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AFM(3pm)              User Contributed Perl Documentation             AFM(3pm)

       Font::AFM - Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files

        use Font::AFM;
        $h = new Font::AFM "Helvetica";
        $copyright = $h->Notice;
        $w = $h->Wx->{"aring"};
        $w = $h->stringwidth("Gisle", 10);
        $h->dump;  # for debugging

       This module implements the Font::AFM class. Objects of this class are
       initialised from an AFM (Adobe Font Metrics) file and allow you to
       obtain information about the font and the metrics of the various glyphs
       in the font.

       All measurements in AFM files are given in terms of units equal to
       1/1000 of the scale factor of the font being used. To compute actual
       sizes in a document, these amounts should be multiplied by (scale
       factor of font)/1000.

       The following methods are available:

       $afm = Font::AFM->new($fontname)
          Object constructor. Takes the name of the font as argument.  Croaks
          if the font can not be found.

          Returns a 256-element array, where each element contains the width
          of the corresponding character in the iso-8859-1 character set.

       $afm->stringwidth($string, [$fontsize])
          Returns the width of the argument string. The string is assumed to
          be encoded in the iso-8859-1 character set.  A second argument can
          be used to scale the width according to the font size.

          The name of the font as presented to the PostScript language
          "findfont" operator, for instance "Times-Roman".

          Unique, human-readable name for an individual font, for instance
          "Times Roman".

          Human-readable name for a group of fonts that are stylistic variants
          of a single design. All fonts that are members of such a group
          should have exactly the same "FamilyName". Example of a family name
          is "Times".

          Human-readable name for the weight, or "boldness", attribute of a
          font.  Examples are "Roman", "Bold", "Light".

          Angle in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical of the dominant
          vertical strokes of the font.

          If "true", the font is a fixed-pitch (monospaced) font.

          A string of four numbers giving the lower-left x, lower-left y,
          upper-right x, and upper-right y of the font bounding box. The font
          bounding box is the smallest rectangle enclosing the shape that
          would result if all the characters of the font were placed with
          their origins coincident, and then painted.

          Recommended distance from the baseline for positioning underline
          strokes. This number is the y coordinate of the center of the

          Recommended stroke width for underlining.

          Version number of the font.

          Trademark or copyright notice, if applicable.

          Comments found in the AFM file.

          The name of the standard encoding scheme for the font. Most Adobe
          fonts use the "AdobeStandardEncoding". Special fonts might state

          Usually the y-value of the top of the capital H.

          Typically the y-value of the top of the lowercase x.

          Typically the y-value of the top of the lowercase d.

          Typically the y-value of the bottom of the lowercase p.

          Returns a hash table that maps from glyph names to the width of that

          Returns a hash table that maps from glyph names to bounding box
          information.  The bounding box consist of four numbers: llx, lly,
          urx, ury.

          Dumps the content of the Font::AFM object to STDOUT.  Might
          sometimes be useful for debugging.

       The AFM specification can be found at:


       METRICS   Contains the path to search for AFM-files.  Format is as for
                 the PATH environment variable. The default path built into
                 this library is:


       Kerning data and composite character data are not yet parsed.  Ligature
       data is not parsed.

       Copyright 1995-1998 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.34.0                      2022-10-13                          AFM(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:57:37 CEST 2024.