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LYX(1)                             LyX 2.3.7                            LYX(1)

       LyX - A Document Processor

       lyx [ command-line switches ] [ name[.lyx] ... ]

       LyX is too complex to be described completely in the "man" page format.
       If your system is properly configured, you can access the full documen-
       tation within LyX under the Help menu.

       LyX  is  a document preparation system. It excels at letting you create
       complex technical and scientific articles with mathematics,  cross-ref-
       erences,  bibliographies, indices, etc. It is very good at documents of
       any length in which the usual processing abilities are required:  auto-
       matic  sectioning  and  pagination, spellchecking, and so forth. It can
       also be used to write a letter to your mom, though granted,  there  are
       probably  simpler programs available for that. It is definitely not the
       best tool for creating banners, flyers, or advertisements, though  with
       some  effort  all  these can be done, too.  Some examples of what it is
       used for: memos, letters, dissertations and theses, lecture notes, sem-
       inar  notebooks,  conference proceedings, software documentation, books
       (on PostgreSQL, remote sensing, cryptology, fictional  novels,  poetry,
       and  even  a  children's  book or two), articles in refereed scientific
       journals, scripts for plays and movies, business proposals...  you  get
       the idea.

       Currently, LyX uses the Qt4 library as a toolkit. LyX should run every-
       where, where this library runs.  This is on all major Unix platforms as
       well as Windows and Mac OS X (which actually is a unix platform).

       LyX supports the following command-line switches.

       -help summarizes LyX usage

             provides version information on the build of LyX.

       -sysdir directory
             sets system directory. Normally not needed.

       -userdir directory
             sets user directory. Needed if you want to use LyX with different
             lyxrc settings.

       -geometry WxH+X+Y
             set geometry of the main window.

       -dbg feature[,feature...]
             where feature is a name or number.  Use "lyx  -dbg"  to  see  the
             list of available debug features.

        -x [--execute] command
             where command is a lyx command.

        -e [--export] fmt
             where  fmt  is the export format of choice (latex, pdflatex, lua-
             tex, xetex, xhtml, text, lyx, ps, pdf, ...).  Note that the order
             of -e and -x switches matters.

        -E [--export-to] fmt filename
             where  fmt  is  the  export  format of choice (see --export), and
             filename is the destination filename. Note  that  any  additional
             external  file  needed  by filename (such as image files) will be
             exported as well to the folder  containing  filename  (preserving
             the  relative  path embedded within the original LyX document, if

        -i [--import] fmt file.xxx
             where fmt is the import format of choice and file.xxx is the file
             to be imported.

        -f [--force-overwrite] what
             where  what  is is either "all", "main" or "none".  Specify "all"
             to allow overwriting all files during a batch export,  "main"  to
             allow overwriting the main file only, or "none" to disallow over-
             writing any file. When this switch is followed by  anything  else
             other  than  "all", "main" or "none", the behavior is as if "all"
             was specified, but what follows is left on the command  line  for
             further processing.

        --ignore-error-message which
             allows  you  to ignore specific LaTeX error messages.  Do not use
             for final documents! Currently supported values: "missing_glyphs"
             Fontspec "missing glyphs" error.

        -n [--no-remote]
             open documents passed as arguments in a new instance, even if an-
             other instance of LyX is already running.

        -r [--remote]
             by using the lyxpipe, ask an already running instance of  LyX  to
             open the documents passed as arguments and then exit. If the lyx-
             pipe is not set up or is not working, a new instance  is  created
             and execution continues normally.

        -v [--verbose]
             print on terminal all spawned external commands.

             causes  LyX  to run the given commands without opening a GUI win-
             dow.  Thus, something like:
                 lyx -batch -x "buffer-print printer default dvips" myfile.lyx
             will cause LyX to print myfile.lyx to the default printer,  using
             dvips  and  the default print settings (which, of course, have to
             have been configured already).

              can be used to specify which system directory to use.

       The system directory is determined by searching for the  file  "chkcon-
       fig.ltx". Directories are searched in this order:
       1) -sysdir command line parameter
       2) LYX_DIR_23x environment variable
       3) Maybe <path of binary>/TOP_SRCDIR/lib
       4) <path of binary>/../share/<name of binary>/
       5) hardcoded lyx_dir (at build time: /usr/share/lyx)

              can be used to specify which user directory to use.

       The user directory is, in order of precedence:
       1) -userdir command line parameter
       2) LYX_USERDIR_23x environment variable
       3) $HOME/.<name of binary> if no explicit setting is made

              can  be  used  to tell LyX where to look for the translations of
              its GUI strings in other languages.

              can be used to change the default behavior when  exporting  from
              command line.

       By  default,  LyX  overwrites the main file when exporting from command
       line but not the ancillary files. This behavior can be changed by  set-
       ting this environment variable, which relieves the need of using the -f
       switch.  Allowed values are either "all", "main" or "none",  with  same
       meaning as for the -f switch.

       ~/.lyx/preferences      Personal configuration file
       ~/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults   Personal autodetected configuration file
       LIBDIR/lyxrc.dist  System wide configuration file
       LIBDIR/configure.py  Updates LyX if config has changed
       LIBDIR/bind/      Keybindings
       LIBDIR/clipart/   Clipart pictures
       LIBDIR/doc/       Documentation in LyX format.
       LIBDIR/examples/  Example documents
       LIBDIR/images/    Images used as icons or in popups
       LIBDIR/kbd/       Keyboard mappings
       LIBDIR/layouts/   Layout descriptions
       LIBDIR/templates/ Templates for documents
       LIBDIR/tex/       Extra TeX files

       LIBDIR is the system directory. This was at build time /usr/share/lyx.

       tex2lyx(1), latex(1).

       Full documentation in either native LyX or postscript format.

       There  are  still some bugs in LyX. To report one, read if possible the
       Introduction found under the Help menu in  LyX.  You'll  find  detailed
       info  on  submitting  bug reports there. If you can't do that, send de-
       tails to the LyX Developers mailing  list  lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org,  or
       use the LyX bug tracker at http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome.
       Don't forget to mention which version you are having problems with!

       LaTeX import is still not perfect and may produce  buggy  *.lyx  files.
       Consult the tex2lyx documentation.

       LyX is Copyright (C) 1995 by Matthias Ettrich, 1995-2017 LyX Team

Version 2.3.7                     2023-01-01                            LYX(1)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 29 02:04:34 CEST 2024.