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Ppm3d User Manual(1)        General Commands Manual       Ppm3d User Manual(1)

       ppm3d  -  convert two PPM images into an anaglyph (red/blue 3d glasses)

       ppm3d [-color] [-offset=horizontal_offset] leftppmfile rightppmfile

       Deprecated optional 3rd argument: horizontal_offset

       This program is part of Netpbm(1).

       ppm3d reads two PPM images as input and produces a PPM as output,  with
       the  images  overlapping  by  the  specified  number of pixels in blue-
       green/red format.  The idea is that if you look at the image  with  3-D
       glasses  (glasses that admit only red through one eye and only green or
       blue through the other), you see an image with depth.  This  is  called
       an anaglyph stereogram.

       ppm3d  can  produce  either  of two kinds of anaglyph stereogram: mono-
       chrome or color.  Use the -color option to choose.

       In the monochrome version, ppm3d ignores any color  (actually,  chromi-
       nance)  in  the input images and produces a result which is monochrome.
       Viewed through red-green glasses it is yellow, but  without  any  other
       color in the field, your brain tends to see it as grayscale.

       In  the  color  version, ppm3d generates a result which is close to the
       color of the original.  It's not great, though, because each eye neces-
       sarily  cannot  see the entire spectrum.  Red and cyan don't work well,
       but most other colors -- especially when heavily saturated -- come  out
       quite well.

       To  view a color anaglyph stereogram, you need glasses with a left lens
       that admits only red light and a right lens that admits only  blue  and
       green light.  (The right lens may be called a cyan lens because that is
       its pigment in white light; don't be misled into thinking that cyan  is
       the only color that gets through it).  Your brain is wired so that even
       though the components of light are coming in  through  different  eyes,
       they  mix in your brain to form the same sensation as if you were look-
       ing at the combined light with both eyes.

       The input PPMs must be the same dimensions.

       To make a different kind of stereogram, use pamstereogram.  That  makes
       a  stereogram  that  you  view without special glasses, just by letting
       your eyes unfocus so that each eye sees different parts of the image.

       The mandatory arguments are file names of the left and right input  im-

       An optional third argument specifies the same thing as the value of the
       -offset argument, but is deprecated because -offset is  easier  to  use
       and read.  Before Netpbm 10.38 (March 2007), this third argument is the
       only way to specify the offset.

       In addition to the options common to all programs  based  on  libnetpbm
       (most notably -quiet, see
        Common Options ⟨index.html#commonoptions⟩ ), ppm3d recognizes the fol-
       lowing command line options:

              This option indicates the amount, in pixels, by which  the  left
              and  image is offset to the right of the right image in the out-

              The effect of this option is to move the  entire  image  forward
              (positive  numbers) or backward (negative numbers).  With a zero
              offset, the main subject of the picture appears in the plane  of
              the picture (i.e. if the image is projected on a screen, the lo-
              cation of the screen).  The main subject is the subject  at  the
              location  where  the line of sight of the left camera intersects
              the line of sight of the right camera -- the  main  subject  ap-
              pears at the same location in both the left and right images.

              Default is zero.

              This  option was new in Netpbm 10.38 (March 2007).  Before that,
              use the third argument instead.  Also, before Netpbm  10.38  the
              default is +30 pixels.

       -color This  option  causes  ppm3d  to generate a color anaglyph stere-
              ogram.  By default, it generates monochrome.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.38 (March 2007).

       pamstereogram(1) ppm(1)

       Copyright (C) 1993 by David K. Drum.

       This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman'  from  HTML
       source.  The master documentation is at


netpbm documentation           20 February 2007           Ppm3d User Manual(1)

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