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4 Session control

The File menu has sections to manage the work session in Xmaxima. The ‘Batch file’ and ‘Batch file silently’ sections are equivalent to Maxima’s commands batch and batchload, which can also be used in Xmaxima. The advantage of those two options is that they will open a dialog box that will allow you to navigate through your directories, until you find the one that you are looking for.

The ‘Restore Maxima State’ (Alt-i) section allows you to reload the state of a Maxima session that you saved using the ‘Save Maxima State to File’ section. The latter saves the state as a Lisp file using Maxima’s save command.

The ‘Save Maxima Input to File’ (Ctrl-a) section saves each input line as Maxima code using the Maxima stringout command. This code can be manually edited in a text editor and loaded into Xmaxima using ‘Batch file’.

In the menu Edit there is also an option ‘Save console to file’ which will save the complete contents of the text window into a file. The input and output will be saved as they look on the screen, and not as they were originally written.

The option ‘Input prompt’ (Alt-s) will repeat the last input label sent back by Maxima. That will be useful if you are working on a text that is not near the last input label and you want to move quickly to the last input.

Option ‘Interrupt’ (Alt-g) can be used to interrupt a calculation. And the option ‘Restart’ will end the current execution of Maxima; a new Maxima process will be invoked, so the input prompt will start again as (%i1).

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This document was generated on February 14, 2023 using makeinfo.