $set )

       Mutators for the "want_writeready" property on IO::Async::Handle, which
       control whether the "write" or "read" behaviour should be continued
       once the filehandle becomes ready for write.

       Normally, "want_writeready_for_write" is managed by the "write" method
       and associated flushing, and "want_writeready_for_read" is not used.
       However, if a custom "reader" function is provided, it may find this
       useful for being invoked again if it cannot proceed with a read
       operation until the filehandle becomes writable (such as during
       transport negotiation or SSL key management, for example).


       A synonym for "close_when_empty". This should not be used when the
       deferred wait behaviour is required, as the behaviour of "close" may
       change in a future version of IO::Async. Instead, call
       "close_when_empty" directly.


       If the write buffer is empty, this method calls "close" on the
       underlying IO handles, and removes the stream from its containing loop.
       If the write buffer still contains data, then this is deferred until
       the buffer is empty. This is intended for "write-then-close" one-shot

          $stream->write( "Here is my final data\n" );

       Because of this deferred nature, it may not be suitable for error
       handling.  See instead the "close_now" method.


       This method immediately closes the underlying IO handles and removes
       the stream from the containing loop. It will not wait to flush the
       remaining data in the write buffer.

          $eof = $stream->is_read_eof

          $eof = $stream->is_write_eof

       Returns true after an EOF condition is reported on either the read or
       the write handle, respectively.

          $stream->write( $data, %params )

       This method adds data to the outgoing data queue, or writes it
       immediately, according to the "autoflush" parameter.

       If the "autoflush" option is set, this method will try immediately to
       write the data to the underlying filehandle. If this completes
       successfully then it will have been written by the time this method
       returns. If it fails to write completely, then the data is queued as if
       "autoflush" were not set, and will be flushed as normal.

       $data can either be a plain string, a Future, or a CODE reference. If
       it is a plain string it is written immediately. If it is not, its value
       will be used to generate more $data values, eventually leading to
       strings to be written.

       If $data is a "Future", the Stream will wait until it is ready, and
       take the single value it yields.

       If $data is a CODE reference, it will be repeatedly invoked to generate
       new values. Each time the filehandle is ready to write more data to it,
       the function is invoked. Once the function has finished generating data
       it should return undef. The function is passed the Stream object as its
       first argument.

       It is allowed that "Future"s yield CODE references, or CODE references
       return "Future"s, as well as plain strings.

       For example, to stream the contents of an existing opened filehandle:

          open my $fileh, "<", $path or die "Cannot open $path - $!";

          $stream->write( sub {
             my ( $stream ) = @_;

             sysread $fileh, my $buffer, 8192 or return;
             return $buffer;
          } );

       Takes the following optional named parameters in %params:

       write_len => INT
               Overrides the "write_len" parameter for the data written by
               this call.

       on_write => CODE
               A CODE reference which will be invoked after every successful
               "syswrite" operation on the underlying filehandle. It will be
               passed the number of bytes that were written by this call,
               which may not be the entire length of the buffer - if it takes
               more than one "syscall" operation to empty the buffer then this
               callback will be invoked multiple times.

                  $on_write->( $stream, $len )

       on_flush => CODE
               A CODE reference which will be invoked once the data queued by
               this "write" call has been flushed. This will be invoked even
               if the buffer itself is not yet empty; if more data has been
               queued since the call.

                  $on_flush->( $stream )

       on_error => CODE
               A CODE reference which will be invoked if a "syswrite" error
               happens while performing this write. Invoked as for the
               "Stream"'s "on_write_error" event.

                  $on_error->( $stream, $errno )

       If the object is not yet a member of a loop and doesn't yet have a
       "write_handle", then calls to the "write" method will simply queue the
       data and return. It will be flushed when the object is added to the

       If $data is a defined but empty string, the write is still queued, and
       the "on_flush" continuation will be invoked, if supplied. This can be
       used to obtain a marker, to invoke some code once the output queue has
       been flushed up to this point.

   write (scalar)
          $stream->write( ... )->get

       If called in non-void context, this method returns a Future which will
       complete (with no value) when the write operation has been flushed.
       This may be used as an alternative to, or combined with, the "on_flush"

          $stream->push_on_read( $on_read )

       Pushes a new temporary "on_read" handler to the end of the queue. This
       queue, if non-empty, is used to provide "on_read" event handling code
       in preference to using the object's main event handler or method. New
       handlers can be supplied at any time, and they will be used in first-in
       first-out (FIFO) order.

       As with the main "on_read" event handler, each can return a (defined)
       boolean to indicate if they wish to be invoked again or not, another
       "CODE" reference to replace themself with, or "undef" to indicate it is
       now complete and should be removed. When a temporary handler returns
       "undef" it is shifted from the queue and the next one, if present, is
       invoked instead. If there are no more then the object's main handler is
       invoked instead.

       The following methods all return a Future which will become ready when
       enough data has been read by the Stream into its buffer. At this point,
       the data is removed from the buffer and given to the "Future" object to
       complete it.

          my $f = $stream->read_...

          my ( $string ) = $f->get;

       Unlike the "on_read" event handlers, these methods don't allow for
       access to "partial" results; they only provide the final result once it
       is ready.

       If a "Future" is cancelled before it completes it is removed from the
       read queue without consuming any data; i.e. each "Future" atomically
       either completes or is cancelled.

       Since it is possible to use a readable "Stream" entirely using these
       "Future"-returning methods instead of the "on_read" event, it may be
       useful to configure a trivial return-false event handler to keep it
       from consuming any input, and to allow it to be added to a "Loop" in
       the first place.

          my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( on_read => sub { 0 }, ... );
          $loop->add( $stream );

          my $f = $stream->read_...

       If a read EOF or error condition happens while there are read "Future"s
       pending, they are all completed. In the case of a read EOF, they are
       done with "undef"; in the case of a read error they are failed using
       the $! error value as the failure.

          $f->fail( $message, sysread => $! )

       If a read EOF condition happens to the currently-processing read
       "Future", it will return a partial result. The calling code can detect
       this by the fact that the returned data is not complete according to
       the specification (too short in "read_exactly"'s case, or lacking the
       ending pattern in "read_until"'s case). Additionally, each "Future"
       will yield the $eof value in its results.

          my ( $string, $eof ) = $f->get;

          ( $string, $eof ) = $stream->read_atmost( $len )->get

          ( $string, $eof ) = $stream->read_exactly( $len )->get

       Completes the "Future" when the read buffer contains $len or more
       characters of input. "read_atmost" will also complete after the first
       invocation of "on_read", even if fewer characters are available,
       whereas "read_exactly" will wait until at least $len are available.

          ( $string, $eof ) = $stream->read_until( $end )->get

       Completes the "Future" when the read buffer contains a match for $end,
       which may either be a plain string or a compiled "Regexp" reference.
       Yields the prefix of the buffer up to and including this match.

          ( $string, $eof ) = $stream->read_until_eof->get

       Completes the "Future" when the stream is eventually closed at EOF, and
       yields all of the data that was available.

          $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdin

          $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdout

          $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdio

       Return a "IO::Async::Stream" object preconfigured with the correct
       "read_handle", "write_handle" or both.

          $future = $stream->connect( %args )

       A convenient wrapper for calling the "connect" method on the underlying
       IO::Async::Loop object, passing the "socktype" hint as "stream" if not
       otherwise supplied.

       The following flags in "IO_ASYNC_DEBUG_FLAGS" enable extra logging:

           Log byte buffers as data is read from a Stream

           Log byte buffers as data is written to a Stream

   A line-based "on_read" method
       The following "on_read" method accepts incoming "\n"-terminated lines
       and prints them to the program's "STDOUT" stream.

          sub on_read
             my $self = shift;
             my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

             while( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)// ) {
                print "Received a line: $1";

             return 0;

       Because a reference to the buffer itself is passed, it is simple to use
       a "s///" regular expression on the scalar it points at, to both check
       if data is ready (i.e. a whole line), and to remove it from the buffer.
       Since it always removes as many complete lines as possible, it doesn't
       need invoking again when it has finished, so it can return a constant

   Reading binary data
       This "on_read" method accepts incoming records in 16-byte chunks,
       printing each one.

          sub on_read
             my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

             if( length $$buffref >= 16 ) {
                my $record = substr( $$buffref, 0, 16, "" );
                print "Received a 16-byte record: $record\n";

                return 1;

             if( $eof and length $$buffref ) {
                print "EOF: a partial record still exists\n";

             return 0;

       This time, rather than a "while()" loop we have decided to have the
       handler just process one record, and use the "return 1" mechanism to
       ask that the handler be invoked again if there still remains data that
       might contain another record; only stopping with "return 0" when we
       know we can't find one.

       The 4-argument form of "substr()" extracts the 16-byte record from the
       buffer and assigns it to the $record variable, if there was enough data
       in the buffer to extract it.

       A lot of protocols use a fixed-size header, followed by a variable-
       sized body of data, whose size is given by one of the fields of the
       header. The following "on_read" method extracts messages in such a

          sub on_read
             my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

             return 0 unless length $$buffref >= 8; # "N n n" consumes 8 bytes

             my ( $len, $x, $y ) = unpack "N n n", $$buffref;

             return 0 unless length $$buffref >= 8 + $len;

             substr( $$buffref, 0, 8, "" );
             my $data = substr( $$buffref, 0, $len, "" );

             print "A record with values x=$x y=$y\n";

             return 1;

       In this example, the header is "unpack()"ed first, to extract the body
       length, and then the body is extracted. If the buffer does not have
       enough data yet for a complete message then 0 is returned, and the
       buffer is left unmodified for next time. Only when there are enough
       bytes in total does it use "substr()" to remove them.

   Dynamic replacement of "on_read"
       Consider the following protocol (inspired by IMAP), which consists of
       "\n"-terminated lines that may have an optional data block attached.
       The presence of such a data block, as well as its size, is indicated by
       the line prefix.

          sub on_read
             my $self = shift;
             my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

             if( $$buffref =~ s/^DATA (\d+):(.*)\n// ) {
                my $length = $1;
                my $line   = $2;

                return sub {
                   my $self = shift;
                   my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;

                   return 0 unless length $$buffref >= $length;

                   # Take and remove the data from the buffer
                   my $data = substr( $$buffref, 0, $length, "" );

                   print "Received a line $line with some data ($data)\n";

                   return undef; # Restore the original method
             elsif( $$buffref =~ s/^LINE:(.*)\n// ) {
                my $line = $1;

                print "Received a line $line with no data\n";

                return 1;
             else {
                print STDERR "Unrecognised input\n";
                # Handle it somehow

       In the case where trailing data is supplied, a new temporary "on_read"
       callback is provided in a closure. This closure captures the $length
       variable so it knows how much data to expect. It also captures the
       $line variable so it can use it in the event report. When this method
       has finished reading the data, it reports the event, then restores the
       original method by returning "undef".

       •   IO::Handle - Supply object methods for I/O handles

       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

perl v5.34.0                      2022-08-19            IO::Async::Stream(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:43:22 CEST 2024.