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IO::Async::PID(3pm)   User Contributed Perl Documentation  IO::Async::PID(3pm)

       "IO::Async::PID" - event callback on exit of a child process

          use IO::Async::PID;
          use POSIX qw( WEXITSTATUS );

          use IO::Async::Loop;
          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

          my $kid = $loop->fork(
             code => sub {
                print "Child sleeping..\n";
                sleep 10;
                print "Child exiting\n";
                return 20;

          print "Child process $kid started\n";

          my $pid = IO::Async::PID->new(
             pid => $kid,

             on_exit => sub {
                my ( $self, $exitcode ) = @_;
                printf "Child process %d exited with status %d\n",
                   $self->pid, WEXITSTATUS($exitcode);

          $loop->add( $pid );


       This subclass of IO::Async::Notifier invokes its callback when a
       process exits.

       For most use cases, a IO::Async::Process object provides more control
       of setting up the process, connecting filehandles to it, sending data
       to and receiving data from it.

       The following events are invoked, either using subclass methods or CODE
       references in parameters:

   on_exit $exitcode
       Invoked when the watched process exits.

       The following named parameters may be passed to "new" or "configure":

   pid => INT
       The process ID to watch. Must be given before the object has been added
       to the containing IO::Async::Loop object.

   on_exit => CODE
       CODE reference for the "on_exit" event.

       Once the "on_exit" continuation has been invoked, the "IO::Async::PID"
       object is removed from the containing IO::Async::Loop object.

          $process_id = $pid->pid

       Returns the underlying process ID

          $pid->kill( $signal )

       Sends a signal to the process

       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

perl v5.34.0                      2022-08-19               IO::Async::PID(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:27:48 CEST 2024.