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# Project:      Documentation Tools
# Descr:        Latex -->  MAN-page (groff -man), Makefile
# Author:       Dr. Jürgen Vollmer, Juergen.Vollmer@informatik-vollmer.de
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.128 2018/11/25 12:57:59 vollmer Exp $

BASE            = latex2man

#-------- user configuration section
BIN_DIR         = $(HOME)/bin
MAN_DIR         = $(HOME)/man
HTML_DIR        = $(HOME)/public_html
INFO_DIR        = $(HOME)/info
TEX_DIR         = $(HOME)/tex/inputs
CFG_DIR         = $(HOME)/tex/inputs
#-------- end of user configuration section

DATE            = `date +%Y-%m-%d`
DATE2           = `date +%Y/%m/%d`
TAR_BAK         = $(BASE)-$(DATE)-backup.tar.gz
TAR_SRC         = $(BASE)-$(DATE)-source.tar.gz
TAR_DIST        = $(BASE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
EX              = --exclude "*.o" --exclude core --exclude "*.tar.gz" --exclude "*~" \
                  --exclude "*.a" --exclude "*.php"
EXrcs           = $(EX) --exclude "*/RCS/*"  --exclude "*/RCS"

VERSION         = 1.29
V_DATE          = 2018/11/25
latex2man       = ./latex2man

D               = $

HOMEPAGE        = $(HOME)/Privat/homepage/informatik-vollmer/software

.PHONY:    all clean realclean diff backup src-tar
#.SUFFIXES: .tex .html .ps .info .texi .txt

all: $(BASE).1 $(BASE).html  $(BASE).texi $(BASE).info $(BASE).txt  $(BASE).pdf latex2man-CHANGES.html
        $(MAKE) clean

%.ps: %.tex
        latex $*.tex
        latex $*.tex
        dvips -o $*.ps $*.dvi

%.pdf: %.tex
        T=/tmp/$*-$$$$; mkdir $$T && \
        (                                  \
         cp $*.tex $*.sty $*.inc $$T    && \
         cd $$T                         && \
         pdflatex $*.tex                && \
         pdflatex $*.tex);                 \
        mv $$T/$*.pdf .

%.info: %.texi
        makeinfo $*.texi

%.txt: %.1
        groff -t -man -Tlatin1 $*.1      |      \
                sed -e 's///g'  \
                    -e 's/7|//g'       \
                    -e 's/[6-9]//g'    \
                    -e 's///g'         \
                    -e 's/-$$/- /'      > $*.txt

%.1: %.tex
        $(latex2man) -M $*.tex $*.1

%.html: %.tex
        $(latex2man) -H -c $*.css $*.tex $*.html

%.texi: %.tex
        $(latex2man) -T $*.tex $*.texi

latex2man-CHANGES.html: CHANGES
        @(                                                                                      \
         echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">";                      \
         echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">";   \
         echo "<html><head>";                                                   \
         echo "<title>Changefile of LaTeX2HTML</title>";                        \
         echo "</head><body><pre>";                                             \
         sed -e's/&/\&amp;/g' -e's/>/\&gt;/g' -e's/</\&lt;/g' < CHANGES;        \
         echo "</pre></body><html>";                                            \
        ) > latex2man-CHANGES.html

         sed -e's/&/\&amp;/g' -e's/>/\&gt;/g' -e's/</\&lt;/g' < CHANGES > CHANGES.pre.html;     \

$(BASE).php: $(BASE).php.src Makefile CHANGES.pre.html
         sed < $(BASE).php.src                          \
             -e "s|@VERSION@|$(VERSION)|g"              \
             -e "s|@DATE@|$(V_DATE)|g"                  \
             -e "/@CHANGELOG@/r CHANGES.pre.html"       \
             -e "/^@.*@$$/d"                            \
             -e "s|$(BASE).src|$(BASE)|g"               \
             -e "s|$(D)\(Id: $(BASE),v .*\) $(D)|\1|g" |\
         sed  -e "/$(D)Id: CHANGES,v/d"                 \
         > $(BASE).php
        rm -f CHANGES.pre.html

latex2man-html.php: latex2man.html Makefile
        @ (echo '<?php';                                                \
           echo ' $$prefix    = "..";';                                 \
           echo ' $$logo      = "abakus.jpg";';                         \
           echo ' $$logo_text = "russischer Abakus";';                  \
           echo ' $$language  = "en";';                                 \
           echo ' include "$$prefix/scripts/header.inc"';               \
           echo '?>';                                                   \
           sed < latex2man.html                                         \
            -e "1,/<body*/d"                                            \
            -e "/<h4 align=center>/d"                                   \
            -e "s/ align=center//g"                                     \
            -e "/<\/body>/d"                                            \
            -e "/<\/html>/d";                                           \
           echo '<?php include "$$prefix/scripts/footer.inc"?>';        \
          ) > latex2man-html.php

latex2man-text.php: latex2man.txt Makefile
        @ (echo '<?php';                                                        \
           echo ' $$prefix    = "..";';                                         \
           echo ' $$logo      = "abakus.jpg";';                                 \
           echo ' $$logo_text = "russischer Abakus";';                          \
           echo ' $$langauge  = "en";';                                         \
           echo ' include "$$prefix/scripts/header.inc"';                       \
           echo '?>';                                                           \
           echo '<h1>LaTeX2MAN<br><small>plain text / UNIX-man</small></h1>';   \
           echo '<pre';                                                         \
           echo '     style="border-style:ridge;border-width:2px;">';           \
           cat  latex2man.txt |                                                 \
                sed -e's/&/\&amp;/g' -e's/>/\&gt;/g' -e's/</\&lt;/g' ;          \
           echo '</pre>';                                                       \
           echo '<?php include "$$prefix/scripts/footer.inc"?>';                \
          ) > latex2man-text.php

homepage: latex2man.pdf latex2man.txt latex2man.php latex2man-html.php latex2man-CHANGES.html latex2man-text.php latex2man.info
        cp -fp $(TAR_DIST) latex2man.pdf latex2man*.php latex2man.info latex2man-CHANGES.html latex2man.css $(HOMEPAGE)
        rm -f *.php

install: realclean all
        @if [ ! -f $(INFO_DIR)/dir ];                                   \
        then                                                            \
          (echo ;                                                       \
           echo "";                                                    \
           echo "File: dir      Node: Top       This is the top of the INFO tree";      \
           echo "* Menu: " )                                            \
           > $(INFO_DIR)/dir ;                                          \
        cp -f $(BASE)             $(BIN_DIR)
        cp -f $(BASE).sty         $(TEX_DIR)
        cp -f $(BASE).cfg         $(CFG_DIR)
        cp -f $(BASE).1           $(MAN_DIR)/man1
        cp -f $(BASE).html        $(HTML_DIR)
        cp -f $(BASE).css         $(HTML_DIR)
        cp -f $(BASE).info        $(INFO_DIR)
        install-info $(BASE).info $(INFO_DIR)/dir
        $(MAKE) clean

        rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(BASE)
        rm -f $(TEX_DIR)/$(BASE).sty
        rm -f $(CFG_DIR)/$(BASE).cfg
        rm -f $(MAN_DIR)/man1/$(BASE).1
        rm -f $(HTML_DIR)/$(BASE).html
        rm -f $(HTML_DIR)/$(BASE).css
        rm -f $(INFO_DIR)/$(BASE).info
        - install-info --quiet --remove $(BASE).info $(INFO_DIR)/dir

        $(MAKE) realclean all
        @cd ..; tar $(EXrcs)  -czvf $(BASE)/$(TAR_SRC) $(BASE)

        rm -f THIS-IS-VERSION-*
        @- co -l latex2man latex2man.tex latex2man.inc latex2man.sty README
        @rm -f .xxx; cp latex2man .xxx
        @sed < .xxx -e 's/$VERSION = .*/$VERSION = "$(VERSION)";/' > latex2man
        @rm -f .xxx; cp latex2man.tex .xxx
        @sed < .xxx -e 's/^\\setVersion{[0-9]*\(\.[0-9]*\)*}/\\setVersion{$(VERSION)}/'  \
                    -e 's|^\\setDate{[0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*}|\\setDate{$(V_DATE)}|'   \
                     > latex2man.tex
        @rm -f .xxx; cp latex2man.sty .xxx
        @sed < .xxx -e 's/^%% VERSION:.*/%% VERSION: $(VERSION)/'                       \
                    -e "s|^\(\\\\ProvidesPackage{latex2man}\).*|\1[$(DATE2) v$(VERSION)]|"\
             > latex2man.sty
        rm -f .xxx; cp README .xxx
        @sed < .xxx -e 's/^VERSION:.*/VERSION: $(VERSION)/' > README
        @rm -f .xxx
        ci -u -m"Distribution" latex2man latex2man.tex latex2man.inc latex2man.sty README
        - $(MAKE) realclean all
        @cd ..; tar $(EXrcs)  -czvf $(BASE)/$(TAR_DIST) \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man               \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.tex           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.cfg           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.sty           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.inc           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.trans         \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.css           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.1             \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.txt           \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.html          \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.texi          \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.info          \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man.pdf           \
                        $(BASE)/Makefile                \
                        $(BASE)/README                  \
                        $(BASE)/INSTALL                 \
                        $(BASE)/CHANGES                 \
                        $(BASE)/latex2man-CHANGES.html  \

        @ cd ..; tar $(EX) -czvf /tmp/$(TAR_BAK) $(BASE)
        @ copy-to-backup -al -d $(BASE) /tmp/$(TAR_BAK)
        @ rm /tmp/$(TAR_BAK)

        rm -f *~ *.aux *.log *.dvi .xxx *.out

realclean: clean
        rm -f *.ps *.1 *.html *.texi *.info *.txt *.pdf

        @echo "Check for differences with RCS"
        for i in RCS/* ; do [ -f `basename $$i ,v` ] && rcsdiff -q $$i; done

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 27 10:03:59 CEST 2024.