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                       BUILDING AND INSTALLING


                   QUICK AND DIRTY
                   DOING IT BY HAND
                        configuration files
                        generating quick versions
                        regenerating DVI documentation
                        fileset dependencies
                   FILE LOCATIONS
                        TDS locations
                        CTAN locations


If you are reading this file in a TeX installation, you probably don't
need to install anything at all.  Simply try using one of the
Frankenstein packages in your document and see if it works.  If LaTeX
can't find the package, you need to install it, so read on.

Since you're reading on, I'll assume from here on that you are reading
this file in a directory with other Frankenstein files as you found
them on CTAN.

                           QUICK AND DIRTY

You can simply put this entire directory (or just the .sty files)
somewhere in LaTeX's search path for input files, e.g.,
TDS:/texmf/tex/latex/frankenstein.  You will then be able to use all
the Frankenstein packages, with the following qualifications:

  1.  The documentation won't be in the standard place.
  2.  To use the achicago bibstyle, you must also put the file
      "achicago.bst" where BibTeX can find it.
  3.  With a web2c-based installation you _may_ also need to take the
      extra step of rebuilding your ls-R databases with a command like
      "texconfig rehash".
  4.  To use the abbrevs, achicago, blkcntrl, and dialogue packages,
      you must have the relsize package on your system; to use the
      compsci package, you must have the the relsize, url and verbatim
      packages on your system.  For how to obtain and install these
      non-Frankenstein packages on your system, see the section on
      non-Frankenstein packages below.

                             THE BEST WAY:
                          USING THE MAKEFILE

If you have the GNU Make program on your system, using the Makefile is
the easiest way to do everything described in this document and more.
Simply run "make" and you will see a help message describing the
things you can do.  You probably won't need to read anything else in
this file except the section NON-FRANKENSTEIN PACKAGES below.

To use the Makefile on the unsupported filesets, you must do two

  1. Copy all the files in the "unsupported" subdirectory into its
     parent directory ("frankenstein").

  2. Set the variable USE_UNSUP to something nonempty either by:
       a. uncommenting the line in the file Makefile, or
       b. setting it in your environment, or
       c. set the variable on the Make command line, e.g., "make
          USE_UNSUP=t all".

                      NON-FRANKENSTEIN PACKAGES

Certain Frankenstein packages depend on packages that are not part of
Frankenstein or the official LaTeX distribution:

  and dialogue depend on "relsize.sty".
  compsci      depends on "relsize.sty", "url.sty", and "verbatim.sty".

If you wish to use one of those four Frankenstein packages, I suggest
you follow these steps:

First check if you already have them on your system:

   If you have a TeX installation based on web2c (e.g., UN*X
   installations derived from teTeX or TeXLive), you can type:

     % kpsewhich X.sty

   (where X is relsize, url, or verbatim) and if you get a response,
   you already have that file on your system.  If you don't have web2c
   but do have a TDS-compliant texmf tree, see the section FILE
   LOCATIONS below to see where to look.  If you have neither web2c
   nor a TDS-compliant texmf tree, you can simply try to use the
   Frankenstein package, and if LaTeX tells you one of the
   non-Frankenstein packages is missing, well then you have to install

If you don't already have the files you need, download them from CTAN.

  The locations are given in the section FILE LOCATIONS below.

  To install relsize.sty and url.sty, simply put them where LaTeX can
  find them.

  To install verbatim, I recommend you install the entire "tools"
  distribution, following the directions in the file readme.txt.

                           DOING IT BY HAND


Each package fileset X in the Frankenstein bundle contains either four
or five files:

  X.sty        the package macros
  X.dvi        package documentation
  X.tex        may be used to regenerate X.dvi from X.sty
  X.ins        may be used to generate a fast-loading version of X.sty

A standard configuration file is included in the abbrevs, compsci,
slemph, and titles package filesets:

  X.cfg         package configuration file (not in all packages)

The file X.sty may be used as it is; simply put it where LaTeX can
find it.  TDS locations are given below.  To use the package, put
\usepackage{X} in the preamble of your LaTeX source document.  If a
configuration file exists for the package, you must also put it where
LaTeX can find it.

The following files compose the achicago bibstyle fileset:

  achicago.bst       the bibstyle macros
  achicago-bst.dvi   bibstyle documentation
  achicago-bst.tex   may be used to regenerate achicago-bst.dvi from
                     achicago.bst and achicago-bst.ver
  achicago-bst.ins   may be used to generate a fast-loading version 
                     of achicago.bst (see below)
  achicago-bst.ver   a file needed by achicago-bst.tex

The file achicago.bst may be used as it is; simply put it where BibTeX
can find it.  To use the bibstyle, you must load the achicago PACKAGE
by putting \usepackage{achicago} in the preamble of your LaTeX source

                         configuration files

If you want to alter a configuration file, make a copy of it, put it
the copy in the LaTeX search path prior to the distributed
configuration file, and alter the copy.

             generating fast-loading or "quick" versions

Running TeX or LaTeX on X.ins will produce a file called either X.stq
(for packages) or X.bsq (for bibstyles).  For packages X, the file
X.sty must be in the LaTeX search path (usually the current
directory); for bibstyles Y-bst, the files Y.bst and Y-bst.ver must be
in the same directory.  The new file is functionally identical to the
X.sty or X.bst file, but is stripped of comments and will therefore be
processed faster by TeX or BibTeX.  I am unable to tell you how much
faster!  To use X.stq (X.bsq), you must rename it to X.sty (X.bst) and
put it where LaTeX (BibTeX) can find it.  DO NOT DELETE THE ORIGINAL
X.sty (X.bst) because it contains the documentation which X.tex
(X-bst.tex) transforms into the file X.dvi (X-bst.dvi).

                    regenerating DVI documentation

To regenerate the file X.dvi, run LaTeX on X.tex.  For packages X, the
file X.sty must be in the LaTeX search path as well as X.cfg if it
exists; for bibstyles Y-bst, the files Y.bst and Y-bst.ver must be in
the LaTeX search path.

Generating documentation requires the following Frankenstein packages:

  abbrevs.sty, blkcntrl.sty, compsci.sty, lips.sty, moredefs.sty,
  slemph.sty, titles.sty, and achicago.sty, 

and the achicago.bst bibstyle.

You also need all 3 non-Frankenstein packages (see the section

Documentation for dialogue furthermore requires the attrib package.
Documentation for attrib   furthermore requires the dialogue package.
Documentation for achicago-bst furthermore requires the longtable package,
  which is in the "tools" bundle with "verbatim" (see the section

                         fileset dependencies

If you install the macro files of one fileset, you should also install
all the macro files of the filesets it depends on:

  Fileset       Depends on (directly or indirectly)
  abbrevs       moredefs,relsize,slemph
  achicago      blkcntrl,moredefs,relsize,slemph,titles
  achicago-bst  achicago,blkcntrl,moredefs,relsize,slemph,titles
  attrib        moredefs
  blkcntrl      moredefs,relsize
  compsci       abbrevs,alltt,lips,moredefs,relsize,slemph,
  dialogue      blkcntrl,moredefs,relsize
  lips          <NOTHING>
  moredefs      <NOTHING>
  slemph        <NOTHING>
  titles        moredefs,slemph

                            FILE LOCATIONS

                            TDS locations

Relevant non-Frankenstein files:

  File                Location:  TDS:/texmf/...
  url.sty             ...tex/latex/misc/url.sty
  relsize.sty         ...tex/latex/misc/relsize.sty
  longtable.dtx       ...source/latex/tools/longtable.dtx
  verbatim.dtx        ...source/latex/tools/verbatim.dtx

  longtable.sty       ...tex/latex/tools/longtable.sty
  longtable.dvi       ...doc/latex/tools/longtable.dvi
  verbatim.sty        ...tex/latex/tools/verbatim.sty
  verbatim.dvi        ...doc/latex/tools/verbatim.dvi

Frankenstein files:

  File                Location:  TDS:/texmf/...
  achicago.bst        .../bibtex/bst/achicago
  achicago-bst.dvi    .../doc/bibtex
  *.cfg *.sty         .../tex/latex/frankenstein
  *.dvi               .../doc/latex/frankenstein
  <all other files>   .../source/latex/frankenstein

                            CTAN locations



Relevant non-Frankenstein packages:

  Package       Location:  CTAN:/macros/latex/...
  relsize       ...contrib/other/misc/relsize.sty
  url           ...contrib/other/misc/url.sty
  verbatim      ...packages/tools/*
  longtable     ...packages/tools/*

The LaTeX base distribution:


                       MAKEFILE TECHNICAL NOTES

I have tested the Make system with Debian GNU/Linux and Make v3.77.
If certain commands or options need to be altered to work with your
setup, check the top of Frankenfile where a lot of commands are
abstracted in variables.  It's best to reset the variables at the top
of Makefile, on the Make command line, or in your environment rather
than changing Frankenfile.  Please write me describing any problems
you encounter.  GNU Make is available at ftp://gnu.mit.edu/pub/gnu/.


The Frankenstein Makefiles also make a great way for you to maintain
and distribute your own LaTeX packages and classes and BibTeX
bibstyles.  I distribute them with some documentation and necessary
additional files as the Frankenbundle suite on


  fileset: A group of files related to a single LaTeX package, LaTeX
           class, or BibTeX bibliography style and any accompanying
           option or configuration files.  The files in a package or
           class fileset have the same root name but different
           filename extensions.  In bibstyle filesets, some root names
           differ by a "-bst" suffix.

     CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: a system of TeX-related
           file archives available via FTP (see
           ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/CTAN.sites) and often
           reproduced on CDROMs.

      TDS: TeX Directory Structure: a recommended directory structure
           for TeX installations.  See


                              Matt Swift

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 23 04:17:22 CEST 2024.