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LASTLOG(8)              Comandi per la gestione del si              LASTLOG(8)

       lastlog - riepiloga gli accessi più recenti di tutti gli utenti o
       dell'utente dato

       lastlog [opzioni]

       lastlog formats and prints the contents of the last login log
       /var/log/lastlog file. The login-name, port, and last login time will
       be printed. The default (no flags) causes lastlog entries to be
       printed, sorted by their order in /etc/passwd.

       The options which apply to the lastlog command are:

       -b, --before DAYS
           Print only lastlog records older than DAYS.

       -C, --clear
           Clear lastlog record of a user. This option can be used only
           together with -u (--user)).

       -h, --help
           Mostra un messaggio di aiuto ed esce.

       -R, --root CHROOT_DIR
           Apply changes in the CHROOT_DIR directory and use the configuration
           files from the CHROOT_DIR directory. Only absolute paths are

       -S, --set
           Set lastlog record of a user to the current time. This option can
           be used only together with -u (--user)).

       -t, --time DAYS
           Print the lastlog records more recent than DAYS.

       -u, --user LOGIN|RANGE
           Mostra il record di ultimo accesso per l'utente o gli utenti
           specificati da LOGIN.

           The users can be specified by a login name, a numerical user ID, or
           a RANGE of users. This RANGE of users can be specified with a min
           and max values (UID_MIN-UID_MAX), a max value (-UID_MAX), or a min
           value (UID_MIN-).

       If the user has never logged in the message ** Never logged in** will
       be displayed instead of the port and time.

       Solo le registrazioni degli utenti correnti del sistema verranno
       mostrate. Ci potrebbero essere altre registrazioni per utenti
       cancellati in precedenza.

       The lastlog file is a database which contains info on the last login of
       each user. You should not rotate it. It is a sparse file, so its size
       on the disk is usually much smaller than the one shown by "ls -l"
       (which can indicate a really big file if you have in passwd users with
       a high UID). You can display its real size with "ls -s".

       The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the
       behavior of this tool:

           Database degli orari dei precedenti accessi utente.

       Se ci sono dei grossi scarti tra i valori di UID, il programma lastlog
       può restare in esecuzione per un tempo prolungato senza produrre output
       sullo schermo (ad es. se nel database lastlog non ci sono registrazioni
       per UID tra 170 e 800, il programma sembrerà bloccato mentre esamina
       gli UID tra 171 e 799).

       Having high UIDs can create problems when handling the <term>
       /var/log/lastlog</term> with external tools. Although the actual file
       is sparse and does not use too much space, certain applications are not
       designed to identify sparse files by default and may require a specific
       option to handle them.

shadow-utils 4.13                 23/03/2023                        LASTLOG(8)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 05:30:05 CEST 2024.