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Future::Mutex(3pm)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   Future::Mutex(3pm)

       "Future::Mutex" - mutual exclusion lock around code that returns

          use Future::Mutex;

          my $mutex = Future::Mutex->new;

          sub do_atomically
             return $mutex->enter( sub {
                return $f;

       Most Future-using code expects to run with some level of concurrency,
       using future instances to represent still-pending operations that will
       complete at some later time. There are occasions however, when this
       concurrency needs to be restricted - some operations that, once
       started, must not be interrupted until they are complete. Subsequent
       requests to perform the same operation while one is still outstanding
       must therefore be queued to wait until the first is finished. These
       situations call for a mutual-exclusion lock, or "mutex".

       A "Future::Mutex" instance provides one basic operation, which will
       execute a given block of code which returns a future, and itself
       returns a future to represent that. The mutex can be in one of two
       states; either unlocked or locked. While it is unlocked, requests to
       execute code are handled immediately. Once a block of code is invoked,
       the mutex is now considered to be locked, causing any subsequent
       requests to invoke code to be queued behind the first one, until it
       completes. Once the initial code indicates completion (by its returned
       future providing a result or failing), the next queued code is invoked.

       An instance may also be a counting mutex if initialised with a count
       greater than one. In this case, it can keep multiple blocks outstanding
       up to that limit, with subsequent requests queued as before. This
       allows it to act as a concurrency-bounding limit around some operation
       that can run concurrently, but an application wishes to apply overall
       limits to stop it growing too much, such as communications with
       external services or executing other programs.

          $mutex = Future::Mutex->new( count => $n )

       Returns a new "Future::Mutex" instance. It is initially unlocked.

       Takes the following named arguments:

       count => INT
               Optional number to limit outstanding concurrency. Will default
               to 1 if not supplied.

          $f = $mutex->enter( \&code )

       Returns a new "Future" that represents the eventual result of calling
       the code. If the mutex is currently unlocked, the code will be invoked
       immediately. If it is currently locked, the code will be queued waiting
       for the next time it becomes unlocked.

       The code is invoked with no arguments, and is expected to return a
       "Future".  The eventual result of that future determines the result of
       the future that "enter" returned.

          $avail = $mutex->available

       Returns true if the mutex is currently unlocked, or false if it is

       Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

perl v5.36.0                      2022-10-30                Future::Mutex(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 14:03:41 CEST 2024.