Version: 3.2.2
wxRect Member List

This is the complete list of members for wxRect, including all inherited members.

CenterIn(const wxRect &r, int dir=wxBOTH) constwxRect
CentreIn(const wxRect &r, int dir=wxBOTH) constwxRect
Contains(int x, int y) constwxRect
Contains(const wxPoint &pt) constwxRect
Contains(const wxRect &rect) constwxRect
Deflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy)wxRect
Deflate(const wxSize &diff)wxRect
Deflate(wxCoord diff)wxRect
Deflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) constwxRect
GetBottom() constwxRect
GetBottomLeft() constwxRect
GetBottomRight() constwxRect
GetHeight() constwxRect
GetLeft() constwxRect
GetPosition() constwxRect
GetRight() constwxRect
GetSize() constwxRect
GetTop() constwxRect
GetTopLeft() constwxRect
GetTopRight() constwxRect
GetWidth() constwxRect
GetX() constwxRect
GetY() constwxRect
Inflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy)wxRect
Inflate(const wxSize &diff)wxRect
Inflate(wxCoord diff)wxRect
Inflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) constwxRect
Intersect(const wxRect &rect)wxRect
Intersect(const wxRect &rect) constwxRect
Intersects(const wxRect &rect) constwxRect
IsEmpty() constwxRect
Offset(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy)wxRect
Offset(const wxPoint &pt)wxRect
operator!=(const wxRect &r1, const wxRect &r2)wxRect
operator*(const wxRect &r1, const wxRect &r2)wxRect
operator*=(const wxRect &r)wxRect
operator+(const wxRect &r1, const wxRect &r2)wxRect
operator+=(const wxRect &r)wxRect
operator=(const wxRect &rect)wxRect
operator==(const wxRect &r1, const wxRect &r2)wxRect
SetBottom(int bottom)wxRect
SetBottomLeft(const wxPoint &p)wxRect
SetBottomRight(const wxPoint &p)wxRect
SetHeight(int height)wxRect
SetLeft(int left)wxRect
SetPosition(const wxPoint &pos)wxRect
SetRight(int right)wxRect
SetSize(const wxSize &s)wxRect
SetTop(int top)wxRect
SetTopLeft(const wxPoint &p)wxRect
SetTopRight(const wxPoint &p)wxRect
SetWidth(int width)wxRect
SetX(int x)wxRect
SetY(int y)wxRect
Union(const wxRect &rect) constwxRect
Union(const wxRect &rect)wxRect
wxRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)wxRect
wxRect(const wxPoint &topLeft, const wxPoint &bottomRight)wxRect
wxRect(const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size)wxRect
wxRect(const wxSize &size)wxRect