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MPV(1)                            multimedia                            MPV(1)

       mpv - a media player

       mpv [options] [file|URL|PLAYLIST|-]
       mpv [options] files

       mpv is a media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide
       variety of video file formats, audio and  video  codecs,  and  subtitle
       types. Special input URL types are available to read input from a vari-
       ety of sources other than disk files. Depending on platform, a  variety
       of different video and audio output methods are supported.

       Usage  examples  to  get you started quickly can be found at the end of
       this man page.

       mpv has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows
       you  to  control mpv using keyboard, mouse, or remote control (there is
       no LIRC support - configure remotes as input devices instead).

       See the --input- options for ways to customize it.

       The following listings are not necessarily complete. See etc/input.conf
       in the mpv source files for a list of default bindings. User input.conf
       files and Lua scripts can define additional key bindings.

       See COMMAND INTERFACE and Key names sections for more details  on  con-
       figuring keybindings.

       See  also  --input-test for interactive binding details by key, and the
       stats built-in script for key bindings list (including print to  termi-

   Keyboard Control
       LEFT and RIGHT
              Seek backward/forward 5 seconds. Shift+arrow does a 1 second ex-
              act seek (see --hr-seek).

       UP and DOWN
              Seek forward/backward 1 minute. Shift+arrow does a 5 second  ex-
              act seek (see --hr-seek).

       Ctrl+LEFT and Ctrl+RIGHT
              Seek to the previous/next subtitle. Subject to some restrictions
              and might not always work; see sub-seek command.

       Ctrl+Shift+Left and Ctrl+Shift+Right
              Adjust subtitle delay so that the next or previous  subtitle  is
              displayed  now.  This  is especially useful to sync subtitles to

       [ and ]
              Decrease/increase current playback speed by 10%.

       { and }
              Halve/double current playback speed.

              Reset playback speed to normal.

              Undo the last seek. This works only if the  playlist  entry  was
              not changed.  Hitting it a second time will go back to the orig-
              inal position.  See revert-seek command for details.

              Mark  the  current  position.  This  will  then   be   used   by
              Shift+BACKSPACE  as  revert  position  (once  you seek back, the
              marker will be reset). You can use this to seek  around  in  the
              file and then return to the exact position where you left off.

       < and >
              Go backward/forward in the playlist.

       ENTER  Go forward in the playlist.

       p / SPACE
              Pause (pressing again unpauses).

       .      Step  forward. Pressing once will pause, every consecutive press
              will play one frame and then go into pause mode again.

       ,      Step backward. Pressing once will pause, every consecutive press
              will  play  one  frame  in  reverse  and then go into pause mode

       q      Stop playing and quit.

       Q      Like q, but store the current  playback  position.  Playing  the
              same file later will resume at the old playback position if pos-
              sible. See RESUMING PLAYBACK.

       / and *
              Decrease/increase volume.

       9 and 0
              Decrease/increase volume.

       m      Mute sound.

       _      Cycle through the available video tracks.

       #      Cycle through the available audio tracks.

       E      Cycle through the available Editions.

       f      Toggle fullscreen (see also --fs).

       ESC    Exit fullscreen mode.

       T      Toggle stay-on-top (see also --ontop).

       w and W
              Decrease/increase pan-and-scan range. The e key does the same as
              W currently, but use is discouraged.

       o (also P)
              Show  progression  bar,  elapsed  time and total duration on the

       O      Toggle OSD states between normal and playback time/duration.

       v      Toggle subtitle visibility.

       j and J
              Cycle through the available subtitles.

       z and Z
              Adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 seconds. The  x  key  does  the
              same as Z currently, but use is discouraged.

       l      Set/clear A-B loop points. See ab-loop command for details.

       L      Toggle infinite looping.

       Ctrl + and Ctrl -
              Adjust audio delay (A/V sync) by +/- 0.1 seconds.

       Shift+g and Shift+f
              Adjust subtitle font size by +/- 10%.

       u      Switch between applying no style overrides to SSA/ASS subtitles,
              and overriding them almost completely with the  normal  subtitle
              style. See --sub-ass-override for more info.

       V      Toggle   subtitle   VSFilter   aspect  compatibility  mode.  See
              --sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat for more info.

       r and R
              Move subtitles up/down. The t key does the same as R  currently,
              but use is discouraged.

       s      Take a screenshot.

       S      Take  a  screenshot,  without subtitles. (Whether this works de-
              pends on VO driver support.)

       Ctrl s Take a screenshot, as the window shows it (with subtitles,  OSD,
              and scaled video).

       PGUP and PGDWN
              Seek  to  the  beginning  of  the previous/next chapter. In most
              cases, "previous" will actually go to the beginning of the  cur-
              rent chapter; see --chapter-seek-threshold.

       Shift+PGUP and Shift+PGDWN
              Seek  backward or forward by 10 minutes. (This used to be mapped
              to PGUP/PGDWN without Shift.)

       d      Activate/deactivate deinterlacer.

       A      Cycle aspect ratio override.

       Ctrl h Toggle hardware video decoding on/off.

       Alt+LEFT, Alt+RIGHT, Alt+UP, Alt+DOWN
              Move the video rectangle (panning).

       Alt + and Alt -
              Combining Alt with the + or - keys changes video zoom.

              Reset the pan/zoom settings.

       F8     Show the playlist and the current position in it (useful only if
              a UI window is used, broken on the terminal).

       F9     Show the list of audio and subtitle streams (useful only if a UI
              window  is used, broken on the terminal).

       i and I
              Show/toggle an overlay displaying statistics about the currently
              playing  file such as codec, framerate, number of dropped frames
              and so on. See STATS for more information.

       del    Cycle OSC visibility between never / auto (mouse-move) / always

       `      Show the console. (ESC closes it again. See CONSOLE.)

       (The following keys are valid only when using a video output that  sup-
       ports the corresponding adjustment.)

       1 and 2
              Adjust contrast.

       3 and 4
              Adjust brightness.

       5 and 6
              Adjust gamma.

       7 and 8
              Adjust saturation.

       Alt+0 (and command+0 on macOS)
              Resize video window to half its original size.

       Alt+1 (and command+1 on macOS)
              Resize video window to its original size.

       Alt+2 (and command+2 on macOS)
              Resize video window to double its original size.

       command + f (macOS only)
              Toggle fullscreen (see also --fs).

       (The  following  keys  are valid if you have a keyboard with multimedia

       PAUSE  Pause.

       STOP   Stop playing and quit.

       PREVIOUS and NEXT
              Seek backward/forward 1 minute.

       If you miss some older  key  bindings,  look  at  etc/restore-old-bind-
       ings.conf in the mpv git repository.

   Mouse Control
       Left double click
              Toggle fullscreen on/off.

       Right click
              Toggle pause on/off.

       Forward/Back button
              Skip to next/previous entry in playlist.

       Wheel up/down
              Seek forward/backward 10 seconds.

       Wheel left/right
              Decrease/increase volume.

       Command  line arguments starting with - are interpreted as options, ev-
       erything else as filenames or URLs. All options except flag options (or
       choice options which include yes) require a parameter in the form --op-

       One exception is the lone - (without anything else), which means  media
       data  will  be  read  from stdin. Also, -- (without anything else) will
       make the player interpret all following arguments as filenames, even if
       they start with -. (To play a file named -, you need to use ./-.)

       Every  flag  option has a no-flag counterpart, e.g. the opposite of the
       --fs option is --no-fs. --fs=yes is same as --fs, --fs=no is  the  same
       as --no-fs.

       If  an option is marked as (XXX only), it will only work in combination
       with the XXX option or if XXX is compiled in.

   Legacy option syntax
       The --option=value syntax is not strictly enforced, and the alternative
       legacy  syntax  -option value and -option=value will also work. This is
       mostly  for compatibility with MPlayer. Using these should be  avoided.
       Their semantics can change any time in the future.

       For example, the alternative syntax will consider an argument following
       the option a filename. mpv -fs no will attempt to play a file named no,
       because  --fs is a flag option that requires no parameter. If an option
       changes and its parameter becomes optional, then a command  line  using
       the alternative syntax will break.

       Until  mpv  0.31.0,  there  was no difference whether an option started
       with -- or a single -. Newer mpv releases strictly expect that you pass
       the  option  value  after a =. For example, before mpv --log-file f.txt
       would write a log to  f.txt,  but  now  this  command  line  fails,  as
       --log-file  expects  an  option value, and f.txt is simply considered a
       normal file to be played (as in mpv f.txt).

       The future plan is that -option value will not work  anymore,  and  op-
       tions with a single - behave the same as -- options.

   Escaping spaces and other special characters
       Keep  in  mind that the shell will partially parse and mangle the argu-
       ments you pass to mpv. For example, you might need to quote  or  escape
       options and filenames:
          mpv "filename with spaces.mkv" --title="window title"

       It  gets more complicated if the suboption parser is involved. The sub-
       option parser puts several options into a  single  string,  and  passes
       them  to  a component at once, instead of using multiple options on the
       level of the command line.

       The suboption parser can quote strings with " and [...].  Additionally,
       there is a special form of quoting with %n% described below.

       For  example,  assume the hypothetical foo filter can take multiple op-
          mpv test.mkv --vf=foo:option1=value1:option2:option3=value3,bar

       This passes option1 and option3 to the foo filter, with option2 as flag
       (implicitly  option2=yes),  and adds a bar filter after that. If an op-
       tion contains spaces or characters like , or :, you need to quote them:
          mpv '--vf=foo:option1="option value with spaces",bar'

       Shells may actually strip some quotes from the  string  passed  to  the
       commandline,  so the example quotes the string twice, ensuring that mpv
       receives the " quotes.

       The [...] form of quotes wraps everything between [ and ]. It's  useful
       with  shells  that don't interpret these characters in the middle of an
       argument (like bash). These quotes are balanced (since mpv 0.9.0):  the
       [ and ] nest, and the quote terminates on the last ] that has no match-
       ing [ within the string. (For example, [a[b]c] results in a[b]c.)

       The fixed-length quoting syntax  is  intended  for  use  with  external
       scripts and programs.

       It is started with % and has the following format:



                 mpv '--vf=foo:option1=%11%quoted text' test.avi

                 Or in a script:

                 mpv --vf=foo:option1=%`expr length "$NAME"`%"$NAME" test.avi

       Note: where applicable with JSON-IPC, %n% is the length in UTF-8 bytes,
       after decoding the JSON data.

       Suboptions passed to the client API are also subject to escaping. Using
       mpv_set_option_string() is exactly like passing --name=data to the com-
       mand line (but without shell processing of the  string).  Some  options
       support  passing  values  in  a  more  structured  way  instead of flat
       strings, and can avoid the suboption parsing mess.  For  example,  --vf
       supports  MPV_FORMAT_NODE,  which  lets you pass suboptions as a nested
       data structure of maps and arrays.

       Some care must be taken when passing arbitrary paths and  filenames  to
       mpv. For example, paths starting with - will be interpreted as options.
       Likewise, if a path contains the sequence ://, the string  before  that
       might be interpreted as protocol prefix, even though :// can be part of
       a legal UNIX path. To avoid problems with arbitrary paths,  you  should
       be sure that absolute paths passed to mpv start with /, and prefix rel-
       ative paths with ./.

       Using the file:// pseudo-protocol is discouraged, because  it  involves
       strange URL unescaping rules.

       The  name  - itself is interpreted as stdin, and will cause mpv to dis-
       able console controls. (Which makes it suitable for playing data  piped
       to stdin.)

       The  special  argument -- can be used to stop mpv from interpreting the
       following arguments as options.

       When using the client API, you should  strictly  avoid  using  mpv_com-
       mand_string  for invoking the loadfile command, and instead prefer e.g.
       mpv_command to avoid the need for filename escaping.

       For paths passed to suboptions, the situation is further complicated by
       the  need  to  escape special characters. To work this around, the path
       can  be  additionally  wrapped  in  the   fixed-length   syntax,   e.g.
       %n%string_of_length_n (see above).

       Some  mpv options interpret paths starting with ~.  Currently, the pre-
       fix ~~home/ expands to the mpv configuration directory (usually ~/.con-
       fig/mpv/).  ~/ expands to the user's home directory. (The trailing / is
       always required.) The following paths are currently recognized:

                     │Name         │ Meaning                    │

                     │~~/          │ If the subpath  exists  in │
                     │             │ any  of  the  mpv's config │
                     │             │ directories  the  path  of │
                     │             │ the  existing  file/dir is │
                     │             │ returned.  Otherwise  this │
                     │             │ is  equivalent to ~~home/. │
                     │             │ Note that  if  --no-config │
                     │             │ is used ~~/foobar will re- │
                     │             │ solve to foobar which  can │
                     │             │ be unexpected.             │
                     │~/           │ user  home  directory root │
                     │             │ (similar to shell, $HOME)  │
                     │~~home/      │ mpv config dir (for  exam- │
                     │             │ ple ~/.config/mpv/)        │
                     │~~global/    │ the global config path, if │
                     │             │ available (not on win32)   │
                     │~~osxbundle/ │ the macOS bundle  resource │
                     │             │ path (macOS only)          │
                     │~~desktop/   │ the  path  to  the desktop │
                     │             │ (win32, macOS)             │
                     │~~exe_dir/   │ win32 only:  the  path  to │
                     │             │ the  directory  containing │
                     │             │ the exe (for  config  file │
                     │             │ purposes;  $MPV_HOME over- │
                     │             │ rides it)                  │
                     │~~old_home/  │ do not use                 │

   Per-File Options
       When playing multiple files, any option given on the command line  usu-
       ally affects all files. Example:

          mpv --a file1.mkv --b file2.mkv --c

                            │File      │ Active options │
                            │file1.mkv │ --a --b --c    │
                            │file2.mkv │ --a --b --c    │

       (This is different from MPlayer and mplayer2.)

       Also,  if  any  option is changed at runtime (via input commands), they
       are not reset when a new file is played.

       Sometimes, it is  useful  to  change  options  per-file.  This  can  be
       achieved by adding the special per-file markers --{ and --}. (Note that
       you must escape these on some shells.) Example:

          mpv --a file1.mkv --b --\{ --c file2.mkv --d file3.mkv --e --\} file4.mkv --f

                        │File      │ Active options          │
                        │file1.mkv │ --a --b --f             │

                        │file2.mkv │ --a --b --f --c --d --e │
                        │file3.mkv │ --a --b --f --c --d --e │
                        │file4.mkv │ --a --b --f             │

       Additionally, any file-local option changed at runtime  is  reset  when
       the  current  file stops playing. If option --c is changed during play-
       back of file2.mkv, it is reset when advancing to file3.mkv.  This  only
       affects file-local options. The option --a is never reset here.

   List Options
       Some  options  which  store lists of option values can have action suf-
       fixes. For example, the --display-tags option takes a ,-separated  list
       of  tags,  but  the  option also allows you to append a single tag with
       --display-tags-append, and the tag name can for example contain a  lit-
       eral , without the need for escaping.

   String list and path list options
       String  lists  are separated by ,. The strings are not parsed or inter-
       preted by the option system itself. However, most

       Path or file list options use : (Unix) or ; (Windows) as separator, in-
       stead of ,.

       They support the following operations:

                       │Suffix  │ Meaning                    │
                       │-set    │ Set a list of items (using │
                       │        │ the  list  separator,  es- │
                       │        │ caped with backslash)      │
                       │-append │ Append  single  item (does │
                       │        │ not interpret escapes)     │
                       │-add    │ Append  1  or  more  items │
                       │        │ (same syntax as -set)      │
                       │-pre    │ Prepend  1  or  more items │
                       │        │ (same syntax as -set)      │
                       │-clr    │ Clear the  option  (remove │
                       │        │ all items)                 │
                       │-remove │ Delete   item  if  present │
                       │        │ (does  not  interpret  es- │
                       │        │ capes)                     │
                       │-del    │ Delete  1 or more items by │
                       │        │ integer index (deprecated) │
                       │-toggle │ Append an item, or  remove │
                       │        │ if  if  it  already exists │
                       │        │ (no escapes)               │

       -append is meant as a simple way to append a single item without having
       to  escape  the  argument  (you  may  still need to escape on the shell

   Key/value list options
       A key/value list is a list of key/value string  pairs.  In  programming
       languages,  this type of data structure is often called a map or a dic-
       tionary. The order normally does not matter, although in some cases the
       order might matter.

       They support the following operations:

                       │Suffix  │ Meaning                    │
                       │-set    │ Set a list of items (using │
                       │        │ , as separator)            │
                       │-append │ Append a single item  (es- │
                       │        │ capes  for the key, no es- │
                       │        │ capes for the value)       │
                       │-add    │ Append  1  or  more  items │
                       │        │ (same syntax as -set)      │
                       │-remove │ Delete   item  by  key  if │
                       │        │ present (does  not  inter- │
                       │        │ pret escapes)              │

       Keys  are unique within the list. If an already present key is set, the
       existing key is removed before the new value is appended.

       If you want to pass a value without interpreting it for escapes  or  ,,
       it  is  recommended  to use the -add variant. When using libmpv, prefer
       using MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP; when using a scripting backend or  the  JSON
       IPC, use an appropriate structured data type.

       Prior to mpv 0.33, : was also recognized as separator by -set.

   Filter options
       This  is a very complex option type for the --af and --vf options only.
       They often require complicated escaping. See VIDEO FILTERS for details.
       They support the following operations:

                       │Suffix  │ Meaning                    │
                       │-set    │ Set a list of filters (us- │
                       │        │ ing , as separator)        │
                       │-append │ Append single filter       │
                       │-add    │ Append 1 or  more  filters │
                       │        │ (same syntax as -set)      │
                       │-pre    │ Prepend  1 or more filters │
                       │        │ (same syntax as -set)      │
                       │-clr    │ Clear the  option  (remove │
                       │        │ all filters)               │
                       │-remove │ Delete filter if present   │
                       │-del    │ Delete  1  or more filters │
                       │        │ by integer index or filter │
                       │        │ label (deprecated)         │
                       │-toggle │ Append a filter, or remove │
                       │        │ if if it already exists    │

                       │-help   │ Pseudo   operation    that │
                       │        │ prints  a help text to the │
                       │        │ terminal                   │

       Without suffix, the operation used is normally -set.

       Although some operations allow specifying multiple items, using this is
       strongly discouraged and deprecated, except for -set. There is a chance
       that operations like -add and -pre will work like -append and accept  a
       single, unescaped item only (so the , separator will not be interpreted
       and is passed on as part of the value).

       Some options (like --sub-file, --audio-file, --glsl-shader) are aliases
       for  the  proper option with -append action. For example, --sub-file is
       an alias for --sub-files-append.

       Options of this type can be changed at runtime  using  the  change-list
       command,  which  takes the suffix (without the -) as separate operation

   Location and Syntax
       You can put all of the options in configuration  files  which  will  be
       read  every  time  mpv  is  run.  The  system-wide  configuration  file
       'mpv.conf'  is  in  your  configuration  directory  (e.g.  /etc/mpv  or
       /usr/local/etc/mpv),  the  user-specific one is ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf.
       For details and platform specifics (in particular  Windows  paths)  see
       the FILES section.

       User-specific options override system-wide options and options given on
       the command line override either. The syntax of the configuration files
       is  option=value. Everything after a # is considered a comment. Options
       that work without values can be enabled by setting them to yes and dis-
       abled  by  setting them to no. Even suboptions can be specified in this

          Example configuration file

              # Use GPU-accelerated video output by default.
              # Use quotes for text that can contain spaces:
              term-status-msg="Time: ${time-pos}"

   Escaping spaces and special characters
       This is done like with command line options. The shell is not  involved
       here,  but  option values still need to be quoted as a whole if it con-
       tains certain characters like spaces. A config entry can be quoted with
       ", as well as with the fixed-length syntax (%n%) mentioned before. This
       is like passing the exact contents of the quoted string as command line
       option.  C-style escapes are currently _not_ interpreted on this level,
       although some options do this manually. (This  is  a  mess  and  should
       probably be changed at some point.)

   Putting Command Line Options into the Configuration File
       Almost all command line options can be put into the configuration file.
       Here is a small guide:

                   │Option            │ Configuration file entry │
                   │--flagflag                     │
                   │-opt valopt=val                  │

                   │--opt=valopt=val                  │
                   │-opt "has spaces"opt="has spaces"         │

   File-specific Configuration Files
       You can also write file-specific configuration files. If  you  wish  to
       have  a configuration file for a file called 'video.avi', create a file
       named 'video.avi.conf' with the file-specific options in it and put  it
       in  ~/.config/mpv/. You can also put the configuration file in the same
       directory as the file to  be  played.  Both  require  you  to  set  the
       --use-filedir-conf option (either on the command line or in your global
       config file). If a file-specific configuration file  is  found  in  the
       same  directory,  no file-specific configuration is loaded from ~/.con-
       fig/mpv. In addition,  the  --use-filedir-conf  option  enables  direc-
       tory-specific configuration files.  For this, mpv first tries to load a
       mpv.conf from the same directory as the file played and then  tries  to
       load any file-specific configuration.

       To  ease working with different configurations, profiles can be defined
       in the configuration files. A profile starts with its  name  in  square
       brackets,  e.g. [my-profile]. All following options will be part of the
       profile. A description (shown by --profile=help) can  be  defined  with
       the  profile-desc  option. To end the profile, start another one or use
       the profile name default to continue with normal options.

       You can list profiles with --profile=help, and show the contents  of  a
       profile  with  --show-profile=<name>  (replace  <name> with the profile
       name). You can apply profiles on start with  the  --profile=<name>  op-
       tion, or at runtime with the apply-profile <name> command.

          Example mpv config file with profiles

              # normal top-level option

              # a profile that can be enabled with --profile=big-cache

              profile-desc="some profile name"
              # reference a builtin profile


              # using a profile again extends it
              # you can also include other profiles

   Runtime profiles
       Profiles  can  be set at runtime with apply-profile command. Since this
       operation is "destructive" (every item in a profile is simply set as an
       option, overwriting the previous value), you can't just enable and dis-
       able profiles again.

       As a partial remedy, there is a way to make profiles  save  old  option
       values  before  overwriting  them  with  the  profile  values, and then
       restoring the old values at a later  point  using  apply-profile  <pro-
       file-name> restore.

       This can be enabled with the profile-restore option, which takes one of
       the following options:

                 Does nothing, and nothing can be restored (default).

          copy   When applying a profile, copy the old values of  all  profile
                 options  to  a  backup  before setting them from the profile.
                 These options are reset to their old values using the  backup
                 when restoring.

                 Every  profile  has  its own list of backed up values. If the
                 backup already exists (e.g. if apply-profile name was  called
                 more  than once in a row), the existing backup is no changed.
                 The restore operation will remove the backup.

                 It's important to know that restoring does not "undo" setting
                 an  option,  but simply copies the old option value. Consider
                 for example vf-add, appends an entry to  vf.  This  mechanism
                 will  simply  copy the entire vf list, and does _not_ execute
                 the inverse of vf-add (that would be vf-remove) on restoring.

                 Note that if a profile contains recursive profiles  (via  the
                 profile  option), the options in these recursive profiles are
                 treated as if they were part of this profile. The  referenced
                 profile's  backup list is not used when creating or using the
                 backup. Restoring a profile does not restore referenced  pro-
                 files,  only  the  options of referenced profiles (as if they
                 were part of the main profile).

                 Similar to copy, but restore an option only  if  it  has  the
                 same  value as the value effectively set by the profile. This
                 tries to deal with the situation when the user does not  want
                 the option to be reset after interactively changing it.


              vf-add=rotate=PI/2  # rotate by 90 degrees

          Then running these commands will result in behavior as commented:

              set vf vflip
              apply-profile something
              vf add hflip
              apply-profile something
              # vf == vflip,rotate=PI/2,hflip,rotate=PI/2
              apply-profile something restore
              # vf == vflip

   Conditional auto profiles
       Profiles  which  have the profile-cond option set are applied automati-
       cally if the associated condition matches  (unless  auto  profiles  are
       disabled).  The option takes a string, which is interpreted as Lua con-
       dition. If evaluating the expression returns true, the profile  is  ap-
       plied,  if  it returns false, it is ignored. This Lua code execution is
       not sandboxed.

       Any variables in condition expressions can reference properties. If  an
       identifier  is  not already defined by Lua or mpv, it is interpreted as
       property.  For example, pause would return the  current  pause  status.
       You cannot reference properties with - this way since that would denote
       a subtraction, but if the variable name contains any _ characters, they
       are turned into -. For example, playback_time would return the property

       A more robust way to access  properties  is  using  p.property_name  or
       get("property-name", default_value). The automatic variable to property
       magic will break if a new identifier with the same name  is  introduced
       (for  example,  if a function named pause() were added, pause would re-
       turn a function value instead of the value of the pause property).

       Note that if a property is not available, it will return nil, which can
       cause  errors if used in expressions. These are logged in verbose mode,
       and the expression is considered to be false.

       Whenever a property referenced by a profile condition changes, the con-
       dition  is  re-evaluated.  If the return value of the condition changes
       from false or error to true, the profile is applied.

       This mechanism tries to "unapply" profiles once the  condition  changes
       from  true  to  false.  If  you  want to use this, you need to set pro-
       file-restore for the profile. Another possibility it to create  another
       profile with an inverse condition to undo the other profile.

       Recursive  profiles  can  be  used.  But it is discouraged to reference
       other conditional profiles in a conditional  profile,  since  this  can
       lead to tricky and unintuitive behavior.


                 Make only HD video look funny:

              profile-desc=HD video sucks
              profile-cond=width >= 1280

          If  you  want  the  profile  to be reverted if the condition goes to
          false again, you can set profile-restore:

              profile-desc=Mess up video when entering fullscreen
              vf-add=rotate=PI/2  # rotate by 90 degrees

          This appends the rotate filter to the video filter chain when enter-
          ing fullscreen. When leaving fullscreen, the vf option is set to the
          value it had before entering fullscreen. Note that this  would  also
          remove  any  other filters that were added during fullscreen mode by
          the user. Avoiding this is trickier, and could for example be solved
          by adding a second profile with an inverse condition and operation:


              profile-cond=not fullscreen

          Every  time an involved property changes, the condition is evaluated
          again.  If your condition uses p.playback_time for example, the con-
          dition  is  re-evaluated approximately on every video frame. This is
          probably slow.

       This feature is managed by an internal Lua script. Conditions are  exe-
       cuted as Lua code within this script. Its environment contains at least
       the following things:

       (function environment table)
              Every Lua function has an environment table. This  is  used  for
              identifier  access.  There  is no named Lua symbol for it; it is

              The environment does "magic" accesses to mpv properties.  If  an
              identifier  is  not  already defined in _G, it retrieves the mpv
              property of the same name. Any occurrences of _ in the name  are
              replaced  with - before reading the property. The returned value
              is as retrieved by mp.get_property_native(name).  Internally,  a
              cache  of  property values, updated by observing the property is
              used instead, so properties that  are  not  observable  will  be
              stuck at the initial value forever.

              If you want to access properties, that actually contain _ in the
              name, use get() (which does not perform transliteration).

              Internally, the environment table has a __index meta method set,
              which performs the access logic.

       p      A  "magic"  table  similar  to the environment table. Unlike the
              latter, this does not prefer accessing variables defined in _G -
              it always accesses properties.

       get(name [, def])
              Read  a  property and return its value. If the property value is
              nil (e.g.  if the property does not exist), def is returned.

              This is superficially similar  to  mp.get_property_native(name).
              An  important  difference  is  that  this  accesses the property
              cache, and enables the change detection logic (which  is  essen-
              tial to the dynamic runtime behavior of auto profiles). Also, it
              does not return an error value as second return value.

              The "magic" tables mentioned above use this function as backend.
              It does not perform the _ transliteration.

       In  addition,  the  same  environment  as  in a blank mpv Lua script is
       present. For example, math is defined and gives access to the Lua stan-
       dard math library.

          This  feature is subject to change indefinitely. You might be forced
          to adjust your profiles on mpv updates.

   Legacy auto profiles
       Some profiles are loaded automatically using a  legacy  mechanism.  The
       following example demonstrates this:

          Auto profile loading

              profile-desc="profile for .mkv files"

       The profile name follows the schema type.name, where type can be proto-
       col for the input/output protocol in use  (see  --list-protocols),  and
       extension  for  the  extension of the path of the currently played file
       (not the file format).

       This feature is very limited, and is  considered  soft-deprecated.  Use
       conditional auto profiles.

       There are three choices for using mpv from other programs or scripts:

          1. Calling it as UNIX process. If you do this, do not parse terminal
             output.  The terminal output is  intended  for  humans,  and  may
             change any time. In addition, terminal behavior itself may change
             any time. Compatibility cannot be guaranteed.

             Your code should work even if you pass --no-terminal. Do not  at-
             tempt to simulate user input by sending terminal control codes to
             mpv's stdin.   If  you  need  interactive  control,  using  --in-
             put-ipc-server  is recommended. This gives you access to the JSON
             IPC  over unix domain sockets (or named pipes on Windows).

             Depending on what you do, passing --no-config or --config-dir may
             be  a  good idea to avoid conflicts with the normal mpv user con-
             figuration intended for CLI playback.

             Using --input-ipc-server is also suitable for purposes  like  re-
             mote  control  (however,  the IPC protocol itself is not "secure"
             and not intended to be so).

          2. Using libmpv. This is generally recommended when mpv is  used  as
             playback backend for a completely different application. The pro-
             vided C API is very close to CLI  mechanisms  and  the  scripting

             Note  that  even  though libmpv has different defaults, it can be
             configured to work exactly like the CLI  player  (except  command
             line parsing is unavailable).


          3. As  a user script (LUA SCRIPTING, JAVASCRIPT, C PLUGINS). This is
             recommended when the goal is to "enhance" the CLI player. Scripts
             get access to the entire client API of mpv.

             This is the standard way to create third-party extensions for the

       All these access the client API, which is the sum of the various mecha-
       nisms provided by the player core, as documented here: OPTIONS, List of
       Input Commands, Properties, List of events (also see C API), Hooks.

       Screenshots of the  currently  played  file  can  be  taken  using  the
       'screenshot'  input  mode  command,  which is by default bound to the s
       key. Files named mpv-shotNNNN.jpg will be saved in the  working  direc-
       tory,  using the first available number - no files will be overwritten.
       In pseudo-GUI mode, the screenshot will be saved  somewhere  else.  See

       A  screenshot  will  usually contain the unscaled video contents at the
       end of the video filter  chain  and  subtitles.  By  default,  S  takes
       screenshots without subtitles, while s includes subtitles.

       Unlike  with MPlayer, the screenshot video filter is not required. This
       filter was never required in mpv, and has been removed.

       During playback, mpv shows the playback  status  on  the  terminal.  It
       looks like something like this:
          AV: 00:03:12 / 00:24:25 (13%) A-V: -0.000

       The status line can be overridden with the --term-status-msg option.

       The  following is a list of things that can show up in the status line.
       Input properties, that can be used to get the  same  information  manu-
       ally, are also listed.

       • AV: or V: (video only) or A: (audio only)

       • The current time position in HH:MM:SS format (playback-time property)

       • The total file duration (absent if unknown) (duration property)

       • Playback  speed,  e.g. x2.0. Only visible if the speed is not normal.
         This is the user-requested speed, and not the actual speed   (usually
         they  should  be the same, unless playback is too slow). (speed prop-

       • Playback percentage, e.g. (13%).  How  much  of  the  file  has  been
         played.   Normally  calculated out of playback position and duration,
         but can fallback to other methods (like byte position) if  these  are
         not available.  (percent-pos property.)

       • The  audio/video  sync as A-V:  0.000. This is the difference between
         audio and video time. Normally it should be 0 or close to 0. If  it's
         growing, it might indicate a playback problem. (avsync property.)

       • Total  A/V sync change, e.g. ct: -0.417. Normally invisible. Can show
         up if there is audio "missing", or not enough frames can be  dropped.
         Usually this will indicate a problem. (total-avsync-change property.)

       • Encoding state in {...}, only shown in encoding mode.

       • Display  sync  state.  If display sync is active (display-sync-active
         property), this shows DS: 2.500/13, where the first number is average
         number  of  vsyncs per video frame (e.g. 2.5 when playing 24Hz videos
         on 60Hz screens), which might jitter if the ratio doesn't round  off,
         or  there are mistimed frames (vsync-ratio), and the second number of
         estimated  number   of   vsyncs   which   took   too   long   (vo-de-
         layed-frame-count  property). The latter is a heuristic, as it's gen-
         erally not possible to determine this with certainty.

       • Dropped frames, e.g. Dropped: 4. Shows up only if the count is not 0.
         Can  grow  if the video framerate is higher than that of the display,
         or if video rendering is too slow. May also be incremented  on  "hic-
         cups"  and  when  the  video  frame  couldn't  be  displayed on time.
         (frame-drop-count property.)  If the decoder drops frames, the number
         of  decoder-dropped  frames is appended to the display as well, e.g.:
         Dropped: 4/34. This happens only if decoder frame dropping is enabled
         with the --framedrop options.  (decoder-frame-drop-count property.)

       • Cache  state,  e.g.  Cache:  2s/134KB. Visible if the stream cache is
         enabled.  The first value shows the amount of video buffered  in  the
         demuxer  in seconds, the second value shows the estimated size of the
         buffered  amount  in  kilobytes.   (demuxer-cache-duration  and   de-
         muxer-cache-state properties.)

       mpv  is  optimized for normal video playback, meaning it actually tries
       to buffer as much data as it seems to make sense.  This  will  increase
       latency.  Reducing  latency  is possible only by specifically disabling
       features which increase latency.

       The builtin low-latency profile tries to  apply  some  of  the  options
       which  can  reduce latency. You can use  --profile=low-latency to apply
       all of them. You can list the contents with  --show-profile=low-latency
       (some  of  the  options are quite obscure, and may change every mpv re-

       Be aware that some of the options can reduce playback quality.

       Most latency is actually caused by inconvenient  timing  behavior.  You
       can  disable  this with --untimed, but it will likely break, unless the
       stream has no audio, and the input feeds data to the player at  a  con-
       stant rate.

       Another  common  problem is with MJPEG streams. These do not signal the
       correct framerate. Using --untimed or --no-correct-pts  --fps=60  might

       For  livestreams,  data  can build up due to pausing the stream, due to
       slightly lower playback rate, or "buffering"  pauses.  If  the  demuxer
       cache  is  enabled,  these  can  be  skipped manually. The experimental
       drop-buffers command can be used to discard any buffered  data,  though
       it's very disruptive.

       In  some  cases,  manually tuning TCP buffer sizes and such can help to
       reduce latency.

       Additional options that can be tried:

       • --opengl-glfinish=yes, can reduce buffering in the graphics driver

       • --opengl-swapinterval=0, same

       • --vo=xv, same

       • without audio --framedrop=no --speed=1.01 may help for  live  sources
         (results can be mixed)

       mpv  is capable of storing the playback position of the currently play-
       ing file and resume from there the next time that file is played.  This
       is  done  with  the  commands quit-watch-later (bound to Shift+Q by de-
       fault)  and  write-watch-later-config,  and   with   the   --save-posi-
       tion-on-quit option.

       The   difference   between   always   quitting  with  a  key  bound  to
       quit-watch-later and using --save-position-on-quit is that  the  latter
       will  save  the playback position even when mpv is closed with a method
       other than a keybinding, for example if you shutdown your system  with-
       out closing mpv beforehand, unless of course mpv is terminated abruptly
       and doesn't have the time to save (e.g. with the KILL Unix signal).

       mpv also stores options other than the playback position when they have
       been  modified  after  playback  began,  for example the volume and the
       fullscreen state, and restores their values the next time the  file  is
       played.   Which   options   are   saved  can  be  configured  with  the
       --watch-later-options option.

       When playing multiple playlist entries, mpv checks if one  them  has  a
       resume config file associated, and if it finds one it restarts playback
       from it. For example, if you use quit-watch-later on the 5th episode of
       a  show, and later play all the episodes, mpv will automatically resume
       playback from episode 5.

       More options to configure this functionality are listed in Watch Later.

       http://..., https://, ...
          Many network protocols are supported, but the protocol  prefix  must
          always be specified. mpv will never attempt to guess whether a file-
          name is actually a network address. A protocol prefix is always  re-

          Note  that  not  all prefixes are documented here. Undocumented pre-
          fixes are either aliases to documented protocols, or are just  redi-
          rections to protocols implemented and documented in FFmpeg.

          data:  is supported in FFmpeg (not in Libav), but needs to be in the
          format data://. This is done to avoid ambiguity with filenames.  You
          can also prefix it with lavf:// or ffmpeg://.

          By  default,  the youtube-dl hook script only looks at http(s) URLs.
          Prefixing an URL with ytdl:// forces it to be  always  processed  by
          the script. This can also be used to invoke special youtube-dl func-
          tionality like playing a video by ID or invoking search.

          Keep in mind that you can't pass youtube-dl command line options  by
          this, and you have to use --ytdl-raw-options instead.

          Play data from stdin.

          Play a path from  Samba share. (Requires FFmpeg support.)

       bd://[title][/device] --bluray-device=PATH
          Play  a  Blu-ray  disc. Since libbluray 1.0.1, you can read from ISO
          files by passing them to --bluray-device.

          title can be: longest  or  first  (selects  the  default  playlist);
          mpls/<number>  (selects  <number>.mpls  playlist);  <number> (select
          playlist with the same index). mpv will list the available playlists
          on loading.

          bluray:// is an alias.

       dvd://[title][/device] --dvd-device=PATH
          Play  a  DVD. DVD menus are not supported. If no title is given, the
          longest title is auto-selected. Without --dvd-device, it will proba-
          bly  try  to  open  an actual optical drive, if available and imple-
          mented for the OS.

          dvdnav:// is an old alias for  dvd://  and  does  exactly  the  same

       dvb://[cardnumber@]channel --dvbin-...
          Digital TV via DVB. (Linux only.)

       mf://[filemask|@listfile] --mf-...
          Play a series of images as video.

       cdda://[device] --cdrom-device=PATH --cdda-...
          Play CD.

          Access any FFmpeg/Libav libavformat protocol. Basically, this passed
          the string after the // directly to libavformat.

          This is intended for using libavdevice inputs. type is the  libavde-
          vice  demuxer  name,  and options is the (pseudo-)filename passed to
          the demuxer.


                 mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0 --profile=low-latency --untimed

              This plays video from the first v4l input with nearly the lowest
              latency  possible. It's a good replacement for the removed tv://
              input.  Using --untimed is a hack to output a captured frame im-
              mediately, instead of respecting the input framerate. (There may
              be better ways to handle this in the future.)

          avdevice:// is an alias.

          A local path as URL. Might be useful in some special use-cases. Note
          that PATH itself should start with a third / to make the path an ab-
          solute path.

          Play a local file, but assume it's being appended to. This is useful
          for  example  for files that are currently being downloaded to disk.
          This will block playback, and stop playback only if no new data  was
          appended after a timeout of about 2 seconds.

          Using  this is still a bit of a bad idea, because there is no way to
          detect if a file is actually being appended, or if it's still  writ-
          ten.  If you're trying to play the  output of some program, consider
          using a pipe (something | mpv -). If it really has to be a  file  on
          disk,  use tail to make it wait forever, e.g. tail -f -c +0 file.mkv
          | mpv -.

          Read data from the given file descriptor (for example 123). This  is
          similar to piping data to stdin via -, but can use an arbitrary file
          descriptor.  mpv may modify some file descriptor properties when the
          stream layer "opens" it.

          Like  fd://, but the file descriptor is closed after use. When using
          this you need to ensure that the same fd URL will only be used once.

       edl://[edl specification as in edl-mpv.rst]
          Stitch together parts of multiple files and play them.

          Read a slice of a stream.

          start and end represent a byte range and accept suffixes such as KiB
          and MiB. end is optional.

          if end starts with +, it is considered as offset from start.

          Only works with seekable streams.


              mpv slice://1g-2g@cap.ts

              This starts reading from cap.ts after seeking 1 GiB, then
              reads until reaching 2 GiB or end of file.

              mpv slice://1g-+2g@cap.ts

              This starts reading from cap.ts after seeking 1 GiB, then
              reads until reaching 3 GiB or end of file.

              mpv slice://100m@appending://cap.ts

              This starts reading from cap.ts after seeking 100MiB, then
              reads until end of file.

          Simulate  an  empty file. If opened for writing, it will discard all
          data.  The null demuxer will specifically pass autoprobing  if  this
          protocol  is  used  (while  it's not automatically invoked for empty

          Use the data part as source data.

          Like memory://, but the string is interpreted as hexdump.

       mpv has no official GUI, other than the  OSC  (ON  SCREEN  CONTROLLER),
       which  is not a full GUI and is not meant to be. However, to compensate
       for the lack of expected GUI behavior, mpv will  in  some  cases  start
       with some settings changed to behave slightly more like a GUI mode.

       Currently this happens only in the following cases:

       • if  started  using  the  mpv.desktop file on Linux (e.g. started from
         menus or file associations provided by desktop environments)

       • if started from explorer.exe  on  Windows  (technically,  if  it  was
         started  on  Windows,  and all of the stdout/stderr/stdin handles are

       • started out of the bundle on macOS

       • if you manually use --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui on the command

       This  mode applies options from the builtin profile builtin-pseudo-gui,
       but only if these haven't been set in the user's config file or on  the
       command   line,   which   is   the  main  difference  to  using  --pro-

       The profile is currently defined as follows:


       The pseudo-gui profile exists for compatibility.  The  options  in  the
       pseudo-gui  profile  are applied unconditionally. In addition, the pro-
       file  makes  sure  to  enable  the  pseudo-GUI  mode,  so  that  --pro-
       file=pseudo-gui works like in older mpv releases:


          Currently,  you can extend the pseudo-gui profile in the config file
          the normal way. This is deprecated. In future mpv releases, the  be-
          havior  might change, and not apply your additional settings, and/or
          use a different profile name.

       This subsection describes common problems on the Linux desktop. None of
       these problems exist on systems like Windows or macOS.

   Disabling Screensaver
       By  default,  mpv  tries  to disable the OS screensaver during playback
       (only if a VO using the OS GUI API  is  active).  --stop-screensaver=no
       disables this.

       A common problem is that Linux desktop environments ignore the standard
       screensaver APIs on which mpv  relies.  In  particular,  mpv  uses  the
       Screen  Saver  extension (XSS) on X11, and the idle-inhibit protocol on

       GNOME in particular still ignores the idle-inhibit  protocol,  and  has
       its  own  D-Bus interfaces for display power management, which mpv does
       not support.

       Before mpv 0.33.0, the X11 backend ran xdg-screensaver reset in 10 sec-
       ond  intervals  when not paused in order to support screensaver inhibi-
       tion in these environments. This functionality was removed  in  0.33.0,
       but  it  is  possible  to call the xdg-screensaver command line program
       from a user script instead.

   Track Selection
              Specify a priority list of audio  languages  to  use.  Different
              container  formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO
              639-1 two-letter language codes, Matroska, MPEG-TS and  NUT  use
              ISO   639-2  three-letter  language  codes,  while  OGM  uses  a
              free-form identifier. See also --aid.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                 • mpv dvd://1 --alang=hu,en chooses  the  Hungarian  language
                   track  on  a  DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is
                   not available.

                 • mpv --alang=jpn example.mkv plays a Matroska file with  Ja-
                   panese audio.

              Specify  a priority list of subtitle languages to use. Different
              container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use  ISO
              639-1  two  letter language codes, Matroska uses ISO 639-2 three
              letter language codes while OGM uses a free-form identifier. See
              also --sid.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                 • mpv  dvd://1  --slang=hu,en  chooses the Hungarian subtitle
                   track on a DVD and falls back on English  if  Hungarian  is
                   not available.

                 • mpv  --slang=jpn example.mkv plays a Matroska file with Ja-
                   panese subtitles.

              Equivalent to --alang and --slang, for video tracks.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.

              Select audio track. auto selects the default, no disables audio.
              See  also --alang. mpv normally prints available audio tracks on
              the terminal when starting playback of a file.

              --audio is an alias for --aid.

              --aid=no or --audio=no or --no-audio  disables  audio  playback.
              (The latter variant does not work with the client API.)

                 The  track  selection  options  (--aid but also --sid and the
                 others) sometimes expose behavior that  may  appear  strange.
                 Also,  the  behavior tends to change around with each mpv re-

                 The track selection properties will return the  option  value
                 outside  of  playback (as expected), but during playback, the
                 affective track selection  is  returned.  For  example,  with
                 --aid=auto,  the  aid  property  will suddenly return 2 after
                 playback initialization (assuming the file has at least 2 au-
                 dio tracks, and the second is the default).

                 At  mpv  0.32.0  (and  some releases before), if you passed a
                 track value for which  a  corresponding  track  didn't  exist
                 (e.g.  --aid=2  and  there  was  only 1 audio track), the aid
                 property returned no. However  if  another  audio  track  was
                 added  during playback, and you tried to set the aid property
                 to 2, nothing happened, because the aid option still had  the
                 value 2, and writing the same value has no effect.

                 With  mpv  0.33.0, the behavior was changed. Now track selec-
                 tion options are reset to auto at playback initialization, if
                 the  option  had tries to select a track that does not exist.
                 The same is done if the track exists, but fails  to  initial-
                 ize.  The  consequence  is that unlike before mpv 0.33.0, the
                 user's track selection parameters are  clobbered  in  certain

                 Also  since  mpv  0.33.0,  trying to select a track by number
                 will strictly select this track. Before this  change,  trying
                 to  select  a  track  which  did not exist would fall back to
                 track default selection at playback initialization.  The  new
                 behavior is more consistent.

                 Setting a track selection property at runtime, and then play-
                 ing a new file might reset the track selection  to  defaults,
                 if  the fingerprint of the track list of the new file is dif-

                 Be aware of tricky combinations of all of all of  the  above:
                 for   example,   mpv   --aid=2   file_with_2_audio_tracks.mkv
                 file_with_1_audio_track.mkv  would  first  play  the  correct
                 track,  and  the  second  file without audio.  If you then go
                 back the first file, its first audio track  will  be  played,
                 and  the second file is played with audio. If you do the same
                 thing again but instead of using --aid=2 you run  set  aid  2
                 while  the  file is playing, then changing to the second file
                 will play its audio track.  This is because runtime selection
                 enables the fingerprint heuristic.

                 Most likely this is not the end.

              Display  the subtitle stream specified by <ID>. auto selects the
              default, no disables subtitles.

              --sub is an alias for --sid.

              --sid=no or --sub=no or  --no-sub  disables  subtitle  decoding.
              (The latter variant does not work with the client API.)

              Select  video  channel.  auto  selects  the default, no disables

              --video is an alias for --vid.

              --vid=no or --video=no or --no-video  disables  video  playback.
              (The latter variant does not work with the client API.)

              If video is disabled, mpv will try to download the audio only if
              media is streamed with youtube-dl, because it  saves  bandwidth.
              This  is  done by setting the ytdl_format to "bestaudio/best" in
              the ytdl_hook.lua script.

              (Matroska files only) Specify the edition (set of  chapters)  to
              use,  where  0  is  the first. If set to auto (the default), mpv
              will choose the first edition declared as a default, or if there
              is no default, the first edition defined.

              Enable the default track auto-selection (default: yes). Enabling
              this will make the player select  streams  according  to  --aid,
              --alang,  and others. If it is disabled, no tracks are selected.
              In addition, the player will not exit if no tracks are selected,
              and  wait instead (this wait mode is similar to pausing, but the
              pause option is not set).

              This is useful with --lavfi-complex: you can start  playback  in
              this  mode, and then set select tracks at runtime by setting the
              filter graph.  Note that if --lavfi-complex is set before  play-
              back is started, the referenced tracks are always selected.

              When  autoselecting  a  subtitle  track, select a non-forced one
              even if the selected audio stream matches your preferred  subti-
              tle  language (default: yes). Disable this if you'd like to only
              show subtitles for foreign audio or onscreen text.

   Playback Control
       --start=<relative time>
              Seek to given time position.

              The general format for times is [+|-][[hh:]mm:]ss[.ms].  If  the
              time  is  prefixed  with -, the time is considered relative from
              the end of the file (as signaled by the demuxer/the file).  A  +
              is usually ignored (but see below).

              The following alternative time specifications are recognized:

              pp% seeks to percent position pp (0-100).

              #c seeks to chapter number c. (Chapters start from 1.)

              none resets any previously set option (useful for libmpv).

              If  --rebase-start-time=no is given, then prefixing times with +
              makes the time relative to the start of the  file.  A  timestamp
              without  prefix is considered an absolute time, i.e. should seek
              to a frame with a timestamp as the file contains it. As  a  bug,
              but also a hidden feature, putting 1 or more spaces before the +
              or - always interprets the time as absolute, which can  be  used
              to seek to negative timestamps (useful for debugging at most).


                 --start=+56, --start=00:56
                        Seeks to the start time + 56 seconds.

                 --start=-56, --start=-00:56
                        Seeks to the end time - 56 seconds.

                        Seeks to 1 hour 10 min.

                        Seeks to the middle of the file.

                 --start=30 --end=40
                        Seeks to 30 seconds, plays 10 seconds, and exits.

                 --start=-3:20 --length=10
                        Seeks  to  3  minutes and 20 seconds before the end of
                        the file, plays 10 seconds, and exits.

                 --start='#2' --end='#4'
                        Plays chapters 2 and 3, and exits.

       --end=<relative time>
              Stop at given time. Use --length if the time should be  relative
              to --start. See --start for valid option values and examples.

       --length=<relative time>
              Stop after a given time relative to the start time.  See --start
              for valid option values and examples.

              If both --end and --length are provided, playback will stop when
              it reaches either of the two endpoints.

              Obscurity   note:   this   does  not  work  correctly  if  --re-
              base-start-time=no, and the specified time is not an  "absolute"
              time, as defined in the --start option description.

              Whether  to move the file start time to 00:00:00 (default: yes).
              This is less awkward for files which start  at  a  random  time-
              stamp,  such  as  transport streams. On the other hand, if there
              are timestamp resets,  the  resulting  behavior  can  be  rather
              weird.  For this reason, and in case you are actually interested
              in the real timestamps, this behavior can be disabled with no.

              Slow down or speed up playback by the factor given as parameter.

              If --audio-pitch-correction (on by  default)  is  used,  playing
              with  a  speed  higher  than  normal  automatically  inserts the
              scaletempo2 audio filter.

              Start the player in paused state.

              Play files in random order.

              Set which file on the internal playlist to start playback  with.
              The  index  is  an  integer,  with 0 meaning the first file. The
              value auto means that the selection of the entry to play is left
              to the playback resume mechanism (default). If an entry with the
              given index doesn't exist, the behavior is unspecified and might
              change  in future mpv versions. The same applies if the playlist
              contains further playlists (don't expect any  reasonable  behav-
              ior).  Passing  a playlist file to mpv should work with this op-
              tion, though. E.g. mpv  playlist.m3u  --playlist-start=123  will
              work  as expected, as long as playlist.m3u does not link to fur-
              ther playlists.

              The value no is a deprecated alias for auto.

              Play files according to a playlist file.  Supports  some  common
              formats. If no format is detected, it will be treated as list of
              files, separated by newline characters. You may need this option
              to  load  plaintext  files as a playlist. Note that XML playlist
              formats are not supported.

              This option forces --demuxer=playlist to interpret the  playlist
              file.   Some playlist formats, notably CUE and optical disc for-
              mats, need to use different demuxers and will not work with this
              option.  They  still  can be played directly, without using this

              You can play playlists directly, without this option. Before mpv
              version  0.31.0,  this  option  disabled any security mechanisms
              that might be in place, but since 0.31.0 it uses the same  secu-
              rity  mechanisms  as  playing  a  playlist file directly. If you
              trust the playlist file, you can  disable  any  security  checks
              with  --load-unsafe-playlists.  Because playlists can load other
              playlist entries, consider applying  this  option  only  to  the
              playlist itself and not its entries, using something along these
                 mpv --{ --playlist=filename --load-unsafe-playlists --}

                 The way older versions  of  mpv  played  playlist  files  via
                 --playlist  was  not  safe  against  maliciously  constructed
                 files. Such files may trigger harmful actions. This has  been
                 the  case  for  all  verions  of mpv prior to 0.31.0, and all
                 MPlayer versions, but unfortunately this fact  was  not  well
                 documented  earlier,  and  some  people have even misguidedly
                 recommended the use of --playlist with untrusted sources.  Do
                 NOT  use --playlist with random internet sources or files you
                 do not trust if you are not sure your mpv is at least 0.31.0.

                 In particular, playlists can contain entries using  protocols
                 other  than local files, such as special protocols like avde-
                 vice:// (which are inherently unsafe).

              Threshold for merging almost consecutive ordered  chapter  parts
              in milliseconds (default: 100). Some Matroska files with ordered
              chapters have inaccurate chapter end timestamps, causing a small
              gap between the end of one chapter and the start of the next one
              when they should match.  If the end of one playback part is less
              than  the  given  threshold  away from the start of the next one
              then keep playing video normally over the chapter change instead
              of doing a seek.

              Distance in seconds from the beginning of a chapter within which
              a backward chapter seek will go to  the  previous  chapter  (de-
              fault:  5.0).  Past this threshold, a backward chapter seek will
              go to the beginning of the current chapter instead.  A  negative
              value means always go back to the previous chapter.

              Select  when  to  use  precise  seeks  that  are  not limited to
              keyframes. Such seeks require decoding video from  the  previous
              keyframe up to the target position and so can take some time de-
              pending on decoding performance. For some video formats, precise
              seeks  are  disabled.  This option selects the default choice to
              use for seeks; it is possible to explicitly  override  that  de-
              fault in the definition of key bindings and in input commands.

              no     Never use precise seeks.

                     Use  precise seeks if the seek is to an absolute position
                     in the file, such as a chapter seek, but not for relative
                     seeks like the default behavior of arrow keys.

                     Like  absolute,  but enable hr-seeks in audio-only cases.
                     The exact behavior is  implementation  specific  and  may
                     change with new releases (default).

              yes    Use precise seeks whenever possible.

              always Same as yes (for compatibility).

              This  option  exists to work around failures to do precise seeks
              (as in --hr-seek) caused by bugs or limitations in the  demuxers
              for  some file formats. Some demuxers fail to seek to a keyframe
              before the given target position, going to a later position  in-
              stead.  The  value  of  this  option is subtracted from the time
              stamp given to the demuxer. Thus, if you set this option to  1.5
              and  try to do a precise seek to 60 seconds, the demuxer is told
              to seek to time 58.5, which hopefully reduces the chance that it
              erroneously  goes  to some time later than 60 seconds. The down-
              side of setting this option is that precise seeks become slower,
              as  video between the earlier demuxer position and the real tar-
              get may be unnecessarily decoded.

              Allow the video decoder to drop frames  during  seek,  if  these
              frames  are  before the seek target. If this is enabled, precise
              seeking can be faster, but if you're using video  filters  which
              modify  timestamps  or  add  new  frames, it can lead to precise
              seeking skipping the target frame. This  e.g.  can  break  frame
              backstepping when deinterlacing is enabled.

              Default: yes

              Controls how to seek in files. Note that if the index is missing
              from a file, it will be built on the  fly  by  default,  so  you
              don't  need  to  change this. But it might help with some broken

                     use an index if the file has one, or build it if missing

                     don't read or use the file's index

                 This option only works if the underlying media supports seek-
                 ing (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).

              Load  URLs  from playlists which are considered unsafe (default:
              no). This includes special protocols and anything  that  doesn't
              refer  to normal files.  Local files and HTTP links on the other
              hand are always considered safe.

              In addition, if a playlist is loaded  while  this  is  set,  the
              added  playlist  entries are not marked as originating from net-
              work or potentially unsafe location. (Instead, the  behavior  is
              as if the playlist entries were provided directly to mpv command
              line or loadfile command.)

              Follow any references in the file being opened  (default:  yes).
              Disabling  this  is helpful if the file is automatically scanned
              (e.g. thumbnail generation). If the thumbnail scanner for  exam-
              ple encounters a playlist file, which contains network URLs, and
              the scanner should not open these,  enabling  this  option  will
              prevent it. This option also disables ordered chapters, mov ref-
              erence files, opening of archives, and a number  of  other  fea-

              On older FFmpeg versions, this will not work in some cases. Some
              FFmpeg demuxers might not respect this option.

              This option does not prevent opening of  paired  subtitle  files
              and such. Use --autoload-files=no to prevent this.

              This  option does not always work if you open non-files (for ex-
              ample using dvd://directory would open a whole bunch of files in
              the  given  directory).  Prefixing  the  filename  with ./ if it
              doesn't start with a / will avoid this.

       --loop-playlist=<N|inf|force|no>, --loop-playlist
              Loops playback N times. A value of 1  plays  it  one  time  (de-
              fault), 2 two times, etc. inf means forever. no is the same as 1
              and disables looping. If several files are specified on  command
              line, the entire playlist is looped. --loop-playlist is the same
              as --loop-playlist=inf.

              The force mode is like inf, but does not skip  playlist  entries
              which  have  been marked as failing. This means the player might
              waste CPU time trying to loop a file that doesn't exist. But  it
              might  be  useful  for  playing webradios under very bad network

       --loop-file=<N|inf|no>, --loop=<N|inf|no>
              Loop a single file N times. inf means forever, no  means  normal
              playback. For compatibility, --loop-file and --loop-file=yes are
              also accepted, and are the same as --loop-file=inf.

              The difference to --loop-playlist is that this doesn't loop  the
              playlist,  just the file itself. If the playlist contains only a
              single file, the difference between the two option is that  this
              option performs a seek on loop, instead of reloading the file.

                 --loop-file  counts  the number of times it causes the player
                 to seek to the beginning of the file, not the number of  full
                 playthroughs.  This  means  --loop-file=1 will end up playing
                 the file twice. Contrast with --loop-playlist,  which  counts
                 the number of full playthroughs.

              --loop is an alias for this option.

       --ab-loop-a=<time>, --ab-loop-b=<time>
              Set  loop  points.  If  playback passes the b timestamp, it will
              seek to the a timestamp. Seeking past the b point  doesn't  loop
              (this is intentional).

              If  a is after b, the behavior is as if the points were given in
              the right order, and the player will seek to  b  after  crossing
              through  a.  This  is different from old behavior, where looping
              was disabled (and as a bug, looped back to a on the end  of  the

              If either options are set to no (or unset), looping is disabled.
              This is different from old behavior, where an  unset  a  implied
              the start of the file, and an unset b the end of the file.

              The  loop-points can be adjusted at runtime with the correspond-
              ing properties. See also ab-loop command.

              Run A-B loops only N times, then ignore the A-B loop points (de-
              fault:  inf).  Every finished loop iteration will decrement this
              option by 1 (unless it is set to inf or 0). inf means that loop-
              ing  goes on forever. If this option is set to 0, A-B looping is
              ignored, and even the ab-loop command will  not  enable  looping
              again  (the  command  will show (disabled) on the OSD message if
              both loop points are set, but ab-loop-count is 0).

       --ordered-chapters, --no-ordered-chapters
              Enabled by default.  Disable support for Matroska ordered  chap-
              ters.  mpv will not load or search for video segments from other
              files, and will also ignore any chapter order specified for  the
              main file.

              Loads  the  given  file  as playlist, and tries to use the files
              contained in it as reference files when opening a Matroska  file
              that  uses ordered chapters. This overrides the normal mechanism
              for loading referenced files by scanning the same directory  the
              main file is located in.

              Useful for loading ordered chapter files that are not located on
              the local filesystem, or if the referenced files are in  differ-
              ent directories.

              Note:  a  playlist  can  be  as simple as a text file containing
              filenames separated by newlines.

              Load chapters from this file, instead of using the chapter meta-
              data found in the main file.

              This  accepts  a  media  file (like mkv) or even a pseudo-format
              like ffmetadata and uses its chapters  to  replace  the  current
              file's  chapters. This doesn't work with OGM or XML chapters di-

              Skip <sec> seconds after every frame.

                 Without --hr-seek, skipping will snap to keyframes.

              Stop playback if either audio or video fails to initialize  (de-
              fault:  no).   With  no, playback will continue in video-only or
              audio-only mode if one of them fails. This doesn't affect  play-
              back of audio-only or video-only files.

              Control the playback direction (default: forward). Setting back-
              ward will attempt to play the file in  reverse  direction,  with
              decreasing  playback  time.  If  this is set on playback starts,
              playback will start from the end of the file. If this is changed
              at  during  playback, a hr-seek will be issued to change the di-

              + and - are aliases for forward and backward.

              The rest of this option description  pertains  to  the  backward

                 Backward  playback  is  extremely  fragile. It may not always
                 work, is much slower than forward playback, and  breaks  cer-
                 tain  other features. How well it works depends mainly on the
                 file being played. Generally, it will show good  results  (or
                 results at all) only if the stars align.

              mpv,  as  well  as most media formats, were designed for forward
              playback only. Backward playback is bolted on top  of  mpv,  and
              tries  to  make  a medium effort to make backward playback work.
              Depending on your use-case, another tool may work much better.

              Backward playback is not exactly a 1st class feature.  Implemen-
              tation  tradeoffs were made, that are bad for backward playback,
              but in turn do not cause disadvantages for normal playback. Var-
              ious possible optimizations are not implemented in order to keep
              the  complexity  down.  Normally,  a  media  player  is   highly
              pipelined (future data is prepared in separate threads, so it is
              available in realtime when the next stage needs it),  but  back-
              ward  playback  will  essentially  stall the pipeline at various
              random points.

              For  example,  for  intra-only  codecs  are  trivially  backward
              playable,  and tools built around them may make efficient use of
              them (consider video editors or camera viewers).  mpv  won't  be
              efficient  in  this  case,  because it uses its generic backward
              playback algorithm, that on top of it is not very optimized.

              If you just want to quickly go backward through  the  video  and
              just  show "keyframes", just use forward playback, and hold down
              the left cursor key (which on CLI with default config sends many
              small relative seek commands).

              The implementation consists of mostly 3 parts:

              • Backward  demuxing.  This  relies on the demuxer cache, so the
                demuxer cache should (or must, didn't test it) be enabled, and
                its size will affect performance. If the cache is too small or
                too large, quadratic runtime behavior may result.

              • Backward decoding. The decoder library used (libavcodec)  does
                not  support  this.  It is emulated by feeding bits of data in
                forward, putting the result in a queue,  returning  the  queue
                data  to  the VO in reverse, and then starting over at an ear-
                lier position. This can require buffering an extreme amount of
                decoded data, and also completely breaks pipelining.

              • Backward  output.  This  is relatively simple, because the de-
                coder returns the frames in the needed  order.  However,  this
                may cause various problems because filters see audio and video
                going backward.

              Known problems:

              • It's fragile. If anything doesn't work, random non-useful  be-
                havior  may  occur. In simple cases, the player will just play
                nonsense and artifacts.  In other cases, it may get  stuck  or
                heat the CPU. (Exceeding memory usage significantly beyond the
                user-set limits would be a bug, though.)

              • Performance and resource usage isn't good. In part this is in-
                herent  to  backward  playback of normal media formats, and in
                parts due to implementation choices and tradeoffs.

              • This is extremely reliant on good demuxer  behavior.  Although
                backward  demuxing  requires no special demuxer support, it is
                required that the demuxer performs  seeks  reliably,  fulfills
                some  specific requirements about packet metadata, and has de-
                terministic behavior.

              • Starting playback exactly from the end may or  may  not  work,
                depending on seeking behavior and file duration detection.

              • Some  container  formats, audio, and video codecs are not sup-
                ported due to their behavior. There is no list, and the player
                usually  does not detect them. Certain live streams (including
                TV captures) may exhibit problems in particular,  as  well  as
                some  lossy  audio  codecs. h264 intra-refresh is known not to
                work due to problems with libavcodec. WAV and some  other  raw
                audio  formats  tend  to  have  problems - there are hacks for
                dealing with them, which may or may not work.

              • Backward demuxing of subtitles is not supported. Subtitle dis-
                play  still  works  for  some  external text subtitle formats.
                (These are fully read into memory, and only  backward  display
                is  needed.)  Text  subtitles  that are cached in the subtitle
                renderer also have a chance to be displayed correctly.

              • Some features dealing with playback of broken or hard to  deal
                with files will not work fully (such as timestamp correction).

              • If  demuxer  low  level seeks (i.e. seeking the actual demuxer
                instead of just within the demuxer  cache)  are  performed  by
                backward  playback,  the created seek ranges may not join, be-
                cause not enough overlap is achieved.

              • Trying to use this with hardware video decoding will  probably
                exhaust  all your GPU memory and then crash a thing or two. Or
                it will fail because --hwdec-extra-frames  will  certainly  be
                set too low.

              • Stream  recording  is broken. --stream-record may keep working
                if you backward play within a cached region only.

              • Relative seeks may behave weird. Small seeks backward (towards
                smaller  time, i.e. seek -1) may not really seek properly, and
                audio will remain muted for a while. Using hr-seek  is  recom-
                mended, which should have none of these problems.

              • Some  things  are just weird. For example, while seek commands
                manipulate playback time in the expected  way  (provided  they
                work  correctly), the framestep commands are transposed. Back-
                stepping will perform very expensive work to step forward by 1


              • Remove  all  --vf/--af  filters you have set. Disable hardware
                decoding. Disable idiotic nonsense like SPDIF passthrough.

              • Increasing  --video-reversal-buffer  might  help  if  reversal
                queue  overflow  is reported, which may happen in high bitrate
                video, or video with large GOP. Hardware decoding  mostly  ig-
                nores  this, and you need to increase --hwdec-extra-frames in-
                stead (until you get playback without logged errors).

              • The demuxer cache is essential  for  backward  demuxing.  Make
                sure  to set --cache=yes. The cache size might matter. If it's
                too small, a queue overflow will be logged, and backward play-
                back cannot continue, or it performs too many low level seeks.
                If it's too large, implementation tradeoffs may cause  general
                performance issues. Use --demuxer-max-bytes to potentially in-
                crease the amount of packets the demuxer layer can  queue  for
                reverse  demuxing  (basically it's the --video-reversal-buffer
                equivalent for the demuxer layer).

              • Setting --vd-queue-enable=yes can help a lot to make  playback
                smooth (once it works).

              • --demuxer-backward-playback-step  also  factors  into how many
                seeks may be performed, and whether  backward  demuxing  could
                break  due  to queue overflow. If it's set too high, the back-
                step operation needs to search through more  packets  all  the
                time, even if the cache is large enough.

              • Setting --demuxer-cache-wait may be useful to cache the entire
                file into the demuxer  cache.  Set  --demuxer-max-bytes  to  a
                large  size  to  make sure it can read the entire cache; --de-
                muxer-max-back-bytes should also be set to  a  large  size  to
                prevent that tries to trim the cache.

              • If  audio  artifacts  are audible, even though the AO does not
                underrun, increasing --audio-backward-overlap  might  help  in
                some cases.

       --video-reversal-buffer=<bytesize>, --audio-reversal-buffer=<bytesize>
              For  backward  decoding.  Backward  decoding  decodes forward in
              steps, and then reverses the decoder output. These options  con-
              trol  the  approximate  maximum  amount  of  bytes  that  can be
              buffered. The main use of this is to  avoid  unbounded  resource
              usage; during normal backward playback, it's not supposed to hit
              the limit, and if it does, it  will  drop  frames  and  complain
              about it.

              Use this option if you get reversal queue overflow errors during
              backward playback. Increase the size until  the  warning  disap-
              pears. Usually, the video buffer will overflow first, especially
              if it's high resolution video.

              This does not work correctly if video hardware decoding is used.
              The  video  frame  size  will not include the referenced GPU and
              driver memory. Some hardware decoders may  also  be  limited  by

              How large the queue size needs to be depends entirely on the way
              the media was encoded. Audio typically  requires  a  very  small
              buffer, while video can require excessively large buffers.

              (Technically,  this  allows  the last frame to exceed the limit.
              Also, this does not account for other buffered frames,  such  as
              inside the decoder or the video output.)

              This does not affect demuxer cache behavior at all.

              See  --list-options for defaults and value range. <bytesize> op-
              tions accept suffixes such as KiB and MiB.

       --video-backward-overlap=<auto|number>,          --audio-backward-over-
              Number of overlapping keyframe ranges to use for backward decod-
              ing (default: auto) ("keyframe"  to  be  understood  as  in  the
              mpv/ffmpeg  specific  meaning).  Backward decoding works by for-
              ward decoding in small steps. Some codecs cannot restart  decod-
              ing  from  any packet (even if it's marked as seek point), which
              becomes noticeable with backward decoding (in theory this  is  a
              problem  with  seeking too, but --hr-seek-demuxer-offset can fix
              it for seeking).  In particular, MDCT based audio codecs are af-

              The  solution  is  to feed a previous packet to the decoder each
              time, and then discard the output. This option controls how many
              packets to feed. The auto choice is currently hardcoded to 0 for
              video, and uses 1 for lossy audio, 0  for  lossless  audio.  For
              some specific lossy audio codecs, this is set to 2.

              --video-backward-overlap  can  potentially  handle intra-refresh
              video, depending on the exact conditions. You may  have  to  use
              the --vd-lavc-show-all option as well.

       --video-backward-batch=<number>, --audio-backward-batch=<number>
              Number of keyframe ranges to decode at once when backward decod-
              ing (default: 1 for video, 10 for audio). Another pointless tun-
              ing  parameter nobody should use. This should affect performance
              only. In theory, setting a number higher than 1 for  audio  will
              reduce  overhead  due  to  less frequent backstep operations and
              less redundant decoding work due to fewer decoded overlap frames
              (see --audio-backward-overlap). On the other hand, it requires a
              larger reversal buffer, and could make playback less smooth  due
              to  breaking  pipelining (e.g. by decoding a lot, and then doing
              nothing for a while).

              It probably never makes sense to set --video-backward-batch. But
              in  theory, it could help with intra-only video codecs by reduc-
              ing backstep operations.

              Number of seconds the demuxer should seek back to get new  pack-
              ets  during  backward playback (default: 60). This is useful for
              tuning backward playback, see --play-dir for details.

              Setting this to a very low value or 0 may make the player  think
              seeking is broken, or may make it perform multiple seeks.

              Setting  this  to a high value may lead to quadratic runtime be-

   Program Behavior
       --help, --h
              Show short summary of options.

              You can also pass a string to this option, which will  list  all
              top-level  options  which  contain  the string in the name, e.g.
              --h=scale for all options that contain the word scale. The  spe-
              cial string * lists all top-level options.

       -v     Increment  verbosity  level,  one level for each -v found on the
              command line.

       --version, -V
              Print version string and exit.

              Do not load default configuration files. This  prevents  loading
              of  both  the user-level and system-wide mpv.conf and input.conf
              files. Other configuration files are blocked as  well,  such  as
              resume playback files.

                 Files  explicitly  requested  by  command  line options, like
                 --include or --use-filedir-conf, will still be loaded.

              See also: --config-dir.

              Prints all available options.

              Print a list of the available properties.

              Print a list of the supported protocols.

              Opens the given path for writing, and print log messages to  it.
              Existing  files  will be truncated. The log level is at least -v
              -v, but can be raised via --msg-level (the option  cannot  lower
              it below the forced minimum log level).

              A special case is the macOS bundle, it will create a log file at
              ~/Library/Logs/mpv.log by default.

              Force a different configuration directory. If this is  set,  the
              given  directory  is  used  to load configuration files, and all
              other configuration directories  are  ignored.  This  means  the
              global  mpv configuration directory as well as per-user directo-
              ries are ignored, and overrides  through  environment  variables
              (MPV_HOME) are also ignored.

              Note  that the --no-config option takes precedence over this op-

              Write certain statistics to the given file. The  file  is  trun-
              cated on opening. The file will contain raw samples, each with a
              timestamp. To  make  this  file  into  a  readable,  the  script
              TOOLS/stats-conv.py  can be used (which currently displays it as
              a graph).

              This option is useful for debugging only.

              Makes mpv wait idly instead of quitting when there is no file to
              play.   Mostly useful in input mode, where mpv can be controlled
              through input commands. (Default: no)

              once will only idle at start and let the player close  once  the
              first playlist has finished playing back.

              Specify configuration file to be parsed after the default ones.

              If  set to no, don't auto-load scripts from the scripts configu-
              ration subdirectory (usually ~/.config/mpv/scripts/).  (Default:

       --script=<filename>, --scripts=file1.lua:file2.lua:...
              Load a Lua script. The second option allows you to load multiple
              scripts by separating them with the path separator (: on Unix, ;
              on Windows).

              --scripts is a path list option. See List Options for details.

              Set options for scripts. A script can query an option by key. If
              an option is used and what semantics the option  value  has  de-
              pends  entirely on the loaded scripts. Values not claimed by any
              scripts are ignored.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

              Pretend that all files passed to mpv  are  concatenated  into  a
              single, big file. This uses timeline/EDL support internally.

              Use  the given profile(s), --profile=help displays a list of the
              defined profiles.

              Normally, mpv will try to keep all  settings  when  playing  the
              next file on the playlist, even if they were changed by the user
              during playback. (This behavior is the  opposite  of  MPlayer's,
              which tries to reset all settings when starting next file.)

              Default: Do not reset anything.

              This  can  be changed with this option. It accepts a list of op-
              tions, and mpv will reset the value of these options on playback
              start  to the initial value. The initial value is either the de-
              fault value, or as set by the config file or command line.

              In some cases, this might not work  as  expected.  For  example,
              --volume  will only be reset if it is explicitly set in the con-
              fig file or the command line.

              The special name all resets as many options as possible.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                 • --reset-on-next-file=pause Reset pause mode when  switching
                   to the next file.

                 • --reset-on-next-file=fullscreen,speed  Reset fullscreen and
                   playback speed settings if they were changed  during  play-

                 • --reset-on-next-file=all  Try  to  reset  all settings that
                   were changed during playback.

              Show the description and content of a profile.  Lists  all  pro-
              files if no parameter is provided.

              Look  for  a file-specific configuration file in the same direc-
              tory as the file that is being played. See File-specific Config-
              uration Files.

                 May be dangerous if playing from untrusted media.

       --ytdl, --no-ytdl
              Enable  the  youtube-dl  hook-script.  It will look at the input
              URL, and will play the video located on the website. This  works
              with  many  streaming sites, not just the one that the script is
              named after. This requires a recent version of youtube-dl to  be
              installed on the system. (Enabled by default.)

              If the script can't do anything with an URL, it will do nothing.

              This  accepts  a  set of options, which can be passed to it with
              the --script-opts option (using ytdl_hook- as prefix):

                     If 'yes' will try parsing the URL with youtube-dl  first,
                     instead  of  the default where it's only after mpv failed
                     to open it. This mostly depends on whether most  of  your
                     URLs need youtube-dl parsing.

                     A  |-separated  list of URL patterns which mpv should not
                     use with youtube-dl. The patterns are matched  after  the
                     http(s):// part of the URL.

                     ^  matches  the  beginning of the URL, $ matches its end,
                     and you  should  use  %  before  any  of  the  characters
                     ^$()%|,.[]*+-? to match that character.


                        • --script-opts=ytdl_hook-exclude='^youtube%.com' will
                          exclude any URL that starts with  http://youtube.com
                          or https://youtube.com.

                        • --script-opts=ytdl_hook-exclude='%.mkv$|%.mp4$' will
                          exclude any URL that ends with .mkv or .mp4.

                     See        more        lua         patterns         here:

                     If  'yes'  will attempt to add all formats found reported
                     by youtube-dl (default: no). Each format is  added  as  a
                     separate  track.  In addition, they are delay-loaded, and
                     actually opened only  when  a  track  is  selected  (this
                     should keep load times as low as without this option).

                     It  adds  average  bitrate  metadata, if available, which
                     means you can use --hls-bitrate to decide which track  to
                     select. (HLS used to be the only format whose alternative
                     quality streams were exposed in a similar way,  thus  the
                     option name.)

                     Tracks  which  represent  formats  that  were selected by
                     youtube-dl as default will have  the  default  flag  set.
                     This means mpv should generally still select formats cho-
                     sen with --ytdl-format by default.

                     Although this  mechanism  makes  it  possible  to  switch
                     streams  at  runtime,  it's not suitable for this purpose
                     for various technical reasons. (It's slow, which can't be
                     really fixed.) In general, this option is not useful, and
                     was only added to show that it's possible.

                     There are two cases that must be  considered  when  doing
                     quality/bandwidth selection:

                        1. Completely   separate   audio   and  video  streams
                           (DASH-like). Each of these streams  contain  either
                           only audio or video, so you can mix and combine au-
                           dio/video bandwidths without restriction. This  in-
                           tuitively  matches best with the concept of select-
                           ing quality by track (what all_formats is  supposed
                           to do).

                        2. Separate  sets  of  muxed  audio and video streams.
                           Each version of the media contains  both  an  audio
                           and  video stream, and they are interleaved. In or-
                           der not to waste bandwidth, you should only  select
                           one  of these versions (if, for example, you select
                           an audio stream, then  video  will  be  downloaded,
                           even   if  you  selected  video  from  a  different

                           mpv will still represent them as  separate  tracks,
                           but  will  set  the title of each track to muxed-N,
                           where N is replaced with the youtube-dl  format  ID
                           of the originating stream.

                     Some sites will mix 1. and 2., but we assume that they do
                     so for compatibility reasons, and there is no  reason  to
                     use them at all.

                     If  set  to  'yes', and all_formats is also set to 'yes',
                     this will try to represent all youtube-dl  reported  for-
                     mats as tracks, even if mpv would normally use the direct
                     URL reported by it (default: yes).

                     It appears this normally makes a difference if youtube-dl
                     works on a master HLS playlist.

                     If  this  is set to 'no', this specific kind of stream is
                     treated like all_formats is set to 'no', and  the  stream
                     selection  as  done  by youtube-dl (via --ytdl-format) is

                     Make mpv use the master manifest URL for formats like HLS
                     and  DASH,  if available, allowing for video/audio selec-
                     tion in runtime (default: no). It's  disabled  ("no")  by
                     default for performance reasons.

                     Configure  paths to youtube-dl's executable or a compati-
                     ble fork's. The paths should be separated by  :  on  Unix
                     and  ;  on Windows. mpv looks in order for the configured
                     paths in PATH and in mpv's  config  directory.   The  de-
                     faults  are  "yt-dlp",  "yt-dlp_x86" and "youtube-dl". On
                     Windows the suffix extension ".exe" is always appended.

                 Why do the option names mix _ and -?

                        I have no idea.

              Video format/quality that is directly passed to youtube-dl.  The
              possible values are specific to the website and the video, for a
              given url the available formats can be found  with  the  command
              youtube-dl  --list-formats  URL.  See youtube-dl's documentation
              for available aliases.  (Default: bestvideo+bestaudio/best)

              The ytdl value does not pass a --format option to youtube-dl  at
              all, and thus does not override its default. Note that sometimes
              youtube-dl returns a format that mpv cannot use,  and  in  these
              cases the mpv default may work better.

              Pass  arbitrary  options  to  youtube-dl. Parameter and argument
              should be passed as a key-value pair. Options  without  argument
              must include =.

              There  is  no  sanity  checking so it's possible to break things
              (i.e.  passing invalid parameters to youtube-dl).

              A proxy URL can be passed for youtube-dl to use  it  in  parsing
              the  website.   This  is  useful  for geo-restricted URLs. After
              youtube-dl parsing, some URLs also require a proxy for playback,
              so  this  can pass that proxy information to mpv. Take note that
              SOCKS proxies aren't supported and https URLs  also  bypass  the
              proxy. This is a limitation in FFmpeg.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.


                 • --ytdl-raw-options=username=user,password=pass--ytdl-raw-options=force-ipv6=--ytdl-raw-options=proxy=[]--ytdl-raw-options-append=proxy=

              Enable the builtin script that shows useful playback information
              on a key binding (default: yes). By default, the i key  is  used
              (I to make the overlay permanent).

              Enable the built-in script that shows a console on a key binding
              and lets you enter commands (default: yes). The ` key is used to
              show the console by default, and ESC to hide it again.

              Enable  the  builtin  script  that  does auto profiles (default:
              auto). See Conditional auto profiles for details. auto will load
              the  script,  but  immediately  unload it if there are no condi-
              tional profiles.

              For enabling "pseudo GUI mode", which means  that  the  defaults
              for some options are changed. This option should not normally be
              used directly, but  only  by  mpv  internally,  or  mpv-provided
              scripts,  config  files,  or .desktop files. See PSEUDO GUI MODE
              for details.

   Watch Later
              Always save the current playback position  on  quit.  When  this
              file  is  played  again  later,  the player will seek to the old
              playback position on start. This does not happen if playback  of
              a  file  is stopped in any other way than quitting. For example,
              going to the next file in the playlist will not save  the  posi-
              tion,  and start playback at beginning the next time the file is

              This behavior is disabled by default, but  is  always  available
              when quitting the player with Shift+Q.

              See RESUMING PLAYBACK.

              The  directory  in  which  to  store the "watch later" temporary

              The default is a subdirectory named "watch_later" underneath the
              config directory (usually ~/.config/mpv/).

              Do not restore playback position from the watch_later configura-
              tion subdirectory (usually ~/.config/mpv/watch_later/).

              Only restore the playback position from the watch_later configu-
              ration  subdirectory (usually ~/.config/mpv/watch_later/) if the
              file's modification time is the same as at the time  of  saving.
              This  may  prevent  skipping forward in files with the same name
              which have different content.  (Default: no)

              The options that are saved in "watch later" files if  they  have
              been  changed  since  when mpv started. These values will be re-
              stored the next time the files are played. The playback position
              is  always  saved  as start, so adding start to this list has no

              When removing options, existing watch later data won't be  modi-
              fied  and  will still be applied fully, but new watch later data
              won't contain these options.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                 • --watch-later-options-remove=fullscreen   The    fullscreen
                   state won't be saved to watch later files.

                 • --watch-later-options-remove=volume       --watch-later-op-
                   tions-remove=mute The volume and mute state won't be  saved
                   to watch later files.

                 • --watch-later-options-clr  No option will be saved to watch
                   later files except the starting position.

              Prepend the watch later config files with the name of  the  file
              they  refer  to. This is simply written as comment on the top of
              the file.

                 This option may expose privacy-sensitive information  and  is
                 thus disabled by default.

              Ignore path (i.e. use filename only) when using watch later fea-
              ture.  (Default: disabled)

              Specify the video output backend to be used.  See  VIDEO  OUTPUT
              DRIVERS for details and descriptions of available drivers.

              Specify  a priority list of video decoders to be used, according
              to their family and name. See --ad for further details. Both  of
              these  options  use the same syntax and semantics; the only dif-
              ference is that they operate on different codec lists.

                 See --vd=help for a full list of available decoders.

              Specify a list of video filters to apply to  the  video  stream.
              See  VIDEO FILTERS for details and descriptions of the available
              filters.  The option variants --vf-add, --vf-pre,  --vf-del  and
              --vf-clr  exist  to  modify a previously specified list, but you
              should not need these for typical use.

              Do not sleep when outputting video frames. Useful for benchmarks
              when used with --no-audio.

              Skip  displaying  some  frames to maintain A/V sync on slow sys-
              tems, or playing high framerate video on video outputs that have
              an upper framerate limit.

              The  argument  selects  the  drop methods, and can be one of the

              <no>   Disable any frame dropping. Not recommended, for  testing

              <vo>   Drop  late  frames  on video output (default). This still
                     decodes and filters all frames, but doesn't  render  them
                     on  the  VO.  Drops  are indicated in the terminal status
                     line as Dropped: field.

                     In audio sync. mode, this drops frames that are  outdated
                     at  the  time  of display. If the decoder is too slow, in
                     theory all frames would have to be dropped  (because  all
                     frames  are  too  late)  -  to avoid this, frame dropping
                     stops  if the effective framerate is below 10 FPS.

                     In display-sync. modes (see --video-sync),  this  affects
                     only  how  A/V  drops  or repeats frames. If this mode is
                     disabled, A/V desync will  in  theory  not  affect  video
                     scheduling anymore (much like the display-resample-desync
                     mode). However, even if disabled, frames  will  still  be
                     skipped  (i.e.  dropped)  according  to the ratio between
                     video and display frequencies.

                     This is the recommended mode, and the default.

                     Old, decoder-based framedrop mode. (This is the  same  as
                     --framedrop=yes  in mpv 0.5.x and before.) This tells the
                     decoder to skip frames (unless they are needed to  decode
                     future  frames). May help with slow systems, but can pro-
                     duce unwatchable choppy output, or even freeze  the  dis-
                     play completely.

                     This  uses  a  heuristic which may not make sense, and in
                     general cannot achieve  good  results,  because  the  de-
                     coder's frame dropping cannot be controlled in a predict-
                     able manner. Not recommended.

                     Even if you want to use this, prefer decoder+vo for  bet-
                     ter results.

                     The  --vd-lavc-framedrop  option  controls what frames to

                     Enable both modes. Not recommended. Better than just  de-
                     coder mode.

                 --vo=vdpau has its own code for the vo framedrop mode. Slight
                 differences to other VOs are possible.

              Enable some things which tend to reduce video latency by 1 or  2
              frames  (default:  no).  Note  that this option might be removed
              without notice once the player's timing code does not inherently
              need to do these things anymore.

              This does:

              • Use  the  demuxer reported FPS for frame dropping. This avoids
                the player needing to decode 1 frame in advance, lowering  to-
                tal latency in effect. This also means that if the demuxer re-
                ported FPS is wrong, or the video  filter  chain  changes  FPS
                (e.g.  deinterlacing),  then  it  could  drop  too many or not
                enough frames.

              • Disable waiting for the first video frame. Normally the player
                waits  for  the  first video frame to be fully rendered before
                starting playback properly. Some VOs  will  lazily  initialize
                stuff  when rendering the first frame, so if this is not done,
                there is some likeliness that the VO has to drop  some  frames
                if rendering the first frame takes longer than needed.

              Set  the display FPS used with the --video-sync=display-* modes.
              By default, a detected value is used. Keep in mind that  setting
              an  incorrect  value (even if slightly incorrect) can ruin video
              playback. On multi-monitor systems, there is a chance  that  the
              detected value is from the wrong monitor.

              Set this option only if you have reason to believe the automati-
              cally determined value is wrong.

              Deprecated alias for --override-display-fps.

              Specify the hardware video decoding API that should be  used  if
              possible.  Whether hardware decoding is actually done depends on
              the video codec. If hardware decoding is not possible, mpv  will
              fall back on software decoding.

              Hardware  decoding  is  not  enabled  by  default,  to  keep the
              out-of-the-box configuration as reliable as  possible.  However,
              when  using modern hardware, hardware video decoding should work
              correctly, offering reduced CPU usage, and possibly lower  power
              consumption.  On older systems, it may be necessary to use hard-
              ware decoding due to insufficient CPU  resources;  and  even  on
              modern  systems, sufficiently complex content (eg: 4K60 AV1) may
              require it.

                 Use the Ctrl+h shortcut to toggle hardware decoding  at  run-
                 time. It toggles this option between auto and no.

                 If  you  decide you want to use hardware decoding by default,
                 the general recommendation is to try out  decoding  with  the
                 command  line  option, and prove to yourself that it works as
                 desired for the content you care about. After that,  you  can
                 add it to your config file.

                 When testing, you should start by using hwdec=auto-safe as it
                 will limit itself to choosing from hwdecs that  are  actively
                 supported  by the development team. If that doesn't result in
                 working hardware decoding, you can try hwdec=auto to have  it
                 attempt to load every possible hwdec, but if auto-safe didn't
                 work, you will probably need  to  know  exactly  which  hwdec
                 matches your hardware and read up on that entry below.

                 If  auto-safe or auto produced the desired results, we recom-
                 mend just sticking with that  and  only  setting  a  specific
                 hwdec in your config file if it is really necessary.

                 If  you  use  the  Ubuntu  package,  keep  in mind that their
                 /etc/mpv/mpv.conf contains hwdec=vaapi, which  is  less  than
                 ideal  as it may not be the right choice for your system, and
                 it may end up using an inefficient wrapper library under  the
                 covers.  We recommend removing this line or deleting the file

                 Even if enabled, hardware decoding is still only white-listed
                 for some codecs. See --hwdec-codecs to enable hardware decod-
                 ing in more cases.

                 Which method to choose?

                 • If you only want to enable hardware  decoding  at  runtime,
                   don't set the parameter, or put hwdec=no into your mpv.conf
                   (relevant on distros which force-enable it by default, such
                   as  on Ubuntu). Use the Ctrl+h default binding to enable it
                   at runtime.

                 • If you're not sure, but want hardware decoding  always  en-
                   abled  by  default, put hwdec=auto-safe into your mpv.conf,
                   and acknowledge that this may cause problems.

                 • If you want to test available  hardware  decoding  methods,
                   pass --hwdec=auto --hwdec-codecs=all and look at the termi-
                   nal output.

                 • If you're a developer, or want to perform elaborate  tests,
                   you may need any of the other possible option values.

              <api> can be one of the following:

              no     always use software decoding (default)

              auto   forcibly enable any hw decoder found (see below)

              yes    exactly the same as auto

                     enable any whitelisted hw decoder (see below)

                     enable best hw decoder with copy-back (see below)

              Actively supported hwdecs:

                     requires  --vo=gpu with --gpu-context=d3d11 or --gpu-con-
                     text=angle (Windows 8+ only)

                     copies video back to system RAM (Windows 8+ only)

                     requires --vo=gpu (macOS 10.8  and  up),  or  --vo=libmpv
                     (iOS 9.0 and up)

                     copies  video back into system RAM (macOS 10.8 or iOS 9.0
                     and up)

              vaapi  requires  --vo=gpu,  --vo=vaapi  or   --vo=dmabuf-wayland
                     (Linux only)

                     copies  video  back into system RAM (Linux with some GPUs

              nvdec  requires --vo=gpu (Any platform CUDA is available)

                     copies video back to system RAM  (Any  platform  CUDA  is

              drm    requires --vo=gpu (Linux only)

                     copies video back to system RAM (Linux ony)

              Other hwdecs (only use if you know you have to):

              dxva2  requires  --vo=gpu  with  --gpu-context=d3d11, --gpu-con-
                     text=angle or --gpu-context=dxinterop (Windows only)

                     copies video back to system RAM (Windows only)

              vdpau  requires --vo=gpu with X11, or --vo=vdpau (Linux only)

                     copies video back into system RAM (Linux with  some  GPUs

                     requires  --vo=gpu  --gpu-context=android  or --vo=media-
                     codec_embed (Android only)

                     copies video back to system RAM (Android only)

              mmal   requires --vo=gpu (Raspberry Pi only - default if  avail-

                     copies video back to system RAM (Raspberry Pi only)

              cuda   requires --vo=gpu (Any platform CUDA is available)

                     copies  video  back  to  system RAM (Any platform CUDA is

                     copies video back to system RAM (Any  platform  supported
                     by hardware)

              rkmpp  requires --vo=gpu (some RockChip devices only)

              auto  tries  to automatically enable hardware decoding using the
              first available method. This still depends what VO you  are  us-
              ing.  For  example, if you are not using --vo=gpu or --vo=vdpau,
              vdpau decoding will never be enabled.  Also  note  that  if  the
              first  found  method  doesn't actually work, it will always fall
              back to software decoding, instead of  trying  the  next  method
              (might matter on some Linux systems).

              auto-safe  is similar to auto, but allows only whitelisted meth-
              ods that are considered "safe". This is supposed to be a reason-
              able  way  to  enable  hardware decdoding by default in a config
              file (even though you shouldn't do that anyway;  prefer  runtime
              enabling  with Ctrl+h). Unlike auto, this will not try to enable
              unknown or known-to-be-bad methods. In addition, this  may  dis-
              able  hardware  decoding  in other situations when it's known to
              cause problems, but currently this mechanism is quite primitive.
              (As an example for something that still causes problems: certain
              combinations of HEVC and Intel chips on Windows  tend  to  cause
              mpv to crash, most likely due to driver bugs.)

              auto-copy-safe  selects  the  union  of  methods  selected  with
              auto-safe and auto-copy.

              auto-copy selects only modes that copy the video  data  back  to
              system memory after decoding. This selects modes like vaapi-copy
              (and so on).  If none of these work, hardware decoding  is  dis-
              abled.  This  mode  is usually guaranteed to incur no additional
              quality loss compared  to  software  decoding  (assuming  modern
              codecs  and an error free video stream), and will allow CPU pro-
              cessing with video filters. This mode works with all video  fil-
              ters and VOs.

              Because these copy the decoded video back to system RAM, they're
              often less efficient than the direct modes, and may not help too
              much over software decoding if you are short on CPU resources.

                 Most  non-copy methods only work with the OpenGL GPU backend.
                 Currently, only the vaapi, nvdec and cuda methods  work  with

              The  vaapi  mode,  if  used with --vo=gpu, requires Mesa 11, and
              most likely works with Intel and AMD GPUs only. It also requires
              the opengl EGL backend.

              nvdec  and  nvdec-copy are the newest, and recommended method to
              do hardware decoding on Nvidia GPUs.

              cuda and cuda-copy are an older implementation of  hardware  de-
              coding  on  Nvidia  GPUs  that  uses  Nvidia's bitstream parsers
              rather than FFmpeg's.  This can lead  to  feature  deficiencies,
              such  as incorrect playback of HDR content, and nvdec/nvdec-copy
              should always be preferred unless you specifically need Nvidia's
              deinterlacing  algorithms.  To  use  this deinterlacing you must
              pass  the  option:  vd-lavc-o=deint=[weave|bob|adaptive].   Pass
              weave (or leave the option unset) to not attempt any deinterlac-

                 Quality reduction with hardware decoding

                        In theory, hardware decoding  does  not  reduce  video
                        quality  (at least for the codecs h264 and HEVC). How-
                        ever, due to restrictions in  video  output  APIs,  as
                        well  as  bugs  in the actual hardware decoders, there
                        can be some loss, or even blatantly incorrect results.
                        This  has  largely  ceased to be a problem with modern
                        hardware, but there is a lot of hardware out there, so
                        caveat emptor. Known problems are discussed below, but
                        the list cannot  be  considered  exhaustive,  as  even
                        hwdecs  that work well on certain hardware generations
                        may be problematic on other ones.

                        In some cases, RGB conversion is forced,  which  means
                        the RGB conversion is performed by the hardware decod-
                        ing API, instead of the shaders used by --vo=gpu. This
                        means  certain  colorspaces may not display correctly,
                        and certain filtering (such as  debanding)  cannot  be
                        applied  in an ideal way. This will also usually force
                        the use of low quality chroma scalers instead  of  the
                        one  specified  by  --cscale. In other cases, hardware
                        decoding can also reduce the bit depth of the  decoded
                        image,  which  can introduce banding or precision loss
                        for 10-bit files.

                        vdpau always does RGB conversion  in  hardware,  which
                        does  not  support newer colorspaces like BT.2020 cor-
                        rectly. However, vdpau doesn't support 10 bit  or  HDR
                        encodings,  so  these  limitations  are unlikely to be

                        dxva2 is not safe. It appears to always use BT.601 for
                        forced  RGB conversion, but actual behavior depends on
                        the GPU drivers. Some drivers  appear  to  convert  to
                        limited range RGB, which gives a faded appearance.  In
                        addition to driver-specific  behavior,  global  system
                        settings might affect this additionally. This can give
                        incorrect results even with completely ordinary  video

                        rpi  always  uses  the hardware overlay renderer, even
                        with --vo=gpu.

                        mediacodec is not safe. It forces RGB conversion  (not
                        with  -copy) and how well it handles non-standard col-
                        orspaces is not known.  In the rare cases where 10-bit
                        is  supported  the bit depth of the output will be re-
                        duced to 8.

                        cuda should usually be safe, but depending  on  how  a
                        file/stream  has  been  mixed, it has been reported to
                        corrupt  the  timestamps  causing  glitched,  flashing
                        frames. It can also sometimes cause massive framedrops
                        for unknown reasons. Caution  is  advised,  and  nvdec
                        should always be preferred.

                        crystalhd  is  not  safe.  It always converts to 4:2:2
                        YUV, which may  be  lossy,  depending  on  how  chroma
                        sub-sampling  is  done during conversion. It also dis-
                        cards the top left pixel of each frame for  some  rea-

                        If  you  run  into  any  weird  decoding issues, frame
                        glitches or discoloration, and you have --hwdec turned
                        on, the first thing you should try is disabling it.

              This  option  is for troubleshooting hwdec interop issues. Since
              it's a debugging option, its semantics may change at any time.

              This is useful for the gpu and libmpv VOs  for  selecting  which
              hwdec interop context to use exactly. Effectively it also can be
              used to block loading of certain backends.

              If set to auto (default), the behavior depends on  the  VO:  for
              gpu,  it  does nothing, and the interop context is loaded on de-
              mand (when the decoder probes for --hwdec support). For  libmpv,
              which has has no on-demand loading, this is equivalent to all.

              The empty string is equivalent to auto.

              If  set  to  all, it attempts to load all interop contexts at GL
              context creation time.

              Other than that, a specific backend can be set, and the list  of
              them can be queried with help (mpv CLI only).

              Runtime changes to this are ignored (the current option value is
              used whenever the renderer is created).

              The old aliases --opengl-hwdec-interop and  --hwdec-preload  are
              barely  related to this anymore, but will be somewhat compatible
              in some cases.

              Number of GPU frames hardware decoding should  preallocate  (de-
              fault: see --list-options output). If this is too low, frame al-
              location may fail during decoding, and video  frames  might  get
              dropped and/or corrupted.  Setting it too high simply wastes GPU
              memory and has no advantages.

              This value is used only for hardware decoding APIs which require
              preallocating  surfaces  (known  examples  include  d3d11va  and
              vaapi).  For other APIs, frames are allocated as needed. The de-
              tails  depend  on the libavcodec implementations of the hardware

              The required number of surfaces depends on dynamic runtime situ-
              ations.  The default is a fixed value that is thought to be suf-
              ficient for most uses. But in certain situations, it may not  be

              Set  the  internal  pixel  format  used by hardware decoding via
              --hwdec (default no). The special value no selects an  implemen-
              tation  specific  standard  format. Most decoder implementations
              support only one format, and will fail to initialize if the for-
              mat is not supported.

              Some implementations might support multiple formats. In particu-
              lar, videotoolbox is known to require uyvy422 for  good  perfor-
              mance  on  some  older hardware. d3d11va can always use yuv420p,
              which uses an opaque format, with likely no advantages.

              Choose the GPU device used for decoding when using the  cuda  or
              nvdec hwdecs with the OpenGL GPU backend, and with the cuda-copy
              or nvdec-copy hwdecs in all cases.

              For the OpenGL GPU backend, the default device used for decoding
              is the one being used to provide gpu output (and in the vast ma-
              jority of cases, only one GPU will be present).

              For the copy hwdecs, the default device will be the first device
              enumerated by the CUDA libraries - however that is done.

              For  the  Vulkan GPU backend, decoding must always happen on the
              display device, and this option has no effect.

       --vaapi-device=<device file>
              Choose the DRM device for vaapi-copy. This should be the path to
              a DRM device file. (Default: /dev/dri/renderD128)

              Enables pan-and-scan functionality (cropping the sides of e.g. a
              16:9 video to make it fit a 4:3 display  without  black  bands).
              The  range  controls  how  much of the image is cropped. May not
              work with all video output drivers.

              This option has no effect if --video-unscaled option is used.

              Override video aspect ratio, in case aspect information  is  in-
              correct or missing in the file being played.

              These values have special meaning:

              0      disable  aspect  ratio  handling,  pretend  the video has
                     square pixels

              no     same as 0

              -1     use the video stream or container aspect (default)

              But note that handling of these special values might  change  in
              the future.


                 • --video-aspect-override=4:3      or    --video-aspect-over-
                   ride=1.3333--video-aspect-override=16:9    or     --video-aspect-over-
                   ride=1.7777--no-video-aspect-override or --video-aspect-override=no

              This  sets the default video aspect determination method (if the
              aspect is _not_ overridden by the user with --video-aspect-over-
              ride or others).

                     Strictly  prefer  the container aspect ratio. This is ap-
                     parently the default behavior with VLC, at least with Ma-
                     troska.  Note  that  if the container has no aspect ratio
                     set, the behavior is the same as with bitstream.

                     Strictly prefer the bitstream aspect  ratio,  unless  the
                     bitstream aspect ratio is not set. This is apparently the
                     default behavior with XBMC/kodi, at least with Matroska.

              The current default for mpv is container.

              Normally you should not set this. Try the various choices if you
              encounter  video  that  has  the  wrong aspect ratio in mpv, but
              seems to be correct in other players.

              Disable scaling of the video. If the window is larger  than  the
              video,  black  bars  are added. Otherwise, the video is cropped,
              unless the option is set to downscale-big,  in  which  case  the
              video is fit to window. The video still can be influenced by the
              other --video-... options. This option disables  the  effect  of

              Note  that  the  scaler algorithm may still be used, even if the
              video isn't scaled. For example, this can influence chroma  con-
              version. The video will also still be scaled in one dimension if
              the source uses non-square pixels  (e.g.  anamorphic  widescreen

              This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

       --video-pan-x=<value>, --video-pan-y=<value>
              Moves  the displayed video rectangle by the given value in the X
              or Y direction. The unit is in fractions  of  the  size  of  the
              scaled  video (the full size, even if parts of the video are not
              visible due to panscan or other options).

              For  example,  displaying  a  1280x720  video  fullscreen  on  a
              1680x1050  screen  with  --video-pan-x=-0.1 would move the video
              168 pixels to the left (making 128 pixels of  the  source  video

              This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

              Rotate  the  video  clockwise,  in  degrees. If no is given, the
              video is never rotated, even if the file has rotation  metadata.
              (The  rotation  value  is  added to the rotation metadata, which
              means the value 0 would rotate the video according to the  rota-
              tion metadata.)

              When  using  hardware decoding without copy-back, only 90° steps
              work, while software decoding and hardware decoding methods that
              copy  the video back to system memory support all values between
              0 and 359.

              Adjust the video display scale factor by the  given  value.  The
              parameter  is  given  log  2. For example, --video-zoom=0 is un-
              scaled, --video-zoom=1 is twice the size, --video-zoom=-2 is one
              fourth of the size, and so on.

              This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

       --video-scale-x=<value>, --video-scale-y=<value>
              Multiply  the  video display size with the given value (default:
              1.0). If a non-default value is used,  this  will  be  different
              from  the window size, so video will be either cut off, or black
              bars are added.

              This  value  is  multiplied  with   the   value   derived   from
              --video-zoom  and  the normal video aspect ratio. This option is
              disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

       --video-align-x=<-1-1>, --video-align-y=<-1-1>
              Moves the video rectangle within the black  borders,  which  are
              usually added to pad the video to screen if video and screen as-
              pect ratios are different.  --video-align-y=-1  would  move  the
              video  to  the  top  of the screen (leaving a border only on the
              bottom), a value of 0 centers it (default), and  a  value  of  1
              would put the video at the bottom of the screen.

              If  video  and  screen  aspect match perfectly, these options do

              This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

       --video-margin-ratio-left=<val>,      --video-margin-ratio-right=<val>,
       --video-margin-ratio-top=<val>, --video-margin-ratio-bottom=<val>
              Set  extra video margins on each border (default: 0). Each value
              is a ratio of the window size, using a range 0.0-1.0. For  exam-
              ple, setting the option --video-margin-ratio-right=0.2 at a win-
              dow size of 1000 pixels will add a  200  pixels  border  on  the
              right side of the window.

              The  video  is  "boxed" by these margins. The window size is not
              changed. In particular it does not enlarge the window,  and  the
              margins  will  cause the video to be downscaled by default. This
              may or may not change in the future.

              The margins are applied after 90° video rotation, but before any
              other video transformations.

              This option is disabled if the --no-keepaspect option is used.

              Subtitles still may use the margins, depending on --sub-use-mar-
              gins and similar options.

              These options were created for the OSC. Some odd decisions, such
              as  making  the  margin values a ratio (instead of pixels), were
              made for the sake of the OSC. It's possible that  these  options
              may  be replaced by ones that are more generally useful. The be-
              havior of these options may change to fit OSC requirements  bet-
              ter, too.

       --correct-pts, --no-correct-pts
              --no-correct-pts  switches  mpv  to a mode where video timing is
              determined using a fixed framerate value (either using the --fps
              option,  or  using file information). Sometimes, files with very
              broken timestamps can be played somewhat well in this mode. Note
              that  video  filters,  subtitle  rendering,  seeking  (including
              hr-seeks and backstepping), and  audio  synchronization  can  be
              completely broken in this mode.

              Override  video framerate. Useful if the original value is wrong
              or missing.

                 Works in --no-correct-pts mode only.

              Enable or disable interlacing (default: no).   Interlaced  video
              shows  ugly comb-like artifacts, which are visible on fast move-
              ment. Enabling this typically inserts the yadif video filter  in
              order  to  deinterlace the video, or lets the video output apply
              deinterlacing if supported.

              This behaves exactly like the deinterlace input  property  (usu-
              ally mapped to d).

              Keep  in  mind  that  this  will conflict with manually inserted
              deinterlacing filters, unless you take care. (Since mpv  0.27.0,
              even  the hardware deinterlace filters will conflict. Also since
              that version, --deinterlace=auto was removed, which used to mean
              that  the  default interlacing option of possibly inserted video
              filters was used.)

              Note that this will make video look worse if it's  not  actually

              Play/convert only first <number> video frames, then quit.

              --frames=0 loads the file, but immediately quits before initial-
              izing playback. (Might be useful for scripts which just want  to
              determine some file properties.)

              For  audio-only  playback,  any  value  greater than 0 will quit
              playback immediately after initialization. The value 0 works  as
              with video.

              RGB color levels used with YUV to RGB conversion. Normally, out-
              put devices such as PC monitors use  full  range  color  levels.
              However,  some  TVs and video monitors expect studio RGB levels.
              Providing full range output to a device expecting  studio  level
              input  results  in crushed blacks and whites, the reverse in dim
              gray blacks and dim whites.

              Not all VOs support this option. Some will silently ignore it.

              Available color ranges are:

              auto   automatic selection (equals to full range) (default)

                     limited range (16-235 per component), studio levels

              full   full range (0-255 per component), PC levels

                 It is advisable to use your graphics driver's color range op-
                 tion instead, if available.

              Allow  hardware  decoding  for  a given list of codecs only. The
              special value all always allows all codecs.

              You can get the list of allowed codecs with mpv  --vd=help.  Re-
              move the prefix, e.g. instead of lavc:h264 use h264.

              By  default, this is set to h264,vc1,hevc,vp8,vp9,av1. Note that
              the hardware acceleration special codecs like h264_vdpau are not
              relevant  anymore,  and  in fact have been removed from Libav in
              this form.

              This is usually only needed with broken GPUs, where a  codec  is
              reported as supported, but decoding causes more problems than it


                 mpv --hwdec=vdpau --vo=vdpau --hwdec-codecs=h264,mpeg2video
                        Enable vdpau decoding for h264 and mpeg2 only.

              Check hardware decoder profile (default: yes). If no is set, the
              highest  profile  of the hardware decoder is unconditionally se-
              lected, and decoding is forced even if the profile of the  video
              is higher than that.  The result is most likely broken decoding,
              but may also help if the detected or reported profiles are some-
              how incorrect.

              Fallback  to  software  decoding if the hardware-accelerated de-
              coder fails (default: 3). If this is  a  number,  then  fallback
              will  be  triggered  if  N  frames fail to decode in a row. 1 is
              equivalent to yes.

              Setting this to a higher number might break the  playback  start
              fallback:  if  a  fallback  happens,  parts  of the file will be
              skipped, approximately by to the number of  packets  that  could
              not  be decoded. Values below an unspecified count will not have
              this problem, because mpv retains the packets.

              Enables film grain application on the GPU. If video decoding  is
              done  on  the  CPU,  doing film grain application on the GPU can
              speed up decoding.  This option can also help hardware decoding,
              as it can reduce the number of frame copies done.

              By  default,  it's set to auto, so if the VO supports film grain
              application, then it will be treated as gpu. If the VO does  not
              support  this, then it will be treated as cpu, regardless of the
              setting.  Currently, only gpu-next supports film grain  applica-

              Enable  direct rendering (default: auto). If this is set to yes,
              the video will be decoded directly to GPU video memory (or stag-
              ing buffers).  This can speed up video upload, and may help with
              large resolutions or slow hardware. This  works  only  with  the
              following VOs:

                 • gpu: requires at least OpenGL 4.4 or Vulkan.

                 • libmpv: The libmpv render API has optional support.

              The auto option will try to guess whether DR can improve perfor-
              mance on your particular hardware. Currently this enables it  on
              AMD  or  NVIDIA  if  using  OpenGL  or  unconditionally if using

              Using video filters of any kind that write to the image data (or
              output newly allocated frames) will silently disable the DR code

              Only use bit-exact algorithms in all decoding steps  (for  codec

       --vd-lavc-fast (MPEG-1/2 and H.264 only)
              Enable  optimizations which do not comply with the format speci-
              fication and potentially cause problems, like simpler  dequanti-
              zation, simpler motion compensation, assuming use of the default
              quantization matrix, assuming  YUV  4:2:0  and  skipping  a  few
              checks to detect damaged bitstreams.

              Pass  AVOptions to libavcodec decoder. Note, a patch to make the
              o= unneeded and pass all unknown options  through  the  AVOption
              system  is welcome. A full list of AVOptions can be found in the
              FFmpeg manual.

              Some options which used to be direct options  can  be  set  with
              this  mechanism,  like bug, gray, idct, ec, vismv, skip_top (was
              st), skip_bottom (was sb), debug.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.



              Show even broken/corrupt frames (default: no). If this option is
              set  to  no, libavcodec won't output frames that were either de-
              coded before an initial keyframe was decoded, or frames that are
              recognized as corrupted.

       --vd-lavc-skiploopfilter=<skipvalue> (H.264, HEVC only)
              Skips  the  loop  filter (AKA deblocking) during decoding. Since
              the filtered frame is supposed to be used as reference  for  de-
              coding dependent frames, this has a worse effect on quality than
              not doing deblocking on e.g. MPEG-2 video. But at least for high
              bitrate  HDTV,  this  provides a big speedup with little visible
              quality loss.  Codecs other than H.264 or HEVC may have  partial
              support for this option (often only all and none).

              <skipvalue> can be one of the following:

              none   Never skip.

                     Skip  useless  processing  steps  (e.g. 0 size packets in

              nonref Skip frames that are not referenced (i.e.  not  used  for
                     decoding other frames, the error cannot "build up").

              bidir  Skip B-Frames.

              nonkey Skip all frames except keyframes.

              all    Skip all frames.

       --vd-lavc-skipidct=<skipvalue> (MPEG-1/2/4 only)
              Skips  the  IDCT step. This degrades quality a lot in almost all
              cases (see skiploopfilter for available skip values).

              Skips decoding of frames completely. Big speedup, but jerky  mo-
              tion  and sometimes bad artifacts (see skiploopfilter for avail-
              able skip values).

              Set framedropping mode used with --framedrop (see skiploopfilter
              for available skip values).

              Number  of threads to use for decoding. Whether threading is ac-
              tually supported depends on codec (default: 0). 0 means  autode-
              tect number of cores on the machine and use that, up to the max-
              imum of 16. You can set more than 16 threads manually.

              Assume the video was encoded by an old, buggy x264 version  (de-
              fault:  no).   Normally, this is autodetected by libavcodec. But
              if the bitstream contains no x264 version info (or it was  some-
              how  skipped), and the stream was in fact encoded by an old x264
              version (build 150 or earlier), and if  the  stream  uses  4:4:4
              chroma,  then  libavcodec  will by default show corrupted video.
              This option sets the libavcodec x264_build option to 150,  which
              means  that  if  the stream contains no version info, or was not
              encoded by x264 at all, it assumes it was  encoded  by  the  old
              version.  Enabling  this  option is pretty safe if you want your
              broken files to work, but in theory this can  break  on  streams
              not encoded by x264, or if a stream encoded by a newer x264 ver-
              sion contains no version info.

              Allow up to N in-flight frames. This  essentially  controls  the
              frame  latency. Increasing the swapchain depth can improve pipe-
              lining and prevent missed vsyncs, but increases visible latency.
              This option only mandates an upper limit, the implementation can
              use a lower latency than requested internally. A  setting  of  1
              means  that  the  VO will wait for every frame to become visible
              before starting to render the next frame. (Default: 3)

              If this is enabled (default), playing  with  a  speed  different
              from  normal automatically inserts the scaletempo2 audio filter.
              For details, see audio filter section.

              Use the given audio device. This consists of  the  audio  output
              name,  e.g.   alsa,  followed by /, followed by the audio output
              specific device name. The default value for this option is auto,
              which  tries every audio output in preference order with the de-
              fault device.

              You can list audio devices with --audio-device=help.  This  out-
              puts  the  device name in quotes, followed by a description. The
              device name is what you have to pass to the  --audio-device  op-
              tion. The list of audio devices can be retrieved by API by using
              the audio-device-list property.

              While the option normally takes one of the strings as  indicated
              by the methods above, you can also force the device for most AOs
              by building it manually. For example name/foobar forces  the  AO
              name  to  use  the  device foobar. However, the --ao option will
              strictly force a specific AO. To avoid confusion, don't use --ao
              and --audio-device together.

                 Example for ALSA

                        MPlayer  and  mplayer2 required you to replace any ','
                        with '.' and any ':' with '=' in the ALSA device name.
                        For example, to use the device named dmix:default, you
                        had to do:
                     -ao alsa:device=dmix=default

                 In mpv you could instead use:

              Enable exclusive output mode. In this mode, the system  is  usu-
              ally locked out, and only mpv will be able to output audio.

              This only works for some audio outputs, such as wasapi and core-
              audio. Other audio outputs silently ignore  this  options.  They
              either have no concept of exclusive mode, or the mpv side of the
              implementation is missing.

              If no audio device can be opened, behave  as  if  --ao=null  was
              given.  This  is  useful in combination with --audio-device: in-
              stead of causing an error if the selected device does not exist,
              the  client  API  user (or a Lua script) could let playback con-
              tinue normally, and check the current-ao  and  audio-device-list
              properties to make high-level decisions about how to continue.

              Specify  the  audio  output drivers to be used. See AUDIO OUTPUT
              DRIVERS for details and descriptions of available drivers.

              Specify a list of audio filters to apply to  the  audio  stream.
              See  AUDIO FILTERS for details and descriptions of the available
              filters.  The option variants --af-add, --af-pre,  --af-del  and
              --af-clr  exist  to  modify a previously specified list, but you
              should not need these for typical use.

              List of codecs for which compressed audio passthrough should  be
              used. This works for both classic S/PDIF and HDMI.

              Possible  codecs  are  ac3, dts, dts-hd, eac3, truehd.  Multiple
              codecs can be specified by separating them with ,. dts refers to
              low  bitrate  DTS  core, while dts-hd refers to DTS MA (receiver
              and OS support varies). If both dts and dts-hd are specified, it
              behaves equivalent to specifying dts-hd only.

              In  earlier  mpv  versions you could use --ad to force the spdif
              wrapper.  This does not work anymore.


                        There is not much reason to use  this.  HDMI  supports
                        uncompressed  multichannel PCM, and mpv supports loss-
                        less DTS-HD decoding  via  FFmpeg's  new  DCA  decoder
                        (based on libdcadec).

              Specify  a priority list of audio decoders to be used, according
              to their decoder name. When determining which  decoder  to  use,
              the  first decoder that matches the audio format is selected. If
              that is unavailable, the next decoder is used. Finally, it tries
              all  other decoders that are not explicitly selected or rejected
              by the option.

              - at the end of the list suppresses fallback on other  available
              decoders not on the --ad list. + in front of an entry forces the
              decoder. Both of these should not normally be used, because they
              break  normal  decoder auto-selection! Both of these methods are


                        Prefer the  FFmpeg/Libav  mp3float  decoder  over  all
                        other MP3 decoders.

                        List all available decoders.


                        Enabling compressed audio passthrough (AC3 and DTS via
                        SPDIF/HDMI) with this  option  is  not  possible.  Use
                        --audio-spdif instead.

              Set the startup volume. 0 means silence, 100 means no volume re-
              duction or amplification. Negative values can be passed for com-
              patibility, but are treated as 0.

              Since  mpv  0.18.1, this always controls the internal mixer (aka

              Adjust volume gain according to replaygain values stored in  the
              file  metadata.  With  --replaygain=no (the default), perform no
              adjustment.  With --replaygain=track,  apply  track  gain.  With
              --replaygain=album, apply album gain if present and fall back to
              track gain otherwise.

              Pre-amplification gain in dB to apply to the selected replaygain
              gain (default: 0).

              Prevent  clipping caused by replaygain by automatically lowering
              the gain (default). Use --replaygain-clip=no to disable this.

              Gain in dB to apply if the file has no replay  gain  tags.  This
              option  is always applied if the replaygain logic is somehow in-
              active. If this is applied, no other replaygain options are  ap-

              Audio delay in seconds (positive or negative float value). Posi-
              tive values delay the  audio,  and  negative  values  delay  the

              Set startup audio mute status (default: no).

              auto is a deprecated possible value that is equivalent to no.

              See also: --volume.

              Deprecated/unfunctional. Before mpv 0.18.1, this used to control
              whether to use the volume controls of the audio output driver or
              the internal mpv volume filter.

              The  current behavior is that softvol is always enabled, i.e. as
              if this option is set to yes. The other behaviors are not avail-
              able  anymore,  although auto almost matches current behavior in
              most cases.

              The no behavior is still partially available through the ao-vol-
              ume  and  ao-mute  properties. But there are no options to reset

              Use this audio demuxer type when using --audio-file. Use  a  '+'
              before  the  name  to force it; this will skip some checks. Give
              the demuxer name as printed by --audio-demuxer=help.

              Select the  Dynamic  Range  Compression  level  for  AC-3  audio
              streams.   <level> is a float value ranging from 0 to 1, where 0
              means no compression (which is the default)  and  1  means  full
              compression  (make  loud  passages  more silent and vice versa).
              Values up to 6 are also accepted, but are  purely  experimental.
              This option only shows an effect if the AC-3 stream contains the
              required range compression information.

              The standard mandates that DRC is enabled by  default,  but  mpv
              (and  some other players) ignore this for the sake of better au-
              dio quality.

              Whether to request audio channel  downmixing  from  the  decoder
              (default: no).  Some decoders, like AC-3, AAC and DTS, can remix
              audio on decoding. The requested number of  output  channels  is
              set  with  the --audio-channels option.  Useful for playing sur-
              round audio on a stereo system.

              Number of threads to use for decoding. Whether threading is  ac-
              tually supported depends on codec. As of this writing, it's sup-
              ported for some lossless codecs only. 0 means autodetect  number
              of  cores  on  the machine and use that, up to the maximum of 16
              (default: 1).

              Pass AVOptions to libavcodec decoder. Note, a patch to make  the
              o=  unneeded  and  pass all unknown options through the AVOption
              system is welcome. A full list of AVOptions can be found in  the
              FFmpeg manual.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

       --ad-spdif-dtshd=<yes|no>, --dtshd, --no-dtshd
              If DTS is passed through, use DTS-HD.


                        This  and enabling passthrough via --ad are deprecated
                        in favor of using --audio-spdif=dts-hd.

              Control which audio  channels  are  output  (e.g.  surround  vs.
              stereo). There are the following possibilities:


                       Use  the system's preferred channel layout. If there is
                       none (such as when accessing a hardware device  instead
                       of  the system mixer), force stereo. Some audio outputs
                       might simply accept any layout  and  do  downmixing  on
                       their own.

                       This is the default.


                       Send  the  audio device whatever it accepts, preferring
                       the audio's original channel layout. Can  cause  issues
                       with HDMI (see the warning below).


                       List of ,-separated channel layouts which should be al-
                       lowed.  Technically, this only adjusts the filter chain
                       output  to  the  best  matching layout in the list, and
                       passes the result to the audio API.  It's possible that
                       the audio API will select a different channel layout.

                       Using this mode is recommended for direct hardware out-
                       put, especially over HDMI (see HDMI warning below).


                       Force a downmix to  stereo  or  mono.  These  are  spe-
                       cial-cases  of the previous item. (See paragraphs below
                       for implications.)

              If a list of layouts is given, each item can be  either  an  ex-
              plicit  channel  layout  name  (like  5.1), or a channel number.
              Channel numbers refer to default layouts, e.g. 2 channels  refer
              to stereo, 6 refers to 5.1.

              See  --audio-channels=help  output  for defined default layouts.
              This also lists speaker names, which can be used to express  ar-
              bitrary channel layouts (e.g. fl-fr-lfe is 2.1).

              If  the  list of channel layouts has only 1 item, the decoder is
              asked to produce according output. This sometimes  triggers  de-
              coder-downmix,  which  might  be  different  from the normal mpv
              downmix. (Only some decoders support remixing audio, like  AC-3,
              AAC or DTS. You can use --ad-lavc-downmix=no to make the decoder
              always output its native layout.) One consequence is that  --au-
              dio-channels=stereo  triggers  decoder  downmix,  while  auto or
              auto-safe never will, even if they end up selecting stereo. This
              happens because the decision whether to use decoder downmix hap-
              pens long before the audio device is opened.

              If the channel layout of the media file (i.e. the  decoder)  and
              the  AO's channel layout don't match, mpv will attempt to insert
              a conversion filter.  You may need to change the channel  layout
              of  the  system mixer to achieve your desired output as mpv does
              not have control over it. Another work-around for this  on  some
              AOs  is  to  use  --audio-exclusive=yes to circumvent the system
              mixer entirely.


                        Using auto can cause  issues  when  using  audio  over
                        HDMI. The OS will typically report all channel layouts
                        that _can_ go over HDMI, even if the receiver does not
                        support  them. If a receiver gets an unsupported chan-
                        nel layout, random things can happen, such as dropping
                        the additional channels, or adding noise.

                        You  are  recommended  to set an explicit whitelist of
                        the layouts you want. For example, most A/V  receivers
                        connected  via  HDMI  and  that  can  do 7.1 would  be
                        served by: --audio-channels=7.1,5.1,stereo

              Determines whether to display cover art when playing audio files
              and  with  what priority. It will display the first image found,
              and additional images are available as video tracks.

              no     Disable display of  video  entirely  when  playing  audio

                     Display  embedded  images  and external cover art, giving
                     priority to embedded images (default).

                     Display embedded images and external  cover  art,  giving
                     priority to external files.

              This option has no influence on files with normal video tracks.

              Play audio from an external file while viewing a video.

              This is a path list option. See List Options for details.

              CLI/config file only alias for --audio-files-append. Each use of
              this option will add a new audio track. The details are  similar
              to how --sub-file works.

              Select  the  sample format used for output from the audio filter
              layer to the sound card. The values that <format> can adopt  are
              listed below in the description of the format audio filter.

              Select  the output sample rate to be used (of course sound cards
              have limits on this). If the sample frequency selected  is  dif-
              ferent  from  that  of the current media, the lavrresample audio
              filter will be inserted into the audio filter layer  to  compen-
              sate for the difference.

              Try  to  play consecutive audio files with no silence or disrup-
              tion at the point of file change. Default: weak.

              no     Disable gapless audio.

              yes    The audio device is opened using  parameters  chosen  for
                     the  first  file played and is then kept open for gapless
                     playback. This means that if the first file  for  example
                     has  a  low sample rate, then the following files may get
                     resampled to the same low sample rate, resulting  in  re-
                     duced sound quality. If you play files with different pa-
                     rameters, consider using options such as --audio-sampler-
                     ate  and  --audio-format  to  explicitly  select what the
                     shared output format will be.

              weak   Normally, the audio device is kept open (using the format
                     it  was  first initialized with). If the audio format the
                     decoder output changes, the audio device  is  closed  and
                     reopened.  This  means that you will normally get gapless
                     audio with files that were encoded using  the  same  set-
                     tings,  but might not be gapless in other cases.  The ex-
                     act conditions under which the audio device is kept  open
                     is  an implementation detail, and can change from version
                     to version.  Currently, the device is kept  even  if  the
                     sample  format  changes,  but the sample formats are con-
                     vertible.  If video is still going on when there is still
                     audio, trying to use gapless is also explicitly given up.

                 This  feature is implemented in a simple manner and relies on
                 audio output device buffering to continue playback while mov-
                 ing  from  one  file  to another. If playback of the new file
                 starts slowly, for example because it is played from a remote
                 network location or because you have specified cache settings
                 that require time  for  the  initial  cache  fill,  then  the
                 buffered  audio  may  run out before playback of the new file
                 can start.

       --initial-audio-sync, --no-initial-audio-sync
              When starting a video file or after events such as seeking,  mpv
              will  by  default  modify the audio stream to make it start from
              the same timestamp as video, by either inserting silence at  the
              start  or  cutting away the first samples. Disabling this option
              makes the player behave like older mpv versions did:  video  and
              audio  are  both  started  immediately even if their start time-
              stamps differ, and then video timing is  gradually  adjusted  if
              necessary to reach correct synchronization later.

       --volume-max=<100.0-1000.0>, --softvol-max=<...>
              Set the maximum amplification level in percent (default: 130). A
              value of 130 will allow you to adjust the  volume  up  to  about
              double the normal level.

              --softvol-max is a deprecated alias and should not be used.

       --audio-file-auto=<no|exact|fuzzy|all>, --no-audio-file-auto
              Load additional audio files matching the video filename. The pa-
              rameter specifies how external audio files are matched.

              no     Don't automatically load external audio files (default).

              exact  Load the media filename with audio file extension.

              fuzzy  Load all audio files containing the media filename.

              all    Load  all  audio  files  in   the   current   and   --au-
                     dio-file-paths directories.

              Equivalent to --sub-file-paths option, but for auto-loaded audio

              This is a path list option. See List Options for details.

              The application name the player reports to the audio API. Can be
              useful if you want to force a different audio profile (e.g. with
              PulseAudio), or to set your  own  application  name  when  using

              Set  the audio output minimum buffer. The audio device might ac-
              tually create a larger buffer if it pleases. If the device  cre-
              ates  a smaller buffer, additional audio is buffered in an addi-
              tional software buffer.

              Making this larger will make soft-volume and other filters react
              slower,  introduce  additional  issues on playback speed change,
              and block the player on audio format changes. A  smaller  buffer
              might lead to audio dropouts.

              This  option  should  be used for testing only. If a non-default
              value helps significantly, the mpv  developers  should  be  con-

              Default: 0.2 (200 ms).

              Cash-grab  consumer audio hardware (such as A/V receivers) often
              ignore initial audio sent over HDMI. This can happen every  time
              audio  over  HDMI is stopped and resumed. In order to compensate
              for this, you can enable this option to not to stop and  restart
              audio  on  seeks, and fill the gaps with silence. Likewise, when
              pausing playback, audio is not stopped, and  silence  is  played
              while paused. Note that if no audio track is selected, the audio
              device will still be closed immediately.

              Not all AOs support this.


                        This modifies certain  subtle  player  behavior,  like
                        A/V-sync  and  underrun handling. Enabling this option
                        is strongly discouraged.

              This makes sense for  use  with  --audio-stream-silence=yes.  If
              this  option is given, the player will wait for the given amount
              of seconds after opening the audio device before sending  actual
              audio data to it. Useful if your expensive hardware discards the
              first 1 or 2  seconds  of  audio  data  sent  to  it.  If  --au-
              dio-stream-silence=yes  is not set, this option will likely just
              waste time.

          Changing styling and position does not work with all subtitles.  Im-
          age-based subtitles (DVD, Bluray/PGS, DVB) cannot changed for funda-
          mental reasons.  Subtitles in ASS format are  normally  not  changed
          intentionally,   but   overriding   them   can  be  controlled  with

          Previously some  options  working  on  text  subtitles  were  called
          --sub-text-*, they are now named --sub-*, and those specifically for
          ASS have been renamed from --ass-* to --sub-ass-*.  They are now all
          in this section.

              Force  subtitle  demuxer  type  for --sub-file. Give the demuxer
              name as printed by --sub-demuxer=help.

              Delays subtitles by <sec> seconds. Can be negative.

       --sub-files=<file-list>, --sub-file=<filename>
              Add a subtitle file to the list of external subtitles.

              If you use --sub-file only once, this subtitle file is displayed
              by default.

              If --sub-file is used multiple times, the subtitle to use can be
              switched at runtime by cycling subtitle tracks. It's possible to
              show two subtitles at once: use --sid to select the first subti-
              tle index, and --secondary-sid to select the second index.  (The
              index  is printed on the terminal output after the --sid= in the
              list of streams.)

              --sub-files is a path list option (see  List  Options   for  de-
              tails),  and  can take multiple file names separated by : (Unix)
              or ; (Windows), while  --sub-file takes a single  filename,  but
              can  be  used multiple times to add multiple files. Technically,
              --sub-file is a CLI/config file only alias for   --sub-files-ap-

              Select a secondary subtitle stream. This is similar to --sid. If
              a secondary subtitle is selected, it will be rendered as  topti-
              tle  (i.e. on the top of the screen) alongside the normal subti-
              tle, and provides a way to render two subtitles at once.

              There are some caveats associated with this feature.  For  exam-
              ple, bitmap subtitles will always be rendered in their usual po-
              sition, so selecting a bitmap  subtitle  as  secondary  subtitle
              will  result  in overlapping subtitles.  Secondary subtitles are
              never shown on the terminal if video is disabled.

                 Styling and interpretation of any formatting tags is disabled
                 for the secondary subtitle. Internally, the same mechanism as
                 --no-sub-ass is used to strip the styling.

                 If the main subtitle stream contains  formatting  tags  which
                 display  the subtitle at the top of the screen, it will over-
                 lap with the secondary subtitle. To prevent this,  you  could
                 use  --no-sub-ass  to  disable  styling  in the main subtitle

              Factor for the text subtitle font size (default: 1).

                 This affects ASS subtitles as well, and may lead to incorrect
                 subtitle rendering. Use with care, or use --sub-font-size in-

              Whether to scale subtitles with the window size (default:  yes).
              If  this  is disabled, changing the window size won't change the
              subtitle font size.

              Like --sub-scale, this can break ASS subtitles.

              Make the subtitle font size relative to the window,  instead  of
              the  video.   This  is  useful  if you always want the same font
              size, even if the video doesn't cover the window fully, e.g. be-
              cause  screen  aspect and window aspect mismatch (and the player
              adds black bars).

              Default: yes.

              This option is misnamed. The difference to the confusingly simi-
              lar    sounding    option    --sub-scale-by-window    is    that
              --sub-scale-with-window still scales with the approximate window
              size, while the other option disables this scaling.

              Affects  plain text subtitles only (or ASS if --sub-ass-override
              is set high enough).

              Like --sub-scale-with-window, but affects subtitles in ASS  for-
              mat only.  Like --sub-scale, this can break ASS subtitles.

              Default: no.

              Use  fonts  embedded in Matroska container files and ASS scripts
              (default: yes). These fonts can be  used  for  SSA/ASS  subtitle

              Specify  the  position  of subtitles on the screen. The value is
              the vertical position of the subtitle in % of the screen height.
              100  is  the  original position, which is often not the absolute
              bottom of the screen, but with some margin  between  the  bottom
              and  the  subtitle.  Values  above 100 move the subtitle further


                        Text subtitles (as opposed to image subtitles) may  be
                        cut  off if the value of the option is above 100. This
                        is a libass restriction.

                        This affects ASS subtitles as well, and  may  lead  to
                        incorrect  subtitle rendering in addition to the prob-
                        lem above.

                        Using --sub-margin-y can achieve this in a better way.

              Multiply the subtitle event timestamps with the given value. Can
              be  used to fix the playback speed for frame-based subtitle for-
              mats. Affects text subtitles only.


                        --sub-speed=25/23.976  plays  frame  based   subtitles
                        which  have been loaded assuming a framerate of 23.976
                        at 25 FPS.

              Override some style or script info parameters.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                 • --sub-ass-force-style=FontName=Arial,Default.Bold=1--sub-ass-force-style=PlayResY=768

                 Using this option may lead to incorrect subtitle rendering.

              Set font hinting type. <type> can be:

              none   no hinting (default)

              light  FreeType autohinter, light mode

              normal FreeType autohinter, normal mode

              native font native hinter


                        Enabling hinting can lead to  mispositioned  text  (in
                        situations  it's  supposed  to  match  up  video back-
                        ground), or reduce the smoothness of  animations  with
                        some  badly authored ASS scripts. It is recommended to
                        not use this option, unless really needed.

              Set line spacing value for SSA/ASS renderer.

              Set the text layout engine used by libass.

              simple uses Fribidi only, fast, doesn't  render  some  languages

                     uses HarfBuzz, slower, wider language support

              complex  is  the default. If libass hasn't been compiled against
              HarfBuzz, libass silently reverts to simple.

              Load all SSA/ASS styles found in the specified file and use them
              for  rendering text subtitles. The syntax of the file is exactly
              like the [V4 Styles] / [V4+ Styles] section of SSA/ASS.

                 Using this option may lead to incorrect subtitle rendering.

              Control whether user style overrides  should  be  applied.  Note
              that  all of these overrides try to be somewhat smart about fig-
              uring out whether or not a subtitle is considered a "sign".

              no     Render subtitles as specified by  the  subtitle  scripts,
                     without overrides.

              yes    Apply  all the --sub-ass-* style override options. Chang-
                     ing the default for any of these options can lead to  in-
                     correct subtitle rendering (default).

              force  Like  yes,  but also force all --sub-* options. Can break
                     rendering easily.

              scale  Like yes, but also apply --sub-scale.

              strip  Radically strip all ASS tags and styles from  the  subti-
                     tle.   This   is   equivalent   to  the  old  --no-ass  /
                     --no-sub-ass options.

              This also controls some bitmap subtitle overrides,  as  well  as
              HTML tags in formats like SRT, despite the name of the option.

              Enables  placing  toptitles  and subtitles in black borders when
              they are available, if the subtitles are in the ASS format.

              Default: no.

              Enables placing toptitles and subtitles in  black  borders  when
              they  are available, if the subtitles are in a plain text format
              (or ASS if --sub-ass-override is set high enough).

              Default: yes.

              Renamed from --sub-ass-use-margins. To place  ASS  subtitles  in
              the   borders   too   (like   the  old  option  did),  also  add

              Stretch SSA/ASS subtitles when  playing  anamorphic  videos  for
              compatibility  with  traditional  VSFilter behavior. This switch
              has no effect when the video is stored with square pixels.

              The renderer historically most commonly  used  for  the  SSA/ASS
              subtitle  formats,  VSFilter, had questionable behavior that re-
              sulted in subtitles being stretched too if the video was  stored
              in  anamorphic  format  that required scaling for display.  This
              behavior is usually undesirable and newer VSFilter versions  may
              behave  differently.  However,  many existing scripts compensate
              for the stretching by modifying things in  the  opposite  direc-
              tion.   Thus,  if  such  scripts are displayed "correctly", they
              will not appear as intended.  This switch enables  emulation  of
              the  old VSFilter behavior (undesirable but expected by many ex-
              isting scripts).

              Enabled by default.

              Scale \blur tags by video resolution instead of  script  resolu-
              tion  (enabled  by  default). This is bug in VSFilter, which ac-
              cording to some, can't be fixed anymore in the name of  compati-

              Note  that this uses the actual video resolution for calculating
              the offset scale factor, not what the video filter chain or  the
              video output use.

              Mangle  colors  like (xy-)vsfilter do (default: basic). Histori-
              cally, VSFilter was not color space aware. This was  no  problem
              as  long as the color space used for SD video (BT.601) was used.
              But when everything switched to HD (BT.709), VSFilter was  still
              converting  RGB  colors  to BT.601, rendered them into the video
              frame, and handled the frame to the video  output,  which  would
              use BT.709 for conversion to RGB. The result were mangled subti-
              tle colors. Later on, bad hacks were added on  top  of  the  ASS
              format to control how colors are to be mangled.

              basic  Handle  only  BT.601->BT.709  mangling,  if the subtitles
                     seem to indicate that this is required (default).

              full   Handle the full YCbCr Matrix header with all video  color
                     spaces  supported  by  libass and mpv. This might lead to
                     bad breakages in corner cases and is not strictly  needed
                     for  compatibility  (hopefully), which is why this is not

                     Force BT.601->BT.709  mangling,  regardless  of  subtitle
                     headers or video color space.

              no     Disable color mangling completely. All colors are RGB.

              Choosing anything other than no will make the subtitle color de-
              pend on the video color space, and it's for  example  in  theory
              not possible to reuse a subtitle script with another video file.
              The --sub-ass-override option doesn't affect how this option  is

              Stretch  DVD subtitles when playing anamorphic videos for better
              looking fonts on badly mastered DVDs. This switch has no  effect
              when  the video is stored with square pixels - which for DVD in-
              put cannot be the case though.

              Many studios tend to use bitmap fonts designed for square pixels
              when  authoring  DVDs,  causing  the  fonts to look stretched on
              playback on DVD players. This option fixes them, however at  the
              price of possibly misaligning some subtitles (e.g. sign transla-

              Disabled by default.

              Stretch DVD and other image subtitles to  the  screen,  ignoring
              the  video  margins. This has a similar effect as --sub-use-mar-
              gins for text subtitles, except that the  text  itself  will  be
              stretched,  not  only just repositioned. (At least in general it
              is unavoidable, as an image bitmap can in theory  consist  of  a
              single  bitmap  covering  the whole screen, and the player won't
              know where exactly the text parts are located.)

              This option does not display subtitles correctly. Use with care.

              Disabled by default.

              Override the image subtitle resolution with the video resolution
              (default:  no).  Normally,  the  subtitle canvas is fit into the
              video canvas (e.g. letterboxed). Setting this  option  uses  the
              video size as subtitle canvas size. Can be useful to test broken
              subtitles, which often happen  when  the  video  was  trancoded,
              while attempting to keep the old subtitles.

       --sub-ass, --no-sub-ass
              Render ASS subtitles natively (enabled by default).

                 This  has  been  deprecated  by --sub-ass-override=strip. You
                 also may need --embeddedfonts=no to get  the  same  behavior.
                 Also,  using  --sub-ass-override=style should give better re-
                 sults without breaking subtitles too much.

              If --no-sub-ass is specified, all tags  and  style  declarations
              are  stripped and ignored on display. The subtitle renderer uses
              the font style as specified by the --sub- options instead.

                 Using --no-sub-ass may lead to incorrect or completely broken
                 rendering of ASS/SSA subtitles. It can sometimes be useful to
                 forcibly override the styling of ASS subtitles, but should be
                 avoided in general.

       --sub-auto=<no|exact|fuzzy|all>, --no-sub-auto
              Load  additional subtitle files matching the video filename. The
              parameter specifies how external subtitle files are matched. ex-
              act is enabled by default.

              no     Don't automatically load external subtitle files.

              exact  Load  the media filename with subtitle file extension and
                     possibly language suffixes (default).

              fuzzy  Load all subs containing the media filename.

              all    Load all subs in the current and --sub-file-paths  direc-

              You  can  use  this  option  to  specify  the subtitle codepage.
              uchardet will be used to guess the charset. (If mpv was not com-
              piled with uchardet, then utf-8 is the effective default.)

              The default value for this option is auto, which enables autode-

              The following steps are taken to determine the  final  codepage,
              in order:

              • if the specific codepage has a +, use that codepage

              • if the data looks like UTF-8, assume it is UTF-8

              • if --sub-codepage is set to a specific codepage, use that

              • run uchardet, and if successful, use that

              • otherwise, use UTF-8-BROKEN


                 • --sub-codepage=latin2 Use Latin 2 if input is not UTF-8.

                 • --sub-codepage=+cp1250 Always force recoding to cp1250.

              The  pseudo  codepage  UTF-8-BROKEN  is used internally. If it's
              set, subtitles are interpreted as UTF-8 with "Latin 1" as  fall-
              back  for  bytes  which  are not valid UTF-8 sequences. iconv is
              never involved in this mode.

              This option changed in mpv 0.23.0. Support for  the  old  syntax
              was fully removed in mpv 0.24.0.

                 This  works for text subtitle files only. Other types of sub-
                 titles (in particular subtitles in mkv files) are always  as-
                 sumed to be UTF-8.

              Adjust  subtitle  timing is to remove minor gaps or overlaps be-
              tween subtitles (if the difference is smaller than 210  ms,  the
              gap or overlap is removed).

              Display  only  forced  subtitles for the DVD subtitle stream se-
              lected by e.g.  --slang (default: auto). When set to  auto,  en-
              abled  when  the  --subs-with-matching-audio  option is on and a
              non-forced stream is selected.  Enabling this will hide all sub-
              titles  in  streams that don't make a distinction between forced
              and unforced events within a stream.

              Specify the framerate of the subtitle file (default: video fps).
              Affects text subtitles only.

                 <rate>  >  video  fps speeds the subtitles up for frame-based
                 subtitle files and slows them down for time-based ones.

              See also: --sub-speed.

              Apply Gaussian blur to image subtitles (default:  0).  This  can
              help  to  make  pixelated  DVD/Vobsubs look nicer. A value other
              than 0 also switches to  software  subtitle  scaling.  Might  be

                 Never applied to text subtitles.

              Convert  image  subtitles  to grayscale. Can help to make yellow
              DVD/Vobsubs look nicer.

                 Never applied to text subtitles.

              Deprecated, use --sub-file-paths.

              Specify extra directories to search for subtitles  matching  the
              video.   Multiple  directories  can  be separated by ":" (";" on
              Windows).  Paths can be relative or absolute. Relative paths are
              interpreted  relative to video file directory.  If the file is a
              URL, only absolute paths and sub configuration subdirectory will
              be scanned.


                        Assuming  that  /path/to/video/video.avi is played and
                        --sub-file-paths=sub:subtitles   is   specified,   mpv
                        searches for subtitle files in these directories:

                 • /path/to/video//path/to/video/sub//path/to/video/subtitles/

                 • the   sub   configuration   subdirectory  (usually  ~/.con-

              This is a path list option. See List Options for details.

       --sub-visibility, --no-sub-visibility
              Can be used to disable display of subtitles,  but  still  select
              and decode them.

       --secondary-sub-visibility, --no-secondary-sub-visibility
              Can be used to disable display of secondary subtitles, but still
              select and decode them.

              (Obscure, rarely useful.) Can be used to play broken  mkv  files
              with duplicate ReadOrder fields. ReadOrder is the first field in
              a Matroska-style ASS subtitle packets. It should be unique,  and
              libass  uses  it for fast elimination of duplicates. This option
              disables caching of subtitles across  seeks,  so  after  a  seek
              libass  can't eliminate subtitle packets with the same ReadOrder
              as earlier packets.

              This works for dvb_teletext subtitle streams, and if FFmpeg  has
              been compiled with support for it.

              After the last frame of video, if this option is enabled, subti-
              tles will continue to update based on audio  timestamps.  Other-
              wise, the subtitles for the last video frame will stay onscreen.

              Default: disabled

              Specify font to use for subtitles that do not themselves specify
              a particular font. The default is sans-serif.


                 • --sub-font='Bitstream Vera Sans'--sub-font='Comic Sans MS'

                 The --sub-font option (and many other  style  related  --sub-
                 options)  are ignored when ASS-subtitles are rendered, unless
                 the --no-sub-ass option is specified.

                 This used  to  support  fontconfig  patterns.  Starting  with
                 libass 0.13.0, this stopped working.

              Specify the sub font size. The unit is the size in scaled pixels
              at a window height of 720. The actual pixel size is scaled  with
              the  window  height:  if  the window height is larger or smaller
              than 720, the actual size of the text increases or decreases  as

              Default: 55.

              See --sub-color. Color used for sub text background. You can use
              --sub-shadow-offset to change its size relative to the text.

              Gaussian blur factor. 0 means no blur applied (default).

              Format text on bold.

              Format text on italic.

              See --sub-color. Color used for the sub font border.

              Size  of  the  sub   font   border   in   scaled   pixels   (see
              --sub-font-size for details). A value of 0 disables borders.

              Default: 3.

              Specify the color used for unstyled text subtitles.

              The  color is specified in the form r/g/b, where each color com-
              ponent is specified as number in the range 0.0 to 1.0. It's also
              possible to specify the transparency by using r/g/b/a, where the
              alpha value 0 means fully transparent, and 1.0 means opaque.  If
              the alpha component is not given, the color is 100% opaque.

              Passing  a single number to the option sets the sub to gray, and
              the form gray/a lets you specify alpha additionally.


                 • --sub-color=1.0/0.0/0.0 set sub to opaque red

                 • --sub-color=1.0/0.0/0.0/0.75 set sub to opaque red with 75%

                 • --sub-color=0.5/0.75 set sub to 50% gray with 75% alpha

              Alternatively,  the  color can be specified as a RGB hex triplet
              in the form #RRGGBB, where each 2-digit group expresses a  color
              value  in  the range 0 (00) to 255 (FF). For example, #FF0000 is
              red.  This is similar to web colors. Alpha is given  with  #AAR-


                 • --sub-color='#FF0000' set sub to opaque red

                 • --sub-color='#C0808080' set sub to 50% gray with 75% alpha

              Left  and right screen margin for the subs in scaled pixels (see
              --sub-font-size for details).

              This option specifies the distance of the sub to  the  left,  as
              well  as  at  which distance from the right border long sub text
              will be broken.

              Default: 25.

              Top and bottom screen margin for the subs in scaled pixels  (see
              --sub-font-size for details).

              This option specifies the vertical margins of unstyled text sub-
              titles.  If you just want to raise the vertical  subtitle  posi-
              tion, use --sub-pos.

              Default: 22.

              Control  to  which corner of the screen text subtitles should be
              aligned to (default: center).

              Never applied to ASS subtitles,  except  in  --no-sub-ass  mode.
              Likewise, this does not apply to image subtitles.

              Vertical position (default: bottom).  Details see --sub-align-x.

              Control  how multi line subs are justified irrespective of where
              they are aligned (default: auto which justifies  as  defined  by
              --sub-align-x).   Left  justification is recommended to make the
              subs easier to read as it is easier for the eyes.

              Applies justification as defined by --sub-justify on ASS  subti-
              tles if --sub-ass-override is not set to no.  Default: no.

              See --sub-color. Color used for sub text shadow.

                 ignored  when --sub-back-color is specified (or more exactly:
                 when that option is not set to completely transparent).

              Displacement of the  sub  text  shadow  in  scaled  pixels  (see
              --sub-font-size for details). A value of 0 disables shadows.

              Default: 0.

              Horizontal    sub   font   spacing   in   scaled   pixels   (see
              --sub-font-size for details). This value is added to the  normal
              letter spacing. Negative values are allowed.

              Default: 0.

              Applies  filter  removing  subtitle  additions  for  the deaf or
              hard-of-hearing (SDH).  This is intended for English, but may in
              part work for other languages too.  The intention is that it can
              be always enabled so may not remove all parts added.  It removes
              speaker  labels  (like MAN:), upper case text in parentheses and
              any text in brackets.

              Default: no.

              Do harder SDH filtering (if enabled by --sub-filter-sdh).   Will
              also  remove  speaker  labels  and text within parentheses using
              both lower and upper case letters.

              Default: no.

              Set a list of regular expressions to match  on  text  subtitles,
              and  remove  any  lines  that  match (default: empty). This is a
              string list option. See List Options for details. Normally,  you
              should  use --sub-filter-regex-append=<regex>, where each option
              use will append a new  regular  expression,  without  having  to
              fight escaping problems.

              List  items  are  matched  in  order.  If  a  regular expression
              matches, the process is stopped, and the subtitle line  is  dis-
              carded.  The text matched against is, by default, the Text field
              of ASS events (if the subtitle format is different, it is always
              converted).  This  may  include  formatting  tags.  Matching  is
              case-insensitive, but how this is done depends on the libc,  and
              most  likely works in ASCII only. It does not work on bitmap/im-
              age subtitles. Unavailable  on  inferior  OSes  (requires  POSIX
              regex support).


                        --sub-filter-regex-append=opensubtitles\.org   filters
                        some ads.

              Technically, using a list for matching is redundant,  since  you
              could  just  use  a  single  combined regular expression. But it
              helps with diagnosis, ease of use, and temporarily disabling  or
              enabling individual filters.

                 This  is experimental. The semantics most likely will change,
                 and if you use this, you should be prepared to update the op-
                 tion  later.  Ideas include replacing the regexes with a very
                 primitive and small subset of sed, or some method to  control

              Same  as  --sub-filter-regex but with JavaScript regular expres-
              sions.  Shares/affected-by all --sub-filter-regex-* control  op-
              tions  (see  below),  and also experimental. Requires only Java-
              Script support.

              Whether to first convert the ASS "Text" field to plain-text (de-
              fault:  no).   This  strips ASS tags and applies ASS directives,
              like \N to new-line.  If the result is multi-line then the  reg-
              exp  anchors  ^  and $ match each line, but still any match dis-
              cards all lines.

              Log dropped lines with warning log  level,  instead  of  verbose
              (default: no).  Helpful for testing.

              Whether  to  enable regex filtering (default: yes). Note that if
              no regexes are added to  the  --sub-filter-regex  list,  setting
              this  option  to yes has no effect. It's meant to easily disable
              or enable filtering temporarily.

              For every video stream, create a closed captions track (default:
              no).  The only purpose is to make the track available for selec-
              tion at the start of playback, instead of  creating  it  lazily.
              This  applies only to ATSC A53 Part 4 Closed Captions (displayed
              by mpv as subtitle tracks using the codec eia_608). The CC track
              is  marked "default" and selected according to the normal subti-
              tle track selection rules. You can then use --sid to  explicitly
              select the correct track too.

              If  the video stream contains no closed captions, or if no video
              is being decoded, the CC track will remain empty  and  will  not
              show any text.

              Which  libass font provider backend to use (default: auto). auto
              will attempt to use the  native  font  provider:  fontconfig  on
              Linux,  CoreText  on  macOS,  DirectWrite on Windows. fontconfig
              forces fontconfig, if libass was built with support (if not,  it
              behaves like none).

              The  none  font  provider  effectively disables system fonts. It
              will still attempt to use  embedded  fonts  (unless  --embedded-
              fonts=no  is  set;  this  is the same behavior as with all other
              font providers), subfont.ttf if  provided,  and  fonts  in   the
              fonts  sub-directory  if  provided. (The fallback is more strict
              than that of other font providers, and if a font name  does  not
              match,  it may prefer not to render any text that uses the miss-
              ing font.)

              Set the window title. This is used for the video window, and  if
              possible, also sets the audio stream title.

              Properties are expanded. (See Property Expansion.)

                 There  is a danger of this causing significant CPU usage, de-
                 pending on the properties used. Changing the window title  is
                 often a slow operation, and if the title changes every frame,
                 playback can be ruined.

              In multi-monitor configurations  (i.e.  a  single  desktop  that
              spans  across  multiple  displays),  this option tells mpv which
              screen to display the video on.

                 Note (X11)

                        This option does not work  properly  with  all  window
                        managers.  In these cases, you can try to use --geome-
                        try to position the window explicitly. It's also  pos-
                        sible that the window manager provides native features
                        to control which screens  application  windows  should

              See also --fs-screen.

              In  multi-monitor  configurations,  this  option tells mpv which
              screen to display the video on based on the screen name from the
              video  backend. The same caveats in the --screen option also ap-
              ply here. This option is ignored and does nothing if --screen is
              explicitly set.

       --fullscreen, --fs
              Fullscreen playback.

              In  multi-monitor  configurations  (i.e.  a  single desktop that
              spans across multiple displays), this  option  tells  mpv  which
              screen  to  go fullscreen to.  If current is used mpv will fall-
              back on what the user provided with the screen option.

                 Note (X11)

                        This option works properly only with  window  managers
                        which  understand the EWMH _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS

                 Note (macOS)

                        all does not work on macOS and will behave  like  cur-

              See also --screen.

              In  multi-monitor  configurations,  this  option tells mpv which
              screen to go fullscreen to based on the  screen  name  from  the
              video  backend.  The same caveats in the --fs-screen option also
              apply  here.  This  option  is  ignored  and  does  nothing   if
              --fs-screen is explicitly set.

              Do  not  terminate when playing or seeking beyond the end of the
              file, and there is no next file to be played (and --loop is  not
              used).   Instead,  pause  the player. When trying to seek beyond
              end of the file, the player will attempt to  seek  to  the  last

              Normally,  this  will  act like set pause yes on EOF, unless the
              --keep-open-pause=no option is set.

              The following arguments can be given:

              no     If the current file ends, go to the next file  or  termi-
                     nate.  (Default.)

              yes    Don't  terminate if the current file is the last playlist
                     entry.  Equivalent to --keep-open without arguments.

              always Like yes, but also  applies  to  files  before  the  last
                     playlist  entry. This means playback will never automati-
                     cally advance to the next file.

                 This option is not respected when using --frames.  Explicitly
                 skipping to the next file if the binding uses force will ter-
                 minate playback as well.

                 Also, if errors or unusual circumstances happen,  the  player
                 can quit anyway.

              Since  mpv  0.6.0, this doesn't pause if there is a next file in
              the playlist, or the playlist  is  looped.  Approximately,  this
              will  pause when the player would normally exit, but in practice
              there are corner cases in which this is not the case  (e.g.  mpv
              --keep-open file.mkv /dev/null will play file.mkv normally, then
              fail to open /dev/null, then exit). (In mpv  0.8.0,  always  was
              introduced, which restores the old behavior.)

              If  set  to  no,  instead of pausing when --keep-open is active,
              just stop at end of file and continue playing forward  when  you
              seek backwards until end where it stops again. Default: yes.

              If  the  current  file is an image, play the image for the given
              amount of seconds (default: 1). inf means the file is kept  open
              forever (until the user stops playback manually).

              Unlike --keep-open, the player is not paused, but simply contin-
              ues playback until the time has elapsed. (It should not use  any
              resources during "playback".)

              This  affects  image  files,  which are defined as having only 1
              video frame and no  audio.  The  player  may  recognize  certain
              non-images  as images, for example if --length is used to reduce
              the length to 1 frame, or if you seek to the last frame.

              This option does not affect the  framerate  used  for  mf://  or
              --merge-files. For that, use --mf-fps instead.

              Setting  --image-display-duration  hides  the  OSC  and does not
              track playback time on the command-line output,  and  also  does
              not duplicate the image frame when encoding. To force the player
              into "dumb mode" and actually count out seconds, or to duplicate
              the  image  when  encoding, you need to use --demuxer=lavf --de-
              muxer-lavf-o=loop=1, and use --length or --frames to stop  after
              a particular time.

              Create a video output window even if there is no video. This can
              be useful when pretending that mpv is a  GUI  application.  Cur-
              rently,  the  window always has the size 640x480, and is subject
              to --geometry, --autofit, and similar options.

                 The window is created only after initialization (to make sure
                 default  window  placement  still  works if the video size is
                 different from the --force-window default window size).  This
                 can  be  a  problem if initialization doesn't work perfectly,
                 such as when opening URLs with  bad  network  connection,  or
                 opening broken video files. The immediate mode can be used to
                 create the window always on program start, but this may cause
                 other issues.

       --taskbar-progress, --no-taskbar-progress
              (Windows  only)  Enable/disable  playback  progress rendering in
              taskbar (Windows 7 and above).

              Enabled by default.

              (Windows only) Snap the player window to screen edges.

              Makes the player window stay on top of other windows.

              On Windows, if combined with fullscreen mode, this causes mpv to
              be  treated  as  exclusive  fullscreen  window that bypasses the
              Desktop Window Manager.

              (macOS only) Sets the level of an ontop  window  (default:  win-

              window On top of all other windows.

              system On top of system elements like Taskbar, Menubar and Dock.

                     On top of the Dekstop behind windows and Desktop icons.

              level  A level as integer.

       --focus-on-open, --no-focus-on-open
              (macOS only) Focus the video window on creation and makes it the
              front most window. This is on by default.

       --border, --no-border
              Play video with window border and decorations. Since this is  on
              by default, use --no-border to disable the standard window deco-

              (X11 and macOS only) Show the video window on all virtual  desk-

       --geometry=<[W[xH]][+-x+-y][/WS]>, --geometry=<x:y>
              Adjust the initial window position or size. W and H set the win-
              dow size in pixels. x and y set the window position, measured in
              pixels  from  the  top-left corner of the screen to the top-left
              corner of the image being displayed. If a percentage sign (%) is
              given  after  the argument, it turns the value into a percentage
              of the screen size in that direction.  Positions  are  specified
              similar  to  the standard X11 --geometry option format, in which
              e.g. +10-50 means "place 10 pixels from the left border  and  50
              pixels  from  the  lower  border" and "--20+-10" means "place 20
              pixels beyond the right and 10 pixels beyond the top border".  A
              trailing  /  followed  by  an integer denotes on which workspace
              (virtual desktop) the window should appear (X11 only).

              If an external window is specified using the --wid option,  this
              option is ignored.

              The  coordinates  are relative to the screen given with --screen
              for the video output drivers that fully support --screen.

                 Generally only supported by GUI VOs. Ignored for encoding.

                 Note (X11)

                        This option does not work  properly  with  all  window


                 50:40  Places the window at x=50, y=40.

                        Places the window in the middle of the screen.

                        Places  the  window  at the bottom right corner of the

                 50%    Sets the window width to half the screen width. Window
                        height  is set so that the window has the video aspect

                        Forces the window width and height to half the  screen
                        width  and  height. Will show black borders to compen-
                        sate for the video aspect ratio  (with  most  VOs  and
                        without --no-keepaspect).

                        Sets  the  window to half the screen widths, and posi-
                        tions it 10 pixels below/left of the top  left  corner
                        of the screen, on the second workspace.

              See  also  --autofit and --autofit-larger for fitting the window
              into a given size without changing aspect ratio.

              Set the initial window size to a maximum size specified by  WxH,
              without changing the window's aspect ratio. The size is measured
              in pixels, or if a number is followed by a percentage sign  (%),
              in percents of the screen size.

              This option never changes the aspect ratio of the window. If the
              aspect ratio mismatches, the window's size is reduced  until  it
              fits into the specified size.

              Window position is not taken into account, nor is it modified by
              this option (the window manager still may place the window  dif-
              ferently depending on size). Use --geometry to change the window
              position. Its effects are applied after this option.

              See --geometry for details how this is handled with  multi-moni-
              tor setups.

              Use --autofit-larger instead if you just want to limit the maxi-
              mum size of the window, rather  than  always  forcing  a  window

              Use --geometry if you want to force both window width and height
              to a specific size.

                 Generally only supported by GUI VOs. Ignored for encoding.


                 70%    Make the window width 70% of the screen size,  keeping
                        aspect ratio.

                 1000   Set  the  window  width to 1000 pixels, keeping aspect

                        Make the window as large as  possible,  without  being
                        wider than 70% of the screen width, or higher than 60%
                        of the screen height.

              This option behaves exactly like --autofit,  except  the  window
              size  is  only  changed  if  the window would be larger than the
              specified size.


                        If the video is larger than 90% of the screen width or
                        80%  of the screen height, make the window smaller un-
                        til either its width is 90%  of  the  screen,  or  its
                        height is 80% of the screen.

              This  option behaves exactly like --autofit, except that it sets
              the minimum size of the window (just  as  --autofit-larger  sets
              the maximum).


                        Make  the window at least 500 pixels wide and 500 pix-
                        els high (depending on the  video  aspect  ratio,  the
                        width  or  height  will be larger than 500 in order to
                        keep the aspect ratio the same).

              Resize the video window to a multiple (or fraction) of the video
              size.  This option is applied before --autofit and other options
              are applied (so they override this option).

              For example, --window-scale=0.5 would show the  window  at  half
              the video size.

              Whether  the video window is minimized or not. Setting this will
              minimize, or unminimize, the video window if the current VO sup-
              ports  it. Note that some VOs may support minimization while not
              supporting unminimization (eg: Wayland).

              Whether this option and --window-maximized work on program start
              or  at  runtime, and whether they're (at runtime) updated to re-
              flect the actual window state, heavily depends on the VO and the
              windowing system. Some VOs simply do not implement them or parts
              of them, while other VOs may be restricted by the windowing sys-
              tems (especially Wayland).

              Whether  the video window is maximized or not. Setting this will
              maximize, or unmaximize, the video window if the current VO sup-
              ports it. See --window-minimized for further remarks.

              Make  mouse cursor automatically hide after given number of mil-
              liseconds.  no will disable cursor autohide.  always  means  the
              cursor will stay hidden.

              If  this  option  is given, the cursor is always visible in win-
              dowed mode. In fullscreen mode, the cursor is  shown  or  hidden
              according to --cursor-autohide.

       --no-fixed-vo, --fixed-vo
              --no-fixed-vo  enforces  closing  and reopening the video window
              for multiple files (one (un)initialization for each file).

              Change how some video outputs render the OSD and text subtitles.
              This  does  not  change appearance of the subtitles and only has
              performance implications. For VOs which support native ASS  ren-
              dering  (like gpu, vdpau, direct3d), this can be slightly faster
              or slower, depending on GPU drivers and hardware. For other VOs,
              this just makes rendering slower.

              Forcefully  move  mpv's  video output window to default location
              whenever there is a change in video parameters, video stream  or
              file.  This  used to be the default behavior. Currently only af-
              fects X11 VOs.

       --no-keepaspect, --keepaspect
              --no-keepaspect will always stretch the video  to  window  size,
              and  will disable the window manager hints that force the window
              aspect ratio.  (Ignored in fullscreen mode.)

       --no-keepaspect-window, --keepaspect-window
              --keepaspect-window (the default) will lock the window  size  to
              the video aspect. --no-keepaspect-window disables this behavior,
              and will instead add black bars if window aspect and  video  as-
              pect  mismatch.  Whether  this  actually works depends on the VO
              backend.  (Ignored in fullscreen mode.)

              Set the aspect ratio of your monitor or TV screen. A value of  0
              disables a previous setting (e.g. in the config file). Overrides
              the --monitorpixelaspect setting if enabled.

              See also --monitorpixelaspect and --video-aspect-override.


                 • --monitoraspect=4:3  or --monitoraspect=1.3333--monitoraspect=16:9 or --monitoraspect=1.7777

       --hidpi-window-scale, --no-hidpi-window-scale
              (macOS, Windows, X11, and Wayland only) Scale  the  window  size
              according  to the backing scale factor (default: yes).  On regu-
              lar HiDPI resolutions the window opens with double the size  but
              appears  as  having  the  same size as on non-HiDPI resolutions.
              This is enabled by default on macOS.

       --native-fs, --no-native-fs
              (macOS only) Uses the native fullscreen mechanism of the OS (de-
              fault: yes).

              Set  the  aspect  of a single pixel of your monitor or TV screen
              (default: 1). A value of 1 means square pixels (correct for (al-
              most?)  all  LCDs).  See  also  --monitoraspect  and --video-as-

              Turns off the screensaver (or screen blanker and similar  mecha-
              nisms)  at startup and turns it on again on exit (default: yes).
              When using yes, the screensaver will re-enable when playback  is
              not  active.  always  will  always disable the screensaver. Note
              that stopping the screensaver is only possible if a video output
              is available (i.e. there is an open mpv window).

              This  is  not supported on all video outputs or platforms. Some-
              times it is implemented, but  does  not  work  (especially  with
              Linux  "desktops").  Read the Disabling Screensaver section very

              This tells mpv to attach to an existing window. If a VO  is  se-
              lected  that  supports  this option, it will use that window for
              video output. mpv will scale the video to the size of this  win-
              dow,  and  will add black bars to compensate if the aspect ratio
              of the video is different.

              On X11, the ID  is  interpreted  as  a  Window  on  X11.  Unlike
              MPlayer/mplayer2,  mpv  always  creates its own window, and sets
              the wid window as parent. The window will always be  resized  to
              cover  the  parent window fully. The value 0 is interpreted spe-
              cially, and mpv will draw directly on the root window.

              On win32, the ID is interpreted as HWND. Pass it as  value  cast
              to  intptr_t.  mpv  will  create its own window, and set the wid
              window as parent, like with X11.

              On macOS/Cocoa, the ID is interpreted as  NSView*.  Pass  it  as
              value  cast  to  intptr_t. mpv will create its own sub-view. Be-
              cause macOS does not support window embedding  of  foreign  pro-
              cesses,  this  works  only with libmpv, and will crash when used
              from the command line.

              On Android, the ID is interpreted as android.view.Surface.  Pass
              it  as  a value cast to intptr_t. Use with --vo=mediacodec_embed
              and --hwdec=mediacodec for direct rendering using MediaCodec, or
              with --vo=gpu --gpu-context=android (with or without --hwdec=me-

              Don't move the window when clicking on it and moving  the  mouse

              Set the window class name for X11-based video output methods.

              (X11 only) Control the use of NetWM protocol features.

              This  may or may not help with broken window managers. This pro-
              vides some functionality that was implemented by the now removed
              --fstype option.  Actually, it is not known to the developers to
              which degree this option was needed, so feedback is welcome.

              Specifically, yes will force use of  NetWM  fullscreen  support,
              even  if  not  advertised  by the WM. This can be useful for WMs
              that are broken on  purpose,  like  XMonad.  (XMonad  supposedly
              doesn't advertise fullscreen support, because Flash uses it. Ap-
              parently, applications which want to use fullscreen  anyway  are
              supposed  to either ignore the NetWM support hints, or provide a
              workaround. Shame on XMonad for deliberately breaking  X  proto-
              cols (as if X isn't bad enough already).

              By default, NetWM support is autodetected (auto).

              This option might be removed in the future.

              If  set  to  yes,  then ask the compositor to unredirect the mpv
              window (default: fs-only). This uses the _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSI-
              TOR hint.

              fs-only  asks  the window manager to disable the compositor only
              in fullscreen mode.

              no sets _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR to 0,  which  is  the  default
              value  as  declared by the EWMH specification, i.e. no change is

              never asks the window manager to never disable the compositor.

              Whether or not to use presentation statistics from X11's presen-
              tation extension (default: auto).

              mpv  asks  X11 for present events which it then may use for more
              accurate  frame  presentation.  This  only  has  an  effect   if
              --video-sync=display-...  is being used.

              The  auto  option enumerates XRandr providers for autodetection.
              If amd, radeon, intel, or nouveau (the standard x86  Mesa  driv-
              ers)  is found and nvidia is NOT found, presentation feedback is
              enabled. Other drivers are not assumed to work, so they are  not
              enabled automatically.

              yes  or no can still be passed regardless to enable/disable this
              mechanism in case there is good/bad behavior with whatever  your
              combination of hardware/drivers/etc. happens to be.

   Disc Devices
              Specify the CD-ROM device (default: /dev/cdrom).

              Specify the DVD device or .iso filename (default: /dev/dvd). You
              can also specify a  directory  that  contains  files  previously
              copied directly from a DVD (with e.g. vobcopy).


                        mpv dvd:// --dvd-device=/path/to/dvd/

              (Blu-ray  only) Specify the Blu-ray disc location. Must be a di-
              rectory with Blu-ray structure.


                        mpv bd:// --bluray-device=/path/to/bd/

              These options can be used to tune the CD Audio  reading  feature
              of mpv.

              Set CD spin speed.

              Set  paranoia  level. Values other than 0 seem to break playback
              of anything but the first track.

              0      disable checking (default)

              1      overlap checking only

              2      full data correction and verification

              Set atomic read size.

              Force minimum overlap search during verification to <value> sec-

              Assume  that  the beginning offset of track 1 as reported in the
              TOC will be addressed as LBA 0. Some discs need this for getting
              track boundaries correctly.

              Add  <value>  sectors  to  the  values  reported when addressing
              tracks.  May be negative.

              (Never) accept imperfect data reconstruction.

              Print CD text. This is disabled by  default,  because  it  ruins
              performance with CD-ROM drives for unknown reasons.

              Try  to  limit DVD speed (default: 0, no change). DVD base speed
              is 1385 kB/s, so an 8x drive can read  at  speeds  up  to  11080
              kB/s.  Slower  speeds  make  the  drive more quiet. For watching
              DVDs, 2700 kB/s should be quiet and fast enough. mpv resets  the
              speed  to  the drive default value on close.  Values of at least
              100 mean speed in kB/s. Values less than 100 mean  multiples  of
              1385 kB/s, i.e. --dvd-speed=8 selects 11080 kB/s.

                 You need write access to the DVD device to change the speed.

              Some  DVDs  contain  scenes that can be viewed from multiple an-
              gles.  This option tells mpv which angle to use (default: 1).

              Adjust the brightness of the video signal (default: 0). Not sup-
              ported by all video output drivers.

              Adjust  the  contrast of the video signal (default: 0). Not sup-
              ported by all video output drivers.

              Adjust the saturation of the video signal (default: 0). You  can
              get  grayscale  output  with  this  option. Not supported by all
              video output drivers.

              Adjust the gamma of the video signal (default: 0). Not supported
              by all video output drivers.

              Adjust  the  hue of the video signal (default: 0). You can get a
              colored negative of the image with this option. Not supported by
              all video output drivers.

              Force  demuxer type. Use a '+' before the name to force it; this
              will skip some checks. Give the demuxer name as printed by --de-

              Maximum length in seconds to analyze the stream properties.

              Whether  to  probe  stream  information (default: auto). Techni-
              cally,    this    controls    whether    libavformat's    avfor-
              mat_find_stream_info() function is called. Usually it's safer to
              call it, but it can also make startup slower.

              The auto choice (the default) tries  to  skip  this  for  a  few
              know-safe  whitelisted  formats, while calling it for everything

              The nostreams choice only calls it if and only if the file seems
              to contain no streams after opening (helpful in cases when call-
              ing the function is needed to detect streams  at  all,  such  as
              with FLV files).

              Minimum  required libavformat probe score. Lower values will re-
              quire less data to be loaded (makes streams start  faster),  but
              makes  file format detection less reliable. Can be used to force
              auto-detected libavformat demuxers, even if libavformat  consid-
              ers the detection not reliable enough. (Default: 26.)

              Allow  deriving  the  format  from  the HTTP MIME type (default:
              yes). Set this to no in case playing things from  HTTP  mysteri-
              ously fails, even though the same files work from local disk.

              This  is  default  in  order to reduce latency when opening HTTP

              Force a specific libavformat demuxer.

              By default, some formats will be handled differently from  other
              formats  by  explicitly checking for them. Most of these compen-
              sate for weird or imperfect behavior from libavformat  demuxers.
              Passing no disables these. For debugging and testing only.

              Pass AVOptions to libavformat demuxer.

              Note,  a  patch to make the o= unneeded and pass all unknown op-
              tions through the AVOption system is welcome.  A  full  list  of
              AVOptions  can be found in the FFmpeg manual. Note that some op-
              tions may conflict with mpv options.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.



              Maximum amount of data to probe during the detection  phase.  In
              the  case of MPEG-TS this value identifies the maximum number of
              TS packets to scan.

              Size of the stream read  buffer  allocated  for  libavformat  in
              bytes  (default:  32768). Lowering the size could lower latency.
              Note that libavformat might reallocate the buffer internally, or
              not fully use all of it.

              Attempt  to  linearize  timestamp resets in demuxed streams (de-
              fault: auto).  This was tested only for  single  audio  streams.
              It's  unknown  whether  it works correctly for video (but likely
              won't). Note that the implementation is slightly  incorrect  ei-
              ther  way,  and  will introduce a discontinuity by about 1 codec
              frame size.

              The auto mode enables this for OGG audio stream. This covers the
              common and annoying case of OGG web radio streams. Some of these
              will reset timestamps to 0 every time a new  song  begins.  This
              breaks  the  mpv seekable cache, which can't deal with timestamp
              resets. Note that FFmpeg/libavformat's seeking  API  can't  deal
              with  this  either;  it's likely that if this option breaks this
              even more, while if it's disabled, you can at least seek  within
              the  first song in the stream. Well, you won't get anything use-
              ful either way if the seek is outside of mpv's cache.

              Propagate FFmpeg-level options to recursively opened connections
              (default:  yes).  This is needed because FFmpeg will apply these
              settings to nested AVIO contexts  automatically.  On  the  other
              hand,  this  could break in certain situations - it's the FFmpeg
              API, you just can't win.

              This affects in particular the  --timeout  option  and  anything
              passed with --demuxer-lavf-o.

              If  this  option  is deemed unnecessary at some point in the fu-
              ture, it will be removed without notice.

       --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll=<yes|index|no>, --mkv-subtitle-preroll
              Try harder to show embedded soft subtitles  when  seeking  some-
              where.  Normally,  it  can  happen that the subtitle at the seek
              target is not shown due to how some container file  formats  are
              designed. The subtitles appear only if seeking before or exactly
              to the position a subtitle first appears. To  make  this  worse,
              subtitles  are  often timed to appear a very small amount before
              the associated video frame, so that seeking to the  video  frame
              typically does not demux the subtitle at that position.

              Enabling  this option makes the demuxer start reading data a bit
              before the seek target, so that subtitles appear correctly. Note
              that  this makes seeking slower, and is not guaranteed to always
              work. It only works if the subtitle is close enough to the  seek

              Works  with  the  internal Matroska demuxer only. Always enabled
              for absolute and hr-seeks, and this option changes behavior with
              relative or imprecise seeks only.

              You  can  use  the --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs option to
              specify how much data the demuxer should pre-read at most in or-
              der to find subtitle packets that may overlap. Setting this to 0
              will effectively disable this preroll mechanism. Setting a  very
              large  value  can make seeking very slow, and an extremely large
              value would completely reread the entire file from start to seek
              target on every seek - seeking can become slower towards the end
              of the file. The details are messy, and the  value  is  actually
              rounded down to the cluster with the previous video keyframe.

              Some files, especially files muxed with newer mkvmerge versions,
              have information embedded that can be  used  to  determine  what
              subtitle packets overlap with a seek target. In these cases, mpv
              will reduce the amount of data read to a minimum.  (Although  it
              will  still  read all data between the cluster that contains the
              first wanted subtitle packet, and the seek target.) If the index
              choice (which is the default) is specified, then prerolling will
              be done only if this information is actually available. If  this
              method  is used, the maximum amount of data to skip can be addi-
              tionally controlled by --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs-index
              (it still uses the value of the option without -index if that is

              See  also  --hr-seek-demuxer-offset  option.  This  option   can
              achieve  a  similar  effect,  but  only if hr-seek is active. It
              works with any demuxer, but makes seeking much slower, as it has
              to decode audio and video data instead of just skipping over it.

              --mkv-subtitle-preroll is a deprecated alias.

              See --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll.

              See --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll.

              Check the start time of Matroska files (default: yes). This sim-
              ply reads the first cluster timestamps and  assumes  it  is  the
              start  time.  Technically,  this also reads the first timestamp,
              which may increase latency by one frame (which may  be  relevant
              for live streams).

              When  opening  the  file,  seek to the end of it, and check what
              timestamp the last video packet has, and report that as file du-
              ration.  This  is strictly for compatibility with Haali only. In
              this mode, it's possible that opening will be slower (especially
              when  playing  over http), or that behavior with broken files is
              much worse. So don't use this option.

              The yes mode merely uses the index and reads a small  number  of
              blocks  from  the  end  of the file. The full mode actually tra-
              verses the entire file and can make  a  reliable  estimate  even
              without an index present (such as partial files).

              Number  of channels (or channel layout) if --demuxer=rawaudio is
              used (default: stereo).

              Sample format  for  --demuxer=rawaudio  (default:  s16le).   Use
              --demuxer-rawaudio-format=help to get a list of all formats.

              Sample rate for --demuxer=rawaudio (default: 44 kHz).

              Rate  in  frames  per  second  for  --demuxer=rawvideo (default:

       --demuxer-rawvideo-w=<value>, --demuxer-rawvideo-h=<value>
              Image dimension in pixels for --demuxer=rawvideo.


                        Play a raw YUV sample:

                     mpv sample-720x576.yuv --demuxer=rawvideo \
                     --demuxer-rawvideo-w=720 --demuxer-rawvideo-h=576

              Color space (fourcc) in hex  or  string  for  --demuxer=rawvideo
              (default: YV12).

              Color space by internal video format for --demuxer=rawvideo. Use
              --demuxer-rawvideo-mp-format=help for a list  of  possible  for-

              Set the video codec instead of selecting the rawvideo codec when
              using --demuxer=rawvideo. This uses the  same  values  as  codec
              names in --vd (but it does not accept decoder names).

              Frame size in bytes when using --demuxer=rawvideo.

              Specify  the  CUE  sheet  codepage.  (See --sub-codepage for de-

              This controls how much the demuxer is allowed to  buffer  ahead.
              The  demuxer  will  normally try to read ahead as much as neces-
              sary, or as much is requested with --demuxer-readahead-secs. The
              option  can be used to restrict the maximum readahead. This lim-
              its excessive readahead in case  of  broken  files  or  desynced
              playback.  The  demuxer  will stop reading additional packets as
              soon as one of the limits is reached. (The limits still  can  be
              slightly overstepped due to technical reasons.)

              Set these limits higher if you get a packet queue overflow warn-
              ing, and you think normal playback  would  be  possible  with  a
              larger packet queue.

              See  --list-options for defaults and value range. <bytesize> op-
              tions accept suffixes such as KiB and MiB.

              This controls how much past data the demuxer is allowed to  pre-
              serve. This is useful only if the cache is enabled.

              Unlike  the  forward cache, there is no control how many seconds
              are actually cached - it will simply use as much memory this op-
              tion  allows. Setting this option to 0 will strictly disable any
              back buffer, but this will lead to the situation that  the  for-
              ward  seek  range starts after the current playback position (as
              it removes past packets that are seek points).

              If the end of the file is reached, the remaining unused  forward
              buffer  space  is  "donated" to the backbuffer (unless the back-
              buffer size is set to 0, or --demuxer-donate-buffer  is  set  to
              no).   This still limits the total cache usage to the sum of the
              forward and backward cache, and effectively makes better use  of
              the  total allowed memory budget. (The opposite does not happen:
              free backward buffer is never "donated" to the forward buffer.)

              Keep in mind that other buffers in the  player  (like  decoders)
              will cause the demuxer to cache "future" frames in the back buf-
              fer, which can skew the impression about how much data the back-
              buffer contains.

              See --list-options for defaults and value range.

              Whether  to  let  the back buffer use part of the forward buffer
              (default: yes).  If set to  yes,  the  "donation"  behavior  de-
              scribed  in  the option description for --demuxer-max-back-bytes
              is enabled. This means the back buffer may use up memory  up  to
              the sum of the forward and back buffer options, minus the active
              size of the forward buffer. If set to no, the  options  strictly
              limit the forward and back buffer sizes separately.

              Note  that  if the end of the file is reached, the buffered data
              stays the same, even if you seek back within the cache. This  is
              because the back buffer is only reduced when new data is read.

              Debugging  option to control whether seeking can use the demuxer
              cache (default: auto). Normally you don't ever need to set this;
              the  default auto does the right thing and enables cache seeking
              it if --cache is set to yes (or is implied yes if --cache=auto).

              If enabled, short seek offsets will not trigger a low level  de-
              muxer  seek  (which  means  for  example that slow network round
              trips or FFmpeg seek bugs can be avoided). If a seek cannot hap-
              pen within the cached range, a low level seek will be triggered.
              Seeking outside of the cache will start a new cached range,  but
              can  discard the old cache range if the demuxer exhibits certain
              unsupported behavior.

              The special value auto  means  yes  in  the  same  situation  as
              --cache-secs  is used (i.e. when the stream appears to be a net-
              work stream or the stream cache is enabled).

              Whether to keep retrying making the  demuxer  thread  read  more
              packets each time the decoder dequeues a packet, even if the end
              of the file was reached (default: no). This does not really make
              sense,  but  was the default behavior in mpv 0.32.0 and earlier.
              This option will be silently removed after a while,  and  exists
              only  to  restore the old behavior for testing, in case this was
              actually needed somewhere. This does _not_ help with files  that
              are  being appended to (in these cases use appending://, or dis-
              able the cache).

              Run the demuxer in a separate thread, and let it prefetch a cer-
              tain amount of packets (default: yes). Having this enabled leads
              to smoother playback, enables  features  like  prefetching,  and
              prevents  that  stuck  network  freezes the player. On the other
              hand, it can add overhead, or the background prefetching can hog
              CPU resources.

              Disabling  this  option is not recommended. Use it for debugging

              Number of seconds the player should wait to shutdown the demuxer
              (default: 0.1). The player will wait up to this much time before
              it closes the stream layer forcefully. Forceful closing  usually
              means  the  network  I/O is given no chance to close its connec-
              tions gracefully (of course the OS can still close  TCP  connec-
              tions  properly),  and  might  result in annoying messages being
              logged, and in some cases, confused remote servers.

              This timeout is usually only applied when loading  has  finished
              properly.  If  loading is aborted by the user, or in some corner
              cases like removing external tracks sourced from network  during
              playback, forceful closing is always used.

              If  --demuxer-thread  is enabled, this controls how much the de-
              muxer should buffer ahead in seconds (default: 1). As long as no
              packet  has  a  timestamp  difference  higher than the readahead
              amount relative to the last packet returned to the decoder,  the
              demuxer keeps reading.

              Note that enabling the cache (such as --cache=yes, or if the in-
              put is considered a network stream, and --cache=auto  is  used),
              this option is mostly ignored. (--cache-secs will override this.
              Technically, the maximum of both options is used.)

              The main purpose of this option is to limit the readhead for lo-
              cal playback, since a large readahead value is not overly useful
              in this case.

              (This value tends to be fuzzy, because many file  formats  don't
              store linear timestamps.)

              Prefetch next playlist entry while playback of the current entry
              is ending (default: no).

              This does not prefill the cache with the video data of the  next
              URL.   Prefetching  video data is supported only for the current
              playlist entry, and depends on the demuxer cache settings (on by
              default).  This  merely opens the URL of the next playlist entry
              as soon the current URL is fully read.

              This does not work with URLs resolved by the youtube-dl wrapper,
              and it won't.

              This can give subtly wrong results if per-file options are used,
              or if options are changed in the time window between prefetching
              start and next file played.

              This  can occasionally make wrong prefetching decisions. For ex-
              ample,  it  can't  predict  whether  you  go  backwards  in  the
              playlist, and assumes you won't edit the playlist.

              Highly experimental.

              If  the player thinks that the media is not seekable (e.g. play-
              ing from a pipe, or it's an  http  stream  with  a  server  that
              doesn't  support range requests), seeking will be disabled. This
              option can forcibly enable it.   For  seeks  within  the  cache,
              there's a good chance of success.

              Before  starting playback, read data until either the end of the
              file was reached, or the demuxer cache has reached  maximum  ca-
              pacity. Only once this is done, playback starts. This intention-
              ally happens before the initial  seek  triggered  with  --start.
              This  does  not  change  any  runtime behavior after the initial
              caching. This option is useless if the  file  cannot  be  cached

              When  opening multi-volume rar files, open all volumes to create
              a full list of contained files (default: no). If disabled,  only
              the  archive  entries whose headers are located within the first
              volume are listed (and thus played when opening a .rar file with
              mpv).  Doing  so  speeds  up  opening,  and  the typical idiotic
              use-case of playing uncompressed  multi-volume  rar  files  that
              contain a single media file is made faster.

              Opening  is still slow, because for unknown, idiotic, and unnec-
              essary reasons libarchive opens all volumes anyway when  playing
              the main file, even though mpv iterated no archive entries yet.

              Use  system  settings  for  keyrepeat delay and rate, instead of
              --input-ar-delay and --input-ar-rate. (Whether this applies  de-
              pends  on the VO backend and how it handles keyboard input. Does
              not apply to terminal input.)

              Delay in milliseconds before we start to autorepeat a key (0  to

              Number of key presses to generate per second on autorepeat.

              Specify input configuration file other than the default location
              in the mpv configuration  directory  (usually  ~/.config/mpv/in-

              Disable  default-level ("weak") key bindings. These are bindings
              which config files like input.conf can  override.  It  currently
              affects  the  builtin  key bindings, and keys which scripts bind
              using mp.add_key_binding (but not mp.add_forced_key_binding  be-
              cause this overrides input.conf).

              Disable  loading  of built-in key bindings during start-up. This
              option is applied only during (lib)mpv  initialization,  and  if
              used  then it will not be not possible to enable them later. May
              be useful to libmpv clients.

              Prints all commands that can be bound to keys.

              Time in milliseconds to recognize two consecutive button presses
              as a double-click (default: 300).

              Prints all keys that can be bound to commands.

              Specify  the  size of the FIFO that buffers key events (default:
              7). If it is too small, some events may be lost. The main disad-
              vantage  of setting it to a very large value is that if you hold
              down a key triggering some particularly slow  command  then  the
              player  may  be  unresponsive  while it processes all the queued

              Input test mode. Instead of executing commands on  key  presses,
              mpv will show the keys and the bound commands on the OSD. Has to
              be used with a dummy video, and the  normal  ways  to  quit  the
              player  will  not  work (key bindings that normally quit will be
              shown on OSD only, just like any other binding). See INPUT.CONF.

       --input-terminal, --no-input-terminal
              --no-input-terminal prevents the player from reading key  events
              from  standard input. Useful when reading data from standard in-
              put. This is automatically enabled when - is found on  the  com-
              mand  line.  There are situations where you have to set it manu-
              ally, e.g. if you open /dev/stdin (or  the  equivalent  on  your
              system),  use  stdin  in a playlist or intend to read from stdin
              later on via the loadfile or loadlist input commands.

              Enable the IPC support and create the listening  socket  at  the
              given path.

              On  Linux and Unix, the given path is a regular filesystem path.
              On Windows, named pipes are used, so the path refers to the pipe
              namespace (\\.\pipe\<name>). If the \\.\pipe\ prefix is missing,
              mpv will add it automatically before creating the pipe, so --in-
              put-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket             and             --in-
              put-ipc-server=\\.\pipe\tmp\mpv-socket are equivalent for IPC on

              See JSON IPC for details.

              Connect  a  single  IPC client to the given FD. This is somewhat
              similar to --input-ipc-server, except no socket is created,  and
              instead  the  passed  FD is treated like a socket connection re-
              ceived from accept(). In practice, you could pass  either  a  FD
              created  by  socketpair(),  or  a pipe.  In both cases, you must
              sure the FD is actually inherited by mpv (do not set  the  POSIX
              CLOEXEC flag).

              The player quits when the connection is closed.

              This is somewhat similar to the removed --input-file option, ex-
              cept it supports only integer FDs, and cannot open actual paths.



                 Does not and will not work on Windows.

                 Writing to the input-ipc-server option at runtime will  start
                 another  instance  of  an  IPC  client  handler  for  the in-
                 put-ipc-client option, because initialization is bundled, and
                 this  thing  is  stupid.  This  is  a  bug.  Writing  to  in-
                 put-ipc-client at runtime will start another IPC client  han-
                 dler for the new value, without stopping the old one, even if
                 the FD value is the same (but the string  is  different  e.g.
                 due to whitespace). This is not a bug.

              Enable/disable SDL2 Gamepad support. Disabled by default.

       --input-cursor, --no-input-cursor
              Permit  mpv to receive pointer events reported by the video out-
              put driver. Necessary to use the OSC, or to select  the  buttons
              in DVD menus.  Support depends on the VO in use.

              On  systems where mpv can choose between receiving media keys or
              letting the system handle them - this  option  controls  whether
              mpv should receive them.

              Default:  yes  (except  for libmpv). macOS and Windows only, be-
              cause elsewhere mpv doesn't have a choice - the  system  decides
              whether  to send media keys to mpv. For instance, on X11 or Way-
              land, system-wide media keys are not implemented. Whether  media
              keys  work  when the mpv window is focused is implementation-de-

       --input-right-alt-gr, --no-input-right-alt-gr
              (Cocoa and Windows only) Use the right Alt key as Alt Gr to pro-
              duce  special characters. If disabled, count the right Alt as an
              Alt modifier key. Enabled by default.

              Disable all keyboard input on for VOs which can't participate in
              proper  keyboard input dispatching. May not affect all VOs. Gen-
              erally useful for embedding only.

              On X11, a sub-window with input enabled grabs all keyboard input
              as  long  as  it  is  1. a child of a focused window, and 2. the
              mouse is inside of the sub-window. It can steal  away  all  key-
              board  input  from the application embedding the mpv window, and
              on the other hand, the mpv window will receive no input  if  the
              mouse  is  outside of the mpv window, even though mpv has focus.
              Modern toolkits work around this weird X11 behavior, but naively
              embedding foreign windows breaks it.

              The  only way to handle this reasonably is using the XEmbed pro-
              tocol, which was designed to solve these problems. GTK  provides
              GtkSocket,  which  supports  XEmbed.  Qt doesn't seem to provide
              anything working in newer versions.

              If the embedder supports XEmbed, input should work with  default
              settings  and  with  this  option  disabled. Note that input-de-
              fault-bindings is disabled by default in libmpv  as  well  -  it
              should be enabled if you want the mpv default key bindings.

              (This option was renamed from --input-x11-keyboard.)

       --osc, --no-osc
              Whether to load the on-screen-controller (default: yes).

       --no-osd-bar, --osd-bar
              Disable display of the OSD bar.

              You  can configure this on a per-command basis in input.conf us-
              ing osd- prefixes, see Input Command Prefixes. If  you  want  to
              disable the OSD completely, use --osd-level=0.

              Set  what  is  displayed on the OSD during seeks. The default is

              You can configure this on a per-command basis in input.conf  us-
              ing osd- prefixes, see Input Command Prefixes.

              Set the duration of the OSD messages in ms (default: 1000).

              Specify font to use for OSD. The default is sans-serif.


                 • --osd-font='Bitstream Vera Sans'--osd-font='Comic Sans MS'

              Specify the OSD font size. See --sub-font-size for details.

              Default: 55.

              Show  this string as message on OSD with OSD level 1 (visible by
              default).  The message will be visible by default, and  as  long
              as  no  other message covers it, and the OSD level isn't changed
              (see --osd-level).  Expands properties; see Property Expansion.

              Similar to --osd-msg1, but for OSD level 2. If this is an  empty
              string (default), then the playback time is shown.

              Similar  to --osd-msg1, but for OSD level 3. If this is an empty
              string (default), then the playback  time,  duration,  and  some
              more information is shown.

              This is used for the show-progress command (by default mapped to
              P), and when seeking if enabled with --osd-on-seek  or  by  osd-
              prefixes in input.conf (see Input Command Prefixes).

              --osd-status-msg  is  a legacy equivalent (but with a minor dif-

              Show a custom string during playback  instead  of  the  standard
              status   text.    This   overrides  the  status  text  used  for
              --osd-level=3, when using the show-progress command (by  default
              mapped  to P), and when seeking if enabled with --osd-on-seek or
              osd- prefixes in input.conf (see Input  Command  Prefixes).  Ex-
              pands properties. See Property Expansion.

              This  option has been replaced with --osd-msg3. The only differ-
              ence is that this option implicitly includes ${osd-sym-cc}. This
              option is ignored if --osd-msg3 is not empty.

              Show  a  message  on OSD when playback starts. The string is ex-
              panded for  properties,  e.g.  --osd-playing-msg='file:  ${file-
              name}'  will  show the message file: followed by a space and the
              currently played filename.

              See Property Expansion.

              Set the duration of osd-playing-msg in ms.  If  this  is  unset,
              osd-playing-msg  stays  on  screen for the duration of osd-dura-

              Position of the OSD bar. -1 is far left, 0 is centered, 1 is far
              right.  Fractional values (like 0.5) are allowed.

              Position  of the OSD bar. -1 is top, 0 is centered, 1 is bottom.
              Fractional values (like 0.5) are allowed.

              Width of the OSD bar, in percentage of  the  screen  width  (de-
              fault:  75).   A  value  of  50 means the bar is half the screen

              Height of the OSD bar, in percentage of the screen  height  (de-
              fault: 3.125).

              See --sub-color. Color used for OSD text background.

              Gaussian blur factor. 0 means no blur applied (default).

              Format text on bold.

              Format text on italic.

              See --sub-color. Color used for the OSD font border.

                 ignored  when --osd-back-color is specified (or more exactly:
                 when that option is not set to completely transparent).

              Size  of  the  OSD   font   border   in   scaled   pixels   (see
              --sub-font-size for details). A value of 0 disables borders.

              Default: 3.

              Specify the color used for OSD.  See --sub-color for details.

              Show  OSD times with fractions of seconds (in millisecond preci-
              sion). Useful to see the exact timestamp of a video frame.

              Specifies which mode the OSD should start in.

              0      OSD completely disabled (subtitles only)

              1      enabled (shows up only on user interaction)

              2      enabled + current time visible by default

              3      enabled + --osd-status-msg (current time  and  status  by

              Left  and  right screen margin for the OSD in scaled pixels (see
              --sub-font-size for details).

              This option specifies the distance of the OSD to  the  left,  as
              well  as  at  which distance from the right border long OSD text
              will be broken.

              Default: 25.

              Top and bottom screen margin for the OSD in scaled  pixels  (see
              --sub-font-size for details).

              This option specifies the vertical margins of the OSD.

              Default: 22.

              Control  to  which corner of the screen OSD should be aligned to
              (default: left).

              Vertical position (default: top).  Details see --osd-align-x.

              OSD font size multiplier, multiplied with --osd-font-size value.

              Whether to scale the OSD with the window size (default: yes). If
              this is disabled, --osd-font-size and other OSD options that use
              scaled pixels are always in actual pixels. The  effect  is  that
              changing the window size won't change the OSD font size.

              See --sub-color. Color used for OSD shadow.

              Displacement   of   the   OSD   shadow  in  scaled  pixels  (see
              --sub-font-size for details). A value of 0 disables shadows.

              Default: 0.

              Horizontal  OSD/sub  font  spacing   in   scaled   pixels   (see
              --sub-font-size  for details). This value is added to the normal
              letter spacing. Negative values are allowed.

              Default: 0.

              Enabled OSD rendering on the video window (default:  yes).  This
              can  be  used  in situations where terminal OSD is preferred. If
              you just want to disable all OSD rendering, use --osd-level=0.

              It does not affect subtitles or overlays created by scripts  (in
              particular, the OSC needs to be disabled with --no-osc).

              This  option  is  somewhat experimental and could be replaced by
              another mechanism in the future.

              See --sub-font-provider for details and  accepted  values.  Note
              that  unlike subtitles, OSD never uses embedded fonts from media

              Set the image file type used for saving screenshots.

              Available choices:

              png    PNG

              jpg    JPEG (default)

              jpeg   JPEG (alias for jpg)

              webp   WebP

              jxl    JPEG XL

              Tag screenshots with the appropriate colorspace.

              Note that not all formats are supported.

              Default: no.

              If possible, write screenshots with a bit depth similar  to  the
              source  video  (default: yes). This is interesting in particular
              for PNG, as this sometimes triggers writing  16  bit  PNGs  with
              huge  file sizes. This will also include an unused alpha channel
              in the resulting files if 16 bit is used.

              Specify the filename template used to save screenshots. The tem-
              plate  specifies  the  filename  without file extension, and can
              contain format specifiers, which will be substituted when taking
              a screenshot.  By default, the template is mpv-shot%n, which re-
              sults in filenames like mpv-shot0012.png for example.

              The template can start with a relative or absolute path, in  or-
              der  to specify a directory location where screenshots should be

              If the final screenshot filename points to an  already  existing
              file,  the file will not be overwritten. The screenshot will ei-
              ther not be saved, or if the template contains %n,  saved  using
              different, newly generated filename.

              Allowed format specifiers:

                     A  sequence  number,  padded  with zeros to length X (de-
                     fault: 04). E.g.  passing the format %04n will yield 0012
                     on  the 12th screenshot.  The number is incremented every
                     time a screenshot is taken or if the file already exists.
                     The  length X must be in the range 0-9. With the optional
                     # sign, mpv will use the lowest available number. For ex-
                     ample,   if   you  take  three  screenshots--0001,  0002,
                     0003--and delete the first two, the next two  screenshots
                     will not be 0004 and 0005, but 0001 and 0002 again.

              %f     Filename of the currently played video.

              %F     Same  as  %f, but strip the file extension, including the

              %x     Directory path of the  currently  played  video.  If  the
                     video  is  not on the filesystem (but e.g. http://), this
                     expand to an empty string.

                     Same as %x, but if the video file is not on the  filesys-
                     tem, return the fallback string inside the {...}.

              %p     Current  playback time, in the same format as used in the
                     OSD. The result is a string of the form  "HH:MM:SS".  For
                     example,  if  the video is at the time position 5 minutes
                     and 34 seconds, %p will be replaced with "00:05:34".

              %P     Similar to %p, but extended with  the  playback  time  in
                     milliseconds.   It  is  formatted as "HH:MM:SS.mmm", with
                     "mmm" being the millisecond part of the playback time.

                        This is a simple  way  for  getting  unique  per-frame
                        timestamps.  (Frame  numbers  would be more intuitive,
                        but are not  easily  implementable  because  container
                        formats   usually  use  time  stamps  for  identifying

              %wX    Specify the current playback time using the format string
                     X.    %p   is   like   %wH:%wM:%wS,   and   %P   is  like

                     Valid format specifiers:

                            %wH    hour (padded with 0 to two digits)

                            %wh    hour (not padded)

                            %wM    minutes (00-59)

                            %wm    total minutes (includes hours, unlike %wM)

                            %wS    seconds (00-59)

                            %ws    total seconds (includes hours and minutes)

                            %wf    like %ws, but as float

                            %wT    milliseconds (000-999)

              %tX    Specify the current local date/time using the  format  X.
                     This  format  specifier uses the UNIX strftime() function
                     internally, and inserts the result  of  passing  "%X"  to
                     strftime.  For example, %tm will insert the number of the
                     current month as number. You have  to  use  multiple  %tX
                     specifiers to build a full date/time string.

              %{prop[:fallback text]}
                     Insert  the  value  of  the  input  property 'prop'. E.g.
                     %{filename} is the same as %f. If the property  does  not
                     exist or is not available, an error text is inserted, un-
                     less a fallback is specified.

              %%     Replaced with the % character itself.

              Store screenshots in this directory. This path  is  joined  with
              the filename generated by --screenshot-template. If the template
              filename is already absolute, the directory is ignored.

              If the directory does not exist, it  is  created  on  the  first
              screenshot. If it is not a directory, an error is generated when
              trying to write a screenshot.

              This option is not set by default, and thus will  write  screen-
              shots to the directory from which mpv was started. In pseudo-gui
              mode (see PSEUDO GUI MODE), this is set to the desktop.

              Set the JPEG quality level. Higher means better quality. The de-
              fault is 90.

              Write  JPEG  files with the same chroma subsampling as the video
              (default: yes). If disabled, the libjpeg default is used.

              Set the PNG compression level. Higher means better  compression.
              This  will  affect  the file size of the written screenshot file
              and the time it takes to write a screenshot. Too  high  compres-
              sion might occupy enough CPU time to interrupt playback. The de-
              fault is 7.

              Set the filter applied prior to PNG compression. 0 is none, 1 is
              "sub",  2  is  "up",  3  is  "average",  4  is "Paeth", and 5 is
              "mixed". This affects the  level  of  compression  that  can  be
              achieved. For most images, "mixed" achieves the best compression
              ratio, hence it is the default.

              Write lossless WebP files. --screenshot-webp-quality is  ignored
              if this is set. The default is no.

              Set the WebP quality level. Higher means better quality. The de-
              fault is 75.

              Set the WebP compression level. Higher means better compression,
              but takes more CPU time. Note that this also affects the screen-
              shot quality when used with lossy WebP files. The default is 4.

              Set the JPEG XL Butteraugli distance. Lower means  better  qual-
              ity.  Lossless  is  0.0,  and 1.0 is approximately equivalent to
              JPEG quality 90 for photographic content. Use 0.1 for  "visually
              lossless" screenshots. The default is 1.0.

              Set  the  JPEG  XL  compression  effort. Higher effort (usually)
              means better compression, but takes more CPU time.  The  default
              is 3.

              Whether to use software rendering for screenshots (default: no).

              If  set to no, the screenshot will be rendered by the current VO
              if possible (only vo_gpu currently). The advantage is that  this
              will  (probably)  always show up as in the video window, because
              the same code is used for rendering.   But  since  the  renderer
              needs  to be reinitialized, this can be slow and interrupt play-
              back. (Unless the window mode is used with the  screenshot  com-

              If  set to yes, the software scaler is used to convert the video
              to RGB (or whatever the target  screenshot  requires).  In  this
              case, conversion will run in a separate thread and will probably
              not interrupt playback. The software renderer may lack some  ca-
              pabilities, such as HDR rendering.

   Software Scaler
              Specify   the   software   scaler  algorithm  to  be  used  with
              --vf=scale. This also affects video output  drivers  which  lack
              hardware acceleration, e.g. x11. See also --vf=scale.

              To get a list of available scalers, run --sws-scaler=help.

              Default: bicubic.

              Software scaler Gaussian blur filter (luma). See --sws-scaler.

              Software scaler Gaussian blur filter (chroma). See --sws-scaler.

              Software scaler sharpen filter (luma). See --sws-scaler.

              Software scaler sharpen filter (chroma). See --sws-scaler.

              Software scaler chroma horizontal shifting. See --sws-scaler.

              Software scaler chroma vertical shifting. See --sws-scaler.

              Unknown  functionality  (default: no). Consult libswscale source
              code. The primary purpose of this,  as  far  as  libswscale  API
              goes),  is to produce exactly the same output for the same input
              on all platforms (output has the same  "bits"  everywhere,  thus
              "bitexact"). Typically disables optimizations.

              Allow optimizations that help with performance, but reduce qual-
              ity (default: no).

              VOs like drm and x11 will benefit a lot from  using  --sws-fast.
              You  may  need  to  set  other  options,  like --sws-scaler. The
              builtin sws-fast profile sets this option  and  some  others  to
              gain performance for reduced quality. Also see --sws-allow-zimg.

              Allow  using  zimg  (if the component using the internal swscale
              wrapper explicitly allows so) (default: yes). In this case, zimg
              may be used, if the internal zimg wrapper supports the input and
              output formats. It will silently or noisily fall back to libsws-
              cale if one of these conditions does not apply.

              If  zimg  is used, the other --sws- options are ignored, and the
              --zimg- options are used instead.

              If the internal component using the  swscale  wrapper  hooks  up
              logging  correctly, a verbose priority log message will indicate
              whether zimg is being used.

              Most things which need software conversion can make use of this.

                 Do note that zimg may be  slower  than  libswscale.  Usually,
                 it's  faster on x86 platforms, but slower on ARM (due to lack
                 of ARM specific optimizations). The mpv zimg wrapper uses un-
                 optimized  repacking  for some formats, for which zimg cannot
                 be blamed.

              Zimg luma scaler to use (default: lanczos).

       --zimg-scaler-param-a=<default|float>,       --zimg-scaler-param-b=<de-
              Set  scaler parameters. By default, these are set to the special
              string default, which maps to a scaler-specific  default  value.
              Ignored if the scaler is not tunable.

                     --zimg-scaler-param-a is the number of taps.

                     a and b are the bicubic b and c parameters.

              Same  as  --zimg-scaler,  for for chroma interpolation (default:

       --zimg-scaler-chroma-param-a, --zimg-scaler-chroma-param-b
              Same  as  --zimg-scaler-param-a  /  --zimg-scaler-param-b,   for

              Dithering (default: random).

              Set  the  maximum number of threads to use for scaling (default:
              auto).  auto uses the number of logical cores on the current ma-
              chine. Note that the scaler may use less threads (or even just 1
              thread) depending on stuff.   Passing  a  value  of  1  disables
              threading  and  always  scales  the image in a single operation.
              Higher thread counts waste  resources,  but  make  it  typically

              Note  that some zimg git versions had bugs that will corrupt the
              output if threads are used.

              Allow optimizations that help with performance, but reduce qual-
              ity  (default:  yes). Currently, this may simplify gamma conver-
              sion operations.

   Audio Resampler
       This controls the default options of any resampling done  by  mpv  (but
       not  within  libavfilter, within the system audio API resampler, or any
       other places).

       It also sets the defaults for the lavrresample audio filter.

              Length of the filter with respect to the  lower  sampling  rate.
              (default: 16)

              Log2  of  the  number  of  polyphase  entries.  (...,  10->1024,
              11->2048, 12->4096, ...) (default: 10->1024)

              Cutoff frequency (0.0-1.0), default set  depending  upon  filter

              If  set  then  filters  will  be  linearly  interpolated between
              polyphase entries. (default: no)

              Enable/disable normalization if surround audio is  downmixed  to
              stereo  (default:  no).  If  this is disabled, downmix can cause
              clipping. If it's enabled, the output might be too quiet. It de-
              pends on the source audio.

              Technically, this changes the normalize suboption of the lavrre-
              sample audio filter, which performs the downmixing.

              If downmix happens outside of mpv for some reason, or in the de-
              coder  (decoder  downmixing),  or  in  the  audio output (system
              mixer), this has no effect.

              Limit maximum size of audio frames filtered at once, in ms  (de-
              fault:  40).   The  output size size is limited in order to make
              resample speed changes react faster.  This  is  necessary  espe-
              cially  if  decoders  or  filters  output very large frame sizes
              (like some lossless codecs or some DRC  filters).   This  option
              does not affect the resampling algorithm in any way.

              For testing/debugging only. Can be removed or changed any time.

              Set AVOptions on the SwrContext or AVAudioResampleContext. These
              should be documented by FFmpeg or Libav.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

              Make console output less verbose; in  particular,  prevents  the
              status line (i.e. AV: 3.4 (00:00:03.37) / 5320.6 ...) from being
              displayed.  Particularly useful on slow terminals or broken ones
              which do not properly handle carriage return (i.e. \r).

              See also: --really-quiet and --msg-level.

              Display even less output and status messages than with --quiet.

       --no-terminal, --terminal
              Disable  any  use  of the terminal and stdin/stdout/stderr. This
              completely silences any message output.

              Unlike --really-quiet, this disables input and terminal initial-
              ization as well.

              Disable colorful console output on terminals.

              Control  verbosity  directly  for  each  module.  The all module
              changes the verbosity of all the modules. The verbosity  changes
              from  this  option  are applied in order from left to right, and
              each item can override a previous one.

              Run mpv with --msg-level=all=trace to see all messages mpv  out-
              puts.  You  can use the module names printed in the output (pre-
              fixed to each line in [...]) to limit the output to  interesting

              This  also  affects  --log-file, and in certain cases libmpv API

                 Some messages are printed before the command line  is  parsed
                 and  are  therefore  not  affected by --msg-level. To control
                 these messages, you have to use the  MPV_VERBOSE  environment
                 variable; see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES for details.

              Available levels:

                 no     complete silence

                 fatal  fatal messages only

                 error  error messages

                 warn   warning messages

                 info   informational messages

                 status status messages (default)

                 v      verbose messages

                 debug  debug messages

                 trace  very noisy debug messages


                     mpv --msg-level=ao/sndio=no

                 Completely  silences  the  output of ao_sndio, which uses the
                 log prefix [ao/sndio].

                     mpv --msg-level=all=warn,ao/alsa=error

                 Only show warnings or worse, and let the ao_alsa output  show
                 errors only.

              Control  whether  OSD  messages are shown on the console when no
              video output is available (default: auto).

              auto   use terminal OSD if no video output active

              no     disable terminal OSD

              force  use terminal OSD even if video output active

              The auto mode also enables terminal OSD  if  --video-osd=no  was

       --term-osd-bar, --no-term-osd-bar
              Enable printing a progress bar under the status line on the ter-
              minal.  (Disabled by default.)

              Customize the --term-osd-bar feature. The string is expected  to
              consist  of 5 characters (start, left space, position indicator,
              right space, end). You can use Unicode characters, but note that
              double- width characters will not be treated correctly.

              Default: [-+-].

              Print  out  a  string after starting playback. The string is ex-
              panded for properties,  e.g.  --term-playing-msg='file:  ${file-
              name}'  will  print the string file: followed by a space and the
              currently played filename.

              See Property Expansion.

              Print out a custom string during playback instead of  the  stan-
              dard status line. Expands properties. See Property Expansion.

              Set  the terminal title. Currently, this simply concatenates the
              escape sequence setting  the  window  title  with  the  provided
              (property  expanded)  string.  This will mess up if the expanded
              string contain bytes that end the escape  sequence,  or  if  the
              terminal  does  not understand the sequence. The latter probably
              includes the regrettable win32.

              Expands properties. See Property Expansion.

              Prepend module name to each console message.

              Prepend timing information to each console message. The time  is
              in  seconds  since  the player process was started (technically,
              slightly later actually), using a monotonic time source  depend-
              ing on the OS. This is CLOCK_MONOTONIC on sane UNIX variants.

              Decide whether to use network cache settings (default: auto).

              If enabled, use up to --cache-secs for the cache size (but still
              limited to --demuxer-max-bytes), and make the cached data  seek-
              able  (if possible).  If disabled, --cache-pause and related are
              implicitly disabled.

              The auto choice enables this depending on whether the stream  is
              thought to involve network accesses or other slow media (this is
              an imperfect heuristic).

              Before mpv 0.30.0, this used to accept a number, which specified
              the  size  of  the  cache  in  kilobytes. Use e.g. --cache --de-
              muxer-max-bytes=123k instead.

              Turn off input stream caching. See --cache.

              How many seconds of audio/video to prefetch if the cache is  ac-
              tive.  This overrides the --demuxer-readahead-secs option if and
              only if the cache is enabled and the value is  larger.  The  de-
              fault  value  is  set  to  something  very high, so the actually
              achieved readahead will usually be limited by the value  of  the
              --demuxer-max-bytes  option. Setting this option is usually only
              useful for limiting readahead.

              Write packet data to a temporary file, instead of  keeping  them
              in  memory.   This  makes sense only with --cache. If the normal
              cache is disabled, this option is ignored.

              You need to set --cache-dir to use this.

              The cache file is append-only. Even if  the  player  appears  to
              prune  data, the file space freed by it is not reused. The cache
              file is deleted when playback is closed.

              Note that  packet  metadata  is  still  kept  in  memory.  --de-
              muxer-max-bytes  and  related  options  are  applied to metadata
              only. The size of this metadata  varies, but 50 MB per  hour  of
              media is typical. The cache statistics will report this metadats
              size, instead of the size of the cache  file.  If  the  metadata
              hits  the size limits, the metadata is pruned (but not the cache

              When the media is closed, the cache file  is  deleted.  A  cache
              file  is generally worthless after the media is closed, and it's
              hard to retrieve any media data from it (it's not  supported  by

              If  the option is enabled at runtime, the cache file is created,
              but old data will remain in the memory cache. If the  option  is
              disabled at runtime, old data remains in the disk cache, and the
              cache file is not closed until the media is closed. If  the  op-
              tion  is disabled and enabled again, it will continue to use the
              cache file that was opened first.

              Directory where to create temporary files (default: none).

              Currently, this is used for --cache-on-disk only.

              Whether the player should automatically  pause  when  the  cache
              runs out of data and stalls decoding/playback (default: yes). If
              enabled, it will pause and unpause once more data is  available,
              aka "buffering".

              Number  of  seconds the packet cache should have buffered before
              starting playback again if "buffering" was entered (default: 1).
              This  can  be  used  to control how long the player rebuffers if
              --cache-pause is enabled, and  the  demuxer  underruns.  If  the
              given  time  is higher than the maximum set with --cache-secs or
              --demuxer-readahead-secs, or prefetching ends  before  that  for
              some  other  reason  (like  file end or maximum configured cache
              size reached), playback resumes earlier.

              Enter "buffering" mode before starting playback  (default:  no).
              This can be used to ensure playback starts smoothly, in exchange
              for waiting some time to prefetch network data (as controlled by
              --cache-pause-wait).  For  example, some common behavior is that
              playback starts, but network caches  immediately  underrun  when
              trying to decode more data as playback progresses.

              Another thing that can happen is that the network prefetching is
              so CPU demanding (due to demuxing in the background) that  play-
              back  drops  frames  at first. In these cases, it helps enabling
              this option, and setting --cache-secs and --cache-pause-wait  to
              roughly the same value.

              This option also triggers when playback is restarted after seek-

              Whether or when to unlink cache files (default: immediate). This
              affects  cache  files  which are inherently temporary, and which
              make no sense to remain on disk  after  the  player  terminates.
              This is a debugging option.

                     Unlink  cache  file  after  they  were created. The cache
                     files won't be visible anymore, even  though  they're  in
                     use.  This ensures they are guaranteed to be removed from
                     disk when the player terminates, even if it crashes.

                     Delete cache files after they are closed.

              no     Don't delete cache files. They will  consume  disk  space
                     without having a use.

              Currently, this is used for --cache-on-disk only.

              Size  of the low level stream byte buffer (default: 128KB). This
              is used as buffer between demuxer and low level I/O (e.g.  sock-
              ets). Generally, this can be very small, and the main purpose is
              similar to the internal buffer FILE in the  C  standard  library
              will have.

              Half  of  the  buffer  is  always used for guaranteed seek back,
              which is important for unseekable input.

              There are known cases where this can help performance to  set  a
              large buffer:

                 1. mp4  files.  libavformat  may  trigger many small seeks in
                    both directions, depending on how the file was muxed.

                 2. Certain network filesystems, which do not  have  a  cache,
                    and where small reads can be inefficient.

              In other cases, setting this to a large value can reduce perfor-

              Usually, read accesses are at half the buffer size, but  it  may
              happen  that  accesses  are  done  alternating  with smaller and
              larger  sizes  (this  is  due  to  the  internal   ring   buffer

              See  --list-options for defaults and value range. <bytesize> op-
              tions accept suffixes such as KiB and MiB.

       --vd-queue-enable=<yes|no>, --ad-queue-enable
              Enable running the video/audio decoder on a separate thread (de-
              fault:  no).   If  enabled,  the  decoder  is  run on a separate
              thread, and a frame queue is  put  between  decoder  and  higher
              level  playback logic. The size of the frame queue is defined by
              the other options below.

              This is probably quite pointless. libavcodec already has  multi-
              threaded decoding (enabled by default), which makes this largely
              unnecessary. It might help in some corner cases with high  band-
              width  video  that  is slow to decode (in these cases libavcodec
              would block the playback logic, while using  a  decoding  thread
              would  distribute the decoding time evenly without affecting the
              playback logic). In other situations, it will simply make  seek-
              ing slower and use significantly more memory.

              The  queue  size  is  restricted by the other --vd-queue-... op-
              tions. The final queue size is the minimum as indicated  by  the
              option  with  the  lowest  limit. Each decoder/track has its own
              queue that may use the full configured queue size.

              Most queue options can be changed at runtime.  --vd-queue-enable
              itself  (and  the  audio  equivalent) update only if decoding is
              completely reinitialized. However,  setting  --vd-queue-max-sam-
              ples=1 should almost lead to the same behavior as --vd-queue-en-
              able=no, so that value can be used for effectively  runtime  en-
              abling/disabling the queue.

              This  should  not be used with hardware decoding. It is possible
              to enable this for audio, but it makes even less sense.

       --vd-queue-max-bytes=<bytesize>, --ad-queue-max-bytes
              Maximum approximate allowed size of the queue. If exceeded,  de-
              coding  will  be  stopped.  The  maximum size can be exceeded by
              about 1 frame.

              See --list-options for defaults and value range. <bytesize>  op-
              tions accept suffixes such as KiB and MiB.

       --vd-queue-max-samples=<int>, --ad-queue-max-samples
              Maximum  number  of  frames  (video)  or  samples (audio) of the
              queue. The audio size may be exceeded by about 1 frame.

              See --list-options for defaults and value range.

       --vd-queue-max-secs=<seconds>, --ad-queue-max-secs
              Maximum number of seconds of media in  the  queue.  The  special
              value 0 means no limit is set. The queue size may be exceeded by
              about 2 frames. Timestamp resets may lead to random  queue  size

              See --list-options for defaults and value range.

              Use <string> as user agent for HTTP streaming.

       --cookies, --no-cookies
              Support cookies when making HTTP requests. Disabled by default.

              Read  HTTP cookies from <filename>. The file is assumed to be in
              Netscape format.

              Set custom HTTP fields when accessing HTTP stream.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                     mpv --http-header-fields='Field1: value1','Field2: value2' \

                 Will generate HTTP request:

                     GET / HTTP/1.0
                     Host: localhost:1234
                     User-Agent: MPlayer
                     Icy-MetaData: 1
                     Field1: value1
                     Field2: value2
                     Connection: close

              URL of the HTTP/HTTPS proxy. If this is set, the http_proxy  en-
              vironment is ignored. The no_proxy environment variable is still
              respected. This option is silently ignored if it does not  start
              with  http://. Proxies are not used for https URLs. Setting this
              option does not try to make the ytdl script use the proxy.

              Certificate authority database file for use with TLS.  (Silently
              fails with older FFmpeg or Libav versions.)

              Verify peer certificates when using TLS (e.g. with https://...).
              (Silently fails with older FFmpeg or Libav versions.)

              A file containing a certificate to use in the handshake with the

              A file containing the private key for the certificate.

              Specify a referrer path or URL for HTTP requests.

              Specify  the  network  timeout in seconds (default: 60 seconds).
              This affects at least HTTP. The special value 0  uses  the  FFm-
              peg/Libav defaults. If a protocol is used which does not support
              timeouts, this option is silently ignored.

                 This breaks the RTSP protocol, because of inconsistent FFmpeg
                 API  regarding its internal timeout option. Not only does the
                 RTSP timeout option accept different units  (seconds  instead
                 of microseconds, causing mpv to pass it huge values), it will
                 also overflow FFmpeg internal calculations. The worst is that
                 merely  setting the option will put RTSP into listening mode,
                 which breaks any client uses. At time of  this  writing,  the
                 fix  was not made effective yet. For this reason, this option
                 is ignored (or should be ignored) on RTSP URLs. You can still
                 set the timeout option directly with --demuxer-lavf-o.

              Select  RTSP  transport  method (default: tcp). This selects the
              underlying network transport when playing rtsp://...  URLs.  The
              value lavf leaves the decision to libavformat.

              If HLS streams are played, this option controls what streams are
              selected by default. The option allows the following parameters:

              no     Don't do anything special. Typically,  this  will  simply
                     pick the first audio/video streams it can find.

              min    Pick the streams with the lowest bitrate.

              max    Same, but highest bitrate. (Default.)

              Additionally,  if  the  option  is a number, the stream with the
              highest rate equal or below the option value is selected.

              The bitrate as used is sent by the server, and there's no  guar-
              antee it's actually meaningful.

              This  defines  the  program to tune to. Usually, you may specify
              this by using a stream URI like "dvb://ZDF HD", but you can tune
              to  a  different channel by writing to this property at runtime.
              Also see dvbin-channel-switch-offset  for  more  useful  channel
              switching functionality.

              Specifies using card number 0-15 (default: 0).

              Instructs mpv to read the channels list from <filename>. The de-
              fault is in the mpv  configuration  directory  (usually  ~/.con-
              fig/mpv)   with  the  filename  channels.conf.{sat,ter,cbl,atsc}
              (based on your card type) or channels.conf  as  a  last  resort.
              For  DVB-S/2  cards,  a  VDR 1.7.x format channel list is recom-
              mended as it allows tuning to DVB-S2 channels,  enabling  subti-
              tles and decoding the PMT (which largely improves the demuxing).
              Classic mplayer format channel lists are still supported  (with-
              out  these improvements), and for other card types, only limited
              VDR format channel list support  is  implemented  (patches  wel-
              come).   For  channels  with dynamic PID switching or incomplete
              channels.conf, --dvbin-full-transponder or the  magic  PID  8192
              are recommended.

              Maximum  number  of  seconds  to wait when trying to tune a fre-
              quency before giving up (default: 30).

              Apply no filters on program PIDs, only  tune  to  frequency  and
              pass  full  transponder to demuxer.  The player frontend selects
              the streams from the full TS in this case, so the program  which
              is  shown initially may not match the chosen channel.  Switching
              between the programs is possible by cycling  the  program  prop-
              erty.   This  is  useful to record multiple programs on a single
              transponder, or to work around issues in the channels.conf.   It
              is  also  recommended to use this for channels which switch PIDs
              on-the-fly, e.g. for regional news.

              Default: no

              This value is not meant for setting via configuration, but  used
              in  channel switching. An input.conf can cycle this value up and
              down to perform channel switching. This number effectively gives
              the  offset  to  the  initially  tuned to channel in the channel

              An  example  input.conf  could  contain:  H  cycle   dvbin-chan-
              nel-switch-offset up, K cycle dvbin-channel-switch-offset down

   ALSA audio output options
              Deprecated, use --audio-device (requires alsa/ prefix).

              Enable ALSA resampling plugin. (This is disabled by default, be-
              cause some drivers report incorrect audio delay in some cases.)

              Set the mixer device used with ao-volume (default: default).

              Set the name of the mixer element (default: Master). This is for
              example PCM or Master.

              Set  the  index  of the mixer channel (default: 0). Consider the
              output of "amixer scontrols", then the index is the number  that
              follows the name of the element.

              Allow  output  of  non-interleaved formats (if the audio decoder
              uses this format). Currently disabled by default,  because  some
              popular  ALSA  plugins  are  utterly broken with non-interleaved

              Don't read or set the channel map of the ALSA device - only  re-
              quest  the  required number of channels, and then pass the audio
              as-is to it. This option most likely should not be used. It  can
              be  useful  for debugging, or for static setups with a specially
              engineered ALSA configuration (in this case  you  should  always
              force  the  same  layout  with --audio-channels, or it will work
              only for files which use the layout implicit to  your  ALSA  de-

              Set  the  requested  buffer  time  in microseconds. A value of 0
              skips requesting anything  from  the  ALSA  API.  This  and  the
              --alsa-periods  option  uses  the ALSA near functions to set the
              requested parameters. If doing so results in an empty configura-
              tion set, setting these parameters is skipped.

              Both options control the buffer size. A low buffer size can lead
              to higher CPU usage and audio dropouts, while a high buffer size
              can  lead  to higher latency in volume changes and other filter-

              Number of periods requested from the ALSA API.  See  --alsa-buf-
              fer-time for further remarks.

   GPU renderer options
       The  following  video  options  are currently all specific to --vo=gpu,
       --vo=libmpv and --vo=gpu-next, which are the only  VOs  that  implement

              The filter function to use when upscaling video.

                     Bilinear  hardware  texture  filtering (fastest, very low
                     quality). This is the default for compatibility reasons.

                     Mid quality and speed. This is  the  default  when  using

                     Lanczos  scaling.  Provides mid quality and speed. Gener-
                     ally worse than spline36, but it results  in  a  slightly
                     sharper  image  which is good for some content types. The
                     number of taps can be controlled with  scale-radius,  but
                     is best left unchanged.

                     (This filter is an alias for sinc-windowed sinc)

                     Elliptic  weighted average Lanczos scaling. Also known as
                     Jinc.  Relatively slow, but very good quality. The radius
                     can  be  controlled with scale-radius. Increasing the ra-
                     dius makes the filter sharper but adds more ringing.

                     (This filter is an alias for jinc-windowed jinc)

                     A slightly sharpened version of  ewa_lanczos,  preconfig-
                     ured  to use an ideal radius and parameter. If your hard-
                     ware can run it, this is probably what you should use  by

                     Mitchell-Netravali.  The  B  and  C parameters can be set
                     with --scale-param1 and --scale-param2.  This  filter  is
                     very good at downscaling (see --dscale).

                     A version of nearest neighbour that (naively) oversamples
                     pixels, so that pixels overlapping edges get linearly in-
                     terpolated  instead  of rounded. This essentially removes
                     the small imperfections and judder  artifacts  caused  by
                     nearest-neighbour  interpolation,  in exchange for adding
                     some blur. This filter is good at temporal interpolation,
                     and also known as "smoothmotion" (see --tscale).

              linear A --tscale filter.

              There  are  some more filters, but most are not as useful. For a
              complete list, pass help as value, e.g.:

                 mpv --scale=help

              As --scale, but for interpolating chroma information. If the im-
              age is not subsampled, this option is ignored entirely.

              Like --scale, but apply these filters on downscaling instead. If
              this option is unset, the filter implied by --scale will be  ap-

              The  filter  used  for interpolating the temporal axis (frames).
              This is only used if --interpolation is enabled. The only  valid
              choices  for  --tscale  are  separable  convolution filters (use
              --tscale=help to get a list). The default is mitchell.

              Common --tscale choices include oversample, linear, catmull_rom,
              mitchell,  gaussian,  or bicubic. These are listed in increasing
              order  of  smoothness/blurriness,   with   bicubic   being   the
              smoothest/blurriest  and  oversample  being  the  sharpest/least

       --scale-param1=<value>,                         --scale-param2=<value>,
       --cscale-param1=<value>,                       --cscale-param2=<value>,
       --dscale-param1=<value>,                       --dscale-param2=<value>,
       --tscale-param1=<value>, --tscale-param2=<value>
              Set  filter parameters. By default, these are set to the special
              string default, which maps to a scaler-specific  default  value.
              Ignored  if  the  filter is not tunable. Currently, this affects
              the following filter parameters:

                     Spline parameters (B and C). Defaults to 0.5 for both.

                     Scale parameter (t). Increasing  this  makes  the  result
                     blurrier.  Defaults to 1.

                     Minimum distance to an edge before interpolation is used.
                     Setting this to 0 will always interpolate edges,  whereas
                     setting  it  to 0.5 will never interpolate, thus behaving
                     as if the regular nearest neighbour algorithm  was  used.
                     Defaults to 0.0.

       --scale-blur=<value>,   --scale-wblur=<value>,   --cscale-blur=<value>,
       --cscale-wblur=<value>, --dscale-blur=<value>,  --dscale-wblur=<value>,
       --tscale-blur=<value>, --tscale-wblur=<value>
              Kernel/window  scaling factor (also known as a blur factor). De-
              creasing this makes the result sharper, increasing it  makes  it
              blurrier  (default  0). If set to 0, the kernel's preferred blur
              factor is used. Note that setting this too low (eg.  0.5)  leads
              to  bad  results.  It's generally recommended to stick to values
              between 0.8 and 1.2.

       --scale-clamp=<0.0-1.0>, --cscale-clamp, --dscale-clamp, --tscale-clamp
              Specifies a weight bias to multiply into negative  coefficients.
              Specifying  --scale-clamp=1  has the effect of removing negative
              weights completely, thus effectively clamping the value range to
              [0-1]. Values between 0.0 and 1.0 can be specified to apply only
              a moderate diminishment of negative weights. This is  especially
              useful  for  --tscale,  where it reduces excessive ringing arti-
              facts in the temporal domain  (which  typically  manifest  them-
              selves  as short flashes or fringes of black, mostly around mov-
              ing edges) in exchange for potentially adding more blur. The de-
              fault for --tscale-clamp is 1.0, the others default to 0.0.

       --scale-cutoff=<value>,      --cscale-cutoff=<value>,     --dscale-cut-
              Cut off the filter kernel prematurely once the value range drops
              below this threshold. Doing so allows more aggressive pruning of
              skippable coefficients by disregarding parts of  the  LUT  which
              are  effectively zeroed out by the window function. Only affects
              polar (EWA) filters. The default is 0.001  for  each,  which  is
              perceptually transparent but provides a 10%-20% speedup, depend-
              ing on the exact radius and filter kernel chosen.

       --scale-taper=<value>, --scale-wtaper=<value>,  --dscale-taper=<value>,
       --dscale-wtaper=<value>,      --cscale-taper=<value>,     --cscale-wta-
       per=<value>, --tscale-taper=<value>, --tscale-wtaper=<value>
              Kernel/window taper factor. Increasing this flattens the  filter
              function.   Value  range  is  0 to 1. A value of 0 (the default)
              means no flattening, a value of 1 makes  the  filter  completely
              flat  (equivalent  to  a  box function).  Values in between mean
              that some portion will be flat and the  actual  filter  function
              will be squeezed into the space in between.

       --scale-radius=<value>,      --cscale-radius=<value>,      --dscale-ra-
       dius=<value>, --tscale-radius=<value>
              Set radius for tunable filters, must be a float  number  between
              0.5  and  16.0. Defaults to the filter's preferred radius if not
              specified. Doesn't work for every scaler and VO combination.

              Note that depending on filter implementation details  and  video
              scaling ratio, the radius that actually being used might be dif-
              ferent (most likely being increased a bit).

       --scale-antiring=<value>,  --cscale-antiring=<value>,   --dscale-antir-
       ing=<value>, --tscale-antiring=<value>
              Set  the  antiringing strength. This tries to eliminate ringing,
              but can introduce other artifacts in  the  process.  Must  be  a
              float  number between 0.0 and 1.0. The default value of 0.0 dis-
              ables antiringing entirely.

              Note that this doesn't affect the special filters  bilinear  and
              bicubic_fast, nor does it affect any polar (EWA) scalers.

       --scale-window=<window>,     --cscale-window=<window>,    --dscale-win-
       dow=<window>, --tscale-window=<window>
              (Advanced users only) Choose a custom windowing function for the
              kernel.  Defaults to the filter's preferred window if unset. Use
              --scale-window=help to get a list of supported  windowing  func-

       --scale-wparam=<window>,                      --cscale-wparam=<window>,
       --cscale-wparam=<window>, --tscale-wparam=<window>
              (Advanced users only) Configure the  parameter  for  the  window
              function  given by --scale-window etc. By default, these are set
              to the special string default, which maps to  a  window-specific
              default  value. Ignored if the window is not tunable. Currently,
              this affects the following window parameters:

              kaiser Window parameter (alpha). Defaults to 6.33.

                     Window parameter (alpha). Defaults to 0.16.

                     Scale parameter (t). Increasing  this  makes  the  window
                     wider. Defaults to 1.

              Set  the size of the lookup texture for scaler kernels (default:
              6). The actual size of the texture is 2^N for an option value of
              N.  So  the lookup texture with the default setting uses 64 sam-

              All weights are linearly interpolated from those samples, so in-
              creasing  the size of lookup table might improve the accuracy of

              Disable the scaler if the video image is not  resized.  In  that
              case,  bilinear is used instead of whatever is set with --scale.
              Bilinear will reproduce the source image perfectly if no scaling
              is  performed.   Enabled by default. Note that this option never
              affects --cscale.

              When using convolution based filters,  extend  the  filter  size
              when  downscaling.  Increases  quality,  but reduces performance
              while downscaling.

              This will perform slightly sub-optimally  for  anamorphic  video
              (but still better than without it) since it will extend the size
              to match only the milder of the scale factors between the axes.

              Note: this option is ignored  when  using  bilinear  downscaling
              (the default).

              Scale  in  linear light when downscaling. It should only be used
              with a --fbo-format that has at least 16 bit precision. This op-
              tion has no effect on HDR content.

              Scale in linear light when upscaling. Like --linear-downscaling,
              it should only be used with a --fbo-format that has at least  16
              bits  precisions.  This  is  not  usually recommended except for
              testing/specific purposes. Users are advised  to  either  enable
              --sigmoid-upscaling  or keep both options disabled (i.e. scaling
              in gamma light).

              When upscaling, use a sigmoidal color transform to avoid  empha-
              sizing ringing artifacts. This is incompatible with and replaces
              --linear-upscaling. (Note that sigmoidization also requires lin-
              earization, so the LINEAR rendering step fires in both cases)

              The  center  of  the sigmoid curve used for --sigmoid-upscaling,
              must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults  to  0.75  if  not

              The  slope  of  the  sigmoid curve used for --sigmoid-upscaling,
              must be a float between 1.0 and 20.0. Defaults  to  6.5  if  not

              Reduce stuttering caused by mismatches in the video fps and dis-
              play refresh rate (also known as judder).

                 This requires setting the --video-sync option to one  of  the
                 display-  modes,  or  it will be silently disabled.  This was
                 not required before mpv 0.14.0.

              This essentially attempts to interpolate the missing  frames  by
              convoluting  the  video along the temporal axis. The filter used
              can be controlled using the --tscale setting.

              Threshold below which frame ratio  interpolation  gets  disabled
              (default:  0.01).  This  is calculated as abs(disphz/vfps - 1) <
              threshold, where vfps is the speed-adjusted video FPS, and  dis-
              phz  the  display refresh rate. (The speed-adjusted video FPS is
              roughly equal to the normal video FPS,  but  with  slowdown  and
              speedup  applied.  This  matters  if  you  use --video-sync=dis-
              play-resample to make video run  synchronously  to  the  display
              FPS, or if you change the speed property.)

              The  default  is  intended  to enable interpolation in scenarios
              where retiming with the --video-sync=display-* cannot adjust the
              speed of the video sufficiently for smooth playback. For example
              if a video is 60.00 FPS and your display refresh rate  is  59.94
              Hz, interpolation will never be activated, since the mismatch is
              within 1% of the refresh rate. The default also handles the sce-
              nario  when mpv cannot determine the container FPS, such as dur-
              ing certain live streams, and may dynamically toggle  interpola-
              tion  on  and off. In this scenario, the default would be to not
              use interpolation but rather to allow --video-sync=display-*  to
              retime   the   video   to   match   display  refresh  rate.  See
              --video-sync-max-video-change for more information about how mpv
              will retime video.

              Also note that if you use e.g. --video-sync=display-vdrop, small
              deviations in the rate can disable interpolation and introduce a
              discontinuity every other minute.

              Set this to -1 to disable this logic.

              Preserve  the  previous  frames'  interpolated results even when
              renderer parameters are changed - with the exception of  options
              related to cropping and video placement, which always invalidate
              the cache. Enabling this option makes dynamic  updates  of  ren-
              derer  settings slightly smoother at the cost of slightly higher
              latency in response to such changes. Defaults to on.  (Only  af-
              fects  --vo=gpu-next,  note that --vo=gpu always invalidates in-
              terpolated frames)

              Enable use of PBOs. On some drivers this can  be  faster,  espe-
              cially  if  the  source  video size is huge (e.g. so called "4K"
              video). On other drivers it might be slower or cause latency is-

              Set dither target depth to N. Default: no.

              no     Disable any dithering done by mpv.

              auto   Automatic  selection.  If  output bit depth cannot be de-
                     tected, 8 bits per component are assumed.

              8      Dither to 8 bit output.

              Note that the depth of the connected video display device cannot
              be  detected.  Often, LCD panels will do dithering on their own,
              which conflicts with this option and leads to ugly output.

              Set the size of the dither matrix (default: 6). The actual  size
              of  the  matrix  is (2^N) x (2^N) for an option value of N, so a
              value of 6 gives a size of 64x64. The  matrix  is  generated  at
              startup time, and a large matrix can take rather long to compute

              Used in --dither=fruit mode only.

              Select dithering  algorithm  (default:  fruit).  (Normally,  the
              --dither-depth option controls whether dithering is enabled.)

              The  error-diffusion  option requires compute shader support. It
              also requires large amount of shared memory to run, the size  of
              which  depends  on both the kernel (see --error-diffusion option
              below) and the height of video window. It will fallback to fruit
              dithering if there is no enough shared memory to run the shader.

              Enable  temporal dithering. (Only active if dithering is enabled
              in general.) This changes between 8 different dithering patterns
              on each frame by changing the orientation of the tiled dithering
              matrix. Unfortunately, this can lead to flicker on LCD displays,
              since these have a high reaction time.

              Determines  how  often  the  dithering  pattern  is updated when
              --temporal-dither is in use. 1 (the default) will update on  ev-
              ery video frame, 2 on every other frame, etc.

              The  error diffusion kernel to use when --dither=error-diffusion
              is set.

              simple Propagate error to only two adjacent pixels. Fastest  but
                     low quality.

                     Fast with reasonable quality. This is the default.

                     Most notable error diffusion kernel.

                     Looks  different from other kernels because only fraction
                     of errors will be propagated during dithering. A  typical
                     use case of this kernel is saving dithered screenshot (in
                     window mode). This kernel produces slightly smaller file,
                     with still reasonable dithering quality.

              There are other kernels (use --error-diffusion=help to list) but
              most of them are much slower and demanding even larger amount of
              shared memory.  Among these kernels, burkes achieves a good bal-
              ance between performance and quality, and probably  is  the  one
              you want to try first.

              Enables  GPU debugging. What this means depends on the API type.
              For OpenGL, it calls glGetError(), and requests a debug context.
              For Vulkan, it enables validation layers.

              Interval  in  displayed  frames  between  two buffer swaps. 1 is
              equivalent to enable VSYNC, 0 to disable VSYNC. Defaults to 1 if
              not specified.

              Note  that  this depends on proper OpenGL vsync support. On some
              platforms  and  drivers,  this  only  works  reliably  when   in
              fullscreen  mode.  It  may also require driver-specific hacks if
              using multiple monitors, to ensure mpv syncs to the  right  one.
              Compositing window managers can also lead to bad results, as can
              missing  or  incorrect  display  FPS  information  (see  --over-

       --vulkan-device=<device name>
              The name of the Vulkan device to use for rendering and presenta-
              tion. Use --vulkan-device=help to see the list of available  de-
              vices and their names. If left unspecified, the first enumerated
              hardware Vulkan device will be used.

              Controls the presentation mode of the vulkan swapchain. This  is
              similar to the --opengl-swapinterval option.

              auto   Use  the preferred swapchain mode for the vulkan context.

              fifo   Non-tearing, vsync blocked. Similar to "VSync on".

                     Tearing, vsync blocked. Late frames will tear instead  of

                     Non-tearing,   not  vsync  blocked.  Similar  to  "triple

                     Tearing, not vsync blocked. Similar to "VSync off".

              Controls the number of VkQueues used for rendering  (limited  by
              how  many  your  device  supports). In theory, using more queues
              could enable some  parallelism  between  frames  (when  using  a
              --swapchain-depth  higher  than  1), but it can also slow things
              down on hardware  where  there's  no  true  parallelism  between
              queues. (Default: 1)

              Enables the use of async transfer queues on supported vulkan de-
              vices. Using them allows transfer operations  like  texture  up-
              loads  and  blits to happen concurrently with the actual render-
              ing, thus improving overall throughput  and  power  consumption.
              Enabled by default, and should be relatively safe.

              Enables  the use of async compute queues on supported vulkan de-
              vices. Using this, in theory, allows out-of-order scheduling  of
              compute  shaders  with graphics shaders, thus enabling the hard-
              ware to do more effective work while waiting for  pipeline  bub-
              bles  and  memory  operations.  Not beneficial on all GPUs. It's
              worth noting that if async compute is enabled,  and  the  device
              supports  more compute queues than graphics queues (bound by the
              restrictions set by --vulkan-queue-count), mpv  will  internally
              try  and prefer the use of compute shaders over fragment shaders
              wherever possible. Enabled by default, although Nvidia users may
              want to disable it.

              The  index  of  the  display,  on the selected Vulkan device, to
              present  on  when  using  the   displayvk   GPU   context.   Use
              --vulkan-display-display=help  to see the list of available dis-
              plays. If left unspecified, the first enumerated display will be

              The  index  of the display mode, of the selected Vulkan display,
              to use when using the displayvk GPU context.  Use  --vulkan-dis-
              play-mode=help  to  see the list of available modes. If left un-
              specified, the first enumerated mode will be used.

              The index of the  plane,  on  the  selected  Vulkan  device,  to
              present   on   when   using   the  displayvk  GPU  context.  Use
              --vulkan-display-plane=help to see the list of available planes.
              If left unspecified, the first enumerated plane will be used.

              Switches  the  D3D11 swap chain fullscreen state to 'fullscreen'
              when fullscreen video is requested.  Also  known  as  "exclusive
              fullscreen" or "D3D fullscreen" in other applications. Gives mpv
              full control of rendering on the swap chain's screen. Off by de-

              Use  WARP  (Windows  Advanced  Rasterization  Platform) with the
              D3D11 GPU backend (default: auto). This is  a  high  performance
              software  renderer.  By default, it is only used when the system
              has no hardware adapters that support D3D11. While the  extended
              GPU features will work with WARP, they can be very slow.

              Select  a  specific feature level when using the D3D11 GPU back-
              end. By default, the highest available feature  level  is  used.
              This  option  can be used to select a lower feature level, which
              is mainly useful for debugging.  Most extended GPU features will
              not work at 9_x feature levels.

              Enable flip-model presentation, which avoids unnecessarily copy-
              ing the backbuffer by sharing surfaces with  the  DWM  (default:
              yes).  This  may cause performance issues with older drivers. If
              flip-model presentation is not supported (for example,  on  Win-
              dows 7 without the platform update), mpv will automatically fall
              back to the older bitblt presentation model.

              Schedule each frame to be presented for this  number  of  VBlank
              intervals.  (default: 1) Setting to 1 will enable VSync, setting
              to 0 will disable it.

       --d3d11-adapter=<adapter name|help>
              Select a specific D3D11 adapter to utilize for D3D11  rendering.
              Will  pick the default adapter if unset. Alternatives are listed
              when the name "help" is given.

              Checks for matches based on the start of the string, case insen-
              sitive.  Thus, if the description of the adapter starts with the
              vendor name, that can be utilized as the selection parameter.

              Hardware decoders utilizing the  D3D11  rendering  abstraction's
              helper  functionality  to  receive  a device, such as D3D11VA or
              DXVA2's DXGI mode, will be affected by this choice.

              Select a specific D3D11 output format to utilize for D3D11  ren-
              dering.   "auto" is the default, which will pick either rgba8 or
              rgb10_a2 depending on the configured desktop bit depth.  rgba16f
              and  bgra8  are  left  out  of  the autodetection logic, and are
              available for manual testing.

                 Desktop bit depth querying is  only  available  from  an  API
                 available from Windows 10. Thus on older systems it will only
                 automatically utilize the rgba8 output format.

              Select a specific D3D11 output color space to utilize for  D3D11
              rendering.   "auto"  is the default, which will select the color
              space of the desktop on which the swap chain is located.

              Values other than "srgb" and "pq" have had issues in testing, so
              they are mostly available for manual testing.

                 Swap  chain  color space configuration is only available from
                 an API available from Windows 10. Thus on  older  systems  it
                 will not work.

              By  default,  when using hardware decoding with --gpu-api=d3d11,
              the video image will be copied  (GPU-to-GPU)  from  the  decoder
              surface to a shader resource. Set this option to avoid that copy
              by sampling directly from the decoder image. This  may  increase
              performance  and  reduce power usage, but can cause the image to
              be sampled incorrectly on the bottom and right edges due to pad-
              ding,  and may invoke driver bugs, since Direct3D 11 technically
              does not allow sampling from  a  decoder  surface  (though  most
              drivers support it.)

              Currently only relevant for --gpu-api=d3d11.

              Set  the  client  app  id for Wayland-based video output methods
              (default: mpv).

              Controls whether or not mpv opts into the configure bounds event
              if  sent  by  the  compositor (default: yes). This restricts the
              initial size of the mpv window to a  certain  maximum  size  in-
              tended  by  the compositor. In most cases, this simply just pre-
              vents the mpv window from being larger than the size of the mon-
              itor  when  it  first  renders. This option will take precedence
              over any autofit or geometry  type  settings  if  the  configure
              bounds are used.

              Disable mpv's internal vsync for Wayland-based video output (de-
              fault: no).  This is mainly useful for benchmarking wayland  VOs
              when  combined  with  video-sync=display-desync, --no-audio, and

              Defines the size of an edge border  (default:  10)  to  initiate
              client  side  resize  events  in  the  wayland contexts with the
              mouse. This is only active if there are no server  side  decora-
              tions from the compositor.

              Defines  the  size  of  an edge border (default: 32) to initiate
              client side resizes events in the wayland  contexts  with  touch

              Controls  which  compiler  is  used to translate GLSL to SPIR-V.
              This is  (currently)  only  relevant  for  --gpu-api=vulkan  and
              --gpu-api=d3d11.  The possible choices are currently only:

              auto   Use the first available compiler. (Default)

                     Use  libshaderc,  which is an API wrapper around glslang.
                     This is generally the most preferred, if available.

                 This option is deprecated, since there is only one reasonable
                 value.  It may be removed in the future.

       --glsl-shader=<file>, --glsl-shaders=<file-list>
              Custom  GLSL hooks. These are a flexible way to add custom frag-
              ment shaders, which can be injected at almost  arbitrary  points
              in  the rendering pipeline, and access all previous intermediate

              Each use of the --glsl-shader option will add  another  file  to
              the  internal list of shaders, while --glsl-shaders takes a list
              of files, and overwrites the internal list with it.  The  latter
              is a path list option (see List Options for details).


                        The syntax is not stable yet and may change any time.

              The general syntax of a user shader looks like this:

                 //!METADATA ARGS...
                 //!METADATA ARGS...

                 vec4 hook() {
                    return something;

                 //!METADATA ARGS...
                 //!METADATA ARGS...


              Each  section of metadata, along with the non-metadata lines af-
              ter it, defines a single block. There are currently two types of
              blocks, HOOKs and TEXTUREs.

              A TEXTURE block can set the following options:

              TEXTURE <name> (required)
                     The name of this texture. Hooks can then bind the texture
                     under this name using BIND. This must be the first option
                     of the texture block.

              SIZE <width> [<height>] [<depth>] (required)
                     The  dimensions  of the texture. The height and depth are
                     optional. The type of texture (1D, 2D or 3D)  depends  on
                     the number of components specified.

              FORMAT <name> (required)
                     The  texture  format  for  the samples. Supported texture
                     formats are listed in debug logging when the  gpu  VO  is
                     initialized  (look  for  Texture formats:). Usually, this
                     follows OpenGL naming conventions.   For  example,  rgb16
                     provides  3  channels  with normalized 16 bit components.
                     One oddity are float formats: for example, rgba16f has 16
                     bit  internal precision, but the texture data is provided
                     as 32 bit floats, and the driver  converts  the  data  on
                     texture upload.

                     Although  format names follow a common naming convention,
                     not all of them are available on all  hardware,  drivers,
                     GL versions, and so on.

                     The min/magnification filter used when sampling from this

                     The border wrapping mode used  when  sampling  from  this

              Following the metadata is a string of bytes in hexadecimal nota-
              tion that define the raw texture data, corresponding to the for-
              mat  specified  by FORMAT, on a single line with no extra white-

              A HOOK block can set the following options:

              HOOK <name> (required)
                     The texture which to hook into. May occur multiple  times
                     within a metadata block, up to a predetermined limit. See
                     below for a list of hookable textures.

              DESC <title>
                     User-friendly description of the pass. This is  the  name
                     used  when representing this shader in the list of passes
                     for property vo-passes.

              BIND <name>
                     Loads a texture (either coming from mpv or from a TEXTURE
                     block)  and  makes it available to the pass. When binding
                     textures from mpv, this will also set up macros to facil-
                     itate accessing it properly. See below for a list. By de-
                     fault, no textures are bound. The special name HOOKED can
                     be used to refer to the texture that triggered this pass.

              SAVE <name>
                     Gives  the name of the texture to save the result of this
                     pass into. By default, this is set to  the  special  name
                     HOOKED  which  has  the  effect of overwriting the hooked

              WIDTH <szexpr>, HEIGHT <szexpr>
                     Specifies the size of  the  resulting  texture  for  this
                     pass. szexpr refers to an expression in RPN (reverse pol-
                     ish notation), using the operators + - * / > < !,  float-
                     ing  point  literals, and references to sizes of existing
                     texture (such as MAIN.width or CHROMA.height), OUTPUT, or
                     NATIVE_CROPPED  (size  of  an input texture cropped after
                     pan-and-scan, video-align-x/y,  video-pan-x/y,  etc.  and
                     possibly   prescaled).  By  default,  these  are  set  to
                     HOOKED.w and HOOKED.h, espectively.

              WHEN <szexpr>
                     Specifies a condition that needs to  be  true  (non-zero)
                     for  the  shader  stage  to be evaluated. If it fails, it
                     will silently be omitted. (Note that a shader stage  like
                     this which has a dependency on an optional hook point can
                     still cause that hook point to be saved, which  has  some
                     minor overhead)

              OFFSET <ox oy | ALIGN>
                     Indicates a pixel shift (offset) introduced by this pass.
                     These pixel offsets will  be  accumulated  and  corrected
                     during  the  next scaling pass (cscale or scale). The de-
                     fault values are 0 0 which correspond to no  shift.  Note
                     that  offsets are ignored when not overwriting the hooked

                     A special value of ALIGN will  attempt  to  fix  existing
                     offset  of HOOKED by align it with reference. It requires
                     HOOKED to be resizable (see below).  It  works  transpar-
                     ently  with fragment shader. For compute shader, the pre-
                     defined texmap macro is  required  to  handle  coordinate

              COMPONENTS <n>
                     Specifies  how  many components of this pass's output are
                     relevant and should be stored in the  texture,  up  to  4
                     (rgba).  By default, this value is equal to the number of
                     components in HOOKED.

              COMPUTE <bw> <bh> [<tw> <th>]
                     Specifies that this shader should be treated as a compute
                     shader, with the block size bw and bh. The compute shader
                     will be dispatched with however many blocks are necessary
                     to  completely  tile over the output.  Within each block,
                     there will be tw*th threads, forming a single work group.
                     In  other  words:  tw and th specify the work group size,
                     which can be different from the block size. So for  exam-
                     ple,  a  compute  shader  with bw, bh = 32 and tw, th = 8
                     running on a 500x500 texture would dispatch 16x16  blocks
                     (rounded up), each with 8x8 threads.

                     Compute  shaders  in mpv are treated a bit different from
                     fragment shaders. Instead of defining a  vec4  hook  that
                     produces  an output sample, you directly define void hook
                     which writes  to  a  fixed  writeonly  image  unit  named
                     out_image  (this  is  bound  by mpv) using imageStore. To
                     help translate texture coordinates in the absence of ver-
                     tices,  mpv  provides  a special function NAME_map(id) to
                     map from the texel space of the output image to the  tex-
                     ture  coordinates  for all bound textures. In particular,
                     NAME_pos  is  equivalent   to   NAME_map(gl_GlobalInvoca-
                     tionID),  although  using this only really makes sense if
                     (tw,th) == (bw,bh).

              Each bound mpv texture (via BIND) will make available  the  fol-
              lowing  definitions  to that shader pass, where NAME is the name
              of the bound texture:

              vec4 NAME_tex(vec2 pos)
                     The sampling function to use to access the texture  at  a
                     certain  spot (in texture coordinate space, range [0,1]).
                     This takes care of any  necessary  normalization  conver-

              vec4 NAME_texOff(vec2 offset)
                     Sample  the  texture  at a certain offset in pixels. This
                     works like NAME_tex but additionally takes care of neces-
                     sary  rotations,  so  that sampling at e.g. vec2(-1,0) is
                     always one pixel to the left.

              vec2 NAME_pos
                     The local  texture  coordinate  of  that  texture,  range

              vec2 NAME_size
                     The (rotated) size in pixels of the texture.

              mat2 NAME_rot
                     The  rotation  matrix  associated with this texture. (Ro-
                     tates pixel space to texture coordinates)

              vec2 NAME_pt
                     The (unrotated) size of a single pixel, range [0,1].

              float NAME_mul
                     The coefficient that needs to be multiplied into the tex-
                     ture  contents  in  order  to  normalize  it to the range

              sampler NAME_raw
                     The raw bound texture itself. The use of this  should  be
                     avoided unless absolutely necessary.

              Normally,  users  should  use  either NAME_tex or NAME_texOff to
              read from the texture. For some shaders however , it can be bet-
              ter  for  performance  to  do  custom sampling from NAME_raw, in
              which case care needs  to  be  taken  to  respect  NAME_mul  and

              In addition to these parameters, the following uniforms are also
              globally available:

              float random
                     A random number in the range [0-1], different per frame.

              int frame
                     A simple count of frames rendered, increases by  one  per
                     frame and never resets (regardless of seeks).

              vec2 input_size
                     The  size  in pixels of the input image (possibly cropped
                     and prescaled).

              vec2 target_size
                     The size in pixels of the visible part of the scaled (and
                     possibly cropped) image.

              vec2 tex_offset
                     Texture offset introduced by user shaders or options like
                     panscan, video-align-x/y, video-pan-x/y.

              Internally, vo_gpu may generate any number of the following tex-
              tures.   Whenever a texture is rendered and saved by vo_gpu, all
              of the passes that have hooked into it will run,  in  the  order
              they  were  added  by the user. This is a list of the legal hook

              RGB, LUMA, CHROMA, ALPHA, XYZ (resizable)
                     Source planes (raw). Which of these fire depends  on  the
                     image format of the source.

              CHROMA_SCALED, ALPHA_SCALED (fixed)
                     Source  planes  (upscaled). These only fire on subsampled

              NATIVE (resizable)
                     The combined image, in the source colorspace, before con-
                     version to RGB.

              MAINPRESUB (resizable)
                     The   image,   after   conversion   to  RGB,  but  before
                     --blend-subtitles=video is applied.

              MAIN (resizable)
                     The main image, after conversion to RGB  but  before  up-

              LINEAR (fixed)
                     Linear  light image, before scaling. This only fires when
                     --linear-upscaling, --linear-downscaling or --sigmoid-up-
                     scaling is in effect.

              SIGMOID (fixed)
                     Sigmoidized  light,  before scaling. This only fires when
                     --sigmoid-upscaling is in effect.

              PREKERNEL (fixed)
                     The image immediately before the scaler kernel runs.

              POSTKERNEL (fixed)
                     The image immediately after the scaler kernel runs.

              SCALED (fixed)
                     The final upscaled image, before color management.

              OUTPUT (fixed)
                     The final output image, after color management but before
                     dithering and drawing to screen.

              Only  the textures labelled with resizable may be transformed by
              the pass. When overwriting a texture marked  fixed,  the  WIDTH,
              HEIGHT and OFFSET must be left at their default values.

              CLI/config file only alias for --glsl-shaders-append.

              Specifies  the options to use for tunable shader parameters. You
              can target specific named shaders by prefixing the  shader  name
              with a /, e.g.  shader/param=value. Without a prefix, parameters
              affect all shaders.  The shader name is the  base  part  of  the
              shader filename, without the extension. (--vo=gpu-next only)

              Enable  the debanding algorithm. This greatly reduces the amount
              of visible banding, blocking and other  quantization  artifacts,
              at  the expense of very slightly blurring some of the finest de-
              tails. In practice, it's virtually always an improvement  -  the
              only reason to disable it would be for performance.

              The  number  of debanding steps to perform per sample. Each step
              reduces a bit more banding, but takes time to compute. Note that
              the  strength  of each step falls off very quickly, so high num-
              bers (>4) are practically useless.  (Default 1)

              The debanding filter's cut-off  threshold.  Higher  numbers  in-
              crease the debanding strength dramatically but progressively di-
              minish image details.  (Default 32)

              The debanding filter's initial radius. The radius increases lin-
              early  for each iteration. A higher radius will find more gradi-
              ents, but a lower radius will smooth more aggressively. (Default

              If you increase the --deband-iterations, you should probably de-
              crease this to compensate.

              Add some extra noise to  the  image.  This  significantly  helps
              cover  up  remaining  quantization artifacts. Higher numbers add
              more noise. (Default 48)

              If set to a value other than 0, enable an unsharp  masking  fil-
              ter.  Positive values will sharpen the image (but add more ring-
              ing and aliasing). Negative values will blur the image. If  your
              GPU is powerful enough, consider alternatives like the ewa_lanc-
              zossharp scale filter, or the  --scale-blur  option.  (Only  for

              Call  glFinish()  before  swapping  buffers (default: disabled).
              Slower, but might improve results when doing framedropping.  Can
              completely  ruin performance. The details depend entirely on the
              OpenGL driver.

              Call glXWaitVideoSyncSGI after each buffer swap  (default:  dis-
              abled).  This may or may not help with video timing accuracy and
              frame drop. It's possible that this makes video  output  slower,
              or has no effect at all.

              X11/GLX only.

              Calls  DwmFlush  after  swapping  buffers  on  Windows (default:
              auto). It also sets SwapInterval(0) to ignore the OpenGL timing.
              Values are: no (disabled), windowed (only in windowed mode), yes
              (also in full screen).

              The value auto will try to determine whether the  compositor  is
              active, and calls DwmFlush only if it seems to be.

              This may help to get more consistent frame intervals, especially
              with high-fps clips - which might also  reduce  dropped  frames.
              Typically,  a  value  of  windowed  should be enough, since full
              screen may bypass the DWM.

              Windows only.

              Selects a specific feature level when using  the  ANGLE  backend
              with  D3D11.  By default, the highest available feature level is
              used. This option can be used to select a lower  feature  level,
              which  is  mainly useful for debugging.  Note that OpenGL ES 3.0
              is only supported at feature level 10_1  or  higher.   Most  ex-
              tended  OpenGL  features  will  not work at lower feature levels
              (similar to --gpu-dumb-mode).

              Windows with ANGLE only.

              Use WARP (Windows Advanced Rasterization  Platform)  when  using
              the  ANGLE  backend  with  D3D11 (default: auto). This is a high
              performance software renderer. By default, it is used  when  the
              Direct3D  hardware  does  not  support Direct3D 11 feature level
              9_3. While the extended OpenGL features  will  work  with  WARP,
              they can be very slow.

              Windows with ANGLE only.

              Use  ANGLE's  built  in EGL windowing functions to create a swap
              chain (default: auto). If this is set to no and the  D3D11  ren-
              derer  is  in  use, ANGLE's built in swap chain will not be used
              and a custom swap chain that is optimized  for  video  rendering
              will  be  created  instead.  If set to auto, a custom swap chain
              will be used for D3D11 and the built in swap chain will be  used
              for  D3D9. This option is mainly for debugging purposes, in case
              the custom swap chain has poor performance or does not work.

              If   set   to   yes,   the   --angle-max-frame-latency,    --an-
              gle-swapchain-length  and  --angle-flip options will have no ef-

              Windows with ANGLE only.

              Enable flip-model presentation, which avoids unnecessarily copy-
              ing  the  backbuffer  by sharing surfaces with the DWM (default:
              yes). This may cause performance issues with older  drivers.  If
              flip-model  presentation  is not supported (for example, on Win-
              dows 7 without the platform update), mpv will automatically fall
              back to the older bitblt presentation model.

              If  set  to no, the --angle-swapchain-length option will have no

              Windows with ANGLE only.

              Forces a specific renderer when using  the  ANGLE  backend  (de-
              fault: auto). In auto mode this will pick D3D11 for systems that
              support Direct3D 11 feature level 9_3 or higher, and D3D9 other-
              wise.  This  option  is  mainly for debugging purposes. Normally
              there is no reason to force a specific  renderer,  though  --an-
              gle-renderer=d3d9  may  give  slightly better performance on old
              hardware. Note that the D3D9 renderer only  supports  OpenGL  ES
              2.0, so most extended OpenGL features will not work if this ren-
              derer is selected (similar to --gpu-dumb-mode).

              Windows with ANGLE only.

              Deactivates the automatic graphics switching and forces the ded-
              icated GPU.  (default: no)

              macOS only.

              Use  the  Apple  Software Renderer when using cocoa-cb (default:
              auto). If set to no the software renderer is never used and  in-
              stead  fails when a the usual pixel format could not be created,
              yes will always only use the software renderer,  and  auto  only
              falls  back to the software renderer when the usual pixel format
              couldn't be created.

              macOS only.

              Creates a 10bit capable pixel format for  the  context  creation
              (default:  yes).   Instead  of  8bit integer framebuffer a 16bit
              half-float framebuffer is requested.

              macOS only.

              Sets the appearance of the title bar (default:  auto).  Not  all
              combinations of appearances and --macos-title-bar-material mate-
              rials make sense or are unique. Appearances that  are  not  sup-
              ported  by  you  current  macOS version fall back to the default
              value.  macOS and cocoa-cb only

              <appearance> can be one of the following:

              auto   Detects the system settings and sets the  title  bar  ap-
                     pearance  appropriately.  On  macOS 10.14 it also detects
                     run time changes.

              aqua   The standard macOS Light appearance.

                     The standard macOS Dark appearance. (macOS 10.14+)

                     Light vibrancy appearance with.

                     Dark vibrancy appearance with.

                     Light Accessibility appearance. (macOS 10.14+)

                     Dark Accessibility appearance. (macOS 10.14+)

                     Light vibrancy Accessibility appearance.  (macOS 10.14+)

                     Dark vibrancy Accessibility appearance.  (macOS 10.14+)

              Sets the material of the title bar (default: titlebar). All dep-
              recated  materials  should  not  be used on macOS 10.14+ because
              their functionality is not guaranteed. Not all  combinations  of
              materials   and  --macos-title-bar-appearance  appearances  make
              sense or are unique.  Materials that are not  supported  by  you
              current macOS version fall back to the default value.  macOS and
              cocoa-cb only

              <material> can be one of the following:

                     The standard macOS titel bar material.

                     The standard macOS selection material.

              menu   The standard macOS menu material. (macOS 10.11+)

                     The standard macOS popover material. (macOS 10.11+)

                     The standard macOS sidebar material. (macOS 10.11+)

                     The standard macOS header view material.  (macOS 10.14+)

              sheet  The standard macOS sheet material. (macOS 10.14+)

                     The standard macOS window  background  material.   (macOS

                     The standard macOS hudWindow material. (macOS 10.14+)

                     The standard macOS full screen material.  (macOS 10.14+)

                     The standard macOS tool tip material. (macOS 10.14+)

                     The  standard  macOS content background material.  (macOS

                     The standard  macOS  under  window  background  material.
                     (macOS 10.14+)

                     The standard macOS under page background material.  (dep-
                     recated in macOS 10.14+)

              dark   The standard macOS dark material.  (deprecated  in  macOS

              light  The standard macOS light material.  (macOS 10.14+)

                     The  standard macOS mediumLight material.  (macOS 10.11+,
                     deprecated in macOS 10.14+)

                     The standard macOS  ultraDark  material.   (macOS  10.11+
                     deprecated in macOS 10.14+)

              Sets  the  color of the title bar (default: completely transpar-
              ent).  Is   influenced   by   --macos-title-bar-appearance   and
              --macos-title-bar-material.  See --sub-color for color syntax.

              Sets  the  fullscreen  resize animation duration in ms (default:
              default).  The default value is slightly less than the  system's
              animation duration (500ms) to prevent some problems when the end
              of an async animation happens at the same time as the end of the
              system  wide  fullscreen animation. Setting anything higher than
              500ms will only prematurely cancel the  resize  animation  after
              the system wide animation ended. The upper limit is still set at
              1000ms since it's possible that Apple or the  user  changes  the
              system  defaults.  Anything  higher than 1000ms though seems too
              long and shouldn't be set anyway.  (macOS and cocoa-cb only)

              Changes the App activation policy. With accessory the  mpv  icon
              in the Dock can be hidden. (default: regular)

              macOS only.

              This changes the rectangle which is used to calculate the screen
              position and size of  the  window  (default:  visible).  visible
              takes  the  the menu bar and Dock into account and the window is
              only positioned/sized within the visible screen frame rectangle,
              whole  takes  the  whole  screen frame rectangle and ignores the
              menu bar and Dock. Other previous restrictions still apply, like
              the window can't be placed on top of the menu bar etc.

              macOS only.

              Set  dimensions of the rendering surface used by the Android gpu
              context.  Needs to be set by the embedding  application  if  the
              dimensions  change  during  runtime  (i.e.  if the device is ro-
              tated), via the surfaceChanged callback.

              Android with --gpu-context=android only.

              Continue even if a software renderer is detected.

              The value auto (the default) selects the GPU  context.  You  can
              also  pass  help  to get a complete list of compiled in backends
              (sorted by autoprobe order).

              auto   auto-select (default)

              cocoa  Cocoa/macOS (deprecated, use --vo=libmpv instead)

              win    Win32/WGL

              winvk  VK_KHR_win32_surface

              angle  Direct3D11 through the OpenGL ES translation layer ANGLE.
                     This  supports almost everything the win backend does (if
                     the ANGLE build is new enough).

              dxinterop (experimental)
                     Win32, using WGL for rendering and Direct3D 9Ex for  pre-
                     sentation.  Works  on  Nvidia  and AMD. Newer Intel chips
                     with the latest drivers may also work.

              d3d11  Win32, with native Direct3D 11 rendering.

              x11    X11/GLX

              x11vk  VK_KHR_xlib_surface



              drm    DRM/EGL

                     VK_KHR_display. This backend is roughly the Vukan equiva-
                     lent of DRM/EGL, allowing for direct rendering via Vulkan
                     without a display manager.

              x11egl X11/EGL

                     Android/EGL.  Requires   --wid   be   set   to   an   an-

              Controls which type of graphics APIs will be accepted:

              auto   Use any available API (default)

              opengl Allow only OpenGL (requires OpenGL 2.1+ or GLES 2.0+)

              vulkan Allow  only Vulkan (requires a valid/working --spirv-com-

              d3d11  Allow only --gpu-context=d3d11

              Controls which type of OpenGL context will be accepted:

              auto   Allow all types of OpenGL (default)

              yes    Only allow GLES

              no     Only allow desktop/core GL

              Selects the internal format of textures used for FBOs. The  for-
              mat  can  influence performance and quality of the video output.
              fmt can be one of: rgb8, rgb10, rgb10_a2, rgb16, rgb16f, rgb32f,
              rgba12, rgba16, rgba16f, rgba16hf, rgba32f.

              Default:  auto,  which  first  attempts  to  utilize 16bit float
              (rgba16f, rgba16hf), and falls back to rgba16 if those  are  not
              available.   Finally,  attempts  to utilize rgb10_a2 or rgba8 if
              all of the previous formats are not available.

              Set an additional raw gamma factor (default: 1.0). If  gamma  is
              adjusted  in  other  ways  (like  with the --gamma option or key
              bindings and the gamma property), the value is  multiplied  with
              the other gamma value.

              This option is deprecated and may be removed in the future.

              Automatically  corrects  the  gamma  value  depending on ambient
              lighting conditions (adding a gamma boost for bright rooms).

              This option is deprecated and may be removed in the future.

              NOTE: Only implemented on macOS.

              Specifies a custom LUT file (in Adobe .cube format) to apply  to
              the  colors  during  image decoding. The exact interpretation of
              the LUT depends on the  value  of  --image-lut-type.  (Only  for

              Controls  the interpretation of color values fed to and from the
              LUT specified as --image-lut. Valid values are:

              auto   Chooses the interpretation of the LUT automatically  from
                     tagged metadata, and otherwise falls back to native. (De-

              native Applied to the raw image  contents  in  its  native  col-
                     orspace, before decoding to RGB. For example, for a HDR10
                     image, this would be fed PQ-encoded YCbCr values  in  the
                     range 0.0 - 1.0.

                     Applied  to  the normalized RGB image contents, after de-
                     coding from its native color encoding,  but  before  lin-

                     Fully  replaces  the  color  decoding. A LUT of this type
                     should ingest the image's native  colorspace  and  output
                     normalized non-linear RGB.

              Automatically  configure the output colorspace of the display to
              pass through the input  values  of  the  stream  (e.g.  for  HDR
              passthrough),  if  possible.  Requires  a  supporting driver and

              Specifies the primaries of the display.  Video  colors  will  be
              adapted  to this colorspace when ICC color management is not be-
              ing used. Valid values are:

              auto   Disable any adaptation, except for atypical color spaces.
                     Specifically,   wide/unusual   gamuts  get  automatically
                     adapted to BT.709, while standard gamut (i.e. BT.601  and
                     BT.709) content is not touched. (default)

                     ITU-R BT.470 M

                     ITU-R  BT.601  (525-line  SD  systems,  eg.  NTSC), SMPTE

                     ITU-R BT.601 (625-line SD systems, eg. PAL/SECAM),  ITU-R
                     BT.470 B/G

              bt.709 ITU-R  BT.709 (HD), IEC 61966-2-4 (sRGB), SMPTE RP177 An-
                     nex B

                     ITU-R BT.2020 (UHD)

              apple  Apple RGB

              adobe  Adobe RGB (1998)

                     ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)

                     CIE 1931 RGB (not to be confused with CIE XYZ)

              dci-p3 DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema Colorspace), SMPTE RP431-2

                     Panasonic V-Gamut (VARICAM) primaries

                     Sony S-Gamut (S-Log) primaries

              Specifies the transfer characteristics (gamma) of  the  display.
              Video  colors will be adjusted to this curve when ICC color man-
              agement is not being used.  Valid values are:

              auto   Disable any adaptation, except  for  atypical  transfers.
                     Specifically,  HDR  or  linear light source material gets
                     automatically converted to gamma 2.2, while  SDR  content
                     is not touched. (default)

                     ITU-R BT.1886 curve (assuming infinite contrast)

              srgb   IEC 61966-2-4 (sRGB)

              linear Linear light output

                     Pure power curve (gamma 1.8), also used for Apple RGB

                     Pure power curve (gamma 2.0)

                     Pure power curve (gamma 2.2)

                     Pure power curve (gamma 2.4)

                     Pure power curve (gamma 2.6)

                     Pure power curve (gamma 2.8), also used for BT.470-BG

                     ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)

              pq     ITU-R  BT.2100 PQ (Perceptual quantizer) curve, aka SMPTE

              hlg    ITU-R BT.2100 HLG  (Hybrid  Log-gamma)  curve,  aka  ARIB

              v-log  Panasonic V-Log (VARICAM) curve

              s-log1 Sony S-Log1 curve

              s-log2 Sony S-Log2 curve

                 When  using HDR output formats, mpv will encode to the speci-
                 fied curve but it will not set any HDMI flags or  other  sig-
                 nalling  that might be required for the target device to cor-
                 rectly display the HDR signal.  The user should independently
                 guarantee this before using these signal formats for display.

              Specifies the measured peak brightness of the output display, in
              cd/m^2 (AKA nits). The interpretation of this brightness depends
              on the configured --target-trc. In all cases, it imposes a limit
              on the signal values that will be sent to the  display.  If  the
              source exceeds this brightness level, a tone mapping filter will
              be  inserted.  For  HLG,  it  has  the  additional   effect   of
              parametrizing the inverse OOTF, in order to get colorimetrically
              consistent results with the mastering display. For SDR, or  when
              using  an  ICC (profile (--icc-profile), setting this to a value
              above 203 essentially causes the display to be treated as if  it
              were an HDR display in disguise. (See the note below)

              In  auto  mode  (the default), the chosen peak is an appropriate
              value based on the TRC in use. For SDR curves, it uses 203.  For
              HDR curves, it uses 203 * the transfer function's nominal peak.

                 When  using  an  SDR  transfer function, this is normally not
                 needed, and setting it may lead to very  unexpected  results.
                 The  one  time it is useful is if you want to calibrate a HDR
                 display using traditional transfer functions and  calibration
                 equipment.  In  such cases, you can set your HDR display to a
                 high brightness such as 800 cd/m^2, and then calibrate it  to
                 a  standard  curve  like  gamma2.8. Setting this value to 800
                 would then instruct mpv to essentially treat  it  as  an  HDR
                 display  with  the given peak. This may be a good alternative
                 in environments where PQ or HLG input to the display  is  not
                 possible,  and makes it possible to use HDR displays with mpv
                 regardless of operating system support for HDMI HDR metadata.

                 In  such  a  configuration,  we  highly   recommend   setting
                 --tone-mapping to mobius or even clip.

              Specifies  a custom LUT file (in Adobe .cube format) to apply to
              the colors before display on-screen. This LUT is fed  values  in
              normalized  RGB,  after  encoding into the target colorspace, so
              after the application of --target-trc. (Only for --vo=gpu-next)

              Specifies the algorithm used for tone-mapping  images  onto  the
              target display. This is relevant for both HDR->SDR conversion as
              well as gamut reduction (e.g. playing back BT.2020 content on  a
              standard gamut display).  Valid values are:

              auto   Choose  the  best curve according to internal heuristics.

              clip   Hard-clip any out-of-range values. Use this when you care
                     about  perfect  color accuracy for in-range values at the
                     cost of completely distorting  out-of-range  values.  Not
                     generally recommended.

              mobius Generalization  of  Reinhard  to  a Möbius transform with
                     linear section.  Smoothly maps out-of-range values  while
                     retaining  contrast  and  colors for in-range material as
                     much as possible. Use this when you care about color  ac-
                     curacy  more  than detail preservation. This is somewhere
                     in between clip and reinhard, depending on the  value  of

                     Reinhard  tone  mapping algorithm. Very simple continuous
                     curve.  Preserves overall image brightness but uses  non-
                     linear  contrast,  which results in flattening of details
                     and degradation in color accuracy.

              hable  Similar to reinhard but preserves both  dark  and  bright
                     details  better  (slightly  sigmoidal),  at  the  cost of
                     slightly darkening / desaturating  everything.  Developed
                     by  John  Hable for use in video games. Use this when you
                     care about detail preservation more than color/brightness
                     accuracy.  This  is  roughly  equivalent  to  --tone-map-
                     ping=reinhard --tone-mapping-param=0.24. If possible, you
                     should  also  enable  --hdr-compute-peak for the best re-

                     Perceptual tone mapping curve (EETF) specified  in  ITU-R
                     Report BT.2390.

              gamma  Fits a logarithmic transfer between the tone curves.

              linear Linearly  stretches the entire reference gamut to (a lin-
                     ear multiple of) the display.

              spline Perceptually     linear     single-pivot      polynomial.
                     (--vo=gpu-next only)

                     HDR<->SDR  mapping  specified  in  ITU-R  Report BT.2446,
                     method A. This is the recommended curve for well-mastered
                     content. (--vo=gpu-next only)

              Set tone mapping parameters. By default, this is set to the spe-
              cial string default, which maps to an algorithm-specific default
              value.  Ignored  if  the  tone mapping algorithm is not tunable.
              This affects the following tone mapping algorithms:

              clip   Specifies an extra linear coefficient  to  multiply  into
                     the signal before clipping. Defaults to 1.0.

              mobius Specifies  the  transition  point  from  linear to mobius
                     transform. Every value below this point is guaranteed  to
                     be  mapped  1:1.  The higher the value, the more accurate
                     the result will be, at the cost of losing bright details.
                     Defaults  to  0.3,  which  due to the steep initial slope
                     still preserves in-range colors fairly accurately.

                     Specifies the local contrast coefficient at  the  display
                     peak.  Defaults  to 0.5, which means that in-gamut values
                     will be about half as bright as when clipping.

                     Specifies the offset for the knee point. Defaults to 1.0,
                     which  is  higher  than the value from the original ITU-R
                     specification (0.5).  (--vo=gpu-next only)

              gamma  Specifies the exponent of the function. Defaults to 1.8.

              linear Specifies the scale factor to use while  stretching.  De-
                     faults to 1.0.

              spline Specifies the knee point (in PQ space). Defaults to 0.30.

              If  set, allows inverse tone mapping (expanding SDR to HDR). Not
              supported  by  all  tone  mapping  curves.  Use  with   caution.
              (--vo=gpu-next only)

              If nonzero, apply an extra crosstalk matrix before tone mapping.
              Can help improve the appearance of strongly saturated  monochro-
              matic highlights.  (Default: 0.04, only affects --vo=gpu-next)

              Upper  limit  for how much the tone mapping algorithm is allowed
              to boost the average brightness by over-exposing the image.  The
              default  value  of  1.0 allows no additional brightness boost. A
              value of 2.0 would allow over-exposing by a factor of 2, and  so
              on. Raising this setting can help reveal details that would oth-
              erwise be hidden in dark scenes, but raising it  too  high  will
              make dark scenes appear unnaturally bright. (--vo=gpu only)

              Controls how the tone mapping function is applied to colors.

              auto   Choose the best mode automatically. (Default)

              rgb    Tone-map  per-channel  (RGB).  Has a tendency to severely
                     distort colors, desaturate highlights, and  is  generally
                     not  very  recommended. However, this is the mode used in
                     many displays and TVs (especially  early  ones),  and  so
                     sometimes  it's needed to reproduce the artistic intent a
                     film was mastered with.

              max    Tone-map on the brightest component in the video.  Has  a
                     tendency  to  lead  to  weirdly oversaturated colors, and
                     loss of dark details.

              hybrid A hybrid approach that uses linear tone-mapping for  mid-
                     tones and per-channel tone mapping for highlights.

              luma   Luminance-based  method  from  ITU-R  BT.2446a, including
                     fixed gamut reductions to account for  brightness-related
                     perceptual nonuniformity.  (--vo=gpu-next only)

              Specifies  the  algorithm  used for reducing the gamut of images
              for the target display, after any tone mapping is done.

              auto   Choose the best mode automatically. (Default)

              clip   Hard-clip to the gamut (per-channel).

              warn   Simply highlight out-of-gamut pixels.

                     Chromatically  desaturate  out-of-gamut  colors   towards

              darken Linearly  darken the entire image, then clip to the color
                     volume. Unlike clip, this does not destroy detail in sat-
                     urated  regions,  but comes at the cost of sometimes sig-
                     nificantly lowering  output  brightness.   (--vo=gpu-next

              Compute  the HDR peak and frame average brightness per-frame in-
              stead of relying on tagged metadata. These values  are  averaged
              over local regions as well as over several frames to prevent the
              value from jittering around  too  much.  This  option  basically
              gives  you  dynamic,  per-scene  tone mapping.  Requires compute
              shaders, which is a fairly recent OpenGL feature, and will prob-
              ably  also  perform  horribly on some drivers, so enable at your
              own risk.  The special value auto (default) will enable HDR peak
              computation  automatically if compute shaders and SSBOs are sup-

              When using --hdr-compute-peak, allow delaying the detected  peak
              by  a frame when beneficial for performance. In particular, this
              is required to avoid an unnecessary FBO indirection when no  ad-
              vanced  rendering  is required otherwise. Has no effect if there
              already is an indirect pass, such as when  advanced  scaling  is
              enabled.  Defaults to on. (Only affects --vo=gpu-next, note that
              --vo=gpu always delays the peak.)

              The decay rate used for the HDR peak  detection  algorithm  (de-
              fault: 100.0).  This is only relevant when --hdr-compute-peak is
              enabled. Higher values make the peak decay more slowly,  leading
              to  more stable values at the cost of more "eye adaptation"-like
              effects   (although    this    is    mitigated    somewhat    by
              --hdr-scene-threshold).  A  value  of  1.0 (the lowest possible)
              disables all averaging, meaning each frame's value is  used  di-
              rectly  as  measured,  but  doing  this  is  not recommended for
              "noisy" sources since it may lead to excessive flicker. (In sig-
              nal  theory  terms,  this controls the time constant "tau" of an
              IIR low pass filter)

       --hdr-scene-threshold-low=<0.0..100.0>,             --hdr-scene-thresh-
              The  lower and upper thresholds (in dB) for a brightness differ-
              ence to be considered a scene change  (default:  5.5  low,  10.0
              high). This is only relevant when --hdr-compute-peak is enabled.
              Normally, small fluctuations in the frame brightness are compen-
              sated  for  by the peak averaging mechanism, but for large jumps
              in the brightness this can result in  the  frame  remaining  too
              bright  or  too dark for up to several seconds, depending on the
              value of --hdr-peak-decay-rate. To  counteract  this,  when  the
              brightness between the running average and the current frame ex-
              ceeds the low threshold, mpv will make the averaging filter more
              aggressive,  up  to  the  limit  of the high threshold (at which
              point the filter becomes instant).

              Load the embedded ICC profile contained in media files  such  as
              PNG  images.   (Default:  yes). Note that this option only works
              when  also  using  a  display  ICC  profile  (--icc-profile   or
              --icc-profile-auto), and also requires LittleCMS 2 support.

              Load  an ICC profile and use it to transform video RGB to screen
              output.  Needs LittleCMS 2  support  compiled  in.  This  option
              overrides the --target-prim, --target-trc and --icc-profile-auto

              Automatically select the ICC display profile currently specified
              by the display settings of the operating system.

              NOTE:  On  Windows,  the default profile must be an ICC profile.
              WCS profiles are not supported.

              Applications using libmpv with the render API  need  to  provide
              the ICC profile via MPV_RENDER_PARAM_ICC_PROFILE.

              Store  and load the 3D LUTs created from the ICC profile in this
              directory.  This can be used to speed  up  loading,  since  Lit-
              tleCMS  2  can  take a while to create a 3D LUT. Note that these
              files contain uncompressed  LUTs.  Their  size  depends  on  the
              --icc-3dlut-size, and can be very big.

              NOTE:  This  is  not cleaned automatically, so old, unused cache
              files may stick around indefinitely.

              Specifies the ICC intent used for the color transformation (when
              using --icc-profile).

              0      perceptual

              1      relative colorimetric (default)

              2      saturation

              3      absolute colorimetric

              Size of the 3D LUT generated from the ICC profile in each dimen-
              sion.  Default is 64x64x64. Sizes may range from 2 to 512.

              Override the target device's detected contrast ratio by  a  spe-
              cific value.  This is detected automatically from the profile if
              possible, but for some profiles it might be missing, causing the
              contrast  to  be assumed as infinite. As a result, video may ap-
              pear darker than intended. If this is the case, setting this op-
              tion  might help. This only affects BT.1886 content. The default
              of no means to use the profile values.  The  special  value  inf
              causes the BT.1886 curve to be treated as a pure power gamma 2.4

              Specifies a custom LUT (in Adobe .cube format) to apply  to  the
              colors as part of color conversion. The exact interpretation de-
              pends on the value of --lut-type. (Only for --vo=gpu-next)

              Controls the interpretation of color values fed to and from  the
              LUT specified as --lut. Valid values are:

              auto   Chooses  the interpretation of the LUT automatically from
                     tagged metadata, and otherwise falls back to native. (De-

              native Applied  to  raw  image  contents  in its native RGB col-
                     orspace (non-linear light), before conversion to the out-
                     put color space.

                     Applied  to  the normalized RGB image contents, in linear
                     light, before conversion to the output color space.

                     Fully replaces the conversion from the image color  space
                     to  the  output color space. If such a LUT is present, it
                     has the highest priority, and overrides any ICC profiles,
                     as  well  as  options  related to tone mapping and output
                     colorimetry (--target-prim, --target-trc etc.).

              Blend subtitles directly onto upscaled video frames, before  in-
              terpolation and/or color management (default: no). Enabling this
              causes subtitles to be affected by --icc-profile, --target-prim,
              --target-trc,      --interpolation,      --gamma-factor      and
              --glsl-shaders. It also increases subtitle performance when  us-
              ing --interpolation.

              The  downside of enabling this is that it restricts subtitles to
              the visible portion of the video, so you  can't  have  subtitles
              exist in the black margins below a video (for example).

              If  video  is selected, the behavior is similar to yes, but subs
              are drawn at the video's native  resolution,  and  scaled  along
              with the video.

                 This  changes  the way subtitle colors are handled. Normally,
                 subtitle colors are assumed to be in sRGB and  color  managed
                 as  such.  Enabling  this  makes them treated as being in the
                 video's color space instead. This is good if you want  things
                 like  softsubbed ASS signs to match the video colors, but may
                 cause SRT subtitles or similar to look slightly off.

              Decides what to do if the input has an alpha component.

                     Blend the frame against a 16x16  gray/white  tiles  back-
                     ground (default).

              blend  Blend  the  frame  against  the background color (--back-
                     ground, normally black).

              yes    Try to create a framebuffer with  alpha  component.  This
                     only  makes sense if the video contains alpha information
                     (which is extremely rare) or if you make  the  background
                     color transparent. May not be supported on all platforms.
                     If alpha framebuffers are unavailable, it silently  falls
                     back  on  a  normal framebuffer. Note that if you set the
                     --fbo-format option to a non-default value, a format with
                     alpha must be specified, or this won't work. Whether this
                     really works depends on the windowing system and  desktop

              no     Ignore alpha component.

              Force  use  of  rectangle  textures (default: no). Normally this
              shouldn't have any advantages over normal  textures.  Note  that
              hardware  decoding  overrides  this  flag.  Could be removed any

              Color used to draw parts of the mpv window not covered by video.
              See the --sub-color option for how colors are defined.

       --gpu-tex-pad-x, --gpu-tex-pad-y
              Enlarge  the  video source textures by this many pixels. For de-
              bugging only (normally textures are sized exactly,  but  due  to
              hardware  decoding  interop  we may have to deal with additional
              padding, which can be tested with these options). Could  be  re-
              moved any time.

              Call  glFlush() after rendering a frame and before attempting to
              display it (default: auto). Can fix stuttering in some cases, in
              other  cases  probably  causes  it.  The  auto  mode  will  call
              glFlush() only if the renderer is going to wait for a while  af-
              ter  rendering, instead of flipping GL front and backbuffers im-
              mediately (i.e. it doesn't call it in display-sync mode).

              On macOS this is always deactivated because it only causes  per-
              formance problems and other regressions.

              This  mode  is  extremely  restricted, and will disable most ex-
              tended features. That includes high quality scalers  and  custom

              It  is intended for hardware that does not support FBOs (includ-
              ing GLES, which supports it insufficiently), or to get some more
              performance out of bad or old hardware.

              This  mode is forced automatically if needed, and this option is
              mostly useful for debugging. The default of auto will enable  it
              automatically if nothing uses features which require FBOs.

              This option might be silently removed in the future.

              Store  and  load  compiled  GLSL shaders in this directory. Nor-
              mally, shader compilation is very fast, so this is  usually  not
              needed.  It  mostly matters for GPU APIs that require internally
              recompiling shaders to other  languages,  for  example  anything
              based on ANGLE or Vulkan. Enabling this can improve startup per-
              formance on these platforms.

              NOTE: This is not cleaned automatically, so  old,  unused  cache
              files may stick around indefinitely.

              Set  the  list of tags that should be displayed on the terminal.
              Tags that are in the list, but are not  present  in  the  played
              file,  will  not be shown.  If a value ends with *, all tags are
              matched by prefix (though there is no  general  globbing).  Just
              passing * essentially filtering.

              The  default  includes  a  common  list  of  tags, call mpv with
              --list-options to see it.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.

              Maximum A-V sync correction per frame (in seconds)

              Gradually adjusts the A/V sync based  on  audio  delay  measure-
              ments.   Specifying  --autosync=0, the default, will cause frame
              timing to be based entirely on audio delay measurements.  Speci-
              fying  --autosync=1 will do the same, but will subtly change the
              A/V correction algorithm. An uneven video framerate in  a  video
              which  plays fine with --no-audio can often be helped by setting
              this to an integer value greater than 1. The higher  the  value,
              the  closer  the timing will be to --no-audio. Try --autosync=30
              to smooth out problems with sound drivers which do not implement
              a perfect audio delay measurement. With this value, if large A/V
              sync offsets occur, they will only take about 1 or 2 seconds  to
              settle  out.  This  delay in reaction time to sudden A/V offsets
              should be the only side effect of turning this  option  on,  for
              all sound drivers.

              Control  how  long  before  video  display target time the frame
              should be rendered (default: 0.050). If a video frame should  be
              displayed  at  a  certain  time, the VO will start rendering the
              frame earlier, and then will perform a blocking wait  until  the
              display  time,  and  only  then "swap" the frame to display. The
              rendering cannot start before the previous frame  is  displayed,
              so this value is implicitly limited by the video framerate. With
              normal video frame rates, the default  value  will  ensure  that
              rendering is always immediately started after the previous frame
              was displayed. On the other hand, setting a too high  value  can
              reduce responsiveness with low FPS value.

              This option is interesting for client API users using the render
              API because you can stop it from limiting your FPS (see mpv_ren-
              der_context_render() documentation).

              This  applies  only to audio timing modes (e.g. --video-sync=au-
              dio). In other modes  (--video-sync=display-...),  video  timing
              relies on vsync blocking, and this option is not used.

              How the player synchronizes audio and video.

              If  you  use  this  option,  you  usually want to set it to dis-
              play-resample to enable a timing mode that tries to not skip  or
              repeat  frames  when  for  example playing 24fps video on a 24Hz

              The modes starting with display- try to output video frames com-
              pletely synchronously to the display, using the detected display
              vertical refresh rate as a hint how fast  frames  will  be  dis-
              played  on  average.  These modes change video speed slightly to
              match the display. See --video-sync-...  options for  fine  tun-
              ing.  The robustness of this mode is further reduced by making a
              some idealized assumptions, which may not always apply in  real-
              ity.   Behavior  can depend on the VO and the system's video and
              audio drivers.  Media files must use  constant  framerate.  Sec-
              tion-wise  VFR  might  work  as well with some container formats
              (but not e.g. mkv).

              Under some circumstances, the player  automatically  reverts  to
              audio mode for some time or permanently. This can happen on very
              low framerate video, or if the framerate cannot be detected.

              Also in display-sync modes it can happen that  interruptions  to
              video  playback (such as toggling fullscreen mode, or simply re-
              sizing the window) will skip the video frames that  should  have
              been  displayed,  while  audio  mode will display them after the
              renderer has resumed (typically resulting in a short A/V  desync
              and the video "catching up").

              Before  mpv 0.30.0, there was a fallback to audio mode on severe
              A/V desync. This was changed for the sake  of  not  sporadically
              stopping.  Now,  display-desync  does  what  it promises and may
              desync with audio by an arbitrary amount, until it  is  manually
              fixed with a seek.

              These  modes also require a vsync blocked presentation mode. For
              OpenGL, this translates to --opengl-swapinterval=1. For  Vulkan,
              it translates to --vulkan-swap-mode=fifo (or fifo-relaxed).

              The  modes with desync in their names do not attempt to keep au-
              dio/video in sync. They will slowly (or quickly)  desync,  until
              e.g.  the  next seek happens. These modes are meant for testing,
              not serious use.

              audio  Time video frames to audio. This is the most robust mode,
                     because  the player doesn't have to assume anything about
                     how the display behaves. The disadvantage is that it  can
                     lead  to  occasional  frame drops or repeats. If audio is
                     disabled, this uses the system clock. This is the default

                     Resample  audio  to  match the video. This mode will also
                     try to adjust audio speed to compensate for other  drift.
                     (This  means  it will play the audio at a different speed
                     every once in a while to reduce the A/V difference.)

                     Resample audio to match the video. Drop video  frames  to
                     compensate for drift.

                     Like the previous mode, but no A/V compensation.

                     Drop  or  repeat  video  frames  to  compensate desyncing
                     video. (Although it should have the same effects  as  au-
                     dio, the implementation is very different.)

                     Drop  or repeat audio data to compensate desyncing video.
                     This mode will cause severe audio artifacts if  the  real
                     monitor  refresh  rate is too different from the reported
                     or forced rate. Since mpv 0.33.0, this acts on entire au-
                     dio frames, instead of single samples.

                     Sync video to display, and let audio play on its own.

              desync Sync  video according to system clock, and let audio play
                     on its own.

              Maximum multiple for which to try to fit the video's FPS to  the
              display's FPS (default: 5).

              For  example, if this is set to 1, the video FPS is forced to an
              integer multiple of the display FPS, as long as the speed change
              does not exceed the value set by --video-sync-max-video-change.

              See --interpolation-threshold for how this option affects inter-

              This is mostly for testing,  and  the  option  may  be  randomly
              changed in the future without notice.

              Maximum  speed  difference  in  percent that is applied to video
              with --video-sync=display-... (default: 1).  Display  sync  mode
              will  be  disabled  if  the monitor and video refresh way do not
              match within the given range. It tries multiples as well:  play-
              ing  30  fps video on a 60 Hz screen will duplicate every second
              frame. Playing 24 fps video on a 60 Hz screen will play video in
              a 2-3-2-3-... pattern.

              The default settings are not loose enough to speed up 23.976 fps
              video to 25 fps. We consider the pitch change too extreme to al-
              low this behavior by default. Set this option to a value of 5 to
              enable it.

              Note that in the --video-sync=display-resample mode, audio speed
              will  additionally be changed by a small amount if necessary for
              A/V sync. See --video-sync-max-audio-change.

              Maximum additional speed difference in percent that  is  applied
              to  audio  with  --video-sync=display-... (default: 0.125). Nor-
              mally, the player plays the audio at the speed of the video. But
              if  the difference between audio and video position is too high,
              e.g. due to drift or other timing errors,  it  will  attempt  to
              speed  up  or slow down audio by this additional factor. Too low
              values could lead to video frame dropping or  repeating  if  the
              A/V  desync cannot be compensated, too high values could lead to
              chaotic frame dropping due to the audio "overshooting" and skip-
              ping multiple video frames before the sync logic can react.

              Framerate  used  when  decoding  from multiple PNG or JPEG files
              with mf:// (default: 1).

              Input file type for mf:// (available: jpeg, png, tga,  sgi).  By
              default, this is guessed from the file extension.

              Instead  of playing a file, read its byte stream and write it to
              the given destination file. The destination is overwritten.  Can
              be useful to test network-related behavior.

              Set  AVOptions  on  streams  opened with libavformat. Unknown or
              misspelled options are silently ignored. (They are mentioned  in
              the  terminal  output  in  verbose mode, i.e. --v. In general we
              can't print errors, because other  options  such  as  e.g.  user
              agent  are not available with all protocols, and printing errors
              for unknown options would end up being too noisy.)

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

              (Windows only.)  Set the MMCSS profile for  the  video  renderer
              thread (default: Playback).

              (Windows  only.)   Set process priority for mpv according to the
              predefined priorities available under Windows.

              Possible  values  of  <prio>:  idle|belownormal|normal|abovenor-

                 Using realtime priority can cause system lockup.

              Force  the  contents  of the media-title property to this value.
              Useful for scripts which want to set a title, without overriding
              the user's setting in --title.

              Load  a  file  and add all of its tracks. This is useful to play
              different files together (for example audio from one file, video
              from  another), or for advanced --lavfi-complex used (like play-
              ing two video files at the same time).

              Unlike --sub-files and --audio-files, this includes all  tracks,
              and  does  not  cause default stream selection over the "proper"
              file. This makes it slightly less intrusive. (In mpv 0.28.0  and
              before, this was not quite strictly enforced.)

              This is a path list option. See List Options for details.

              CLI/config file only alias for --external-files-append. Each use
              of this option will add a new external file.

              Use an external file as cover  art  while  playing  audio.  This
              makes it appear on the track list and subject to automatic track
              selection. Options like  --audio-display  control  whether  such
              tracks are supposed to be selected.

              (The  difference to loading a file with --external-files is that
              video tracks will be marked as being pictures, which affects the
              auto-selection  method.  If the passed file is a video, only the
              first frame will be decoded and displayed.  Enabling  the  cover
              art  track during playback may show a random frame if the source
              file is a video. Normally you're not supposed to pass videos  to
              this option, so this paragraph describes the behavior coinciden-
              tally resulting from implementation details.)

              This is a path list option. See List Options for details.

              CLI/config file only alias  for  --cover-art-files-append.  Each
              use of this option will add a new external file.

              Whether  to  load _external_ cover art automatically. Similar to
              --sub-auto and --audio-file-auto. If a video already has  tracks
              (which are not marked as cover art), external cover art will not
              be loaded.

              no     Don't automatically load cover art.

              exact  Load the media filename with an image file extension (de-

              fuzzy  Load all cover art containing the media filename.

              all    Load all images in the current directory.

              See  --cover-art-files  for details about what constitutes cover

              See --audio-display how to control display of  cover  art  (this
              can be used to disable cover art that is part of the file).

              Whether  to  load  filenames  in  an internal whitelist, such as
              cover.jpg, as cover art. If cover-art-auto is  set  to  no,  the
              whitelisted  filenames  are  never loaded even if this option is
              set to yes.

              Default: yes.

              Automatically load/select external files (default: yes).

              If set to no, then do not automatically load external  files  as
              specified by --sub-auto, --audio-file-auto and --cover-art-auto.
              If external files are forcibly added  (like  with  --sub-files),
              they will not be auto-selected.

              This  does  not affect playlist expansion, redirection, or other
              loading of referenced files like with ordered chapters.

              Deprecated, use --stream-record, or the dump-cache command.

              Record the current stream to the given target file.  The  target
              file will always be overwritten without asking.

              This  was deprecated because it isn't very nice to use. For one,
              seeking while this is enabled will be directly reflected in  the
              output, which was not useful and annoying.

              Write  received/read  data  from the demuxer to the given output
              file. The output file will always be overwritten without asking.
              The  output  format is determined by the extension of the output

              Switching streams or seeking during recording  might  result  in
              recording being stopped and/or broken files. Use with care.

              Seeking  outside  of the demuxer cache will result in "skips" in
              the output file, but seeking within  the  demuxer  cache  should
              not  affect  recording.  One exception is when you seek back far
              enough to exceed the forward buffering size, in which  case  the
              cache  stops  actively reading. This will return in dropped data
              if it's a live stream.

              If this is set at runtime, the old file is closed, and  the  new
              file  is opened. Note that this will write only data that is ap-
              pended at the end of the cache, and the already cached data can-
              not  be written. You can try the dump-cache command as an alter-

              External files (--audio-file etc.) are ignored by this, it works
              on  the  "main"  file  only. Using this with files using ordered
              chapters or EDL files will also not work correctly in general.

              There are some glitches  with  this  because  it  uses  FFmpeg's
              libavformat for writing the output file. For example, it's typi-
              cal that it will only work if the output format is the  same  as
              the  input  format.  This  is the case even if it works with the
              ffmpeg tool. One reason for this is  that  ffmpeg  and  its  li-
              braries  contain certain hacks and workarounds for these issues,
              that are unavailable to outside users.

              This replaces --record-file. It is similar  to  the  ancient/re-
              moved  --stream-capture/--capture  options,  and provides better
              behavior in most cases (i.e. actually works).

              Set a "complex" libavfilter filter, which means a single  filter
              graph  can  take  input  from  multiple  source  audio and video
              tracks. The graph can result in a single audio or  video  output
              (or both).

              Currently,  the  filter graph labels are used to select the par-
              ticipating input tracks and audio/video  output.  The  following
              rules apply:

              • A  label of the form aidN selects audio track N as input (e.g.

              • A label of the form vidN selects video track N as input.

              • A label named ao will be connected to the audio output.

              • A label named vo will be connected to the video output.

              Each label can be used only once. If you want to use e.g. an au-
              dio stream for multiple filters, you need to use the asplit fil-
              ter. Multiple video or audio outputs are not possible,  but  you
              can use filters to merge them into one.

              It's  not  possible to change the tracks connected to the filter
              at runtime, unless you explicitly change the lavfi-complex prop-
              erty  and  set new track assignments. When the graph is changed,
              the track selection is changed according to the used  labels  as

              Other  tracks,  as  long as they're not connected to the filter,
              and the corresponding output is not connected to the filter, can
              still be freely changed with the normal methods.

              Note  that the normal filter chains (--af, --vf) are applied be-
              tween the complex graphs (e.g. ao label) and the actual output.


                 • --lavfi-complex='[aid1] [aid2] amix [ao]' Play audio  track
                   1 and 2 at the same time.

                 • --lavfi-complex='[vid1]  [vid2]  vstack  [vo]'  Stack video
                   track 1 and 2 and play them at the  same  time.  Note  that
                   both tracks need to have the same width, or filter initial-
                   ization will fail (you can add scale filters before the vs-
                   tack  filter  to fix the size).  To load a video track from
                   another file, you can use --external-file=other.mkv.

                 • --lavfi-complex='[aid1] asplit [t1] [ao] ; [t1]  showvolume
                   [t2]  ;  [vid1]  [t2] overlay [vo]' Play audio track 1, and
                   overlay the measured volume for  each  speaker  over  video
                   track 1.

                 • null://    --lavfi-complex='life    [vo]'   A   libavfilter
                   source-only filter (Conways' Life Game).

              See the FFmpeg libavfilter  documentation  for  details  on  the
              available filters.

              Codepage  for  various input metadata (default: utf-8). This af-
              fects how file tags, chapter titles, etc. are  interpreted.  You
              can  for example set this to auto to enable autodetection of the
              codepage. (This is not the default because  non-UTF-8  codepages
              are an obscure fringe use-case.)

              See  --sub-codepage  option  on  how codepages are specified and
              further details regarding autodetection and codepage conversion.
              (The underlying code is the same.)

              Conversion  is  not  applied to metadata that is updated at run-

              Run an internal unit test. There  are  multiple,  and  the  name
              specifies which.

              The  special  value  all-simple runs all tests which do not need
              further setup (other arguments and such). Some  tests  may  need
              additional arguments to do anything useful.

              On  success,  the player binary exits with exit status 0, other-
              wise it returns with an undefined  non-0  exit  status  (it  may
              crash or abort itself on test failures).

              This  is  only  enabled if built with --enable-tests, and should
              normally be enabled and used by developers only.

       Audio output drivers are interfaces to different audio  output  facili-
       ties. The syntax is:

              Specify a priority list of audio output drivers to be used.

       If  the list has a trailing ',', mpv will fall back on drivers not con-
       tained in the list.

          See --ao=help for a list of compiled-in audio  output  drivers.  The
          driver  --ao=alsa  is  preferred. --ao=pulse is preferred on systems
          where PulseAudio is used. On BSD systems, --ao=oss is preferred.

       Available audio output drivers are:

       alsa (Linux only)
              ALSA audio output driver

              See ALSA audio output options for options specific to this AO.

                 To  get  multichannel/surround   audio,   use   --audio-chan-
                 nels=auto.  The  default  for this option is auto-safe, which
                 makes this audio output explicitly reject  multichannel  out-
                 put,  as  there is no way to detect whether a certain channel
                 layout is actually supported.

                 You can also try using the upmix plugin.  This setup  enables
                 multichannel  audio  on the default device with automatic up-
                 mixing with shared access, so playing stereo and multichannel
                 audio at the same time will work as expected.

       oss    OSS audio output driver

       jack   JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) audio output driver.

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Connects to the ports with the given name (default: phys-
                     ical ports).

                     Client name that is passed to JACK (default: mpv). Useful
                     if you want to have certain connections established auto-

                     Automatically start jackd  if  necessary  (default:  dis-
                     abled).  Note  that  this tends to be unreliable and will
                     flood stdout with server messages.

                     Automatically create connections  to  output  ports  (de-
                     fault:  enabled).   When  enabled,  the maximum number of
                     output channels will be limited to the number  of  avail-
                     able output ports.

                     Select  the  standard  channel layout (default: waveext).
                     JACK itself has no notion of channel  layouts  (i.e.  as-
                     signing  which speaker a given channel is supposed to map
                     to) - it just takes whatever the application outputs, and
                     reroutes  it to whatever the user defines. This means the
                     user and the application are in charge  of  dealing  with
                     the  channel  layout. waveext uses WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE
                     order, which, even though it was defined by Microsoft, is
                     the  standard  on many systems.  The value any makes JACK
                     accept whatever comes from the audio  filter  chain,  re-
                     gardless  of  channel layout and without reordering. This
                     mode is probably not very useful, other than  for  debug-
                     ging or when used with fixed setups.

       coreaudio (macOS only)
              Native  macOS audio output driver using AudioUnits and the Core-
              Audio sound server.

              Automatically redirects to coreaudio_exclusive when playing com-
              pressed formats.

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Change  the  physical  format  to  one similar to the re-
                     quested audio format (default: no). This has  the  advan-
                     tage  that  multichannel audio output will actually work.
                     The disadvantage is that it will change  the  system-wide
                     audio settings. This is equivalent to changing the Format
                     setting in the Audio Devices dialog  in  the  Audio  MIDI
                     Setup  utility.  Note  that  this does not affect the se-
                     lected speaker setup.

                     Try to pass through AC3/DTS data as PCM. This  is  useful
                     for  drivers which do not report AC3 support. It converts
                     the AC3 data to float, and assumes the driver will do the
                     inverse  conversion,  which  means a typical A/V receiver
                     will pick it up as compressed IEC framed AC3 stream,  ig-
                     noring  that it's marked as PCM. This disables normal AC3
                     passthrough (even if the device reports it as supported).
                     Use with extreme care.

       coreaudio_exclusive (macOS only)
              Native  macOS audio output driver using direct device access and
              exclusive mode (bypasses the sound server).

       openal OpenAL audio output driver.

                     Specify the number of audio buffers to use. Lower  values
                     are better for lower CPU usage. Default: 4.

                     Specify  the  number  of complete samples to use for each
                     buffer. Higher values are better for lower CPU usage. De-
                     fault: 8192.

                     Enable OpenAL Soft's direct channel extension when avail-
                     able to avoid tinting the sound with ambisonics or  HRTF.
                     Default: yes.

       pulse  PulseAudio audio output driver

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Specify  the  host  to use. An empty <host> string uses a
                     local connection, "localhost" uses network transfer (most
                     likely not what you want).

                     Set the audio buffer size in milliseconds. A higher value
                     buffers more data, and has a lower probability of  buffer
                     underruns.  A  smaller value makes the audio stream react
                     faster, e.g. to playback speed changes.

                     Enable hacks to workaround PulseAudio  timing  bugs  (de-
                     fault:  no).  If  enabled,  mpv will do elaborate latency
                     calculations  on  its  own.  If  disabled,  it  will  use
                     PulseAudio automatically updated timing information. Dis-
                     abling this might help with e.g. networked audio or  some
                     plugins,  while  enabling  it  might help in some unknown
                     situations (it used to be required to get  good  behavior
                     on old PulseAudio versions).

                     If you have stuttering video when using pulse, try to en-
                     able this option. (Or try to update PulseAudio.)

                     Allow mpv to use PulseAudio even if the sink is suspended
                     (default: no).  Can be useful if PulseAudio is running as
                     a bridge to jack and mpv has its sink-input  set  to  the
                     one jack is using.

              PipeWire audio output driver

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Set the audio buffer size in milliseconds. A higher value
                     buffers more data, and has a lower probability of  buffer
                     underruns.  A  smaller value makes the audio stream react
                     faster, e.g. to playback speed changes.

                     Specify the PipeWire remote daemon name to connect to via
                     local  UNIX  sockets.   An empty <remote> string uses the
                     default remote named pipewire-0.

       sdl    SDL 1.2+ audio output driver. Should work on any  platform  sup-
              ported  by SDL 1.2, but may require the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environ-
              ment variable to be set appropriately for your system.

                 This driver is for compatibility with extremely foreign envi-
                 ronments, such as systems where none of the other drivers are

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Sets the audio buffer length in seconds. Is used only  as
                     a  hint  by the sound system. Playing a file with -v will
                     show the requested and  obtained  exact  buffer  size.  A
                     value of 0 selects the sound system default.

       null   Produces no audio output but maintains video playback speed. You
              can use --ao=null --ao-null-untimed for benchmarking.

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Do not simulate timing of a perfect  audio  device.  This
                     means audio decoding will go as fast as possible, instead
                     of timing it to the system clock.

                     Simulated buffer length in seconds.

                     Simulated chunk size in samples.

                     Simulated audio playback speed as a multiplier.  Usually,
                     a  real  audio  device will not go exactly as fast as the
                     system clock. It will deviate just a little, and this op-
                     tion helps to simulate this.

                     Simulated device latency. This is additional to EOF.

                     Simulate broken audio drivers, which always add the fixed
                     device latency to the reported audio playback position.

                     Simulate broken audio drivers, which don't report latency

                     If  not empty, this is a , separated list of channel lay-
                     outs the AO allows. This can be used to test channel lay-
                     out selection.

                     Force  the audio output format the AO will accept. If un-
                     set accepts any.

       pcm    Raw PCM/WAVE file writer audio output

              The following global options are supported by this audio output:

                     Include or do not include the WAVE header  (default:  in-
                     cluded). When not included, raw PCM will be generated.

                     Write  the sound to <filename> instead of the default au-
                     diodump.wav. If no-waveheader is specified,  the  default
                     is audiodump.pcm.

                     Append to the file, instead of overwriting it. Always use
                     this with the no-waveheader option - with waveheader it's
                     broken,  because  it  will write a WAVE header every time
                     the file is opened.

       sndio  Audio output to the OpenBSD sndio sound system

              (Note: only supports mono, stereo, 4.0, 5.1 and 7.1 channel lay-

       wasapi Audio output to the Windows Audio Session API.

       Video  output  drivers are interfaces to different video output facili-
       ties. The syntax is:

              Specify a priority list of video output drivers to be used.

       If the list has a trailing ,, mpv will fall back on  drivers  not  con-
       tained in the list.

          See --vo=help for a list of compiled-in video output drivers.

          The recommended output driver is --vo=gpu, which is the default. All
          other drivers are for compatibility or special purposes. If the  de-
          fault  does not work, it will fallback to other drivers (in the same
          order as listed by --vo=help).

       Available video output drivers are:

       gpu    General  purpose,  customizable,  GPU-accelerated  video  output
              driver.  It  supports extended scaling methods, dithering, color
              management, custom shaders, HDR, and more.

              See GPU renderer options for options specific to this VO.

              By default, it tries to use fast and fail-safe settings. Use the
              gpu-hq  profile  to  use  this  driver with defaults set to high
              quality rendering.  The  profile  can  be  applied  with  --pro-
              file=gpu-hq  and  its  contents  can  be viewed with --show-pro-

              This VO abstracts over several possible graphics APIs  and  win-
              dowing contexts, which can be influenced using the --gpu-api and
              --gpu-context options.

              Hardware decoding over OpenGL-interop is supported to  some  de-
              gree.  Note  that  in  this  mode, some corner case might not be
              gracefully handled, and color space conversion and chroma upsam-
              pling is generally in the hand of the hardware decoder APIs.

              gpu makes use of FBOs by default. Sometimes you can achieve bet-
              ter quality or performance by changing the  --fbo-format  option
              to  rgb16f, rgb32f or rgb. Known problems include Mesa/Intel not
              accepting rgb16, Mesa sometimes not being  compiled  with  float
              texture  support,  and  some  macOS  setups being very slow with
              rgb16 but fast with rgb32f. If you have problems, you  can  also
              try enabling the --gpu-dumb-mode=yes option.

              Experimental  video  renderer based on libplacebo. This supports
              almost the same set of features as --vo=gpu.  See  GPU  renderer
              options for a list.

              Should generally be faster and higher quality, but some features
              may still be missing or misbehave. Expect  (and  report!)  bugs.
              See here for a list of known differences and bugs:


       xv (X11 only)
              Uses  the  XVideo  extension to enable hardware-accelerated dis-
              play. This is the most compatible VO on X, but may be  low-qual-
              ity, and has issues with OSD and subtitle display.

                 This driver is for compatibility with old systems.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Select a specific XVideo adapter (check xvinfo results).

                     Select a specific XVideo port.

                     Select  the source from which the color key is taken (de-
                     fault: cur).

                     cur    The default takes the color key currently  set  in

                     use    Use but do not set the color key from mpv (use the
                            --colorkey option to change it).

                     set    Same as use but also sets the supplied color key.

                     Sets the color key drawing method (default: man).

                     none   Disables color-keying.

                     man    Draw the color key manually  (reduces  flicker  in
                            some cases).

                     bg     Set the color key as window background.

                     auto   Let Xv draw the color key.

                     Changes  the  color  key  to an RGB value of your choice.
                     0x000000 is black and 0xffffff is white.

                     Number of image buffers to use  for  the  internal  ring-
                     buffer  (default: 2).  Increasing this will use more mem-
                     ory, but might help with  the  X  server  not  responding
                     quickly  enough  if  video FPS is close to or higher than
                     the display refresh rate.

       x11 (X11 only)
              Shared memory video output driver without hardware  acceleration
              that works whenever X11 is present.

              Since  mpv  0.30.0, you may need to use --profile=sw-fast to get
              decent performance.

                 This is a fallback only, and should not be normally used.

       vdpau (X11 only)
              Uses the VDPAU interface to display and optionally  also  decode
              video.   Hardware decoding is used with --hwdec=vdpau. Note that
              there is absolutely no reason to use this, other  than  compati-
              bility.  We  strongly  recommend  that  you  use  --vo=gpu  with
              --hwdec=nvdec instead.

                 Earlier versions of  mpv  (and  MPlayer,  mplayer2)  provided
                 sub-options   to  tune  vdpau  post-processing,  like  deint,
                 sharpen,  denoise,  chroma-deint,  pullup,  hqscaling.  These
                 sub-options  are  deprecated,  and you should use the vdpaupp
                 video filter instead.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     (Deprecated. See note about vdpaupp.)

                     For positive values, apply a sharpening algorithm to  the
                     video, for negative values a blurring algorithm (default:

                     (Deprecated. See note about vdpaupp.)

                     Apply a noise reduction algorithm to the video  (default:
                     0; no noise reduction).

                     (Deprecated. See note about vdpaupp.)

                     Makes  temporal  deinterlacers  operate  both on luma and
                     chroma (default).  Use no-chroma-deint to solely use luma
                     and  speed  up  advanced  deinterlacing. Useful with slow
                     video memory.

                     (Deprecated. See note about vdpaupp.)

                     Try to apply inverse telecine, needs motion adaptive tem-
                     poral deinterlacing.

                     (Deprecated. See note about vdpaupp.)

                     0      Use default VDPAU scaling (default).

                     1-9    Apply  high  quality  VDPAU scaling (needs capable

                     Override autodetected display  refresh  rate  value  (the
                     value  is  needed  for  framedrop to allow video playback
                     rates  higher  than  display  refresh   rate,   and   for
                     vsync-aware  frame  timing  adjustments). Default 0 means
                     use autodetected value. A positive value  is  interpreted
                     as  a  refresh  rate in Hz and overrides the autodetected
                     value. A negative value disables  all  timing  adjustment
                     and framedrop logic.

                     NVIDIA's  current  VDPAU  implementation behaves somewhat
                     differently under a compositing window manager  and  does
                     not give accurate frame timing information. With this op-
                     tion enabled, the player tries to detect whether  a  com-
                     positing  window  manager  is active. If one is detected,
                     the player disables timing adjustments as if the user had
                     specified fps=-1 (as they would be based on incorrect in-
                     put). This means timing is somewhat  less  accurate  than
                     without  compositing, but with the composited mode behav-
                     ior of the NVIDIA driver, there is no hard playback speed
                     limit  even  without  the  disabled logic. Enabled by de-
                     fault, use --vo-vdpau-composite-detect=no to disable.

              --vo-vdpau-queuetime-windowed=<number> and queuetime-fs=<number>
                     Use VDPAU's presentation queue functionality to queue fu-
                     ture  video  frame changes at most this many milliseconds
                     in advance (default: 50).  See below for  additional  in-

                     Allocate  this  many  output  surfaces  to  display video
                     frames (default: 3). See below  for  additional  informa-

                     Set  the VDPAU presentation queue background color, which
                     in practice is the colorkey used  if  VDPAU  operates  in
                     overlay  mode (default: #020507, some shade of black). If
                     the alpha component of this value is 0, the default VDPAU
                     colorkey will be used instead (which is usually green).

                     Never  accept  RGBA  input.  This means mpv will insert a
                     filter to convert to a YUV format before  the  VO.  Some-
                     times  useful  to  force availability of certain YUV-only
                     features, like video equalizer or deinterlacing.

              Using the VDPAU frame queuing functionality  controlled  by  the
              queuetime  options  makes mpv's frame flip timing less sensitive
              to system CPU load and allows mpv to  start  decoding  the  next
              frame(s) slightly earlier, which can reduce jitter caused by in-
              dividual slow-to-decode frames.  However,  the  NVIDIA  graphics
              drivers  can  make  other  window  behavior such as window moves
              choppy if VDPAU is using the blit queue (mainly happens  if  you
              have  the  composite  extension enabled) and this feature is ac-
              tive. If this happens on your system and it bothers you then you
              can  set  the  queuetime value to 0 to disable this feature. The
              settings to use in windowed and fullscreen mode are separate be-
              cause  there  should be no reason to disable this for fullscreen
              mode (as the driver issue should not affect the video itself).

              You can queue more frames ahead by increasing the queuetime val-
              ues  and the output_surfaces count (to ensure enough surfaces to
              buffer video for a certain time ahead you need at least as  many
              surfaces  as  the  video has frames during that time, plus two).
              This could help make video smoother  in  some  cases.  The  main
              downsides  are increased video RAM requirements for the surfaces
              and laggier display response to user commands  (display  changes
              only  become visible some time after they're queued). The graph-
              ics driver implementation may also have limits on the length  of
              maximum queuing time or number of queued surfaces that work well
              or at all.

       direct3d (Windows only)
              Video output driver that uses the Direct3D interface.

                 This driver is for compatibility with systems that don't pro-
                 vide  proper OpenGL drivers, and where ANGLE does not perform

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Normally texture sizes are always  aligned  to  16.  With
                     this  option  enabled, the video texture will always have
                     exactly the same size as the video itself.

              Debug options. These might be incorrect, might be removed in the
              future,  might  crash,  might cause slow downs, etc. Contact the
              developers if you actually need any of these for performance  or
              proper operation.

                     Always  force  textures to power of 2, even if the device
                     reports non-power-of-2 texture sizes as supported.

                     Only affects operation  with  shaders/texturing  enabled,
                     and (E)OSD.  Possible values:

                     default (default)
                            Use D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, with a D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM tex-
                            ture for locking. If the driver  supports  D3DDEV-
                            CAPS_TEXTURESYSTEMMEMORY,   D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM   is
                            used directly.

                            Use D3DPOOL_DEFAULT. (Like default, but never  use
                            a shadow-texture.)

                            Use D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, with a D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM tex-
                            ture for locking. (Like default, but always  force
                            the shadow-texture.)

                            Use D3DPOOL_MANAGED.

                            Use D3DPOOL_SCRATCH, with a D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM tex-
                            ture for locking.

                     Use D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, which might be faster.   Might
                     be slower too, as it must(?) clear every frame.

                     Always resize the backbuffer to window size.

       sdl    SDL 2.0+ Render video output driver, depending on system with or
              without hardware acceleration. Should work on all platforms sup-
              ported  by  SDL 2.0.  For tuning, refer to your copy of the file

                 This driver is for compatibility with systems that don't pro-
                 vide proper graphics drivers.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Continue even if a software renderer is detected.

                     Instruct  SDL to switch the monitor video mode when going

              Experimental Wayland output driver designed for use with  either
              drm  stateless  or  VA  API hardware decoding. The driver is de-
              signed to avoid any GPU to CPU copies, and  to  perform  scaling
              and  color  space  conversion  using fixed-function hardware, if
              available, rather than GPU shaders. This frees up GPU  resources
              for other tasks.  Currently this driver is experimental and only
              works with the --hwdec=vaapi or hwdec=drm drivers; OSD  is  also
              not supported. Supported compositors : Weston and Sway.

       vaapi  Intel  VA  API video output driver with support for hardware de-
              coding. Note that there is absolutely no  reason  to  use  this,
              other  than  compatibility.  This is low quality, and has issues
              with OSD. We strongly  recommend  that  you  use  --vo=gpu  with
              --hwdec=vaapi instead.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:


                            Driver default (mpv default as well).

                     fast   Fast, but low quality.

                     hq     Unspecified driver dependent high-quality scaling,

                     nla    non-linear anamorphic scaling

                     Select deinterlacing  algorithm.  Note  that  by  default
                     deinterlacing  is  initially  always off, and needs to be
                     enabled with the d key (default  key  binding  for  cycle

                     This  option  doesn't  apply if libva supports video post
                     processing  (vpp).   In  this  case,  the   default   for
                     deint-mode is no, and enabling deinterlacing via user in-
                     teraction using the methods mentioned above actually  in-
                     serts the vavpp video filter. If vpp is not actually sup-
                     ported with the libva backend in use, you  can  use  this
                     option to forcibly enable VO based deinterlacing.

                     no     Don't   allow  deinterlacing  (default  for  newer

                            Show only first field.

                     bob    bob deinterlacing (default for older libva).

                     If enabled, then the OSD is rendered at video  resolution
                     and  scaled  to  display  resolution. By default, this is
                     disabled, and the OSD is rendered at  display  resolution
                     if the driver supports it.

       null   Produces no video output. Useful for benchmarking.

              Usually, it's better to disable video with --no-video instead.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Simulate  display  FPS. This artificially limits how many
                     frames the VO accepts per second.

       caca   Color ASCII art video output driver that works on  a  text  con-

                 This driver is a joke.

       tct    Color  Unicode art video output driver that works on a text con-
              sole.  By default depends on support of  true  color  by  modern
              terminals  to  display  the  images  at  full  color  range, but
              256-colors output is also supported (see below). On  Windows  it
              requires an ansi terminal such as mintty.

              Since  mpv  0.30.0, you may need to use --profile=sw-fast to get
              decent performance.

              Note: the TCT image output is not synchronized with other termi-
              nal  output  from  mpv, which can lead to broken images. The op-
              tions --no-terminal or --really-quiet can help with that.

                     Select how to write the pixels to the terminal.

                            Uses unicode LOWER HALF BLOCK character to achieve
                            higher vertical resolution. (Default.)

                     plain  Uses  spaces.  Causes  vertical resolution to drop
                            twofolds, but in theory works in more places.

              --vo-tct-width=<width> --vo-tct-height=<height>
                     Assume the terminal has  the  specified  character  width
                     and/or  height.   These  default to 80x25 if the terminal
                     size cannot be determined.

              --vo-tct-256=<yes|no> (default: no)
                     Use 256 colors - for terminals which don't  support  true

       sixel  Graphical output for the terminal, using sixels. Tested with ml-
              term and xterm.

              Note: the Sixel image output is not synchronized with other ter-
              minal  output from mpv, which can lead to broken images. The op-
              tion --really-quiet can help with that, and is recommended.

              You may need to use --profile=sw-fast to get decent performance.

              Note: at the time of writing, xterm does not enable sixel by de-
              fault  -  launching it as xterm -ti 340 is one way to enable it.
              Also, xterm does not display images bigger than 1000x1000 pixels
              by default.

              To  render  and  align sixel images correctly, mpv needs to know
              the terminal size both in cells and in  pixels.  By  default  it
              tries  to use values which the terminal reports, however, due to
              differences between terminals this  is  an  error-prone  process
              which cannot be automated with certainty - some terminals report
              the size in pixels including the padding  -  e.g.  xterm,  while
              others  report the actual usable number of pixels - like mlterm.
              Additionally, they may behave differently when maximized  or  in
              fullscreen,  and  mpv  cannot  detect  this state using standard

              Sixel size and alignment options:

              --vo-sixel-cols=<columns>, --vo-sixel-rows=<rows> (default: 0)
                     Specify the terminal size in character  cells,  otherwise
                     (0)  read  it  from  the terminal, or fall back to 80x25.
                     Note that mpv doesn't use the the last row with sixel be-
                     cause this seems to result in scrolling.

              --vo-sixel-width=<width>,  --vo-sixel-height=<height>  (default:
                     Specify the available size in pixels, otherwise (0)  read
                     it from the terminal, or fall back to 320x240. Other than
                     excluding the last  line,  the  height  is  also  further
                     rounded  down  to  a multiple of 6 (sixel unit height) to
                     avoid overflowing below the designated size.

              --vo-sixel-left=<col>, --vo-sixel-top=<row> (default: 0)
                     Specify the position in character cells where  the  image
                     starts  (1  is  the  first column or row). If 0 (default)
                     then try to automatically determine it according  to  the
                     other values and the image aspect ratio and zoom.

              --vo-sixel-pad-x=<pad_x>, --vo-sixel-pad-y=<pad_y> (default: -1)
                     Used only when mpv reads the size in pixels from the ter-
                     minal.  Specify the number  of  padding  pixels  (on  one
                     side)  which  are included at the size which the terminal
                     reports. If -1 (default) then the  number  of  pixels  is
                     rounded down to a multiple of number of cells (per axis),
                     to take into account padding at the report  -  this  only
                     works  correctly  when  the  overall  padding per axis is
                     smaller than the number of cells.

              --vo-sixel-exit-clear=<yes|no> (default: yes)
                     Whether or not to clear the terminal on quit. When set to
                     no  -  the  last  sixel image stays on screen after quit,
                     with the cursor following it.

              Sixel image quality options:

                     Selects the dither algorithm which libsixel should apply.
                     Can be one of the below list as per libsixel's documenta-

                     auto (Default)
                            Let libsixel choose the dithering method.

                     none   Don't diffuse

                            Diffuse with Bill Atkinson's method.

                     fs     Diffuse with Floyd-Steinberg method

                     jajuni Diffuse with Jarvis, Judice & Ninke method

                     stucki Diffuse with Stucki's method

                     burkes Diffuse with Burkes' method

                            Positionally stable arithmetic dither

                     xor    Positionally stable arithmetic xor based dither

              --vo-sixel-fixedpalette=<yes|no> (default: yes)
                     Use libsixel's built-in static palette using the XTERM256
                     profile  for  dither.  Fixed  palette uses 256 colors for
                     dithering. Note that using no (at the  time  of  writing)
                     will slow down xterm.

              --vo-sixel-reqcolors=<colors> (default: 256)
                     Has  no effect with fixed palette. Set up libsixel to use
                     required number of colors for dynamic palette. This value
                     depends  on the terminal emulator as well. Xterm supports
                     256 colors. Can set this to a lower value for faster per-

              --vo-sixel-threshold=<threshold> (default: -1)
                     Has  no  effect with fixed palette. Defines the threshold
                     to change the palette - as percentage of  the  number  of
                     colors,  e.g.  20 will change the palette when the number
                     of colors changed by 20%. It's a simple measure to reduce
                     the  number of palette changes, because it can be slow in
                     some terminals (xterm). The default (-1)  will  choose  a
                     palette on every frame and will have better quality.

       image  Output  each  frame into an image file in the current directory.
              Each file takes the frame number padded with  leading  zeros  as

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Select the image file format.

                     jpg    JPEG files, extension .jpg. (Default.)

                     jpeg   JPEG files, extension .jpeg.

                     png    PNG files.

                     webp   WebP files.

                     PNG  compression  factor  (speed  vs. file size tradeoff)
                     (default: 7)

                     Filter applied prior to PNG compression (0 =  none;  1  =
                     sub; 2 = up; 3 = average; 4 = Paeth; 5 = mixed) (default:

                     JPEG quality factor (default: 90)

                     JPEG optimization factor (default: 100)

                     Enable writing lossless WebP files (default: no)

                     WebP quality (default: 75)

                     WebP compression factor (default: 4)

                     Specify the directory to save the  image  files  to  (de-
                     fault: ./).

       libmpv For  use  with  libmpv  direct  embedding. As a special case, on
              macOS it is used like a normal VO within mpv (cocoa-cb).  Other-
              wise useless in any other contexts.  (See <mpv/render.h>.)

              This also supports many of the options the gpu VO has, depending
              on the backend.

       rpi (Raspberry Pi)
              Native video output on the Raspberry Pi using the MMAL API.

              This is deprecated. Use --vo=gpu instead, which is  the  default
              and  provides the same functionality. The rpi VO will be removed
              in mpv 0.23.0. Its functionality was folded into --vo=gpu, which
              now  uses  RPI  hardware  decoding  by treating it as a hardware
              overlay (without applying GL filtering). Also to be  changed  in
              0.23.0:  the --fs flag will be reset to "no" by default (like on
              the other platforms).

              The following deprecated global options are  supported  by  this
              video output:

                     Select  the  display  number  on  which the video overlay
                     should be shown (default: 0).

                     Select the dispmanx layer  on  which  the  video  overlay
                     should  be  shown (default: -10). Note that mpv will also
                     use the 2 layers above the selected layer, to handle  the
                     window  background  and  OSD. Actual video rendering will
                     happen on the layer above the selected layer.

                     Whether to render a black  background  behind  the  video
                     (default:  no).  Normally it's better to kill the console
                     framebuffer instead, which gives better performance.

                     Enabled by default. If disabled with no, no OSD layer  is
                     created.  This also means there will be no subtitles ren-

       drm (Direct Rendering Manager)
              Video output driver using Kernel Mode Setting / Direct Rendering
              Manager.   Should  be  used  when  one  doesn't  want to install
              full-blown graphical environment (e.g. no X). Does  not  support
              hardware  acceleration  (if you need this, check the drm backend
              for gpu VO).

              Since mpv 0.30.0, you may need to use --profile=sw-fast  to  get
              decent performance.

              The following global options are supported by this video output:

                     Select  the connector to use (usually this is a monitor.)
                     If <name> is empty or auto, mpv renders the output on the
                     first  available  connector.  Use --drm-connector=help to
                     get a list of available connectors. The <gpu_number>  ar-
                     gument  can  be  used  to  disambiguate  multiple graphic
                     cards, but is deprecated in favor of --drm-device.   (de-
                     fault: empty)

                     Select  the  DRM  device  file  to use. If specified this
                     overrides automatic card selection and  any  card  number
                     specified --drm-connector.  (default: empty)

                     Mode  to  use (resolution and frame rate).  Possible val-

                            Use the preferred mode for the screen on  the  se-
                            lected connector. (default)

                            Use the mode with the highest resolution available
                            on the selected connector.

                     N      Select mode by index.

                            Specify mode by width, height, and optionally  re-
                            fresh  rate.  In case several modes match, selects
                            the mode that comes first  in  the  EDID  list  of

                     Use  --drm-mode=help to get a list of available modes for
                     all active connectors.

                     Toggle use of atomic modesetting. Mostly useful  for  de-

                     no     Use legacy modesetting.

                     auto   Use  atomic  modesetting,  falling  back to legacy
                            modesetting if not available. (default)

                     Note:  Only  affects  gpu-context=drm.  vo=drm   supports
                     legacy modesetting only.

                     Select  the DRM plane to which video and OSD is drawn to,
                     under normal circumstances. The plane can be specified as
                     primary,  which  will  pick  the first applicable primary
                     plane; overlay, which  will  pick  the  first  applicable
                     overlay  plane; or by index. The index is zero based, and
                     related to the CRTC.  (default: primary)

                     When using this option with  the  drmprime-overlay  hwdec
                     interop, only the OSD is rendered to this plane.

                     Select  the  DRM  plane  to  use  for video with the drm-
                     prime-overlay hwdec interop (used by e.g. the rkmpp hwdec
                     on  RockChip  SoCs,  and  v4l2  hwdec:s  on various other
                     SoC:s). The plane is unused otherwise.  This  option  ac-
                     cepts  the  same  values  as  --drm-draw-plane. (default:

                     To be able to successfully play 4K video on various  SoCs
                     you might need to set --drm-draw-plane=overlay --drm-drm-
                     prime-video-plane=primary  and  setting   --drm-draw-sur-
                     face-size=1920x1080, to render the OSD at a lower resolu-
                     tion (the video when handled by the hwdec will be on  the
                     drmprime-video plane and at full 4K resolution)

                     Select  the  DRM  format to use (default: xrgb8888). This
                     allows you to choose the  bit  depth  of  the  DRM  mode.
                     xrgb8888  is your usual 24 bit per pixel/8 bits per chan-
                     nel  packed  RGB  format  with   8   bits   of   padding.
                     xrgb2101010  is  a  packed  30 bits per pixel/10 bits per
                     channel packed RGB format with 2 bits of padding.

                     There are cases when xrgb2101010 will work with  the  drm
                     VO,  but not with the drm backend for the gpu VO. This is
                     because with the gpu VO, in addition to requiring support
                     in  your  DRM driver, requires support for xrgb2101010 in
                     your EGL driver

                     Sets the size of the surface used on the draw plane.  The
                     surface will then be upscaled to the current screen reso-
                     lution. This option can be useful when used together with
                     the  drmprime-overlay  hwdec interop at high resolutions,
                     as it allows scaling the draw plane (which in  this  case
                     only handles the OSD) down to a size the GPU can handle.

                     When used without the drmprime-overlay hwdec interop this
                     option will just cause the video to  get  rendered  at  a
                     different resolution and then scaled to screen size.

                     Note:  this option is only available with DRM atomic sup-
                     port.  (default: display resolution)

                     Toggle use of Variable Refresh Rate (VRR),  aka  Freesync
                     or  Adaptive  Sync  on compatible systems. VRR allows for
                     the display to be refreshed at any rate  within  a  range
                     (usually  ~40Hz-60Hz  for  60Hz  displays). This can help
                     with playback of 24/25/50fps content. Support depends  on
                     the  use of a compatible monitor, GPU, and a sufficiently
                     new kernel with drivers that support the feature.

                     no     Do not attempt to enable VRR. (default)

                     yes    Attempt to enable VRR, whether the  capability  is
                            reported or not.

                     auto   Attempt to enable VRR if support is reported.

       mediacodec_embed (Android)
              Renders    IMGFMT_MEDIACODEC   frames   directly   to   an   an-
              droid.view.Surface.  Requires  --hwdec=mediacodec  for  hardware
              decoding,      along      with     --vo=mediacodec_embed     and

              Since this video output driver uses native decoding and  render-
              ing  routines,  many  of  mpv's  features  (subtitle  rendering,
              OSD/OSC, video filters, etc) are not available with this driver.

              To use hardware decoding with --vo=gpu instead, use  --hwdec=me-
              diacodec or mediacodec-copy along with --gpu-context=android.

       wlshm (Wayland only)
              Shared  memory video output driver without hardware acceleration
              that works whenever Wayland is present.

              Since mpv 0.30.0, you may need to use --profile=sw-fast  to  get
              decent performance.

                 This is a fallback only, and should not be normally used.

       Audio  filters allow you to modify the audio stream and its properties.
       The syntax is:

              Setup a chain of audio filters. See --vf (VIDEO FILTERS) for the
              full syntax.

          To get a full list of available audio filters, see --af=help.

          Also,  keep  in  mind that most actual filters are available via the
          lavfi wrapper, which gives you access to most of libavfilter's  fil-
          ters.  This  includes all filters that have been ported from MPlayer
          to libavfilter.

          The --vf description describes how libavfilter can be used  and  how
          to workaround deprecated mpv filters.

       See  --vf  group  of  options  for info on how --af-defaults, --af-add,
       --af-pre, --af-del, --af-clr, and possibly others work.

       Available filters are:

              Encode multi-channel audio to AC-3 at runtime using  libavcodec.
              Supports  16-bit native-endian input format, maximum 6 channels.
              The output is big-endian when outputting a raw AC-3 stream,  na-
              tive-endian  when outputting to S/PDIF. If the input sample rate
              is not 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 32 kHz, it will be  resampled  to  48

                     Output  raw  AC-3  stream  if  no,  output  to S/PDIF for
                     pass-through if yes (default).

                     The bitrate use for the AC-3 stream. Set it to 384 to get
                     384 kbps.

                     The  default  is 640. Some receivers might not be able to
                     handle this.

                     Valid values: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,  160,
                     192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640.

                     The special value auto selects a default bitrate based on
                     the input channel number:

                     1ch    96

                     2ch    192

                     3ch    224

                     4ch    384

                     5ch    448

                     6ch    448

                     If the input channel number is  less  than  <minch>,  the
                     filter will detach itself (default: 3).

                     Select  the  libavcodec  encoder  used.  Currently,  this
                     should be an AC-3 encoder, and using another  codec  will
                     fail horribly.

              Does  not  do any format conversion itself. Rather, it may cause
              the filter system to insert necessary conversion filters  before
              or  after this filter if needed. It is primarily useful for con-
              trolling the audio format going into other filters.  To  specify
              the  format  for  audio output, see --audio-format, --audio-sam-
              plerate, and --audio-channels. This filter is able  to  force  a
              particular format, whereas --audio-* may be overridden by the ao
              based on output compatibility.

              All parameters are optional. The  first  3  parameters  restrict
              what the filter accepts as input. They will therefore cause con-
              version filters to be inserted before this one.  The out- param-
              eters  tell  the  filters or audio outputs following this filter
              how to interpret the data without actually doing  a  conversion.
              Setting  these will probably just break things unless you really
              know you want this for some reason, such as testing  or  dealing
              with broken media.

                     Force  conversion  to  this  format. Use --af=format=for-
                     mat=help to get a list of valid formats.

                     Force conversion to a specific sample rate. The  rate  is
                     an integer, 48000 for example.

                     Force  mixing  to  a  specific  channel layout. See --au-
                     dio-channels option for possible values.



              NOTE: this filter used to be named force. The old format  filter
              used  to  do  conversion  itself, unlike this one which lets the
              filter system handle the conversion.

              Scales audio tempo without altering pitch, optionally synced  to
              playback speed (default).

              This  works by playing 'stride' ms of audio at normal speed then
              consuming 'stride*scale'  ms  of  input  audio.  It  pieces  the
              strides  together  by  blending  'overlap'% of stride with audio
              following the previous stride. It optionally  performs  a  short
              statistical  analysis on the next 'search' ms of audio to deter-
              mine the best overlap position.

                     Nominal amount to scale tempo. Scales this amount in  ad-
                     dition to speed. (default: 1.0)

                     Length in milliseconds to output each stride. Too high of
                     a value will cause noticeable skips at high scale amounts
                     and  an  echo  at low scale amounts. Very low values will
                     alter pitch. Increasing improves  performance.  (default:

                     Percentage of stride to overlap. Decreasing improves per-
                     formance.  (default: .20)

                     Length in milliseconds to search for best  overlap  posi-
                     tion.  Decreasing  improves  performance greatly. On slow
                     systems, you will probably want to  set  this  very  low.
                     (default: 14)

                     Set response to speed change.

                     tempo  Scale tempo in sync with speed (default).

                     pitch  Reverses  effect  of  filter. Scales pitch without
                            altering tempo.  Add this to  your  input.conf  to
                            step by musical semi-tones:

                               [ multiply speed 0.9438743126816935
                               ] multiply speed 1.059463094352953

                               Loses sync with video.

                     both   Scale both tempo and pitch.

                     none   Ignore speed changes.


                 mpv --af=scaletempo --speed=1.2 media.ogg
                        Would  play  media at 1.2x normal speed, with audio at
                        normal pitch. Changing playback speed would change au-
                        dio tempo to match.

                 mpv   --af=scaletempo=scale=1.2:speed=none   --speed=1.2  me-
                        Would play media at 1.2x normal speed, with  audio  at
                        normal  pitch,  but changing playback speed would have
                        no effect on audio tempo.

                 mpv --af=scaletempo=stride=30:overlap=.50:search=10 media.ogg
                        Would tweak the quality and performance parameters.

                 mpv --af=scaletempo=scale=1.2:speed=pitch audio.ogg
                        Would play media at 1.2x normal speed, with  audio  at
                        normal  pitch.   Changing  playback speed would change
                        pitch, leaving audio tempo at 1.2x.

              Scales audio tempo without altering  pitch.   The  algorithm  is
              ported  from  chromium  and  uses  the Waveform Similarity Over-
              lap-and-add (WSOLA) method.  It seems to achieve a higher  audio
              quality than scaletempo and rubberband.

              By  default, the search-interval and window-size parameters have
              the same values as in chromium.

                     Mute audio if the playback speed is below  <speed>.  (de-
                     fault: 0.25)

                     Mute  audio  if  the  playback speed is above <speed> and
                     <speed> != 0. (default: 4.0)

                     Length in milliseconds to search for best  overlap  posi-
                     tion. (default: 30)

                     Length  in  milliseconds  of  the overlap-and-add window.
                     (default: 20)

              High quality pitch correction with librubberband.  This  can  be
              used  in  place  of scaletempo, and will be used to adjust audio
              pitch when playing at speed different from normal. It  can  also
              be used to adjust audio pitch without changing playback speed.

                     Sets the pitch scaling factor. Frequencies are multiplied
                     by this value.

              This filter has a number of additional sub-options. You can list
              them  with mpv --af=rubberband=help. This will also show the de-
              fault values for each option. The  options  are  not  documented
              here,  because  they are merely passed to librubberband. Look at
              the librubberband documentation to learn what each option  does:
              (The mapping of the mpv rubberband filter sub-option  names  and
              values  to those of librubberband follows a simple pattern: "Op-
              tion" + Name + Value.)

              This filter supports the following af-command commands:

                     Set the <pitch-scale> argument dynamically. This  can  be
                     used  to  change the playback pitch at runtime. Note that
                     speed is controlled using the  standard  speed  property,
                     not af-command.

              multiply-pitch <factor>
                     Multiply  the current value of <pitch-scale> dynamically.
                     For example: 0.5 to go down by an octave, 1.5 to go up by
                     a  perfect  fifth.   If  you  want  to  go  up or down by
                     semi-tones, use 1.059463094352953 and 0.9438743126816935

              Filter audio using FFmpeg's libavfilter.

                     Libavfilter graph. See lavfi video filter for  details  -
                     the graph syntax is the same.

                        Don't  forget to quote libavfilter graphs as described
                        in the lavfi video filter section.


                     Determine PTS based on sample  count  (default:  no).  If
                     this  is  enabled,  the  player won't rely on libavfilter
                     passing through PTS accurately.  Instead, it pass a  sam-
                     ple count as PTS to libavfilter, and compute the PTS used
                     by mpv based on that and the input PTS. This  helps  with
                     filters  which  output  a  recomputed  PTS instead of the
                     original PTS (including filters which require the PTS  to
                     start  at  0).  mpv normally expects filters to not touch
                     the PTS (or only to the extent of changing  frame  bound-
                     aries), so this is not the default, but it will be needed
                     to use broken filters. In practice, these broken  filters
                     will  either  cause  slow A/V desync over time (with some
                     files), or break playback completely if you seek or start
                     playback from the middle of a file.

       drop   This  filter  drops or repeats audio frames to adapt to playback
              speed. It always operates on full audio frames, because  it  was
              made  to  handle  SPDIF  (compressed audio passthrough). This is
              used automatically if the --video-sync=display-adrop  option  is
              used. Do not use this filter (or the given option); they are ex-
              tremely low quality.

       Video filters allow you to modify the video stream and its  properties.
       All  of the information described in this section applies to audio fil-
       ters as well (generally using the prefix --af instead of --vf).

       The exact syntax is:

              Setup a chain of video filters.  This  consists  on  the  filter
              name,  and  an option list of parameters after =. The parameters
              are separated by : (not ,, as that starts a new filter entry).

              Before the filter name, a label can be  specified  with  @name:,
              where name is an arbitrary user-given name, which identifies the
              filter. This is only needed if you want to toggle the filter  at

              A  !  before the filter name means the filter is disabled by de-
              fault. It will be skipped on filter creation. This is also  use-
              ful for runtime filter toggling.

              See the vf command (and toggle sub-command) for further explana-
              tions and examples.

              The general filter entry syntax is:
                 ["@"<label-name>":"] ["!"] <filter-name> [ "=" <filter-param-
                 eter-list> ]

              or for the special "toggle" syntax (see vf command):

              and the filter-parameter-list:
                 <filter-parameter>  |  <filter-parameter> "," <filter-parame-

              and filter-parameter:
                 ( <param-name> "=" <param-value> ) | <param-value>

              param-value can further be quoted in [ / ]  in  case  the  value
              contains characters like , or =. This is used in particular with
              the lavfi filter, which  uses  a  very  similar  syntax  as  mpv
              (MPlayer historically) to specify filters and their parameters.

       Filters  can  be  manipulated  at run time. You can use @ labels as de-
       scribed above in combination with the vf command  (see  COMMAND  INTER-
       FACE)  to get more control over this. Initially disabled filters with !
       are useful for this as well.

       You can also set defaults for each filter. The defaults are applied be-
       fore  the normal filter parameters. This is deprecated and never worked
       for the libavfilter bridge.

              Set defaults for each filter. (Deprecated. --af-defaults is dep-
              recated as well.)

          To  get  a  full  list of available video filters, see --vf=help and
          https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html .

          Also, keep in mind that most actual filters are  available  via  the
          lavfi  wrapper, which gives you access to most of libavfilter's fil-
          ters. This includes all filters that have been ported  from  MPlayer
          to libavfilter.

          Most  builtin  filters  are  deprecated in some ways, unless they're
          only  available  in  mpv  (such  as  filters  which  deal  with  mpv
          specifics, or which are implemented in mpv only).

          If  a  filter is not builtin, the lavfi-bridge will be automatically
          tried. This bridge does not support help output, and does not verify
          parameters before the filter is actually used. Although the mpv syn-
          tax is rather similar to libavfilter's, it's not  the  same.  (Which
          means not everything accepted by vf_lavfi's graph option will be ac-
          cepted by --vf.)

          You can also prefix the filter name with lavfi- to force  the  wrap-
          per.   This is helpful if the filter name collides with a deprecated
          mpv builtin filter.  For  example  --vf=lavfi-scale=args  would  use
          libavfilter's scale filter over mpv's deprecated builtin one.

       Video  filters are managed in lists. There are a few commands to manage
       the filter list.

              Appends the filter given as arguments to the filter list.

              Appends the filter given as arguments to the filter list. (Pass-
              ing  multiple  filters  is  currently still possible, but depre-

              Prepends the filters given as  arguments  to  the  filter  list.
              (Passing  multiple filters is currently still possible, but dep-

              Deletes the filter from the list. The filter can be either given
              the  way  it was added (filter name and its full argument list),
              or by label (prefixed with @). Matching of filters works as fol-
              lows:  if  either  of the compared filters has a label set, only
              the labels are compared. If none of the filters  have  a  label,
              the  filter  name,  arguments,  and argument order are compared.
              (Passing multiple filters is currently still possible, but  dep-

              Add  the  given filter to the list if it was not present yet, or
              remove it from the list if it was present. Matching  of  filters
              works as described in --vf-remove.

              Sort  of like --vf-remove, but also accepts an index number. In-
              dex numbers start at 0, negative numbers address the end of  the
              list (-1 is the last). Deprecated.

              Completely empties the filter list.

       With filters that support it, you can access parameters by their name.

              Prints the parameter names and parameter value ranges for a par-
              ticular filter.

       Available mpv-only filters are:

              Applies video parameter overrides, with optional conversion.  By
              default,  this  overrides the video's parameters without conver-
              sion (except for the fmt parameter), but can be made to  perform
              an  appropriate  conversion  with convert=yes for parameters for
              which conversion is supported.

              <fmt>  Image format name, e.g. rgb15,  bgr24,  420p,  etc.  (de-
                     fault: don't change).

                     This  filter always performs conversion to the given for-

                        For  a  list  of  available  formats,  use   --vf=for-

                     Force conversion of color parameters (default: no).

                     If  this  is  disabled (the default), the only conversion
                     that is possibly performed is format conversion if  <fmt>
                     is  set.  All  other  parameters (like <colormatrix>) are
                     forced without conversion. This mode is typically  useful
                     when files have been incorrectly tagged.

                     If  this is enabled, libswscale or zimg is used if any of
                     the parameters mismatch. zimg is used of the input/output
                     image formats are supported by mpv's zimg wrapper, and if
                     --sws-allow-zimg=yes is used. Both libraries may not sup-
                     port  all kinds of conversions. This typically results in
                     silent incorrect conversion. zimg has  in  many  cases  a
                     better chance of performing the conversion correctly.

                     In both cases, the color parameters are set on the output
                     stage of the image format conversion (if  fmt  was  set).
                     The difference is that with convert=no, the color parame-
                     ters are not passed on to the converter.

                     If input and output video parameters are the  same,  con-
                     version is always skipped.


                        mpv test.mkv --vf=format:colormatrix=ycgco
                               Results  in  incorrect  colors (if test.mkv was
                               tagged correctly).

                        mpv test.mkv --vf=format:colormatrix=ycgco:convert=yes
                               Results  in  true conversion to ycgco, assuming
                               the renderer  supports  it  (--vo=gpu  normally
                               does).  You can add --vo=xv to force a VO which
                               definitely does not support  it,  which  should
                               show incorrect colors as confirmation.

                               Using --sws-allow-zimg=no (or disabling zimg at
                               build time) will use libswscale,  which  cannot
                               perform this conversion as of this writing.

                     Controls the YUV to RGB color space conversion when play-
                     ing video. There are various standards. Normally,  BT.601
                     should  be  used  for  SD video, and BT.709 for HD video.
                     (This is done by default.) Using  incorrect  color  space
                     results  in  slightly under or over saturated and shifted

                     These options are not always supported.  Different  video
                     outputs  provide  varying degrees of support. The gpu and
                     vdpau video output drivers usually  offer  full  support.
                     The xv output can set the color space if the system video
                     driver supports it, but not input and output levels.  The
                     scale  video  filter  can configure color space and input
                     levels, but only if the output  format  is  RGB  (if  the
                     video  output  driver  supports RGB output, you can force
                     this with -vf scale,format=rgba).

                     If this option is set to auto (which is the default), the
                     video's  color  space  flag will be used. If that flag is
                     unset, the color space will  be  selected  automatically.
                     This  is  done  using a simple heuristic that attempts to
                     distinguish SD and HD video. If the video is larger  than
                     1279x576  pixels,  BT.709  (HD)  will  be used; otherwise
                     BT.601 (SD) is selected.

                     Available color spaces are:

                     auto   automatic selection (default)

                     bt.601 ITU-R BT.601 (SD)

                     bt.709 ITU-R BT.709 (HD)

                            ITU-R BT.2020 non-constant luminance system

                            ITU-R BT.2020 constant luminance system


                     YUV color levels used with YUV to  RGB  conversion.  This
                     option  is only necessary when playing broken files which
                     do not follow standard color levels or which are  flagged
                     wrong.  If the video does not specify its color range, it
                     is assumed to be limited range.

                     The same limitations as with <colormatrix> apply.

                     Available color ranges are:

                     auto   automatic selection (normally limited range)  (de-

                            limited range (16-235 for luma, 16-240 for chroma)

                     full   full range (0-255 for both luma and chroma)

                     RGB  primaries the source file was encoded with. Normally
                     this should be set in the file header, but  when  playing
                     broken  or  mistagged  files this can be used to override
                     the setting.

                     This option only affects video output drivers  that  per-
                     form  color  management,  for  example  gpu with the tar-
                     get-prim or icc-profile suboptions set.

                     If this option is set to auto (which is the default), the
                     video's  primaries flag will be used. If that flag is un-
                     set, the color space will be selected automatically,  us-
                     ing the following heuristics: If the <colormatrix> is set
                     or determined as BT.2020  or  BT.709,  the  corresponding
                     primaries are used. Otherwise, if the video height is ex-
                     actly 576 (PAL), BT.601-625 is used. If it's exactly  480
                     or  486  (NTSC), BT.601-525 is used. If the video resolu-
                     tion is anything else, BT.709 is used.

                     Available primaries are:

                     auto   automatic selection (default)

                            ITU-R BT.601 (SD) 525-line systems (NTSC, SMPTE-C)

                            ITU-R BT.601 (SD) 625-line systems (PAL, SECAM)

                     bt.709 ITU-R BT.709 (HD) (same primaries as sRGB)

                            ITU-R BT.2020 (UHD)

                     apple  Apple RGB

                     adobe  Adobe RGB (1998)

                            ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)

                            CIE 1931 RGB

                     dci-p3 DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema)

                            Panasonic V-Gamut primaries

                     Gamma function the source file was encoded with. Normally
                     this  should  be set in the file header, but when playing
                     broken or mistagged files this can be  used  to  override
                     the setting.

                     This  option  only affects video output drivers that per-
                     form color management.

                     If this option is set to auto (which is the default), the
                     gamma  will be set to BT.1886 for YCbCr content, sRGB for
                     RGB content and Linear for XYZ content.

                     Available gamma functions are:

                     auto   automatic selection (default)

                            ITU-R    BT.1886    (EOTF     corresponding     to

                     srgb   IEC 61966-2-4 (sRGB)

                     linear Linear light

                            Pure power curve (gamma 1.8)

                            Pure power curve (gamma 2.0)

                            Pure power curve (gamma 2.2)

                            Pure power curve (gamma 2.4)

                            Pure power curve (gamma 2.6)

                            Pure power curve (gamma 2.8)

                            ProPhoto RGB (ROMM) curve

                     pq     ITU-R BT.2100 PQ (Perceptual quantizer) curve

                     hlg    ITU-R BT.2100 HLG (Hybrid Log-gamma) curve

                     v-log  Panasonic V-Log transfer curve

                     s-log1 Sony S-Log1 transfer curve

                     s-log2 Sony S-Log2 transfer curve

                     Reference  peak illumination for the video file, relative
                     to the signal's reference white level. This is mostly in-
                     teresting  for  HDR, but it can also be used tone map SDR
                     content to simulate a different  exposure.  Normally  in-
                     ferred from tags such as MaxCLL or mastering metadata.

                     The  default  of 0.0 will default to the source's nominal
                     peak luminance.

                        Light type of the scene. This is mostly correctly  in-
                        ferred based on the gamma function, but it can be use-
                        ful to override this when viewing raw  camera  footage
                        (e.g. V-Log), which is normally scene-referred instead
                        of display-referred.

                        Available light types are:

                     auto   Automatic selection (default)

                            Display-referred light (most content)

                     hlg    Scene-referred using the HLG OOTF (e.g.  HLG  con-

                            Scene-referred using the BT709+BT1886 interaction

                            Scene-referred using a pure power OOTF (gamma=1.2)

                     Whether or not to include Dolby Vision metadata (default:
                     yes). If disabled, any  Dolby  Vision  metadata  will  be
                     stripped from frames.

                     Whether  or  not to include film grain metadata (default:
                     yes). If  disabled,  any  film  grain  metadata  will  be
                     stripped from frames.

                     Set  the  stereo  mode the video is assumed to be encoded
                     in. Use --vf=format:stereo-in=help to list all  available
                     modes.  Check  with  the stereo3d filter documentation to
                     see what the names mean.

                     Set the stereo mode the video  should  be  displayed  as.
                     Takes the same values as the stereo-in option.

                     Set  the rotation the video is assumed to be encoded with
                     in degrees.  The special value -1 uses the input format.

              <w>, <h>
                     If not 0, perform conversion to the given  size.  Ignored
                     if convert=yes is not set.

              <dw>, <dh>
                     Set  the display size. Note that setting the display size
                     such that the video is scaled in both directions  instead
                     of  just  changing  the aspect ratio is an implementation
                     detail, and might change later.

              <dar>  Set the display aspect ratio of the video frame. This  is
                     a  float,  but  values  such  as [16:9] can be passed too
                     ([...] for quoting to prevent the option parser from  in-
                     terpreting the : character).

                     Force a specific scaler backend, if applicable. This is a
                     debug option and could go away any time.

                     Set the kind of alpha the video uses. Undefined effect if
                     the  image  format has no alpha channel (could be ignored
                     or  cause  an  error,  depending  on  how  mpv  internals
                     evolve). Setting this may or may not cause downstream im-
                     age processing to treat alpha differently,  depending  on
                     support.  With  convert  and zimg used, this will convert
                     the alpha.  libswscale and other FFmpeg  components  com-
                     pletely ignore this.

              Filter video using FFmpeg's libavfilter.

                     The libavfilter graph string. The filter must have a sin-
                     gle video input pad and a single video output pad.

                     See https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html for syntax and
                     available filters.

                        If  you  want  to use the full filter syntax with this
                        option, you have to quote the filter graph in order to
                        prevent  mpv's syntax and the filter graph syntax from
                        clashing. To prevent a quoting and escaping mess, con-
                        sider  using  --lavfi-complex  if you know which video
                        track you want to use from the input file.  (There  is
                        only  one  video track for nearly all video files any-


                               gradfun filter with nonsense  parameters,  fol-
                               lowed by a vflip filter. (This demonstrates how
                               libavfilter takes a graph and not just a single
                               filter.) The filter graph string is quoted with
                               [ and ]. This requires no additional quoting or
                               escaping  with  some  shells (like bash), while
                               others (like zsh) require additional  "  quotes
                               around the option string.

                               Same as before, but uses quoting that should be
                               safe with all shells. The outer '  quotes  make
                               sure  that  the  shell  does  not  remove the "
                               quotes needed by mpv.

                               Same  as  before, but uses named parameters for

                     If libavfilter inserts filters for pixel  format  conver-
                     sion,  this option gives the flags which should be passed
                     to  libswscale.  This  option  is  numeric  and  takes  a
                     bit-wise combination of SWS_ flags.

                     See  https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=lib-

              <o>    Set AVFilterGraph options. These should be documented  by


                               forces a specific threading configuration.

              Moves  subtitle  rendering  to  an arbitrary point in the filter
              chain, or force subtitle rendering in the video  filter  as  op-
              posed to using video output OSD support.

                     Adds a black band at the bottom of the frame. The SSA/ASS
                     renderer can place subtitles there  (with  --sub-use-mar-

                     Black band on the top for toptitles  (with --sub-use-mar-


                        Moves sub rendering before the eq  filter.  This  will
                        put both subtitle colors and video under the influence
                        of the video equalizer settings.

              Loads a VapourSynth filter script. This is intended for streamed
              processing:  mpv  actually  provides a source filter, instead of
              using a native VapourSynth video source. The mpv source will an-
              swer  frame  requests  only within a small window of frames (the
              size of this window is controlled with the  buffered-frames  pa-
              rameter),  and  requests  outside of that will return errors. As
              such, you can't use the full power of VapourSynth, but  you  can
              use certain filters.

                 Do  not  use this filter, unless you have expert knowledge in
                 VapourSynth, and know how to fix bugs in the mpv  VapourSynth
                 wrapper code.

              If  you  just  want to play video generated by VapourSynth (i.e.
              using a native VapourSynth video source),  it's  better  to  use
              vspipe and a pipe or FIFO to feed the video to mpv. The same ap-
              plies if the filter script requires  random  frame  access  (see
              buffered-frames parameter).

              file   Filename  of the script source. Currently, this is always
                     a python script (.vpy in VapourSynth convention).

                     The variable video_in is set to the mpv video source, and
                     it is expected that the script reads video from it. (Oth-
                     erwise, mpv will decode no video, and  the  video  packet
                     queue  will  overflow,  eventually  leading to only audio
                     playing, or worse.)

                     The filter graph created by the script is  also  expected
                     to  pass  through  timestamps  using the _DurationNum and
                     _DurationDen frame properties.

                     See the end of the option list for a full list of  script
                     variables defined by mpv.


                            import vapoursynth as vs
                            from vapoursynth import core
                            core.std.AddBorders(video_in, 10, 10, 20, 20).set_output()

                        The  script  will  be  reloaded on every seek. This is
                        done to reset the filter properly on discontinuities.

                     Maximum number of decoded video  frames  that  should  be
                     buffered  before  the filter (default: 4). This specifies
                     the maximum number of frames the script  can  request  in
                     backward direction.

                     E.g.  if buffered-frames=5, and the script just requested
                     frame 15, it can still request frame 10, but frame  9  is
                     not available anymore.  If it requests frame 30, mpv will
                     decode 15 more frames, and keep only frames 25-30.

                     The only reason why this buffer exists is  to  serve  the
                     random access requests the VapourSynth filter can make.

                     The  VapourSynth  API has a getFrameAsync function, which
                     takes an absolute frame number. Source filters  must  re-
                     spond  to  all requests. For example, a source filter can
                     request frame 2432, and then  frame  3.   Source  filters
                     typically implement this by pre-indexing the entire file.

                     mpv  on  the  other hand is stream oriented, and does not
                     allow filters to seek. (And it would not  make  sense  to
                     allow it, because it would ruin performance.) Filters get
                     frames sequentially in playback direction, and cannot re-
                     quest them out of order.

                     To compensate for this mismatch, mpv allows the filter to
                     access frames within a  certain  window.  buffered-frames
                     controls  the  size of this window. Most VapourSynth fil-
                     ters happen to  work  with  this,  because  mpv  requests
                     frames  sequentially increasing from it, and most filters
                     only require frames "close" to the requested frame.

                     If the filter requests a frame that has  a  higher  frame
                     number  than  the highest buffered frame, new frames will
                     be decoded until the requested frame number  is  reached.
                     Excessive  frames  will  be  flushed out in a FIFO manner
                     (there are only at most buffered-frames in this buffer).

                     If the filter requests a frame that  has  a  lower  frame
                     number than the lowest buffered frame, the request cannot
                     be satisfied, and an error is  returned  to  the  filter.
                     This  kind  of  error  is  not  supposed  to  happen in a
                     "proper" VapourSynth environment.  What  exactly  happens
                     depends on the filters involved.

                     Increasing  this  buffer  will  not  improve performance.
                     Rather, it will waste memory, and slow down  seeks  (when
                     enough  frames  to  fill the buffer need to be decoded at
                     once). It is only needed to prevent the  error  described
                     in the previous paragraph.

                     How  many  frames a filter requires depends on filter im-
                     plementation details, and mpv has no way  of  knowing.  A
                     scale  filter  might  need only 1 frame, an interpolation
                     filter may require a small number of frames, and the  Re-
                     verse filter will require an infinite number of frames.

                     If  you  want  reliable  operation  to  the  full  extend
                     VapourSynth is capable, use vspipe.

                     The actual number of buffered frames also depends on  the
                     value  of  the  concurrent-frames option. Currently, both
                     option values are multiplied  to  get  the  final  buffer

                     Number  of  frames  that should be requested in parallel.
                     The level of concurrency depends on the  filter  and  how
                     quickly  mpv  can  decode  video to feed the filter. This
                     value should probably be proportional to  the  number  of
                     cores  on  your machine. Most time, making it higher than
                     the number of cores can actually make it slower.

                     Technically, mpv will call the VapourSynth  getFrameAsync
                     function  in  a  loop,  until there are concurrent-frames
                     frames that have not been returned  by  the  filter  yet.
                     This  also  assumes that the rest of the mpv filter chain
                     reads  the  output  of  the  vapoursynth  filter  quickly
                     enough.  (For example, if you pause the player, filtering
                     will stop very soon,  because  the  filtered  frames  are
                     waiting in a queue.)

                     Actual concurrency depends on many other factors.

                     By  default, this uses the special value auto, which sets
                     the option to the number of detected logical CPU cores.

              The following .vpy script variables are defined by mpv:

                     The mpv video source as vapoursynth clip. Note that  this
                     has  an  incorrect (very high) length set, which confuses
                     many filters. This is necessary, because the true  number
                     of  frames is unknown. You can use the Trim filter on the
                     clip to reduce the length.

              video_in_dw, video_in_dh
                     Display size of the video. Can be  different  from  video
                     size if the video does not use square pixels (e.g. DVD).

                     FPS  value as reported by file headers. This value can be
                     wrong or completely broken (e.g. 0 or NaN). Even  if  the
                     value  is correct, if another filter changes the real FPS
                     (by dropping or inserting  frames),  the  value  of  this
                     variable  will not be useful. Note that the --fps command
                     line option overrides this value.

                     Useful for some filters which insist on having a FPS.

                     Refresh rate of the current display. Note that this value
                     can be 0.

       vavpp  VA-API  video  post  processing.  Requires the system to support
              VA-API, i.e. Linux/BSD only. Works with --vo=vaapi and  --vo=gpu
              only.   Currently deinterlaces. This filter is automatically in-
              serted if deinterlacing is requested (either using the d key, by
              default  mapped to the command cycle deinterlace, or the --dein-
              terlace option).

                     Select the deinterlacing algorithm.

                     no     Don't perform deinterlacing.

                     auto   Select the best  quality  deinterlacing  algorithm
                            (default).  This  goes by the order of the options
                            as documented, with motion-compensated being  con-
                            sidered best quality.

                            Show only first field.

                     bob    bob deinterlacing.

                     weave, motion-adaptive, motion-compensated
                            Advanced  deinterlacing  algorithms. Whether these
                            actually work depends on the GPU hardware, the GPU
                            drivers, driver bugs, and mpv bugs.


                     no     Deinterlace all frames (default).

                     yes    Only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced.


                     no     Use  the  API  as it was interpreted by older Mesa
                            drivers. While this interpretation was more  obvi-
                            ous  and  intuitive,  it was apparently wrong, and
                            not shared by Intel driver developers.

                     yes    Use Intel interpretation of  surface  forward  and
                            backwards references (default). This is what Intel
                            drivers and newer  Mesa  drivers  expect.  Matters
                            only for the advanced deinterlacing algorithms.

              VDPAU  video post processing. Works with --vo=vdpau and --vo=gpu
              only. This filter is automatically inserted if deinterlacing  is
              requested (either using the d key, by default mapped to the com-
              mand cycle deinterlace, or the --deinterlace option).  When  en-
              abling deinterlacing, it is always preferred over software dein-
              terlacer filters if the vdpau VO is used, and  also  if  gpu  is
              used and hardware decoding was activated at least once (i.e. vd-
              pau was loaded).

                     For positive values, apply a sharpening algorithm to  the
                     video, for negative values a blurring algorithm (default:

                     Apply a noise reduction algorithm to the video  (default:
                     0; no noise reduction).

                     Whether  deinterlacing  is  enabled (default: no). If en-
                     abled, it will use the mode selected with deint-mode.

                     Select deinterlacing mode (default: temporal).

                     Note that there's currently a mechanism that  allows  the
                     vdpau  VO  to  change the deint-mode of auto-inserted vd-
                     paupp filters. To avoid confusion, it's  recommended  not
                     to use the --vo=vdpau suboptions related to filtering.

                            Show only first field.

                     bob    Bob deinterlacing.

                            Motion-adaptive  temporal  deinterlacing. May lead
                            to A/V desync with slow video hardware and/or high

                            Motion-adaptive    temporal   deinterlacing   with
                            edge-guided  spatial  interpolation.  Needs   fast
                            video hardware.

                     Makes  temporal  deinterlacers  operate  both on luma and
                     chroma (default).  Use no-chroma-deint to solely use luma
                     and  speed  up  advanced  deinterlacing. Useful with slow
                     video memory.

              pullup Try to apply inverse telecine, needs motion adaptive tem-
                     poral deinterlacing.

                     If yes, only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced (de-
                     fault: no).


                     0      Use default VDPAU scaling (default).

                     1-9    Apply high quality VDPAU  scaling  (needs  capable

              Direct3D  11  video  post  processing.  Currently requires D3D11
              hardware decoding for use.

                     Whether deinterlacing is enabled (default: no).

                     If yes, only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced (de-
                     fault: no).

                     Tries to select a video processor with the given process-
                     ing capability.  If a video processor  supports  multiple
                     capabilities, it is not clear which algorithm is actually
                     selected. none always falls back.  On  most  if  not  all
                     hardware, this option will probably do nothing, because a
                     video processor usually supports all modes or none.

              Compute video frame fingerprints and provide them  as  metadata.
              Actually, it currently barely deserved to be called fingerprint,
              because it does not compute  "proper"  fingerprints,  only  tiny
              downscaled images (but which can be used to compute image hashes
              or for similarity matching).

              The main purpose of this filter is to support the  skip-logo.lua
              script.   If  this script is dropped, or mpv ever gains a way to
              load user-defined filters (other than VapourSynth), this  filter
              will  be removed. Due to the "special" nature of this filter, it
              will be removed without warning.

              The intended way to read from the filter  is  using  vf-metadata
              (also  see  clear-on-query  filter parameter). The property will
              return a list of key/value pairs as follows:

                 fp0.pts = 1.2345
                 fp0.hex = 1234abcdef...bcde
                 fp1.pts = 1.4567
                 fp1.hex = abcdef1234...6789
                 fpN.pts = ...
                 fpN.hex = ...
                 type = gray-hex-16x16

              Each fp<N> entry is for a frame. The  pts  entry  specifies  the
              timestamp of the frame (within the filter chain; in simple cases
              this is the same as the display timestamp). The hex field is the
              hex  encoded  fingerprint,  whose size and meaning depend on the
              type filter option.  The type field has the same  value  as  the
              option the filter was created with.

              This  returns the frames that were filtered since the last query
              of the property. If clear-on-query=no was set, a  query  doesn't
              reset  the list of frames. In both cases, a maximum of 10 frames
              is returned. If there are more frames,  the  oldest  frames  are
              discarded. Frames are returned in filter order.

              (This doesn't return a structured list for the per-frame details
              because the internals of the vf-metadata mechanism suck. The re-
              turned format may change in the future.)

              This  filter  uses  zimg  for speed and profit. However, it will
              fallback to libswscale in a number of situations:  lesser  pixel
              formats, unaligned data pointers or strides, or if zimg fails to
              initialize for unknown reasons. In these cases, the filter  will
              use  more  CPU. Also, it will output different fingerprints, be-
              cause libswscale cannot perform the full range expansion we nor-
              mally  request  from  zimg.  As a consequence, the filter may be
              slower and not work correctly in random situations.

                     What fingerprint to compute. Available types are:

                            grayscale, 8 bit, 8x8 size

                            grayscale, 8 bit, 16x16 size (default)

                     Both types simply remove all colors, downscale the image,
                     concatenate all pixel values to a byte array, and convert
                     the array to a hex string.

                     Clear the list of frame fingerprints if  the  vf-metadata
                     property  for this filter is queried (default: yes). This
                     requires some care by the user. Some  types  of  accesses
                     might  query  the  filter  multiple times, which leads to
                     lost frames.

                     Print computed fingerprints  to  the  terminal  (default:
                     no).  This is mostly for testing and such. Scripts should
                     use vf-metadata to read information from this filter  in-

              Convert  video  to  RGB  using the OpenGL renderer normally used
              with --vo=gpu. This requires that the  EGL  implementation  sup-
              ports  off-screen rendering on the default display. (This is the
              case with Mesa.)


              w=<pixels>, h=<pixels>
                     Size of the output in pixels (default: 0). If  not  posi-
                     tive,  this will use the size of the first filtered input

                 This is highly experimental. Performance is bad, and it  will
                 not work everywhere in the first place. Some features are not

                 This does not do OSD rendering. If you see OSD, then  it  has
                 been  rendered  by the VO backend. (Subtitles are rendered by
                 the gpu filter, if possible.)

                 If you use this with encoding mode, keep in mind that  encod-
                 ing mode will convert the RGB filter's output back to yuv420p
                 in software, using the configured software scaler. Using zimg
                 might  improve this, but in any case it might go against your
                 goals when using this filter.

                 Do not use this with --vo=gpu. It will apply filtering twice,
                 since  most  --vo=gpu  options are unconditionally applied to
                 the gpu filter. There is no mechanism in mpv to prevent this.

       You can encode files from one format/codec to another using this facil-

              Enables encoding mode and specifies the output file name.

              Specifies the output format (overrides autodetection by the file
              name extension of the file specified by -o). See --of=help for a
              full list of supported formats.

              Specifies  the  output  format  options  for  libavformat.   See
              --ofopts=help for a full list of supported options.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

                     Appends the option given as an argument  to  the  options
                     list. (Passing multiple options is currently still possi-
                     ble, but deprecated.)

                     Completely empties the options list.

              Specifies the output audio codec. See --oac=help for a full list
              of supported codecs.

              Shifts  audio  data by the given time (in seconds) by adding/re-
              moving samples at the start. Deprecated.

              Specifies the output audio codec options  for  libavcodec.   See
              --oacopts=help for a full list of supported options.


                 "--oac=libmp3lame --oacopts=b=128000"
                        selects 128 kbps MP3 encoding.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

                     Appends  the  option  given as an argument to the options
                     list. (Passing multiple options is currently still possi-
                     ble, but deprecated.)

                     Completely empties the options list.

              Force the audio stream to become the first stream in the output.
              By default, the order is unspecified. Deprecated.

              Specifies the output video codec. See --ovc=help for a full list
              of supported codecs.

              Shifts video data by the given time (in seconds) by shifting the
              pts values. Deprecated.

              Specifies the output video codec options  for  libavcodec.   See
              --ovcopts=help for a full list of supported options.


                 "--ovc=mpeg4 --ovcopts=qscale=5"
                        selects  constant  quantizer scale 5 for MPEG-4 encod-

                 "--ovc=libx264 --ovcopts=crf=23"
                        selects VBR quality factor 23 for H.264 encoding.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.

                     Appends the option given as an argument  to  the  options
                     list. (Passing multiple options is currently still possi-
                     ble, but deprecated.)

                     Completely empties the options list.

              Force the video stream to become the first stream in the output.
              By default, the order is unspecified. Deprecated.

              Copies input pts to the output video (not supported by some out-
              put container formats, e.g. AVI). In this mode,  discontinuities
              are  not  fixed and all pts are passed through as-is. Never seek
              backwards or use multiple input files in this mode!

              Turns off copying of metadata from input files to  output  files
              when encoding (which is enabled by default).

              Specifies  metadata  to  include  in the output file.  Supported
              keys vary between output formats. For  example,  Matroska  (MKV)
              and  FLAC  allow almost arbitrary keys, while support in MP4 and
              MP3 is more limited.

              This is a key/value list option. See List Options for details.


                 "--oset-metadata=title="Output title",comment="Another tag""
                        adds a title and a comment to the output file.

              Specifies metadata to exclude from the output file when  copying
              from the input file.

              This is a string list option. See List Options for details.


                        excludes  copying of the the comment and genre tags to
                        the output file.

       The mpv core can be controlled with commands and properties.  A  number
       of  ways  to  interact  with  the  player  use  them: key bindings (in-
       put.conf), OSD (showing information with  properties),  JSON  IPC,  the
       client API (libmpv), and the classic slave mode.

       The input.conf file consists of a list of key bindings, for example:

          s screenshot      # take a screenshot with the s key
          LEFT seek 15      # map the left-arrow key to seeking forward by 15 seconds

       Each line maps a key to an input command. Keys are specified with their
       literal value (upper case if combined with Shift), or a name  for  spe-
       cial  keys.  For example, a maps to the a key without shift, and A maps
       to a with shift.

       The file is located in the mpv  configuration  directory  (normally  at
       ~/.config/mpv/input.conf  depending  on platform). The default bindings
       are defined here:


       A list of special keys can be obtained with
          mpv --input-keylist

       In general, keys can be combined with Shift, Ctrl and Alt:

          ctrl+q quit

       mpv can be started in input test mode, which displays key bindings  and
       the commands they're bound to on the OSD, instead of executing the com-

          mpv --input-test --force-window --idle

       (Only closing the window will make mpv exit, pressing normal keys  will
       merely display the binding, even if mapped to quit.)

       Also see Key names.

   input.conf syntax
       [Shift+][Ctrl+][Alt+][Meta+]<key> [{<section>}] <command> ( ; <command>

       Note that by default, the right Alt key can be used to  create  special
       characters,  and  thus  does  not  register  as  a modifier. The option
       --no-input-right-alt-gr changes this behavior.

       Newlines always start a new binding. # starts  a  comment  (outside  of
       quoted  string  arguments). To bind commands to the # key, SHARP can be

       <key> is either the literal character the key produces (ASCII  or  Uni-
       code character), or a symbolic name (as printed by --input-keylist).

       <section> (braced with { and }) is the input section for this command.

       <command>  is  the  command itself. It consists of the command name and
       multiple (or none) arguments, all separated by whitespace. String argu-
       ments should be quoted, typically with ". See Flat command syntax.

       You can bind multiple commands to one key. For example:
       a show-text "command 1" ; show-text "command 2"

       It's also possible to bind a command to a sequence of keys:
       a-b-c show-text "command run after a, b, c have been pressed"

       (This is not shown in the general command syntax.)

       If  a  or  a-b  or b are already bound, this will run the first command
       that matches, and the multi-key command will never be called.  Interme-
       diate  keys can be remapped to ignore in order to avoid this issue. The
       maximum number of (non-modifier) keys for combinations is currently 4.

   Key names
       All mouse and keyboard input is to converted to mpv-specific key names.
       Key names are either special symbolic identifiers representing a physi-
       cal key, or a text key names, which are unicode code points encoded  as
       UTF-8.  These are what keyboard input would normally produce, for exam-
       ple a for the A key. As a consequence, mpv uses input translated by the
       current OS keyboard layout, rather than physical scan codes.

       Currently  there is the hardcoded assumption that every text key can be
       represented as a single unicode code point (in NFKC form).

       All key names can be combined with  the  modifiers  Shift,  Ctrl,  Alt,
       Meta. They must be prefixed to the actual key name, where each modifier
       is followed by a + (for example ctrl+q).

       The Shift modifier requires some attention. For instance Shift+2 should
       usually  be  specified  as  key-name @ at input.conf, and similarly the
       combination Alt+Shift+2 is usually Alt+@, etc. Special key  names  like
       Shift+LEFT  work  as  expected. If in doubt - use --input-test to check
       how a key/combination is seen by mpv.

       Symbolic key names and modifier names are case-insensitive. Unicode key
       names  are  case-sensitive because input bindings typically respect the
       shift key.

       Another type of key names are hexadecimal  key  names,  that  serve  as
       fallback  for special keys that are neither unicode, nor have a special
       mpv defined name.  They will break as soon as mpv adds proper names for
       them, but can enable you to use a key at all if that does not happen.

       All  symbolic  names  are  listed by --input-keylist. --input-test is a
       special mode that prints all input on the OSD.

       Comments on some symbolic names:

       KP*    Keypad names. Behavior varies by backend (whether they implement
              this,  and  on how they treat numlock), but typically, mpv tries
              to map keys on the keypad to separate names, even if  they  pro-
              duce the same text as normal keys.

       MOUSE_BTN*, MBTN*
              Various mouse buttons.

              Depending  on backend, the mouse wheel might also be represented
              as a button.  In addition, MOUSE_BTN3 to MOUSE_BTN6  are  depre-
              cated aliases for WHEEL_UP, WHEEL_DOWN, WHEEL_LEFT, WHEEL_RIGHT.

              MBTN* are aliases for MOUSE_BTN*.

              Mouse wheels (typically).

       AXIS_* Deprecated aliases for WHEEL_*.

       *_DBL  Mouse button double clicks.

              Emitted by mouse move events. Enter/leave happens when the mouse
              enters or leave the mpv window (or the current mouse region, us-
              ing the deprecated mouse region input section mechanism).

              Pseudo key emitted when closing the mpv window using the OS win-
              dow manager (for example, by clicking the close  button  in  the
              window title bar).

              Keys emitted by the SDL gamepad backend.

              Pseudo-key  that  matches any unmapped key. (You should probably
              avoid this if possible, because it might change behavior or  get
              removed in the future.)

              Pseudo-key  that matches any key that produces text. (You should
              probably avoid this if possible, because it might change  behav-
              ior or get removed in the future.)

   Flat command syntax
       This is the syntax used in input.conf, and referred to "input.conf syn-
       tax" in a number of other places.

       <command>  ::= [<prefixes>] <command_name> (<argument>)*
       <argument> ::= (<unquoted> | " <double_quoted> " | ' <single_quoted> ' | `X <custom_quoted> X`)

       command_name is an unquoted string with the command  name  itself.  See
       List of Input Commands for a list.

       Arguments are separated by whitespaces even if the command expects only
       one argument. Arguments with whitespaces or  other  special  characters
       must be quoted, or the command cannot be parsed correctly.

       Double  quotes  interpret  JSON/C-style  escaping, like \t or \" or \\.
       JSON escapes according to RFC 8259, minus surrogate pair escapes.  This
       is the only form which allows newlines at the value - as \n.

       Single  quotes  take the content literally, and cannot include the sin-
       gle-quote character at the value.

       Custom quotes also take the content literally, but  are  more  flexible
       than  single  quotes.  They  start  with ` (back-quote) followed by any
       ASCII character, and end at the first occurance of the same pair in re-
       verse  order,  e.g.  `-foo-` or ``bar``. The final pair sequence is not
       allowed at the value - in these examples -` and `` respectively. In the
       second  example  the  last  character  of  the  value  also  can't be a

       Mixed quoting at the same argument, like 'foo'"bar", is not supported.

       Note that argument parsing and property expansion happen  at  different
       stages.   First, arguments are determined as described above, and then,
       where applicable, properties are  expanded  -  regardless  of  argument
       quoting.  However, expansion can still be prevented with the raw prefix
       or $>. See Input Command Prefixes and Property Expansion.

   Commands specified as arrays
       This applies to certain APIs, such as mp.commandv()  or  mp.command_na-
       tive()  (with  array  parameters) in Lua scripting, or mpv_command() or
       mpv_command_node() (with MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) in the C libmpv  client

       The command as well as all arguments are passed as a single array. Sim-
       ilar to the Flat command syntax, you can first pass prefixes as strings
       (each  as  separate  array  item), then the command name as string, and
       then each argument as string or a native value.

       Since these APIs pass arguments as separate strings or  native  values,
       they  do not expect quotes, and do support escaping. Technically, there
       is the input.conf parser, which first splits the  command  string  into
       arguments, and then invokes argument parsers for each argument. The in-
       put.conf parser normally handles quotes and escaping. The array command
       APIs  mentioned above pass strings directly to the argument parsers, or
       can sidestep them by the ability to pass non-string values.

       Property expansion is disabled by default for these APIs. This  can  be
       changed with the expand-properties prefix. See Input Command Prefixes.

       Sometimes  commands  have  string  arguments, that in turn are actually
       parsed by other components (e.g. filter strings with vf add) - in these
       cases,  you you would have to double-escape in input.conf, but not with
       the array APIs.

       For complex commands, consider using  Named  arguments  instead,  which
       should  give  slightly more compatibility. Some commands do not support
       named arguments and inherently take an array, though.

   Named arguments
       This applies to certain APIs, such as mp.command_native() (with  tables
       that  have  string  keys) in Lua scripting, or mpv_command_node() (with
       MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP) in the C libmpv client API.

       The name of the command is provided with a name string field. The  name
       of  each  command is defined in each command description in the List of
       Input Commands. --input-cmdlist also lists  them.  See  the  subprocess
       command for an example.

       Some  commands  do  not support named arguments (e.g. run command). You
       need to use APIs that pass arguments as arrays.

       Named arguments are not supported  in  the  "flat"  input.conf  syntax,
       which means you cannot use them for key bindings in input.conf at all.

       Property  expansion  is disabled by default for these APIs. This can be
       changed with the expand-properties prefix. See Input Command Prefixes.

   List of Input Commands
       Commands with parameters have the parameter name enclosed  in  <  /  >.
       Don't  add those to the actual command. Optional arguments are enclosed
       in [ / ]. If you don't pass them, they will be set to a default value.

       Remember to quote string arguments in input.conf (see Flat command syn-

       ignore Use this to "block" keys that should be unbound, and do nothing.
              Useful for disabling default  bindings,  without  disabling  all
              bindings with --no-input-default-bindings.

       seek <target> [<flags>]
              Change  the  playback  position. By default, seeks by a relative
              amount of seconds.

              The second argument consists of flags controlling the seek mode:

              relative (default)
                     Seek relative to current position (a negative value seeks

                     Seek  to  a  given time (a negative value starts from the
                     end of the file).

                     Seek to a given percent position.

                     Seek relative to current position in percent.

                     Always restart playback at keyframe boundaries (fast).

              exact  Always do exact/hr/precise seeks (slow).

              Multiple flags can be combined, e.g.: absolute+keyframes.

              By default, keyframes is used  for  relative,  relative-percent,
              and  absolute-percent  seeks,  while  exact is used for absolute

              Before mpv 0.9, the keyframes and exact flags had to  be  passed
              as  3rd  parameter (essentially using a space instead of +). The
              3rd parameter is still parsed, but is considered deprecated.

       revert-seek [<flags>]
              Undoes the seek command, and some other commands that seek  (but
              not  necessarily  all  of  them). Calling this command once will
              jump to the playback position before the seek. Calling it a sec-
              ond  time undoes the revert-seek command itself. This only works
              within a single file.

              The first argument is optional, and can change the behavior:

              mark   Mark the current  time  position.  The  next  normal  re-
                     vert-seek command will seek back to this point, no matter
                     how many seeks happened since last time.

                     If set, mark the current position, and do not change  the
                     mark  position  before  the next revert-seek command that
                     has mark or mark-permanent set (or playback of  the  cur-
                     rent file ends). Until this happens, revert-seek will al-
                     ways seek to the marked point. This flag cannot  be  com-
                     bined with mark.

              Using it without any arguments gives you the default behavior.

              Play  one  frame, then pause. Does nothing with audio-only play-

              Go back by one frame, then pause. Note that  this  can  be  very
              slow  (it tries to be precise, not fast), and sometimes fails to
              behave as expected. How well this works depends on whether  pre-
              cise  seeking  works  correctly  (e.g.   see  the  --hr-seek-de-
              muxer-offset option). Video filters or other video post-process-
              ing  that  modifies timing of frames (e.g. deinterlacing) should
              usually work, but might make backstepping silently behave incor-
              rectly  in  corner  cases.  Using  --hr-seek-framedrop=no should
              help, although it might make precise seeking slower.

              This does not work with audio-only playback.

       set <name> <value>
              Set the given property or option to the given value.

       add <name> [<value>]
              Add the given value to the property or option.  On  overflow  or
              underflow,  clamp  the  property  to  the maximum. If <value> is
              omitted, assume 1.

       cycle <name> [<value>]
              Cycle the given property or option. The second argument  can  be
              up  or  down  to  set  the cycle direction. On overflow, set the
              property back to the minimum, on underflow set it to  the  maxi-
              mum. If up or down is omitted, assume up.

              Whether  or  not key-repeat is enabled by default depends on the
              property.  Currently properties with continuous values  are  re-
              peatable by default (like volume), while discrete values are not
              (like osd-level).

       multiply <name> <value>
              Similar to add, but multiplies the property or option  with  the
              numeric value.

       screenshot <flags>
              Take a screenshot.

              Multiple flags are available (some can be combined with +):

              <subtitles> (default)
                     Save  the  video  image,  in its original resolution, and
                     with subtitles.  Some video outputs may still include the
                     OSD in the output under certain circumstances.

                     Like  subtitles,  but typically without OSD or subtitles.
                     The exact behavior depends on the selected video output.

                     Save the contents of the mpv  window.  Typically  scaled,
                     with OSD and subtitles. The exact behavior depends on the
                     selected video output, and if no  support  is  available,
                     this will act like video.

                     Take a screenshot each frame. Issue this command again to
                     stop taking screenshots. Note  that  you  should  disable
                     frame-dropping  when  using  this mode - or you might re-
                     ceive duplicate images in cases when a frame was dropped.
                     This  flag  can  be  combined  with the other flags, e.g.

              Older mpv versions required passing  single  and  each-frame  as
              second  argument  (and did not have flags). This syntax is still
              understood, but deprecated and might be removed in the future.

              If you combine this command with another one using  ;,  you  can
              use the async flag to make encoding/writing the image file asyn-
              chronous. For normal standalone commands, this is  always  asyn-
              chronous,  and  the  flag  has no effect. (This behavior changed
              with mpv 0.29.0.)

       screenshot-to-file <filename> <flags>
              Take a screenshot and save it to a given file. The format of the
              file  will  be guessed by the extension (and --screenshot-format
              is ignored - the behavior when the extension is missing  or  un-
              known is arbitrary).

              The second argument is like the first argument to screenshot and
              supports subtitles, video, window.

              If the file already exists, it's overwritten.

              Like all input command parameters, the filename  is  subject  to
              property expansion as described in Property Expansion.

       playlist-next <flags>
              Go to the next entry on the playlist.

              First argument:

              weak (default)
                     If  the last file on the playlist is currently played, do

              force  Terminate playback if there are  no  more  files  on  the

       playlist-prev <flags>
              Go to the previous entry on the playlist.

              First argument:

              weak (default)
                     If the first file on the playlist is currently played, do

              force  Terminate playback if the first file is being played.

       playlist-play-index <integer|current|none>
              Start (or restart) playback of the given playlist index. In  ad-
              dition to the 0-based playlist entry index, it supports the fol-
              lowing values:

                     The current playlist entry (as  in  playlist-current-pos)
                     will be played again (unload and reload). If none is set,
                     playback is stopped.   (In  corner  cases,  playlist-cur-
                     rent-pos  can  point to a playlist entry even if playback
                     is currently inactive,

              <none> Playback is stopped. If idle mode  (--idle)  is  enabled,
                     the player will enter idle mode, otherwise it will exit.

              This  command is similar to loadfile in that it only manipulates
              the state of what to play next, without waiting until  the  cur-
              rent file is unloaded, and the next one is loaded.

              Setting  playlist-pos  or  similar properties can have a similar
              effect to this command. However, it's more explicit, and guaran-
              tees  that playback is restarted if for example the new playlist
              entry is the same as the previous one.

       loadfile <url> [<flags> [<options>]]
              Load the given file or URL and play  it.  Technically,  this  is
              just  a playlist manipulation command (which either replaces the
              playlist or appends an entry to it). Actual file loading happens
              independently. For example, a loadfile command that replaces the
              current file with a new one returns before the current  file  is
              stopped, and the new file even begins loading.

              Second argument:

              <replace> (default)
                     Stop  playback of the current file, and play the new file

                     Append the file to the playlist.

                     Append the file, and if  nothing  is  currently  playing,
                     start playback.  (Always starts with the added file, even
                     if the playlist was not empty before  running  this  com-

              The  third argument is a list of options and values which should
              be  set  while  the  file  is  playing.  It  is  of   the   form
              opt1=value1,opt2=value2,...  When using the client API, this can
              be a MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (or a Lua table),  however  the  values
              themselves must be strings currently. These options are set dur-
              ing playback, and restored to the previous value at end of play-
              back (see Per-File Options).

       loadlist <url> [<flags>]
              Load the given playlist file or URL (like --playlist).

              Second argument:

              <replace> (default)
                     Stop  playback and replace the internal playlist with the
                     new one.

                     Append the new playlist at the end of the current  inter-
                     nal playlist.

                     Append  the  new  playlist,  and  if nothing is currently
                     playing, start playback.  (Always  starts  with  the  new
                     playlist, even if the internal playlist was not empty be-
                     fore running this command.)

              Clear the playlist, except the currently played file.

       playlist-remove <index>
              Remove the playlist entry at the given index. Index values start
              counting  with  0. The special value current removes the current
              entry. Note that removing the current entry also stops  playback
              and starts playing the next entry.

       playlist-move <index1> <index2>
              Move the playlist entry at index1, so that it takes the place of
              the entry index2. (Paradoxically, the moved playlist entry  will
              not have the index value index2 after moving if index1 was lower
              than index2, because index2 refers to the target entry, not  the
              index the entry will have after moving.)

              Shuffle  the  playlist. This is similar to what is done on start
              if the --shuffle option is used.

              Attempt to revert the previous  playlist-shuffle  command.  This
              works only once (multiple successive playlist-unshuffle commands
              do nothing).  May not work correctly if new recursive  playlists
              have been opened since a playlist-shuffle command.

       run <command> [<arg1> [<arg2> [...]]]
              Run  the  given  command. Unlike in MPlayer/mplayer2 and earlier
              versions of mpv (0.2.x and older), this doesn't call the  shell.
              Instead,  the command is run directly, with each argument passed
              separately. Each argument is expanded like  in  Property  Expan-

              This  command  has a variable number of arguments, and cannot be
              used with named arguments.

              The program is run in a detached way. mpv doesn't wait until the
              command  is completed, but continues playback right after spawn-
              ing it.

              To get the old behavior, use /bin/sh and -c as the first two ar-


                        run "/bin/sh" "-c" "echo ${title} > /tmp/playing"

                        This  is  not  a particularly good example, because it
                        doesn't handle escaping, and a specially prepared file
                        might  allow  an  attacker  to execute arbitrary shell
                        commands. It is recommended to  write  a  small  shell
                        script, and call that with run.

              Similar  to  run, but gives more control about process execution
              to the caller, and does does not detach the process.

              You can avoid blocking until the process terminates  by  running
              this   command   asynchronously.   (For  example  mp.command_na-
              tive_async() in Lua scripting.)

              This has the following named arguments. The order of them is not
              guaranteed, so you should always call them with named arguments,
              see Named arguments.

                     Array of strings with the command as first argument,  and
                     subsequent command line arguments following. This is just
                     like the run command argument list.

                     The first array entry is either an absolute path  to  the
                     executable,  or  a  filename  with no path components, in
                     which case the executable is searched in the  directories
                     in the PATH environment variable. On Unix, this is equiv-
                     alent to posix_spawnp and execvp behavior.

              playback_only (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     Boolean indicating whether the process should  be  killed
                     when  playback  of  the current playlist entry terminates
                     (optional, default: true). If enabled, stopping  playback
                     will  automatically kill the process, and you can't start
                     it outside of playback.

              capture_size (MPV_FORMAT_INT64)
                     Integer setting the maximum number of stdout plus  stderr
                     bytes  that can be captured (optional, default: 64MB). If
                     the number of bytes exceeds this, capturing  is  stopped.
                     The limit is per captured stream.

              capture_stdout (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     Capture all data the process outputs to stdout and return
                     it once the process ends (optional, default: no).

              capture_stderr (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     Same as capture_stdout, but for stderr.

              detach (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     Whether to run the process in  detached  mode  (optional,
                     default:  no).  In this mode, the process is run in a new
                     process session, and the command does not  wait  for  the
                     process  to terminate. If neither capture_stdout nor cap-
                     ture_stderr have been set to true,  the  command  returns
                     immediately  after the new process has been started, oth-
                     erwise the command will read as long  as  the  pipes  are

                     Set  a  list of environment variables for the new process
                     (default: empty).  If an empty list is passed, the  envi-
                     ronment  of  the mpv process is used instead. (Unlike the
                     underlying OS mechanisms, the mpv command cannot start  a
                     process with empty environment. Fortunately, that is com-
                     pletely useless.) The format of the list is as in the ex-
                     ecle()  syscall.  Each string item defines an environment
                     variable as in NAME=VALUE.

                     On Lua, you may use utils.get_env_list() to retrieve  the
                     current  environment if you e.g. simply want to add a new

              stdin_data (MPV_FORMAT_STRING)
                     Feed the given string to the new  process'  stdin.  Since
                     this  is a string, you cannot pass arbitrary binary data.
                     If the process terminates or closes the pipe  before  all
                     data  is  written,  the  remaining  data is silently dis-
                     carded. Probably does not work on win32.

              passthrough_stdin (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     If enabled, wire the new process' stdin  to  mpv's  stdin
                     (default:  no).  Before mpv 0.33.0, this argument did not
                     exist, but the behavior was as if this was set to true.

              The  command  returns  the   following   result   (as   MPV_FOR-

              status (MPV_FORMAT_INT64)
                     Typically  this  is the process exit code (0 or positive)
                     if the process terminates normally, or negative for other
                     errors  (failed to start, terminated by mpv, and others).
                     The meaning of negative values is undefined,  other  than
                     meaning  error  (and  does not correspond to OS low level
                     exit status values).

                     On Windows, it can happen that a negative return value is
                     returned even if the process terminates normally, because
                     the win32 UINT exit code is assigned to an  int  variable
                     before being set as int64_t field in the result map. This
                     might be fixed later.

              stdout (MPV_FORMAT_BYTE_ARRAY)
                     Captured stdout stream, limited to capture_size.

              stderr (MPV_FORMAT_BYTE_ARRAY)
                     Same as stdout, but for stderr.

              error_string (MPV_FORMAT_STRING)
                     Empty string if  the  process  terminated  normally.  The
                     string killed if the process was terminated in an unusual
                     way. The string init if the process could not be started.

                     On Windows, killed is only returned when the process  has
                     been killed by mpv as a result of playback_only being set
                     to true.

              killed_by_us (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     Whether the process has been killed by mpv,  for  example
                     as  a result of playback_only being set to true, aborting
                     the command (e.g. by mp.abort_async_command()), or if the
                     player is about to exit.

              Note  that the command itself will always return success as long
              as the parameters are correct.  Whether  the  process  could  be
              spawned  or  whether  it was somehow killed or returned an error
              status has to be queried from the result value.

              This command can be asynchronously aborted  via  API.  Also  see
              Asynchronous  command  details.  Only  the run command can start
              processes in a truly detached way.

                 The subprocess will always be terminated on player exit if it
                 wasn't  started  in  detached  mode, even if playback_only is


                        Don't forget to set the playback_only field  to  false
                        if  you want the command to run while the player is in
                        idle mode, or if you don't want the end of playback to
                        kill the command.


                     local r = mp.command_native({
                         name = "subprocess",
                         playback_only = false,
                         capture_stdout = true,
                         args = {"cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"},
                     if r.status == 0 then
                         print("result: " .. r.stdout)

                 This  is a fairly useless Lua example, which demonstrates how
                 to run a process in a blocking  manner,  and  retrieving  its
                 stdout output.

       quit [<code>]
              Exit  the  player. If an argument is given, it's used as process
              exit code.

       quit-watch-later [<code>]
              Exit player, and store current playback position.  Playing  that
              file later will seek to the previous position on start. The (op-
              tional) argument is exactly as in the quit command. See RESUMING

       sub-add <url> [<flags> [<title> [<lang>]]]
              Load  the  given  subtitle file or stream. By default, it is se-
              lected as current subtitle  after loading.

              The flags argument is one of the following values:

                 Select the subtitle immediately (default).

                 Don't select the subtitle. (Or in  some  special  situations,
                 let the default stream selection mechanism decide.)

                 Select the subtitle. If a subtitle with the same filename was
                 already added, that one is selected, instead of loading a du-
                 plicate  entry.   (In  this case, title/language are ignored,
                 and if the was changed since it  was  loaded,  these  changes
                 won't be reflected.)

              The title argument sets the track title in the UI.

              The  lang  argument sets the track language, and can also influ-
              ence stream selection with flags set to auto.

       sub-remove [<id>]
              Remove the given subtitle track. If the id argument is  missing,
              remove  the  current  track.  (Works  on external subtitle files

       sub-reload [<id>]
              Reload the given subtitle tracks. If the id argument is missing,
              reload  the  current  track.  (Works  on external subtitle files

              This works by unloading and re-adding the subtitle track.

       sub-step <skip> <flags>
              Change subtitle timing such, that the subtitle event  after  the
              next <skip> subtitle events is displayed. <skip> can be negative
              to step backwards.

              Secondary argument:

              primary (default)
                     Steps through the primary subtitles.

                     Steps through the secondary subtitles.

       sub-seek <skip> <flags>
              Seek to the next (skip set to 1) or the previous  (skip  set  to
              -1) subtitle.  This is similar to sub-step, except that it seeks
              video and audio instead of adjusting the subtitle delay.

              Secondary argument:

              primary (default)
                     Seeks through the primary subtitles.

                     Seeks through the secondary subtitles.

              For embedded subtitles (like with  Matroska),  this  works  only
              with  subtitle  events  that have already been displayed, or are
              within a short prefetch range.

       print-text <text>
              Print text to stdout. The string  can  contain  properties  (see
              Property Expansion). Take care to put the argument in quotes.

       show-text <text> [<duration>|-1 [<level>]]
              Show  text  on the OSD. The string can contain properties, which
              are expanded as described in Property  Expansion.  This  can  be
              used to show playback time, filename, and so on.

                     The  time  in  ms to show the message for. By default, it
                     uses the same value as --osd-duration.

                     The  minimum  OSD  level  to  show  the  text   at   (see

       expand-text <string>
              Property-expand  the  argument  and  return the expanded string.
              This can be used only through the client API or  from  a  script
              using mp.command_native. (see Property Expansion).

       expand-path "<string>"
              Expand  a  path's double-tilde placeholders into a platform-spe-
              cific path.  As expand-text, this can only be used  through  the
              client API or from a script using mp.command_native.



                        This line of Lua would show the location of the user's
                        mpv configuration directory on the OSD.

              Show  the  progress bar, the elapsed time and the total duration
              of the file on the OSD.

              Write the resume config file that the  quit-watch-later  command
              writes, but continue playback normally.

       delete-watch-later-config [<filename>]
              Delete  any  existing  resume  config  file  that was written by
              quit-watch-later or write-watch-later-config. If a  filename  is
              specified,  then the deleted config is for that file; otherwise,
              it is the same one as would be written  by  quit-watch-later  or
              write-watch-later-config in the current circumstance.

       stop [<flags>]
              Stop playback and clear playlist. With default settings, this is
              essentially like quit. Useful for the client API:  playback  can
              be stopped without terminating the player.

              The  first  argument  is  optional,  and  supports the following

                     Do not clear the playlist.

       mouse <x> <y> [<button> [<mode>]]
              Send a mouse event with given coordinate (<x>, <y>).

              Second argument:

                     The button number of clicked mouse button. This should be
                     one  of  0-19.  If <button> is omitted, only the position
                     will be updated.

              Third argument:

              <single> (default)
                     The mouse event represents regular single click.

                     The mouse event represents double-click.

       keypress <name>
              Send a key event through mpv's input handler,  triggering  what-
              ever  behavior  is  configured  to  that  key. name uses the in-
              put.conf naming scheme for keys and modifiers.  Useful  for  the
              client  API:  key  events can be sent to libmpv to handle inter-

       keydown <name>
              Similar to keypress, but sets the KEYDOWN flag so  that  if  the
              key  is bound to a repeatable command, it will be run repeatedly
              with mpv's key repeat timing until the keyup command is called.

       keyup [<name>]
              Set the KEYUP flag, stopping any repeated behavior that had been
              triggered. name is optional. If name is not given or is an empty
              string, KEYUP will be set on all  keys.  Otherwise,  KEYUP  will
              only be set on the key specified by name.

       keybind <name> <command>
              Binds a key to an input command. command must be a complete com-
              mand containing all the desired arguments and flags.  Both  name
              and  command use the input.conf naming scheme. This is primarily
              useful for the client API.

       audio-add <url> [<flags> [<title> [<lang>]]]
              Load the given audio file. See sub-add command.

       audio-remove [<id>]
              Remove the given audio track. See sub-remove command.

       audio-reload [<id>]
              Reload the given audio tracks. See sub-reload command.

       video-add <url> [<flags> [<title> [<lang> [<albumart>]]]]
              Load the given video file. See sub-add command  for  common  op-

              albumart (MPV_FORMAT_FLAG)
                     If enabled, mpv will load the given video as album art.

       video-remove [<id>]
              Remove the given video track. See sub-remove command.

       video-reload [<id>]
              Reload the given video tracks. See sub-reload command.

       rescan-external-files [<mode>]
              Rescan external files according to the current --sub-auto, --au-
              dio-file-auto and --cover-art-auto settings. This can be used to
              auto-load external files after the file was loaded.

              The mode argument is one of the following:

              <reselect> (default)
                     Select the default audio and subtitle streams, which typ-
                     ically selects external files with  the  highest  prefer-
                     ence.  (The  implementation  is not perfect, and could be
                     improved on request.)

                     Do not change current track selections.

   Input Commands that are Possibly Subject to Change
       af <operation> <value>
              Change audio filter chain. See vf command.

       vf <operation> <value>
              Change video filter chain.

              The semantics are exactly the same as with option  parsing  (see
              VIDEO FILTERS). As such the text below is a redundant and incom-
              plete summary.

              The first argument decides what happens:

              <set>  Overwrite the previous filter chain with the new one.

              <add>  Append the new filter chain to the previous one.

                     Check if the given filter (with the exact parameters)  is
                     already  in the video chain. If it is, remove the filter.
                     If it isn't, add the filter.   (If  several  filters  are
                     passed to the command, this is done for each filter.)

                     A  special variant is combining this with labels, and us-
                     ing @name without filter name and  parameters  as  filter
                     entry. This toggles the enable/disable flag.

                     Like  toggle, but always remove the given filter from the

              <del>  Remove the given filters from the video chain. Unlike  in
                     the  other  cases,  the second parameter is a comma sepa-
                     rated list of filter names or integer  indexes.  0  would
                     denote  the first filter. Negative indexes start from the
                     last filter, and -1 denotes the last filter.  Deprecated,
                     use remove.

              <clr>  Remove  all  filters.  Note  that like the other sub-com-
                     mands, this does not control automatically inserted  fil-

              The  argument  is  always needed. E.g. in case of clr use vf clr

              You can assign labels to filter by prefixing  them  with  @name:
              (where  name  is a user-chosen arbitrary identifier). Labels can
              be used to refer to filters by name in all of the  filter  chain
              modification  commands.   For  add,  using an already used label
              will replace the existing filter.

              The vf command shows the list of requested filters  on  the  OSD
              after  changing  the filter chain. This is roughly equivalent to
              show-text ${vf}. Note that auto-inserted filters for format con-
              version  are  not  shown on the list, only what was requested by
              the user.

              Normally, the commands will check whether  the  video  chain  is
              recreated  successfully, and will undo the operation on failure.
              If the command is run before video is configured (can happen  if
              the command is run immediately after opening a file and before a
              video frame is decoded), this check can't be run.  Then  it  can
              happen that creating the video chain fails.

                 Example for input.conf

                 • a vf set vflip turn the video upside-down on the a key

                 • b vf set "" remove all video filters on bc vf toggle gradfun toggle debanding on c

                 Example how to toggle disabled filters at runtime

                 • Add  something  like  vf-add=@deband:!gradfun  to mpv.conf.
                   The @deband: is the label, an  arbitrary,  user-given  name
                   for  this  filter  entry. The ! before the filter name dis-
                   ables the filter by default. Everything after this  is  the
                   normal  filter name and possibly filter parameters, like in
                   the normal --vf syntax.

                 • Add a vf toggle @deband to  input.conf.  This  toggles  the
                   "disabled"  flag  for the filter with the label deband when
                   the a key is hit.

       cycle-values [<"!reverse">] <property> <value1> [<value2> [...]]
              Cycle through a list of values. Each invocation of  the  command
              will  set  the given property to the next value in the list. The
              command will use the current value of the  property/option,  and
              use  it to determine the current position in the list of values.
              Once it has found it, it will set the next  value  in  the  list
              (wrapping around to the first item if needed).

              This  command  has a variable number of arguments, and cannot be
              used with named arguments.

              The special argument !reverse can be used  to  cycle  the  value
              list  in  reverse.  The only advantage is that you don't need to
              reverse the value list yourself when adding a second key binding
              for cycling backwards.

       enable-section <name> [<flags>]
              This command is deprecated, except for mpv-internal uses.

              Enable all key bindings in the named input section.

              The enabled input sections form a stack. Bindings in sections on
              the top of the stack are preferred to lower sections. This  com-
              mand  puts  the  section on top of the stack. If the section was
              already on the stack, it is implicitly  removed  beforehand.  (A
              section cannot be on the stack more than once.)

              The flags parameter can be a combination (separated by +) of the
              following flags:

                     All sections enabled before the newly enabled section are
                     disabled.   They will be re-enabled as soon as all exclu-
                     sive sections above them are removed. In other words, the
                     new section shadows all previous sections.

                     This feature can't be used through the public API.


       disable-section <name>
              This command is deprecated, except for mpv-internal uses.

              Disable the named input section. Undoes enable-section.

       define-section <name> <contents> [<flags>]
              This command is deprecated, except for mpv-internal uses.

              Create  a named input section, or replace the contents of an al-
              ready existing input section. The contents  parameter  uses  the
              same  syntax  as the input.conf file (except that using the sec-
              tion syntax in it is not allowed), including the need  to  sepa-
              rate bindings with a newline character.

              If the contents parameter is an empty string, the section is re-

              The section with the name default is the normal input section.

              In general, input sections have  to  be  enabled  with  the  en-
              able-section command, or they are ignored.

              The last parameter has the following meaning:

              <default> (also used if parameter omitted)
                     Use  a  key  binding  defined by this section only if the
                     user hasn't already bound this key to a command.

                     Always bind a key. (The input section that was  made  ac-
                     tive most recently wins if there are ambiguities.)

              This  command can be used to dispatch arbitrary keys to a script
              or a client API user. If the input section defines  script-bind-
              ing  commands, it is also possible to get separate events on key
              up/down, and  relatively  detailed  information  about  the  key
              state.  The  special  key name unmapped can be used to match any
              unmapped key.

       overlay-add <id> <x> <y> <file> <offset> <fmt> <w> <h> <stride>
              Add an OSD overlay sourced from raw data. This might  be  useful
              for  scripts and applications controlling mpv, and which want to
              display things on top of the video window.

              Overlays are usually displayed in screen  resolution,  but  with
              some  VOs, the resolution is reduced to that of the video's. You
              can read the osd-width and osd-height properties. At least  with
              --vo-xv  and  anamorphic  video (such as DVD), osd-par should be
              read as well, and the overlay should be aspect-compensated.

              This has the following named arguments. The order of them is not
              guaranteed, so you should always call them with named arguments,
              see Named arguments.

              id is an integer between 0 and 63 identifying the  overlay  ele-
              ment. The ID can be used to add multiple overlay parts, update a
              part by using this command with an already existing  ID,  or  to
              remove  a part with overlay-remove. Using a previously unused ID
              will add a new overlay, while reusing an ID will update it.

              x and y specify the position where the OSD should be displayed.

              file specifies the file the raw image data is read from. It  can
              be  either  a numeric UNIX file descriptor prefixed with @ (e.g.
              @4), or a filename. The file will be  mapped  into  memory  with
              mmap(), copied, and unmapped before the command returns (changed
              in mpv 0.18.1).

              It is also possible to pass a raw memory address for use as bit-
              map  memory by passing a memory address as integer prefixed with
              an & character.  Passing the wrong thing  here  will  crash  the
              player.  This mode might be useful for use with libmpv. The off-
              set parameter is simply added to the memory address  (since  mpv
              0.8.0, ignored before).

              offset is the byte offset of the first pixel in the source file.
              (The current implementation always mmap's the  whole  file  from
              position  0  to the end of the image, so large offsets should be
              avoided. Before mpv 0.8.0, the offset was  actually  passed  di-
              rectly to mmap, but it was changed to make using it easier.)

              fmt  is  a  string identifying the image format. Currently, only
              bgra is defined. This format has 4 bytes per pixels, with 8 bits
              per  component.   The least significant 8 bits are blue, and the
              most significant 8 bits are alpha (in little endian, the  compo-
              nents  are  B-G-R-A,  with B as first byte). This uses premulti-
              plied alpha: every color component is  already  multiplied  with
              the alpha component. This means the numeric value of each compo-
              nent is equal to or smaller than the alpha component. (Violating
              this rule will lead to different results with different VOs: nu-
              meric overflows resulting from blending broken alpha  values  is
              considered something that shouldn't happen, and consequently im-
              plementations don't ensure that you get predictable behavior  in
              this case.)

              w, h, and stride specify the size of the overlay. w is the visi-
              ble width of the overlay, while stride gives the width in  bytes
              in  memory.  In  the  simple  case,  and  with  the bgra format,
              stride==4*w.  In general, the total amount of memory accessed is
              stride * h.  (Technically, the minimum size would be stride * (h
              - 1) + w * 4, but for simplicity, the  player  will  access  all
              stride * h bytes.)

                 Before  mpv  0.18.1,  you had to do manual "double buffering"
                 when updating an overlay by replacing  it  with  a  different
                 memory  buffer. Since mpv 0.18.1, the memory is simply copied
                 and doesn't reference any of the memory indicated by the com-
                 mand's  arguments  after the commend returns.  If you want to
                 use this command before mpv 0.18.1, reads the old docs to see
                 how to handle this correctly.

       overlay-remove <id>
              Remove  an  overlay added with overlay-add and the same ID. Does
              nothing if no overlay with this ID exists.

              Add/update/remove an OSD overlay.

              (Although this sounds similar to overlay-add, osd-overlay is for
              text  overlays,  while  overlay-add  is for bitmaps. Maybe over-
              lay-add will be merged into osd-overlay to remove this oddity.)

              You can use this to add text overlays in ASS format. ASS has ad-
              vanced positioning and rendering tags, which can be used to ren-
              der almost any kind of vector graphics.

              This command accepts the following parameters:

              id     Arbitrary integer that identifies the  overlay.  Multiple
                     overlays  can  be added by calling this command with dif-
                     ferent id parameters. Calling this command with the  same
                     id replaces the previously set overlay.

                     There  is  a  separate  namespace  for each libmpv client
                     (i.e. IPC connection, script), so IDs can be made up  and
                     assigned  by  the API user without conflicting with other
                     API users.

                     If the libmpv client is destroyed, all  overlays  associ-
                     ated  with it are also deleted. In particular, connecting
                     via --input-ipc-server, adding an  overlay,  and  discon-
                     necting will remove the overlay immediately again.

              format String  that  gives  the type of the overlay. Accepts the
                     following values (HTML rendering of this is broken,  view
                     the generated manpage instead, or the raw RST source):

                            The  data  parameter  is  a  string. The string is
                            split on the  newline  character.  Every  line  is
                            turned into the Text part of a Dialogue ASS event.
                            Timing is unused (but behavior of timing dependent
                            ASS tags may change in future mpv versions).

                            Note  that  it's better to put multiple lines into
                            data, instead of adding multiple OSD overlays.

                            This provides 2 ASS Styles. OSD contains the  text
                            style as defined by the current --osd-... options.
                            Default is similar, and contains  style  that  OSD
                            would have if all options were set to the default.

                            In  addition,  the res_x and res_y options specify
                            the value of the ASS PlayResX and PlayResY  header
                            fields. If res_y is set to 0, PlayResY is initial-
                            ized to an arbitrary default value (but note  that
                            the  default  for this command is 720, not 0).  If
                            res_x is set to 0, PlayResX is set based on  res_y
                            such  that  a virtual ASS pixel has a square pixel
                            aspect ratio.

                     none   Special value that causes the overlay  to  be  re-
                            moved.  Most  parameters  other than id and format
                            are mostly ignored.

              data   String defining the overlay  contents  according  to  the
                     format parameter.

              res_x, res_y
                     Used  if  format  is  set  to ass-events (see description
                     there).  Optional, defaults to 0/720.

              z      The Z order of the overlay. Optional, defaults to 0.

                     Note that Z order between different overlays of different
                     formats is static, and cannot be changed (currently, this
                     means that bitmap overlays added by overlay-add  are  al-
                     ways on top of the ASS overlays added by osd-overlay). In
                     addition, the builtin OSD components are always below any
                     of  the  custom OSD. (This includes subtitles of any kind
                     as well as text rendered by show-text.)

                     It's possible that  future  mpv  versions  will  randomly
                     change  how  Z  order  between  different OSD formats and
                     builtin OSD is handled.

              hidden If set to true, do not display this (default: false).

                     If set to true, attempt to  determine  bounds  and  write
                     them to the command's result value as x0, x1, y0, y1 rec-
                     tangle (default: false). If the rectangle is  empty,  not
                     known, or somehow degenerate, it is not set. x1/y1 is the
                     coordinate of the bottom exclusive corner of the  rectan-

                     The result value may depend on the VO window size, and is
                     based on the last known window size at the  time  of  the
                     call.  This  means the results may be different from what
                     is actually rendered.

                     For ass-events, the result  rectangle  is  recomputed  to
                     PlayRes  coordinates (res_x/res_y). If window size is not
                     known, a fallback is chosen.

                     You should be aware that this mechanism is  very  ineffi-
                     cient,  as  it renders the full result, and then uses the
                     bounding box of the rendered bitmap list (even if  hidden
                     is  set). It will flush various caches.  Its results also
                     depend on the used libass version.

                     This feature is experimental, and may change in some  way

                 Always  use named arguments (mpv_command_node()). Lua scripts
                 should use the mp.create_osd_overlay() helper instead of  in-
                 voking this command directly.

       script-message [<arg1> [<arg2> [...]]]
              Send a message to all clients, and pass it the following list of
              arguments.  What this  message  means,  how  many  arguments  it
              takes,  and  what the arguments mean is fully up to the receiver
              and the sender. Every client receives the message, so be careful
              about name clashes (or use script-message-to).

              This  command  has a variable number of arguments, and cannot be
              used with named arguments.

       script-message-to <target> [<arg1> [<arg2> [...]]]
              Same as script-message, but send it only  to  the  client  named
              <target>.  Each client (scripts etc.) has a unique name. For ex-
              ample, Lua scripts can get their name via  mp.get_script_name().
              Note  that  client names only consist of alphanumeric characters
              and _.

              This command has a variable number of arguments, and  cannot  be
              used with named arguments.

       script-binding <name>
              Invoke  a script-provided key binding. This can be used to remap
              key bindings provided by external Lua scripts.

              The argument is the name of the binding.

              It can optionally be prefixed with the name of the script, using
              / as separator, e.g. script-binding scriptname/bindingname. Note
              that script names only consist of alphanumeric characters and _.

              For completeness, here is how this command works internally. The
              details  could  change  any  time.  On  any  matching key event,
              script-message-to or  script-message  is  called  (depending  on
              whether  the  script name is included), with the following argu-

              1. The string key-binding.

              2. The name of the binding (as established above).

              3. The key state as string (see below).

              4. The key name (since mpv 0.15.0).

              5. The text the key would produce, or empty string if not appli-

              The  5th argument is only set if no modifiers are present (using
              the shift key with a letter is normally not emitted as having  a
              modifier, and results in upper case text instead, but some back-
              ends may mess up).

              The key state consists of 2 characters:

              1. One of d (key was pressed down), u (was released), r (key  is
                 still  down,  and was repeated; only if key repeat is enabled
                 for this binding), p (key was  pressed;  happens  if  up/down
                 can't be tracked).

              2. Whether  the event originates from the mouse, either m (mouse
                 button) or - (something else).

              Future versions can add more arguments and more key state  char-
              acters to support more input peculiarities.

              Cycle  through A-B loop states. The first command will set the A
              point (the ab-loop-a property); the second the B point, and  the
              third will clear both points.

              Drop  audio/video/demuxer buffers, and restart from fresh. Might
              help with unseekable streams that are going out of  sync.   This
              command might be changed or removed in the future.

       screenshot-raw [<flags>]
              Return a screenshot in memory. This can be used only through the
              client API. The MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP returned by this command has
              the  w,  h,  stride  fields  set to obvious contents. The format
              field is set to bgr0 by default. This  format  is  organized  as
              B8G8R8X8 (where B is the LSB). The contents of the padding X are
              undefined. The data field is of type MPV_FORMAT_BYTE_ARRAY  with
              the  actual image data. The image is freed as soon as the result
              mpv_node is freed. As usual with client API semantics,  you  are
              not allowed to write to the image data.

              The  stride  is  the number of bytes from a pixel at (x0, y0) to
              the pixel at (x0, y0 + 1). This can be larger than w * 4 if  the
              image  was  cropped,  or if there is padding. This number can be
              negative as well.  You access a pixel  with  byte_index  =  y  *
              stride + x * 4 (assuming the bgr0 format).

              The  flags argument is like the first argument to screenshot and
              supports subtitles, video, window.

       vf-command <label> <command> <argument>
              Send a command to the filter with the given <label>. Use all  to
              send  it to all filters at once. The command and argument string
              is filter specific. Currently, this only works  with  the  lavfi
              filter  - see the libavfilter documentation for which commands a
              filter supports.

              Note that the <label> is a mpv filter label, not  a  libavfilter
              filter name.

       af-command <label> <command> <argument>
              Same as vf-command, but for audio filters.

       apply-profile <name> [<mode>]
              Apply  the  contents of a named profile. This is like using pro-
              file=name in a config file, except you can map it to a key bind-
              ing to change it at runtime.

              The mode argument:

                     Apply the profile. Default if the argument is omitted.

                     Restore  options  set by a previous apply-profile command
                     for this profile. Only works  if  the  profile  has  pro-
                     file-restore  set to a relevant mode. Prints a warning if
                     nothing could be done. See Runtime profiles for details.

       load-script <filename>
              Load a script, similar to  the  --script  option.  Whether  this
              waits  for  the  script  to finish initialization or not changed
              multiple times, and the future behavior is left undefined.

              On success, returns a mpv_node with a client_id field set to the
              return  value  of the mpv_client_id() API call of the newly cre-
              ated script handle.

       change-list <name> <operation> <value>
              This command changes list options as described in List  Options.
              The  <name>  parameter  is the normal option name, while <opera-
              tion> is the suffix or action used on the option.

              Some operations take no value, but the  command  still  requires
              the  value parameter. In these cases, the value must be an empty


                        change-list glsl-shaders append file.glsl

                        Add a filename to the glsl-shaders list.  The  command
                        line  equivalent is --glsl-shaders-append=file.glsl or
                        alternatively --glsl-shader=file.glsl.

       dump-cache <start> <end> <filename>
              Dump the current cache to the  given  filename.  The  <filename>
              file is overwritten if it already exists. <start> and <end> give
              the time range of what to dump. If no  data  is  cached  at  the
              given time range, nothing may be dumped (creating a file with no

              Dumping a larger part of the cache will freeze  the  player.  No
              effort  was  made  to fix this, as this feature was meant mostly
              for creating small excerpts.

              See --stream-record for various caveats  that  mostly  apply  to
              this command too, as both use the same underlying code for writ-
              ing the output file.

              If <filename> is an  empty  string,  an  ongoing  dump-cache  is

              If  <end> is no, then continuous dumping is enabled. Then, after
              dumping the existing parts of the cache, anything read from net-
              work  is  appended to the cache as well. This behaves similar to
              --stream-record (although it does not conflict with that option,
              and they can be both active at the same time).

              If  the  <end>  time  is after the cache, the command will _not_
              wait and write newly received data to it.

              The end of the resulting file may be slightly damaged or  incom-
              plete at the end. (Not enough effort was made to ensure that the
              end lines up properly.)

              Note that this command will finish only once dumping ends.  That
              means  it  works similar to the screenshot command, just that it
              can block much longer. If continuous dumping is used,  the  com-
              mand  will  not  finish until playback is stopped, an error hap-
              pens,  another  dump-cache  command  is  run,  or  an  API  like
              mp.abort_async_command  was  called  to explicitly stop the com-
              mand. See Synchronous vs. Asynchronous.

                 This was mostly created for network streams. For local files,
                 there may be much better methods to create excerpts and such.
                 There are tons of much more user-friendly Lua  scripts,  that
                 will reencode parts of a file by spawning a separate instance
                 of ffmpeg. With network streams, this is not that easily pos-
                 sible,  as the stream would have to be downloaded again. Even
                 if --stream-record is used to record the stream to the  local
                 filesystem,  there may be problems, because the recorded file
                 is still written to.

              This command is experimental,  and  all  details  about  it  may
              change in the future.

       ab-loop-dump-cache <filename>
              Essentially  calls dump-cache with the current AB-loop points as
              arguments. Like dump-cache, this  will  overwrite  the  file  at
              <filename>. Likewise, if the B point is set to no, it will enter
              continuous dumping after the existing cache was dumped.

              The author reserves the right to remove this command  if  enough
              motivation  is found to move this functionality to a trivial Lua

              Re-adjust the A/B loop points to the start and  end  within  the
              cache the ab-loop-dump-cache command will (probably) dump. Basi-
              cally, it aligns the times on keyframes. The guess might be  off
              especially  at  the end (due to granularity issues due to remux-
              ing). If the cache shrinks in the meantime, the  points  set  by
              the command will not be the effective parameters either.

              This   command   has   an   even   more  uncertain  future  than
              ab-loop-dump-cache and might disappear  without  replacement  if
              the author decides it's useless.

       Undocumented commands: ao-reload (experimental/internal).

   List of events
       This  is  a  partial  list  of  events.  This  section  describes  what
       mpv_event_to_node() returns, and which is what scripting APIs  and  the
       JSON  IPC  sees.  Note that the C API has separate C-level declarations
       with mpv_event, which may be slightly different.

       Note that events are asynchronous: the player  core  continues  running
       while events are delivered to scripts and other clients. In some cases,
       you can hooks to enforce synchronous execution.

       All events can have the following fields:

       event  Name as the event (as returned by mpv_event_name()).

       id     The reply_userdata field (opaque user value). If  reply_userdata
              is 0, the field is not added.

       error  Set to an error string (as returned by mpv_error_string()). This
              field is missing if no error happened, or the  event  type  does
              not report error.  Most events leave this unset.

       This  list  uses  the  event  name field value, and the C API symbol in

       start-file (MPV_EVENT_START_FILE)
              Happens right before a new file  is  loaded.  When  you  receive
              this,  the  player is loading the file (or possibly already done
              with it).

              This has the following fields:

                     Playlist entry ID of the file being loaded now.

       end-file (MPV_EVENT_END_FILE)
              Happens after a file was unloaded. Typically,  the  player  will
              load  the  next  file  right  away, or quit if this was the last

              The event has the following fields:

              reason Has one of these values:

                     eof    The file has ended. This can (but doesn't have to)
                            include incomplete files or broken network connec-
                            tions under circumstances.

                     stop   Playback was ended by a command.

                     quit   Playback was ended by sending the quit command.

                     error  An error happened. In this case, an error field is
                            present with the error string.

                            Happens  with  playlists  and similar. Details see
                            MPV_END_FILE_REASON_REDIRECT in the C API.

                            Unknown. Normally doesn't happen, unless  the  Lua
                            API  is  out of sync with the C API. (Likewise, it
                            could happen that your script gets reason  strings
                            that did not exist yet at the time your script was

                     Playlist entry ID of the file that was  being  played  or
                     attempted  to  be  played. This has the same value as the
                     playlist_entry_id field in the  corresponding  start-file

                     Set to mpv error string describing the approximate reason
                     why playback failed. Unset if no  error  known.  (In  Lua
                     scripting,  this  value  was  set  on the error field di-
                     rectly. This is deprecated since mpv 0.33.0.  In the  fu-
                     ture,  this  error  field will be unset for this specific

                     If loading ended, because the playlist entry to be played
                     was  for example a playlist, and the current playlist en-
                     try is replaced with a number of other entries. This  may
                     happen  at least with MPV_END_FILE_REASON_REDIRECT (other
                     event types may use this for similar but  different  pur-
                     poses  in  the  future). In this case, playlist_insert_id
                     will be set to the playlist entry ID  of  the  first  in-
                     serted  entry, and playlist_insert_num_entries to the to-
                     tal number of inserted playlist  entries.  Note  this  in
                     this  specific case, the ID of the last inserted entry is
                     playlist_insert_id+num-1.  Beware that depending on  cir-
                     cumstances,  you may observe the new playlist entries be-
                     fore seeing the event (e.g. reading the "playlist"  prop-
                     erty or getting a property change notification before re-
                     ceiving the event).  If this is 0  in  the  C  API,  this
                     field isn't added.

                     See  playlist_insert_id.  Only  present  if  playlist_in-
                     sert_id is present.

       file-loaded (MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED)
              Happens after a file was loaded and begins playback.

       seek (MPV_EVENT_SEEK)
              Happens on seeking. (This might include cases  when  the  player
              seeks  internally,  even without user interaction. This includes
              e.g. segment changes  when  playing  ordered  chapters  Matroska

       playback-restart (MPV_EVENT_PLAYBACK_RESTART)
              Start of playback after seek or after file was loaded.

       shutdown (MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN)
              Sent  when  the  player  quits, and the script should terminate.
              Normally handled automatically. See Details on the  script  ini-
              tialization and lifecycle.

       log-message (MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE)
              Receives  messages enabled with mpv_request_log_messages() (Lua:

              This contains, in addition to the default event fields, the fol-
              lowing fields:

              prefix The  module prefix, identifies the sender of the message.
                     This is what the terminal player puts  in  front  of  the
                     message  text when using the --v option, and is also what
                     is used for --msg-level.

              level  The log level as string. See  msg.log  for  possible  log
                     level  names.   Note that later versions of mpv might add
                     new levels or remove (undocumented) existing ones.

              text   The log message. The text will end with a newline charac-
                     ter. Sometimes it can contain multiple lines.

              Keep  in  mind that these messages are meant to be hints for hu-
              mans. You should not parse them, and prefix/level/text  of  mes-
              sages might change any time.

       hook   The event has the following fields:

                     ID  to  pass  to  mpv_hook_continue().  The Lua scripting
                     wrapper  provides  a  better   API   around   this   with

       get-property-reply (MPV_EVENT_GET_PROPERTY_REPLY)
              See C API.

       set-property-reply (MPV_EVENT_SET_PROPERTY_REPLY)
              See C API.

       command-reply (MPV_EVENT_COMMAND_REPLY)
              This  is one of the commands for which the `error field is mean-

              JSON IPC and Lua and possibly other  backends  treat  this  spe-
              cially and may not pass the actual event to the user. See C API.

              The event has the following fields:

              result The result (on success) of any mpv_node type, if any.

       client-message (MPV_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE)
              Lua and possibly other backends treat this specially and may not
              pass the actual event to the user.

              The event has the following fields:

              args   Array of strings with the message data.

       video-reconfig (MPV_EVENT_VIDEO_RECONFIG)
              Happens on video output or filter reconfig.

       audio-reconfig (MPV_EVENT_AUDIO_RECONFIG)
              Happens on audio output or filter reconfig.

       property-change (MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE)
              Happens when a property that is being observed changes value.

              The event has the following fields:

              name   The name of the property.

              data   The new value of the property.

       The following events also happen, but are deprecated:  idle,  tick  Use
       mpv_observe_property() (Lua: mp.observe_property()) instead.

       Hooks  are synchronous events between player core and a script or simi-
       lar. This applies to client API (including  the  Lua  scripting  inter-
       face).  Normally,  events are supposed to be asynchronous, and the hook
       API provides an awkward and obscure way to handle events  that  require
       stricter  coordination. There are no API stability guarantees made. Not
       following the protocol exactly can make the player freeze randomly. Ba-
       sically, nobody should use this API.

       The C API is described in the header files. The Lua API is described in
       the Lua section.

       Before a hook is actually invoked on an API clients, it will attempt to
       return  new values for all observed properties that were changed before
       the hook. This may make it easier for an  application  to  set  defined
       "barriers"  between property change notifications by registering hooks.
       (That means these hooks will have an effect, even if you do nothing and
       make them continue immediately.)

       The following hooks are currently defined:

              Called  when a file is to be opened, before anything is actually
              done.    For   example,   you   could   read   and   write   the
              stream-open-filename  property  to  redirect an URL to something
              else (consider support for streaming sites which rarely give the
              user a direct media URL), or you could set per-file options with
              by setting the property  file-local-options/<option  name>.  The
              player will wait until all hooks are run.

              Ordered after start-file and before playback-restart.

              Called  after  after a file has been opened, but failed to. This
              can be used to provide a fallback in case native demuxers failed
              to  recognize the file, instead of always running before the na-
              tive demuxers like  on_load.  Demux  will  only  be  retried  if
              stream-open-filename  was  changed. If it fails again, this hook
              is _not_ called again, and loading definitely fails.

              Ordered after on_load, and before playback-restart and end-file.

              Called after a file has been opened, and before tracks  are  se-
              lected  and decoders are created. This has some usefulness if an
              API users wants to select tracks manually, based on the  set  of
              available tracks. It's also useful to initialize --lavfi-complex
              in a specific way by API, without having to "probe"  the  avail-
              able streams at first.

              Note that this does not yet apply default track selection. Which
              operations exactly can be done and not be done, and what  infor-
              mation  is  available  and what is not yet available yet, is all
              subject to change.

              Ordered after on_load_fail etc. and before playback-restart.

              Run before closing a file, and  before  actually  uninitializing
              everything. It's not possible to resume playback in this state.

              Ordered  before  end-file.  Will  also  happen in the error case
              (then after on_load_fail).

              Run before a start-file event is sent. (If  any  client  changes
              the  current  playlist  entry,  or  sends  a quit command to the
              player, the corresponding event will not actually  happen  after
              the  hook  returns.)   Useful to drain property changes before a
              new file is loaded.

              Run after an end-file event. Useful to  drain  property  changes
              after a file has finished.

   Input Command Prefixes
       These prefixes are placed between key name and the actual command. Mul-
       tiple prefixes can be specified. They are separated by whitespace.

              Use the default behavior for this command. This is  the  default
              for  input.conf  commands. Some libmpv/scripting/IPC APIs do not
              use this as default, but use no-osd instead.

       no-osd Do not use any OSD for this command.

              If possible, show a bar with this command.  Seek  commands  will
              show  the  progress bar, property changing commands may show the
              newly set value.

              If possible, show an OSD message with this command. Seek command
              show  the current playback time, property changing commands show
              the newly set value as text.

              Combine osd-bar and osd-msg.

       raw    Do not expand properties in  string  arguments.  (Like  "${prop-
              erty-name}".)  This is the default for some libmpv/scripting/IPC

              All string arguments are expanded as described in  Property  Ex-
              pansion.  This is the default for input.conf commands.

              For some commands, keeping a key pressed doesn't run the command
              repeatedly.  This prefix forces enabling key repeat in any case.
              For  a  list  of  commands: the first command determines the re-
              peatability of the whole list (up to and including version  0.33
              - a list was always repeatable).

       async  Allow asynchronous execution (if possible). Note that only a few
              commands will support this (usually  this  is  explicitly  docu-
              mented).  Some  commands are asynchronous by default (or rather,
              their effects might manifest after completion of  the  command).
              The  semantics  of  this flag might change in the future. Set it
              only if you don't rely on the  effects  of  this  command  being
              fully  realized  when  it returns. See Synchronous vs. Asynchro-

       sync   Allow synchronous execution (if possible).  Normally,  all  com-
              mands  are  synchronous by default, but some are asynchronous by
              default for compatibility with older behavior.

       All of the osd prefixes are still overridden by the global  --osd-level

   Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
       The async and sync prefix matter only for how the issuer of the command
       waits on the completion of the command. Normally it does not affect how
       the command behaves by itself. There are the following cases:

       • Normal  input.conf  commands are always run asynchronously. Slow run-
         ning commands are queued up or run in parallel.

       • "Multi" input.conf commands (1 key binding, concatenated with ;) will
         be executed in order, except for commands that are async (either pre-
         fixed with async, or async by default for some commands).  The  async
         commands  are  run  in a detached manner, possibly in parallel to the
         remaining sync commands in the list.

       • Normal Lua and libmpv commands (e.g.  mpv_command())  are  run  in  a
         blocking  manner,  unless the async prefix is used, or the command is
         async by default. This means in the sync case the caller will  block,
         even if the core continues playback. Async mode runs the command in a
         detached manner.

       • Async libmpv command API (e.g. mpv_command_async()) never blocks  the
         caller,  and  always notify their completion with a message. The sync
         and async prefixes make no difference.

       • Lua also provides APIs for running async commands, which behave simi-
         lar to the C counterparts.

       • In all cases, async mode can still run commands in a synchronous man-
         ner, even in detached mode. This can for example happen in cases when
         a  command  does  not have an  asynchronous implementation. The async
         libmpv API still never blocks the caller in these cases.

       Before mpv 0.29.0, the async prefix was only used  by  screenshot  com-
       mands,  and  made  them  run the file saving code in a detached manner.
       This is the default now, and async changes behavior only  in  the  ways
       mentioned above.

       Currently the following commands have different waiting characteristics
       with sync vs. async: sub-add, audio-add, sub-reload, audio-reload, res-
       can-external-files,    screenshot,    screenshot-to-file,   dump-cache,

   Asynchronous command details
       On the API level, every asynchronous command is bound  to  the  context
       which  started  it.  For  example,  an  asynchronous command started by
       mpv_command_async is bound to the mpv_handle passed  to  the  function.
       Only    this    mpv_handle   receives   the   completion   notification
       (MPV_EVENT_COMMAND_REPLY), and only this handle can abort a still  run-
       ning  command  directly. If the mpv_handle is destroyed, any still run-
       ning async. commands started by it are terminated.

       The scripting APIs and JSON IPC give each script/connection its own im-
       plicit mpv_handle.

       If the player is closed, the core may abort all pending async. commands
       on its own (like a forced mpv_abort_async_command() call for each pend-
       ing  command  on behalf of the API user). This happens at the same time
       MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN is sent, and there is no way to prevent this.

   Input Sections
       Input sections group a set of bindings, and enable or disable  them  at
       once.  In input.conf, each key binding is assigned to an input section,
       rather than actually having explicit text sections.

       See also: enable-section and disable-section commands.

       Predefined bindings:

              Bindings without input section are implicitly assigned  to  this
              section. It is enabled by default during normal playback.

       encode Section  which  is active in encoding mode. It is enabled exclu-
              sively, so that bindings in the default sections are ignored.

       Properties are used to set mpv options during runtime, or to query  ar-
       bitrary  information.  They  can  be manipulated with the set/add/cycle
       commands, and retrieved with show-text,  or  anything  else  that  uses
       property expansion. (See Property Expansion.)

       The property name is annotated with RW to indicate whether the property
       is generally writable.

       If an option is referenced, the property will normally take/return  ex-
       actly  the  same  values  as the option. In these cases, properties are
       merely a way to change an option at runtime.

   Property list
          Most options can be set at runtime via properties as well. Just  re-
          move  the  leading -- from the option name. These are not documented
          below, see OPTIONS instead. Only properties which do  not  exist  as
          option  with  the  same  name, or which have very different behavior
          from the options are documented below.

          Properties marked as (RW) are writeable, while those that aren't are

       audio-speed-correction, video-speed-correction
              Factor  multiplied  with  speed  at which the player attempts to
              play the file. Usually it's exactly 1. (Display sync  mode  will
              make this useful.)

              OSD  formatting  will  display it in the form of +1.23456%, with
              the number being (raw - 1) * 100  for  the  given  raw  property

              Whether --video-sync=display is actually active.

              Currently  played  file,  with path stripped. If this is an URL,
              try to undo percent encoding as well. (The result is not  neces-
              sarily  correct,  but looks better for display purposes. Use the
              path property to get an unmodified filename.)

              This has a sub-property:

                     Like the filename property, but if the text contains a .,
                     strip all text after the last .. Usually this removes the
                     file extension.

              Length in bytes of the source file/stream. (This is the same  as
              ${stream-end}.  For segmented/multi-part files, this will return
              the size of the main or manifest file, whatever it is.)

              Total number of frames in current file.

                 This is only an estimate. (It's computed from two  unreliable
                 quantities: fps and stream length.)

              Number of current frame in current stream.

                 This  is only an estimate. (It's computed from two unreliable
                 quantities: fps and possibly rounded timestamps.)

       pid    Process-id of mpv.

       path   Full path of the currently played file. Usually this is  exactly
              the same string you pass on the mpv command line or the loadfile
              command, even if it's a relative path. If you expect an absolute
              path, you will have to determine it yourself, for example by us-
              ing the working-directory property.

              The full path to the currently played media. This  is  different
              from path only in special cases. In particular, if --ytdl=yes is
              used, and the URL is detected by  youtube-dl,  then  the  script
              will  set  this  property to the actual media URL. This property
              should be set only during the  on_load  or  on_load_fail  hooks,
              otherwise  it will have no effect (or may do something implemen-
              tation defined in the future). The property is reset if playback
              of the current media ends.

              If the currently played file has a title tag, use that.

              Otherwise, return the filename property.

              Symbolic  name  of  the  file  format.  In some cases, this is a
              comma-separated   list   of   format   names,   e.g.   mp4    is
              mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (the list may grow in the future for any

              Name of the current demuxer. (This is useless.)

              (Renamed from demuxer.)

              Filename (full path) of the  stream  layer  filename.  (This  is
              probably useless and is almost never different from path.)

              Raw  byte  position  in source stream. Technically, this returns
              the position of the most recent packet passed to a decoder.

              Raw end position in bytes in source stream.

              Duration of the current file in seconds. If the duration is  un-
              known,  the property is unavailable. Note that the file duration
              is not always exactly known, so this is an estimate.

              This replaces the length property, which  was  deprecated  after
              the mpv 0.9 release. (The semantics are the same.)

       avsync Last  A/V  synchronization  difference.  Unavailable if audio or
              video is disabled.

              Total A-V sync correction done. Unavailable if audio or video is

              Video frames dropped by decoder, because video is too far behind
              audio (when using --framedrop=decoder). Sometimes, this  may  be
              incremented  in  other  situations,  e.g. when video packets are
              damaged, or the decoder doesn't follow the usual rules. Unavail-
              able if video is disabled.

              drop-frame-count is a deprecated alias.

              Frames dropped by VO (when using --framedrop=vo).

              vo-drop-frame-count is a deprecated alias.

              Number  of  video  frames  that were not timed correctly in dis-
              play-sync mode for the sake of keeping A/V sync. This  does  not
              include  external  circumstances,  such as video rendering being
              too slow or the graphics driver somehow  skipping  a  vsync.  It
              does  not include rounding errors either (which can happen espe-
              cially with bad source timestamps). For example, using the  dis-
              play-desync mode should never change this value from 0.

              For  how  many  vsyncs  a frame is displayed on average. This is
              available if display-sync is active only. For 30 FPS video on  a
              60 Hz screen, this will be 2. This is the moving average of what
              actually has been scheduled, so 24 FPS on 60 Hz will  never  re-
              main exactly on 2.5, but jitter depending on the last frame dis-

              Estimated number of frames delayed due to external circumstances
              in  display-sync  mode.  Note  that in general, mpv has to guess
              that this is happening, and the guess can be inaccurate.

       percent-pos (RW)
              Position in current file (0-100). The advantage over using  this
              instead  of  calculating  it  out of other properties is that it
              properly falls back to estimating the playback position from the
              byte position, if the file duration is not known.

       time-pos (RW)
              Position in current file in seconds.

              Deprecated.  Always returns 0. Before mpv 0.14, this used to re-
              turn the start time of the file  (could  affect  e.g.  transport
              streams). See --rebase-start-time option.

              Remaining  length of the file in seconds. Note that the file du-
              ration is not always exactly known, so this is an estimate.

              Current audio playback position in current file in seconds.  Un-
              like  time-pos, this updates more often than once per frame. For
              audio-only files, it is mostly equivalent to time-pos, while for
              video-only files this property is not available.

              time-remaining scaled by the current speed.

       playback-time (RW)
              Position  in  current file in seconds. Unlike time-pos, the time
              is clamped to the range of the file. (Inaccurate file  durations
              etc.  could  make it go out of range. Useful on attempts to seek
              outside of the file, as the seek target time is  considered  the
              current position during seeking.)

       chapter (RW)
              Current chapter number. The number of the first chapter is 0.

       edition (RW)
              Current MKV edition number. Setting this property to a different
              value will restart playback. The number of the first edition  is

              Before  mpv  0.31.0,  this showed the actual edition selected at
              runtime, if you didn't set the option or property manually. With
              mpv  0.31.0 and later, this strictly returns the user-set option
              or property value, and the current-edition property was added to
              return  the  runtime  selected edition (this matters with --edi-
              tion=auto, the default).

              Currently selected edition. This property is unavailable  if  no
              file  is  loaded,  or  the file has no editions. (Matroska files
              make a difference between having no editions and a  single  edi-
              tion, which will be reflected by the property, although in prac-
              tice it does not matter.)

              Number of chapters.

              Number of MKV editions.

              List of editions, current entry marked. Currently, the raw prop-
              erty value is useless.

              This  has a number of sub-properties. Replace N with the 0-based
              edition index.

                     Number of editions. If there are no editions, this can be
                     0 or 1 (1 if there's a useless dummy edition).

              edition-list/N/id (RW)
                     Edition  ID as integer. Use this to set the edition prop-
                     erty.  Currently, this is the same as the edition index.

                     Whether this is the default edition.

                     Edition title as stored in the file.  Not  always  avail-

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each edition)
                         "id"                MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "title"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "default"           MPV_FORMAT_FLAG

              Metadata key/value pairs.

              If  the  property is accessed with Lua's mp.get_property_native,
              this returns a table with metadata keys mapping to metadata val-
              ues.  If  it  is  accessed  with  the client API, this returns a
              MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP, with tag keys mapping to tag values.

              For OSD, it returns a formatted list. Trying  to  retrieve  this
              property as a raw string doesn't work.

              This has a number of sub-properties:

                     Value of metadata entry <key>.

                     Number of metadata entries.

                     Key  name  of the Nth metadata entry. (The first entry is

                     Value of the Nth metadata entry.

                     Old version of metadata/by-key/<key>. Use is discouraged,
                     because the metadata key string could conflict with other

              The layout of this property might be subject to change.  Sugges-
              tions are welcome how exactly this property should work.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     (key and string value for each metadata entry)

              Like  metadata,  but  includes  only fields listed in the --dis-
              play-tags option. This is the same set of tags that  is  printed
              to the terminal.

              Metadata of current chapter. Works similar to metadata property.
              It also allows the same access methods (using sub-properties).

              Per-chapter metadata is very rare.  Usually,  only  the  chapter
              name (title) is set.

              For  accessing  other  information,  like chapter start, see the
              chapter-list property.

              Metadata added by video filters. Accessed by the  filter  label,
              which, if not explicitly specified using the @filter-label: syn-
              tax, will be <filter-name>NN.

              Works similar to metadata property. It allows  the  same  access
              methods (using sub-properties).

              An  example of this kind of metadata are the cropping parameters
              added by --vf=lavfi=cropdetect.

              Equivalent to vf-metadata/<filter-label>, but for audio filters.

              Returns yes/true if no file is loaded, but the player is staying
              around because of the --idle option.

              (Renamed from idle.)

              Whether  the playback core is paused. This can differ from pause
              in special situations, such as when the player pauses itself due
              to low network cache.

              This also returns yes/true if playback is restarting or if noth-
              ing is playing at all. In other words,  it's  only  no/false  if
              there's actually video playing. (Behavior since mpv 0.7.0.)

              Current  I/O  read  speed  between the cache and the lower layer
              (like network).  This gives the number bytes per seconds over  a
              1  second window (using the type MPV_FORMAT_INT64 for the client

              This is the same as demuxer-cache-state/raw-input-rate.

              Approximate duration of video buffered in the demuxer,  in  sec-
              onds.  The guess is very unreliable, and often the property will
              not be available at all, even if data is buffered.

              Approximate time of video buffered in the demuxer,  in  seconds.
              Same as demuxer-cache-duration but returns the last timestamp of
              buffered data in demuxer.

              Whether the demuxer is idle, which means that the demuxer  cache
              is  filled to the requested amount, and is currently not reading
              more data.

              Each entry in seekable-ranges represents a region in the demuxer
              cache  that  can  be seeked to, with a start and end fields con-
              taining the respective timestamps. If there are multiple  demux-
              ers  active,  this only returns information about the "main" de-
              muxer, but might be changed in future to return unified informa-
              tion  about all demuxers. The ranges are in arbitrary order. Of-
              ten, ranges will overlap for a bit,  before  being  joined.   In
              broken corner cases, ranges may overlap all over the place.

              The  end  of  a seek range is usually smaller than the value re-
              turned by the demuxer-cache-time property, because that property
              returns the guessed buffering amount, while the seek ranges rep-
              resent the buffered data that can actually be  used  for  cached

              bof-cached  indicates  whether  the  seek  range with the lowest
              timestamp points to the beginning of the stream (BOF). This  im-
              plies  you  cannot  seek before this position at all. eof-cached
              indicates whether the seek  range  with  the  highest  timestamp
              points  to  the  end of the stream (EOF). If both bof-cached and
              eof-cached are true, and there's only 1 cache range, the  entire
              stream is cached.

              fw-bytes is the number of bytes of packets buffered in the range
              starting from the current decoding position. This is a rough es-
              timate  (may  not  account  correctly for various overhead), and
              stops at the demuxer position (it ignores seek ranges after it).

              file-cache-bytes is the number  of  bytes  stored  in  the  file
              cache.  This  includes  all  overhead,  and possibly unused data
              (like pruned data). This member is missing  if  the  file  cache
              wasn't enabled with --cache-on-disk=yes.

              cache-end is demuxer-cache-time. Missing if unavailable.

              reader-pts  is  the  approximate  timestamp  of the start of the
              buffered range. Missing if unavailable.

              cache-duration is demuxer-cache-duration.  Missing  if  unavail-

              raw-input-rate  is the estimated input rate of the network layer
              (or any other byte-oriented input layer) in  bytes  per  second.
              May be inaccurate or missing.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     "seekable-ranges"   MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY
                             "start"             MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                             "end"               MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "bof-cached"        MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                     "eof-cached"        MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                     "fw-bytes"          MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "file-cache-bytes"  MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "cache-end"         MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "reader-pts"        MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "cache-duration"    MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "raw-input-rate"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64

              Other fields (might be changed or removed in the future):

              eof    Whether the reader thread has hit the end of the file.

                     Whether  the  reader thread could not satisfy a decoder's
                     request for a new packet.

              idle   Whether the thread is currently not reading.

                     Sum of packet bytes (plus some  overhead  estimation)  of
                     the   entire  packet  queue,  including  cached  seekable

              Whether the stream demuxed via the main demuxer is  most  likely
              played  via  network.  What  constitutes "network" is not always
              clear, might be used for other types of untrusted streams, could
              be wrong in certain cases, and its definition might be changing.
              Also, external files (like separate audio files or  streams)  do
              not influence the value of this property (currently).

              The start time reported by the demuxer in fractional seconds.

              Whether playback is paused because of waiting for the cache.

              The percentage (0-100) of the cache fill status until the player
              will unpause (related to paused-for-cache).

              Whether the end of playback was reached. Note that this is  usu-
              ally interesting only if --keep-open is enabled, since otherwise
              the player will immediately play the next file (or exit or enter
              idle  mode),  and  in  these cases the eof-reached property will
              logically be cleared immediately after it's set.

              Whether the player is currently seeking, or otherwise trying  to
              restart  playback. (It's possible that it returns yes/true while
              a file is loaded. This is because the same  underlying  code  is
              used for seeking and resyncing.)

              Whether the audio mixer is active.

              This  option  is relatively useless. Before mpv 0.18.1, it could
              be used to infer behavior of the volume property.

       ao-volume (RW)
              System volume. This property is available only if mpv audio out-
              put  is currently active, and only if the underlying implementa-
              tion supports volume control. What this option does  depends  on
              the  API.  For example, on ALSA this usually changes system-wide
              audio, while with PulseAudio this controls per-application  vol-

       ao-mute (RW)
              Similar  to ao-volume, but controls the mute state. May be unim-
              plemented even if ao-volume works.

              Audio codec selected for decoding.

              Audio codec.

              Audio format as output by the audio decoder.  This has a  number
              of sub-properties:

                     The  sample format as string. This uses the same names as
                     used in other places of mpv.


                     The channel layout as a string. This is similar  to  what
                     the --audio-channels accepts.

                     As  channels,  but instead of the possibly cryptic actual
                     layout sent to the audio device, return a hopefully  more
                     human     readable     form.      (Usually    only    au-
                     dio-out-params/hr-channels makes sense.)

                     Number of audio channels. This is redundant to the  chan-
                     nels field described above.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     "format"            MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "samplerate"        MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "channels"          MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "channel-count"     MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "hr-channels"       MPV_FORMAT_STRING

              Same  as audio-params, but the format of the data written to the
              audio API.

              Redirects to video-params/colormatrix. This parameter  (as  well
              as similar ones) can be overridden with the format video filter.

              See colormatrix.

              See colormatrix.

       hwdec (RW)
              Reflects the --hwdec option.

              Writing to it may change the currently used hardware decoder, if
              possible.  (Internally, the player may reinitialize the decoder,
              and  will perform a seek to refresh the video properly.) You can
              watch the other hwdec properties to see whether  this  was  suc-

              Unlike  in  mpv  0.9.x and before, this does not return the cur-
              rently active hardware decoder. Since mpv 0.18.0,  hwdec-current
              is available for this purpose.

              The current hardware decoding in use. If decoding is active, re-
              turn one of  the  values  used  by  the  hwdec  option/property.
              no/false  indicates  software decoding. If no decoder is loaded,
              the property is unavailable.

              This returns the currently loaded hardware  decoding/output  in-
              terop  driver.   This  is known only once the VO has opened (and
              possibly later). With some VOs (like gpu), this might  be  never
              known  in advance, but only when the decoder attempted to create
              the hw decoder successfully. (Using --gpu-hwdec-interop can load
              it  eagerly.) If there are multiple drivers loaded, they will be
              separated by ,.

              If no VO is active or no interop driver is known, this  property
              is unavailable.

              This  does  not  necessarily use the same values as hwdec. There
              can be multiple interop drivers for the same  hardware  decoder,
              depending on platform and VO.

              Video format as string.

              Video codec selected for decoding.

       width, height
              Video size. This uses the size of the video as decoded, or if no
              video frame has been decoded yet, the (possibly incorrect)  con-
              tainer indicated size.

              Video  parameters, as output by the decoder (with overrides like
              aspect etc. applied). This has a number of sub-properties:

                     The pixel format as string. This uses the same  names  as
                     used in other places of mpv.

                     The  underlying  pixel format as string. This is relevant
                     for some cases of hardware decoding and unavailable  oth-

                     Average bits-per-pixel as integer. Subsampled planar for-
                     mats use a different resolution, which is the reason this
                     value  can sometimes be odd or confusing. Can be unavail-
                     able with some formats.

              video-params/w, video-params/h
                     Video size as integers, with  no  aspect  correction  ap-

              video-params/dw, video-params/dh
                     Video size as integers, scaled for correct aspect ratio.

                     Display aspect ratio as float.

                     Pixel aspect ratio.

                     The  colormatrix  in use as string. (Exact values subject
                     to change.)

                     The colorlevels  as  string.  (Exact  values  subject  to

                     The  primaries in use as string. (Exact values subject to

                     The gamma function in use as string. (Exact  values  sub-
                     ject to change.)

                     The video file's tagged signal peak as float.

                     The  light type in use as a string. (Exact values subject
                     to change.)

                     Chroma location  as  string.  (Exact  values  subject  to

                     Intended display rotation in degrees (clockwise).

                     Source  file  stereo  3D mode. (See the format video fil-
                     ter's stereo-in option.)

                     Alpha type. If the format has no alpha channel, this will
                     be  unavailable  (but in future releases, it could change
                     to no). If alpha is present, this is set to  straight  or

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     "pixelformat"       MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "hw-pixelformat"    MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "w"                 MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "h"                 MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "dw"                MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "dh"                MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "aspect"            MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "par"               MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "colormatrix"       MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "colorlevels"       MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "primaries"         MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "gamma"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "sig-peak"          MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                     "light"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "chroma-location"   MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "rotate"            MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "stereo-in"         MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                     "average-bpp"       MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                     "alpha"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING

       dwidth, dheight
              Video display size. This is the video size after filters and as-
              pect scaling have been applied. The actual video window size can
              still be different from this, e.g. if the user resized the video
              window manually.

              These  have  the  same   values   as   video-out-params/dw   and

              Exactly like video-params, but no overrides applied.

              Same as video-params, but after video filters have been applied.
              If there are no video filters in use, this will contain the same
              values  as video-params. Note that this is still not necessarily
              what the video window uses, since the user can change the window
              size,  and  all real VOs do their own scaling independently from
              the filter chain.

              Has the same sub-properties as video-params.

              Approximate information of the current frame. Note that  if  any
              of  these are used on OSD, the information might be off by a few
              frames due to OSD redrawing and  frame  display  being  somewhat
              disconnected, and you might have to pause and force a redraw.

              This has a number of sub-properties:

                     The type of the picture. It can be "I" (intra), "P" (pre-
                     dicted), "B" (bi-dir predicted) or unavailable.

                     Whether the content of the frame is interlaced.

                     If the content is interlaced, whether the  top  field  is
                     displayed first.

                     Whether the frame must be delayed when decoding.

              Container  FPS. This can easily contain bogus values. For videos
              that use modern container formats or video codecs, this will of-
              ten be incorrect.

              (Renamed from fps.)

              Estimated/measured  FPS of the video filter chain output. (If no
              filters are used, this corresponds to decoder output.) This uses
              the average of the 10 past frame durations to calculate the FPS.
              It will be inaccurate if frame-dropping  is  involved  (such  as
              when framedrop is explicitly enabled, or after precise seeking).
              Files with imprecise timestamps (such as Matroska) might lead to
              unstable results.

       window-scale (RW)
              Window  size multiplier. Setting this will resize the video win-
              dow to the values contained in  dwidth  and  dheight  multiplied
              with  the value set with this property. Setting 1 will resize to
              original video size (or to be exact, the size the video  filters
              output). 2 will set the double size, 0.5 halves the size.

              Note  that  setting a value identical to its previous value will
              not resize the window. That's because this property mirrors  the
              window-scale option, and setting an option to its previous value
              is ignored. If this value is  set  while  the  window  is  in  a
              fullscreen,  the  multiplier  is not applied until the window is
              taken out of that state. Writing this property  to  a  maximized
              window  can unmaximize the window depending on the OS and window
              manager. If the window does not unmaximize, the multiplier  will
              be applied if the user unmaximizes the window later.

              See  current-window-scale  for the value derived from the actual
              window size.

              Since mpv 0.31.0, this always returns the previously  set  value
              (or  the default value), instead of the value implied by the ac-
              tual window size.  Before mpv 0.31.0, this  returned  what  cur-
              rent-window-scale returns now, after the window was created.

       current-window-scale (RW)
              The  window-scale value calculated from the current window size.
              This has the same value as window-scale if the window  size  was
              not  changed  since  setting the option, and the window size was
              not restricted in other ways. If  the  window  is  fullscreened,
              this  will  return  the  scale  value  calculated  from the last
              non-fullscreen size of the window. The property  is  unavailable
              if no video is active.

              When setting this property in the fullscreen or maximized state,
              the behavior is the same as window-scale.  In  all  ther  cases,
              setting  the  value of this property will always resize the win-
              dow. This does not affect the value of window-scale.

              Whether the window has focus. Might not be supported by all VOs.

              Names of the displays that the mpv window covers. On X11,  these
              are  the  xrandr  names (LVDS1, HDMI1, DP1, VGA1, etc.). On Win-
              dows, these are the GDI names (\.DISPLAY1, \.DISPLAY2, etc.) and
              the  first display in the list will be the one that Windows con-
              siders associated with the window (as determined by the Monitor-
              FromWindow API.) On macOS these are the Display Product Names as
              used in the System Information and only one display name is  re-
              turned since a window can only be on one screen.

              The  refresh rate of the current display. Currently, this is the
              lowest FPS of any display covered by the video, as retrieved  by
              the  underlying  system APIs (e.g. xrandr on X11). It is not the
              measured FPS. It's not necessarily available on  all  platforms.
              Note  that any of the listed facts may change any time without a

              Writing to this property is deprecated. It has the  same  effect
              as writing to override-display-fps. Since mpv 0.31.0, this prop-
              erty is unavailable if no display FPS was reported (e.g.  if  no
              video  is  active),  while  in  older  versions, it returned the
              --display-fps option value.

              The actual rate at which display refreshes seem to  occur,  mea-
              sured  by  system  time. Only available if display-sync mode (as
              selected by --video-sync) is active.

              Estimated deviation factor of the vsync duration.

       display-width, display-height
              The current display's horizontal and vertical resolution in pix-
              els.  Whether  or  not  these  values  update  as the mpv window
              changes displays depends on the windowing backend. It may not be
              available on all platforms.

              The  HiDPI scale factor as reported by the windowing backend. If
              no VO is active, or if the VO does  not  report  a  value,  this
              property  is unavailable.  It may be saner to report an absolute
              DPI, however, this is the way HiDPI support  is  implemented  on
              most OS APIs. See also --hidpi-window-scale.

       video-aspect (RW)
              Deprecated.  This is tied to --video-aspect-override, but always
              reports the current video aspect if video is active.

              The read and write components of this option  can  be  split  up
              into video-params/aspect and video-aspect-override respectively.

       osd-width, osd-height
              Last  known  OSD width (can be 0). This is needed if you want to
              use the overlay-add command. It gives you the actual  OSD/window
              size (not including decorations drawn by the OS window manager).

              Alias to osd-dimensions/w and osd-dimensions/h.

              Last known OSD display pixel aspect (can be 0).

              Alias to osd-dimensions/osd-par.

              Last known OSD dimensions.

              Has  the following sub-properties (which can be read as MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE or Lua table with mp.get_property_native):

                     Size of the VO window in OSD render units  (usually  pix-
                     els, but may be scaled pixels with VOs like xv).

                     Size of the VO window in OSD render units,

                     Pixel aspect ratio of the OSD (usually 1).

                     Display  aspect  ratio  of the VO window. (Computing from
                     the properties above.)

              osd-dimensions/mt, osd-dimensions/mb, osd-dimensions/ml, osd-di-
                     OSD to video margins (top, bottom, left, right). This de-
                     scribes the area into which the video is rendered.

              Any of these properties may be unavailable or set to dummy  val-
              ues if the VO window is not created or visible.

              Read-only  -  last known mouse position, normalizd to OSD dimen-

              Has the following sub-properties (which can be read as  MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE or Lua table with mp.get_property_native):

              mouse-pos/x, mouse-pos/y
                     Last known coordinates of the mouse pointer.

                     Boolean - whether the mouse pointer hovers the video win-
                     dow. The coordinates should be ignored when this value is
                     false,  because  the video backends update them only when
                     the pointer hovers the window.

              The current subtitle text regardless of sub visibility.  Format-
              ting is stripped. If the subtitle is not text-based (i.e. DVD/BD
              subtitles), an empty string is returned.

              This property is experimental and might be removed  in  the  fu-

              Like sub-text, but return the text in ASS format. Text subtitles
              in other formats are converted. For native ASS subtitles, events
              that  do not contain any text (but vector drawings etc.) are not
              filtered out. If multiple events match with the current playback
              time,  they are concatenated with line breaks. Contains only the
              "Text" part of the events.

              This property is not enough to render ASS  subtitles  correctly,
              because  ASS header and per-event metadata are not returned. You
              likely need to do further filtering on the  returned  string  to
              make it useful.

              This  property  is  experimental and might be removed in the fu-

              Same as sub-text, but for the secondary subtitles.

              The current subtitle start time (in seconds). If there's  multi-
              ple  current subtitles, returns the first start time. If no cur-
              rent subtitle is present null is returned instead.

              Same as sub-start, but for the secondary subtitles.

              The current subtitle end time (in seconds). If there's  multiple
              current  subtitles, return the last end time. If no current sub-
              title is present, or if it's present but has unknown  or  incor-
              rect duration, null is returned instead.

              Same as sub-end, but for the secondary subtitles.

       playlist-pos (RW)
              Current  position on playlist. The first entry is on position 0.
              Writing to this property may start playback at the new position.

              In some cases, this is not  necessarily  the  currently  playing
              file. See explanation of current and playing flags in playlist.

              If there the playlist is empty, or if it's non-empty, but no en-
              try is "current", this property returns -1. Likewise, writing -1
              will  put  the  player  into idle mode (or exit playback if idle
              mode is not enabled). If an out of range index is written to the
              property,  this  behaves  as if writing -1.  (Before mpv 0.33.0,
              instead of returning -1, this property  was  unavailable  if  no
              playlist entry was current.)

              Writing  the  current  value  back to the property is subject to
              change.  Currently, it will restart playback of the playlist en-
              try.  But  in  the future, writing the current value will be ig-
              nored. Use the playlist-play-index command to get guaranteed be-

       playlist-pos-1 (RW)
              Same as playlist-pos, but 1-based.

       playlist-current-pos (RW)
              Index  of  the "current" item on playlist. This usually, but not
              necessarily, the  currently  playing  item  (see  playlist-play-
              ing-pos).  Depending  on the exact internal state of the player,
              it may refer to the playlist item to play next, or the  playlist
              item used to determine what to play next.

              For reading, this is exactly the same as playlist-pos.

              For  writing, this only sets the position of the "current" item,
              without stopping playback of the current file (or starting play-
              back,  if  this is done in idle mode). Use -1 to remove the cur-
              rent flag.

              This property is only vaguely useful. If set during playback, it
              will  typically  cause  the playlist entry after it to be played
              next.  Another  possibly  odd  observable  state  is   that   if
              playlist-next  is  run  during playback, this property is set to
              the playlist entry to play  next  (unlike  the  previous  case).
              There  is  an  internal  flag  that  decides whether the current
              playlist entry or the next one should be played, and  this  flag
              is  currently inaccessible for API users. (Whether this behavior
              will kept is possibly subject to change.)

              Index of the "playing" item on  playlist.  A  playlist  item  is
              "playing"  if  it's being loaded, actually playing, or being un-
              loaded. This property is  set  during  the  MPV_EVENT_START_FILE
              (start-file) and the MPV_EVENT_START_END (end-file) events. Out-
              side of that, it returns -1. If the playlist entry  was  somehow
              removed  during playback, but playback hasn't stopped yet, or is
              in progress of being stopped, it also  returns  -1.   (This  can
              happen at least during state transitions.)

              In   the   "playing"   state,   this  is  usually  the  same  as
              playlist-pos, except during state changes, or  if  playlist-cur-
              rent-pos was written explicitly.

              Number of total playlist entries.

              Playlist,  current  entry  marked.  Currently,  the raw property
              value is useless.

              This has a number of sub-properties. Replace N with the  0-based
              playlist entry index.

                     Number of playlist entries (same as playlist-count).

                     Filename of the Nth entry.

                     yes/true  if  the playlist-playing-pos property points to
                     this entry, no/false or unavailable otherwise.

                     yes/true if the playlist-current-pos property  points  to
                     this entry, no/false or unavailable otherwise.

                     Name  of  the  Nth  entry. Only available if the playlist
                     file contains such fields, and only if mpv's parser  sup-
                     ports it for the given playlist format.

                     Unique  ID  for  this entry. This is an automatically as-
                     signed integer ID that is unique for the entire life time
                     of the current mpv core instance. Other commands, events,
                     etc. use this as playlist_entry_id fields.

              When querying the property with the client  API  using  MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each playlist entry)
                         "filename"  MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "current"   MPV_FORMAT_FLAG (might be missing; since mpv 0.7.0)
                         "playing"   MPV_FORMAT_FLAG (same)
                         "title"     MPV_FORMAT_STRING (optional)
                         "id"        MPV_FORMAT_INT64

              List of audio/video/sub tracks, current entry marked. Currently,
              the raw property value is useless.

              This  has a number of sub-properties. Replace N with the 0-based
              track index.

                     Total number of tracks.

                     The ID as it's used for -sid/--aid/--vid. This is  unique
                     within  tracks  of  the  same type (sub/audio/video), but
                     otherwise not.

                     String describing the media type. One  of  audio,  video,

                     Track  ID  as  used in the source file. Not always avail-
                     able. (It is missing if the format has no native  ID,  if
                     the  track  is a pseudo-track that does not exist in this
                     way in the actual file, or if the format  is  handled  by
                     libavformat, and the format was not whitelisted as having
                     track IDs.)

                     Track title as it is  stored  in  the  file.  Not  always

                     Track  language  as  identified  by  the file. Not always

                     yes/true if this is a video track that consists of a sin-
                     gle  picture,  no/false  or  unavailable  otherwise.  The
                     heuristic used to determine  if  a  stream  is  an  image
                     doesn't  attempt to detect images in codecs normally used
                     for videos. Otherwise, it is reliable.

                     yes/true if this is an image embedded in an audio file or
                     external cover art, no/false or unavailable otherwise.

                     yes/true  if  the  track  has the default flag set in the
                     file, no/false or unavailable otherwise.

                     yes/true if the track has the  forced  flag  set  in  the
                     file, no/false or unavailable otherwise.

                     The  codec name used by this track, for example h264. Un-
                     available in some rare cases.

                     yes/true if the track is an external  file,  no/false  or
                     unavailable  otherwise. This is set for separate subtitle

                     The filename if the track is from an external  file,  un-
                     available otherwise.

                     yes/true  if  the track is currently decoded, no/false or
                     unavailable otherwise.

                     It indicates the selection order of tracks for  the  same
                     type.   If a track is not selected, or is selected by the
                     --lavfi-complex,  it  is  not  available.  For   subtitle
                     tracks,  0  represents the sid, and 1 represents the sec-

                     The stream index as usually used by the FFmpeg utilities.
                     Note  that  this  can  be  potentially wrong if a demuxer
                     other than libavformat (--demuxer=lavf) is used. For  mkv
                     files,  the  index will usually match even if the default
                     (builtin) demuxer is used, but there is no  hard  guaran-

                     If  this  track  is being decoded, the human-readable de-
                     coder name,

              track-list/N/demux-w, track-list/N/demux-h
                     Video size hint as indicated by the container.  (Not  al-
                     ways accurate.)

                     Number  of  audio channels as indicated by the container.
                     (Not always accurate - in particular, the track could  be
                     decoded as a different number of channels.)

                     Channel layout as indicated by the container. (Not always

                     Audio sample rate as indicated by the container. (Not al-
                     ways accurate.)

                     Video  FPS as indicated by the container. (Not always ac-

                     Audio average bitrate, in bits per  second.  (Not  always

                     Video clockwise rotation metadata, in degrees.

                     Pixel aspect ratio.

              track-list/N/audio-channels (deprecated)
                     Deprecated alias for track-list/N/demux-channel-count.

              track-list/N/replaygain-track-peak,         track-list/N/replay-
                     Per-track replaygain values.  Only  available  for  audio
                     tracks  with  corresponding  information  stored  in  the
                     source file.

              track-list/N/replaygain-album-peak,  track-list/N/replaygain-al-
                     Per-album  replaygain  values.  If the file has per-track
                     but no per-album information, the per-album  values  will
                     be  copied from the per-track values currently. It's pos-
                     sible that future mpv versions will make these properties
                     unavailable instead in this case.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each track)
                         "id"                MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "type"              MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "src-id"            MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "title"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "lang"              MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "image"             MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "albumart"          MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "default"           MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "forced"            MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "selected"          MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "main-selection"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "external"          MPV_FORMAT_FLAG
                         "external-filename" MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "codec"             MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "ff-index"          MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "decoder-desc"      MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "demux-w"           MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-h"           MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-channel-count" MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-channels"    MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "demux-samplerate"  MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-fps"         MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                         "demux-bitrate"     MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-rotation"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "demux-par"         MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                         "audio-channels"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "replaygain-track-peak" MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                         "replaygain-track-gain" MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                         "replaygain-album-peak" MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE
                         "replaygain-album-gain" MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE

              This  gives access to currently selected tracks. It redirects to
              the correct entry in track-list.

              The following sub-entries are defined: video, audio, sub, sub2

              For example, current-tracks/audio/lang returns the current audio
              track's language field (the same value as track-list/N/lang).

              If  tracks  of  the requested type are selected via --lavfi-com-
              plex, the first one is returned.

       chapter-list (RW)
              List of chapters, current entry marked. Currently, the raw prop-
              erty value is useless.

              This  has a number of sub-properties. Replace N with the 0-based
              chapter index.

                     Number of chapters.

                     Chapter title as stored in the file.  Not  always  avail-

                     Chapter start time in seconds as float.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each chapter)
                         "title" MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "time"  MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE

       af, vf (RW)
              See --vf/--af and the vf/af command.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each filter entry)
                         "name"      MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "label"     MPV_FORMAT_STRING [optional]
                         "enabled"   MPV_FORMAT_FLAG [optional]
                         "params"    MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP [optional]
                             "key"   MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                             "value" MPV_FORMAT_STRING

              It's also possible to write the property using this format.

              Whether it's generally possible to seek in the current file.

              Whether  the  current  file is considered seekable, but only be-
              cause the cache is active. This means small relative  seeks  may
              be  fine,  but larger seeks may fail anyway. Whether a seek will
              succeed or not is generally not known in advance.

              If this property returns yes/true, so will seekable.

              Whether playback is stopped or is to be stopped. (Useful in  ob-
              scure  situations  like during on_load hook processing, when the
              user can stop playback, but the script  has  to  explicitly  end

       cursor-autohide (RW)
              See  --cursor-autohide.  Setting this to a new value will always
              update the cursor, and reset the internal timer.

              Inserts the current OSD symbol as opaque OSD control code  (cc).
              This  makes  sense  only  with  the show-text command or options
              which set OSD messages.  The control code is implementation spe-
              cific and is useless for anything else.

              ${osd-ass-cc/0}  disables escaping ASS sequences of text in OSD,
              ${osd-ass-cc/1} enables it again. By default, ASS sequences  are
              escaped  to  avoid  accidental formatting, and this property can
              disable this behavior. Note that the properties return an opaque
              OSD  control code, which only makes sense for the show-text com-
              mand or options which set OSD messages.


                 • --osd-msg3='This is ${osd-ass-cc/0}{\\b1}bold text'show-text "This is ${osd-ass-cc/0}{\\b1}bold text"

              Any ASS override tags as understood by libass can be used.

              Note that you need to escape the \ character, because the string
              is processed for C escape sequences before passing it to the OSD
              code. See Flat command syntax for details.

              A     list     of     tags     can      be      found      here:

              Whether the VO is configured right now. Usually this corresponds
              to whether the video window is visible.  If  the  --force-window
              option is used, this usually always returns yes/true.

              Contains  introspection  about the VO's active render passes and
              their execution times. Not implemented by all VOs.

              This is further subdivided into two frame types, vo-passes/fresh
              for  fresh  frames (which have to be uploaded, scaled, etc.) and
              vo-passes/redraw for redrawn  frames  (which  only  have  to  be
              re-painted).   The  number  of  passes for any given subtype can
              change from frame to frame, and should not be relied upon.

              Each frame type has a number of further sub-properties.  Replace
              TYPE  with  the frame type, N with the 0-based pass index, and M
              with the 0-based sample index.

                     Number of passes.

                     Human-friendy description of the pass.

                     Last measured execution time, in nanoseconds.

                     Average execution time of this pass, in nanoseconds.  The
                     exact  timeframe  varies,  but  it  should generally be a
                     handful of seconds.

                     The peak execution time (highest value) within this aver-
                     aging range, in nanoseconds.

                     The number of samples for this pass.

                     The  raw  execution  time  of  a specific sample for this
                     pass, in nanoseconds.

              When querying the property with the client  API  using  MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                 "TYPE" MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY
                         "desc"    MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "last"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "avg"     MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "peak"    MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "count"   MPV_FORMAT_INT64
                         "samples" MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY

              Note that directly accessing this structure via subkeys  is  not
              supported,  the  only  access is through aforementioned MPV_FOR-

              Further performance data. Querying this property triggers inter-
              nal  collection of some data, and may slow down the player. Each
              query will reset some internal state. Property change  notifica-
              tion  doesn't and won't work.  All of this may change in the fu-
              ture, so don't use this. The builtin stats script is supposed to
              be  the  only user; since it's bundled and built with the source
              code, it can use knowledge of mpv internal to render the  infor-
              mation properly. See stats script description for some details.

       video-bitrate, audio-bitrate, sub-bitrate
              Bitrate values calculated on the packet level. This works by di-
              viding the bit size of all  packets  between  two  keyframes  by
              their presentation timestamp distance. (This uses the timestamps
              are stored in the file, so e.g. playback speed does  not  influ-
              ence the returned values.) In particular, the video bitrate will
              update only per keyframe, and show the "past" bitrate.  To  make
              the  property  more UI friendly, updates to these properties are
              throttled in a certain way.

              The unit is bits per second. OSD formatting turns  these  values
              in  kilobits  (or  megabits,  if appropriate), which can be pre-
              vented by using the raw property value, e.g.  with  ${=video-bi-

              Note  that  the  accuracy of these properties is influenced by a
              few factors.  If the underlying demuxer rewrites the packets  on
              demuxing  (done  for  some  file  formats), the bitrate might be
              slightly off. If timestamps are bad  or  jittery  (like  in  Ma-
              troska),  even  constant  bitrate streams might show fluctuating

              How exactly these values are calculated might change in the  fu-

              In  earlier  versions of mpv, these properties returned a static
              (but bad) guess using a completely different method.

       packet-video-bitrate, packet-audio-bitrate, packet-sub-bitrate
              Old and deprecated properties for video-bitrate,  audio-bitrate,
              sub-bitrate. They behave exactly the same, but return a value in
              kilobits. Also, they don't have any OSD formatting,  though  the
              same can be achieved with e.g. ${=video-bitrate}.

              These properties shouldn't be used anymore.

              The  list  of  discovered  audio devices. This is mostly for use
              with the client API, and reflects what --audio-device=help  with
              the command line player returns.

              When  querying  the  property with the client API using MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each device entry)
                         "name"          MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "description"   MPV_FORMAT_STRING

              The  name  is  what is to be passed to the --audio-device option
              (and often a rather cryptic audio API-specific  ID),  while  de-
              scription  is  human readable free form text. The description is
              set to the device name (minus mpv-specific <driver>/ prefix)  if
              no  description  is available or the description would have been
              an empty string.

              The special entry with the name set to auto selects the  default
              audio output driver and the default device.

              The property can be watched with the property observation mecha-
              nism in the client API and in Lua scripts. (Technically,  change
              notification is enabled the first time this property is read.)

       audio-device (RW)
              Set the audio device. This directly reads/writes the --audio-de-
              vice option, but on write accesses, the  audio  output  will  be
              scheduled for reloading.

              Writing  this  property while no audio output is active will not
              automatically enable audio. (This is also true in the case  when
              audio  was disabled due to reinitialization failure after a pre-
              vious write access to audio-device.)

              This property also doesn't tell you which audio device is  actu-
              ally in use.

              How these details are handled may change in the future.

              Current video output driver (name as used with --vo).

              Current audio output driver (name as used with --ao).

       shared-script-properties (RW)
              This  is  a  key/value  map  of arbitrary strings shared between
              scripts for general use. The player itself does not use any data
              in  it  (although some builtin scripts may). The property is not
              preserved across player restarts.

              This is very primitive, inefficient, and annoying to use. It's a
              makeshift  solution  which  could go away any time (for example,
              when a better solution becomes available). This is also why this
              property has an annoying name. You should avoid using it, unless
              you absolutely have to.

              Lua      scripting      has      helpers      starting      with
              utils.shared_script_property_.   They  are  undocumented because
              you should not use this property. If you still think  you  must,
              you should use the helpers instead of the property directly.

              You  are  supposed  to use the change-list command to modify the
              contents.  Reading, modifying, and writing the property manually
              could data loss if two scripts update different keys at the same
              time due to lack of synchronization. The Lua helpers  take  care
              of this.

              (There is no way to ensure synchronization if two scripts try to
              update the same key at the same time.)

              The working directory of the mpv process. Can be useful for JSON
              IPC  users,  because  the command line player usually works with
              relative paths.

              List of protocol prefixes potentially recognized by the  player.
              They  are  returned  without trailing :// suffix (which is still
              always required).  In some cases, the protocol will not actually
              be  supported (consider https if ffmpeg is not compiled with TLS

              List of decoders supported. This lists  decoders  which  can  be
              passed to --vd and --ad.

              codec  Canonical codec name, which identifies the format the de-
                     coder can handle.

              driver The name of the decoder itself. Often, this is  the  same
                     as  codec.   Sometimes it can be different. It is used to
                     distinguish multiple decoders for the same codec.

                     Human readable description of the decoder and codec.

              When querying the property with the client  API  using  MPV_FOR-
              MAT_NODE, or with Lua mp.get_property_native, this will return a
              mpv_node with the following contents:

                     MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP (for each decoder entry)
                         "codec"         MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "driver"        MPV_FORMAT_STRING
                         "description"   MPV_FORMAT_STRING

              List of libavcodec encoders. This has the  same  format  as  de-
              coder-list.  The encoder names (driver entries) can be passed to
              --ovc and --oac (without the lavc: prefix required by  --vd  and

              List  of available libavformat demuxers' names. This can be used
              to check for support for a specific format  or  use  with  --de-

              List of Key names, same as output by --input-keylist.

              The  mpv  version/copyright  string. Depending on how the binary
              was built, it might contain either a release version, or just  a
              git hash.

              The  configuration arguments which were passed to the build sys-
              tem (typically the way ./waf configure ... was invoked).

              The contents of the av_version_info() API call. This is a string
              which identifies the build in some way, either through a release
              version number, or a git hash. This applies  to  Libav  as  well
              (the  property  is  still  named the same.) This property is un-
              available if mpv is linked against older FFmpeg and  Libav  ver-

              The  value of ass_library_version(). This is an integer, encoded
              in a somewhat weird form (apparently "hex BCD"), indicating  the
              release version of the libass library linked to mpv.

       options/<name> (RW)
              The  value  of  option  --<name>. Most options can be changed at
              runtime by writing to this property. Note that many options  re-
              quire reloading the file for changes to take effect. If there is
              an equivalent property, prefer setting the property instead.

              There shouldn't be any reason to access  options/<name>  instead
              of  <name>,  except  in  situations in which the properties have
              different behavior or conflicting semantics.

       file-local-options/<name> (RW)
              Similar to options/<name>, but when setting  an  option  through
              this  property,  the  option  is reset to its old value once the
              current file has stopped playing.  Trying  to  write  an  option
              while  no file is playing (or is being loaded) results in an er-

              (Note that if an option is marked as file-local,  even  options/
              will  access  the  local value, and the old value, which will be
              restored on end of playback, cannot be read or written until end
              of playback.)

              Additional per-option information.

              This  has  a  number  of sub-properties. Replace <name> with the
              name of a top-level option. No guarantee of stability  is  given
              to  any  of  these sub-properties - they may change radically in
              the feature.

                     The name of the option.

                     The name of the option type, like String or Integer.  For
                     many complex types, this isn't very accurate.

                     Whether  the  option  was  set from the mpv command line.
                     What this is set to if the option is e.g. changed at run-
                     time  is  left  undefined (meaning it could change in the

                     Whether the option was set per-file.  This  is  the  case
                     with automatically loaded profiles, file-dir configs, and
                     other cases. It means the option value will  be  restored
                     to the value before playback start when playback ends.

                     The default value of the option. May not always be avail-

              option-info/<name>/min, option-info/<name>/max
                     Integer minimum and maximum values allowed  for  the  op-
                     tion.  Only available if the options are numeric, and the
                     minimum/maximum has been set internally. It's also possi-
                     ble that only one of these is set.

                     If  the  option is a choice option, the possible choices.
                     Choices that are integers may  or  may  not  be  included
                     (they  can  be implied by min and max). Note that options
                     which behave like choice  options,  but  are  not  actual
                     choice  options internally, may not have this info avail-

              The list of top-level properties.

              The list of profiles and their contents. This is  highly  imple-
              mentation-specific,  and  may change any time. Currently, it re-
              turns an array of options for each profile. Each  option  has  a
              name  and  a  value,  with  the  value  currently always being a
              string. Note that the options array is not a map, as order  mat-
              ters  and duplicate entries are possible. Recursive profiles are
              not expanded, and show up as special profile options.

              The profile-restore field is currently missing if it  holds  the
              default  value (either because it was not set, or set explicitly
              to default), but in the future it might hold the value default.

              The list of input commands. This returns an array of maps, where
              each  map node represents a command. This map currently only has
              a single entry: name for the name of the command. (This property
              is  supposed to be a replacement for --input-cmdlist. The option
              dumps some more information, but it's a valid feature request to
              extend this property if needed.)

              The list of current input key bindings. This returns an array of
              maps, where each map node represents  a  binding  for  a  single
              key/command. This map has the following entries:

              key    The  key  name.  This is normalized and may look slightly
                     different from how it was specified in the  source  (e.g.
                     in input.conf).

              cmd    The  command  mapped  to the key. (Currently, this is ex-
                     actly the same string as specified in the  source,  other
                     than  stripping  whitespace  and  comments. It's possible
                     that it will be normalized in the future.)

                     If set to true, any existing  and  active  user  bindings
                     will take priority.

              owner  If this entry exists, the name of the script (or similar)
                     which added this binding.

                     Name of the section this binding is part of.  This  is  a
                     rarely  used  mechanism.  This  entry  may  be removed or
                     change meaning in the future.

                     A number. Bindings with a higher value are preferred over
                     bindings  with  a  lower value. If the value is negative,
                     this binding is inactive and will not be triggered by in-
                     put.  Note  that  mpv does not use this value internally,
                     and matching of bindings may work slightly differently in
                     some  cases.  In  addition, this value is dynamic and can
                     change around at runtime.

                     If available, the comment following the  command  on  the
                     same line. (For example, the input.conf entry f cycle bla
                     # toggle bla would result in  an  entry  with  comment  =
                     "toggle bla", cmd = "cycle bla".)

              This  property is read-only, and change notification is not sup-
              ported.  Currently, there is no mechanism to change key bindings
              at  runtime,  other  than  scripts  adding or removing their own

   Inconsistencies between options and properties
       You can access (almost) all options as  properties,  though  there  are
       some caveats with some properties (due to historical reasons):

       vid, aid, sid
              While  playback  is  active,  these  return  the actually active
              tracks. For example, if you set aid=5, and the currently  played
              file  contains  no  audio track with ID 5, the aid property will
              return no.

              Before mpv 0.31.0, you could  set  existing  tracks  at  runtime

              This  inconsistent behavior is deprecated. Post-deprecation, the
              reported value and the option value are cleanly separated (over-
              ride-display-fps for the option value).

       vf, af If  you set the properties during playback, and the filter chain
              fails to reinitialize, the option will be set, but  the  runtime
              filter  chain does not change. On the other hand, the next video
              to be played will fail, because the initial filter chain  cannot
              be created.

              This  behavior changed in mpv 0.31.0. Before this, the new value
              was rejected iff a video (for vf) or an audio (for af) track was
              active. If playback was not active, the behavior was the same as
              the current one.

              The property is  read-only  and  returns  the  current  internal
              playlist. The option is for loading playlist during command line
              parsing. For client API uses, you should use the  loadlist  com-
              mand instead.

       profile, include
              These are write-only, and will perform actions as they are writ-
              ten to, exactly as if they were used on the mpv CLI commandline.
              Their  only  use  is  when using libmpv before mpv_initialize(),
              which in turn is probably only useful in encoding  mode.  Normal
              libmpv users should use other mechanisms, such as the apply-pro-
              file command, and the mpv_load_config_file API  function.  Avoid
              these properties.

   Property Expansion
       All string arguments to input commands as well as certain options (like
       --term-playing-msg) are subject to property expansion. Note that  prop-
       erty  expansion  does  not work in places where e.g. numeric parameters
       are expected.  (For example, the add command does not do  property  ex-
       pansion. The set command is an exception and not a general rule.)

          Example for input.conf

          i show-text "Filename: ${filename}"
                 shows  the  filename  of the current file when pressing the i

       Whether property expansion is enabled by default depends on  which  API
       is  used  (see  Flat  command  syntax, Commands specified as arrays and
       Named arguments), but it can always be enabled with the  expand-proper-
       ties prefix or disabled with the raw prefix, as described in Input Com-
       mand Prefixes.

       The following expansions are supported:

              Expands to the value of the property  NAME.  If  retrieving  the
              property  fails, expand to an error string. (Use ${NAME:} with a
              trailing : to expand to an empty string instead.)   If  NAME  is
              prefixed  with  =,  expand to the raw value of the property (see
              section below).

              Expands to the value of the property NAME, or STR if  the  prop-
              erty cannot be retrieved. STR is expanded recursively.

              Expands to STR (recursively) if the property NAME is available.

              Expands  to STR (recursively) if the property NAME cannot be re-

              Expands to STR (recursively) if the property NAME expands  to  a
              string  equal  to  VALUE. You can prefix NAME with = in order to
              compare the raw value of a property (see section below). If  the
              property  is unavailable, or other errors happen when retrieving
              it, the value is never considered equal.  Note that VALUE  can't
              contain any of the characters : or }.  Also, it is possible that
              escaping with " or % might be added in the  future,  should  the
              need arise.

              Same  as with the ? variant, but STR is expanded if the value is
              not equal. (Using the same semantics as with ?.)

       $$     Expands to $.

       $}     Expands to }. (To produce this character inside recursive expan-

       $>     Disable  property  expansion  and  special handling of $ for the
              rest of the string.

       In places where property expansion is allowed, C-style escapes are  of-
       ten accepted as well. Example:

          • \n becomes a newline character

          • \\ expands to \

   Raw and Formatted Properties
       Normally,  properties are formatted as human-readable text, meant to be
       displayed on OSD or on the terminal. It is possible to retrieve an  un-
       formatted  (raw)  value  from  a property by prefixing its name with =.
       These raw values can be parsed by other programs and  follow  the  same
       conventions as the options associated with the properties.


          • ${time-pos}  expands  to  00:14:23  (if playback position is at 14
            minutes 23 seconds)

          • ${=time-pos} expands to 863.4 (same time, plus 400 milliseconds  -
            milliseconds are normally not shown in the formatted case)

       Sometimes,  the  difference in amount of information carried by raw and
       formatted property values can be rather big. In some cases, raw  values
       have   more  information,  like  higher  precision  than  seconds  with
       time-pos. Sometimes it is the other way around, e.g.  aid  shows  track
       title  and language in the formatted case, but only the track number if
       it is raw.

       The On Screen Controller (short: OSC) is a minimal GUI integrated  with
       mpv to offer basic mouse-controllability. It is intended to make inter-
       action easier for new users and to enable precise and direct seeking.

       The OSC is enabled by default if mpv was compiled with Lua support.  It
       can be disabled entirely using the --osc=no option.

   Using the OSC
       By default, the OSC will show up whenever the mouse is moved inside the
       player window and will hide if the mouse is not moved outside  the  OSC
       for 0.5 seconds or if the mouse leaves the window.

   The Interface
          | pl prev | pl next  |  title                                   |    cache |
          | play | skip | skip | time    |  seekbar  | time | audio | sub | vol | fs |
          |      | back | frwd | elapsed |           | left |       |     |     |    |

       pl prev

                        │left-click    │ play   previous   file  in │
                        │              │ playlist                   │
                        │right-click   │ show playlist              │
                        │shift+L-click │ show playlist              │

       pl next

                        │left-click    │ play next file in playlist │
                        │right-click   │ show playlist              │
                        │shift+L-click │ show playlist              │

              Displays current media-title, filename, custom title, or target chapter
              name while hovering the seekbar.

                         │left-click  │ show playlist position and │
                         │            │ length and full title      │
                         │right-click │ show filename              │

              Shows current cache fill status


                              │left-click │ toggle play/pause │

       skip back

                        │left-click    │ go to beginning of chapter │
                        │              │ / previous chapter         │
                        │right-click   │ show chapters              │
                        │shift+L-click │ show chapters              │

       skip frwd

                            │left-click    │ go to next chapter │
                            │right-click   │ show chapters      │
                            │shift+L-click │ show chapters      │

       time elapsed
              Shows current playback position timestamp

                         │left-click │ toggle  displaying   time- │
                         │           │ codes with milliseconds    │

              Indicates current playback position and position of chapters

                              │left-click │ seek to position │

       time left
              Shows remaining playback time timestamp

                         │left-click │ toggle  between  total and │
                         │           │ remaining time             │

       audio and sub
              Displays selected track and amount of available tracks

                        │left-click    │ cycle   audio/sub   tracks │
                        │              │ forward                    │
                        │right-click   │ cycle   audio/sub   tracks │
                        │              │ backwards                  │
                        │shift+L-click │ show  available  audio/sub │
                        │              │ tracks                     │


                               │left-click  │ toggle mute    │
                               │mouse wheel │ volume up/down │


                              │left-click │ toggle fullscreen │

   Key Bindings
       These  key  bindings  are  active by default if nothing else is already
       bound to these keys. In case of collision, the  function  needs  to  be
       bound to a different key. See the Script Commands section.

                         │del │ Cycles  visibility between │
                         │    │ never / auto  (mouse-move) │
                         │    │ / always                   │

       The   OSC   offers   limited   configuration   through  a  config  file
       script-opts/osc.conf  placed  in  mpv's  user  dir  and   through   the
       --script-opts  command-line  option.  Options provided through the com-
       mand-line will override those from the config file.

   Config Syntax
       The config file must exactly follow the following syntax:

          # this is a comment

       # can only be used at the beginning of a line and there may be no  spa-
       ces around the = or anywhere else.

   Command-line Syntax
       To avoid collisions with other scripts, all options need to be prefixed
       with osc-.



   Configurable Options
       layout Default: bottombar

              The layout for the OSC. Currently available are:  box,  slimbox,
              bottombar and topbar. Default pre-0.21.0 was 'box'.

              Default: bar

              Sets the style of the playback position marker and overall shape
              of the seekbar: bar, diamond or knob.

              Default: 0.6

              Size ratio of the seek handle if seekbarstyle is set to  dimaond
              or knob. This is relative to the full height of the seekbar.

              Default: yes

              Controls the mode used to seek when dragging the seekbar. If set
              to yes, default seeking mode is  used  (usually  keyframes,  but
              player  defaults  and heuristics can change it to exact). If set
              to no, exact seeking  on  mouse  drags  will  be  used  instead.
              Keyframes  are preferred, but exact seeks may be useful in cases
              where keyframes cannot be found. Note that using exact seeks can
              potentially make mouse dragging much slower.

              Default: inverted

              Display  seekable  ranges  on the seekbar. bar shows them on the
              full height of the bar, line as a thick line and inverted  as  a
              thin  line that is inverted over playback position markers. none
              will hide them. Additionally, slider will show a permanent  han-
              dle  inside  the  seekbar with cached ranges marked inside. Note
              that these will look differently based on the  seekbarstyle  op-
              tion. Also, slider does not work with seekbarstyle set to bar.

              Default: yes

              Controls  whether  to  show line-style seekable ranges on top of
              the seekbar or separately if seekbarstyle is set to bar.

              Default: 200

              Alpha of the seekable ranges, 0 (opaque) to 255 (fully transpar-

              Default: 0.5

              Size  of  the  deadzone.  The deadzone is an area that makes the
              mouse act like leaving the window. Movement there won't make the
              OSC show up and it will hide immediately if the mouse enters it.
              The deadzone starts at the window border opposite to the OSC and
              the  size  controls  how much of the window it will span. Values
              between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 means the  OSC  will  always  popup
              with mouse movement in the window, and 1 means the OSC will only
              show up when the mouse hovers it. Default pre-0.21.0 was 0.

              Default: 0

              Minimum amount of pixels the mouse has to move between ticks  to
              make the OSC show up. Default pre-0.21.0 was 3.

              Default: yes

              Enable the OSC when windowed

              Default: yes

              Enable the OSC when fullscreen

              Default: yes

              Show the mpv logo and message when idle

              Default: 1.0

              Scale factor of the OSC when windowed.

              Default: 1.0

              Scale factor of the OSC when fullscreen

              Default: 2.0

              Scale factor of the OSC when rendered on a forced (dummy) window

              Default: yes

              Scale  the OSC with the video no tries to keep the OSC size con-
              stant as much as the window size allows

       valign Default: 0.8

              Vertical alignment, -1 (top) to 1 (bottom)

       halign Default: 0.0

              Horizontal alignment, -1 (left) to 1 (right)

              Default: 0

              Margin from bottom (bottombar) or top (topbar), in pixels

              Default: 80

              Alpha of the background box, 0 (opaque) to 255 (fully  transpar-

              Default: 500

              Duration  in  ms  until the OSC hides if no mouse movement, must
              not be negative

              Default: 200

              Duration of fade out in ms, 0 = no fade

       title  Default: ${media-title}

              String that supports property expansion that will  be  displayed
              as  OSC  title.  ASS tags are escaped, and newlines and trailing
              slashes are stripped.

              Default: 1

              Size of the tooltip outline when using bottombar or topbar  lay-

              Default: no

              Show total time instead of time remaining

       timems Default: no

              Display timecodes with milliseconds

              Default: 100 (allowed: 50-200)

              Adjust  space  reserved for timecodes (current time and time re-
              maining) in the bottombar and topbar layouts. The timecode width
              depends  on  the  font, and with some fonts the spacing near the
              timecodes becomes too small.  Use values above 100  to  increase
              that spacing, or below 100 to decrease it.

              Default: auto (auto hide/show on mouse move)

              Also supports never and always

              Default: 80

              Max chars for the osc title at the box layout. mpv does not mea-
              sure the text width on screen and so it needs  to  limit  it  by
              number of chars. The default is conservative to allow wide fonts
              to be used without overflow.  However, with many common fonts  a
              bigger number can be used. YMMV.

              Default: no

              Whether  to  overlay  the osc over the video (no), or to box the
              video within the areas not covered by the osc (yes). If this op-
              tion  is  set,  the osc may overwrite the --video-margin-ratio-*
              options, even if the user has set them. (It will  not  overwrite
              them  if  all  of them are set to default values.) Additionally,
              visibility must be set to always.  Otherwise, this  option  does

              Currently, this is supported for the bottombar and topbar layout
              only. The other layouts do not change if  this  option  is  set.
              Separately,  if  window  controls  are present (see below), they
              will be affected regardless of which osc layout is in use.

              The border is static and appears even if the OSC  is  configured
              to  appear  only  on mouse interaction. If the OSC is invisible,
              the border is simply filled with the background color (black  by

              This  currently  still  makes the OSC overlap with subtitles (if
              the --sub-use-margins option is set to yes, the  default).  This
              may be fixed later.

              This  does  not  work correctly with video outputs like --vo=xv,
              which render OSD into the unscaled video.

              Default: auto (Show window controls if there is no  window  bor-

              Whether  to  show window management controls over the video, and
              if so, which side of the window to place them. This may  be  de-
              sirable  when the window has no decorations, either because they
              have been explicitly disabled (border=no) or because the current
              platform doesn't support them (eg: gnome-shell with wayland).

              The  set  of  window controls is fixed, offering minimize, maxi-
              mize, and quit. Not all platforms implement minimize  and  maxi-
              mize, but quit will always work.

              Default: right

              If  window  controls are shown, indicates which side should they
              be aligned to.

              Supports left and right which will place the controls  on  those
              respective sides.

              Default: no

              Set to yes to reduce festivity (i.e. disable santa hat in Decem-

              Default: yes

              Update chapter markers positions on duration changes, e.g.  live
              streams.  The updates are unoptimized - consider disabling it on
              very low-end systems.

       chapters_osd, playlist_osd
              Default: yes

              Whether  to  display  the  chapters/playlist  at  the  OSD  when
              left-clicking the next/previous OSC buttons, respectively.

              Default: Chapter: %s

              Template for the chapter-name display when hovering the seekbar.
              Use no to disable chapter display on hover. Otherwise it's a lua
              string.format template and %s is replaced with the actual name.

              Default: no

              Use  a  Unicode  minus sign instead of an ASCII hyphen when dis-
              playing the remaining playback time.

   Script Commands
       The OSC script listens to certain script commands. These  commands  can
       bound in input.conf, or sent by other scripts.

              Show  a  message  on screen using the OSC. First argument is the
              message, second the duration in seconds.

              Controls visibility mode never / auto (on mouse move)  /  always
              and also cycle to cycle between the modes


       You  could  put this into input.conf to hide the OSC with the a key and
       to set auto mode (the default) with b:

          a script-message osc-visibility never
          b script-message osc-visibility auto

              Controls the visibility of the mpv logo on idle. Valid arguments
              are yes, no, and cycle to toggle between yes and no.

       osc-playlist, osc-chapterlist, osc-tracklist
              Shows  a  limited  view of the respective type of list using the
              OSC. First argument is duration in seconds.

       This builtin script displays information and statistics  for  the  cur-
       rently  played  file. It is enabled by default if mpv was compiled with
       Lua support.  It can be disabled entirely using the  --load-stats-over-
       lay=no option.

       The  following key bindings are active by default unless something else
       is already bound to them:

                          │i │ Show stats for a fixed du- │
                          │  │ ration                     │
                          │I │ Toggle  stats (shown until │
                          │  │ toggled again)             │

       While the stats are visible on screen the following  key  bindings  are
       active,  regardless  of existing bindings. They allow you to switch be-
       tween pages of stats:

                          │1 │ Show usual stats           │
                          │2 │ Show     frame     timings │
                          │  │ (scroll)                   │
                          │3 │ Input cache stats          │
                          │4 │ Active     key    bindings │
                          │  │ (scroll)                   │
                          │0 │ Internal stuff (scroll)    │

       On pages which support scroll, these key bindings are also active:

                            │UP   │ Scroll one line up   │
                            │DOWN │ Scroll one line down │

       For optimal visual experience,  a  font  with  support  for  many  font
       weights  and  monospaced  digits  is  recommended. By default, the open
       source font Source Sans Pro is used.

       This   script   can   be   customized    through    a    config    file
       script-opts/stats.conf  placed  in mpv's user directory and through the
       --script-opts command-line option.  The  configuration  syntax  is  de-
       scribed in ON SCREEN CONTROLLER.

   Configurable Options
              Default: 1

              Default: 2

              Default: 3

              Default: 4

              Default: 0

              Key bindings for page switching while stats are displayed.

              Default: UP

              Default: DOWN

              Default: 1

              Scroll key bindings and number of lines to scroll on pages which
              support it.

              Default: 4

              How long the stats are shown in seconds (oneshot).

              Default: 1

              How long it takes to refresh  the  displayed  stats  in  seconds

              Default: no

              When no, other scripts printing text to the screen can overwrite
              the displayed stats. When yes, displayed stats are  persistently
              shown  for  the respective duration. This can result in overlap-
              ping text when multiple scripts decide to print text at the same

              Default: yes

              Show graphs for performance data (page 2).

              Default: yes

              Default: yes

              Show graphs for vsync and jitter values (page 1). Only when tog-

              Default: yes

              Clear data buffers used for drawing graphs when toggling.

       font   Default: Source Sans Pro

              Font name. Should support as many font weights as  possible  for
              optimal visual experience.

              Default: Source Sans Pro

              Font name for parts where monospaced characters are necessary to
              align text. Currently, monospaced digits are sufficient.

              Default: 8

              Font size used to render text.

              Default: FFFFFF

              Font color.

              Default: 0.8

              Size of border drawn around the font.

              Default: 262626

              Color of drawn border.

       alpha  Default: 11

              Transparency for drawn text.

              Default: 0000FF

              Border color used for drawing graphs.

              Default: 262626

              Background color used for drawing graphs.

              Default: FFFFFF

              Color used for drawing graphs.

       Note: colors are given as hexadecimal values and  use  ASS  tag  order:
       BBGGRR (blue green red).

   Different key bindings
       Additional keys can be configured in input.conf to display the stats:

          e script-binding stats/display-stats
          E script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle

       And to display a certain page directly:

          i script-binding stats/display-page-1
          e script-binding stats/display-page-2

   Active key bindings page
       Lists  the  active  key bindings and the commands they're bound to, ex-
       cluding the interactive keys of the stats script itself. See also --in-
       put-test for more detailed view of each binding.

       The  keys are grouped automatically using a simple analysis of the com-
       mand string, and one should not expect documentation-level grouping ac-
       curacy, however, it should still be reasonably useful.

       Using  --idle  --script-opts=stats-bindlist=yes  will print the list to
       the terminal and quit immediately. By default long lines are  shortened
       to  79  chars,  and  terminal escape sequences are enabled. A different
       length limit can be set by changing yes to a number (at least 40),  and
       escape  sequences  can  be  disabled by adding - before the value, e.g.
       ...=-yes or ...=-120.

       Like with --input-test, the list includes bindings from input.conf  and
       from user scripts. Use --no-config to list only built-in bindings.

   Internal stuff page
       Most  entries shown on this page have rather vague meaning. Likely none
       of this is useful for you. Don't attempt to use it.  Forget  its  exis-

       Selecting  this  for the first time will start collecting some internal
       performance data. That means performance will be  slightly  lower  than
       normal  for  the  rest  of  the time the player is running (even if the
       stats page is closed).  Note that the stats page itself uses a  lot  of
       CPU and even GPU resources, and may have a heavy impact on performance.

       The  displayed  information is accumulated over the redraw delay (shown
       as poll-time field).

       This adds entries for each Lua script. If there are  too  many  scripts
       running, parts of the list will simply be out of the screen, but it can
       be scrolled.

       If the underlying platform does not support pthread per  thread  times,
       the  displayed  times  will be 0 or something random (I suspect that at
       time of this writing, only Linux provides the correct via pthread  APIs
       for per thread times).

       Most entries are added lazily and only during data collection, which is
       why entries may pop up randomly after some time. It's also why the mem-
       ory  usage  entries for scripts that have been inactive since the start
       of data collection are missing.

       Memory usage is approximate and does not  reflect  internal  fragmenta-

       JS  scripts  memory reporting is disabled by default because collecting
       the data at the JS side has an overhead. It can be enabled by exporting
       the env var MPV_LEAK_REPORT=1 before starting mpv, and will increase JS
       memory usage.

       If entries have /time and /cpu variants, the former gives the real time
       (monotonic  clock),  while  the latter the thread CPU time (only if the
       corresponding pthread API works and is supported).

       The console is a REPL for mpv input commands. It is  displayed  on  the
       video  window.  It also shows log messages. It can be disabled entirely
       using the --load-osd-console=no option.

       `      Show the console.

       ESC    Hide the console.

       ENTER, Ctrl+J and Ctrl+M
              Run the typed command.

              Type a literal newline character.

       LEFT and Ctrl+B
              Move the cursor to the previous character.

       RIGHT and Ctrl+F
              Move the cursor to the next character.

       Ctrl+LEFT and Alt+B
              Move the cursor to the beginning of the current word, or if  be-
              tween words, to the beginning of the previous word.

       Ctrl+RIGHT and Alt+F
              Move  the  cursor  to the end of the current word, or if between
              words, to the end of the next word.

       HOME and Ctrl+A
              Move the cursor to the start of the current line.

       END and Ctrl+E
              Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

       BACKSPACE and Ctrl+H
              Delete the previous character.

       Ctrl+D Hide the console if the current line is empty, otherwise  delete
              the next character.

       Ctrl+BACKSPACE and Ctrl+W
              Delete  text  from  the  cursor  to the beginning of the current
              word, or if between words, to  the  beginning  of  the  previous

       Ctrl+DEL and Alt+D
              Delete  text  from the cursor to the end of the current word, or
              if between words, to the end of the next word.

       Ctrl+U Delete text from the cursor to  the  beginning  of  the  current

       Ctrl+K Delete text from the cursor to the end of the current line.

       Ctrl+C Clear the current line.

       UP and Ctrl+P
              Move back in the command history.

       DOWN and Ctrl+N
              Move forward in the command history.

       PGUP   Go to the first command in the history.

       PGDN   Stop navigating the command history.

       INSERT Toggle insert mode.

       Ctrl+V Paste text (uses the clipboard on X11 and Wayland).

              Paste text (uses the primary selection on X11 and Wayland).

       TAB and Ctrl+I
              Complete the command or property name at the cursor.

       Ctrl+L Clear all log messages from the console.

       script-message-to console type <text> [<cursor_pos>]
              Show the console and pre-fill it with the provided text, option-
              ally specifying the initial cursor position as a positive  inte-
              ger starting from 1.

                 Example for input.conf

                        %  script-message-to console type "seek  absolute-per-
                        cent" 6

   Known issues
       • Pasting text is slow on Windows

       • Non-ASCII keyboard input has restrictions

       • The cursor keys move between Unicode code-points, not grapheme  clus-

       This  script  can  be customized through a config file script-opts/con-
       sole.conf placed in mpv's user directory and through the  --script-opts
       command-line option. The configuration syntax is described in ON SCREEN

       Key bindings can  be  changed  in  a  standard  way,  see  for  example
       stats.lua documentation.

   Configurable Options
       scale  Default: 1

              All  drawing is scaled by this value, including the text borders
              and the cursor.

              If the VO backend in use has HiDPI scale reporting  implemented,
              the option value is scaled with the reported HiDPI scale.

       font   Default:  unset  (picks  a  hardcoded font depending on detected

              Set the font used for the REPL and the  console.  This  probably
              doesn't have to be a monospaced font.

              Default: 16

              Set  the  font size used for the REPL and the console. This will
              be multiplied by "scale".

              Default: true

              Remove duplicate entries in history as to only keep  the  latest

       mpv can load Lua scripts. (See Script location.)

       mpv  provides  the built-in module mp, which contains functions to send
       commands to the mpv core and to  retrieve  information  about  playback
       state, user settings, file information, and so on.

       These  scripts  can  be  used  to control mpv in a similar way to slave
       mode.  Technically, the Lua code uses the client API internally.

       A script which leaves fullscreen mode when the player is paused:

          function on_pause_change(name, value)
              if value == true then
                  mp.set_property("fullscreen", "no")
          mp.observe_property("pause", "bool", on_pause_change)

   Script location
       Scripts can be passed to the --script  option,  and  are  automatically
       loaded from the scripts subdirectory of the mpv configuration directory
       (usually ~/.config/mpv/scripts/).

       A script can be a single file. The file extension is used to select the
       scripting  backend to use for it. For Lua, it is .lua. If the extension
       is not recognized, an error is printed. (If an error happens,  the  ex-
       tension  is  either mistyped, or the backend was not compiled into your
       mpv binary.)

       mpv internally loads the script's name by stripping the .lua  extension
       and replacing all nonalphanumeric characters with _. E.g., my-tools.lua
       becomes my_tools. If there are several scripts with the same  name,  it
       is  made  unique  by  appending  a number. This is the name returned by

       Entries with .disable extension are always ignored.

       If a script is  a  directory  (either  if  a  directory  is  passed  to
       --script,  or  any sub-directories in the script directory, such as for
       example ~/.config/mpv/scripts/something/), then  the  directory  repre-
       sents a single script. The player will try to load a file named main.x,
       where x is replaced with the file extension. For example,  if  main.lua
       exists, it is loaded with the Lua scripting backend.

       You  must  not put any other files or directories that start with main.
       into the script's top level directory. If the script directory contains
       for  example both main.lua and main.js, only one of them will be loaded
       (and which one depends on mpv internals  that  may  change  any  time).
       Likewise,  if  there is for example main.foo, your script will break as
       soon as mpv adds a backend that uses the .foo file extension.

       mpv also appends the top level directory of the script to the start  of
       Lua's  package  path so you can import scripts from there too. Be aware
       that this will shadow Lua libraries that use  the  same  package  path.
       (Single  file  scripts  do  not  include mpv specific directory the Lua
       package path. This was silently changed in mpv 0.32.0.)

       Using a script directory is the recommended way  to  package  a  script
       that  consists  of  multiple source files, or requires other files (you
       can use mp.get_script_directory() to get the  location  and  e.g.  load
       data files).

       Making a script a git repository, basically a repository which contains
       a main.lua` file in the root directory, makes scripts easily updateable
       (without the dangers of auto-updates). Another suggestion is to use git
       submodules to share common files or libraries.

   Details on the script initialization and lifecycle
       Your script will be loaded by the player  at  program  start  from  the
       scripts  configuration  subdirectory, or from a path specified with the
       --script option. Some scripts are loaded internally (like --osc).  Each
       script  runs  in  its own thread. Your script is first run "as is", and
       once that is done, the event loop is entered. This event loop will dis-
       patch events received by mpv and call your own event handlers which you
       have  registered  with  mp.register_event,   or   timers   added   with
       mp.add_timeout  or similar. Note that since the script starts execution
       concurrently with player initialization, some  properties  may  not  be
       populated  with  meaningful  values  until the relevant subsystems have

       When the player quits, all scripts will be  asked  to  terminate.  This
       happens via a shutdown event, which by default will make the event loop
       return. If your script got into an endless loop, mpv will probably  be-
       have  fine  during  playback, but it won't terminate when quitting, be-
       cause it's waiting on your script.

       Internally, the C code will call the Lua function  mp_event_loop  after
       loading  a Lua script. This function is normally defined by the default
       prelude loaded before your script (see player/lua/defaults.lua  in  the
       mpv  sources).  The event loop will wait for events and dispatch events
       registered with mp.register_event. It will  also  handle  timers  added
       with mp.add_timeout and similar (by waiting with a timeout).

       Since  mpv 0.6.0, the player will wait until the script is fully loaded
       before continuing normal operation. The player considers  a  script  as
       fully loaded as soon as it starts waiting for mpv events (or it exits).
       In practice this means the player will more  or  less  hang  until  the
       script  returns  from  the main chunk (and mp_event_loop is called), or
       the script calls mp_event_loop or mp.dispatch_events directly. This  is
       done  to  make  it  possible for a script to fully setup event handlers
       etc. before playback actually starts. In older mpv versions, this  hap-
       pened  asynchronously.  With  mpv 0.29.0, this changes slightly, and it
       merely waits for scripts to be loaded in this  manner  before  starting
       playback as part of the player initialization phase. Scripts run though
       initialization in parallel. This might change again.

   mp functions
       The mp module is preloaded, although it can be loaded manually with re-
       quire 'mp'. It provides the core client API.

              Run  the  given command. This is similar to the commands used in
              input.conf.  See List of Input Commands.

              By default, this will show something on the  OSD  (depending  on
              the command), as if it was used in input.conf. See Input Command
              Prefixes how to influence OSD usage per command.

              Returns true on success, or nil, error on error.

       mp.commandv(arg1, arg2, ...)
              Similar to mp.command, but pass each command argument  as  sepa-
              rate  parameter.  This  has the advantage that you don't have to
              care about quoting and escaping in some cases.


                 mp.command("loadfile " .. filename .. " append")
                 mp.commandv("loadfile", filename, "append")

              These two commands are equivalent, except that the first version
              breaks  if the filename contains spaces or certain special char-

              Note that properties are  not  expanded.   You  can  use  either
              mp.command, the expand-properties prefix, or the mp.get_property
              family of functions.

              Unlike mp.command, this will not use OSD by default either  (ex-
              cept for some OSD-specific commands).

       mp.command_native(table [,def])
              Similar  to  mp.commandv,  but  pass the argument list as table.
              This has the advantage that in at least  some  cases,  arguments
              can  be  passed as native types. It also allows you to use named

              If the table is an array, each array item is like an argument in
              mp.commandv() (but can be a native type instead of a string).

              If  the  table contains string keys, it's interpreted as command
              with named arguments. This requires at least an entry  with  the
              key name to be present, which must be a string, and contains the
              command name. The special  entry  _flags  is  optional,  and  if
              present,  must  be  an array of Input Command Prefixes to apply.
              All other entries are interpreted as arguments.

              Returns a result table on success (usually empty), or def, error
              on  error. def is the second parameter provided to the function,
              and is nil if it's missing.

       mp.command_native_async(table [,fn])
              Like mp.command_native(), but the command is ran  asynchronously
              (as  far as possible), and upon completion, fn is called. fn has
              three arguments: fn(success, result, error):

                            Always a Boolean and is true if  the  command  was
                            successful, otherwise false.

                 result The  result value (can be nil) in case of success, nil
                        otherwise (as returned by mp.command_native()).

                 error  The error string in case of an error, nil otherwise.

              Returns a table with undefined contents, which can  be  used  as
              argument for mp.abort_async_command.

              If  starting  the  command failed for some reason, nil, error is
              returned, and fn is called indicating failure,  using  the  same
              error value.

              fn  is  always called asynchronously, even if the command failed
              to start.

              Abort a mp.command_native_async call. The argument is the return
              value  of  that  command (which starts asynchronous execution of
              the command).  Whether this works and how long it takes  depends
              on the command and the situation. The abort call itself is asyn-
              chronous. Does not return anything.

       mp.get_property(name [,def])
              Return the value of the given property as string. These are  the
              same properties as used in input.conf. See Properties for a list
              of properties. The  returned  string  is  formatted  similar  to
              ${=name} (see Property Expansion).

              Returns  the  string  on success, or def, error on error. def is
              the second parameter provided to the function,  and  is  nil  if
              it's missing.

       mp.get_property_osd(name [,def])
              Similar  to  mp.get_property, but return the property value for-
              matted for OSD. This is the same string as printed with  ${name}
              when used in input.conf.

              Returns  the  string  on success, or def, error on error. def is
              the second parameter provided to the function, and is  an  empty
              string if it's missing. Unlike get_property(), assigning the re-
              turn value to a variable will always result in a string.

       mp.get_property_bool(name [,def])
              Similar to mp.get_property, but return  the  property  value  as

              Returns a Boolean on success, or def, error on error.

       mp.get_property_number(name [,def])
              Similar  to  mp.get_property,  but  return the property value as

              Note that while Lua does not distinguish  between  integers  and
              floats,  mpv internals do. This function simply request a double
              float from mpv, and mpv will usually  convert  integer  property
              values to float.

              Returns a number on success, or def, error on error.

       mp.get_property_native(name [,def])
              Similar  to mp.get_property, but return the property value using
              the best Lua type for the property. Most time, this will  return
              a string, Boolean, or number. Some properties (for example chap-
              ter-list) are returned as tables.

              Returns a value on success, or def, error on  error.  Note  that
              nil might be a possible, valid value too in some corner cases.

       mp.set_property(name, value)
              Set   the   given  property  to  the  given  string  value.  See
              mp.get_property and Properties for more information about  prop-

              Returns true on success, or nil, error on error.

       mp.set_property_bool(name, value)
              Similar  to  mp.set_property,  but set the given property to the
              given Boolean value.

       mp.set_property_number(name, value)
              Similar to mp.set_property, but set the given  property  to  the
              given numeric value.

              Note  that  while  Lua does not distinguish between integers and
              floats, mpv internals do. This function will  test  whether  the
              number can be represented as integer, and if so, it will pass an
              integer value to mpv, otherwise a double float.

       mp.set_property_native(name, value)
              Similar to mp.set_property, but set the given property using its
              native type.

              Since  there are several data types which cannot represented na-
              tively in Lua, this might not always work as expected. For exam-
              ple,  while  the  Lua  wrapper  can  do some guesswork to decide
              whether a Lua table is an array or a map, this would  fail  with
              empty  tables.  Also, there are not many properties for which it
              makes sense to use  this,  instead  of  set_property,  set_prop-
              erty_bool,  set_property_number.   For these reasons, this func-
              tion should probably be avoided for now, except  for  properties
              that use tables natively.

              Return  the  current  mpv  internal time in seconds as a number.
              This is basically the system time, with an arbitrary offset.

       mp.add_key_binding(key, name|fn [,fn [,flags]])
              Register callback to be run on a key binding. The  binding  will
              be  mapped  to  the  given key, which is a string describing the
              physical key. This uses the same key names as in input.conf, and
              also  allows  combinations (e.g. ctrl+a). If the key is empty or
              nil, no physical key is registered, but the user still can  cre-
              ate own bindings (see below).

              After calling this function, key presses will cause the function
              fn to be called (unless the user remapped the key  with  another

              The  name  argument should be a short symbolic string. It allows
              the user to remap the  key  binding  via  input.conf  using  the
              script-message command, and the name of the key binding (see be-
              low for an example). The name  should  be  unique  across  other
              bindings  in the same script - if not, the previous binding with
              the same name will be overwritten. You can  omit  the  name,  in
              which  case  a  random  name  is generated internally. (Omitting
              works as follows: either pass nil for name, or pass the fn argu-
              ment  in place of the name. The latter is not recommended and is
              handled for compatibility only.)

              The last argument is used for optional flags. This is  a  table,
              which can have the following entries:

                        If  set  to true, enables key repeat for this specific

                        If set to true, then fn is called on both key  up  and
                        down  events (as well as key repeat, if enabled), with
                        the first argument being a table. This table  has  the
                        following entries (and may contain undocumented ones):

                            event  Set  to one of the strings down, repeat, up
                                   or press (the latter if key  up/down  can't
                                   be tracked).

                                   Boolean  Whether  the event was caused by a
                                   mouse button.

                                   The name of they key that  triggered  this,
                                   or  nil if invoked artificially. If the key
                                   name is unknown, it's an empty string.

                                   Text if triggered by a text key,  otherwise
                                   nil. See description of script-binding com-
                                   mand for details (this field is  equivalent
                                   to the 5th argument).

              Internally,  key  bindings  are  dispatched  via the script-mes-
              sage-to  or  script-binding   input   commands   and   mp.regis-

              Trying to map multiple commands to a key will essentially prefer
              a random binding, while the other bindings are not called. It is
              guaranteed  that user defined bindings in the central input.conf
              are preferred over bindings added with this  function  (but  see


                 function something_handler()
                     print("the key was pressed")
                 mp.add_key_binding("x", "something", something_handler)

              This  will  print  the  message  the  key was pressed when x was

              The user can remap these key bindings. Then the user has to  put
              the  following into their input.conf to remap the command to the
              y key:

                 y script-binding something

              This will print the message when the key y is pressed.  (x  will
              still work, unless the user remaps it.)

              You  can  also explicitly send a message to a named script only.
              Assume the above script was using the filename fooscript.lua:

                 y script-binding fooscript/something

              This works almost the same as mp.add_key_binding, but  registers
              the  key  binding in a way that will overwrite the user's custom
              bindings in their input.conf. (mp.add_key_binding overwrites de-
              fault  key  bindings  only,  but  not  those  by  the user's in-

              Remove  a  key  binding   added   with   mp.add_key_binding   or
              mp.add_forced_key_binding.  Use  the  same name as you used when
              adding the bindings. It's not possible to  remove  bindings  for
              which you omitted the name.

       mp.register_event(name, fn)
              Call  a  specific function when an event happens. The event name
              is a string, and the function fn is a Lua function value.

              Some events have associated data. This is put into a  Lua  table
              and  passed as argument to fn. The Lua table by default contains
              a name field, which is a string containing the  event  name.  If
              the  event  has an error associated, the error field is set to a
              string describing the error, on success it's not set.

              If multiple functions are registered for the  same  event,  they
              are  run in registration order, which the first registered func-
              tion running before all the other ones.

              Returns true if such an event exists, false otherwise.

              See Events and List of events for details.

              Undo mp.register_event(..., fn). This removes all event handlers
              that are equal to the fn parameter. This uses normal Lua == com-
              parison, so be careful when dealing with closures.

       mp.observe_property(name, type, fn)
              Watch a property for changes. If the property name  is  changed,
              then  the  function fn(name) will be called. type can be nil, or
              be set to one of none, native, bool, string, or number.  none is
              the  same  as  nil.  For  all other values, the new value of the
              property  will  be  passed  as  second  argument  to  fn,  using
              mp.get_property_<type> to retrieve it. This means if type is for
              example string, fn is roughly called as in fn(name, mp.get_prop-

              If  possible,  change  events  are  coalesced.  If a property is
              changed a bunch of times in a row, only the last change triggers
              the  change  function. (The exact behavior depends on timing and
              other things.)

              If a property is unavailable, or on error, the value argument to
              fn is nil. (The observe_property() call always succeeds, even if
              a property does not exist.)

              In some cases the function is not called even  if  the  property
              changes.  This depends on the property, and it's a valid feature
              request to ask for better update handling of  a  specific  prop-

              If  the type is none or nil, sporadic property change events are
              possible. This means the change function fn can be  called  even
              if the property doesn't actually change.

              You  always get an initial change notification. This is meant to
              initialize the user's state to the current value  of  the  prop-

              Undo  mp.observe_property(...,  fn).  This  removes all property
              handlers that are equal to the fn parameter.  This  uses  normal
              Lua == comparison, so be careful when dealing with closures.

       mp.add_timeout(seconds, fn)
              Call  the given function fn when the given number of seconds has
              elapsed.  Note that the number of seconds can be fractional. For
              now,  the  timer's  resolution  may be as low as 50 ms, although
              this will be improved in the future.

              This is a one-shot timer: it will be removed when it's fired.

              Returns a timer object. See mp.add_periodic_timer for details.

       mp.add_periodic_timer(seconds, fn)
              Call the given function periodically. This is like  mp.add_time-
              out, but the timer is re-added after the function fn is run.

              Returns  a timer object. The timer object provides the following

                     stop() Disable the timer. Does nothing if  the  timer  is
                            already  disabled.  This will remember the current
                            elapsed time when stopping, so that  resume()  es-
                            sentially unpauses the timer.

                     kill() Disable  the  timer.  Resets the elapsed time. re-
                            sume() will restart the timer.

                            Restart the timer. If the timer was disabled  with
                            stop(),  this  will  resume  at  the  time  it was
                            stopped. If the timer was disabled with kill(), or
                            if  it's  a previously fired one-shot timer (added
                            with add_timeout()), this starts  the  timer  from
                            the  beginning,  using  the  initially  configured

                            Whether the timer is currently enabled or was pre-
                            viously disabled (e.g. by stop() or kill()).

                     timeout (RW)
                            This  field  contains  the current timeout period.
                            This value is not updated as time progresses. It's
                            only  used to calculate when the timer should fire
                            next when the timer expires.

                            If you write this, you can call t:kill()  ;  t:re-
                            sume()  to  reset  the  current timeout to the new
                            one. (t:stop() won't use the new timeout.)

                     oneshot (RW)
                            Whether the timer is  periodic  (false)  or  fires
                            just  once  (true).  This  value  is used when the
                            timer expires (but before the timer callback func-
                            tion fn is run).

              Note  that  these are methods, and you have to call them using :
              instead           of           .            (Refer            to
              https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#3.4.9 .)


                 seconds = 0
                 timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(1, function()
                     print("called every second")
                     # stop it after 10 seconds
                     seconds = seconds + 1
                     if seconds >= 10 then

              Return  a  setting from the --script-opts option. It's up to the
              user and the script how this mechanism is used.  Currently,  all
              scripts  can access this equally, so you should be careful about

              Return the name of the current script. The name is usually  made
              of the filename of the script, with directory and file extension
              removed. If there are several scripts which would have the  same
              name,  it's  made  unique by appending a number. Any nonalphanu-
              meric characters are replaced with _.


                        The script /path/to/foo-script.lua becomes foo_script.

              Return the directory if this is a script packaged  as  directory
              (see  Script location for a description). Return nothing if this
              is a single file script.

       mp.osd_message(text [,duration])
              Show an OSD message on the screen. duration is in  seconds,  and
              is optional (uses --osd-duration by default).

   Advanced mp functions
       These also live in the mp module, but are documented separately as they
       are useful only in special situations.

              Calls mpv_get_wakeup_pipe() and returns  the  read  end  of  the
              wakeup  pipe. This is deprecated, but still works. (See client.h
              for details.)

              Return  the  relative  time  in  seconds  when  the  next  timer
              (mp.add_timeout  and similar) expires. If there is no timer, re-
              turn nil.

              This can be used to run custom event loops. If you want to  have
              direct control what the Lua script does (instead of being called
              by the default event loop), you  can  set  the  global  variable
              mp_event_loop  to your own function running the event loop. From
              your event loop, you should call mp.dispatch_events() to dequeue
              and dispatch mpv events.

              If  the  allow_wait  parameter is set to true, the function will
              block until the next event is received or  the  next  timer  ex-
              pires.  Otherwise (and this is the default behavior), it returns
              as soon as the event loop is emptied. It's strongly  recommended
              to  use mp.get_next_timeout() and mp.get_wakeup_pipe() if you're
              interested in properly working notification of  new  events  and
              working timers.

              Register  an  event  loop idle handler. Idle handlers are called
              before the script goes to sleep after handling all  new  events.
              This  can  be  used  for example to delay processing of property
              change events: if you're observing multiple properties at  once,
              you might not want to act on each property change, but only when
              all change notifications have been received.

              Undo mp.register_idle(fn). This removes all idle  handlers  that
              are  equal to the fn parameter. This uses normal Lua == compari-
              son, so be careful when dealing with closures.

              Set the minimum log level of which mpv  message  output  to  re-
              ceive.  These  messages are normally printed to the terminal. By
              calling this function, you can set the minimum log level of mes-
              sages  which  should be received with the log-message event. See
              the description of this event  for  details.   The  level  is  a
              string, see msg.log for allowed log levels.

       mp.register_script_message(name, fn)
              This is a helper to dispatch script-message or script-message-to
              invocations to Lua functions. fn is called if script-message  or
              script-message-to  (with this script as destination) is run with
              name as first parameter. The other parameters are passed to  fn.
              If  a  message  with  the given name is already registered, it's

              Used by mp.add_key_binding, so be careful about name collisions.

              Undo a previous  registration  with  mp.register_script_message.
              Does nothing if the name wasn't registered.

              Create  an  OSD  overlay. This is a very thin wrapper around the
              osd-overlay command. The function returns a table, which  mostly
              contains  fields  that will be passed to osd-overlay. The format
              parameter is used to initialize the format field. The data field
              contains  the  text  to be used as overlay. For details, see the
              osd-overlay command.

              In addition, it provides the following methods:

                     Commit the OSD overlay to the screen, or in other  words,
                     run  the  osd-overlay  command with the current fields of
                     the overlay table.  Returns the result of the osd-overlay
                     command itself.

                     Remove  the overlay from the screen. A update() call will
                     add it again.


                 ov = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events")
                 ov.data = "{\\an5}{\\b1}hello world!"

              The advantage of using  this  wrapper  (as  opposed  to  running
              osd-overlay directly) is that the id field is allocated automat-

              Returns a tuple of osd_width, osd_height, osd_par. The first two
              give  the  size  of  the  OSD  in pixels (for video outputs like
              --vo=xv, this may be "scaled" pixels). The third is the  display
              pixel aspect ratio.

              May  return  invalid/nonsense  values  if OSD is not initialized

   mp.msg functions
       This module allows outputting messages to  the  terminal,  and  can  be
       loaded with require 'mp.msg'.

       msg.log(level, ...)
              The  level  parameter is the message priority. It's a string and
              one of fatal, error, warn, info, v,  debug,  trace.  The  user's
              settings will determine which of these messages will be visible.
              Normally, all messages are visible, except v, debug and trace.

              The parameters after that are all converted to  strings.  Spaces
              are inserted to separate multiple parameters.

              You don't need to add newlines.

       msg.fatal(...),  msg.error(...), msg.warn(...), msg.info(...), msg.ver-
       bose(...), msg.debug(...), msg.trace(...)
              All of these are shortcuts and equivalent to  the  corresponding
              msg.log(level, ...) call.

   mp.options functions
       mpv  comes  with  a built-in module to manage options from config-files
       and the command-line. All you have to do is to supply a table with  de-
       fault options to the read_options function. The function will overwrite
       the default values with values found in the config-file  and  the  com-
       mand-line (in that order).

       options.read_options(table [, identifier [, on_update]])
              A  table with key-value pairs. The type of the default values is
              important for converting the values read from the config file or
              command-line back. Do not use nil as a default value!

              The  identifier is used to identify the config-file and the com-
              mand-line options. These needs to  unique  to  avoid  collisions
              with other scripts.  Defaults to mp.get_script_name() if the pa-
              rameter is nil or missing.

              The on_update parameter enables run-time updates of all matching
              option values via the script-opts option/property. If any of the
              matching options changes, the values in  the  table  (which  was
              originally  passed  to  the  function)  are  changed, and on_up-
              date(list) is called. list is a table where each updated  option
              has  a  list[option_name]  =  true  entry.   There is no initial
              on_update()  call.  This  never  re-reads   the   config   file.
              script-opts  is  always applied on the original config file, ig-
              noring previous script-opts values (for example, if an option is
              removed  from  script-opts  at runtime, the option will have the
              value in the config file). table entries are  only  written  for
              option values whose values effectively change (this is important
              if the script changes table entries independently).

       Example implementation:

          require 'mp.options'
          local options = {
              optionA = "defaultvalueA",
              optionB = -0.5,
              optionC = true,
          read_options(options, "myscript")

       The config file will be stored in script-opts/identifier.conf in  mpv's
       user  folder.  Comment lines can be started with # and stray spaces are
       not removed.  Boolean values will be represented with yes/no.

       Example config:

          # comment
          optionA=Hello World

       Command-line options are read  from  the  --script-opts  parameter.  To
       avoid collisions, all keys have to be prefixed with identifier-.

       Example command-line:


   mp.utils functions
       This  built-in  module  provides  generic helper functions for Lua, and
       have strictly speaking nothing to do with mpv or video/audio  playback.
       They  are  provided  for  convenience. Most compensate for Lua's scarce
       standard library.

       Be warned that any of these functions might disappear  any  time.  They
       are not strictly part of the guaranteed API.

              Returns the directory that mpv was launched from. On error, nil,
              error is returned.

       utils.readdir(path [, filter])
              Enumerate all entries at the given path on the  filesystem,  and
              return  them  as array. Each entry is a directory entry (without
              the path).  The list is unsorted (in whatever order the  operat-
              ing system returns it).

              If the filter argument is given, it must be one of the following

                 files  List regular files only.  This  excludes  directories,
                        special  files  (like UNIX device files or FIFOs), and
                        dead symlinks. It includes UNIX  symlinks  to  regular

                 dirs   List  directories  only, or symlinks to directories. .
                        and ..  are not included.

                 normal Include the results of both files and dirs.  (This  is
                        the default.)

                 all    List  all  entries,  even device files, dead symlinks,
                        FIFOs, and the . and .. entries.

              On error, nil, error is returned.

              Stats the given path for information and returns  a  table  with
              the following entries:

                 mode   protection  bits  (on  Windows, always 755 (octal) for
                        directories and 644 (octal) for files)

                 size   size in bytes

                 atime  time of last access

                 mtime  time of last modification

                 ctime  time of last metadata change

                        Whether path is a regular file (boolean)

                 is_dir Whether path is a directory (boolean)

              mode and size are integers.  Timestamps (atime, mtime and ctime)
              are integer seconds since the Unix epoch (Unix time).  The bool-
              eans is_file and is_dir are provided as a convenience; they  can
              be and are derived from mode.

              On error (e.g. path does not exist), nil, error is returned.

              Split  a  path  into directory component and filename component,
              and return them. The first return value is always the directory.
              The  second  return  value is the trailing part of the path, the
              directory entry.

       utils.join_path(p1, p2)
              Return the concatenation of the 2 paths. Tries to be clever. For
              example,  if  p2  is  an  absolute  path, p2 is returned without

              Runs an external process  and  waits  until  it  exits.  Returns
              process status and the captured output. This is a legacy wrapper
              around calling the subprocess command with mp.command_native. It
              does the following things:

              • copy the table t

              • rename cancellable field to playback_only

              • rename max_size to capture_size

              • set capture_stdout field to true if unset

              • set name field to subprocess

              • call mp.command_native(copied_t)

              • if the command failed, create a dummy result table

              • copy error_string to error field if the string is non-empty

              • return the result table

              It  is  recommended  to  use mp.command_native or mp.command_na-
              tive_async directly, instead of calling this legacy wrapper.  It
              is for compatibility only.

              See  the  subprocess documentation for semantics and further pa-

              Runs an external process and detaches it from mpv's control.

              The parameter t is a table. The function reads the following en-

                 args   Array  of  strings  of  the same semantics as the args
                        used in the subprocess function.

              The function returns nil.

              This is a legacy wrapper around calling  the  run  command  with
              mp.commandv and other functions.

              Returns  the  process ID of the running mpv process. This can be
              used to identify the calling mpv when launching (detached)  sub-

              Returns  the C environment as a list of strings. (Do not confuse
              this with the Lua "environment", which is an unrelated concept.)

       utils.parse_json(str [, trail])
              Parses the given string argument as JSON, and returns  it  as  a
              Lua  table.  On  error, returns nil, error. (Currently, error is
              just a string reading error, because there  is  no  fine-grained
              error reporting of any kind.)

              The  returned  value  uses  similar  conventions as mp.get_prop-
              erty_native() to distinguish empty objects and arrays.

              If the trail parameter is true (or any  value  equal  to  true),
              then  trailing non-whitespace text is tolerated by the function,
              and the trailing text is returned as 3rd return value. (The  3rd
              return  value  is  always there, but with trail set, no error is

              Format the given Lua table (or value) as a JSON string  and  re-
              turn it. On error, returns nil, error. (Errors usually only hap-
              pen on value types incompatible with JSON.)

              The argument value  uses  similar  conventions  as  mp.set_prop-
              erty_native() to distinguish empty objects and arrays.

              Turn  the  given  value  into a string. Formats tables and their
              contents. This doesn't do anything special; it  is  only  needed
              because Lua is terrible.

       Events  are notifications from player core to scripts. You can register
       an event handler with mp.register_event.

       Note that all scripts (and other parts of the  player)  receive  events
       equally,  and  there's no such thing as blocking other scripts from re-
       ceiving events.


          function my_fn(event)
              print("start of playback!")

          mp.register_event("file-loaded", my_fn)

       For the existing event types, see List of events.

       This documents experimental features, or features that  are  "too  spe-
       cial" to guarantee a stable interface.

       mp.add_hook(type, priority, fn)
              Add  a  hook  callback  for type (a string identifying a certain
              kind of hook). These hooks allow the player to call script func-
              tions and wait for their result (normally, the Lua scripting in-
              terface is asynchronous from the point of  view  of  the  player
              core).  priority  is  an  arbitrary integer that allows ordering
              among hooks of the same kind. Using the value 50 is  recommended
              as neutral default value.

              fn(hook) is the function that will be called during execution of
              the hook. The parameter passed to it (hook) is a Lua object that
              can control further aspects about the currently invoked hook. It
              provides the following methods:

                        Returning from the hook function should not  automati-
                        cally  continue  the hook. Instead, the API user wants
                        to call hook:cont() on its own at  a  later  point  in
                        time (before or after the function has returned).

                 cont() Continue  the  hook.  Doesn't need to be called unless
                        defer() was called.

              See Hooks for currently existing hooks and what they do  -  only
              the hook list is interesting; handling hook execution is done by
              the Lua script function automatically.

       JavaScript support in mpv is near identical to  its  Lua  support.  Use
       this  section as reference on differences and availability of APIs, but
       otherwise you should refer to the Lua documentation for API details and
       general scripting in mpv.

       JavaScript code which leaves fullscreen mode when the player is paused:

          function on_pause_change(name, value) {
              if (value == true)
                  mp.set_property("fullscreen", "no");
          mp.observe_property("pause", "bool", on_pause_change);

   Similarities with Lua
       mpv  tries  to  load a script file as JavaScript if it has a .js exten-
       sion, but otherwise, the documented Lua  options,  script  directories,
       loading, etc apply to JavaScript files too.

       Script  initialization  and lifecycle is the same as with Lua, and most
       of the Lua functions at the modules mp, mp.utils, mp.msg and mp.options
       are  available  to  JavaScript  with identical APIs - including running
       commands,  getting/setting  properties,  registering   events/key-bind-
       ings/hooks, etc.

   Differences from Lua
       No  need to load modules. mp, mp.utils,  mp.msg and mp.options are pre-
       loaded, and you can use e.g. var cwd = mp.utils.getcwd(); without prior

       Errors are slightly different. Where the Lua APIs return nil for error,
       the JavaScript ones return undefined. Where Lua returns something,  er-
       ror  JavaScript  returns only something - and makes error available via
       mp.last_error(). Note that only some of the functions have  this  addi-
       tional error value - typically the same ones which have it in Lua.

       Standard APIs are preferred. For instance setTimeout and JSON.stringify
       are available, but mp.add_timeout and mp.utils.format_json are not.

       No standard library. This means that interaction with anything  outside
       of  mpv  is limited to the available APIs, typically via mp.utils. How-
       ever, some file functions were added, and CommonJS require is available
       too  -  where  the  loaded  modules  have the same privileges as normal

   Language features - ECMAScript 5
       The scripting backend which mpv currently uses is MuJS -  a  compatible
       minimal  ES5  interpreter. As such, String.substring is implemented for
       instance, while the  common  but  non-standard  String.substr  is  not.
       Please consult the MuJS pages on language features and platform support
       - https://mujs.com .

   Unsupported Lua APIs and their JS alternatives
       mp.add_timeout(seconds, fn)  JS: id = setTimeout(fn, ms)

       mp.add_periodic_timer(seconds, fn)  JS: id = setInterval(fn, ms)

       utils.parse_json(str [, trail])  JS: JSON.parse(str)

       utils.format_json(v)  JS: JSON.stringify(v)

       utils.to_string(v)  see dump below.

       mp.get_next_timeout() see event loop below.

       mp.dispatch_events([allow_wait]) see event loop below.

   Scripting APIs - identical to Lua
       (LE) - Last-Error, indicates that mp.last_error() can be used after the
       call  to  test  for success (empty string) or failure (non empty reason
       string).  Where the Lua APIs use nil to indicate error, JS APIs use un-

       mp.command(string) (LE)

       mp.commandv(arg1, arg2, ...) (LE)

       mp.command_native(table [,def]) (LE)

       id = mp.command_native_async(table [,fn]) (LE) Notes: id is true-thy on
       success, error is empty string on success.


       mp.get_property(name [,def]) (LE)

       mp.get_property_osd(name [,def]) (LE)

       mp.get_property_bool(name [,def]) (LE)

       mp.get_property_number(name [,def]) (LE)

       mp.get_property_native(name [,def]) (LE)

       mp.set_property(name, value) (LE)

       mp.set_property_bool(name, value) (LE)

       mp.set_property_number(name, value) (LE)

       mp.set_property_native(name, value) (LE)


       mp.add_key_binding(key, name|fn [,fn [,flags]])



       mp.register_event(name, fn)


       mp.observe_property(name, type, fn)





       mp.osd_message(text [,duration])





       mp.register_script_message(name, fn)



       mp.get_osd_size()  (returned object has properties: width, height,  as-

       mp.msg.log(level, ...)








       mp.utils.getcwd() (LE)

       mp.utils.readdir(path [, filter]) (LE)

       mp.utils.file_info(path)  (LE)  Note:  like  lua - this does NOT expand
       meta-paths like ~~/foo (other JS file functions do expand meta paths).


       mp.utils.join_path(p1, p2)




       mp.utils.getpid() (LE)

       mp.add_hook(type, priority, fn(hook))

       mp.options.read_options(obj  [,  identifier  [,  on_update]])   (types:

   Additional utilities
              If  used  after an API call which updates last error, returns an
              empty string if the API call succeeded,  or  a  non-empty  error
              reason string otherwise.

       Error.stack (string)
              When  using  try  {  ... } catch(e) { ... }, then e.stack is the
              stack trace of the error - if  it  was  created  using  the  Er-
              ror(...) constructor.

       print (global)
              A convenient alias to mp.msg.info.

       dump (global)
              Like print but also expands objects and arrays recursively.

              Returns  the value of the host environment variable name, or un-
              defined if the variable is not defined.

              Trivial wrapper  of  the  expand-path  mpv  command,  returns  a
              string.   read_file, write_file, append_file and require already
              expand the  path  internally  and  accept  mpv  meta-paths  like

       mp.utils.read_file(fname [,max])
              Returns  the content of file fname as string. If max is provided
              and not negative, limit the read to max bytes.

       mp.utils.write_file(fname, str)
              (Over)write file fname with text content str. fname must be pre-
              fixed with file:// as simple protection against accidental argu-
              ments   switch,   e.g.   mp.utils.write_file("file://~/abc.txt",
              "hello world").

       mp.utils.append_file(fname, str)
              Same as mp.utils.write_file if the file fname does not exist. If
              it does exist then append instead of overwrite.

       Note: read_file, write_file and append_file throw on errors, allow text
       content only.

              Same as mp.get_time() but in ms instead of seconds.

              Returns the file name of the current script.

       exit() (global)
              Make the script exit at the end of the current event loop itera-
              tion.  Note: please remove added  key  bindings  before  calling

       mp.utils.compile_js(fname, content_str)
              Compiles  the  JS  code  content_str as file name fname (without
              loading anything from the filesystem), and returns it as a func-
              tion. Very similar to a Function constructor, but shows at stack
              traces as fname.

              Global modules search paths array for the require function  (see

   Timers (global)
       The standard HTML/node.js timers are available:

       id = setTimeout(fn [,duration [,arg1 [,arg2...]]])

       id = setTimeout(code_string [,duration])


       id = setInterval(fn [,duration [,arg1 [,arg2...]]])

       id = setInterval(code_string [,duration])


       setTimeout  and  setInterval  return  id, and later call fn (or execute
       code_string) after duration ms. Interval also repeat every duration.

       duration has a minimum and default value of 0, code_string is  a  plain
       string which is evaluated as JS code, and [,arg1 [,arg2..]] are used as
       arguments (if provided) when calling back fn.

       The clear...(id) functions cancel timer id, and are irreversible.

       Note: timers always call back asynchronously, e.g. setTimeout(fn)  will
       never  call fn before returning. fn will be called either at the end of
       this event loop iteration or at a later event loop iteration.  This  is
       true  also for intervals - which also never call back twice at the same
       event loop iteration.

       Additionally, timers are processed after the event queue is  empty,  so
       it's valid to use setTimeout(fn) as a one-time idle observer.

   CommonJS modules and require(id)
       CommonJS  Modules are a standard system where scripts can export common
       functions for use by other scripts. Specifically, a module is a  script
       which  adds properties (functions, etc) to its pre-existing exports ob-
       ject, which another script can  access  with  require(module-id).  This
       runs  the  module  and returns its exports object. Further calls to re-
       quire for the same module will return its cached exports object without
       running the module again.

       Modules  and  require  are supported, standard compliant, and generally
       similar to node.js. However, most node.js  modules  won't  run  due  to
       missing modules such as fs, process, etc, but some node.js modules with
       minimal dependencies do work. In general, this is for mpv  modules  and
       not a node.js replacement.

       A  .js file extension is always added to id, e.g. require("./foo") will
       load the file ./foo.js and return its exports object.

       An id which starts with ./ or ../ is relative to the script  or  module
       which  require  it.  Otherwise it's considered a top-level id (CommonJS

       Top-level id is evaluated as absolute filesystem path if possible, e.g.
       /x/y  or ~/x. Otherwise it's considered a global module id and searched
       according to mp.module_paths in normal array order,  e.g.  require("x")
       tries  to  load  x.js  at one of the array paths, and id foo/x tries to
       load x.js inside dir foo at one of the paths.

       The mp.module_paths array is empty by default except for scripts  which
       are loaded as a directory where it contains one item - <directory>/mod-
       ules/ .  The array may be updated from a script (or using custom init -
       see  below) which will affect future calls to require for global module
       id's which are not already loaded/cached.

       No global variable, but a module's this at its top lexical scope is the
       global  object  - also in strict mode. If you have a module which needs
       global as the global object, you could do this.global  =  this;  before

       Functions  and  variables declared at a module don't pollute the global

   Custom initialization
       After mpv initializes the JavaScript environment for a script  but  be-
       fore it loads the script - it tries to run the file init.js at the root
       of the mpv configuration directory. Code at this file  can  update  the
       environment  further  for  all  scripts.  E.g.  if  it contains mp.mod-
       ule_paths.push("/foo") then require at all scripts will  search  global
       module id's also at /foo (do NOT do mp.module_paths = ["/foo"]; because
       this will remove existing paths - like <script-dir>/modules for scripts
       which load from a directory).

       The custom-init file is ignored if mpv is invoked with --no-config.

       Before mpv 0.34, the file name was .init.js (with dot) at the same dir.

   The event loop
       The  event  loop  poll/dispatch  mpv events as long as the queue is not
       empty, then processes the timers, then waits for the  next  event,  and
       repeats this forever.

       You  could  put  this code at your script to replace the built-in event
       loop, and also print every event which mpv sends to your script:

          function mp_event_loop() {
              var wait = 0;
              do {
                  var e = mp.wait_event(wait);
                  dump(e);  // there could be a lot of prints...
                  if (e.event != "none") {
                      wait = 0;
                  } else {
                      wait = mp.process_timers() / 1000;
                      if (wait != 0) {
                          wait = mp.peek_timers_wait() / 1000;
              } while (mp.keep_running);

       mp_event_loop is a name which mpv tries to call after the script loads.
       The internal implementation is similar to this (without dump though..).

       e = mp.wait_event(wait) returns when the next mpv event arrives, or af-
       ter wait seconds if positive and no mpv events arrived. wait value of 0
       returns immediately (with e.event == "none" if the queue is empty).

       mp.dispatch_event(e) calls back the handlers registered for e.event, if
       there are such (event handlers, property  observers,  script  messages,

       mp.process_timers()  calls  back  the  already-added,  non-canceled due
       timers, and returns the duration in ms till the next due timer  (possi-
       bly 0), or -1 if there are no pending timers. Must not be called recur-

       mp.notify_idle_observers() calls back the idle observers, which  we  do
       when we're about to sleep (wait != 0), but the observers may add timers
       or take non-negligible duration to complete, so  we  re-calculate  wait

       mp.peek_timers_wait()  returns  the  same values as mp.process_timers()
       but without doing anything. Invalid result if called from a timer call-

       Note:  exit() is also registered for the shutdown event, and its imple-
       mentation is a simple mp.keep_running = false.

       mpv can be controlled by external programs  using  the  JSON-based  IPC
       protocol.  It can be enabled by specifying the path to a unix socket or
       a named pipe using the option --input-ipc-server. Clients  can  connect
       to  this  socket and send commands to the player or receive events from

          This is not intended to be a secure network protocol. It is  explic-
          itly  insecure:  there  is no authentication, no encryption, and the
          commands themselves are insecure too. For example, the  run  command
          is exposed, which can run arbitrary system commands. The use-case is
          controlling the player locally.  This  is  not  different  from  the
          MPlayer slave protocol.

   Socat example
       You  can use the socat tool to send commands (and receive replies) from
       the shell. Assuming mpv was started with:

          mpv file.mkv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket

       Then you can control it using socat:

          > echo '{ "command": ["get_property", "playback-time"] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket

       In this case, socat copies data between stdin/stdout and the mpv socket

       See the --idle option how to make mpv start without exiting immediately
       or playing a file.

       It's also possible to send input.conf style text-only commands:

          > echo 'show-text ${playback-time}' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket

       But you won't get a reply over the  socket.  (This  particular  command
       shows the playback time on the player's OSD.)

   Command Prompt example
       Unfortunately,  it's  not  as easy to test the IPC protocol on Windows,
       since Windows ports of socat (in Cygwin  and  MSYS2)  don't  understand
       named  pipes.  In the absence of a simple tool to send and receive from
       bidirectional pipes, the echo command can be used to send commands, but
       not receive replies from the command prompt.

       Assuming mpv was started with:

          mpv file.mkv --input-ipc-server=\\.\pipe\mpvsocket

       You can send commands from a command prompt:

          echo show-text ${playback-time} >\\.\pipe\mpvsocket

       To  be able to simultaneously read and write from the IPC pipe, like on
       Linux, it's necessary to write an external program that uses overlapped
       file I/O (or some wrapper like .NET's NamedPipeClientStream.)

       You  can  open  the  pipe in PuTTY as "serial" device. This is not very
       comfortable, but gives a way to test interactively  without  having  to
       write code.

       The  protocol uses UTF-8-only JSON as defined by RFC-8259. Unlike stan-
       dard JSON, "u" escape sequences are not allowed to construct  surrogate
       pairs. To avoid getting conflicts, encode all text characters including
       and above codepoint U+0020 as UTF-8. mpv might output broken  UTF-8  in
       corner cases (see "UTF-8" section below).

       Clients  can execute commands on the player by sending JSON messages of
       the following form:

          { "command": ["command_name", "param1", "param2", ...] }

       where command_name is the name of the command to be executed,  followed
       by  a  list  of parameters. Parameters must be formatted as native JSON
       values (integers, strings, booleans, ...). Every message must be termi-
       nated  with  \n.  Additionally,  \n must not appear anywhere inside the
       message. In practice this means that messages should be minified before
       being sent to mpv.

       mpv  will then send back a reply indicating whether the command was run
       correctly, and an additional field holding the command-specific  return
       data (it can also be null).

          { "error": "success", "data": null }

       mpv  will also send events to clients with JSON messages of the follow-
       ing form:

          { "event": "event_name" }

       where event_name is the name of the  event.  Additional  event-specific
       fields  can  also be present. See List of events for a list of all sup-
       ported events.

       Because events can occur at any time, it may be difficult at  times  to
       determine  which response goes with which command. Commands may option-
       ally include a request_id which, if provided in  the  command  request,
       will  be  copied verbatim into the response. mpv does not interpret the
       request_id in any way; it is solely for the use of the  requester.  The
       only  requirement  is  that  the request_id field must be an integer (a
       number without fractional parts  in  the  range  -2^63..2^63-1).  Using
       other types is deprecated and will currently show a warning. In the fu-
       ture, this will raise an error.

       For example, this request:

          { "command": ["get_property", "time-pos"], "request_id": 100 }

       Would generate this response:

          { "error": "success", "data": 1.468135, "request_id": 100 }

       If you don't specify a request_id, command replies will set it to 0.

       All commands, replies, and events are separated from each other with  a
       line break character (\n).

       If  the  first character (after skipping whitespace) is not {, the com-
       mand will be interpreted as non-JSON text command, as they are used  in
       input.conf  (or  mpv_command_string() in the client API). Additionally,
       lines starting with # and empty lines are ignored.

       Currently, embedded 0 bytes terminate the current line, but you  should
       not rely on this.

   Data flow
       Currently,  the mpv-side IPC implementation does not service the socket
       while a command is executed and the reply is written. It is for example
       not  possible  that other events, that happened during the execution of
       the command, are written to the socket before the reply is written.

       This might change in the future. The only guarantee is that replies  to
       IPC messages are sent in sequence.

       Also,  since socket I/O is inherently asynchronous, it is possible that
       you read unrelated event messages from the socket, before you read  the
       reply to the previous command you sent. In this case, these events were
       queued by the mpv side before it read and started processing your  com-
       mand message.

       If  the  mpv-side IPC implementation switches away from blocking writes
       and blocking command execution, it may attempt to send  events  at  any

       You  can also use asynchronous commands, which can return in any order,
       and which do not block IPC protocol interaction at all while  the  com-
       mand is executed in the background.

   Asynchronous commands
       Command  can be run asynchronously. This behaves exactly as with normal
       command execution, except that execution is not  blocking.  Other  com-
       mands  can  be sent while it's executing, and command completion can be
       arbitrarily reordered.

       The async field controls this. If present, it must  be  a  boolean.  If
       missing, false is assumed.

       For example, this initiates an asynchronous command:

          { "command": ["screenshot"], "request_id": 123, "async": true }

       And this is the completion:


       By  design,  you  will  not  get  a  confirmation  that the command was
       started. If a command is long running, sending the message will lead to
       any reply until much later when the command finishes.

       Some  commands  execute synchronously, but these will behave like asyn-
       chronous commands that finished execution immediately.

       Cancellation of asynchronous commands is available in the  libmpv  API,
       but has not yet been implemented in the IPC protocol.

   Commands with named arguments
       If  the  command  field is a JSON object, named arguments are expected.
       This is described in the C API  mpv_command_node()  documentation  (the
       MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP  case).  In some cases, this may make commands more
       readable, while some obscure commands basically require using named ar-

       Currently, only "proper" commands (as listed by List of Input Commands)
       support named arguments.

       In addition to the commands described in List of Input Commands, a  few
       extra commands can also be used as part of the protocol:

              Return  the  name  of  the  client as string. This is the string
              ipc-N with N being an integer number.

              Return the current mpv internal time in microseconds as  a  num-
              ber.  This  is basically the system time, with an arbitrary off-

              Return the value of the given property. The value will  be  sent
              in the data field of the replay message.


                 { "command": ["get_property", "volume"] }
                 { "data": 50.0, "error": "success" }

              Like  get_property,  but  the  resulting  data  will always be a


                 { "command": ["get_property_string", "volume"] }
                 { "data": "50.000000", "error": "success" }

              Set the given property to the given value.  See  Properties  for
              more information about properties.


                 { "command": ["set_property", "pause", true] }
                 { "error": "success" }

              Alias  for  set_property. Both commands accept native values and

              Watch a property for changes. If the given property is  changed,
              then an event of type property-change will be generated


                 { "command": ["observe_property", 1, "volume"] }
                 { "error": "success" }
                 { "event": "property-change", "id": 1, "data": 52.0, "name": "volume" }

                 If  the connection is closed, the IPC client is destroyed in-
                 ternally, and the observed properties are unregistered.  This
                 happens  for  example  when sending commands to a socket with
                 separate socat invocations.  This can make it seem like prop-
                 erty observation does not work. You must keep the IPC connec-
                 tion open to make it work.

              Like observe_property, but the resulting data will always  be  a


                 { "command": ["observe_property_string", 1, "volume"] }
                 { "error": "success" }
                 { "event": "property-change", "id": 1, "data": "52.000000", "name": "volume" }

              Undo  observe_property or observe_property_string. This requires
              the numeric id passed to the observed command as argument.


                 { "command": ["unobserve_property", 1] }
                 { "error": "success" }

              Enable output of mpv log messages.  They  will  be  received  as
              events.  The  parameter  to  this  command is the log-level (see
              mpv_request_log_messages C API function).

              Log message output is meant for humans only (mostly  for  debug-
              ging).  Attempting to retrieve information by parsing these mes-
              sages will just lead to breakages with future mpv releases.  In-
              stead,  make  a feature request, and ask for a proper event that
              returns the information you need.

       enable_event, disable_event
              Enables  or  disables  the  named  event.  Mirrors  the  mpv_re-
              quest_event C API function. If the string all is used instead of
              an event name, all events are enabled or disabled.

              By default, most events are enabled, and there is not  much  use
              for this command.

              Returns  the  client API version the C API of the remote mpv in-
              stance provides.

              See also: DOCS/client-api-changes.rst.

       Normally, all strings are  in  UTF-8.  Sometimes  it  can  happen  that
       strings  are  in some broken encoding (often happens with file tags and
       such, and filenames on many Unixes are not required to be in UTF-8  ei-
       ther).  This  means that mpv sometimes sends invalid JSON. If that is a
       problem for the client application's parser, it should filter  the  raw
       data  for  invalid UTF-8 sequences and perform the desired replacement,
       before feeding the data to its JSON parser.

       mpv will not attempt to construct invalid UTF-8 with broken "u"  escape
       sequences. This includes surrogate pairs.

   JSON extensions
       The following non-standard extensions are supported:

          • a list or object item can have a trailing ","

          • object syntax accepts "=" in addition of ":"

          • object  keys  can  be  unquoted, if they start with a character in
            "A-Za-z_" and contain only characters in "A-Za-z0-9_"

          • byte escapes with "xAB" are allowed (with AB being a 2  digit  hex


          { objkey = "value\x0A" }

       Is equivalent to:

          { "objkey": "value\n" }

   Alternative ways of starting clients
       You  can create an anonymous IPC connection without having to set --in-
       put-ipc-server. This is achieved through a mpv pseudo scripting backend
       that starts processes.

       You  can  put  .run  file extension in the mpv scripts directory in its
       config directory (see the FILES section  for  details),  or  load  them
       through other means (see Script location). These scripts are simply ex-
       ecuted with the OS native mechanism (as if you ran them in the  shell).
       They must have a proper shebang and have the executable bit set.

       When  executed, a socket (the IPC connection) is passed to them through
       file descriptor inheritance. The file descriptor is  indicated  as  the
       special  command  line  argument --mpv-ipc-fd=N, where N is the numeric
       file descriptor.

       The rest is the same as with a normal  --input-ipc-server  IPC  connec-
       tion.  mpv  does  not  attempt  to  observe  or other interact with the
       started script process.

       This does not work in Windows yet.

       There is no real changelog, but you can look at the following things:

       • The  release  changelog,  which  should  contain  most   user-visible
         changes, including new features and bug fixes:


       • The git log, which is the "real" changelog

       • The                                                              file
         documents  changes to the command and user interface, such as options
         and properties. (It usually documents breaking  changes  only,  addi-
         tions and enhancements are often not listed.)

       • C          API          changes         are         listed         in

       • The  file  mplayer-changes.rst  in  the DOCS sub directory on the git
         repository, which used to be in place of this section.  It  documents
         some  changes  that  happened since mplayer2 forked off MPlayer. (Not
         updated anymore.)

       mpv can be embedded into other programs as video/audio  playback  back-
       end.  The recommended way to do so is using libmpv. See libmpv/client.h
       in the mpv source code repository. This provides a C API. Bindings  for
       other languages might be available (see wiki).

       Since  libmpv  merely  allows  access to underlying mechanisms that can
       control mpv, further documentation is spread over a few places:

       • https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/libmpv/client.hhttps://mpv.io/manual/master/#optionshttps://mpv.io/manual/master/#list-of-input-commandshttps://mpv.io/manual/master/#propertieshttps://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-examples/tree/master/libmpv

       You can write C plugins for mpv. These use  the  libmpv  API,  although
       they do not use the libmpv library itself.

       They  are  available on Linux/BSD platforms only and enabled by default
       if the compiler supports linking with the -rdynamic flag.

   C plugins location
       C plugins are put into the mpv scripts directory in its  config  direc-
       tory (see the FILES section for details). They must have a .so file ex-
       tension.  They can also be explicitly loaded with the --script option.

       A C plugin must export the following function:

          int mpv_open_cplugin(mpv_handle *handle)

       The plugin function will be called on loading time. This function  does
       not  return  as  long  as  your  plugin  is  loaded (it runs in its own
       thread). The handle will be deallocated as soon as the plugin  function

       The return value is interpreted as error status. A value of 0 is inter-
       preted as success, while -1 signals an error. In the latter  case,  the
       player prints an uninformative error message that loading failed.

       Return  values  other than 0 and -1 are reserved, and trigger undefined

       Within the plugin function, you can call libmpv API functions. The han-
       dle  is created by mpv_create_client() (or actually an internal equiva-
       lent), and belongs to you. You can call mpv_wait_event()  to  wait  for
       things happening, and so on.

       Note   that   the   player   might   block   until  your  plugin  calls
       mpv_wait_event() for the first time. This gives you a chance to install
       initial hooks etc.  before playback begins.

       The details are quite similar to Lua scripts.

   Linkage to libmpv
       The  current  implementation  requires that your plugins are not linked
       against libmpv. What your plugins use are not symbols from a libmpv bi-
       nary, but symbols from the mpv host binary.


       • https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-examples/tree/master/cplugins

       There are a number of environment variables that can be used to control
       the behavior of mpv.

              Used to determine mpv config directory.  If  XDG_CONFIG_HOME  is
              not set, $HOME/.config/mpv is used.

              $HOME/.mpv  is  always  added to the list of config search paths
              with a lower priority.

              Directory where mpv looks for user settings. Overrides HOME, and
              mpv will try to load the config file as $MPV_HOME/mpv.conf.

       MPV_VERBOSE (see also -v and --msg-level)
              Set  the initial verbosity level across all message modules (de-
              fault: 0).  This is an integer, and the resulting verbosity cor-
              responds  to  the  number  of  --v options passed to the command

              If set to 1, enable internal talloc leak reporting.  If  set  to
              another  value,  disable  leak  reporting. If unset, use the de-
              fault, which  normally  is  0.  If  mpv  was  built  with  --en-
              able-ta-leak-report,  the  default  is  1. If leak reporting was
              disabled at compile time (NDEBUG in custom CFLAGS),  this  envi-
              ronment variable is ignored.

              Specifies  the  search  path for LADSPA plugins. If it is unset,
              fully qualified path names must be used.

              Standard X11 display name to use.

              This library accesses various  environment  variables.  However,
              they  are  not centrally documented, and documenting them is not
              our job. Therefore, this list is incomplete.

              Notable environment variables:

                     URL to proxy for http:// and https:// URLs.

                     List of domain patterns for  which  no  proxy  should  be
                     used.   List entries are separated by ,. Patterns can in-
                     clude *.


                     Specify a directory in which to store title  key  values.
                     This  will speed up descrambling of DVDs which are in the
                     cache. The DVDCSS_CACHE directory is created if  it  does
                     not  exist, and a subdirectory is created named after the
                     DVD's title or manufacturing date. If DVDCSS_CACHE is not
                     set  or  is  empty,  libdvdcss will use the default value
                     which is ${HOME}/.dvdcss/ under Unix and the roaming  ap-
                     plication  data  directory (%APPDATA%) under Windows. The
                     special value "off" disables caching.

                     Sets the authentication and decryption method that  libd-
                     vdcss will use to read scrambled discs. Can be one of ti-
                     tle, key or disc.

                     key    is the default method. libdvdcss will use a set of
                            calculated player keys to try to get the disc key.
                            This can fail if the drive does not recognize  any
                            of the player keys.

                     disc   is  a fallback method when key has failed. Instead
                            of using player keys,  libdvdcss  will  crack  the
                            disc  key  using  a  brute  force  algorithm. This
                            process is CPU intensive and  requires  64  MB  of
                            memory to store temporary data.

                     title  is  the  fallback  when  all  other  methods  have
                            failed. It does not rely on a  key  exchange  with
                            the  DVD drive, but rather uses a crypto attack to
                            guess the title key. On rare cases this  may  fail
                            because  there is not enough encrypted data on the
                            disc to perform a statistical attack, but  on  the
                            other  hand  it  is  the only way to decrypt a DVD
                            stored on a hard disc, or a DVD with the wrong re-
                            gion on an RPC2 drive.

                     Specify the raw device to use. Exact usage will depend on
                     your operating system, the Linux utility to  set  up  raw
                     devices  is raw(8) for instance. Please note that on most
                     operating systems, using a  raw  device  requires  highly
                     aligned  buffers:  Linux  requires a 2048 bytes alignment
                     (which is the size of a DVD sector).

                     Sets the libdvdcss verbosity level.

                     0      Outputs no messages at all.

                     1      Outputs error messages to stderr.

                     2      Outputs  error  messages  and  debug  messages  to

                     Skip retrieving all keys on startup. Currently disabled.

              HOME   FIXME: Document this.

       Normally  mpv  returns 0 as exit code after finishing playback success-
       fully.  If errors happen, the following exit codes can be returned:

          1      Error initializing mpv. This is also returned if unknown  op-
                 tions are passed to mpv.

          2      The  file  passed to mpv couldn't be played. This is somewhat
                 fuzzy: currently, playback of a file is considered to be suc-
                 cessful  if  initialization  was  mostly  successful, even if
                 playback fails immediately after initialization.

          3      There were some files that could be played,  and  some  files
                 which couldn't (using the definition of success from above).

          4      Quit  due to a signal, Ctrl+c in a VO window (by default), or
                 from the default quit key bindings in encoding mode.

       Note that quitting the player manually will always lead to exit code 0,
       overriding  the  exit  code  that would be returned normally. Also, the
       quit input command can take an exit code: in this case, that exit  code
       is returned.

       For Windows-specifics, see FILES ON WINDOWS section.

              mpv  system-wide settings (depends on --prefix passed to config-
              ure - mpv in default configuration will use  /usr/local/etc/mpv/
              as  config directory, while most Linux distributions will set it
              to /etc/mpv/).

              The standard configuration directory. This can be overridden  by
              environment variables, in ascending order:

              1      If  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME  is set, then the derived configura-
                     tion directory will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv.

              2      If $MPV_HOME is set, then the derived  configuration  di-
                     rectory will be $MPV_HOME.

              If this directory, nor the original configuration directory (see
              below) do not exist, mpv tries to create this directory automat-

              The  original  (pre 0.5.0) configuration directory. It will con-
              tinue to be read if present.

              If both this directory and the standard configuration  directory
              are present, configuration will be read from both with the stan-
              dard configuration directory content taking precedence. However,
              you should fully migrate to the standard directory and a warning
              will be shown in this situation.

              mpv user settings (see CONFIGURATION FILES section)

              key bindings (see INPUT.CONF section)

              Fontconfig fonts.conf that is customized for mpv. You should in-
              clude system fonts.conf in this file or mpv would not know about
              fonts that you already have in the system.

              Only available when libass is built with fontconfig.

              fallback subtitle font

              Font files in this directory are used by mpv/libass  for  subti-
              tles. Useful if you do not want to install fonts to your system.
              Note that files in this directory are loaded into memory  before
              being  used  by  mpv. If you have a lot of fonts, consider using
              fonts.conf (see above) to include  additional  fonts,  which  is
              more memory-efficient.

              All files in this directory are loaded as if they were passed to
              the --script option. They are loaded in alphabetical order.

              The --load-scripts=no option disables loading these files.

              See Script location for details.

              Contains temporary config files needed for resuming playback  of
              files  with  the  watch later feature. See for example the Q key
              binding, or the quit-watch-later input command.

              Each file is a small config file which is loaded if  the  corre-
              sponding media file is loaded. It contains the playback position
              and some (not necessarily all) settings that were changed during
              playback.  The  filenames  are hashed from the full paths of the
              media files. It's in general not possible to extract  the  media
              filename  from this hash. However, you can set the --write-file-
              name-in-watch-later-config option, and the player will  add  the
              media filename to the contents of the resume config file.

              This  is  loaded by the OSC script. See the ON SCREEN CONTROLLER
              docs for details.

              Other files in this directory are specific to the  corresponding
              scripts as well, and the mpv core doesn't touch them.

       On  win32  (if compiled with MinGW, but not Cygwin), the default config
       file locations are different. They are generally  located  under  %APP-
       DATA%/mpv/.    For   example,   the   path   to   mpv.conf   is   %APP-
       DATA%/mpv/mpv.conf, which maps to a system and user-specific path,  for

       You  can  find the exact path by running echo %APPDATA%\mpv\mpv.conf in

       Other config files (such as input.conf) are in the same directory.  See
       the FILES section above.

       The  environment variable $MPV_HOME completely overrides these, like on

       If a directory named portable_config next to the  mpv.exe  exists,  all
       config  will  be  loaded  from  this directory only. Watch later config
       files are written to this directory as well. (This  exists  on  Windows
       only  and  is  redundant with $MPV_HOME. However, since Windows is very
       scripting unfriendly, a wrapper script just setting $MPV_HOME, like you
       could  do  it on other systems, won't work. portable_config is provided
       for convenience to get around this restriction.)

       Config files located in the same directory as mpv.exe are  loaded  with
       lower  priority.  Some  config  files are loaded only once, which means
       that e.g. of 2 input.conf files located in two config directories, only
       the one from the directory with higher priority will be loaded.

       A  third  config  directory  with  the lowest priority is the directory
       named mpv in the same directory as mpv.exe. This used to be the  direc-
       tory with the highest priority, but is now discouraged to use and might
       be removed in the future.

       Note that mpv likes to mix / and  \  path  separators  for  simplicity.
       kernel32.dll accepts this, but cmd.exe does not.



Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 29 02:10:13 CEST 2024.