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whatdomain.vim : Find out meaning of Top Level Domain

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created by
Michael Piefel
script type
If you ever wondered what country the domain .tv belonged to, you had to look it up in some database - you had to leave Vim. No More!
This plugin offers you a simple function which will identify the domain and print it out. You can call the function WhatDomain directly (with one string argument, the TLD), ot even better, use the following command on the Vim command line:
It will ask you for the domain you want to have identified and subsequently prints out which country or category this domain belongs to. You can also pass the domain you ask for as a parameter (:WhatDomain de) or use the function call syntax (:call WhatDomain).
install details
Just source this file at any point. To have it always available, simply put it in you .vim/plugin directory.
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
whatdomain.vim 20010919 2001-09-19 6.0 Michael Piefel Thanks to a patch by Salman Halim you can now also call the routine with the domain as a parameter.
whatdomain.vim 20010820 2001-08-20 6.0 Michael Piefel Initial upload

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