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WD = $(shell pwd)
CURRDIR = $(notdir ${WD})

TEXFILES = srcredact.tex

PODS = srcredact.pod

MAN1 = ${PODS:%.pod=%.1}

        twain1-default.pdf twain1-uppercase.pdf twain1-nobonds.pdf \
        twain2-default.pdf twain2-uppercase.pdf twain2-nobonds.pdf 

DOCS = ${TEXFILES:%.tex=%.pdf} ${MAN1} ${SAMPLEPDFS}

SCRIPTS = srcredact.pl

all:  ${DOCS}
        perl -c ${SCRIPTS}
        chmod a+x ${SCRIPTS}

%.pdf:  %.tex srcredact-man.tex
        pdflatex $<
        - for file in *.aux; do bibtex $$file; done
        pdflatex $<
        while ( grep -q '^LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed' $*.log || \
        grep -q '^Package pdfscreen Warning: TOC file not available' $*.log ||\
        grep -q '^Package natbib Warning: Citation(s) may have changed' $*.log)\
        do pdflatex $*; done

srcredact-man.tex: srcredact.pod
        pod2latex -out $@ -h1level 2 $<

%.1:  %.pod 
        pod2man -c "Text tools" -r "1.0" $< >$@

twain1-%.tex: twain1.tex srcredact.pl
        perl srcredact.pl -e $* twain1.tex > $@

twain2-%.tex: twain2.tex srcredact.pl
        perl srcredact.pl -e $* twain2.tex > $@

twain2.tex: twain1.tex twain-edited.tex
        perl srcredact.pl -u nobonds twain1.tex twain-edited.tex > $@

        $(RM) *.aux *.bbl *.dvi *.log *.out *.toc *.blg *.lof *.lot *.zip \
        *.ps  *.tgz depend  *.4* *.css *.idv *.lg *.xref *~ *.tmp \

        twain1-uppercase.tex twain1-default.tex twain1-nobonds.tex \
        twain2-uppercase.tex twain2-default.tex twain2-nobonds.tex \

distclean: clean
        $(RM) ${DOCS} *.1 twain1-* twain2*

archive:  all clean
        cd ..; \
        tar -czvf $(PACKAGE).tgz  --exclude 'debug*' \
        --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.tgz' --exclude '*.zip'  \
        --exclude CVS $(CURRDIR); \
        mv $(PACKAGE).tgz $(CURRDIR); \
        cd $(CURRDIR)

zip:  all clean
        cd ..; \
        zip -r  $(PACKAGE).zip $(CURRDIR) \
        -x 'debug*' -x '*~' -x '*.tgz' -x '*.zip' -x CVS -x '*/CVS/*'; \
        mv $(PACKAGE).zip $(CURRDIR); \
        cd $(CURRDIR)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 27 10:00:14 CEST 2024.