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IO::Async::Loop::SelecUsermContributed Perl DocumeIO::Async::Loop::Select(3pm)

       "IO::Async::Loop::Select" - use IO::Async with "select(2)"

       Normally an instance of this class would not be directly constructed by
       a program. It may however, be useful for runinng IO::Async with an
       existing program already using a "select" call.

          use IO::Async::Loop::Select;

          my $loop = IO::Async::Loop::Select->new;

          $loop->add( ... );

          while(1) {
             my ( $rvec, $wvec, $evec ) = ('') x 3;
             my $timeout;

             $loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
             my $ret = select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec, $timeout );
             $loop->post_select( $rvec, $evec, $wvec );

       This subclass of IO::Async::Loop uses the select(2) syscall to perform
       read-ready and write-ready tests.

       To integrate with an existing "select"-based event loop, a pair of
       methods "pre_select" and "post_select" can be called immediately before
       and after a "select" call. The relevant bits in the read-ready, write-
       ready and exceptional-state bitvectors are set by the "pre_select"
       method, and tested by the "post_select" method to pick which event
       callbacks to invoke.

          $loop = IO::Async::Loop::Select->new

       This function returns a new instance of a "IO::Async::Loop::Select"
       object.  It takes no special arguments.

          $loop->pre_select( \$readvec, \$writevec, \$exceptvec, \$timeout )

       This method prepares the bitvectors for a "select" call, setting the
       bits that the Loop is interested in. It will also adjust the $timeout
       value if appropriate, reducing it if the next event timeout the Loop
       requires is sooner than the current value.

               Scalar references to the reading, writing and exception

               Scalar reference to the timeout value

          $loop->post_select( $readvec, $writevec, $exceptvec )

       This method checks the returned bitvectors from a "select" call, and
       calls any of the callbacks that are appropriate.

               Scalars containing the read-ready, write-ready and exception

          $count = $loop->loop_once( $timeout )

       This method calls the "pre_select" method to prepare the bitvectors for
       a "select" syscall, performs it, then calls "post_select" to process
       the result. It returns the total number of callbacks invoked by the
       "post_select" method, or "undef" if the underlying select(2) syscall
       returned an error.

       •   IO::Select - OO interface to select system call

       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

perl v5.34.0                      2022-08-19      IO::Async::Loop::Select(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 30 17:34:52 CEST 2024.