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AnyEvent::I3(3pm)     User Contributed Perl Documentation    AnyEvent::I3(3pm)

       AnyEvent::I3 - communicate with the i3 window manager

       Version 0.17

       This module connects to the i3 window manager using the UNIX socket
       based IPC interface it provides (if enabled in the configuration file).
       You can then subscribe to events or send messages and receive their

           use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);

           my $i3 = i3();

           $i3->connect->recv or die "Error connecting";
           say "Connected to i3";

           my $workspaces = $i3->message(TYPE_GET_WORKSPACES)->recv;
           say "Currently, you use " . @{$workspaces} . " workspaces";

       ...or, using the sugar methods:

           use AnyEvent::I3;

           my $workspaces = i3->get_workspaces->recv;
           say "Currently, you use " . @{$workspaces} . " workspaces";

       A somewhat more involved example which dumps the i3 layout tree
       whenever there is a workspace event:

           use Data::Dumper;
           use AnyEvent;
           use AnyEvent::I3;

           my $i3 = i3();

           $i3->connect->recv or die "Error connecting to i3";

               workspace => sub {
                   $i3->get_tree->cb(sub {
                       my ($tree) = @_;
                       say "tree: " . Dumper($tree);
           })->recv->{success} or die "Error subscribing to events";


   $i3 = i3([ $path ]);
       Creates a new "AnyEvent::I3" object and returns it.

       "path" is an optional path of the UNIX socket to connect to. It is
       strongly advised to NOT specify this unless you're absolutely sure you
       need it.  "AnyEvent::I3" will automatically figure it out by querying
       the running i3 instance on the current DISPLAY which is almost always
       what you want.

   $i3 = AnyEvent::I3->new([ $path ])
       Creates a new "AnyEvent::I3" object and returns it.

       "path" is an optional path of the UNIX socket to connect to. It is
       strongly advised to NOT specify this unless you're absolutely sure you
       need it.  "AnyEvent::I3" will automatically figure it out by querying
       the running i3 instance on the current DISPLAY which is almost always
       what you want.

       Establishes the connection to i3. Returns an "AnyEvent::CondVar" which
       will be triggered with a boolean (true if the connection was
       established) as soon as the connection has been established.

           if ($i3->connect->recv) {
               say "Connected to i3";

       Subscribes to the given event types. This function awaits a hashref
       with the key being the name of the event and the value being a

           my %callbacks = (
               workspace => sub { say "Workspaces changed" }

           if ($i3->subscribe(\%callbacks)->recv->{success}) {
               say "Successfully subscribed";

       The special callback with name "_error" is called when the connection
       to i3 is killed (because of a crash, exit or restart of i3 most
       likely). You can use it to print an appropriate message and exit
       cleanly or to try to reconnect.

           my %callbacks = (
               _error => sub {
                   my ($msg) = @_;
                   say "I am sorry. I am so sorry: $msg";
                   exit 1;


   $i3->message($type, $content)
       Sends a message of the specified "type" to i3, possibly containing the
       data structure "content" (or "content", encoded as utf8, if "content"
       is a scalar), if specified.

           my $reply = $i3->message(TYPE_COMMAND, "reload")->recv;
           if ($reply->{success}) {
               say "Configuration successfully reloaded";

       These methods intend to make your scripts as beautiful as possible. All
       of them automatically establish a connection to i3 blockingly (if it
       does not already exist).

       Gets the current workspaces from i3.

           my $ws = i3->get_workspaces->recv;
           say Dumper($ws);

       Gets the current outputs from i3.

           my $outs = i3->get_outputs->recv;
           say Dumper($outs);

       Gets the layout tree from i3 (>= v4.0).

           my $tree = i3->get_tree->recv;
           say Dumper($tree);

       Gets all the window identifier marks from i3 (>= v4.1).

           my $marks = i3->get_marks->recv;
           say Dumper($marks);

       Gets the bar configuration for the specific bar id from i3 (>= v4.1).

           my $config = i3->get_bar_config($id)->recv;
           say Dumper($config);

       Gets the i3 version via IPC, with a fall-back that parses the output of
       i3 --version (for i3 < v4.3).

           my $version = i3->get_version()->recv;
           say "major: " . $version->{major} . ", minor = " . $version->{minor};

       Makes i3 execute the given command

           my $reply = i3->command("reload")->recv;
           die "command failed" unless $reply->{success};

       Michael Stapelberg, "<michael at i3wm.org>"

       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-anyevent-i3 at
       rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
       <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=AnyEvent-I3>.  I will
       be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
       your bug as I make changes.

       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc AnyEvent::I3

       You can also look for information at:

       • RT: CPAN's request tracker


       • The i3 window manager website


       Copyright 2010-2012 Michael Stapelberg.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
       by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

       See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.

perl v5.34.0                      2022-10-14                 AnyEvent::I3(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Wed Jun 26 05:22:13 CEST 2024.