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Pbmnoise User Manual(1)     General Commands Manual    Pbmnoise User Manual(1)

       pbmnoise - create a PBM image made up of white noise

       pbmnoise width height

       [-ratio=M/N]  [-pack]  [-randomseed=integer]  [-endian=]{big|little|na-

       Minimum unique abbreviations of option are  acceptable.   You  may  use
       double hyphens instead of single hyphen to denote options.  You may use
       white space in place of the equals sign to separate an option name from
       its value.

       This program is part of Netpbm(1).

       pbmnoise creates a PBM image with random pixels.  You specify the prob-
       ability each pixel will be black or white (essentially, the  proportion
       of black to white pixels in the image).

       You specify the dimensions of the image with the width and height argu-

       In addition to the options common to all programs  based  on  libnetpbm
       (most notably -quiet, see
        Common  Options  ⟨index.html#commonoptions⟩ ), pbmnoise recognizes the
       following command line options:

              The proportion of black pixels in the generated image.

              To be precise, this is the probability that any given pixel will
              be  black.   By the law of large numbers, we can expect the pro-
              portion of black pixels in a reasonably large image to be  close
              to this fraction.

              The option value is a fraction.  The denominator must be 1 or an
              integer power of 2 up to 65536.  the numerator must be  0  or  a
              positive integer not exceeding denominator.

              The default is 1/2, meaning the output image has essentially the
              same number of black and white pixels.

              If the ratio is 0 the output image is entirely white.  If 1, the
              output is entirely black.

       -pack  The  program  generates  pixels  in  32-bit units discarding any
              fractional pixels at row ends by default.  When this  option  is
              specified,  the  unused pixels are carried over to the next row,
              eliminating waste in exchange for some overhead cost.

              Using this option improves performance when the image  width  is

              This  is the seed for the random number generator that generates
              the pixels.

              Use this to ensure you get the same image  on  separate  invoca-

              By  default,  pbmnoise  uses a seed derived from the time of day
              and process ID, which gives you fairly uncorrelated  results  in
              multiple invocations.

              pbmnoise  internally  generates  random 32-bit integers and uses
              the machine's binary encoding of those integers  as  strings  of
              pixels.   Because  the  integers are random, it doesn't normally
              matter what binaary encoding is used for them, but if  you  need
              consistent results between machines using the same random number
              generator, it matters.  For that reason (mainly for testing  the
              program),  this  option  lets you control that encoding, between
              big-endian and little-endian.

              mode is one of the following:

       big    Force big-endian output by rearranging  bytes  on  little-endian
              machines.  No effect on big-endian machines.

       little Likewise, force little-endian output.

       native Do not rearrange anything.  This is the default.

       swap   Always swap regardless of system endianness.

       This generates a random PBM image with roughly one-third of pixels col-
       ored black:
         pbmnoise -ratio=11/32 1200 1200 > random.pbm

       The following is an alternate method for generating a random PBM  image
       which uses pgmnoise and pgmtopbm instead of pbmnoise.  It is less effi-
         pgmnoise -maxval=100 1200 1200 | \
           pgmtopbm -threshold -value=0.333 > random.pbm

       This generates a random PPM image, maxval 1:
         pbmnoise 600 400 > red.pbm
         pbmnoise 600 400 > green.pbm
         pbmnoise 600 400 > blue.pbm
         rgb3topbm red.pbm green.pbm blue.pbm > random.ppm

       pbm(1) pgmnoise(1) pgmtopbm(1)

       pbmnoise was new in Netpbm 10.97 (December 2021).

       In Netpbm before that, you can use pgmnoise.

       Akira F Urushibata wrote this program and contributed it to the  public
       domain in December 2021.

       This  manual  page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML
       source.  The master documentation is at


netpbm documentation           18 December 2021        Pbmnoise User Manual(1)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 29 02:38:02 CEST 2024.