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# This Icon program is the second pass of the indexing process for TeX for the
# Impatient.  It must be preceded by index1 and by a sort of the intermediate
# file.

# This program was written by Paul Abrahams and is public domain.

record topic_entry(term, type, groupchar, pages, level)
record pgrec(number, flags)
record term_list_record(term_list, start)
procedure main(a)
        local gen, pages, term, topic
        local groupchar

        write(&errout, "Second indexing pass has started.")

# Each pass through this loop produces the entry for a single topic
# or subtopic, including both the text of the topic and its pages.

        every topic := get_topic_info() do {

# If we're starting a new group (initial character), produce the macro
# for it.
                if topic.level = 1 then { # only primary topics affect the group
                        if not(\groupchar == topic.groupchar) then
                                write("\\indexgroup ", groupchar := topic.groupchar)
                        topic.type := "N" # subtopics are always printed normally

# Write the index term
                writes("\\indexentry {", topic.level - 1, "}{",
                        edit_term(topic.term), "}{", topic.type, "}{")

# Write the list of pages
                write(edit_pages(topic.pages, topic.term), "}")

procedure get_topic_info()
        local page, type, full_term, flags # info in an index item
        local term      # the index term to be printed (part of full_term)
        local item_text # holds an input item to be parsed
        local topic     # the topic we're now working on
        local term_list_info # returned term_list_record from get_term_list
        local term_list # list of index terms extracted from the input item
        local first              # position of first thing in term_list to print
        local t                  # loop variable
        local term1              # first term in full_term, usually the only one

        term_list := []

# At the start of each pass through this loop, `topic' contains the text of
# the index topic most recently seen together with the pages seen so far for
# that index topic.

        every !&input ? (tab(find("@@@")\1), move(3), item_text := tab(0)) do {

# Dissect the original index item, discarding the key

                item_text ? (full_term := tab(find("::")), move(2),
                 type := tab(find("::")), move(2),
                 page := tab(many('-0123456789*')), flags := tab(0))
# a page of * indicates a see-also

                term_list_info := get_term_list(full_term, term_list)
                term_list := term_list_info.term_list
                if type == (\topic).type then # no change of type
                        first := term_list_info.start
                        first := 1 # change of type, so all terms are different
                term1 := term_list[\first]

# If we've finished the current topic, produce it and start the next one
                if \first then {
                        suspend \topic
                        topic := topic_entry(term1, type, find_groupchar(term1), [], first)
                        every t := !term_list[first + 1:0] do {
                                suspend topic
                                topic.term := t; topic.type := "N"; topic.level +:= 1
                        }       }
                        if page == "*" then
                                flags # flags here is the see-also
                                pgrec(page, cset(flags)))
        suspend topic

procedure edit_term(term)
# This procedure edits `term' into a proper argument for \indexterm

        if term == " " then
                term := "\\visiblespace"
        else if *term = 1 then
                term := "\\char `\\" || term
        else if match("^^", term) then
                term := "\\twocarets " || term[3:0]
        else if term == "$$" then
                term := "\\$\\$"
# $$ is the only other 2-character sequence that has to be protected.
        return term

procedure edit_pages(l, term)
# edit_pages removes duplicate pages from the page list, produces the
# macro call for a principal entry, and coalesces page ranges.
# It also converts negative numbers to roman numerals.
# Each element of l is a pgrec, except that the last (and possibly only)
# element may be a see-also string starting with *.
# The result is a list of strings
        local pg, n, m, pf, see_also, pagelist
        local l1, k

# If the last element of l is a string, remove it and set it aside.
# It's a see-also.
        if type(l[-1]) == "string" then
                {see_also := l[-1]; l := l[1:-1]}

# First pass through the page list, coalescing duplicates and combining
# their flags.

        l1 := []
        while *l > 0 do {
                pg := pop(l); n := pg.number; pf := pg.flags

# Loop over pages 2..k within a group

                while n = l[1].number do
                        pf ++:= pop(l).flags

                if *(pf ** 'BE') = 2 then # delete B and E if they both occur
                        pf --:= 'BE'
                put(l1, pgrec(n, pf))

# Now l1 has no duplicates and no trivial page ranges.  Replace each
# page range by a single entry, inverting the order for negative page
# numbers since those indicate roman numerals.
# When we're done, l1 has a list of strings rather than a list of pgrecs.

        l := l1; l1 := []
        while *l > 0 do {
                pg := pop(l); n := pg.number; pf := pg.flags
                if *(pf ** 'E') > 0 then {
                        every write(errfiles(), "Unmatched end of page range, page ",
                         integer(n), ", index term `", term, "'!")
                        pf --:= 'E'
                if *(pf ** 'B') > 0 then { # beginning a page range
                        every k := 1 to *l do {
                                pf ++:= l[k].flags
                                if *(pf ** 'E') > 0 then break
                        if *(pf ** 'E') = 0 then {
                                every write(errfiles(), "Unmatched beginning of page range, page ",
                                 integer(n), ", index term `", term, "'!")
                                pf := pg.flags
                        else {
                                m := l[k].number
                                if m < 0 then { # roman numerals
                                        m := "\\r" || -m
                                        n := "\\r" || -n
                                n := string(n || "--" || m)
                                l := l[k+ 1:0]
                        }       }
                else if n < 0 then
                        n := "\\r" || -n
                if *(pf ** 'P') > 0 then
                        n := "\\pp{" || n || "}"
                put(l1, n)

# Now l1 is a list of page numbers and page ranges.
# If it's empty and we have a see-also, make it a \see and return it.

        if *l1 = 0 then
                return "\\see{" || \see_also || "}" | ""

# Turn l1 into a string and insert the comma commands \ic and \c
# \ic goes at the beginning, \c between the remaining elements.

        pagelist := "\\ic " || pop(l1) | ""
        every pagelist ||:= "\\c " || !l1

# Now attach the see-also to pagelist if we had one and return the result

        return pagelist || ("\\seealso{" || \see_also || "}" | "")

procedure find_groupchar(t)
# This procedure finds the character that heads the group containing
# the index term `t'.  We want all special characters in a single group
# and all digits in a single group.
# A term that begins with `\<c' or `\c' or `.c' is grouped as `c'.
        local c
        static printable, specials
        initial {
                printable := &ascii[33:-1]
                specials := string(printable -- (&ucase ++ &lcase ++ &digits))

        return map(
                        if t ? (tab(many('\\.<')), c := move(1)) then c
                        else if any(specials, t[1]) then "+"
                        else if any(&digits, t[1]) then "0"
                        else t[1] | "",
                &lcase, &ucase)

procedure get_term_list(ft, tl)
# `ft' is the full term just read in, `tl' is the current term list
# return a record containing all the terms and the position of the first
# one that's different from the previous full term
        local tl1, pos, pos1, first, k
        tl1 := []
        pos := 1
        every pos1 := (find("//", ft) | 0) do
                {put(tl1, ft[pos:pos1]); pos := pos1 + 2}

        first := &null  
        every k := 1 to *tl1 do
                if not(tl1[k] == tl[k]) then
                        {first := k; break}
        return term_list_record(tl1, first)

procedure errfiles()
        static errf
                errf := open("index.err", "w")
        suspend &errout | errf

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 27 09:29:31 CEST 2024.