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       pamcrater - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery


       [-number n]

       [-height pixels]

       [-width pixels]



       This program is part of Netpbm(1).

       pamcrater  creates a PAM image which is a terrain map (not a visual im-
       age) of cratered terrain.  The terrain is as if a given number  of  im-
       pacts into a surface create craters with random position and size.

       The  size distribution of the craters is based on a power law which re-
       sults in many more small  craters  than  large  ones.   The  number  of
       craters  of  a  given  size varies as the reciprocal of the area as de-
       scribed on pages 31 and 32 of Peitgen and Saupe[1]; cratered bodies  in
       the  Solar  System are observed to obey this relationship.  The formula
       used to obtain crater radii governed by this law from a uniformly  dis-
       tributed pseudorandom sequence was developed by Rudy Rucker.

       A  terrain map is a two dimensional map of terrain elevations.  the PAM
       image that pamcrater produces is therefore not a  visual  image  but  a
       depth-one  image of tuple type "elevation", with the sample value being
       proportional to an elevation.

       You can visualize the terrain map by generating a shaded  relief  image
       of it with pamshadedrelief.

       High resolution images with large numbers of craters often benefit from
       being piped through pnmsmooth.  The averaging performed by this process
       eliminates  some  of  the jagged pixels and lends a mellow ``telescopic
       image'' feel to the overall picture.

       pamcrater generates only small  craters,  which  are  hemispherical  in
       shape (regardless of the incidence angle of the impacting body, as long
       as the velocity is sufficiently high).  Large craters, such as Coperni-
       cus  and Tycho on the Moon, have a ``walled plain'' shape with a cross-
       section more like:

                       /\                            /\
                 _____/  \____________/\____________/  \_____

       Larger craters should really use this profile,  including  the  central
       peak, and totally obliterate the pre-existing terrain.

       The maxval of the PAM image is always 65535.

       The  randomness  in  the image is limited before Netpbm 10.37 (December
       2006) -- if you run the program twice in the same second, you  may  get
       identical output.

       In  addition  to  the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm
       (most notably -quiet, see
        Common Options ⟨index.html#commonoptions⟩ ), pamcrater recognizes  the
       following command line options:

       All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

       -number n
              This  causes  pamcrater  to  generate  n craters.  If you do not
              specify -number, it generates 50000 craters.   Don't  expect  to
              see  them all!  For every large crater there are many, many more
              tiny ones which tend simply to erode the landscape.  In general,
              the  more  craters  you  specify, the more realistic the result;
              ideally you want the entire terrain  to  have  been  extensively
              turned  over  again and again by cratering.  High resolution im-
              ages containing five to ten million  craters  are  stunning  but
              take longer to create.

       -height height
              This  sets  the  height of the generated image to height pixels.
              The default height is 256 pixels.

       -width width
              This sets the width of the generated image to width pixels.  The
              default width is 256 pixels.

              This  is the seed for the random number generator that generates
              the pixels.

              Use this to ensure you get the same image  on  separate  invoca-

              By  default,  pamcrater uses a seed derived from the time of day
              and process ID, which gives you fairly uncorrelated  results  in
              multiple invocations.

              This option was new in Netpbm 10.61 (December 2012).

              This causes pamcrater to issue additional messages about what it
              is doing.

              This option was new in Neptbm 10.69 (December 2014).

           $ pamcrater | pamshadedrelief | pamx

           $ pamcrater -number=500000 -height=1000 -width=1000 >craters.pam

       Real craters have two distinct morphologies.

       pamshadedrelief(1), ppmrelief(1), pnmsmooth(1) pam(1),

       [1]    Peitgen, H.-O., and Saupe, D. eds., The Science Of  Fractal  Im-
              ages, New York: Springer Verlag, 1988.

       pgmcrater, from which this is derived, was written by John Walker:

       John Walker
       Autodesk SA
       Avenue des Champs-Montants 14b
       CH-2074 MARIN
           Fax:038/33 88 15
           Voice:038/33 76 33

       Permission  to  use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
       documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,  with-
       out  any conditions or restrictions.  This software is provided "as is"
       without express or implied warranty.

       John Walker wrote pgmcrater in 1991 and it  was  included  in  Pbmplus.
       pgmcrater did the equivalent of pamcrater | pamshadedrelief.  In Netpbm
       10.68 (September 2014), Bryan Henderson split  the  functions  of  pgm-
       crater  into  two  programs, one (pamcrater) to compute elevations, and
       the other (pamshadedrelief) to generate a shaded  relief  visual  image
       showing those elevations.  Bryan did this because it is more in keeping
       with Netpbm's modular architecture,  and  because  the  pamshadedrelief
       might be useful with other inputs.

       (Like  all  Netpbm  programs,  pgmcrater was not static between the two
       events described above; minor changes, including replacement of most of
       the code, happened in between).

       The original 1991 pgmcrater manual contains the following:

       If  you  like  this  kind  of stuff, you may also enjoy "James Gleick's
       Chaos--The Software" for MS-DOS, available for $59.95 from  your  local
       software  store  or directly from Autodesk, Inc., Attn: Science Series,
       2320  Marinship  Way,  Sausalito,  CA  94965,  USA.   Telephone:  (800)
       688-2344  toll-free or, outside the U.S. (415) 332-2344 Ext 4886.  Fax:
       (415) 289-4718.  "Chaos--The Software" includes  a  more  comprehensive
       fractal forgery generator which creates three-dimensional landscapes as
       well as clouds and planets, plus five more modules which explore  other
       aspects  of  Chaos.   The user guide of more than 200 pages includes an
       introduction by James Gleick and detailed explanations by  Rudy  Rucker
       of the mathematics and algorithms used by each program.

       This  manual  page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML
       source.  The master documentation is at


netpbm documentation           03 November 2014       Pamcrater User Manual(1)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 29 02:29:40 CEST 2024.