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Pbmtopk User Manual(1)      General Commands Manual     Pbmtopk User Manual(1)

       pbmtopk - convert a PBM image into a packed (PK) format font

       pbmtopk  pkfile[.pk]  tfmfile[.tfm]  resolution [-s designsize] [-p num
       param...]  [-C codingscheme] [-F family]  [-f  optfile]  [-c  num]  [-W
       width]  [-H height] [-D depth] [-I ital] [-h horiz] [-v vert] [-x xoff]
       [-y yoff] [pbmfile ...]

       This program is part of Netpbm(1).

       pbmtopk reads PBM images as input and produces a packed (PK) font  file
       and  a  TFM  (TeX font metric) file as output. The resolution parameter
       indicates the resolution of the font, in dots per inch. If the filename
       "-"  is  used  for any of the filenames, pbmtopk uses Standard Input or
       Standard Output.

       In addition to the options common to all programs  based  on  libnetpbm
       (most notably -quiet, see
        Common  Options  ⟨index.html#commonoptions⟩  ), pbmtopk recognizes the
       following command line options:

       -s designsize
              Sets the design size of the font, in TeX's  points  (72.27pt  to
              the  inch). The default design size is 1. The TFM parameters are
              given as multiples of the design size.

       -p num param...
              Sets the first num font parameters for the font. The first seven
              parameters  are  the  slant,  interword spacing, interword space
              stretchability, interword space  shrinkability,  x-height,  quad
              width,  and post-sentence extra space of the font. Math and sym-
              bol fonts may have more parameters; see The TeXbook for  a  list
              of  these.  Reasonable  default values are chosen for parameters
              which are not specified.

       -C codingscheme
              Sets the coding scheme comment in the TFM file.

       -F family
              Sets the font family comment in the TFM file.

       -f optfile
              Reads the file optfile, which should  contain  a  lines  of  the

                 filename xoff yoff horiz vert width height depth ital

              The  PBM files specified by the filename parameters are inserted
              consecutively in the font with the specified attributes. If  any
              of  the  attributes are omitted, or replaced with "*", a default
              value will be calculated from the size of the bitmap.  The  set-
              tings  of  the -W, -H, -D, -I, -h, -v, -x, and -y options do not
              affected characters created in this way.  The  character  number
              can  be  changed by including a line starting with "=", followed
              by the new number.  Lines beginning with "%" or "#" are ignored.

       -c num Sets the character number of the next bitmap encountered to num.

       -W width
              Sets the TFM width of the next character  to  width  (in  design
              size multiples).

       -H height
              Sets  the  TFM height of the next character to height (in design
              size multiples).

       -D depth
              Sets the TFM depth of the next character  to  depth  (in  design
              size multiples).

       -I ital
              Sets the italic correction of the next character to ital (in de-
              sign size multiples).

       -h horiz
              Sets the horizontal escapement of the next  character  to  horiz
              (in pixels).

       -v vert
              Sets  the  vertical escapement of the next character to vert (in

       -x xoff
              Sets the horizontal offset of the next  character  to  xoff  (in

       -y yoff
              Sets  the vertical offset of the next character to yoff (in pix-
              els, from the top row).

       pktopbm(1), pbm(1)

       Adapted from Tom Rokicki's pxtopk by Angus Duggan <ajcd@dcs.ed.ac.uk>.

       This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman'  from  HTML
       source.  The master documentation is at


netpbm documentation            06 August 1990          Pbmtopk User Manual(1)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 29 02:27:36 CEST 2024.