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Combine font families

:Copyright: © 2010 Günter Milde <milde@users.sf.net>
:Contributor: Special thanks to Ulrike Fischer who provided
              the indirect definition with active ``\nfss@catcodes``.
:Licence:   This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
            conditions of the `LaTeX Project Public License`_,
            either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option)
            any later version.

.. _LaTeX Project Public License: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

In traditional 8-bit LaTeX, fonts are restricted to 256 glyphs per file.
To support different languages and scripts, the New Font Selection Scheme
uses a set of TeX font encodings [encguide]_.

Many Latin TeX fonts do not support Greek or Cyrillic, while many non-Latin
fonts are extensions of a Latin font family but use a different family name
due to license reasons or the creators preference.

The `substitutefont` package facilitates the task to set up a font family as
substitute for another one in a specified `font encoding <encguide>`_. 

:News: 2013-11-04 Documentation/Test fixes.

:Source: `<substitutefont.sty>`_

  The literate source was converted with PyLit_ to reStructuredText_ and
  with Docutils_ to the HTML documentation `<substitutefont.sty.html>`__.


The macro ``\substitutefont{<encoding>}{<family>}{<new-family>}`` selects
the font family <new-family> as replacement for <family> in the font
encoding <encoding>. The substitution must be defined before the first use
of the specified font encoding, preferably in the document preamble.
In contrast to the (deprecated) ``\substitutefontfamily`` macro provided by
Babel_, ``\substitutefont`` does not write auxiliary files.

The ``<encoding>`` is one of the LaTeX font encodings [encguide]_, e.g., T1
for Latin, T2A for Cyrillic(Russian), or LGR for Greek.

For ``<family>`` and ``<new-family>``, use the «TeX names» of the font.
There are defined by a TeX font package's ``*.fd`` or ``*.sty`` file(s).
LaTeX stores the default family names for Roman, Sans-Serif, and Teletype
fonts in the ``\rmdefault``, ``\sfdefault``, and ``\ttdefault`` macros

Example: Set the font family to Palatino using the standard package
`mathpazo` for Latin and `GFS Didot`_ for Greek::

For details on LaTeX font selection, see [encguide]_ and [fntguide]_.


* Simple test with Latin fonts: 
  `<substitutefont-test.tex>`__, `<substitutefont-test.pdf>`__
* Palatino with Greek from `GFS Didot`_:
  `<greek-palatino-didot.tex>`__, `<greek-palatino-didot.pdf>`__
* Times/Helvetica/Courier (newtx_) with `GFS Artemisia`_, `GFS
  Neohellenic`_, and teletype from the CB_ fonts: txfontsb_
  `<greek-times-artemisia.tex>`__, `<greek-times-artemisia.pdf>`__
* Latin Modern with Cyrillic from `CM LGC`_:
  `<cyrillic-lm-lgc.tex>`__, `<cyrillic-lm-lgc.pdf>`__
* Times/Helvetica/Courier (TeX Gyre) with Cyrillic ParaType_ fonts:
  `<cyrillic-paratype.tex>`__, `<cyrillic-paratype.pdf>`__


.. [encguide] Frank Mittelbach, Robin Fairbairns, Werner Lemberg,
   LaTeX3 Project Team, `LaTeX font encodings`:

.. [fntguide] LaTeX3 Project Team, `LaTeX 2e font selection`:

.. _Babel: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel
.. _CM LGC: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/cm-lgc
.. _CB: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/cbgreek-complete
.. _GFS Artemisia: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/gfsartemisia
.. _GFS Didot: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/gfsdidot
.. _GFS Neohellenic: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/gfsneohellenic
.. _mathpazo: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/mathpazo
.. _newtx: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/newtx
.. _txfontsb: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/txfontsb
.. _ParaType: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/paratype

.. _PyLit: http://pylit.berlios.de
.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jun 24 14:05:57 CEST 2024.