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info.vim : GNU info documentation browser.

 script karma  Rating 623/226, Downloaded by 8279  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Slavik Gorbanyov
script type
requires vim 6.x and GNU info. adds new command `Info': without arguments it displays "directory" node, with single argument displays this file (eg `:Info libc'). with two arguments, first specifies file and second node to display (eg `:Info libc POSIX\ Threads' -- note space escaping). within browser, press h key to see available key shortcuts.
install details
copy it into ~/.vim/plugin/, then restart vim (or do :runtime info.vim).
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
info.vim 1.7 2002-11-30 6.0 Slavik Gorbanyov added varios workarounds for win32 environment.
fixed multiline cross-references matching.
info.vim 1.6 2002-11-13 6.0 Slavik Gorbanyov script now properly follows hyperlinks split across two lines.
info.vim 1.5 2002-03-20 6.0 Slavik Gorbanyov fixed issue with c-shell and stderr redirection. global search still does not work properly, sorry.
info.vim 1.2 2001-06-16 6.0 Slavik Gorbanyov Initial upload

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